How do you suppose Jonas managed to convince the Fitzcarraldos that Malcom was their son?

How do you suppose Jonas managed to convince the Fitzcarraldos that Malcom was their son? Did he take one of the not fully developed clones and sneak it into Malcom's mom with real super science? Or did he just plop out a baby clone, tell them it was there and they just never asked questions?
Also, the magnetic field scene had rolling on the ground laughing.

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  1. 10 months ago

    Probably in the classiest way possible
    Don was sadly in on it out of desperation for a son, Jonas had the seed with the babboons blood DNA in it, and just gave him a roofie and a turkey baster.
    Remember that it is DON who couldn't conceive, not his wife.

    • 10 months ago

      >Remember that it is DON who couldn't conceive, not his wife.
      You believe that because Jonas said "it's almost never the fella" before examining either of them? Or is this your own insecurities reflexively blaming the woman?

      • 10 months ago

        NTA but it's because Malcolm's mom having the fertility issues basically ruins the previous implication that he's Jonas' son by way of an affair.

      • 10 months ago

        homie, Monarch literally looks like his mother (and Rusty too to lesser extend). There is no way there isn't her DNA in there.

  2. 10 months ago

    it was kinda left to the imagination since it wouldnt be put above Jonas to use a wide range of super science to give her a baby. probably even did it for free *as a friend*

  3. 10 months ago

    I'm pretty sure they knew.
    Jonas did frick Mrs. Fitzcarraldo, but considering Malcom's official designation is R-22 I'd assume he was grown in a vat like a normal clone.

  4. 10 months ago

    I think I'm more surprised about the fact Jonas DIDN'T sleep with his wife. That feels like such a Jonas move.

    • 10 months ago

      I thought that as well, what with him staring at her picture uncomfortably.

    • 10 months ago

      Well Jonas wasn't a rapist as far as we know

  5. 10 months ago

    You know what's fricked up? I mean REALLY fricked up?

    Dr. Venture went to the trouble of fishing what he could of Blue Morpho's corpse out of the plane wreckage... But Monarch still ended up running around the woods naked for weeks/months(?)

    • 10 months ago

      >Don probably gave his son the last parachute to save his life. To ensure that he'd live a better life than he ever did
      >His son lands in a tree, instantly goes crazy and believes he was raised by butterflies.
      >While Don's corpse is fished out of wreckage to act as a NANNY for his own kid.
      That is what is more fricked up here.

    • 10 months ago

      "I know you've been trying for a kid and it's not going well, since you're already considering adoption, one of these clone-children could use a good home."

      I have to write that up to either Jonas is fricking useless and thought Malcom died, or that Baboon DNA makes it real easy to avoid detection in the woods and Jonas gave up.

    • 10 months ago

      I assume In Vitro Fertilization, the Clones all start as babies, so he just made a fresh Rusty put in some Babboon and said "I've got the cure for your womb" and just implanted Malcolm in there.

      Maybe he just assumed he was thrown from the crash and didn't bother finding him.
      >Opens Newspaper
      >Oh the Fitzgeraldo boy has inherited his parent's money....and he's alive. Good for him.

    • 10 months ago

      How do you suppose Jonas managed to convince the Fitzcarraldos that Malcom was their son? Did he take one of the not fully developed clones and sneak it into Malcom's mom with real super science? Or did he just plop out a baby clone, tell them it was there and they just never asked questions?
      Also, the magnetic field scene had rolling on the ground laughing.

      >They still haven't realized it was Jonas that collected the bounty on Blue Morpho's head

      • 10 months ago

        The old guys on the council probably would have had something to say about it when Blue Morpho came back and started killing people then, moron. He wasnt officially dead and Jonas didn't work with the guild

        • 10 months ago

          What the frick are you talking about? The council of 13 explicitly say someone collected a bounty on Morpho's head that the guild had placed.

          • 10 months ago

            Blue Morpho was still CLEARLY considered by them to be on the Ventures' side

            • 10 months ago

              You think Jonas would have collected it under his own name?

      • 10 months ago

        I disagree only because I don't think Jonas would risk killing his experiment, Malcolm the baboon fused Rusty clone, by blowing up their private jet. I got the vibe that Jonas cared more about super science than money, and would have preferred to track Malcolm's fricked up life and a human/animal synth. Also, the Blue Morpho allowed Jonas to basically do what he wanted without getting shit from the Guild, so killing him would actually make his life harder.

    • 10 months ago

      It;s just how Jonas' morality works; he liked Don well enough to revive him in that twisted fashion. He didn't care about his wife, and he really didn't care about a kid who was basically an experiment.

