How is Batman the smartest person on earth?

How is Batman the smartest person on earth?

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    Bad writing that’s how.

  2. 1 year ago

    Also according to johns lex is smarter bruce is 2nd

    • 1 year ago

      Doesn't matter Uncle Ben, Mr. Terrific is better than both of them.

      • 1 year ago

        His title is literally "the third smartest man after Batman and Lex"
        It's literally his catchphrase, that's how committed he is to being dumber than them, lol

        • 1 year ago

          And that's why he's better, because he doesn't engage in the autistic pissing battle for first place.

        • 1 year ago

          And yet only fricker smart enough to realize in a bad book and tried to circumvent it all with time travel.

    • 1 year ago

      this whole intelligence ranking thing is incredibly moronic even in a genre where everything is moronic all the time

  3. 1 year ago

    Imagine writing Lex this way. Even if he was tenth, he would have no doubt he was 1st.

    What a fricking hack writer. Batwank destroys minds.

    • 1 year ago

      >Imagine writing Lex this way. Even if he was tenth, he would have no doubt he was 1st.
      >What a fricking hack writer. Batwank destroys minds.

      read this last night. Doesnt really have a lot of batwank. Bats gets taken down pretty early.

      I can't decide if deceased is better or worse than marvel zombies. It makes the same mistake of not really playing up the horror of what is happening and just using it as a vehicle to set up monster fights.

      Its weird, the older I get, the more I appreciate the smaller DC stories and grow to hate world ending stories. Most writers can't land the gravity of world ending plots. And it is usually one world ending plot after another. You eventually stop caring.

      The newer dr who had the same problem. Way too many episodes that fell into a greater world ending plot. Not many 1 off episodes of the dr and his companion just dealing with random evil aliens. Everything was an intergalactic threat.

      • 1 year ago

        >And it is usually one world ending plot after another
        There was a time where it felt like Marvel was shitting out a catastrophic world-ending event like every 5 weeks. I'm exaggerating but still. The stakes can only be SO HIGH so many times before you start thinking that it would actually really fricking suck to live in the Marvel Universe. You really do stop caring when EVERYTHING is heightened to the MAX.

        • 1 year ago

          >There was a time where it felt like Marvel was shitting out a catastrophic world-ending event like every 5 weeks. I'm exaggerating but still. The stakes can only be SO HIGH so many times before you start thinking that it would actually really fricking suck to live in the Marvel Universe. You really do stop caring when EVERYTHING is heightened to the MAX.

          the nature of late 80s / early 90s super hero movies and cartoons unironically saved marvel and dc from themselves. The nature of the mediums at the time kept things smaller and more contained. This also forced more character development.

          I can't imagine us getting Mask of the Phantasm today. An animated murder mystery with caped hero? Get the frick out of here. No one would fund that.

          Now it would have to be some all life everywhere destroying thing.

          Even the old batman 80s movies, Joker and penguin couldn't destroy all of Gotham. They just terrorized people. The death toll for both were probably in the 1000s at best.

          As an aside, even something like Gargoyles, which was a disney response to BTAS was better in the first seasons when the stories were small and only impacted 30 to 50 people. The bigger plot threads that never got resolved when they got in the magic avalon boat really watered the show down. I don't care how much furries love all the new gargoyles and monster people introduced in those later episodes. Stuff lost its weight.

          • 1 year ago

            >An animated murder mystery with caped hero?
            While I agree with the animated part, I still feel that there is a desire for solo hero movies. Aquaman, The Batman (which was mainly a character-driven mystery), and Wonder Woman (2017) were all pretty popular.

        • 1 year ago

          >There was a time where it felt like Marvel was shitting out a catastrophic world-ending event like every 5 weeks
          That event with the Chaos God
          The Beyonders
          That time Logos BTFO the Living Tribunal
          The whole clusterfrick that was Knull.

          And I'm not even counting all the Thanos wankery we got.

      • 1 year ago

        >Its weird, the older I get, the more I appreciate the smaller DC stories and grow to hate world ending stories
        That's not strange at all.

      • 1 year ago

        >I can't decide if deceased is better or worse than marvel zombies.
        I know they're both zombies but I wouldn't really compare them since really the marvel zombies are much closer to like vampires but cannibals since they keep their personalities but have a hunger so if anything compare MZ to DC vs Vampires.

    • 1 year ago

      but for the love of god, they had to tell a joke!

    • 1 year ago

      >implying he isn't self-effacing to gain trust as part of a larger scheme

      • 1 year ago

        Was his larger scheme to get murdered by infected J'onn? Because Lex dies in the original DCeased.

  4. 1 year ago

    Because Batman is a gary stu and DC has been sucking his wiener for years.

  5. 1 year ago

    Bad writing by Taylor.

  6. 1 year ago

    Even if he was, Lex would never admit it, this is extremely stupid.

  7. 1 year ago

    He built a robot version of himself that easily defeated the entire Justice League in his early years of being Batman.
    He did this unconsciously while sleepwalking.
    He is also the richest human on planet earth by far with over 100 billion liquid dollars but keeps it all hidden under multiple names so noone comprehend the full extent of his financial empire.

