How the frick did she lose?

>Be Azula
>Zapped her brother out of commission
>Comet made her stronger
>Lightning has a type advantage over water and fire has a type advantage over ice.
>Jobbed to an amateur water bender who didn't use blood bending.


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  1. 11 months ago

    >she is off somehow

  2. 11 months ago

    >impregnated by her brother

    • 11 months ago


    • 11 months ago

      She lost the battle but won the war

  3. 11 months ago

    She's having a schizoid breakdown the entire time, Zuko says as much and admits they couldn't beat her normally but she was so far off her meds that even he could win

  4. 11 months ago

    Azula's mind wasn't in the right place towards the end.

  5. 11 months ago

    Katara had plot armor. That's the real reason.

  6. 11 months ago

    Katara had plot armor. That's the real reason.

    Azula suddenly had to start toying with her opponent and forget that firebenders have been able to melt ice since season 1. Plus Katara just so happened to find the exact terrain feature she needed to pull off her trick.

    It was moronic. All you can do is roll your eyes and realize that the writers got lazy.

    • 11 months ago

      I completely forgot but you're right, zuko blew up the ice around him in season 1 with minimal effort.
      Azula should have won.

    • 11 months ago

      Katara being there is infuriating because she's literally only there to shiptease Zutara. Realistically it would have made much more sense to give Katara something else to do. It's even fair to say that she and Toph should probably have switched places. Bryke leaning into shipteasing in Book 3 was fricking terrible and it's a big part of why Book 3 is the worst season.

      • 11 months ago

        >Realistically it would have made much more sense to give Katara something else to do.
        I mean, if they came up with something else for the climax...
        >she and Toph should probably have switched places.
        Nah, not even a little.

        >On the Earth Kingdom front
        Toph is the only reason their squad was able to board the airships and take one over to turn on the others the element of surprise.
        Toph is uniquely qualified to assault metal zeppelins, and knowing nothing more of their construction is the obvious bet regardless of the situation they found themselves in once they did make it there.

        Katara probably could work out a way to board the airships. But need to make one of those waterspouts or a huge iceberg to pull them up, and even if they were over the water that and any fog cover would be significantly more noticeable than 3 kids flying through the air. And realistically Appa would just get killed if he was their transport.
        Then they would have needed to invent a completely different way for Katara to break through iron in reasonable time, which she couldn't do earlier. It's not impossible she could ground them by reducing the lift by flash freezing the engines but that's a tug of war of her against an army of firebenders on multiple airships at once.

        >Over in the Fire Nation:
        It's probably not fair to say whether Katara or Toph are "better" at fighting firebenders but Katara has way more experience.
        Toph has shown difficulties defending herself from firebenders. What's more Azula displayed the ability to fly the last time she was encountered. That is Toph's hard counter. Even if she comes in wrapped in asbestos: she isn't going to take Azula down.
        Also for limited fighting purposes: ice is a valid method to disable firebenders without killing them or smashing all their bones.

        The only advantage bringing Toph has would be to counter the Dai Li, but it's not outside possibility that the WL might've known they were exiled.

    • 11 months ago

      Katara shouldnt even be there in the first place to be fair.

    • 11 months ago

      I completely forgot but you're right, zuko blew up the ice around him in season 1 with minimal effort.
      Azula should have won.

      >forget that firebenders have been able to melt ice since season 1
      When Katara trapped Zuko in season 1 she left his head free so that he could still breathe because she didn't want to kill him

      When Katara froze Azula in the Agni Kai it happened instantaneously, Azula didn't have time to take a breath before hand and didn't have time to react

      Firebender's power comes from their breath

      • 11 months ago

        Wasnt that almost instaneous + Azula was exhausted?

        There's no need to defend bad writing. You can just admit the writers fricked up and move on.

        • 11 months ago

          Is it Headcanon if the show told us on multiple occasions that powerful Firebending relies on breath control?

          And if Azula is trapped in water/ice then she can't breathe without drowning

          No breath, no fire

        • 11 months ago

          I am not the biggest fan of the ending starting with Katara sticking out there like a moron which really brings down one of the best fights in the series, but Azula fought like a raging dog thourghout all the fight.

