How would the 2010s be depicted in 2030s movies and shows?

How would the 2010s be depicted in 2030s movies and shows?

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  1. 1 year ago

    As Chinese of course.

  2. 1 year ago

    An overabundance of 2010s meme culture - if you think that kind of thing is bad now 'historical takes' will make it worse.

  3. 1 year ago

    Like the 90's except the things considered nostalgic would be different.
    >Haha oh man can you believe we still used to watch those big ol' things back then?
    >What were they again? T-..Televizjuns?

  4. 1 year ago

    Probably wont. Nothing happened and culture has generally broken down.

    • 1 year ago

      I think this, we don't have movies depicting the 2000s now either so they'll just keep endlessly peddling more 80s fake nostalgia crap

      • 1 year ago

        There's been an increasing rise of media set in the 00s, don't know where you've been. 80s nostalgiagayging was over represented for a while though. Stranger things milked that trend to death and so we're on to other time periods.

        • 1 year ago

          And the 90s got skipped over, curious...

          • 1 year ago

            >the decade most acceptable for the things considered unacceptable currently
            very curious indeed

            • 1 year ago

              2000s was peak edginess in terms of using bad words/behaviors regularly imo

          • 1 year ago

            Because the 90s was just a more beefed-up version of the 80s, nothing really that special.

            • 1 year ago

              The only thing people remember about the 90s is shitty Nickelodeon cartoons; talk about a mediocre decade.

              Oh please, the music, fashion, films, videogames etc is completely different from the 80's to the point it feels like an intentional rebellion against them

          • 1 year ago

            The only thing people remember about the 90s is shitty Nickelodeon cartoons; talk about a mediocre decade.

            • 1 year ago

              >only thing people remember about the 90s is shitty Nickelodeon cartoons

              tell me how I know your a zoomer homosexual

  5. 1 year ago

    worst decade.
    >graduated high school at 2011
    >College sucked
    >america is slowly decaying
    >superhero movied and politics everywhere
    every girl i fricked turned into a feminist goblin, i hate very argument i ever had related to me mansplaning someone.

  6. 1 year ago

    I dont think the 2010s are that different from the 2020s, people ar emore fat I guess? I feel like very little has changed in terms of popular culturem. Music is similar, movies are similar, fashion is similar. You could take a Katie Perry song and it wouldn't feel out of place today. You can go back even further, you could take a 50 Cent song and it wouldn't feelnout of place today.

    • 1 year ago

      The 2020s are very noticeably different than the 2010s already
      >Music is similar
      The 2020s are way more melodic and there's more of an emphasis on alternative/indie than on just autotune pop and mumble rap.
      >movies are similar
      Movies keep flopping; the moviemaking formula of the 2010s is collapsing in real-time and studios are just in denial about it.
      >fashion is similar
      Only women care about fashion anyway but fashion feels a lot more formal and "style-oriented" than it was in the past.
      >You could take a Katie Perry song and it wouldn't feel out of place today.
      Same shit with Queen and Beatles songs that still get played today. Just because something still exists at some point doesn't mean it's still part of a generational cultural zeitgeist.

      • 1 year ago

        >Same shit with Queen and Beatles songs that still get played today.
        The point is not that people wouldn't listen to Queen and Beatles, the point neother Kary Perry or 50 Cent would sound out of place. A Beatles song sounds old, its not about being good, it just sounds from a different era, meanwhile Katy Perry is mildly edgy pop that still xomes out today. Of Katy Perry music has come out today, no one would call it retro.

      • 1 year ago

        >Fsshion feels more formal
        I agree with everything else you said but thats just dead wrong. Every zoomer wears athleisure and if you are wearing jeans or chinos they think you are "dressed up".

      • 1 year ago

        Fashion is not similar.
        Not by a fricking longshot. By the 2020's fashion youtube was well established and women could actually learn what colors to wear, how to match, and how to apply makeup like not a prostitute.
        I learned more in 1 hour of watching Brittany Venti about women's fashion than every woman in my extended family combined.

  7. 1 year ago

    was there ever a worse, gayer, more devoid of anything good decade in human history thus far? I don't think there has been

    • 1 year ago

      The 2020s will be worse. If you talk covid I'd wager this should already count as one of the worst decades for the west in 100 years.

      • 1 year ago

        well yeah it just hasn't wrapped up yet, once it does it will officially be the worst, and then the decade after that will be even worse and so on

  8. 1 year ago

    Serious answer, no one will look back fondly on that shit decade
    Here's to hoping two more weeks passes and something actually significant happens by the end of the 2020s

    • 1 year ago

      That's what you morons said about the early 2000s.

  9. 1 year ago

    Probably the same since smartphones and stupidity are still the same right now

  10. 1 year ago

    - MAGA white nationalists will look like they were everywhere, committing hate crimes against every minority

    - people who were skeptical of COVID lockdowns will be brushed completely as COVID deniers. There will be no nuance here. It will be perceived as one group (da libs) as 'trust the science' and the other group as legitimate deniers that covid was real

    - inflation wont be due to liberal policy and handouts coupled with runaway monetary policy by the federal reserve, but greedy corporations

    - BLM protests will be painted as noble, no emphasis on the looting and murder

    • 1 year ago

      OP was talking about 2010s, not 2020s

  11. 1 year ago

    >he doesn't know
    Discovery or some channel like that is doing a 2010s show
    Commercial said it was characterized by artists coming out with stuff that sounded happy or hopeful- cue Gangam style

  12. 1 year ago

    The 2010's will soon be glorified like the 80's was.

    • 1 year ago

      The 2010's was an inflection point where culture started to get worse faster. The other defining aspect of the 2010s was the inflation of the zero percent interest asset bubble.

      • 1 year ago

        Forgot to add it's sad that zoomers look back on the 2010s like they were good when it was the start of the bad.

    • 1 year ago

      >everything in this image is fricking gay
      the 2010s were bleak

  13. 1 year ago

    If it's the EARLY 2010s, there would be a lot of stuff about the culture shock from initial smartphone adoption + social media becoming ubiquitous and considered something new and fresh, where Facebook was still cool because your parents weren't on it yet

  14. 1 year ago

    I see it going either this
    Literally the start of the End of Movies and Shows, And the beginning of Viral Memes and Social Media, like this is the golden age of Youtube and Streaming

    Feminist wokeness, movies like Hunger games started the woke agenda
    plus the rise of hipster Geek/Superhero culture in movies and shows

  15. 1 year ago

    This is going to be the era where a Tiktoker/Vine, Instagram digital prostitutes/escorts, Youtube/Twitch content creators

    have more influence than a high budget, written and produce TV talk show host or a highly publicized israelite managed celebrity

  16. 1 year ago

    The end of Hollywood
    the Harvey Weinstein trial cover blew and the failed israelite hollywood damage control that is the "me too movement"

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