    He's factually much smarter than Lex and much smarter than everyone in Marvel combined.

    • 1 year ago

      >he built a robot that can't be destroyed
      That's not smart, that's stupid.

      • 1 year ago

        That just means it works. He built it for the purpose of killing himself if he ever turned evil, since he knew if he became The Batman Who Laughs then no hero in the omniverse would ever be able to stop him.
        He knew that the only person smart enough to stop Batman, is Batman.

        • 1 year ago

          >The Batman Who Laughs then no hero in the omniverse would ever be able to stop him.
          But that's wrong, Batkek was defeated.

          • 1 year ago

            by luck, the entire omniverse working together, and numerous situational powerups from cosmic beings and magic metals and cosmic promotions for Hawkman and new monitors we've never seen before.
            And in the process it only destroyed countless universes. Captain Carrot is the only survivor of his homeverse now.

            • 1 year ago

              >And in the process it only destroyed countless universes. Captain Carrot is the only survivor of his homeverse now.
              It got all remade at the end, Earth 26 is back.

            • 1 year ago

              >The Batman Who Laughs then no hero in the omniverse would ever be able to stop him.
              But that's wrong, Batkek was defeated.

              BatGiggles whole plan relied on other people doing everything for him. He couldn't do a brain transplant on himself, and he needed everyone else to bring the Crisis Energy to him.

              He got his ass kicked by Superboy Prime anyway and then got thrown into the Death Sun by Wonder Woman.

              • 1 year ago

                Batkek got his loyal slaves to transplant him because that's what slaves are for (if he wanted he could've just cloned himself which even Bruce Prime has done before).
                He generated the crisis energy himself and simply outsmarted Wally to use as a failsafe incase the heroes tried to sabotage his plan and steal his crisis energy (they did, he was right, and because of this his failsafe worked)
                Batkek was severely weakened in that fight due to the crisis energy being cut off and also didn't want to use up the rest on Superbab. And yet he still won and Superbab got banished.
                Batkek brought them to the Death Sun himself and Wonder Woman needed the World Forge Anti-Crisis powers to even follow him there (and said herself she still was nowhere near as strong as Batman or the Hands who were coming to kill her and their universe unless she stepped back so Batman could destroy the Hands)

              • 1 year ago

                also he's confirmed not to have been defated by his own Death Sun move, he just got isekaiid to Fortnite.

              • 1 year ago

                >Batkek got his loyal slaves to transplant him because that's what slaves are for (if he wanted he could've just cloned himself which even Bruce Prime has done before).
                >He generated the crisis energy himself and simply outsmarted Wally to use as a failsafe incase the heroes tried to sabotage his plan and steal his crisis energy (they did, he was right, and because of this his failsafe worked)
                >Batkek was severely weakened in that fight due to the crisis energy being cut off and also didn't want to use up the rest on Superbab. And yet he still won and Superbab got banished.
                >Batkek brought them to the Death Sun himself and Wonder Woman needed the World Forge Anti-Crisis powers to even follow him there (and said herself she still was nowhere near as strong as Batman or the Hands who were coming to kill her and their universe unless she stepped back so Batman could destroy the Hands)

                batlawl is so stupid. Just reading this shit is like mind rot. It all reads like a season of Dragon Ball Z or some japanese rpg where you have to get magic dragon armor to kill the evil god.

              • 1 year ago

                Batman is a self-insert power fantasy. He's no different then an isekai anime protagonist who's the coolest, smartest, and strongest hero that easily steamrolls any threats and is respected by everyone, despite also being an anti-social edge lord. People rightfully give a lot of shit to anime self-inserts, but then willingly overlook that the current Batman is just the comic equivalent of that. I liked when he was actually a detective that operated in Gotham and could conceivably be taken out by any of his villains or even random thugs if he wasn't careful enough. I liked when his mortality and humanity were emphasized.

              • 1 year ago

                No you didn’t you just seethe because he would canonically beat up every marvelb***h “hero”

              • 1 year ago

                Please if he’s so great how’s a two bit small trine like Joe Chil kill his parents? I mean he was right there he should’ve been able to stop it.

              • 1 year ago

                Read Batman: The Dawnbreaker

                He could have killed Joe Chill there even as a child but he chose not to because even though he’s strong enough to become the greatest villain he still has a pure heart

              • 1 year ago

                by luck, the entire omniverse working together, and numerous situational powerups from cosmic beings and magic metals and cosmic promotions for Hawkman and new monitors we've never seen before.
                And in the process it only destroyed countless universes. Captain Carrot is the only survivor of his homeverse now.

                Daily reminder that the Batkek (forma de Umbra) only got small fraction of the true Blue Dong Power.

              • 1 year ago

                He actually got more power than him. He got Batmanhattan's power, who was an exact replica of the original manhattan, and he also got Wally's Manhattan power, making Batmanhattankek as powerful as 1.5-2 Manhattans.

