How did Ultimate Spider Man have so much soul???

How did Ultimate Spider Man have so much soul??? The art style hasn't been recreated since and it remained 10/10 until Mark Bagley left

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  1. 2 years ago

    >ultimate spiderman


    • 2 years ago

      picrel is oozing soul

    • 2 years ago

      have fun reading your OMD cuck-man

      • 2 years ago

        frick off Black person. never happened. enjoy reading the ultimate univer--oh wait..

      • 2 years ago

        USM has its moments but idk if it was a 10/10 untill bagley left, Like the book already stopped being as good after public scrutiny. The book had been a mess pacing wise as early as the venom arc.

        You do know that Bendis was one of the big pushers against the marriage, right? OMD is partially on him as well.

        It's impressive how fast and how hard Ultimate Spidey completely crashed in terms of quality as soon as Bagley left
        >Death of a Goblin could have been great but is hilariously rushed
        >Symbiote Wars is a jumbled mess that keeps jumping in time for no reason other than Bendis going "Hey, this actually happened a few dozen issues ago, just roll with it haha" instead of properly planning it out. Also introduces a potentially very interesting plot development with Carnage Gwen only to completely invalidate it a few issues later (so Gwen ends up essentially being resurrected with no consequences)
        >Ultimatum takes what was so far a self-contained comic (for the most part) and utterly nukes its setting out of complete left field (to be fait this isn't really Bendis's fault)
        >Post-Ultimatum is an utter disaster that cops out of telling what happened after Ultimatum, skips 6 months forward just to go back to a staus quo, utterly shits on the pre-established nature of Gwen and Peter's relationship, has absolutely zero direction in terms of story and is nothing but a long string of melodrama (that imposter arc was absolutely painful to read, holy shit), and to top it all an artstyle that'll make your eyes bleed
        >ends with a "Norman is actually alive and evil again!" just to have something actually HAPPEN, and leads into Peter's death which, instead of being sad, is actually a relief, because we don't have to see the corpse that this comic has become drag itself anymore
        God, now I'm angry after typing this out. But hey, at least that shitshow gave us nerdy MJ and goth Gwen. The only part that was any good in this whole mess was Liz's story about her being a mutant.
        Honestly I'm now pretty sure that Bagley was Bendis's tard wrangler. His final issue (#111) works amazingly as a conclusion though, so we can at least pretend that the comic ended right then and there and was consistently good from start to finish.

        I dunno, you saw a lot of this before USM kept abandoing plot points from the start, or doing them haphazardly like Hobgoblin.
        >Nerdy MJ
        It was always kinda lame
        >Goth gwen
        She was cool, but its not hard to improve on classic gwen really.

        Ultimate Clone Saga is amazing, especially the climax.

        Its solid, but ock suddengly having magneto powers is pretty bullshit.

    • 2 years ago

      Ultimate Clone Saga is amazing, especially the climax.

  2. 2 years ago

    >Xavier sending the hotties to recruit for him


  3. 2 years ago

    What a stupid fricking question. Piss off.

  4. 2 years ago

    Bagley's a pretty good artist but he's also a based coomer that likes drawing sexy teenage girls and that's what he got to do a lot of.

    • 2 years ago

      what's wrong with your eyes OP

      he can't draw faces that aren't leering gargoyles and his body types look like he learned to draw tracing Rob Liefeld

  5. 2 years ago
  6. 2 years ago

    Horrendous, soulless art.

  7. 2 years ago

    So ugly.

  8. 2 years ago

    I appreciate the work Bagley put into Ultimate Spidey, but this was also the period when his art looked the worst. I'm not a fan of the universe anyway, but the art makes it worse. I can handle "uglier" styles just fine, but his stuff here never worked for me.

    • 2 years ago

      it's impressive that he was hitting monthly deadlines consistently for a decade, few modern artists could manage to do it

      • 2 years ago

        Dude Bagley was a 90s darling doing that before computers, I loved his amazing pete but always hated the look of ultimate pete

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly bagley's 90s work looked much better than his USM stuff.

  9. 2 years ago

    comics actually new their audience and where not afraid to pander to white boys back then

  10. 2 years ago

    I wish he drew eyes better

    • 2 years ago

      I wish he drew better.

  11. 2 years ago

    I loved Pete with Kitty,. but stuff like Ultimate Deadpool was fricking moronic.

  12. 2 years ago

    It's impressive how fast and how hard Ultimate Spidey completely crashed in terms of quality as soon as Bagley left
    >Death of a Goblin could have been great but is hilariously rushed
    >Symbiote Wars is a jumbled mess that keeps jumping in time for no reason other than Bendis going "Hey, this actually happened a few dozen issues ago, just roll with it haha" instead of properly planning it out. Also introduces a potentially very interesting plot development with Carnage Gwen only to completely invalidate it a few issues later (so Gwen ends up essentially being resurrected with no consequences)
    >Ultimatum takes what was so far a self-contained comic (for the most part) and utterly nukes its setting out of complete left field (to be fait this isn't really Bendis's fault)
    >Post-Ultimatum is an utter disaster that cops out of telling what happened after Ultimatum, skips 6 months forward just to go back to a staus quo, utterly shits on the pre-established nature of Gwen and Peter's relationship, has absolutely zero direction in terms of story and is nothing but a long string of melodrama (that imposter arc was absolutely painful to read, holy shit), and to top it all an artstyle that'll make your eyes bleed
    >ends with a "Norman is actually alive and evil again!" just to have something actually HAPPEN, and leads into Peter's death which, instead of being sad, is actually a relief, because we don't have to see the corpse that this comic has become drag itself anymore
    God, now I'm angry after typing this out. But hey, at least that shitshow gave us nerdy MJ and goth Gwen. The only part that was any good in this whole mess was Liz's story about her being a mutant.
    Honestly I'm now pretty sure that Bagley was Bendis's tard wrangler. His final issue (#111) works amazingly as a conclusion though, so we can at least pretend that the comic ended right then and there and was consistently good from start to finish.

    • 2 years ago

      USM has its moments but idk if it was a 10/10 untill bagley left, Like the book already stopped being as good after public scrutiny. The book had been a mess pacing wise as early as the venom arc.

      You do know that Bendis was one of the big pushers against the marriage, right? OMD is partially on him as well.
      I dunno, you saw a lot of this before USM kept abandoing plot points from the start, or doing them haphazardly like Hobgoblin.
      >Nerdy MJ
      It was always kinda lame
      >Goth gwen
      She was cool, but its not hard to improve on classic gwen really.
      Its solid, but ock suddengly having magneto powers is pretty bullshit.

      what's wrong with your eyes OP

      he can't draw faces that aren't leering gargoyles and his body types look like he learned to draw tracing Rob Liefeld

      Bagley carried USM and made it good. There was weird pacing and plot holes but the cartoon style made it a timeless joy to read.

      The quality falls of a cliff once he leaves and the style changes. Ultimatum was the nail in the coffin and an awful way to end the ultimate universe which was marvels best. Ultimate character designs like iron man, electro, and original normal Osborn have soul.

      Death of spider man was garbage with a trash art style but everything around ultimatum sucked

  13. 2 years ago

    Bagley's characters looked so ugly in Ultimate Spider-Man
    ~How can you like that shit?

    • 2 years ago

      It looks good tho. Stuff like amazing spider man sucks balls in comparison

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