      • 10 months ago

        If Jonas didn't cause the accident in the first place. Morpho had a ton of dirt on him and was progressively getting more and more bothered by the assignments Jonas gave him. I fully believe he broke down at some point to his wife and confessed, she forgave him and they tried to flee, leading to Jonas killing them to plug a leak.

        • 10 months ago

          I wouldn't put it past him.

  6. 10 months ago

    I viewed it as Jonas just giving them a baby Rusty clone as a gift because they wanted a kid.

  7. 10 months ago

    I figured he told her the plan was to use his cloning tech to create a kid using both of their DNA, then he turned around and gave them a defective Rusty instead.

  8. 10 months ago

    He just did what Waller did to Terry’s dad.

  9. 10 months ago

    I bet she is Rusty's mother too.

    Jonas probably did like Rusty, and used Monarch's mother eggs and mixed with his DNA to make the clones: then gave one of the clones to them. A "if I help this guy I can get my own son too" kind of thing.

    It explain why Monarch looks so much like his mother

  10. 10 months ago

    the clone stuff is honestly something that soured me on the tail end of the show, it takes a lot of the magic out of Rusty and Monarch’s backstory to find out they were just tube babies instead of normal children born into absurd lives.

    • 10 months ago

      Its moderately better than them being straight up brothers, like it seemed like the show was leading up to.

  11. 10 months ago


    Hear me out:

    Jonas Sr's struggles.

    The picture of Jonas Venture Sr that I see is of a man struggling under the weight of his own success, just like Rusty eventually would, in a world that; Romanticized his exploits, considered him a trend setter, and waited for the next big invention to roll off the Venture production line.

    But for every public failure in view of the populace (the Helper droid recall), there were a slew of private failures (Major Tom in the experimental jet, the underground society and M.U.T.H.E.R. gassing the kids, Venturion/Vendatta) and those mistakes are costly!

    Towards the end he was struggling to make super science ends meet (struggling financially could also have been the crux of all Jonas Sr's failures), to the point he was blackmailing Blue Morpho to do his dirty work for him (get the plutonium no one will give him, make [this person] disappear, or even sleep with Dr.Z), and I believe Jonas Sr might have been the onw to take out Blue Morpho and silently claimed the bounty on Blue Morpho's head in an attempt to get money to finish Gargantuan 1, then tried to "make up for it" by raising him from the dead as his butler robt.

    • 10 months ago

      An overcomplication of events if you ask me. I think Jonas was just that kind of person who's naturally successful due to a combination of being legitimately talented (dude was without a doubt the smartest person in existence in the VB universe as far as we've seen, his failures were usually due to a lack of really caring about the outcome), having absolutely no moral compass allowing him to just do whatever he thinks will benefit him at any given time, and being extremely charismatic to the point that most people just like him and want to help him out.

      He was never hurting for money despite how often he fricked up because he was still good enough at what he did that he had constant government contracts, and if something didn't work quite right he'd just ignore that and ship it anyway because he didn't care. For all his personal problems he had Team Venture to back him up because everyone loved him, and of course he had Blue Morpho doing his really dirty work for a while there because again he's a sociopath who doesn't care about things like blackmailing someone he considers a close friend.

    • 10 months ago

      Doesn't make sense that neither Dr. Z or any older villain would bring in the fact that ''Jonas'' took the bounty for the blue morpho.

      "The blue morpho would have done anything for Venture...Anything!"

      You don't say that if you knew the very same person that "would have got anything done by a friend" had that same friend claiming his bounty.

      • 10 months ago

        Jonas would just put it under rother name, like Miss Majeure

      • 10 months ago

        Again: he wouldn't have used his real name to collect the bounty

    • 10 months ago

      I doubt this part. Rusty got the news that his dad died while he was in college with Brock as his roommate and was still able to afford things like maintenance of the x-1, a check to pay off Dermott's family, and the venture compound. Financial straits didn't seem to be a problem until Rusty was in his late 30s/40s.

  12. 10 months ago

    Dude literally had an entire orphanage worth of children living in his service tunnels under his compound for an entire lifetime. He just ditched them down there and never looked back.

    • 10 months ago

      >He's calling himself "The Fire Starter"!
      >I'm trapped in an enclosed space with a confessed arsonist, Brock!!!!

  13. 10 months ago

    Considering that people went to him for medical functions, he may have used her to carry the fetus to term. They don't have to even know that Jonas did it.

  14. 10 months ago

    Did the movie ever address what actually happened to her? Did she actually die in the plane crash or was she taken somewhere? Some speculate she was "Force D'Majour" the predecessor to Bowie that he may have killed off, maybe with the crash.

    • 10 months ago

      Force Majour actually shows up on the movie in a flashback, he is Dean and Hank's grandfather.

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