How the hell did Tilly turn into a fricking whale in her time on Discovery? This isn't ordinary actor weight gain.

How the hell did Tilly turn into a fricking whale in her time on Discovery? This isn't ordinary actor weight gain. This isn't, "heh heh, that actress has gotten kinda chubby" weight gain. She turned into a full-on hamplanet. How does this happen in one of the flagship shows for a major property like Star Trek? Surely for something like that it's got to be in an actor's clause that they've got to maintain certain parameters of physical appearance, right? Like, it works in reverse, too. Actors who gain weight for roles can't lose it until the movie's done. Marvel actors have to maintain their muscles if they're playing superheroes.

How did this slide for four fricking seasons? She must have put on 100 pounds, at least. How the frick do you star in a major show and just inflate like that, and nobody says anything?

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  1. 12 months ago

    I was pumping lard up her ass

    • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        best meme right here

      • 12 months ago

        >wife dies before his first bond movie is released
        >decates later, he turns into a based weird cool old uncle Cinemaphile meme

    • 12 months ago

      doing god's work anon

    • 12 months ago

      Thank you for your service

      • 12 months ago

        >omg these giant animals are being fed the typical amount of food they eat
        >imagine YOU having to eat that much
        >impossible right? thought so
        What are they trying to say?

        • 12 months ago

          >giant animals

        • 12 months ago

          You have to be genuinely moronic that geese are large animals and that 20kg a day would be a normal amount for them.

      • 12 months ago

        why did someone shop in pierce lmao

        • 12 months ago

          You have to go back

    • 12 months ago

      >I was pumping lard up her ass
      Was it her special brand, anon?

      • 12 months ago

        >Pure White Tilly

        Das Raysis.

  2. 12 months ago

    ummm it's called not being a disgusting fascist trying to police women's bodies

    thankfully the 23rd century is a little more enlightened, yikes

    • 12 months ago

      That's gonna be a problematic yikes from me senpai

    • 12 months ago

      >Replicator, give me a nine pound steak and a bucket of curly fries with a sixer of Shiner Bock
      >Oh and make it about 150 calories
      It really is that simple.

    • 12 months ago

      Actually humans in the future would see her as lazy for not taking care of her body. Humans are supposed to try and achieve their greatest potential to contribute to society. It's why you don't see obese people in Star Trek outside of older people who got a gut due to being less active.

    • 12 months ago

      Doesn't Starfleet have a fitness test?

  3. 12 months ago

    Honestly how do you even get this fat? I sometimes eat like shit and I've gotten pudgy but I always end up losing it just by doing ordinary chores or going hiking. Fatties must be eating candbars every 15 minutes.

    • 12 months ago

      1. She's a woman and doesn't need as much calories as men.

      2. She's older than you and has less metabolism and can't burn it off as easily.

      3. She likes eating a lot.

      4. She was initially pressured to get in shape for season 1 and was afraid of not getting the role. But once she got the role, she saw that the crew was very relaxed and non-judgmental. So she...stooped caring and hit the buffet every day. Basically no one shamed her.

      • 12 months ago

        Huge fricking mistake. She is disgusting now.

        You think the future would have made obesity a thing of the barbaric past.

        • 12 months ago

          I would not want to be fat it is just impractical as it makes you slower and makes everything more difficult and awkward.

      • 12 months ago

        Obese people lose weight far more easily than non obese people.

        >the crew was very relaxed and non-judgmental

        So her job has no standards.

        • 12 months ago

 WAS star trek discovery. Show had zero fricking standards.

        • 12 months ago

          >Obese people lose weight far more easily than non obese people.
          Only up to a certain point. As you become less obese you have to cut back on eating even more to maintain losing weight.

          It also depends how old they are, and how much they cut back on their food.

          Going from "Season 4" Tilly back to "Seadon 1" Tilly is going to take a long time and huge amount of cutting back and exercise.

        • 12 months ago

          that's sad; she was cute when she was skinny

          >So her job has no standards
          which is crazy because it's supposed to be fricking Starfleet, a military organization. Not that anyone on that show cared about the IP they were butchering.

        • 12 months ago

          She's a scientist who when she came across an alien substance put her exposed hand in it and put it right up to her face to smell. These writers have no idea what they're doing. They just had a scientist act like a fricking hillbilly would when some canister of toxic goo spilled in front of them.

        • 12 months ago

          >Obese people lose weight far more easily than non obese people.
          Well duh. Non-obese people have no weight to lose.

      • 12 months ago

        homie, I've pounded a liter of vodka in a day + OJ multiple times, plus eating and never got as fat as this c**t.

        • 12 months ago

          >homie, I've pounded a liter of vodka in a day + OJ multiple times, plus eating and never got as fat as this c**t.

          Vodka is the lowest calorie alcohol in the entire world you fool. OJ is one of the lightest juices as well. You accomplished nothing.

          Literally normal beer has more calories than what you drank.

          • 12 months ago

            >Vodka is the lowest calorie alcohol in the entire world
            no, that would be a dry red wine.
            >OJ is one of the lightest juices
            how does it feel to be a literal smoothbrain?

            • 12 months ago

              Imagine bragging about drinking vodka and OJ. Lmao.

            • 12 months ago

              >no that would be red wine
              >randomly saying smoothbrain
              Sad posts. Should've said you ate a lot! Not drank girly drinks

      • 12 months ago

        She's only 4 years older than me. She lives in Los Angeles. She could literally just walk a few miles a day and not be so porky.

        • 12 months ago

          I can't believe the producers forced her to jog in one episode, the evil bastards.

          • 12 months ago

            how do they explain her shocking weight gain in the light of advanced medical tech and mandatory starfleet fitness training? how is she gaining weight? i don't get it. it's a plot hole for sure. a bigggggggg plot hole.

