How many of the other MCU movies do I have to watch to be able to follow the story in the 3 MCU Spider-Man movies?

How many of the other MCU movies do I have to watch to be able to follow the story in the 3 MCU Spider-Man movies? I wanna do a spider-man marathon where I start with the Sam Raimi movies and then watch the Sony ones but outside of Iron Man I haven’t really saw any of the MCU movies. I know Spider-Man shows up in civil war so do I have to watch that first(I’ve never watched any captain America movie so that would be its own problem considering I probably need to watch other movies to understand Civil War itself)? Also I know nothing about Doctor Strange and I see he’s in the 2nd MCU Spider-man. What do you think? I just like spider-man but it looks like I gotta watch a bunch of other shit to keep up with it

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  1. 5 months ago

    Just watch the fricking movies and Google the shit you want expanses upon.

  2. 5 months ago

    Civil War,spiderman,infinity war endgame,Spiderman 2, Spiderman 3. You can watch venom too if you wanted

    • 5 months ago

      I forgot about Venom, I saw both of those movies recently enough actually

      None of it is really all that relevant, if you REALLY give a shit just watch Civil War and Infinity War, those are the only ones that matter all that much.

      Should I watch the first 2 avengers before infinity war?

      • 5 months ago

        Like this guy said
        >Homecoming deals with the aftermath of the first Avengers movie
        but it's not really that big of a plot point, honestly, and the Ultron one has nothing to do with this Spider Man, so you can skip them. I left out Endgame because it sucks but I guess that one is relevant too.

        • 5 months ago

          What’s so bad about endgame? Without any heavy spoilers please, I already know about Stark

          • 5 months ago

            It's full of lazy writing, very cheap fanservice, and ruins Thanos. Infinity War was a perfect MCU ending tbh.

            Will I understand and appreciate Civil War without seeing First Avenger or Winter Soldier?

            Maybe? But probably not. If you want those arcs to make more sense outside of Spidey, yes, you'll have to watch the Cap movies, the avenger ones, and the Iron Man ones.

            • 5 months ago

              Dammit I’ve seen all the Iron Man movies but it’s been ages ago. I remember the first 2 being better than 3. I’ll probably just watch them all then. Thanks for the recs anon

              • 5 months ago

                To be honest if you're looking to be able to appreciate Civil War more, you're probably going to be looking to appreciate Infinity War more, which is probably going to necessitate adding a ton of other MCU flicks, since IW has practically everyone in it and is a culmination of the whole MCU up to that point. Kind of a b***h in that sense.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah..I’m going ahead and getting all the Captain America, Iron Man, and Avengers lined up now. Guess I probably want Thor too right? I just wanted to watch Spider-man but my autism of not understanding references and inside jokes related to other movies is really getting to me.

              • 5 months ago

                Eh, I'd go for the Guardians movies rather than Thor, the Thors are pretty bad, GOTG is decent to good, and the GOTGs are much more relevant to Thanos.

              • 5 months ago

                The first two Thor movies are boring, but Ragnarok is a lot of fun. Steer clear of Love & Thunder, though.

              • 5 months ago

                This, Ragnarok is alright, can't remember when it was set though.

              • 5 months ago

                ragnarok leads directly into infinity war

                >Dr. Strange

                Frick me I forgot about these ones too. I always figured those were just side movies that were filler movies between the big avengers shit. Why the hell did they never make a hulk movie in the MCU?

                ant-man 1 just builds him up for civil war, ant-man 2's end credit scene kind of matters for endgame but they explain it there

              • 5 months ago

                The first two Thor movies are boring, but Ragnarok is a lot of fun. Steer clear of Love & Thunder, though.

                frick bros I’ve never had so many torrents going at once

              • 5 months ago

                Lol I had to torrent the entire thing at someone inept at torrenting's request once.

                >Iron Man 1
                >Cap America 1
                >Iron Man 2
                >Cap America 2
                >Avengers 2(age of ultron )
                >guardians of galaxy (not absolutely necessary but it’s fun)
                >Civil War
                >Spiderman homecoming
                >Infinity War

                This is the definitive list with the least amount of filler capeshit. Nothing else is necessary. Most of the main plot of MCU is in avengers cap and iron man movies

                Ending it on Infinity War is for the best. Endgame is fan service wank and trivializes the ending of Infinity war

                If you're looking to get the Spidey movies, though, Endgame becomes minorly necessary.

