How do you "win" a lawsuit but still lose?

>Tried suing Todd McFarlane to get the rights to Miracleman
>Literally sold his soul to Marvel to get the funds
>After decades of litigation, it turns out Todd didn't actually own Miracleman
>Has a settlement where Neil is given a participation trophy where he is declared the "winner"
>Still doesn't own Miracleman
>Todd gets to reprint all of Gaiman's works including Angela and Castiliostro without issue
>Neil has beg Marvel for the right to work on Miracleman after Marvel actually buys the rights from the real owner.

Neil is such a loser.

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  1. 3 months ago

    >How do you "win" a lawsuit but still lose?

    By no one realizing the creator still owned the rights and only let everyone else do as they pleased with the character because he got under the table money during the initial trade

  2. 3 months ago

    I like Gayman more than McFarlane because at least he wrote some decent comics. I don't give a shit about this gay tabloid gossip crap.

    • 3 months ago

      > I like Gayman
      Lmao this queer likes gay men lmaoooooo

  3. 3 months ago

    >Literally sold his soul to Marvel to get the funds
    Souls are real?
    How can one sell his soul?
    Can i buy Gaiman's soul from Marvel?

    • 3 months ago

      It belongs to Disney now.

    • 3 months ago

      >How can one sell his soul?
      He didn't work for Marvel until he needed money to fund his lawsuit against Todd. He made 1602 for Marvel in exchange for them funding his legal battle to get Miracleman.

      Backfired on him as Marvel ended up buying Miracleman. Now Neil will never own Miracleman.

      • 3 months ago

        I liked 1602

    • 3 months ago

      >How can one sell his soul?
      Speak to your nearest skylock israelite, be warned YOU NEVER SIGN CONTRACTS WITH DAEMONS YOU FRICKING moron.
      E E E V V V E E E R R R
      Its worse than losing the worst game. All for gaining a pittance of etc for a small amount of time. Your soul is his for life you no longer have free will you are worse than a slave, because at least a slave can still disobey and be punished.


      • 3 months ago

        well I guess it's a good thing they don't actually exist then

        • 3 months ago

          Jews are real though you antisemite.

  4. 3 months ago

    They don’t call him Kneel Gayman for nothing

  5. 3 months ago

    This case, as well as Disney's aggressive posturing over Mickey Mouse, highlights a need to limit copyright of derivative work. A derivative work should only have copyright over itself, and not further derivatives, regardless of how "original" the contribution of the first derivative is.

  6. 3 months ago

    >Todd gets to reprint all of Gaiman's works including Angela and Castiliostro without issue
    I thought those comics were getting left out of the more recent reprints?

    • 3 months ago

      The 2021 edition has #9 and the indica says that Cog, Angela, and Medieval Spawn were copyrighted by Todd McFarlane and Neil Gaiman

      I assume some deal was made that he could reprint the Spawn appearances but not do anything else with Angela since she's at Marvel

    • 3 months ago

      Basically, Todd can do anything. Recent Spawn compendium reprints #9 aka Angela and Cog's first appearance. Dark Ages Spawn hardcover also reprinted without issue.

      The 2021 edition has #9 and the indica says that Cog, Angela, and Medieval Spawn were copyrighted by Todd McFarlane and Neil Gaiman

      I assume some deal was made that he could reprint the Spawn appearances but not do anything else with Angela since she's at Marvel

      >do anything else with Angela
      homie, by the time the lolsuit happened Angela was already dead in the comic. The whole thing was really about Miracleman and when Neil found out Todd didn't really have the rights, he suddenly wanted settle after two decades.

      • 3 months ago

        if by anything you mean nothing except reprint old comic books nobody wants, sure

        but that would be an admission that Gaiman's character makes Spawn popular

        He's been trying to write Miracleman since Marvel got the rights. Then more legal issues happened with the trademark. That's all been resolved now so he's on he knees, sucking off Marvel so he can keep writing Miracleman.

        The character of Miracleman is just cursed. Meanwhile, no issues with "Man of Miracles" ha aha haaha haaha ha!

        did it occur to you that he's probably just busy

        like would you seriously expect someone with his kind of output to drop everything to write a comic book nobody's even going to read except weepy Todd McFarlane?

  7. 3 months ago

    Based. The British are queers who can't write for shit.

    • 3 months ago

      >The British are queers
      >who can't write for shit.
      Now that's bullshit.