            • 12 months ago

              >how do they explain her shocking weight gain in the light of advanced medical tech and mandatory starfleet fitness training? how is she gaining weight? i don't get it. it's a plot hole for sure. a bigggggggg plot hole.
              this show isn't for you, fascist CHUD cousinfricker

              • 12 months ago

                It wasn’t for anybody then, according to their ratings.

            • 12 months ago

              That's a very valid point. There were regular physicals for duty officers and they have to maintain a certain level of overall fitness or they would be put on dietary restrictions/have their replicator priviliges rationed. Starfleet is not for the weak or out of shape. It requires all officers to be in the best physical and mental condition of their lives. After they are promoted to Admiral, they're usually given some slack considering they typically aren't on active Space duty anymore, but there are still Starfleet Regulations that prohibit officers from becoming exactly what Tilly became.

              • 12 months ago

                >Starfleet is not for the weak or out of shape. It requires all officers to be in the best physical and mental condition of their lives.
                Unless you're O'Brien, in which case you're smart enough to rig up a transporter out of two cups of Cardassian hot drink, but your horrible and potato-shaped body is given a pass along with your constant mental havoc because the universe needs someone to shit on and Starfleet is in on the joke.

              • 12 months ago

                >there are still Starfleet Regulations that prohibit officers from becoming exactly what Tilly became.
                There are also Starfleet regulations about what happens to mutineers and how to address officers of seniority but nobody seems to care much about those on the show.

            • 12 months ago

              Its just an oversight. Honestly with things like replicators, it shouldn't be hard to eat healthy meals at all. Shit some foods its hard as frick to eat more than daily caloric intake. Prob has pic related as a macro on the ships replicators, 3-4x a day.

              • 12 months ago

                To be fair, everything that comes out of a replicator is resequenced shit. Literal fecal matter.

              • 12 months ago

                >you vill eat ze shit
                >you vill live in ze (space)pod
                >you vill own nothing
                >and you VILL be happy
                Wow, so enlightened...

              • 12 months ago

                >To be fair, everything that comes out of a replicator is resequenced shit. Literal fecal matter.
                No it isn't. Stop watching Discovery. The writers couldnt even get the lore correct.

              • 12 months ago

                It technically could though. The replicators use any matter, deconstruct it and reuse it to make other things on file so long as it has the molecules to make it. So it would make sense to take all the waste made by the crew and break it down into atoms again to be reformed by the replicator. I mean the food you eat were once atoms that were in the shit of animals and humans of the past.

              • 12 months ago

                Replicator cannonically use large amounts of power to make their food and other items. Shit has nothing to do with it. You can walk into a brand new ship that was never used and immediately order something from the replicator. There's no shit to use in the system to recycle. It's raw power.

              • 12 months ago

                >what are portable replicators
                >what are industrial replicators
                >what are shuttle craft replicators

                Dumbass Discovery writers

              • 12 months ago

                >>what are shuttle craft replicators
                what about them?

              • 12 months ago

                I'm not saying Discovery is right as I've never bothered with that shit, but they just don't get matter out of nowhere so those replicators would have a limited about of matter to work with unless they had something constantly feeding it matter. There's a reason why Voyager had to ration its use due the power drain and lack of resources to keep it able to replicate en masse. In Year of Hell 2 parter she has a gift for her reconstituted so it could be made into something useful to help them live through the constant attacks. That means the replicator has a limited amount of matter to work with. That's why it doesn't sound off for a giant ship to take the useless waste it makes and turn it back into matter that can be reformed via the replicator.

              • 12 months ago

                >Voyager had to ration its use due the power drain
                It's was specifically said because of the power drain and uses up their fuel. Normally this isn't an issue since Voyager could just refuel at a local Starbase. But they can't do that so far away from. Replicator use huge amounts of power for everything. It doesn't need physical matter. They need power. The more complex or larger the object, the more power is consumes in its creation. Why do you think they have industrial replicator that are used to make space stations or starship parts? Human feces has nothing to do with it anon. In the show, they literally send portable replicators to war torn planets that have no infrastructure.

              • 12 months ago

                I understand all of that. But where does the matter come from? It doesn't make matter out of nothing, so there has to be a source it draws from. They've always been vague in the shows in how it forms things other than it drawing a lot power to do it.

              • 12 months ago

                Energy to matter conversion.

              • 12 months ago

                dawg anything you have ever eaten was at some point shit, piss or whatever the frick else

              • 12 months ago

                It is amazing how much sodium you can get into a sugar based desert without it tasting like a salt brick.

              • 12 months ago

                >It is amazing how much sodium you can get into a sugar based desert without it tasting like a salt brick.
                The sodium is masked by all the excessive sweet sugar. You cant taste the sodium. But it's there.

              • 12 months ago

                I'm a sickly guy who gets migraines if his diet changes drastically, like if I barely eat or eat like absolute shit for a day I get awful fricking headaches + nausea
                I think this thing would instantly kill me

              • 12 months ago

                Who the frick buys a liter of milkshake?

              • 12 months ago

                >Who the frick buys a liter of milkshake?
                There people who go to Starbucks everyday. It's literally just liquid desert

              • 12 months ago

                I have never seen a thin person drinking a drink like that. They're always
                venti or the largest size imaginable too. I went to the vet pharmacy once to pick up medication for my cat and all 3 of the ladies at the front desk were fat as frick and all had drinks like that. It's one thing if you get one of these as an occasional treat (I don't even do that because they're way too sweet) and another if you're drinking this shit every day.

              • 12 months ago

                I get a tall/grande and it's a coffee one with skim milk and that's only once in a blue moon when it's hot out

              • 12 months ago

                >liquid desert

              • 12 months ago
              • 12 months ago

                Chitin, the material shells and exoskeletons are made from in bugs, are incredible toxic and carcinogenic to humans btw. Eat the bugs.