              • 1 year ago

                >Batmanhattan's power
                Who is league under Blue Dong.
                Manhattan can live and act without a body. Batmanhattan was BTFO by a fricking laser knife.

                Blue Dong was able to reset the multiverse, something Umbra Del Noche was not able to do.

              • 1 year ago

                Umbra del Noche was omniversal and created his own multiverse. Forget just resetting it, og Manhattan couldn't even erase Superman from any universe.
                Batmanhattan >>>>>> weak former manhattan

              • 1 year ago

                >Manhattan couldn't even erase Superman from any universe.
                He didn't even try to. He just reset the multiverse, Superman ALSO fell under the reset.
                Umbra Del Noche (which I think is hilarious and should be his name starting now) just took several universe and blend them together.

                Also, you completely "forgot" to answer that point : Ostermann doesn't need a body to act and to be live. Batmanhattan and UDN needed a body.

              • 1 year ago

                He didn't reset the multiverse, he deliberately tried again and again to get rid of Superman for his experiment and found no matter what he tried, he couldn't. He specifically focused on his utter inability to get rid of Superman.
                Batman who Laughs created his own universes from scratch, creating his own multiverse without Superman. Something Manhattan could never do: create his own universes. cuckhattan couldn't even get rid of one guy from an already existing universe (bat)lmao
                Also Batmanhattan disspiated and astral projected into the cosmos the second the transplant was complete.

                Fact of the matter is:
                Energy Knife = Batmanhattan >>> Manhattan
                Energy Knife would simply btfo osterman manhattan as well. Battech is just that good.

              • 1 year ago

                Correct. If you have any doubt, think about it on a meta level. Since both are owned by WB/DC, what WB/DC says goes. Who does WB/DC want to be top dog? Batman or Bluedong?
                You have your answer.

              • 1 year ago

                He reset the multiverse several times : each time, Superman had a different origin stories, therefore was impacted. Then he did one last time and Superman was STILL affected. He just tried to understand WHY the multiverse needed to create a Superman, he wasn't actively trying to prevent Clark from existing (the closest thing to that was when he saved his father from Krypton blow up)
                >Astral projected
                Casual power Manhattan did even before reaching DC.
                >Energy knife
                Ok, you were just baiting and I took the bait hard like a dick, I feel ashamed
                Do you also do that on /DBS/ thread ?

              • 1 year ago

                BTFOing you with facts and logic isn't baiting just because you are canonically too stupid to debunk it. Energy knife btfoes ostercuckhattan (who can't even create a universe without superman)

              • 1 year ago

                You ust admitted you lost, buddy

              • 1 year ago

                Superboy Prime bodies anyone

              • 1 year ago

                Superboy Prime got bodied by regular Superman, regular Superboy and also Shazam.

    • 1 year ago

      >and much smarter than everyone in Marvel combined

      Reed Richards, Dr Doom and Thanos defeated omnipotent characters by simply building a machine created to defeat them in a few hours

      • 1 year ago

        No they haven't.
        Reed only ever "beat" omnipotent characters by The Watcher giving him Galactus' homemade weapon.
        Dr Doom only powersteals from characters after they let their guard down and let him near where they're vulnerable.
        Thanos literally needed a weapon from TOAA to steal from TOAA.
        None of those cases 'cept Doom's is them using their own tech.

        Also Reed can't even beat the Hulk with everyone's help in World War Hulk lol. Batman's robot beat the whole Justice League by accident. Compared to Batman Reed is a drooling moron.

        • 1 year ago

          >Dr Doom only powersteals from characters after they let their guard down and let him near where they're vulnerable.
          No shit you can't beat an omnipotent character if you tell him what you are going to do and Reed Richards still stomp him easily every week, he can casually defeat omnipotent characters but he can't touch Reed with several years of prep time because Reed is just that smart
          >Reed only ever "beat" omnipotent characters by The Watcher giving him Galactus' homemade weapon
          Nope, Beyonder and others were fricked by his own inventions, Reed Richard technology is the most advanced in the universe, possibly in the entire multiverse, he could solve every single world problem but he don't want mankind to develop to fast due to developing psychohistory so he knows every possible path mankind can take
          >Thanos literally needed a weapon from TOAA to steal from TOAA.
          He found it and developed it, he defeated Beyonder, Living Tribunal, TOAA

          Reed Richards can do anything he wants

          • 1 year ago

            The Heart of the Universe wasn't made by Thanos, it was made by TOAA and Thanos simply uses it.
            Dr Doom btfos Reed in every fight and Reed only ever wins because his teammates save him. Dr Doom literally beat the shit out of Reed with only his bare fists once when Reed became evil and tried to start an empire and had an entire army helping him.

            Also none of Reed's tech can even beat the Hulk lol, he's a moron who can't even beat the Green moron. And is also confirmed dumber than Moon Girl the Black person.
            BatCHAD defeats the Justice League easily, and with only his own smarts with no assistance needed.

            Reed's a crying tard who can't even beat Dr Doom on his own. BatCHAD defeats all the gods of his universe easily, and only by himself. COPE!