    • 3 months ago

      >Cinemaphile is illiterate
      Not surprising, but still sad

    • 3 months ago

      >Gaiman's family is of Polish-israeli and other Eastern European israeli origins.

  8. 3 months ago

    Neil doesn’t care about Miracleman. Todd’s mistake was thinking Neil was a fanboy who’d actually care about getting to write his dream book. gaiman ditched working for other people’s characters decades ago and only comes back for big money if that. The only character he’s fond of is maybe Batman . He had 20 years to come up with a plot to the next Miracleman issues, then didn’t write it for another 10+ years.

    • 3 months ago

      He's been trying to write Miracleman since Marvel got the rights. Then more legal issues happened with the trademark. That's all been resolved now so he's on he knees, sucking off Marvel so he can keep writing Miracleman.

      The character of Miracleman is just cursed. Meanwhile, no issues with "Man of Miracles" ha aha haaha haaha ha!

      • 3 months ago

        >He's been trying to write Miracleman since Marvel got the rights
        clearly not because there's been delays even after they got the legal issues sorted out. He should've had all this written, or his head- yet he does not.

        • 3 months ago

          >Sells his soul to write for a character
          >Gets writer's block
          The absolute state of the Gayman.

          • 3 months ago

            Gaiman has no issues hacking things out.He even bragged about writing scripts on a flight back to pay for the lawsuit.
            >like would you seriously expect someone with his kind of output to drop everything to write a comic book nobody's even going to read
            Miracleman was supposed to be a passion project for him.

        • 3 months ago

          The legal issues were Veitch owning the rights to the visuals to Miraclewoman and the original reprint deal with Marvel only covering the existing issues, not any new issues with the character and the artist insisting he be allowed to redraw the existing Silver Age issues.

  9. 3 months ago

    Neil Gaiman is a one-trick pony hack ("dude what if gods but le quirky") and only got into comics because of his dad's creepy backdoor Scientology connections. I'm tired of this gay being so highly regarded.

  10. 3 months ago

    He wasn't suing over Miracleman, he was suing over Angela, a character he created for McFarlane's Spawn title which McFarlane claimed (falsely, as the case eventually settled) had been work-for-hire and left McFarlane the character's owner. In fact Gaiman owned the character and McFarlane - who founded Image as a creator-rights outfit - was proven to be a hypocrite, damaging what little reputation as a comic book publisher he has left.

    It was purely by chance that Gaiman discovered Miracleman/Marvelman had only ever been owned by Mick Anglo (because of the contract Anglo signed with his publisher, L. Miller & Sons), but because of Gaiman's discovery:

    >Anglo/Anglo's wife were able to see some of the money from the various post-Anglo runs of Marvelman/Miracleman, none of which had ever paid a penny before
    >the rights to Marvelman went to Marvel Comics (for money, the thing creatives love when they're retired) and Miracleman returned to print

    in addition to which, Gaiman also recovered the full rights to Angela, who then appeared (again as work-for-hire) in Marvel's Thor, as by doing so Gaiman ensured that McFarlane wouldn't mess with the character or pull his usual childish "Spawn could beat any real comic book character... off panel" move, because Marvel has much deeper pockets than Gaiman or McFarlane

    >Todd gets to reprint all of Gaiman's works including Angela and Castiliostro without issue

    only if he pays the owner, Neil Gaiman, to do so

    but honestly who's buying Spawn reprint in 2024? jfc

    >Marvel actually buys the rights from the real owner.

    that was a deal Gaiman personally arranged, Mick Anglo died like 18 months after the sale, of being 95 years old; Anglo was never going to go back and work on it and had written it off in the mid 1960s

    • 3 months ago

      homie why are you covering for him? We know McFarland paid him a million to work on the book, and Gaimen was pissy at him because McFarland created a successful comics company that has benefitted MULTIPLE creators and Gaimen felt that it was low class to work with a guy like him.

      We already know that wueseda was the one that bought miracleman for marvel, in part to allow the character to be called marvel man again and in part to get Gaimen to work for them in longer stretches.

    • 3 months ago

      >Says it wasn't about Miracle/Marvelman
      >Neil literally formed an LLC called, " Marvels and Miracles" to get the rights back

      It was always about Miracleman. FYI, he was pissed that Todd outbid his buddy, Roger Broughton, in an auction for Eclipse's assets. Angela (who was FRICKING DEAD IN THE COMIC) was never a factor. Neil was already getting residuals for his work just like everyone who has worked on Spawn. Yes, Grant Morrison gets regular checks for Anti-spawn/Redeemer.