            • 12 months ago

              I know for a fact the writers of Star Trek would say "it's the future. no one cares if someone is fat, and infact for some people it's a choice!" because that's exactly how they think.

              Now never mind the fact that they're basically on a military vessel where one person being unhealthy could potentially put other people at risk.
              If you have the technology to feed people replicated food with naturally healthy ingredients, or literally beam the fat off them in this scenario, that just is what you would be doing. It's logical.

              • 12 months ago

                Is she ever seated on the bridge during one of the many battle scenes where everyone gets jostled out of their chairs?

              • 12 months ago

                >Meteor punches a hole though the hull
                >Tilly's massive fat ass gets wedged in the hole
                >Ship is saved

              • 12 months ago

                >I know for a fact the writers of Star Trek would say "it's the future. no one cares if someone is fat, and infact for some people it's a choice!" because that's exactly how they think.
                Is this what they said about Picard being bald?
                I do think it's hilarious how much she's blown up when you compare her to other actors who've gotten their big break on a TV show. First couple seasons they look rough, but usually by the third season they start looking noticeably better because they've got enough money to spend on trainers, high quality food, various occult practices to steal youth from trafficked children, etc. Tilly on the other hand is apparently spending her money on ice cream and probably a motorized scooter so she doesn't have to walk.

              • 12 months ago

                I think they probably wish she didn't get so fat but that they can't fire her or stop writing her into episodes over it in $current_year

        • 12 months ago

          >walking in Los Angeles

        • 12 months ago

          >She's only 4 years older than me. She lives in Los Angeles. She could literally just walk a few miles a day and not be so porky.
          You can't outrun your mouth. If you eat like a pig then you become a pig no matter how much jogging you do. Losing weight is 90% about how much you eat.

        • 12 months ago
      • 12 months ago

        >3. She likes eating a lot.
        homie you just glossed over this like it wasn't the most important factor. We know the fat b***h likes to eat, she's a fat b***h

        • 12 months ago

          If you tell a fatty that they should "eat less, exercise more" they look at you like you've asked them to drown a puppy. Why is something so obvious so offensive to them?

          • 12 months ago

            youre just telling them that they have no discipline, everyone knows how to lose weight lmao

          • 12 months ago

            Have you ever noticed that a lot of people (including myself) tend to avoid the options or ideas that would actually do something to change the behavior they are addicted too? A certain sinking feeling

        • 12 months ago

          >We know the fat b***h likes to eat, she's a fat b***h
          You don't understand. She likes to eat. And nothing will get in her way. Nothing. Not even getting paid millions.

      • 12 months ago

        This is true, I was a fricking whale just 3 months ago, then I move to a "simple place" here find industrial food or con oil is almost imposible, My scooter fricked itself and then I need to walk everyday and only eat two times per...I lose 25kg (50 lb) un just 3 months

        • 12 months ago

          If all you do is light walking, then most men's bodies only need 1500 calories (about 1 standard meal) per day. Women need even less at 1200 calories. Give it a few weeks and the fat will melt off. People don't get how easy it is to not get fat.

          Unfortunately most people are guzzling down 3000 calorie meals filled with junk food, high sodium, and other garbage.

          • 12 months ago

            >1500 calories (about 1 standard meal)
            how you tell us you are american without saying you are american.

            • 12 months ago

              I only eat 1 meal a day. It's all we need.

              Sure you could split it into two 800 calorie meals, but that's not really as filling.

              • 12 months ago

                I can’t shove more than 800 down my gullet in one sitting with getting full fatty.

              • 12 months ago

                Anon...You shouldn't take how much you can "fit in your stomach" as a source of pride, or an indication of how fit you are. At that means.... is you have a small stomach.

                For example, Olympic athletes are the most fit people in the world. Olympic Swimmers regularly down 6000 calories per day, but are the most physically fit.

          • 12 months ago

            Do not fricking listen to this guy. No man can survive off 1500 a day unless he's like 5'6. At minimum a man will need 2 to 2.2k roughly

            • 12 months ago

              >Do not fricking listen to this guy. No man can survive off 1500 a day unless he's like 5'6. At minimum a man will need 2 to 2.2k roughly
              How much do you weigh and what is your height?

              • 12 months ago

                You're a moron don't talk to me. You clearly got lost in some health gurus sauce and can't even bench 2pl8

              • 12 months ago

                >don't talk to me!
                Answer the question anon. How much you weigh and how tall are you? It's a simple question. Are you afraid to answer?

      • 12 months ago

        That is absioltyl pathetic. As OP said there is no excuse for that amount of weight gain outside of a serious medical issue, side effect from medication or giving birth to quintuplets. Thats just a women saying frick it and giving into her hedonism to spite the world. IT IS NOT HARD TO STAY FIT.

        >3. She likes eating a lot.

        Not an excuse.

    • 12 months ago

      Unironically, it's the s(n)eed oils. Sunflower and palm oils are in everything and are absolute poisons used because of how cheap they are.

    • 12 months ago

      processed food and seed oils
      coupled with the low willpower of a woman

    • 12 months ago

      Literally the only way to get fat is to straight up gorge yourself. I had a friend with a fat roommate and he'd had to eat enough for 3 people just to maintain like 250. We're talking 15+ wings from bdubs every lunch and dinner.

      • 12 months ago

        nah, meat is a hard way to gain weight
        watch those 600lbs life things, they can eat 3500+ calories in a "light breakfast salad" by just pouring on the sugar and cream and other candy

        • 12 months ago

          its easy if those wings are deep fried.