          • 1 year ago

            No one cares because Reed Richards is still a "C-lister" in universe while Captain America and Iron Man are treated more like the protagonists

            • 1 year ago

              It's kind of hilarious how the FF set the foundation for so many elements in Marvel and started the birth of Marvel's rise to popularity, to the point where they were even treated with the same level of prestige that Spider-Man was (obviously not counting the torture porn of current Spidey), only to be relegated to playing second fiddle to Spidey, the X-Men, Hulk, Punisher, Ghost Rider, and now, the Avengers.

    • 1 year ago

      >He did this unconsciously while sleepwalking.
      Does it really count if he just gave control to his schizo alternate personality?

    • 1 year ago

      >and much smarter than everyone in Marvel combined

      Reed Richards, Dr Doom and Thanos defeated omnipotent characters by simply building a machine created to defeat them in a few hours

      Reed Richards also stomped Captain America with a better strategies and team works even though his team was much weaker, Captain America IQ is 250 and his main strenght is strategy, Reed Richards technology is the most advanced in the universe as well even more than Watchers and Celestials, cosmic beings that had millions of years to develop it, he outsmarted, Hank Pym, Spider-Man and Iron Man as well.

      • 1 year ago

        Yet Reed's so stupid he can't even beat the Hulk, lol.

        BatCHAD >>>>>>>>>>>>> Reed "Tard" Richards >>>> Hank Pygmy Brain, Spider-dunce and Iron Twit

      • 1 year ago

        IIRC, only Galactus tech was beyond Richards level.

      • 1 year ago

        >Reed Richards technology is the most advanced in the universe as well even more than Watchers and Celestials

    • 1 year ago

      >He is also the richest human on planet earth by far
      The richest man in the world is a guy who sells purses and other tat to women. You think that qualifies him as being the smartest person on Earth?

      • 1 year ago

        The richest people on earth are the (Jews) who own the US treasury stock.
        Actual multi billionaires are just smart enough to keep all their money as bonds because ever actually checking them out would quite literally crash every economy around the globe.

        • 1 year ago

          *federal reserve

        • 1 year ago

          So israelites are the smartest people on Earth? Pretty based opinion for a Batwanking Cinemaphile poster.

    • 1 year ago

      >He is also the richest human on planet earth by far with over 100 billion liquid dollars but keeps it all hidden under multiple names so noone comprehend the full extent of his financial empire.
      That's some Vandal Savage-tier shit. Though I don't mind it for Bruce because I, too, am cursed with Batwank autism.

      • 1 year ago

        Then at this point, he willingly lets Gotham remain a shithole since anyone with the same amount of resources he has should have no trouble dealing with le crazy, deformed serial killers and street-level mobsters

        • 1 year ago

          He's built his own high-tech scifi prisons for them from scratch at the start of the Designer arc, and they still got out immediately.
          There is literally no way to solve crime in Gotham without killing them.

          • 1 year ago

            At this point, I would willingly accept that Gotham is essentially Yharnam (they even have similar aesthetics) where some eldritch entity or cosmic force is what keeps Gotham remaining a shithole.

            • 1 year ago

              It IS. Gotham is cursed.

          • 1 year ago

            >Batman can oneshot the wholefricking league
            >But he cannot preven humans without real power to get out of high tec prison

            • 1 year ago

              Honestly, I just pretend that the solo Batman story is an alternate universe where Batman is the only hero and no gods or aliens exist to rectify why League Batman is hypercompetent despite struggling against mobsters and serial killers.

    • 1 year ago

      This is why DC keeps losing to Marvel, who finds these kinds of characters interesting?

    • 1 year ago

      Remember how in TDKR that if Batman were extremely fortunate, had some assistance, got to choose the time and place and was facing a weakened Superman that maybe, MAYBE this normal man could defeat a god? That was compelling.
      "Batman is like so super special and awesome that he's the smartestest and richest man on the planet who is always 700 steps ahead and can beat the entire Justice League in his sleep" is not compelling. DC seems determined to make me dislike Batman

      • 1 year ago

        Batman is always holding back because he doesn't want to kill. Superman is canonically afraid of him.

        • 1 year ago

          No, Superman is holding back everytime he fights Bruce. If Superman REALLY wanted to kill Bruce, he would just laser him from miles away or just blitz him without a warning.

          • 1 year ago

            Bruce’s armor canonically can tank kryptonian laservision with zero damage, and he has autonatic machines to instakill any intruders that try to “blitz” him, including the Flash. He also has nanomachines inside the brains of the Justice League members ready to lobotomise them the instant they even attempt to stop him.
            Batman holds back the most out of any hero because he’s too nice. That’s the reason Superman called Batman the most dangerous thing on earth. That’s the reason Superman is afraid of Bruce and canonically told Bruce in the Failsafe arc that if Batman turned evil then not even the entire Justice League would ever be able to stop him. That’s canon.

          • 1 year ago

            >No, Superman is holding back everytime he fights Bruce. If Superman REALLY wanted to kill Bruce, he would just laser him from miles away or just blitz him without a warning.

            maybe. Or Bruce has magic technology that would alert him and he would use his magic batman brains to think up a plan before Superman, who is almost as fast as the flash, gets there.

