How, if at all, would you adapt a Portal movie? It has kino potential, I'm just not sure how you'd do it.

How, if at all, would you adapt a Portal movie? It has kino potential, I'm just not sure how you'd do it.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Make Chel black and make it so GLaDOS was actually Cave Johnson in life but now identifies as a female entity

  2. 3 months ago

    I wish that game was a third person shooter instead know what I mean.. because the main character is a latina

  3. 3 months ago

    Chell is naked throughout the movie, also she looks like this

  4. 3 months ago

    First game is so good

  5. 3 months ago

    Cave Johnson biopic mockumentary.

  6. 3 months ago

    >play the source material relatively straight, (don't make it 'for kids because vidya' or overemphasise 'muh comedy' for the same stupid reason)

    >lean into the serious existential horror angle of dealing with a fricked up computer for a lot of it, even if it winds up being more comical later on

    >come up with cool and creative new ways to use the portals that work best on film whether they're from the game or not, (not just going from place to place, but Chell looking at the back of her own head and doing shit with them that's freaky and disturbing in a horror context)
    >with fewer opportunities for genuine WTF puzzles/situations and dramatic resolutions, don't waste them

    >Ellen McLain

    >a touch more dialogue and character shit, but not much, (Chell needs a character, motivations, maybe tragic past, history of how she wound up there, etc. but tell it through the actual story and interactions between her and GLaDOS, shit she finds, etc.)

    >the key, as with the game, is in making GLaDOS genuinely threatening in a disturbing way, without having characters explicitly talk about it. Much as I hate that fricking Kubrik movie, '2001 Space Odyssey' gets HAL right in that way. You don't need to beat the audience over the head with what's going on or why the situation is so fricked up.

    >avoid putting in more characters just so Chell has someone to talk to, (which would be the standard morono Hollywood solution for exposition and character shit)

    >cold open with 'the cake is a lie' gay meeting his fate is an obvious way to start, much like the movie 'Cube', and you could expand on him a bit later if relevant

    >secondary plot thread where in the process of escaping Chell not only figures out some of her own history, and the true nature of GLaDOS, but some bigger conspiracy going on in with Aperture/Black Mesa/Both/the Half-Life Universe, (that may be relevant to a sequel)

    Some of this may seem elementary, but not doing dumb shit is hard for Hollywoodgays.

    • 3 months ago

      Portal has been a comedic series since 2. Everything piece of material surrounding it is super comedic.

      • 3 months ago

        Does mean it has to be wall-to-wall comedy - the kind of mistake Hollywood gays make all the time. Like Batman is a comic book ... comic = comedy - for kids, right? Let's have Batman dance.

        Literally how you got Adam West shit before they took that character seriously.

        Sure portal is funny, but that doesn't mean you hire Will fricking Farrell to star in it either. It's a little more subtle than that. If you want stupid shit just start by telling some Hollywood suit that Portal is "super comedic". The situation for the character in-universe is actually pretty fricking horrific, and you wouldn't want the two confused.

  7. 3 months ago

    Frick off.
    Portal 2 was the most reddit game I've ever played

    haha SCIENCE! LEMONS! CAKE! so funneh

    • 3 months ago

      It definitely wasn't as perfect as portal 1 but this is an utter npc take

      • 3 months ago

        We NPCs love Portal 2, don't speak for us chuddie

        • 3 months ago

          Stop pretending you're us, you had a bad take, deal with it

    • 3 months ago

      Redditors only talk like this now because they're copying the surface level of Portal writing

    • 3 months ago

      holy frick talk about obsessed. 'everything is reddit mentality'. you need urgent help

  8. 3 months ago

    What potential? The game is all about figuring out puzzles on your own with a somewhat darkly comical atmosphere. This is like the morons who want to make a Metroid movie.

    • 3 months ago

      It's ironically that kind of attitude, (among other superficial and moronic ideas), that results in shitty vidya movies. Notice how low-effort they are. As if you can't take what is originally a cool and engaging concept and put it in a movie, so idiots throw their hands up in the air one way or the other and just do dumb shit instead.