      • 12 months ago

        >Literally the only way to get fat is to straight up gorge yourself.
        lmao nah
        if you starve yourself then gorge yourself on and off you'll get fat really fast

        • 12 months ago

          not true

          • 12 months ago

            Many people put on weight thinking they're working to lose weight because they drop so far below maintenance calorie count that the body goes into starvation mode and lowers metabolism while also increasing how quickly you will put on fat when you actually eat.
            Then they cave to their hunger and over eat and repeat that cycle over and over.
            They don't think they're starving themselves because it takes a while to really start feeling the effects of it if you're still eating a little bit but when the body decides it needs more nutrients they immediately cave and gorge themselves which is worse than normal because now the body just wants to store fat and not burn as much of it.

            • 12 months ago

              starvation mode is bullshit

              • 12 months ago

                Why do you feel that way

            • 12 months ago

              >they drop so far below maintenance calorie count that the body goes into starvation mode
              starvation means you're literally starving. not "I skipped breakfast" but like "I have eaten in 3 days".

              • 12 months ago

                *starvation mode

              • 12 months ago

                *haven't eaten

              • 12 months ago

                I have so little body fat that I really will starve after missing one meal

              • 12 months ago

                prove it

              • 12 months ago

                Sounds like bullshit. Skip two and post results.

            • 12 months ago

              It’s just blood sugar and grelin. Starvation mode doesn’t exist. Just stop eating sugar.

            • 12 months ago

              Literally just fattie cope. There is no magical system that makes you gain more weight from the same food

    • 12 months ago

      Sitting in an office all day doesn't burn calories, maybe 150 at max. These people should be eating 2100 calories but they eat out at restaurants every day like 3000+ calories.

  4. 12 months ago

    She could be a white Latina like that spikkk boxer Canello.
    Did she recently reach her 28th birthday? bawds tend to balloon at that age, the writers/director probably encouraged her to eat strictly am*rikkkan diet (1kg sugar per meal, basically eat all day meal after meal).

    Furthermore z they were probably trying to catch the Black person audience. Black person bukkks are obsessed with obese white prostitutes.

  5. 12 months ago

    How should I know moron

  6. 12 months ago

    Didn't they have a whole arc in Season 2 about Tily trying to lose weight and eat right? I remember her running laps in the show to get into shape.
    LMAO. Did they just abandon that story arc?

    • 12 months ago

      >Lmao the showrunners trying to "inspire" her.

  7. 12 months ago

    How said.

    Left pic is a cutie. She has an 8/10 body and a 6/10 face. But still attractive in a girl next door way.

    Middle pic is a 2/10

    Right pic is a ham planet. Falls into the negatives. I am repulsed instead of attracted. -5/10

  8. 12 months ago

    Tilly is for the architects

  9. 12 months ago

    This isn’t Star Trek. It’s fan fiction written by people who hate the source material and wanted to use a popular series to peddle their sick twisted propaganda. Who cares if there are fatties on it?
    Also “major show” hahahahahaha

    • 12 months ago


  10. 12 months ago

    She’s a white woman? It’s not much of a mystery, OP.

    • 12 months ago

      >She’s a white woman? It’s not much of a mystery, OP
      I know, right? I mean, you never see a non-white as big as she is.

  11. 12 months ago

    They used to write people off if they got some dramatic change. Given the subject matter and politics here they couldn’t.

    • 12 months ago

      Absolutely based edit, especially her arms and neck, but what the frick did you do to your text.

  12. 12 months ago

    Telling fat people to lose weight as it's unhealthy and will affect their well-being is a hate crime. If you do this, even out of concern, you're worse than Hitler.

    • 12 months ago

      I bet you've never even met Hitler.

      • 12 months ago

        True, he might have been a nice man who loved his family for all I know.

    • 12 months ago

      It is good to have strong role models to look up to. The day I'm no longer literally worse than Hitler, the massess of the world are in for a treat (the treat is currencies backed by real world value in a net-zero financial system where usury is punishable by death and there can never be more debt than money)

  13. 12 months ago

    >have multiple threads open
    >this is the only one with any activity
    >it's the one I'm least interested in

  14. 12 months ago

    Imagine going from this

    • 12 months ago

      to THIS

      • 12 months ago

        Much better, just needs unshaved legs, arms, pits, belly, ass etc.

      • 12 months ago

        Is that a moomoo

    • 12 months ago

      she was always repulsive because of those huge fugly face warts anyway

    • 12 months ago

      to THIS

      She always had a chubby face.

    • 12 months ago

      >Imagine going from this

      to THIS

      >to THIS
      I have.

    • 12 months ago

      to THIS

      I don't think she's very Wise at all, Man.

    • 12 months ago

      from this

      • 12 months ago

        some kind of lizard hybrid

  15. 12 months ago

    At some point women in western countries get so fat that they start dressing like drag queens or fat versions of 50s pin up models.

    • 12 months ago

      >fat versions of 50s pin up models.
      They convince themselves that they are voluptuous, like 40's and 50's starlets. They are actually just fat...

  16. 12 months ago

    she's a healthy girl now. women ought to be fat, especially in the future when resources are so abundant

    • 12 months ago

      Me again, fat is beautiful. I'm trans, btw.

      • 12 months ago

        Fat is disgusting. And now, science is finally getting closer to giving a pill to the masses that can control the disorder. No one should have to be out of breath when they bend over to tie their shoes. And they should be able to reach their feet with little to no effort as well. Think about all the things that fat people can't do because they're too fat. There's just no excuse for it. Although the corporations that control what go into American foods are greatly to blame. High Fructose Corn Syrup is a horrible thing. Not to mention fast food is cheaper to buy than healthy, organic foods. America should have demanded better a long time ago, but most Americans are fine with being fat, lazy, and uneducated. Instant gratification is the Mind Killer.