            God, modern DC stuff is such bullshit

            • 1 year ago

              >Or Bruce has magic technology
              Then Bruce actually has a super power and it's super brain.
              I'm tired of the old "Batman has no Super powers" meme

              • 1 year ago

                >Then Bruce actually has a super power and it's super brain.
                >I'm tired of the old "Batman has no Super powers" meme

                well yeah. If you have Batman being the biggest player in world ending or universe ending storylines, bruce has superpowers. He would have to have endless stamina and be able to learn things and process information almost instantly. He'd have to have a brain that works as fast as the flash moves and also have the flash's or superman's recovery time.

                That or he needs to start wearing the batman beyond suit, but DC is never going to do that because that would be admitting Iron Man was a better take on the rich super hero character.

                Otherwise, they need to go back his characertiziation in the 60s and 70s where he plays a much smaller part in group superhero stories.

                Or just stop using him stories about world/universe enders and keep his stories focused on stopping other mortals.

      • 1 year ago

        Batman is compelling because of the intelligent moral challenges his villains give him. He is the strongest superhero because he worked hard to gain his powers, threats like Marvel villains or Superman villains where you just have to punch them would be super easy for Batman to beat. It's having to choose between being forced to murder by his psychopathic pure evil villains and trying to save everyone including them that provides him his compelling stories. That's what Batman has that no other hero can do.

        • 1 year ago

          >threats like Marvel villains or Superman villains where you just have to punch them would be super easy for Batman to beat.

          this is pretty recent. It takes a lot of batwank for batman to beat superman level threats on his own.

          One common complaint about many of the modern versions of Ivy is that she's changed from a batman level villain to a superman level villain. From a scientist that has plant toxins to a plant god similar to swamp thing that can control vines, create plant monsters, regrow her body, and grow about 50 feet tall.

          • 1 year ago

            >batman level villain to a superman level villain

            and if you're curious what the difference is between a batman level villain and a superman level villain, it tends to hinge on if the villain could be killed with a gun or some other normal means of murder.

            Joker could be stopped with one bullet. Darkseid can't.

            • 1 year ago

              Batman’s killed Darkseid two different times, and Batkek killed him then stole all his powers as ‘Batman The Darkfather’

  8. 1 year ago

    >batman is the most smartest person ever in the whole wild world!
    >superman is the biggest strongest guy ever ever ever!
    >the flash is the super super fastest guy ever and can outrun time and death and everything and *googles the smallest unit of time measurable* that but like divided by infinity!!!
    capeshit authors write like they're kids one-upping each other on a playground. the most offensive thing isnt that shitty writers exist though, its that people read this

    • 1 year ago

      >>the flash is the super super fastest guy ever and can outrun time and death and everything and *googles the smallest unit of time measurable* that but like divided by infinity!!!
      And then Bat-Wank has Batman out-speed him with the speed and thinking/reaction time of a Human. I fricking hate Batman so much.

      • 1 year ago

        Catwoman literally beat 3 Flashes back-to-back.
        Flashes ain't shit.

        • 1 year ago

          well they have ice related weaknesses

          • 1 year ago

            It was a warm and sunny day, when she beat them.

          • 1 year ago

            It was a warm and sunny day, when she beat them.

            There's a difference between Captain Cold and Mister Freeze. Absolute Zero is halting motion, he doesn't have an "ice weakness"

            • 1 year ago

              Yes he does. Read all the original Superman races, Ice and cold slows him down immensely, being in the arctic cause him to have a major debuff.

    • 1 year ago

      >>the flash is the super super fastest guy ever and can outrun time and death and everything and *googles the smallest unit of time measurable* that but like divided by infinity!!!
      And then Bat-Wank has Batman out-speed him with the speed and thinking/reaction time of a Human. I fricking hate Batman so much.

      I still don't get how Zoom just casually bypassed all his defenses and kicked his ass.

      • 1 year ago

        Rare case of Speedforce wank managing to briefly overcome BATWANK. Zoom then struggles to fight Batman afterward

        • 1 year ago

          It's hilarious because in this case Batman had a good excuse to beat Zoom without batwank, it was the batcave, it was supposed to be filled with anti super speed traps and other stuff to defeat villains and other heroes, but Zoom just walked around everything for fun and defeated him.

          • 1 year ago

            Batman was holding back.

        • 1 year ago

          >Zoom then struggles to fight Batman afterward
          No, he doesn't, Batman gets to actually touch him, but Eobard still mops the floor with him.
          Bruce's defenses don't mean shit, in a different story Barry completely bypasses them after Bruce says something that makes him angry.

          • 1 year ago

            because Bruce was holding back.

            • 1 year ago

              So was Barry.

              • 1 year ago

                Batman who Laughs killed Barry in every universe.
                Batman holds back much more than Barry and is canonically faster than the entire flash family combined as proven in Speed Metal. That's why barry is so afraid of Bruce: because Bruce is so much smarter than he could ever be and he knows that if Bruce stopped holding back there's nothing barry could ever do to stop Bruce from painfully torturing him to death.