              • 5 months ago

                For sure.
                Far From Home is kinda shit though and No Way Home is carried heavy by cameos and meme referencing dialogue

                Decent flicks I guess, and enjoyable if you’re a Spiderman chad

              • 5 months ago

                Spider-Man is really the only Marvel hero I’ve ever liked that much. I like his design and all the villains in his universe the most(I know they technically share universes with other marvel heros but you know what I mean). Batman is the exact same story but for DC.

                This will be controversial because it’s literally “we wuz kangs” the movie- but I thought it was pretty cool. I like the Kendrick Lamar soundtrack and enjoyed the African aesthetic of the movie

                Not crucial to watch it- but it does develop the Black Panther character and introduce Wakanda which is a major setting in Infinity War

                Frick I was hoping it wouldn’t relate to infinity war. Oh well. I’m getting started now with Spider-Man 2002. Probably been at least 15 years since watching this kino

              • 5 months ago

                The only thing it really does is it establishes Wakanda, which is where the ending of infinity war happens. Black panther himself is barely in it, it's mostly just to know the location and slightly give a shit that it's being attacked. Black panther is a decent film tho I all honesty, leaps above the sequel

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah without watching Black Panther you’ll be confused by the sudden influx of African characters in the second act of the movie
                Don’t worry though Black Panther has some kino moments in it despite it being kinda just okay

              • 5 months ago

                Without Spiderman Marvel wouldn’t exist today.
                They have a lot of IP but across comics,animation, live action, toys/merch, video games Spiderman is by far their most valuable.
                Everyone loves Spiderman and it’s for a reason. He’s simply the best and despite being a white New Yorker he’s highly relatable to most male demographics. Timeless iconic design. Every boy has imagined themselves in that costume
                Spiderman fricking rocks despite his actual comics being kinda shit since the 90s

              • 5 months ago

                You forget two important things:
                Hot dead blonde pussy
                Hot redhead pussy
                Peter is the ultimate self insert martyr but at the same time a self insert Hot waifu

              • 5 months ago

                >Symbiote suit/Venom
                >Felicia Hardy -LatexFetish criminal waifu
                >self insert for both lonely nerds and alpha chads since Spiderman is simultaneously both
                He’s just the best
                It’s kinda weird how much Marverl Comics have cucked and punished the character in recent years- and wonder why comic sales have dwindled.
                Really hoping Tom Hollands next Spiderman movie is way better. He’s a good Spiderman but they feel like Disney kid movies with weak artistic direction
                Also hoping they give Andrew Garfield another chance to be Spiderman

              • 5 months ago

                >Symbiote suit/Venom
                I think this is what really hooked me into Spider-Man, Venom is such a wicked looking character that it made me really interested in Spider-Man as a kid. I’ve been playing the 2018 video game recently on PC and it revived my interest in the series. Sucks that part 2 probably won’t come to pc for years

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah it’s definitely a big hook for Spiderman fans.
                At the time a story about a costume with special abilities altering the personality/character or the wearer was genius. Design itself is an awesome take on Spider-Man’s costume- minimalistic, black, and menacing which was a cool subversion of the colorful and hopeful Red and Blue costume
                Venom is cool as frick and is definitely one of Spider-Man’s grittier and hard hitting stories

              • 5 months ago

                Interesting point with Peter being a self insert for both nerds and chads. The same can be said about batman. Perhaps this is the secret key to mega success. Also agree on artistic direction to some extent even tho I do think it all works really well in homecoming especially

              • 5 months ago

                Goku is another character that has this same type of mass appeal.
                Inherent masculinity and heroism are important
                Homecoming is pretty good. It’s b-about as good as Spiderman 3. It’s sequels were a mess and I don’t enjoy watching them.

              • 5 months ago

                Huh that’s neat to know. I always thought Captain America or Iron Man was bigger. Weird how they waited until 2017 to introduce spidey to the current universe

              • 5 months ago

                Around 2012 they were discussing with Sony introducing Andrew Garfield Amazing Spider-Man to MCU but it never went through. Sony and Marvel fought over control and profits. Also Amazing Spiderman 2 underperformed and was critically panned even by capeshitters and they lost faith in Andrew
                Tom Holland Spiderman exists out of them finally being able to settle a deal which lead to him being just suddenly thrown into Civil War.