      Now Marvel owns Miracleman and there is nothing the Gayman can do about it.

      • 3 months ago

        >It was always about Miracleman. FYI, he was pissed that Todd outbid his buddy, Roger Broughton, in an auction for Eclipse's assets. Angela (who was FRICKING DEAD IN THE COMIC) was never a factor. Neil was already getting residuals for his work just like everyone who has worked on Spawn.

        Todd bought the Eclipse assets specifically because he wanted to trade part ownership of Miracleman for all Neil's Spawn rights (including the characters - like Angela - and concepts he created). Neil agreed to the deal - but Todd didn't go through with it. This was probably because he realised he didn't actually have any Miracleman rights to sell - although he didn't admit as much to Gaiman. Instead he just stopped communicating with Gaiman and started acting like he owned Miracleman (he didn't) and concepts like Angela and Medieval Spawn (which he actually co-owned with Gaiman) and stopped sending royalty checks or crediting Gaiman for his work. So Gaiman took him to court to resolve all this and pretty comprehensively won.

        The Miracleman rights were never part of the court case because Todd never went through with the deal to sell them. And given that Eclipse only ever had part ownership of the character, there is no way that Gaiman could have ever got full control from McFarlane - that was never a possibility and Gaiman knew it.

        • 3 months ago

          It gets dumber than that. Due to the way the contracts were written, Todd (correctly) assumed the rights of the character would revert to him when the books went out of print. The irony being no one actually had the rights they thought they did. Had Angelo actually sold the rights initially as everyone thought then he would have actually had the rights.

          Neil assumed this as well hence why the lawsuit happened. He points to the three characters he created for Spawn but Miracleman was ALWAYS the main goal.

          During the lawsuit, it came to light that NOBODY actually had the rights when they went over the contracts. That's why things ended in a settlement. Marvel snatching up Miracleman, however, will ALWAYS be a mistake. He's in the Disney dungeon now.

          • 3 months ago

            >It gets dumber than that. Due to the way the contracts were written, Todd (correctly) assumed the rights of the character would revert to him when the books went out of print. The irony being no one actually had the rights they thought they did. Had Angelo actually sold the rights initially as everyone thought then he would have actually had the rights.
            >Neil assumed this as well hence why the lawsuit happened. He points to the three characters he created for Spawn but Miracleman was ALWAYS the main goal.

            No. You've completely misunderstood what happened.

            Mcfarlane thought by buying the Eclipse assets he was buying a part share in Miracleman. Gaiman believed this to be the case as well. What neither of them knew was that there was a clause in Eclipse's deal with Dez Skinn (from whom Eclipse bought the part share in Miracleman) saying that the rights would revert to the previous owner - Skinn - if Eclipse went out of business. At the time Todd supposedly exchanged rights with Gaiman he would have known that he didn't own bupkis. It took Gaiman another two years to work this out after a) the paperwork from Todd never arrived and b) Dez Skinn filled him in on how the Eclipse contract actually worked.

            Mick Anglo doesn't come into the story at this point. Nobody thought he had 'sold the rights' - they assumed that Miracleman had been created as work for hire and that consequently Mick Anglo had never had any ownership of the character. One of the reasons people thought this is because Mick Anglo himself had given people this impression. He'd been consulted by Dez Skinn before Marvelman was resurrected in Warrior magazine and Anglo didn't see fit to mention at that time that he actually still owned the character.

            And it didn't come to light during the lawsuit that nobody had the rights to Miracleman - the only thing that came to light was that Mcfarlane didn't own him, as Gaiman's legal team got to see the Eclipse paperwork during the case.

      • 3 months ago

        Angela wasn't killed until the early 2000s (she was embargoed for a while and replaced with a poochie replacement called Tiffany that fans DESPISED) and Angela was killed off mostly to spite Neil and fans who kept wanting more of the character and Tiffany to frick off.

  11. 3 months ago

    >cries when fans don't worship black wiener like him
    >enslaved to the mouse for life
    >1 trick pony

    • 3 months ago

      What is KWAB?

  12. 3 months ago

    Drowning in fees usually. Going to court is not cheap even when you are in the right.

  13. 3 months ago

    Agreed. He literally seethed so fricking hard that he got Marvel to frick over Thor a bit just to frick with MacFarlane because he was still fricking mad.