              • 1 year ago

                You forgot the panel after that one.

              • 1 year ago

                You forgot the page after that one: where BatGENIUS mindcontrols Swamp Thing and has his new pet beat the teeth out of Barry until he begs for mercy

              • 1 year ago

                Anon...did you actually read the issue or are you just purposefully acting dumb.

              • 1 year ago

                >Batman lures Barry the idiot into trap
                >pulls out magic flower to set off the trap
                >leaves Barry the imbecile behind to get tentacle raped by his peon Swamp Thing while he continues on with ease
                Outlasted, Outcompeted, Outsmarted. As always.
                All the speed in the world can't help Barry when he's that stupid.

                He is also stronger at being Flash.

  9. 1 year ago

    See, this is why for all of Marvel's faults, I still like the way they promote their different characters. Captain America is a great tactician whose ability to read the battlefield makes him a viable threat as a street-level character. Daredevil and Iron Fist are really good hand-to-hand fighters. Iron Man is a great engineer. Reed is a great scientist. Hank is an expert in Pym Particles. Bruce is an expert in gamma radiation. Hell, even Doom, the guy who's meant to be a polymath that's proficient in nearly everything, is still rivaled by Reed in terms of science, Tony in terms of engineering, and Strange in terms of sorcery. I wish DC did more with characters like Dr. Magnus, T.O. Morrow, Ray Palmer, Ryan Choi, Dr. Martin Stein, or Mr. Terrific on the science side and had more stories where they take the spotlight. For the martial artist's side, they have Richard Dragon, Shiva, Bronze Tiger, David Cain, and a whole lot more. All these characters rarely get promoted because Batman has to be both the smartest DC character and the best fighter who's only behind his adopted daughter (Cassandra). DC does have plenty of characters who all fill different niches, but it's always Batman who gets highlighted.

    • 1 year ago

      >All these characters rarely get promoted

      Doesn't matter Uncle Ben, Mr. Terrific is better than both of them.

  10. 1 year ago

    Dark Nights showed Batman Who Laughs also defeated the Overmonitor, Anti-Monitor, Darkseid and The Spectre and stole all their powers, lmao
    Spectre is a part of the Oversoul and Darkseid is a part of the One Below All

    • 1 year ago

      >Darkseid is a part of the One Below All
      I think you mean The Great Darkness. One Below All is Marvel.

  11. 1 year ago

    Why does Superman look like a homosexual? And why would Lex EVER willingly cuck himself like this in front of the fricking Justice League? He has so much more pride than to admit than he's second best to anyone. It's like a stupid fricking fan or a know-nothing woman wrote this.

    • 1 year ago

      It's a Tom Taylor book.

      • 1 year ago

        Damn it. I should have guessed.

    • 1 year ago

      >And why would Lex EVER willingly cuck himself like this in front of the fricking Justice League? He has so much more pride than to admit than he's second best to anyone. It's like a stupid fricking fan or a know-nothing woman wrote this.

      I think it was a way to bring up that batman was dead. Like he wanted to get a dig in on the heroes in the room

  12. 1 year ago

    AAAAIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEE fellow Reedcucks it's not fair first Dr Doom beats us up and came inside our wife (just like Tchalla and Namor), then Hulk beats us up too, then Moon Girl the literal 8-year old proves she's smarter than us, BUT NOW BATCHAD IS SMARTER THAN US TOO I MOPE I CAN'T COPE MY DICK IS TINY AND SLACK AS ROPE SUE SAAAAAAAAVE MEE AAAAAIIIIIEIEEEEEEE

    I am a Reed Richardsbro.

    • 1 year ago

      this truly proves once and for all that blacks are just as smart as people

  13. 1 year ago

    I love batman but I always thought Lex was basically the "smartest" aside from maybe Braniac and the smartest "person" and Batman was like top 3 or 5. I don't think he's even the greatest detective. Isn't Detective Chimp the greatest detective? Batman is one of the few people that is in the top 5 for smarts in every subject plus detective work/critical thinking though. That is my understanding. I love Batman. He doesn't have to be the number 1 at the expense of cannon though.

    • 1 year ago

      Neight Batman nor Lex should be the smartest DC human, it should be a Superhero whose gimmick is being a scientist like Mr Terrific, Hourman or Jay Garrick, that's something Marvel did right.

      • 1 year ago

        See, this is why for all of Marvel's faults, I still like the way they promote their different characters. Captain America is a great tactician whose ability to read the battlefield makes him a viable threat as a street-level character. Daredevil and Iron Fist are really good hand-to-hand fighters. Iron Man is a great engineer. Reed is a great scientist. Hank is an expert in Pym Particles. Bruce is an expert in gamma radiation. Hell, even Doom, the guy who's meant to be a polymath that's proficient in nearly everything, is still rivaled by Reed in terms of science, Tony in terms of engineering, and Strange in terms of sorcery. I wish DC did more with characters like Dr. Magnus, T.O. Morrow, Ray Palmer, Ryan Choi, Dr. Martin Stein, or Mr. Terrific on the science side and had more stories where they take the spotlight. For the martial artist's side, they have Richard Dragon, Shiva, Bronze Tiger, David Cain, and a whole lot more. All these characters rarely get promoted because Batman has to be both the smartest DC character and the best fighter who's only behind his adopted daughter (Cassandra). DC does have plenty of characters who all fill different niches, but it's always Batman who gets highlighted.

