How powerful would the droid army be irl?

How powerful would the droid army be irl?

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  1. 4 months ago

    They'd get curbstomped by a WW1 army at the very latest

  2. 4 months ago

    Droid army irl? I mean AI nowadays can track your head pretty well and if they lock onto you are dead. The only problem is that AI can't adapt or think for themselves which in case people like General Grievous point and led the army

  3. 4 months ago

    With these tactics even Napoleon could beat them.

    • 4 months ago

      It's been years since I watched it but why did the droid army come out and meet the Gungans on the field? They had control of the city, why wouldn't they fortify it and force the Gungans try and take the city to defeat them?

      • 4 months ago

        Or just bomb them with long range cannons or aerial units. It doesn't really matter because they won regardless. In the end the Gungan attack was meaningless because the droids were shut down by Anakin.

      • 4 months ago

        They have honor.

      • 4 months ago

        because its a movie and not written by a tactician you moron

      • 4 months ago

        They sallied forth to prevent mass rape and pillaging by the gungans in the city they were struggling to control.

      • 4 months ago

        Because battles take place in a field, duh. Haven't you seen Braveheart lol?
        I bet Lucas was super salty when Two Towers came out.

      • 4 months ago

        >infantry squares
        >no air or artillery support
        >they all deactivate when the control unit dies
        not very

        because the main commanders are two scared israelites currently residing in the city who want the battle as far away from them as possible

      • 4 months ago

        it was written by George Lucas

  4. 4 months ago

    A better question is this:
    What is the Confederations tax policy?
    No need to ask this for the Republic because they're almost certainly a highly corrupt and incompetent tax-and-spend government

    • 4 months ago

      >Luke, did I ever tell you about the The Republic Tax Collection Agency?
      >The Republic Tax Collection Agency was an organization that collected taxes during the time of the Galactic Republic. Widely hated for it's overly-complicated and extremely harsh taxation, it's burdensome financial regulations during a time of slowing Galactic GDP growth (due to the end of Supply-Side economic consensus) were one of the causes of the Galactic Financial Crisis that ushered in the Palpatine Regime.
      >It was replaced by the Imperial Taxation Bureau under the New Order.
      >And it was a good friend.

      • 4 months ago


  5. 4 months ago

    How were the Separatists even the bad guys? The lore is that they are worlds that want to secede from the Republic which implies that all these planets are forced to be in the enlightened space democracy. Plus the reason they want to leave is that they believe the Republic is corrupt and they were absolutely right, it took five seconds for the whole government to collapse into a fascist dictatorship.

    • 4 months ago

      You're treating Separatis Senate and Separatis Council as the same thing. Senate was the poorgays that wanted to not be exploited. Council was the megacorpos that funded the war effort to get behind the scenes benefits.
      Essentialy one are kids dying in Africa and others are Blackrock forcing BLM

    • 4 months ago

      The Separatists leaving the Republic weakens the Republic by losing power and having another faction to deal with. Plus Palpatine manipulating both sides

  6. 4 months ago

    The future of land warfare is air warfare.

  7. 4 months ago

    >Completely shut down by EMP
    What were they thinking

  8. 4 months ago

    Why the frick didn't Padmé just let the senate do their little inquisition? Probably wouldn't have even taken a day. Just fricking teleport over to Naboo, see the Trade Federation's fleet, ask what's up, and then go from there.
    Fricking hate this stupid ass movie.

    • 4 months ago

      >Senate sends a team to check
      >They confirm there are ships there
      >Senate has a meeting
      >Second team is sent to confirm there's an invasion
      >Trade Federation says they can't land
      >Senate holds another meeting
      >Senate decides to send a delegation to the Trade Federation to negotiate allowing the second team to see Naboo
      >Trade Federation says it'll consider it
      >Senate pats itself on the back for a job well done
      >Second team lands on Naboo but isn't allowed to leave the Trade Federation controlled capital city
      >Second team reports this
      >Senate holds another meeting
      Repeat again and again while droids buttfrick Padme and her nubile handmaidens

      • 4 months ago

        No buttfricking ever occurs until Padmé initiates a violent counterattack, which is ironic because she then goes on to "oppose the military creation act" despite spending the entire first movie as rebel scum trying to receive militant aid, causing a violent conflict where none otherwise existed.

    • 4 months ago

      Filtered moron.

  9. 4 months ago

    How the frick do the Jedi afford anything? Are they just glorified sellswords with religious undertones, like the Faceless Men from ASOIAF? Why do they even align with the Republic? Shouldn't these homies be on the street condemning 99% of adherents to the Senate and Coruscant's nightlife for their sodomy and shit?
    What the literal frick is the point of the Jedi Order? Like owning a laser sword and having telekinesis- that I get. But the Jedi Order specifically, the frick is this shit even about? Even Luke is obsessed with it despite it literally having betrayed his father who he is, for some unexplained reason, obsessed with.
    There's no benefit to the Order. It's just a weird hivemind with no salary or health benefits and no pussy. How do they even get their recruits? Do they just steal kids? Are they an orphanage? What the frick, George?

    • 4 months ago

      They run a massive child slavery ring.

    • 4 months ago

      Their main purpose seems to just be a way to prevent the people who are born with space magic powers from murderfricking the whole galaxy.

    • 4 months ago

      They're space samurai

  10. 4 months ago

    ITT sequelgays desperately try to trash the prequels.

    The prequels are KINO. You gays will always fail.

  11. 4 months ago

    The battle droids were pretty threatening in the first two movies even though they were all controlled by one ship here

    • 4 months ago

      I always assumed the droids seemed weaker in revenge of the sith because the Jedi and clones that were left were the most elite ones

  12. 4 months ago

    Their ground forces are pretty bad, but their air drones>our air drones by a country mile and more or less carry them in spite of the stupid tactics. They would destroy the GPS system and all long-range communications in a day.

  13. 4 months ago

    How come those droids were never seen again?

    • 4 months ago

      They switched to dumber droids that didn't get shut down easily

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