        • 12 months ago

          The pills can only make you stop being hungry, they can't make fat fricks stop eating/drinking/never exercising while they engage in the saddest form of hedonism there is.

  17. 12 months ago

    >How the frick do you star in a major show and just inflate like that, and nobody says anything?
    its woketrek on fricking some streaming platform nobody uses you think any of them producing this slop would risk getting cancelled for fat shaming? this show has the homosexual that got spacey cancelled.

  18. 12 months ago

    Is Discovery even still going? More importantly, is she still fattening up and squeezed into a tight sci-fi getup? That is the single thing past Enterprise that I have paid attention to at all.

  19. 12 months ago

    i lost the other edits, /r/ing your juiciest ones

    • 12 months ago

      Stop making her look thin.

      • 12 months ago

        Dammit anon, I'm a shitposter, not a liquify tool power-user.

    • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >it’s another “the engines died mysteriously in an empty sector and the crew is on rations until help arrives but Tilly couldn’t resist trying to beam into the locked replicator room and, through a small miscalculation, rematerialized with her head trapped in the receiving tray and her shoulders jammed into the control panel, creating a gallon of melted strawberry ice cream in her mouth every minute while the crew desperately searched for her without thinking to check the locked commissary.” Episode

    • 12 months ago

      >no one posting any more tilly edits

      fine, i'll have to do it myself, but theres such a limited supply of them

      even the alt universe version of tilly isnt exempt from being a fatass

      • 12 months ago

        how many writers did they have to fire to make up for her costume budget??

    • 12 months ago

      and thats it for the Tilly edits (at least the good ones)

      • 12 months ago

        As the proud maker of several of the bad ones, I shall contribute. In this one we see Sylvia Tilly consuming a meal for three men, or one Tilly.

        • 12 months ago

          post more

        • 12 months ago

          Damn this is pretty funny. You got me anon. Bravo.

        • 12 months ago

          I could watch fat girls eating all day.

  20. 12 months ago

    Mental illness obviously

  21. 12 months ago


  22. 12 months ago


    She was the chubby one from the beginning. Writers didn't have any ideas, so they just kept making her chubbier..

  23. 12 months ago

    >How did this slide for four fricking seasons? She must have put on 100 pounds, at least. How the frick do you star in a major show and just inflate like that, and nobody says anything?
    Women are lazy shits and absolute slaves to their desires. Her desire was clearly cheeseburgers.

    Also you're not allowed to tell someone they have to look a certain way anymore, even if it's for a film/tv role

  24. 12 months ago

    I know the source of the Tilly edits and can get some more to post, but theres not a lot

  25. 12 months ago

    >Surely for something like that it's got to be in an actor's clause that they've got to maintain certain parameters of physical appearance, right?
    I'm sure there used to be for the rest of hollywood history but in 2023 it would just get CBS canclled..

  26. 12 months ago

    i mean this is funny but it's also sad and depressing. star trek used to be decent. leftoids have completely fricked it. which is ironic because leftoids created it. le sigh

    • 12 months ago

      >which is ironic because leftoids created it. le sigh

      Hell NO.

      No they didn't. The "lefties" that created Star Trek in the 1960s thought the 1990s would be considered Republican by today's standards.

      Some of the writers, staff, and actors who worked on Star Trek even served in the Military.

      Gene Roddenberry (the creator of Star Trek) himself flew B-17 bombers during WW2 against Japan and bombed the crap out of Japanese and fought in the Pacific theater. He probably killed hundreds or thousands of Japanese troops with the bombs he dropped. He even got awards and medals for the insane amount of missions he flew into enemy airspace.

      Scotty's actor (James Doohan) was in WW2 and was at D-day. He personally killed 2 German snipers himself, got shot 6 times by friendly fire but kept fighting despite injuries, and crawled through an MINEFIELD to take out German positions.

      Spock's (Leonard Nimoy) actor was in the military too and fought in the 1950s Korean War. He fought against the communist North Korea and Chinese.

      Same with Dr. McCoy (DeForest Kelley) who also served in the US airforce.

      I could go on.

      Can you say the same for ANY of the modern day Star Trek writers, actors, or staff members? Have they even touched a gun irl? Don't compare modern day "lefties" to the past. They aren't the same at ALL. It's why modern trek sucks ass.

      • 12 months ago

        >Some of the writers, staff, and actors who worked on Star Trek even served in the Military.
        so what, you dont think leftoids can serve in the military?
        the military is woke as shit, man.

        • 12 months ago

          >so what, you dont think leftoids can serve in the military?
          I just told you the modern lefties aren't the same as old lefties from before the year 2000. What part don't you understand?

          Please tell me more about Alex Kurtzman's war record.

      • 12 months ago

        >He probably killed hundreds or thousands of Japanese troops with the bombs he dropped
        hard doubt.

        • 12 months ago

          You are severally underestimating the power of bombs dropped from a fully loaded B-17 bomber. Gene flew bombing missions over Japan and Tokyo. The US airforce killed over 120,000+ Japanese civilians in the Tokyo Firebombing alone.

          Name one modern Star Trek staff member or actor who can even come close to that kill count.

          • 12 months ago

            >The US airforce killed over 120,000+ densely packed civvies
            >so this one bomber pilot probably killed like 200k or 300k troops

            • 12 months ago

              I said Gene probably killed a few thousand over all his bombing runs. Learn to read.

              Still waiting for you to name some modern Trek staff member that even comes close. Oh wait you can't.

      • 12 months ago

        how did your brain manage to become this moronic

        • 12 months ago

          >reciting verifiable war records and facts is moronic.
          Okay anon.

      • 12 months ago

        you have schooled me SIR

      • 12 months ago

        >bombed Japanese troops
        >in a B-17
        It’s a lot more likely he bombed broad swathes of civilian infrastructure, civilians included.