        This. Batman should be the jack-of-all-trade character, not the foremost expert in every field. The Question and Detective Chimp should be better detectives, DC's dozens of scientist heroes and villains should be better at science and engineering than Batman in these fields, and the same applies to DC's dozens of martial arts heroes and villains. At least they don't try and make Batman the default expert on magic, but given how many characters exist that all fill different niches, that's asking for the bare minimum. I like when Batman is actually written as a street-level hero who combines gadgets, martial arts, and detective skills at a proficient level, not the current Batwank we have right now who should theoretically have the power to transform the entire planet with his intellect and resources.

        • 1 year ago

          >At least they don't try and make Batman the default expert on magic

      • 1 year ago

        I am so mad. I wish La Mole got a solo book and got played by a Big Name to revive his legacy.

    • 1 year ago

      >I love batman but I always thought Lex was basically the "smartest" aside from maybe Braniac and the smartest "person" and Batman was like top 3 or 5. I don't think he's even the greatest detective. Isn't Detective Chimp the greatest detective? Batman is one of the few people that is in the top 5 for smarts in every subject plus detective work/critical thinking though. That is my understanding. I love Batman. He doesn't have to be the number 1 at the expense of cannon though.

      can Batman or Lex really be the smartest? Seems like batman's trauma damages how he thinks. And Lex's narcissism warps his perception of information. Like would it even matter if you were the smartest if the minds interacting with the information are so warped or damaged?

      I don'tknow, batman and lex don't even make sense in 2023. They are suppose to be normal humans but no normal human could manage all the information they have. They essentially have mind or time superpowers, but DC doesn't want to acknowledge it

      The only way anyone would believe how able batman is, is if they are a kid and have no idea how much time anything skill related takes up.

      • 1 year ago

        Agreed. Both Batman and Lex having flaws makes them compelling as characters and humanizes them.

  14. 1 year ago

    *Is the chaddest character to ever exist*

  15. 1 year ago

    Because he has been since the 40's, is isnt a better scientist, Bruce is a better problem solver, but he has no passion for science, is just a tool for him, Bruce wont try to invent time travel if he doesn't need to find somehow lost in time, i dont get why morons get so triggered, if superman can be the strongest there;s no good reason why batman cant be the smartest man on earth, as long as that is put in perspective, he is peak human and has to train to keep himself in shape, he can be smarter as long as that doesn't translate into being a better scientist.

  16. 1 year ago

    It's called Detective Comics Comics for a reason OP

  17. 1 year ago

    Well, for starters he carries his piece of radioactive rock in a lead box instead of on his hand like a moron.

    • 1 year ago

      because batman wants to keep it hidden, meanwhile Lex shows it all the time so superman can't get near him.

  18. 1 year ago
  19. 1 year ago

    it's called batwank. every writer wishes to write batman because they know people will always buy batman comics and so securing a well paid run and probably awards by organizations who don't like comics but love batman.

  20. 1 year ago

    Any truly smart guy can figure out that being big tough and scary is being the smartest

  21. 1 year ago

    Batman is just a crazy as The Joker, just in the other direction. That’s why all the heroes of DC are canonically afraid of him: they’re thankful he landed on the good side of the coin i stead of the evil one.

  22. 1 year ago

    There is no way Lex considers Bruce "intelligent" let alone most-intelligent. To him, Bruce is a clever ape but he wouldn't see that as the same sort of intellect as what he possesses.
    That sleuthing and deduction is to genius like puns are to humor, the lowest form of that genre. That Lex creates new things out of nothing while Bruce is at best assembling a jigsaw puzzle.

    I'm not saying I agree with Lex but thats how Lex would think of the matter,

    • 1 year ago

      >There is no way Lex considers Bruce "intelligent" let alone most-intelligent. To him, Bruce is a clever ape but he wouldn't see that as the same sort of intellect as what he possesses.
      >That sleuthing and deduction is to genius like puns are to humor, the lowest form of that genre. That Lex creates new things out of nothing while Bruce is at best assembling a jigsaw puzzle.

      does this lex realize that batman is also bruce wayne? Someone that rivals him n business?

  23. 1 year ago

    World War Hulk would never have happened if BatCHAD were sent to marvel.

    • 1 year ago

      Early-80s Hulk was like that, he was getting knocked out every other issue of *his own comic* by knockout gas. At the time, the Hulk was less of a force of nature that he became, battling the hulk became like battling a hurricane or godzilla, but was a proxy for a frankenstein's monster storytelling. And that storytelling often needed to have him removed from the playing field shortly so, constant knockout gas usage.

      That is NOT the Hulk of today or for the past 30 years.

