How would you fix Hazbin?

now that its out and it sucks ass, how would Cinemaphile fix the show?

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  1. 4 months ago

    Make everyone straight

    • 4 months ago

      This. I'm tired of these Gen Alpha shows pushing homosexuality, we get it, it's part of the norm now. Stop.

      • 4 months ago

        Viv is a late millennial with design sensibilities and inspirations that predate the youngest members of Gen Z, though.
        If you're going to contribute to generation war horseshit at least use your rotting brain instead of attributing the vanity project of a late 2000s/early 2010s deviantArt scene kid who never grew up to 12-and-unders because they're the youngest and you don't want to associate something you don't like with your tribe.

      • 4 months ago

        I wouldn't consider it "part of the norm". But if we say that maybe they'll stop.

      • 4 months ago

        Like a third of that generation IDs as LGBT. It's not going to happen.

    • 4 months ago

      This on top of hiring good writers
      Frick it just good writers is enough gays don't bother me at all in a good story, they are just overdone

    • 4 months ago

      So fragile. So sad.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      Going by Helluva Boss it won't fix anything.
      Millie is their only straight character and thus has no daddy or ex issues and has her shit together.
      Yet Vivzie does not know how to write these characters and thus she is so boring. Her only interaction is with her husband and their romance is the most generic shit like Vivzie has no idea how healthy romances work so she based it on the kitschiest Valentine cards she could find, but you never find out why they are in love with each other.
      So if everyone is straight and has their shit together what would Hazbin Hotel be all about?

    • 4 months ago

      Impossible, Vivziepop is a fujo

    • 4 months ago

      Anon, they are in hell. It makes sense that most of them are sinners. If anything, the show should be about the characters being cured of their homosexuality.

  2. 4 months ago

    Have Doomguy and Spawn kill everyone.

    • 4 months ago

      >Have Doomguy
      This is the board that unironically shipped Doomguy and Charlie

      • 4 months ago

        I had that Charlie being infatuated with Doomguy saved but can't fricking find it.

        • 4 months ago

          why did you poorly paint over a picture of yui from idolmaster

          • 4 months ago

            >why did you do thing that you didn't do
            I don't know anon, use your telepathy and find out.

    • 4 months ago

      >Spawn meeting Husk
      Spare him, he's one of the only objectively good parts of modern Hazbin. Besides, it'd be epic to see Keith David do double time with his cast.

      • 4 months ago

        >just now remembering/realizing Keith David voiced Spawn
        >and he's in this show as a middle-aged boyfriend to a gay porn star
        I think I'm starting to piece together the method that is Vivzie's madness.

    • 4 months ago

      This but add V1

      • 4 months ago

        The Vs vs V1 and V2

    • 4 months ago

      Then Doomguy kills Spawn or king of Hell Spawn destroy all of Hell's Lords then the former

  3. 4 months ago

    let charlie stay in heaven since she doesn't deserve to stay in hell.

  4. 4 months ago

    More Niffty
    Less AD

    • 4 months ago

      everything about niffty was superfluous from the get-go and they realized it so gave her the extra characteristic of being crazy for no reason

      • 4 months ago

        She's better Millie now so I'm cool with it. She was a pure nothing before as you say

  5. 4 months ago

    It bugs me that Charlies arms are different lengths. Fricking pro artists my arse.

    • 4 months ago

      That’s just perspective, because of the way her torso is turned.

      Make one single bad guy who is the bad guy for the entire series and is the antagonist to everyone and make him white and straight and the gimmick is that he wants to christianize hell bringing hell to traditional American values and a traditional way of living with the wife staying at home and the husband going to "work" to have fun with the guys

      This, but strongly imply that the baddie is the deceased spirit of some historically important white person, like Christopher Columbus or Ronald Reagan.

  6. 4 months ago

    Keep the same basic premise (hotel to rehabilitate the denizens of Hell) but that would be it for things that would be 100% kept.

    >Charlie is instead an Angel from Heaven who, when viewing Hell, sees many of the denizens are clearly redeemable. Decides to make a trip to Hell and sets up the Hotel.
    >Still gets laughed out by the power players of Hell but a lot of it is because of discrimination against denizens of Heaven by denizens of Hell.
    >While many of the denizens of Hell are indeed irredeemable, at least a few at least show signs of redeemability.
    >Lucifer is portrayed as an arrogant, sadistic angel who fell into Hell due to an attempt to take on God.
    >Heaven is ruled by a moralistic council claiming to act on God's will with a stringent, often burdensome code of how people must act and do to get into their place.
    >Most episodes are about the various clients who enter the hotel and the attempts (sometimes successful, sometimes unsuccessful) to rehabilitate the clients.
    >The exterminations are motivated by the fear that, in an End Times confrontation, Heaven will be defeated by Hell.
    >Gradual overarching story about Charlie questioning more and more the code the council has for entry into Heaven and who they are really representing (God is notably absent at least until close until the end).