  27. 12 months ago

    Why do women give themselves this hairstyle and think it looks good?

    • 12 months ago

      >Why do women give themselves this hairstyle and think it looks good?
      It's a low maintenance hairstyle for women with long hair. If you don't put it in a ponytail then it just gers in the way if you do any physical work.

      • 12 months ago

        There's a difference between a ponytail and a DIY facelift.

  28. 12 months ago

    didn't they have fitness standards in starfleet?

    • 12 months ago

      Absolutely but nuTrek Bad Robot showrunners don’t care about STU continuity so they ignore it.

  29. 12 months ago

    I never watched STD but was Tilly so essential to the series she couldn’t be written out? I mean dear god by seasons 3 & 4 she’s a fricking hamplanet at what point don’t the producers mandate she go to fat rehab?

    • 12 months ago

      Producers were trying to be more inclusive. They even had a guy in a normal wheel chair going around the ship.

    • 12 months ago

      Wasn't she written out in S4?

      • 12 months ago

        She was in 4 episodes, and got shipped off to Starfleet Academy with some cadets.

        • 12 months ago

          Were the cadets her midflight lunch?

  30. 12 months ago

    She just knew they couldn't fire her or impose any kind of physical requirements because the show was positioned as progressive.

  31. 12 months ago

    >She asserts that she wants to defy the beauty standards that society has placed on women's bodies by using the television program to represent all curvaceous women around the world and sure indeed the Star Trek weight gain story made many women feel comfortable in their own bodies.

    She literally just got fat out of spite and for clout. Pathetic.

  32. 12 months ago

    >how nu trek let girl get fat
    The same reason why Uhura doesn't need to wear a wig anymore (but Spock still has to wear the ears, of course)

  33. 12 months ago

    To be completely fair, it’s par for the course as a Star Trek actor. But STD isn’t Star Trek so..

    • 12 months ago

      Only William Shatner and James Doohan got chubby as far as I can recall? And Kirk and Scotty were already barrel chested so it didn’t really hurt their image in the later movies. Everyone else on ST, TNG, DS9, Voyager and Enterprise remained fairly fit even after their respective series were cancelled. Exceptions being Troi who in later series was a bit more chubby but she’s Greek and still looked attractive and the crazy alien woman from Voyager but they fired her before she got ugly like they should’ve done with Tilly’s actress.

      • 12 months ago

        Bret Spinner, Jonathan Frakes, Colm Meaney

        • 12 months ago

          O’Brien was always chubby like his actor but he didn’t get bigger as the show went on. Frakes and Spiner only got bigger after they weren’t in ST films anymore not on the series like Tilly.

          • 12 months ago

            Nah look at season one frakes and spinner. Colm is much thinner too. It’s nowhere near Tilly ofc

            • 12 months ago

              Yeah Riker and Data get bigger as the series progresses which is ok because Riker needed to be a dominant guy and Data neeed to be a strong android. Also Scotty and O’Brien being a bit portly as the series went on made sense since they were chief engineers with very stressful lives so it made sense in that way. Shatner like Marina also struggled with his weight but unlike Tilly they at least fricking tried to keep it down at some point.

              • 12 months ago

                >Yeah Riker and Data get bigger as the series progresses which is ok because Riker needed to be a dominant guy and Data neeed to be a strong android.
                Yes Riker does put on a bit of weight. However, if you watch behind the scenes footage and interviews the TNG costume department specifically add padding to the Men's uniforms to make them look bigger in the chest and have more broad shoulders. In real life, Patrick Stewart did not have wife shoulders. Worf was not that swole. There are some photos floating around with Brent Spiner taking off the top part of his uniform during a break and he's just a tall skinny dude.

        • 12 months ago

          Warf, Sisko, Geordi, Troy, Wesley and Odo were all pretty damn paunchy at certain points.

      • 12 months ago

        its one thing getting fat in the military when you are an old distinguished officer, tilly got fat while she was still a cadet..

      • 12 months ago

        >Exceptions being Troi who in later series was a bit more chubby but she’s Greek and still looked attractive and the crazy alien woman from Voyager but they fired her before she got ugly like they should’ve done with Tilly’s actress.

        I have an old interview with Troi's actress. She admits she struggled with weight issues during TNG. She hated exercising. Almost all her other costars had some form of exercise they did in their spare time.

        During Season 6 of TNG (where Troi got her Blue uniform), Marina Sirtis and the rest of the crew took a few weeks off for for Christmas inbetween shooting. Marina gorged herself. When they got back, Marina couldn't physically fit in her regular Counselor outfits. She panicked.

        The TNG production crew scrambled lady minute and made a regular uniform with an expanded waistline for Marina. The black color hid her weight gain.

        But Marina in the interview said she views having to wear the uniform as mark of shame. She wanted her old dresses. She swore she would drop the weight and put back on her dress before the show was over. Marina just barely made it and put on her dress for the final episode of Next Generation.

        • 12 months ago

          >Marina gorged herself. When they got back, Marina couldn't physically fit in her regular Counselor outfit

        • 12 months ago

          Did she really put on that much weight? I thought she looked her best in the last two seasons, I guess she gained a bit of weight but it wasn't that noticeable to me.

          • 12 months ago

            Marina claimed that it was enough weight that she couldn't fit her costumes from Season 1 to 5. It was a mark of shame for her, and it's of the reasons she hated the transition to wearing a Uniform for TNG. She felt like a failure. Marina said she was a former model and that she should have known better than to let herself eat unchecked during her Christmas vacation.

            The costume department did their best to hide her weight gain. The fact you didn't notice it probably speaks to how well they did her job.

            • 12 months ago

              Do you have a source?