      • 1 year ago

        Is big green and gamma like?

        then is the same character with less gas based perils

        • 1 year ago

          Its hard to explain unless you've read the issues, the late-70s and early-80s Hulk wasnt even really the main character of his own book but a plot point. This issue is the one that always represented that era the most to me, an alien comes to earth looking for the means to save his planet and thinks the Hulk is the key to that saving. The Hulk isn't the main focus of the book, its the *alien* and this was common at the time.

          • 1 year ago

            >Its hard to explain unless you've read the issues, the late-70s and early-80s Hulk wasnt even really the main character of his own book but a plot point. This issue is the one that always represented that era the most to me, an alien comes to earth looking for the means to save his planet and thinks the Hulk is the key to that saving. The Hulk isn't the main focus of the book, its the *alien* and this was common at the time.

            ah the Michael bay way of doing a story. Treat the super or robot or whatever as a thing happening to normal people

          • 1 year ago
          • 1 year ago

            Ok, serious question here, how many comics can hulkgays count that started with "Hey, look that moron nerd, let's poke him and insult his momma, what's the worst that could happen?"

  24. 1 year ago

    He eats five pounds of bat brains every single night before he goes out crime-fighting, to boost his natural intellect.

  25. 1 year ago


  26. 1 year ago

    >has the power of two manhattans
    >faster than wally, who quite literally outsped the speedforce itself
    >immune to gag characters and toonforce
    >every single being is part of his nigh endless army of batmen from the dark multiverse
    >he has all of their knowledge, skills, and powers too
    >smartest being in the multiverse
    >has the power to destroy the entire omniverse
    >his sidekick is a robin who has a counter for everyone to exist, he also has all this knowledge too
    >already defeated cosmic entities like the phantom stranger, the spectre, the monitor, nix uotan, batmanhattan, and wally with manhattan's powers on the mobius chair and the like with no real powers and with relative ease
    >killed everyone in his home universe, including all the cosmic entities
    >has society batarangs that corrupt whoever they touch
    >can't be harmed by beings that aren't from the dark multiverse
    >darkseid, the anti monitor, and superboy prime all bow to him
    >all this happens when Batman stops pulling his punches and stops holding back

    • 1 year ago

      the stupidest shit. Its like the evil autist kid that obsesses over Friday the 13th and goku power levels was allowed to write a comic.

    • 1 year ago

      >has the power of two manhattans
      You wish.
      Batmhattan is nowhere close to the real deal level.
      >B-but he a-also got W-Wally powers...
      Who were leftovers from a single blast casually used to kill Metron and Owlman.

      • 1 year ago


        Umbra del Noche was omniversal and created his own multiverse. Forget just resetting it, og Manhattan couldn't even erase Superman from any universe.
        Batmanhattan >>>>>> weak former manhattan

        Batmanhattan is omniversal and did things Osterman canonically couldn't do.

  27. 1 year ago

    Reminder that Batman is canonically true omniscient.

    • 1 year ago

      isnt that before lawlenkekbat cuts his brain out and has his brobuddies put his brain in his place?

  28. 1 year ago
  29. 1 year ago

    It's fiction.

  30. 1 year ago

    This page is bullshit. Hell Batman doesn't even hit the top ten. HES NOT EVEN THE WORLD'S GREATEST DETECTIVE! Jack of all trades, master of none. Shall I list people smarter than him?

    • 1 year ago


      • 1 year ago

        >Mister Terrific
        >Lex Luthor
        >Doctor Sivanna
        >Ray Palmer
        >T.O. Morrow
        >Doctor William Magnus

        Yes he does. Read all the original Superman races, Ice and cold slows him down immensely, being in the arctic cause him to have a major debuff.

        >Read all the original Superman races
        Oh yeah, when Green Lantern was weak to yellow paint and Wonder Woman was weak to bondage. C'mon

        • 1 year ago

          Mister Terrific's literal catchphrase is: "I'm the third smartest in the world after Batman and Lex Luthor"
          Batman beat Superman with a robot while Lex has never
          Sivana can't even beat Shazam and Lex has been confirmed smarter than him
          Batman already mastered Palmer's shrinking tech even though that's his only achievement
          Batman has effortlessly rebuilt TO Morrow's one and only notable achievement, Red Tornado, from scratch like recreating this guy's masterpiece is no big deal
          The Metal Men have never accomplished anything that Batman's mech suits and robots couldn't do much better

          Batchad wins.

          • 1 year ago

            >after Batman
            Bullshit. Yeah he's the third, but Batman sure as hell isn't 2nd.
            >Sivana can't even beat Shazam and Lex has been confirmed smarter than him
            Sivana has made shit out of a wrist watch alone, and Lex has complimented his genius. That's not even touching artificial time
            >Batman already mastered Palmer's shrinking tech
            Big deal, he looked at Palmer's notes, who did all of the hard work already.
            >Batman has effortlessly rebuilt TO Morrow's
            Again, copying notes.
            >Metal Men never accomplished anything
            They're sentient metal for Christ sake.

            Get the frick off my board, casual Bathomosexual

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