              • 5 months ago

                Does the 2nd Andrew movie have Rhino as the final baddie? I feel like I’ve watched that movie before but it’s such a blur for some reason. I remember it had that school shooter looking guy from Chronicle as Harry I think

              • 5 months ago

                Yes. Those movies were rough to get through.

              • 5 months ago

                Yeah they didn't have movie rights, those were sold off by Marvel before disney bought it.

              • 5 months ago

                Keep in mind only really Doctor Strange ,Infinity War and Endgame is all you need if you solely want to watch the next Spiderman movies
                I only suggest the movies leading up to Infinity War and Endgame because those movies are a confusing overwhelming cluster frick to watch since they reference a decade of MCU storytelling

              • 5 months ago

                Guardians 3 happens way after endgame so it's not necessary for spiderman but imo it's the best mcu movie by far and you're probably gonna wanna watch it anyway. Also Dr strange is not necessary but it's a lot better than a lot of the ones here I like it. I'd say you can skip thor 2 especially but it does help with the opening of ragnarok, so you could really just fast forward through it. I also do think you could skip ironman 3 entirely tbh, it serves no use and his arc gets retconned immediately after. I'd say you'd get more out of switching it out for antman 1

              • 5 months ago

                >Dr. Strange

                Frick me I forgot about these ones too. I always figured those were just side movies that were filler movies between the big avengers shit. Why the hell did they never make a hulk movie in the MCU?

              • 5 months ago

                They did invincible hulk and you can watch it before avengers if you REALLY want to but it serves no purpose since it's not even the same actor. Thor Ragnarok is basically a Thor/Hulk buddy up movie tho. Also yeah I do think ant man and Dr strange are better and more important than Thor 2 and ironman 3

              • 5 months ago

                Doctor Strange is a cool movie
                Ant Man is kind of a goofy but fun movie

                Ant Man isn’t really all that essential to the plot other than introducing the hero.
                All you have to know is that it’s Paul Rudd playing himself and he can grow and shrink

              • 5 months ago

                >Iron Man 1
                >Cap America 1
                >Iron Man 2
                >Cap America 2
                >Avengers 2(age of ultron )
                >guardians of galaxy (not absolutely necessary but it’s fun)
                >Civil War
                >Spiderman homecoming
                >Infinity War

                This is the definitive list with the least amount of filler capeshit. Nothing else is necessary. Most of the main plot of MCU is in avengers cap and iron man movies

                Ending it on Infinity War is for the best. Endgame is fan service wank and trivializes the ending of Infinity war

              • 5 months ago

                Forgot to add Thor Ragnarok. Only necessary Thor movie as it sets up Infinity War nicely. Would watch it after Spiderman

              • 5 months ago

                I’m for sure gonna watch all those before moving on to the 2nd and 3rd MCU spidey movies.

                Last question, do I gotta watch black panther?

              • 5 months ago

                This will be controversial because it’s literally “we wuz kangs” the movie- but I thought it was pretty cool. I like the Kendrick Lamar soundtrack and enjoyed the African aesthetic of the movie

                Not crucial to watch it- but it does develop the Black Panther character and introduce Wakanda which is a major setting in Infinity War

              • 5 months ago

                You can totally skip Black Panther, it's not even really relevant for IW or anything else.

  3. 5 months ago

    None of it is really all that relevant, if you REALLY give a shit just watch Civil War and Infinity War, those are the only ones that matter all that much.

  4. 5 months ago

    Homecoming deals with the aftermath of the first Avengers movie, and Far From Home deals with Stark's death from Endgame, but besides that they're pretty much self-contained stories.

  5. 5 months ago

    I guess if you're looking for Tony's arc in Infinity War to make more sense, you should watch them; but if you only care about this Spider man, they're not really relevant.

  6. 5 months ago

    Will I understand and appreciate Civil War without seeing First Avenger or Winter Soldier?

    • 5 months ago

      Not really. It’s the third movie in a trilogy focused on Captain America. Wont really make any sense unless you see Winter Soldier
      Winter Soldier and First Avenger are both good capeshit flicks

    • 5 months ago

      It's a good movie in itself, but watching Winter Solider first will give you a better appreciation of Bucky. The first Captain America movie isn't really necessary.

    • 5 months ago

      Civil War isn't even good. It's Spider-Man's first foray into the series but his first movie does an introduction like you've never seen civil war, and nothing of consequence happens in civil war anyway it's just a gay side film that sucks and is worth not even your time.