        • 12 months ago

          i remember scenes where it looked quite a bit like riker was wearing a girdle, well i guess it coulda been a back brace, i know his back was all fricked up

  34. 12 months ago

    bet the costume departement on the show looks for the ripples in their cups

  35. 12 months ago

    At least you can still use her forehead to project IMAX movies.

  36. 12 months ago

    yeah but in Star trek wouldn't Fat people just use the transporter to lipo suck out all their fat?

    • 12 months ago

      It’s like their choice bro.
      Although I could unironically imagine a future where everyone is so fit people add fat cosmetically with no negative health effects as a stylistic choice.

    • 12 months ago

      >yeah but in Star trek wouldn't Fat people just use the transporter to lipo suck out all their fat?
      No because that would only encourage decadence and for people to more.

      Listen. People in Star Trek (especially on Earth) are raised with values. Obesity is not encouraged. Being a NEET is not encouraged. They want you to accomplish something with your life and you are encouraged to pursue your passions.

      What would you do with your life if money, housing, and access to food/drink wasn't an issue? You could do anything you want. Become a musician? Open a Bar? Write novels? Travel to alien worlds and write about your adventures? There are enormous possibilities.

      Becoming obese would get in the way of that and limit your dreams. Alien space stations and worlds aren't always handicap accessible.

      • 12 months ago

        You know damn well that if money, housing and food weren't an issue, people would spend all day on their holodecks and never leave.

        • 12 months ago

          No they wouldnt. You know damn well some people would want to get on a space ship and travel the stars.

          But if you love holograms so much they have hologram designers in Star Trek whose entire job is to craft the most realistic Holodeck stories possible. It's a literal thing you can study and there's a whole industry there.

        • 12 months ago

          Present day humans probably, but not future humans in trek. Trek humans wanna be outside and improve society.

        • 12 months ago

          In Star Trek, Kids and teenagers view sitting in a Holodeck all day everyday as boring. You would be looked at as an oddball. Why pretend to fly a ship in the Holodeck deck when you can do it for real

  37. 12 months ago

    she gained it for a role

  38. 12 months ago

    This level of obesity is a mental/emotional issue at its core. What emotional or mental issue does the character have? In Starfleet everyone is pretty much mentally well and a healthy person. It's unrealistic to have someone with her real-life issues in the Star Trek future.

  39. 12 months ago

    Middle is the best

  40. 12 months ago

    At first, I did not understand why Tilly made fans so mad because she's really a cool ass b***h and is just kind and supportive to everyone. Then I thought about it and realized her being fat shows how most of the fans would actually look on Star Trek and they did not like seeing the mirror and blamed the character for shattering their dreams. They just kind of imagined they'd be magically be skinny if they were on the show. Now I can't stop laughing about it. Fricking grow up kids, seriously.

    >B-But I'm a giga chad.

    Frick you, I've been to conventions and you're not.

    • 12 months ago

      Why would the character choose to be that fat though

    • 12 months ago

      LOL no. I'm fit and enjoy older Star Trek. I didn't even grow up with it. My friend introduced me to it. The reason fans are mad at Tilly is because Star Trek is supposed to be a world where everyone is encouraged to be their best. You can have any hobby you want. Travel to any alien planet you want. Bang the hot alien woman (or man) on other worlds. There are even orgy planets in Star Trek.

      But Tilly? She chooses to be mega obese. She represents absolute wasted potential. That's the problem.

      • 12 months ago

        Sure bro.

        • 12 months ago

          Whatever you say Jabba the Hutt. You only want people to be fat because you are obese yourself.

          • 12 months ago

            We all can't be a Giga Chad like you who was not even into Star Trek but have such strong opinions about the weight of a supporting character in the 4th spinoff show you just need to tell the world. I totally believe you, man.

  41. 12 months ago

    Thats the power of math people

  42. 12 months ago

    the third one is real? not a shoop? jaysus
    Star Fleet is a military, they have physical requirements
    how does she get through jefferies tubes? what happens if she has to go EVA?

    • 12 months ago

      >how does she get through jefferies tubes?
      The show is hilarious. They made Jeffries tubes wider and put elevators in them. Lmao

      >what happens if she has to go EVA?
      The show gave them Iron Man style Nanomachine Eva suits. They press a button on their combadge and they instantly suit up in a split second like Iron Man from Avengers Endgame

      • 12 months ago


      • 12 months ago

        >more advanced shit going on than TNG ever had
        How is this a prequel show again?

  43. 12 months ago

    this is a time-honored tradition in Star Trek. Shatner's weight was all over the place in TOS. He needed a girdle for half the show.

    • 12 months ago

      >Shatner's weight was all over the place in TOS
      Yeah, but he always took the weight off again
      when the new season of filming was approaching.

    • 12 months ago

      >He needed a girdle for half the show.
      get this b***h 4 girdles then

    • 12 months ago

      >this is a time-honored tradition in Star Trek. Shatner's weight was all over the place in TOS. He needed a girdle for half the show.
      Shatner didn't realize how much his weight affected his appearance. Shatner gave an interview where he said when he was younger he just assumed he was always look the same no matter what he ate. Then some producers and friends took him to private room and screened deleted footage where it showed his flab poking out during fight scenes. Shatner then said it finally clicked in his mind that he needs to watch what he eats. It gave him perspective and he started dieting and going to gym regularly.

      That's why we need people who are willing to shame us and give us reality checks. No one told Tilly's actress that she was becoming a hamplanet. No. They all said shit like "You go girl! You're a queen!"

  44. 12 months ago

    >no one posting any more tilly edits

    fine, i'll have to do it myself, but theres such a limited supply of them

    • 12 months ago

      Have any of you guys fricked a fat chick like this? I did more than once. They are very grateful recipients of cum, that's for sure. Most can suck dick like Heather Brooke.

