How would Neo know if the actual matrix was the place full of tentacle monsters?

How would Neo know if the actual matrix was the place full of tentacle monsters? It could just be some weird cult created by Morpheus where they use futuristic medication to implant strange experiences into the brain.

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    The Matrix is a trans analogy created by the trans degenerate Wachoski "Sisters".
    In their twisted head the real world is analogous to trans identity, while the matrix represents CIS identity.
    That is why Morpheus says that they usually don't take people into the real world beyond a certain age. Trans people groom kids. That is how they get new recruits. They need to target them when they are naive and susceptible.
    But Neo represents the autist. He sits at home on his computer all day whenever he's not working at his job surrounded by normies that he can't relate to. Neo was groomed online by the two discord mods of the real world, Morpheus and Trinity. His autism made him susceptible to this grooming despite his age.
    So you ask you Neo can be sure that the real world is in fact the real world? That's like asking how a transwoman can know she is a real women. The answer is she can't. All she, and the Wachoskis, care is that it feels real. There is no empiricism to their search for truth.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >The Matrix is a trans analogy
      >Keanu Reeves: oh really? I didn't know
      Was the funniest thing to come from the latest one

  2. 4 weeks ago

    smart move would have been to keep a few guys in the cave on the d/l so a group in the matrix could live their literal fantasies. consider time on the Nebuchadnezzar like as job and then be superman in the /trix

    • 4 weeks ago

      Wasn't the whole idea that truth is more important than fantasy? That's why Cypher was a bad guy because he was a hedonist. Of course it's hypocritical for anyone who indulges his autogynophilia but that was the main thesis of the movie.

  3. 4 weeks ago

    accepting the real world no matter how grim, is a true humanity test.

    • 4 weeks ago

      How do you know you aren't just descending further and further into hell?

      • 4 weeks ago

        truth is the only objective that drives humanity. it is our duty to pursue it.
        whether it be hell or some other miserable, destitute abyss.
        The conditions don't matter, only what is real and genuine for the moment.

        • 4 weeks ago

          No I mean what if you just take a black pill there is no coming back from? We should trust things like light and love as truthful.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >No I mean what if you just take a black pill there is no coming back from?
            same idea. Black pills will strip away falsities and distractions.
            Light needs a source you can trust.
            love is almost never truthful.

            • 4 weeks ago

              Enjoy being in a hell of your own making, bucko!

              • 4 weeks ago

                >the only finality is irreconcilable hell

              • 4 weeks ago

                Why bother to find out? That's a nonsequitur anyway. I'm just saying hell can be the cave too. Consciousness is kinda terrifying when you think about its implications.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Why bother to find out?
                Humans were given a divine ability to experience.
                To deny experience out of cowardice is to deny your humanity, it undermines your very self.
                What are you then?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Though I identify a lot with philosophical pessimism and am an antinatalist because of the potential costs of consciousness, I also don't just assume bad thing must be true and good thing must be false. Who knows maybe it really is all sunshine and rainbows.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >pessimism, antinatalist
                a juvenile combination.
                pessimism is refusing to accept that existence requires inherent chaos to define the order and vice versa
                while antinatalists just refuse to work out their existential dread and have the audacity to think they should command existence

              • 4 weeks ago

                Working through my existential dread is the very thing that makes me not want to impose conscious experience on anyone. Nobody has passed through the crucible who wants children.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Consciousness is not a burden. Otherwise there would be no concept of enjoyable experiences.
                While you deny them them the abject bad, because you think you're shielding them, you're also denying the profoundly good. Creation imposes both because that's what it requires.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You cannot deny a nonexistent being anything. True there is no asymmetry. For me the matter is one of consent. Having children or creating AGI or any other form of consciousness seems to be like taking the life-savings of a man in a coma and gambling them away on lottery tickets with a 1 billion dollar prize. Is that really a good thing to do, probably squander all his money on infinitesimal odds? I think in general people are more risk-averse than pleasure-seeking because of the.depths of imaginable horror while paradise seems like it would be a nice place that might eventually become boring.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >You cannot deny a nonexistent being anything.
                leaving fatalism out of this .
                You can, because of the self-imposed fears, you deny the course of actions that (could) lead to the existence of others.
                Yes, you are not giving them the choice to consent to exist, But neither are they giving you consent to deny them as well, it's a selfish assumption. So what do you do?
                You can only provide them the opportunity, and allow them to opt out if desired.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Everyone who exists exists necessarily because of God's knowledge of their existence.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Humanity's current notion of God/Creator is unsound, so it's naive to assume a fatalistic truth from it.

        • 4 weeks ago

          >truth is the only objective that drives humanity. it is our duty to pursue it.
          >whether it be hell or some other miserable, destitute abyss.
          >The conditions don't matter, only what is real and genuine for the moment.
          >he believes in truth

          • 4 weeks ago

            neechee believes in truth though, just his own versions of it.

            • 4 weeks ago

              That was why I was poking fun at the post, in which the poster described truth as a rather objective pursuit of the human condition rather than what I consider to be an entirely subjective pursuit that is separate from all other forms of moralization hitherto.

              • 4 weeks ago

                You're obtusely agreeing with me/ the notion though, because objective requires the exclusion of moralistic aspects.
                The specific truth for each entity is subjective and unique in the universe of individual, but the pursuit itself is still objective because it is a consequence of existence.
                Neechee was too distracted with moralizing.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Yes, I concede these points to you. I was mostly breaking balls. My point was that, indeed, as Nietzsche posited many times throughout his writings, moralizing is often what impedes one's pursuit of truth and instead causes one to exchange it for the pursuit of "progress", or "equity" or "equality" - in other words, the exchanging of Noble qualities for slavish ones in the pursuit of comfort rather than conquest.

  4. 4 weeks ago

    But why would morpheus fake a world of tentacle robutts?

    • 4 weeks ago

      Same reason any cult abuses it's membership, to assert authority.

  5. 4 weeks ago

    >the REAL world is a bunch of brown people having smelly, sweaty orgies underground eating literal slop

  6. 4 weeks ago

    >How would Neo know if the actual matrix was the place full of tentacle monsters?
    doesn't matter, Neo was frustrated and unhappy inside the Matrix because of his nature, this is stated in the movie. he didn't feel that way in the real world (whether it was "real" or not). it's about what he wanted not an objective rule for everyone to follow

  7. 4 weeks ago

    Truth is a spook, its definition can be redefined at will by those with power.

  8. 4 weeks ago

    ITT: people would rather play with their funko pops and go out drinking than become a literal superman within the matrix

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