  7. 5 months ago

    Howard The Duck 1986
    Guardians of the Galaxy 2014
    Iron Man 2008
    Spider-Man 2002
    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 2017
    Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3 2023
    Blade 1998
    Doctor Strange 2016
    Avengers: Infinity War 2018
    Avengers: Endgame 2019
    Spider-Man 2 2004
    Iron Man 2 2010
    Spider-Man 3 2007
    Spider-Man: No Way Home 2021
    Deadpool 2016
    Iron Man 3 2013
    Logan 2017
    Avengers: Age of Ultron 2015
    Captain America: Civil War 2016
    Captain America: The Winter Soldier 2014
    The Avengers 2012
    Deadpool 2 2018
    X-Men 2000
    Thor 2011
    Spider-Man: Homecoming 2017
    Captain America: The First Avenger 2011
    Ant-Man 2015
    Spider-Man: Far From Home 2019
    Blade Trinity 2004
    The Incredible Hulk 2008
    Blade II 2002
    Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness 2022
    X-Men Origins: Wolverine 2009
    Fantastic Four 2005
    Dark Phoenix 2019
    Thor: The Dark World 2013
    X-Men: Days of Future Past 2014
    Black Widow 2021
    The Wolverine 2013
    Venom: Let There Be Carnage 2021
    X-Men: First Class 2011
    Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer 2007
    Venom 2018
    X-Men: Apocalypse 2016
    Daredevil 2003
    Hulk 2003
    X-Men: The Last Stand 2006
    The Punisher 2004
    Black Panther 2018
    X2 2003
    Ant-Man and the Wasp 2018
    Punisher: War Zone 2008
    Thor: Ragnarok 2017
    The Amazing Spider-Man 2012
    Thor: Love and Thunder 2022
    Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania 2023
    Ghost Rider 2007
    The Amazing Spider-Man 2 2014
    Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings 2021
    Elektra 2005
    Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance 2011
    Fantastic Four 2015
    Black Panther: Wakanda Forever 2022
    Captain Marvel 2019
    The Marvels 2023
    Morbius 2022
    Eternals 2021

    • 5 months ago

      Damn you could have put this shitpost in order at least

      • 5 months ago

        He's doing the reddit "chronological story order" meme.

        • 5 months ago

          wtf is that actually the true chronological order? How the hell would anyone know unless they explicitly state the exact date in each film

          • 5 months ago

            The shitposty part is that he includes remakes and reboots, but yeah it looks about right. In the MCU movies they do have a lot of hints about the years they take place in and references that help you sort out orders of events relative to each other. Most of the pre-MCU movies just tend to take place in the year the movie comes out because it's just "present day."

      • 5 months ago

        It’s in order of how good they are

  8. 5 months ago

    >How many of the other MCU movies do I have to watch to be able to follow the story in the 3 MCU Spider-Man movies?
    Here's the only real answer, watch the following in this order:
    Spider-Man Homecoming
    Avengers Infinity War (know that in Endgame there's a 5 year time gap and then everyone who got snapped away comes back because that's the only relevant detail for Spider-Man)
    Spider-Man Far From Home
    Spider-Man No Way Home
    That's all you need to fully appreciate MCU Spider-Man's full story. Even Civil War doesn't matter even though Spider-Man technically appears in it.

  9. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      I swear watching someone talk about the movies for 5 fricking hours is so much worse than just watching all 500 hours of it, even the shittiest ones

      • 5 months ago

        If you’ve watched everything all that’s left is reviews and analysis.

  10. 5 months ago

    Going back to the past, how could Sam Raimi save his Spiderman trilogy? Spiderman 4?

    • 5 months ago

      Spiderman 3 needed a lot of work to be good. It has good ideas but they're not worked well into a cohesive story, especially the way the movie just gives up on even trying to set up a third act and just randomly says "frick it, MJ on a roof". It reminds me of revenge of the sith not only cause of its meme status but in that it could have legitimately been good if it had been developed some more and had the flack cut off

      • 5 months ago

        Here’s how I’d fix it
        >Black Spiderman kills Sandman in sewer fight which leads to him going to Church to free himself of suit
        >Rewrite all of of James Franco scenes and include more Willem DeFoe
        >Recast Eddie Brock (off the top of my head- Chris Evans )
        >Venom Redesigned to not look moronic
        >Harry does not turn a new leaf and act like a total bro to Spiderman in the end. He and Venom team up to take on Spiderman. In a moment of schizo personality switch he sacrifices himself to save Peter
        >Eddie Brock doesn’t die at end. After both Sandman and GreenGoblin dying- Peter wants to save Eddie and blows up the symbiote with the Pumpkin Bomb
        Eddie grows to hate Peter even more and vows to kill him in the future
        >Spiderman breaks up with MJ at the end of the movie and free him up to a new romance in Spiderman 4. MJ would be useless narratively in Spiderman 4. Black Cat would be better