  45. 12 months ago

    I feel like Tilly wouldn't get very far in the mirror universe and would instead be dead in a ditch

    • 12 months ago

      you never know, somehow mirror O'Brien lived

  46. 12 months ago

    >How the hell did Tilly turn into a fricking whale in her time on Discovery?

  47. 12 months ago

    >How the frick do you star in a major show and just inflate like that, and nobody says anything?
    >nobody says anything?
    You have clearly not been paying attention for the last 5 or 6 years, anon.
    Fat shaming Tilly is a chudlike behavior that was a staple of discussion in /trek/ quite frequently.
    It was embarrassing to watch Mary Wiseman stumble through the few episodes of STD season 4 she appeared in.
    Pic related. Is this a practical size for a tactical suit?

  48. 12 months ago

    how do you even get obese in the star trek universe? couldn't you just beam the food out of your stomach after you binged?

  49. 12 months ago
  50. 12 months ago

    Tilly is so fat her blood type is yamok sauce
    Tilly is so fat that she has her own sector of space
    Tilly is so fat the transporter scrambles her signal into an omelet
    Tilly is so fat that she doesn't explore the galaxy, the galaxy explores her
    Tilly is so fat she was stationed on Regulus but her fat rolled over into Cardassian space
    Tilly is so fat that Garak tried to take her measurements but the sizing scanner returned "to be continued".
    Tilly is so fat that when she heard they would be traveling through a mycelial network she made sure to bring a spoon.
    Tilly is so fat that even Riker wouldn't touch her with a 10 light year pole.
    Tilly is so fat she tried to eat Data's emotion chip
    Tilly is so fat she uses nanites to clean her butt crack
    Tilly is so fat she tried to order a burger from the sonic shower
    Tilly is so fat that she needs self-sealing stembolts to keep her uniform from ripping
    Tilly is so fat that Starfleet designated her mouth a black hole
    Tilly is so fat that two guys can frick her at the same time and be on different planets
    Tilly is so fat that she sat on the sacred marketplace and lowered all the prices.
    Tilly is so fat she's got more rolls than the Picard maneuver
    Tilly is so fat you need to go to warp 9 to get on her good side.
    Tilly is so fat the Dominion used her insulin pump as the basis of the Ketrecel injectors
    Tilly is so fat that she turned the one black guy on the ship gay
    Tilly is so fat her uniform has to be made on the shipyards of Mars
    Tilly is so fat she cracked the Mirror Universe
    Tilly is so fat that she has to say "Two to beam up" when she's by herself

    • 12 months ago

      wow that's pretty fat, anon

  51. 12 months ago

    its crazy back in the 2000s we would of called far left fat when by todays standards she would be called a rake. men have been lowering and lowering their standards for over a decade now and are willing to frick literal pigs its beyond pathetic.

    • 12 months ago

      Not me. I still prefer the women at my gym rather than the average woman on the streets.

      • 12 months ago

        man we are the exception to this pig fricking epidemic. I blame social autists that use dating apps for creating this mess. any guy on a dating app lowers himself from a 10 to a 6 just by using the app in a woman's eyes. so a 7 guy becomes a 3 so he is forced to date actual 3s who are typically gay hambeasts.

  52. 12 months ago

    They lost the formula for Ozempic in the 30th century

  53. 12 months ago

    Constant gravitational changes of visiting different worlds affects some people differently, anon.
    It's genetics, it's not her fault.

  54. 12 months ago

    those fat acceptance b***hes are gonna have a holocaust in about 5 years. clock is already ticking, it's too late for a lot of them already, they're never gonna lose hundreds of lbs before they hit 40.

  55. 12 months ago

    Slim/fit male physique check

  56. 12 months ago

    Mirror Tilly was top tier

  57. 12 months ago

    she is just fat
    you can tell they are ignoring it because there are almost no full body shots of her.
    all the pics in this thread are single frames from a quick pan or cut
    the producers know she is fat, they said nothing about it, and they purposefully crop her fat ass from the screen

    • 12 months ago

      you have a point speaking of ass, i don't think there's a single actual still of her ass

  58. 12 months ago

    i just don't believe the oh getting older, eating bad, seed oil nonsense.
    i'm old as frick, i eat like shit - it is fricking inconceivable to me how you can get fat.
    i just do not understand the mechanics of it.
    you're not eating some magic shit that's making you fat - you're just eating a frick load and eating all the time.

    • 12 months ago

      Like someone else in the thread earlier mentioned. It's the liquid calories that get you.

      She's probably scarfing down one of those starbucks frapps a day, which could easily be around 1k calories. I know too many people that do this.

      • 12 months ago

        She'll be getting Starbucks brapps once she's done with that

        • 12 months ago

          a true braphog worthy of my face

  59. 12 months ago

    body positive is why it's allowed. I bet she's probably into the feeder/gainer fetish.
    it isn't exactly uncommon

    her husband is probably her feeder. it's not difficult to get a girl into especially if they're mid 30s when you start. Mary Wiseman is the type of girl who's always struggled with weight, you can tell. now add her own mental instability (she calls herself pansexual queer) and it's just a matter of patience.

    any time she says she's fat, you tell her how thin she's looking. you buy her chocolates and other sweets. feed them to her, give her your undivided attention. make eating feel pleasurable for her. with the mentally unstable you can push the whole body positive shit. love every pound she gains.
    once you successfully get a woman on that path she'll balloon quickly

  60. 12 months ago

    I can't wait to see her in Dunc Part 2.

  61. 12 months ago

    Jesus Fricking God, I want her to let her hair down and sit on my face.

    • 12 months ago

      Based. That haircut is terrible and you can tell she's sulking in her gut there.

  62. 12 months ago

    >How the hell did Tilly turn into a fricking whale in her time on Discovery?
    Craft services

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