    • 4 months ago

      How to fix the show 101

    • 4 months ago

      thats amazing, good fix!!

    • 4 months ago

      Honestly if you didn't want to play Heaven straight, this would be a great compromise. Nice stuff anon

    • 4 months ago

      is instead an Angel from Heaven
      No, i think Charlie being a demon princess is more interesting. This is her character gimmick, a nice well meaning person born in a world where everyone else is a jackass.

      • 4 months ago

        >a nice well meaning person born in a world where everyone else is a jackass.
        Too bad that Helluva Boss completely fricked this up by making almost every single demon into a nice person, Charlie is no longer that "unique" anymore

  7. 4 months ago

    It's a lost cause.

  8. 4 months ago

    >Cinemaphile still seething because the show ended being praised and successful
    The years of hate didn't pay off uh?

    • 4 months ago

      why do you have this saved to your hard drive?

      Show us your Charlie themed Fleshlight instead.

    • 4 months ago

      >rotten tomatoes
      >muh proof
      lol frick off homosexual, laughing you out of the room

    • 4 months ago

      >Rotten Tomatoes
      >14 Critic reviews
      Come back when all episodes have aired.

    • 4 months ago

      >RT is right
      So that means they're right about Wish, Super Mario Bros, Little Mermaid, Spider-Verse....shall we go on twitter troony trying to make their point on Cinemaphile?

      • 4 months ago

        They were absolutely right about all of those except Little Mermaid. You’re actually delusional if you think they were wrong about shitting on Wish.

        • 4 months ago

          Nah Black person. You dont get to flip flop on your absolutist bullshit just because it doesn't suit your nonsense worldview.

          • 4 months ago

            >he actually defends Wish

            • 4 months ago

              Not defending wish you fricking trans moron. I'm saying if you are going to say RT is right on this then you better be ready to accept that anything they said in the past about shit YOU hated they were right on.

              Here is another absolutist bit. You are either a man in a dress or a real woman and I guarantee you are the former.

              • 4 months ago

                >this level of delusion
                Definitely a Wish fan

              • 4 months ago

                >Reading comp failed
                Definitely a Black person.

    • 4 months ago

      left wing creatives stick together and back each other up.

    • 4 months ago

      Doesn't everything woke get praised there anyway?

    • 4 months ago

      Am I really the only one around here who’s happy to be proven wrong? With how bad HB got I’m glad this has been solid so far

      • 4 months ago

        I did too, but I always felt it would surpass helluva boss, especially now considering the state HB is in

        • 4 months ago

          What's wrong with Helluva Boss? So it's full of romantic angst but that sets it apart from Hazbin Hotel.

          • 4 months ago

            endless romantic angst and melodrama, badly written characters, the premise took a total backseat to gay owl subplots and uhh... a random Kesha cameo?
            it's basically like someone animated an amateurish wattpad fanfic written by some fujoshi

            • 4 months ago

              And we're still invested.

              Will they or won't they? Helluva Boss is basically a soap opera, with stuff blowing up.

      • 4 months ago

        I did too, but I always felt it would surpass helluva boss, especially now considering the state HB is in

        this,Originally liked helluva better than hazbin's pilot with the imps killing humans and the plot which the humans find out about them seems llike a solid long running plot, then season 2 came and we got uwu stupid drama every single episode, hazbin seems refreshing now.

    • 4 months ago
    • 4 months ago

      Amazon has been proven to hire people to boost the shit out of their ratings. It's fake as frick. It's why Wheel of Time has like 10/10 show of the year reviews despite having a viewer base of less than 100k now.

    • 4 months ago

      Do you actually know what specifically is being praised or are you just citing a score with zero context? Can you name one critic whose review you read prior to posting this and what stood out to you in their review?

  9. 4 months ago

    Easy. Add verbalase.


    • 4 months ago

      I hope he unironically ends up in a Hazbin Hotel episode, no doubt one of Charlie's "Lust Legion".