        • 5 months ago

          Respectfully this would not fix anything and just makes things even more convoluted

          • 5 months ago

            Movie MJ stopped being a good person in Spiderman 2. I think Peter growing up and walking away from this broken woman he loves is for the best. He doesn’t want to endanger her anymore. The only thing interesting they have left for the character is making her mom and that wouldn’t be interesting unless they did a big time skip for Spiderman 4

            I think having Sandman in the final act makes the movie feel bloated. I think killing him off would be more impactful and make him a more tragic character while also creating a mistake that Peter has to atone for in the end of the movie with saving Eddie. I think this plays better into some of the darker themes the movie explored

            • 5 months ago

              Here’s how I’d fix it
              >Black Spiderman kills Sandman in sewer fight which leads to him going to Church to free himself of suit
              >Rewrite all of of James Franco scenes and include more Willem DeFoe
              >Recast Eddie Brock (off the top of my head- Chris Evans )
              >Venom Redesigned to not look moronic
              >Harry does not turn a new leaf and act like a total bro to Spiderman in the end. He and Venom team up to take on Spiderman. In a moment of schizo personality switch he sacrifices himself to save Peter
              >Eddie Brock doesn’t die at end. After both Sandman and GreenGoblin dying- Peter wants to save Eddie and blows up the symbiote with the Pumpkin Bomb
              Eddie grows to hate Peter even more and vows to kill him in the future
              >Spiderman breaks up with MJ at the end of the movie and free him up to a new romance in Spiderman 4. MJ would be useless narratively in Spiderman 4. Black Cat would be better

              Respectfully this would not fix anything and just makes things even more convoluted

              >Eddie Brock gets a scene showcasing more of his character in the first act. He’s a tough Chad version of Peter Parker who is banging Gwen Stacy. Make him likable but also show that he’s a bad guy
              >Place more narrative importance on his rivalry between Peter Parker. Have him showcase his photojournalism talents by letting him discover Spider-Man’s identity and attempting to blackmail Peter with it.

              I know it’s not perfect and would require massive overhauls to the script but there’s a lot more they could have done with Eddie. casting the 70s show dweeb was one of the biggest mistakes of that movie.

  11. 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      This is dumb since the multiverse isn't even introduced until NWH, so the video would just cover what comes after which makes it useless

      • 5 months ago

        Since the concept of the multiverse was introduced that means to fans all movies are now canon in separate timelines.

      • 5 months ago

        Also NWH is where we are right now. The story hasn’t progressed since then.

        • 5 months ago

          Dr strange 2 happens after. Also loki show which I haven't seen. Both multiverse slop which is what the video probably talks about

          • 5 months ago

            Good lord man, your question has been answered. Figure it out.

  12. 5 months ago

    Uhhhhh what the frick capeshitbros? I didn’t know I Spider-Man was fricking based

    • 5 months ago

      Such a fun movie

      • 5 months ago

        Lmao at the next scene
        >I missed the part where that’s my problem
        And ahhhhh frick I forgot that’s the guy that kills Ben. Now it’s not as funny

  13. 5 months ago

    I can’t quite put my finger on what it is, but watching this movie after just watching Evil Dead 2 a few weeks ago I can really tell they are made by the same director. Something about the camera shots and the overacting from Topher really reminds me of Bruce from Evil Dead

    • 5 months ago

      Tobey I meant, not Topher. I’ll never not get those 2 people confused and it doesn’t help they were both in Spider-Man 3

  14. 5 months ago

    Kristen Dunst perky rain nipples

  15. 5 months ago

    Was gonna make an actual reply until I saw who the homosexual asking is

    • 5 months ago

      From /hor/ I’m assuming?

      • 5 months ago

        yeah, because that's the only place you ever post, right?
        frick off , homosexual, I hope you lose your finger in a meat slicer

        • 5 months ago

          What’s your deal guy? What’s with your attitude?

  16. 5 months ago

    You can just watch the three movies. They recap some of the stories at the start

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