      It's like saying you can't make a realistic looking Spiderman outfit, because it's some shit some dude drew for a comic book, so it's just can't be done ... oh that is until someone actually does it, then it works fine and pretty much the way Spiderman does in the comics.

      • 3 months ago

        >what is originally a cool and engaging concept
        It's a cool and engaging concept for a completely different medium which the audience engages with in a completely different way
        Portal works because a) it's a very well put together puzzle game that makes good use of the Source engine's physics, and b) its story is quite deftly told by allowing the player character to slowly put the pieces together themselves by exploring the environment and paying attention to the clues. It's fundamentally something which relies on player engagement, it requires the audience to be an active participant, and removing those elements is just boiling it down to a broad synopsis that misses the real strengths of the original

        • 3 months ago

          >Spiderman is a cool and engaging concept for a completely different medium which the audience engages with in a completely different way
          >Spiderman works because a) it's a very well put together comic that makes good use of the comic book format, and b) its story is quite deftly told by allowing the reader to mentally put the action together themselves by looking from panel to panel. It's fundamentally something which relies on reader imagination, it requires the audience to be a mentally more active participant, and removing those elements is just boiling it down to a broad synopsis that misses the real strengths of the original comic.

          See? It's easy to be a dismissive moron and sound like you know what you're talking about when you're completely wrong.

          How could a good writer ever come up with something to replace the puzzle element and engage the audience in a similar but different way relevant to the medium? It's like impossible because they'd like ... have to use their imagination and creativity or something. Just not possible.


          • 3 months ago

            Comic books aren't video games you moron. Not only is the
            >Spiderman's costume
            example moronic because you're conflating narrative elements with aesthetic elements, but a comic book and a movie are both mediums you engage with as a passive observer rather than an active participant. Hell, you could very easily adapt a comic book into an animated movie by just 1:1 translating each panel into a segment of animation
            >How could a good writer ever come up with something to replace the puzzle element
            Sure, they could replace it, but at that point you're already having to remove fundamental elements of the thing. That's the point, you spastic, the more elements you have to replace to make something fit into the requirements of the other medium, the more you end up with something completely different that just has a vaguely Portal-like coat of paint
            And obviously you're just ignoring the b) point there about how the story is communicated almost entirely through the environment, and is told by leaving it to the player to find the clues as to what's going on and put them together for themselves. An audience watching a movie cannot do that, they can only hope to watch the movie's protagonist, a 3rd person who they can't inhabit in the same way as you inhabit the player character of a video game, do it. Again, it's boiling it down to the synopsis of the story, at the expense of the way that story was fricking told (which is the most important part of any narrative medium)

            • 3 months ago

              Translation: You're wrong because ... um .. uh ... let me find two things that are different to give me an excuse here ... a comic is a not a video game! Ha! Therefore you are wrong!
              Frick off you fricking idiot. You're too stupid to engage in this discussion.

              • 3 months ago

                So, like, you can't actually answer any of the points I just made?
                Nice one, moron

              • 3 months ago

                I told you to STFU you festering moron. The adults are trying to talk. Go kys.

              • 3 months ago

                >The adults are trying to talk.
                Is it your parents telling you it's bed time?

              • 3 months ago

                Didn't I just tell you to STFU and have a nice day you wienersucking moron? What's the problem? Don't you know how to tie a noose? Google it gaygo.

              • 3 months ago

                Jesus, you're angry.

              • 3 months ago

                Jesus you're a whiny little homo.

        • 3 months ago

          p2's story is quite literally all spelled out in constant dialogue. actually p1's story too.
          the most that "exploring the environment" gives in terms of actual story is just flavor tidbits.
          the fricking robots actually talk non stop and can't shut the frick up. the plot.
          the story can be completely removed from puzzle elements too. they're almost irrelevant. just something to keep the player busy as they listen to 4 hours of dialogue.
          the extent of player engagement is walking point a to point b and doing as they are told and/or as game tells them to do on a singular plot thread. this shit is not unadaptable at all.