  14. 3 months ago


  15. 3 months ago

    Confusing shit to make Neil look bad

    >>Neil's deal with Marvel helping fund his lawsuit against Neil EXPLICITLY had a clause that Neil would let Marvel publish exclusively publish the Moore Miracleman run, Neil's run and the rest of his run once he finished it. Mainly because Quesada and Jemas were THAT fricking desperate to get their hands on the Alan Moore run and have several evergreen Neil Gaiman works to sell.

    >>The decision for Marvel to buy Miracleman came after EVERYONE learned that Dez Skinn was a piece of shit liar who lied to EVERYONE that Marvelman was public domain as Mick Angelo still owned the character. Marvel buying the character from Mick cut the Gordian knot, especially since Skinn got away with lying all these years was due to Mick being a recluse on par with Steve Ditko and no one knowing where he was until one of Marvel's lawyers realized that there was no actual documentation that Marvelman was public domain.

    >>Even after all of this, Marvel CONTINUED to side with Neil to let him finish his story. Once they bought Marvelman, all of Marvel's top talent started demanding first dibs on using him. It's one of the chief reasons WHY Matt Fraction ragequit Marvel (he was demanding to be allowed to use Miracleman to prop up his poor selling Defenders book) and why Millar also quit (he was told that NO ONE at Marvel was allowed to write Miracleman until Neil finished his story).

    >>Neil does consent to SOME talent writing the characters BUT demands veto power over any stories (see Miracleman Annual and Miracleman #0) and in the case of Miracleman #0, Neil wrote a wraparound sequence shitting all over the stories inside of it (which included one by Jason Aaron, the only big name writing a story for the book) and got away with it.

    • 3 months ago

      >>>The decision for Marvel to buy Miracleman came after EVERYONE learned that Dez Skinn was a piece of shit liar who lied to EVERYONE that Marvelman was public domain as Mick Angelo still owned the character. Marvel buying the character from Mick cut the Gordian knot, especially since Skinn got away with lying all these years was due to Mick being a recluse on par with Steve Ditko and no one knowing where he was until one of Marvel's lawyers realized that there was no actual documentation that Marvelman was public domain.

      Dez Skinn didn't claim that Marvelman was public domain at that time. Alan Moore says that Skinn told him that he'd bought the rights to the character from the UK Government's Official Receiver - but Skinn never seems to have made such a claim publicly. The Official Receiver would only have had the rights if L Miller & Co (the original Marvelman publisher) had gone bankrupt - which they hadn't. They'd just ceased trading and closed down, so they couldn't own the character any longer. Skinn assumed - not unreasonably - that Marvelman was created as work for hire, meaning that Anglo wouldn't have owned the character. Even so, he contacted Mick Anglo to let him know of the plans to revive the character and Anglo gave his blessing. It seems that at this point in time Anglo didn't realise he owned the character, so Skinn can hardly be blamed for not realising this either.

      And it wasn't the case that "one of Marvel's lawyers" realised that Mick Anglo might have always owned the character. Instead Anglo's son recounted the whole saga to a business acquaintance, who realised that given the situation there was a case to be made that the rights to the character had always been Anglo's. He bought Anglo's company from him, and then took legal steps to try and establish that the character had always been the property of Mick Anglo Limited.

  16. 3 months ago

    Who knows

  17. 3 months ago

    Gaiman writes books
    MacFarlane writes comics
    Even after everything is said and done, Gaiman’s books sell more and are widely known than anything to do with Spawn or Miracleman or Angela put together.

    • 3 months ago

      McFarlane's real money is toys though.
      Comics dont reach his figure sales

  18. 3 months ago

    You can easily estimate a person’s intelligence going by their use of “literally”

  19. 3 months ago

    Todd makes comics for nerds who grow into chads
    Neil makes comics for nerds who grow into soibois or become trans

  20. 3 months ago

    it wouldnt be surprised if this thread made by todd mcfarlane himself

  21. 3 months ago

    I can't stand Todd's accent.

  22. 3 months ago

    Miracleman is a ripoff of a knockoff of an also-ran character. Moore did something special with him, Gaiman fricked it in every conceivable hole. Todd McToyman is an imbecile who was screwed out of the money he paid for the property. Todd doesn't own Angela, etc. He's licensing the characters from Gaiman for reprints. Be smarter, fricknuts.

  23. 3 months ago

    Imagine did Miracle Man the most justice.

  24. 3 months ago

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