How powerful should the Martian Manhunter be?

What should be the limit to his powers?

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  1. 4 months ago

    His primary power should be complete control over his form. All other subpowers should be parts of that shapeshifting, with logical rules following it. For example any super strength, flight, and speed should be dependent on him shapeshifting into a creature with those natural abilities. His invisibility and phasing should be explained as him shifting into a cloud of mist or sliding his atoms between the atoms of something else. Telepathy should be contingent on physical contact with the other person, and if you want to be really creepy about it he can shapeshifting his fingers into tendrils that weave their way into the person's brain to read their mind or even control them.

    • 4 months ago

      >His primary power should be complete control over his form. All other subpowers should be parts of that shapeshifting, with logical rules following it.
      I love this. His weakness to fire could also be tied to his shapeshifting.

      >Telepathy should be contingent on physical contact with the other person, and if you want to be really creepy about it he can shapeshifting his fingers into tendrils that weave their way into the person's brain to read their mind or even control them.
      Good call here, it would set him apart from other telepaths and give him a reason to sneak up on people, making disguising himself a necessity.

      • 4 months ago

        >I love this. His weakness to fire could also be tied to his shapeshifting.
        Explain it as the heat energizing his atoms beyond what he can control, at risk of them literally flying apart at the seams.

        • 4 months ago

          >Explain it as the heat energizing his atoms beyond what he can control, at risk of them literally flying apart at the seams.
          I like that.

  2. 4 months ago

    I don't know, I think he should have the basic of everything I guess

    • 4 months ago

      >I don't know, I think he should have the basic of everything I guess
      I think one of the issues with his powers, they are just a bit of everything. I think it would help the character if there were more specifications to his abilities and limitations. You don’t want him to just be a Kryptonian with some extra powers and a weakness to fire.

  3. 4 months ago

    Al his powers should be psychic based. I never liked him as a Kryptonian plus a shitload of psychic things.

    If he rearranges his form into something else then it needs to be some kind of psychic power over his bodyparts. Invisibility should be a psychic projection. Superstrength and invulnerability should be more practical telekinesis.

    • 4 months ago

      You could have the shapeshifting and psionic powers connected, like with Martians there’s less distinction between their mind and body.

    • 4 months ago

      Hows about frick off non fan.

  4. 4 months ago

    Remove the kryptonian power package from martians. That's comical overkill. Telepathy, shapeshifting, invisibility and intangibility are already an insanelyy strong powerset.

    • 4 months ago

      Agreed. J’onn’s base form shouldn’t be anywhere near Superman level.

      • 4 months ago

        I actually like J'onn being around Superman's level when Supes is still holding back. Maybe J'onn is, at his peak output with all the crazy shapeshifting power up that

        His primary power should be complete control over his form. All other subpowers should be parts of that shapeshifting, with logical rules following it. For example any super strength, flight, and speed should be dependent on him shapeshifting into a creature with those natural abilities. His invisibility and phasing should be explained as him shifting into a cloud of mist or sliding his atoms between the atoms of something else. Telepathy should be contingent on physical contact with the other person, and if you want to be really creepy about it he can shapeshifting his fingers into tendrils that weave their way into the person's brain to read their mind or even control them.

        this anon suggested, nearing Superman's level of raw "lol lmao", but falls short otherwise

  5. 4 months ago

    Slight super strength. Plus all his other powers and weaknesses.

  6. 4 months ago

    Having his psychic and shapeshifting powers be the main focus also makes him more interesting as a League founder, since none of the other founders have those powers.

  7. 4 months ago

    Ice cold take, I don’t mind J’onn being absolutely stacked with powers up to Clark’s level, because fire is such an exploitable weakness. It’s like how vampires get all sorts of crazy powers but there’s almost always an out. J’onn always has to be careful and think about situations tactically or risk the ol’ FIRE BAD

    Now, when they let him overcome the fire weakness, THAT is a bad idea.

    • 4 months ago

      He's an exaggerated version of Superman: even more powers, even more alien, holds life to be even more sacred, and has a much more common weakness

    • 4 months ago

      >Now, when they let him overcome the fire weakness, THAT is a bad idea.

  8. 4 months ago

    Stronger than superman

  9. 4 months ago

    A lot

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