          • 3 months ago

            >p2's story is quite literally all spelled out in constant dialogue
            Actually yeah, Portal 2's story goes basically the opposite direction to the first game where it goes from heavy environmental storytelling to just constant narration, which I guess could be adapted although it'd make for a pretty dull film

      • 3 months ago

        >It's ironically that kind of attitude that results in shitty vidya movies
        No, vidya movies are shitty because you're turning interactive media into passive media. Every video game movie is either based on the game, or completely changes the player character. This is because most games are long stretches of running around shooting people with barely any dialogue. A "faithful adaptation" would feel like sitting on the couch watching someone else play the game.

        • 3 months ago

          Nope, that's the smooth brain take.

          Game stories/characters/scenarios grab you for a reason in the first place. Shit like that is transferrable to other media if you focus on the ESSENCE of it. That way you're not stuck being too literal or stupidly changing shit for no good reason. Which is what usually happens because idiots don't get it. The exact same shit used to happen with superheroes and sci-fi because it wasn't taken seriously enough, seen as low-brow, etc.

          A good example of something done right is the musical version of Spongebob Squarepants. The idea sounds monumentally moronic the second you hear it suggested, but it actually worked surprisingly well. That doesn't mean people who don't like musicals with necessarily like it, but for people who appreciate both media know right away they did manage to pull it off. Even if you don't like that shit, most people would agree that Ethan Slater is pretty much what Spongebob would look and act like if he were a human being, an unreal casting and incredible performance.

          It's the same with any medium. It's not hard to buy RDJ as IRON MAN, and you build shit up from there, being literal sometimes and not others. Like Tony Stark in the comics has a moustache, not a beard, but the beard obviously works better on the actor. His origin story is during Vietnam, but you're going to modernise that, and a million other little details to capture the essence of Tony Stark.

          The same CAN be done with vidya characters and vidya stories, but studio morons don't understand or respect them enough to take them seriously. It wasn't that long ago that getting hoity-toity actors to play superheroes was difficult because they wanted to do "real" acting. Vidya will have its own renaissance sooner or later, once they get these fricking ego-driven meat-puppets to keep their fricking helmets on, get fundamental shit like that right, and everyone literally has their head in the game.

          • 3 months ago

            >Like Tony Stark in the comics has a moustache,
            >His origin story is during Vietnam
            Neither of those had been the case since the Iron Man book got relaunched in the late '90s anyway
            Either way, it's missing the crux of the issue because here you're talking about the casting and depiction of a specific character Vs adapting an entire game, with all of its narrative elements, across into a different kind of media. The Sonic movies may do a fine job capturing the 'essence' of the Sonic characters, but besides that they're just generic 'cartoon/fantasy creature lands in real world' kids movies that have been done a million and one times already. It's all well and good to say 'focus on the ESSENCE of it', but how much of the 'essence' off a given game can actually be taken over from one to the other?
            It's why there was all that shit about The Last of Us being the first 'great' vidya adaptation; because that was a game where the story was already being told via like 2 hours of totally non-interactive cutscenes + 2 hours of dialogue playing over a walking simulator, with then a couple of hours of properly interactive gameplay in between. It was already a story that the player was barely participating in, so it translated well into a non-interactive medium like TV. You're not going to get the same mileage out of every game

  9. 3 months ago

    probably like hypercube or that movie where the guy is cloned and sent to the moon to live alone in a mining colony, but more lighthearted and with less/no violence
    however i think it would be hard to pull off, part of the charm of the games is being all alone in a mysterious sterile looking environment as a silent protagonist, not sure that would work well for a movie, unlike half life where the protagonist interacts with other characters all the time.

  10. 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      Maybe not that, but you can imagine a scene similar to this that's actually not moronic and relevant instead of just some disembodied visual frickery dropped randomly into a film for no real reason:

      Chell figuring out the Portal Gun could be pretty damn cool and you could spend quite a bit of time on that and how cool and freaking it is, just like it would be IRL. Then figuring out different ways to use it as she goes.

