How much of The Sopranos success can be attributed to him?

I watched MSoN and couldn’t believe how bad it was, and this dude plastered his name all over it like it was his magnum opus or something

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  1. 12 months ago

    It was a collaborative effort but he still contributed a lot obviously
    Yeah Saints of Newark was garbage but he's hardly the first person to make something great and then make something that was shit

    • 12 months ago

      Fibby pippy

  2. 12 months ago

    The only good parts of the show were because of the consultants that used real life mob stories. Literally everyone I know skipped the therapy scenes and all of the ham fisted dream sequences. Growing up is realizing that sopranos was kind of mid

    • 12 months ago

      >Literally everyone I know skipped the therapy scenes
      So your mom skipped the therapy scenes? Okay

      • 12 months ago

        Go get your fricking shine box

      • 12 months ago


        The only good parts of the show were because of the consultants that used real life mob stories. Literally everyone I know skipped the therapy scenes and all of the ham fisted dream sequences. Growing up is realizing that sopranos was kind of mid

        ok zoomer

    • 12 months ago

      have a nice day, dumb frick zoomer.

    • 12 months ago

      The people who think Sopranos is great are the same people who think Breaking Bad is great. They're both good entertainment (better than average mainstream garbage) but it's not like the world couldn't function without them.

      The Wire on the other hand is an example of something Actually Good.

      • 12 months ago

        The only good parts of the show were because of the consultants that used real life mob stories. Literally everyone I know skipped the therapy scenes and all of the ham fisted dream sequences. Growing up is realizing that sopranos was kind of mid

      • 12 months ago

        list all shows that are something Actually Good

        • 12 months ago

          The Wire
          Fargo S01-03
          True Detective S01
          Twin Peaks
          Better Call S01-05

          BB and Sopranos are very mid compared to this cohort.

          >the world couldn't function without them
          What the frick kind of metric is that to measure a show's quality with? That is the case for literally every single show that has ever been made in the history of television, and will ever be made.


          • 12 months ago


            • 12 months ago

              S1&S2 of Fargo are genuine 10/10s. S3 is a 8.5/10.

      • 12 months ago

        >the world couldn't function without them
        What the frick kind of metric is that to measure a show's quality with? That is the case for literally every single show that has ever been made in the history of television, and will ever be made.

      • 12 months ago

        >The people who think Sopranos is great are the same people who think Breaking Bad is great.

        Well that's untrue. I really like Sopranos but can't make myself finish Breaking Bad again because of how corny and bad it is on a second viewing.

        • 12 months ago

          Breaking Bad is nowhere near as funny, clever or interesting as Sopranos. Also Sopranos character are like real people and BB characters are cartoons

          • 12 months ago

            >Also Sopranos character are like real people and BB characters are cartoons
            It's insane to me that LatAm Sopranos fans sincerely think this lmao

            • 12 months ago

              I have family members that are just like AJ, Janice, Livia and Meadow. Perhaps the gangster characters are more "larger than life" but they seem pretty authentic to me too.

          • 12 months ago

            The problem with Sopranos is that the writing becomes too self-aware of its own cleverness as the show progresses. The show is literally only watchable because Gandolfini is an insanely good actor. If they had cast anyone else in that role, most people on Cinemaphile wouldn't have heard of the show.

            • 12 months ago

              That isn't anything against Sopranos though. The same could be said of many, many shows where the main draw and best actor is...surprise, the main character.

          • 12 months ago

            Yeah I agree. Tuco comes to mind immediately.

    • 12 months ago

      No, those scenes are kino. Imagine skipping them. What a midwit.

  3. 12 months ago

    Excuse me , just being the GOAT

  4. 12 months ago

    It's understood the real talent was Terence Winter in the writers room and Gandolfini's presence carrying the show on-screen. Tim Van Patten and Matthew Weiner (later in the run) were also indispensable.
    I guess you have to give Chase credit for getting the green light + identifying / putting together the pieces.

  5. 12 months ago

    >makes Deadwood kino
    >comes back years later and revisits it without completely humiliating it
    >dies of Alzheimers
    >refuses to elaborate
    Yep I'm thinking he won

    • 12 months ago

      Tragic when a gigabrain gets Alzeheimer's

  6. 12 months ago

    >and this dude plastered his name all over it like it was his magnum opus or something
    As if that wasn't hbo cashing in on his name as much as they were cashing in on the name tony soprano, and the sopranos brand. Chase just wanted to make a movie about the newark riots.

    • 12 months ago

      Even so, he made it, he's responsible for it, and it was utter trash

      • 12 months ago

        >david chase is a moron
        Yeah anon that’s what we’re trying to discuss

        Yeah, it was a bad movie. However, I doubt he had any say in how his name was used in the marketing, just like he didn't have any say over them marketing it as the tony soprano origin story.

    • 12 months ago

      >david chase is a moron
      Yeah anon that’s what we’re trying to discuss

  7. 12 months ago

    I’ll be so happy when he’s in hell

  8. 12 months ago

    I liked Many Saints of Newark.

  9. 12 months ago

    At that point in his career, Chase was absolutely the one who made it work, but there are factors like what other writers brought to the table, and how it was essentially the first show of its kind to be able to experiment with the cable (lack of) ruleset (well there was Oz first and then 6FU, but Sopranos really became symbolic of what HBO let writers get away with). It's well known that he put a lot of his own family experience and life insight into the characters like Livia basically being his mother, all the hypocrisy, etc. as well as unleashing his bottled up frustrations from failing to become a movie director and working on very regulated network TV in the previous decades.

    MSoN. Whatever happened there? The work of an old guy with nothing left to say. It was really embarrassing. Was it him being senile, or HBO pushing him to do it, and him saying frick it for the money, or to use it as a pretext to do his race riot movie? In many cases, great showrunners make for poor film writers, it's a different format, shows shine on long form storytelling and character development. He dedicated his best creative decade to the Sopranos.

    Winter was very important as his right-hand guy. They completed each other. But look at his solo work and you'll see stark differences. Derivative mob shit, but great humor. I think Chase didn't care for mob shit, so let Winter structure that aspect of the show.

    It's also true that Gandolfini elevated the material. I think they initially wanted to cast Ray Liotta, it would have never took off the same way. Just an extremely lucky and genius casting choice.

    Weiner is extremely overstated, only was hired late. He was however really good at milking the "from a Sopranos writer" cred to market Mad Men early on, and Mad Men tried to continue some of those themes, so he became emblematic of that for some reason.

    Green & Burgess were the 3rd/4th most important writers, but rarely get credit because they didn't do anything of note afterwards.

    • 12 months ago

      >Green & Burgess
      Don’t they do Blue Bloods?

    • 12 months ago

      Thanks for the actual analysis instead of reddit-tier meme posting. The casting definitely played a big part in its success. Jim was the most important as he got a better performance out of everyone else, but the entire core cast was perfect. Also it was made in a time before forced diversity which we can't discount.

    • 12 months ago

      Good post. Winter, green, burgess and gandolfini were all the essential ingredients that made the show utter kino in those first 5 seasons. I think chase was important in the sense that he was kind of a no bullshit edgy guy, and let his writers and actors create their art without letting his ego or the studio get in the way too much

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