How hard would it be to start trying to make your own small indie toku series?

How hard would it be to start trying to make your own small indie toku series? I wouldn't know where on earth i could find martial arts or stunt people who would be willing to wear the suits. But making them isn't too hard. I've found various guides for making helmets and suits. Would just need to gather the materials.

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  1. 11 months ago

    What's your budget?

    • 11 months ago

      Nothing currently planned, just gathering information right now. Plus I have to gather research on good filming cameras and so on. I could probably find quite a few green screen effects online. But I believe there is also software you can but for special effects and so on. But I imagine it would be very small scale t start. I definately don't plan on making 50 or so episodes.

      • 11 months ago

        Budget, where you are based out of, if you're around New York City for example there's a ton of wannabe actors and stunt people you could probably get for cheap but on the plus side if you live in the middle of nowhere there's probably way more location footage you can film at without having to worry about anyone bothering you or asking for permits, do you have a plan for how to shoot as far as camera tricks and the like.

        You could try contacting Zen/Giga pictures in Japan for advice. Yeah they do porn parodies of toku but their productions are pretty decent and they might be willing to answer some questions about it.

        For comparison I know a guy who does indie superheroine short films for the crowd that has a supergirl fetish. His 15 minute vidoes, with 2 actors a story bought costume run from 1,500 to 2000 bucks before any effects are inserted. A toku indie would probably be more than that.

        • 11 months ago

          I kind of want to emulate some of angles they use in stuff like Sentai or Kamen rider. Of course I don't have drones or cranes and the likes to hold cameras so I'd have to figure out how to do that on the cheap side.

          Also what are those costs based on? I guess some goes to paying actors but what else could be involved cost wise?

          • 11 months ago

            You can rent drone cameras for shots like that, but of course that's more budget for you.

  2. 11 months ago

    FYI Dogengers is only small compared to Toei/Tsupro productions, A LOT of the upfront costs like suits were covered by the heroes already existing, by product shilling, and by the guy behind it having industry connections to bring in a lot of pros. It's by no means a standard "small indie toku.

    • 11 months ago

      Oh I know, I just posted them because I find them funny. Plus a lot of the characters started out as more indies I believe.

      • 11 months ago

        Yeah, but their starter suits were frankly quite shitty.

  3. 11 months ago

    It’s clear you’ve never been on a set before m8 - the suits and stunts are the least of your problems. If you’re thinking of directing the thing you’d need an entire crew around you - not just cam operators, but gaffers, sound, script supervisors, assistant directors and producers. You’d need to be much more aware about your budget - nobody’s gonna do it for free, and there’s equipment to rent, food to take care of for multiple shooting days, locations to rent.

    No disrespect, but before thinking of trying to film an “indie toku series”, I’d start with smaller scale projects just to get some experience in order for it not to be YouTube-tier complete shit.

    • 11 months ago

      To add to this, maybe start by making shorts not related to toku so you can get some experience

      They don’t have to be good

      At a local con there was a guy in a panel, who made a fricking star wars fight scene short movie thing. So should be doable, but I have no estimation on this.

      Filming in the woods is dirt cheap to do though

      • 11 months ago

        True. Also less costume making involved.
        Solution: the indie toku shall be set in the woods or other dirt cheap locations.

    • 11 months ago

      To add to this, maybe start by making shorts not related to toku so you can get some experience

      They don’t have to be good


      Filming in the woods is dirt cheap to do though

      Oh yeah I definately plan to start small. Like i said I'm just trying to gather information and ideas right now. I deally I would like it to look a bit better than what most youtubers do by having the fights take place inside there own homes and so on. But thats for the future.

  4. 11 months ago

    At a local con there was a guy in a panel, who made a fricking star wars fight scene short movie thing. So should be doable, but I have no estimation on this.

  5. 11 months ago

    Where are you based?
    I'm an athlete with stunt experience, but I'm looking to make the jump into actual stunt acting.
    I would work for little to no money (at first) to get my foot in the door, depending on where this is or what it is we're working on.

  6. 11 months ago

    Never filmed anything in my life, but I imagine that learning cinematography, editing, dubbing and the art of foley would be solid first steps.
    Get a feel for that and I'd say you'd stand a chance of making even your initial attampts at action choreography impactful.

  7. 11 months ago

    Just do it homosexual, that's how people have been making fan films and youtube videos for ages, just fricking do it

  8. 11 months ago

    It's one of those things everyone dreams about but you really need to have an itinerary and goals set well in advance. How much of the design/concepting do you already have done or is this just spitballing for the sake of it?

    • 11 months ago

      So far i'm doing some story plotting and design sketches. Later on I'll have to see how to put costumes together and find people to work on it and so on so yeah just spitballing right now mostly.

      • 11 months ago

        Do yourself a favor: find your nearest craft store and buy more EVA foam than you will ever think you'll need in advance. That is going to be the lifeblood of your builds.

        • 11 months ago


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