      Maybe even fall and injure herself, like get stuck with a shard of metal in her back, then use the portal gun to do surgery on herself or something.

      • 3 months ago

        Dan Trachtenberg made a good case for it years ago with this short


        >Maybe even fall and injure herself, like get stuck with a shard of metal in her back, then use the portal gun to do surgery on herself or something.
        That could be cool

        • 3 months ago

          >That could be cool
          Just takes a little imagination. Just one idea obviously not in the game, yet is congruent to the point it 'could be', while also consistent with being trapped and alone in a rat maze. Also potential dramatic shit that can show-not-tell aspects of her character, intelligence figuring out ways to use the portal gun, etc. Also bonus is that people outside the game already have thoughts about how they could use a portal gun on themselves already, so kinda feeds into that.

          You obviously don't have to be sitting back watching someone else literally playing a puzzle game on screen for two hours as some short-sighted gays have suggested. Nor do you have to completely reinvent the wheel, or turn it into something completely different, totally unrelated, and disappointing for fans of the game. It's not rocket science, but you wouldn't know it listening to idiots talk or seeing some of the shitty vidya adaptions so far.

          For an easy example just start by imaging your ideal casting choice for James Sunderland and then imagine what a Silent Hill 2 movie should really look and play like. Your brain already knows, and it's not passively watching a video game, nor is it an exact word-for-word copy of the game cutscenes. That's how you know they dun goof'd and focused on the wrong things when they frick shit like that up:

          Anyone who doesn't think this or any vidya with sufficient character/story/setting can be adapted to film is a fricking moron, and I don't even have to explain why. You already have some subconscious idea of what it should, (and shouldn't), be like, even if you lacked the ability to write it yourself.

    • 3 months ago

      where do I preorder my tickets?

  11. 3 months ago

    system shock movie first

  12. 3 months ago

    The chick from Oblivion who was Tom Cruises wife needs to play Chell

  13. 3 months ago

    I wouldn't adapt any vidya into any film or show

  14. 3 months ago

    >animated, not live action
    >have most of the story told through animation rather than dialogue like Samurai Jack
    >let Chell remain a silent protagonist while all the robots are chatty
    >show hints of people like ratman, other failed test subjects, and dead scientists without actually showing them to emphasize a sense of isolation
    >start it off with a Cave Johnson old style film reel explaining Apature labs

  15. 3 months ago

    >One of the very few games that work as games
    Wrong board

    • 3 months ago

      >walking through corridors while zany dialogue plays with an occasional intermission of "spot the white area"
      >work as games

  16. 3 months ago

    What would Hollywood do with this I wonder in today's climate...

    > Chell is now a black oc donutsteal woman who speaks and has a sassy comeback to everything glados says.
    > Introduces another woman very soon revealed to be crazy living in walls of lab writing all the messages.
    > Immediately reveal as gay.
    > They are now gay together.
    > Introduce Cave Johnson part way around the real threat and the women join forces with glados to take him down and escape.
    > Cave is still an old rich white guy.
    > Lots of messages about girl power and evil old white guy using poc as slave labour in his evil experiments.
    > Ends with gay kiss over cake as cave defeated.
    Bonus end of credit scene is the two robots from 2 running around stupidly and voiced by Steven Merchant

    • 3 months ago

      >Immediately reveal as gay
      Not immediate enough for CURRENT YEAR Hollywood. She needs to have the word "GAY" written in big letters on her pod screen with a rainbow flag background that we see in the first shot before she wakes up. Also her uniform will have a rainbow flag that is always in shot just in case we forget in-between all the dialogue beating us over the head with it. This is the future, so test rooms will include many bathroom doors that have a variety of CURRENT YEAR gender symbols on them and she will use the portal gun to get from the she/Her bathroom through the locked door of the right bisexual-fluid-genderqueer bathroom.

  17. 3 months ago

    daisy ridley as Portalgirl

  18. 3 months ago

    Jfc just play the damn games.

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