          She should've aimed the lighting at Zuzu but she didn't, and her mind was in taters due to almost killing her brother. in that moment of weakness the water tribe prostitute took advantage and ensnared her. If she only didn't show her brother mercy, she would've won the fight.

          I know it's bait, but he can just re-direct it back and come to think of it Azula shouldnt even be ABLE to generate lightning due to muh inner peace according to Iroh seeing that she's having the biggest breakdown of the series.

    • 11 months ago

      Wasnt that almost instaneous + Azula was exhausted?

  7. 11 months ago

    I heard in the original story before THE CHANGE she was supposed caugh zuko and rape him everyday in prison.

    • 11 months ago

      I believe it because I want it to be true

  8. 11 months ago

    The poster before me is Grey Delise. Don't listen to her.

  9. 11 months ago

    She’s deranged anon. You’ve never met a crazy high functioning girl yet?

    That’s why she lost.

  10. 11 months ago

    why are you spamming these

  11. 11 months ago

    she's pregnant

    • 11 months ago

      she's prime breeding material so i am glad that happened

  12. 11 months ago

    She lost her shit, and lost the fight. Mental instability screwed her. She wasn't focused and became manic.

  13. 11 months ago

    Plot demanded it.

  14. 11 months ago

    ATLA is a propaganda piece to break the patriotic Fire Nation youth. Azula was the greatest firebender who got where she did through hard work and dedication. But when every other nation allied against the fire nation and bought the avatar she could only delay the inevitable. The entire war started with the supposed genocide of the Air nomads. However all direct proof conventionally disappeared and investigation didn't actually began much later, when the bodies already decomposed. Nobody could prove there were fire nation soldiers in those armors. The entire attack was too conveniently coordinated despite Air Nomads lived far far from each other.
    The reports from the day of the Agni Kai are shaky at best. We only know Azula (who never once showed any kind of weakness and single handedly broke the defenses of Ba Sing Se) was supposedly "losing her mind" because some lowly servants testified as eyewitnesses. Not really reliable sources. The Fire Nation nobles present all got very well compensated after the war under Zukos rule. Curious. The official records state after Azula "dishonorably" beat Zuko then Katara (a third rate firebender at best) beat Azula on the peak of her power. According to independent sources, on the day of the comet firebender elite soldiers could stop any water attack with ease. Azula shouldn't have had any issue with burning Katara to a crisp. Since we have numerous historical documents about Katara we know she never once shown more than above average waterbending skills after the war. It is very likely she was just a propaganda tool. Numerous historians point out hundreds of contradictions in the testimonies on that day (including a lot of "unused" but missing soldiers).
    Many suspect Azula was poisoned before the Agni Kai and when it didn't have the desired effect she was ambushed by hundreds of elite benders including the Avatar. Meanwhile Ozai was assassinated by rigging his airship to explode.

  15. 11 months ago

    Eat shit

    • 11 months ago


  16. 11 months ago

    Shes weak to anal

    • 11 months ago

      Anal is the secret to lightning bending actually

    • 11 months ago

      Gotta hit the root chakra for massive damage.

    • 11 months ago

      How do you think Zuko broke her?

    • 11 months ago

      >Shes weak to anal
      Why are cartoons so unoriginal? Can you guys name one female antagonost who isn't weak to anal?

      • 11 months ago

        >Can you guys name one female antagonost who isn't weak to anal?

  17. 11 months ago

    she lost because she didn't have plot armor anymore.
    She's kinda mary sue villain.

    • 11 months ago

      Yeah that’s true. Azula being able to somehow track Appa was one of the biggest examples of this kind of Villain Sue shit she gets away with.

      • 11 months ago

        >Azula being able to somehow track Appa
        The frickhuge flying cow isn’t hard to spot, and none of the gaang are experienced in stealth.

  18. 11 months ago

    She should've aimed the lighting at Zuzu but she didn't, and her mind was in taters due to almost killing her brother. in that moment of weakness the water tribe prostitute took advantage and ensnared her. If she only didn't show her brother mercy, she would've won the fight.

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