  10. 4 months ago

    There's no fixing, I finally found the core issue to ALL of it. It has essentially fallen to the pitfall of just what exactly people loathe SO MUCH about most modern musicals (and certain musical traits to a whole that makes people lose immersion with the story). With the complete lack of the pilot VA cast, it's pretty much just a glamorized white Hollywood people adult cartoon show, adding more quantity than quality and having the audacity to... GOD, that one fricking song where Vaggy sang and then just ALL of a sudden, her voice is somehow completely different than that of her own TALKING VOICE?

    The total lack of imperfections, the fear of not even bothering to use VAs that are less than apt to sing a song for the show, making unique voice traits entirely nonexistent and practically given to already big names on the musical shows' industry, the rancid ass writing, the fricking clobbering mess of the STIFF AS FRICK models. God, there's just too much wrong of it.

    And frick you if you say my opinion is trash, I fricking grew up with musicals during my childhood.

  11. 4 months ago

    1. Bring back the original VA for angel dust while keeping his current VA as a singer. Same with other roles if possible. That way all bridges are mended and everyone has a job.
    2. Filter all scripts through Brandon Rogers. He's funny. Most jokes here fall flat.
    3. Either include a israelite as a total 4th wall break to break the quasi-christian mythology as a self aware mood shift (like throwing ice water on a hot pan) or try to separate any and all tanakh/old testament contents from the show.

    • 4 months ago

      >1. Bring back the original VA for angel dust while keeping his current VA as a singer. Same with other roles if possible. That way all bridges are mended and everyone has a job.
      To literal Hell with 'thar jerbs', how about just not 'New Coke'ing an already successful formula like a fricking dumbass?
      >tl;dr for Zoomie n00bz: Back in the 80's some homosexual at Coca-Cola decided it would be a genius move to change the formula and market 'New Coke', totally discarding the old one. The reaction was about what you'd expect, and went down in history as one of the most tone-deaf business moves in history. They managed to pull out of the dive by reintroducing the old one after a few months, but Viv is not even that intelligent.

      • 4 months ago

        Isn't the original VA for angel dust not a member of the Guild?

        The spice must flow Jerry.

        • 4 months ago

          The original VA, Michael Korvack, already said that the unions weren't part of him getting dropped. He was never told specifically why, but the best guess was that it was a power play from Amazon. He and the Alister VA could have asked for more money due to being so beloved by the fans, so they were kicked out. Corporations be like that.

          • 4 months ago

            >the best guess was that it was a power play from Amazon.
            It's frickin obvious Viv dropped them all to rub shoulders with broadway gays, come on.

    • 4 months ago

      It needs better pacing and a better script, the basic story and characters are fine for what it is.
      Some voices suck ass but that could be overlooked if they had something interesting to say because while watching it feels like you are wasting your time.

      >2. Filter all scripts through Brandon Rogers
      I remember watching some episodes of HelluvaBoss and only liking the ones he helped write because he actually understands why timing is important. Too bad they can't really leave that to him because the animation/direction is in charge of someone else/various artists

  12. 4 months ago

    Make the Angels more varied in their personalities.

  13. 4 months ago

    Way too much queer shit in this. Angel actually disgusts me. Songs are good though.
    Seriously, the script is the weakest part. It's full of tired cliches in the dialogue. Feels amateurish.

    • 4 months ago

      Angels whole shtick is getting raped
      We have more episodes with angel getting abused than not
      There are two viral songs about angel being high while getting raped

      • 4 months ago

        it's literally just the writers barely disguised fetish.
        scratch that, it's the writers blatantly disgusting fetish on full display.

    • 4 months ago

      I know what you mean too... idk what changed but my view of angel has nosedived.. the pilot made me think he had issues but was still pretty cool but God damn do I feel violated when he's on screen 90% of the time. He acts exactly like a gross troon. also haha gay sex funny gets old reaaaaaaal fast. the fact characters that don't constantly swear like 10 year Olds when they are home alone (Alastor, Pentious, ect) are more compelling is not a coincidence. frick words doesn't = comedy.

  14. 4 months ago

    cope seethe and dilate, ywnbaw

  15. 4 months ago

    Make one single bad guy who is the bad guy for the entire series and is the antagonist to everyone and make him white and straight and the gimmick is that he wants to christianize hell bringing hell to traditional American values and a traditional way of living with the wife staying at home and the husband going to "work" to have fun with the guys

    • 4 months ago

      Vivzie please

  16. 4 months ago

    Let A24 fully take over. Simple as.

  17. 4 months ago

    Get rid of angel dust. Didnt bother finishing the 4th episode because it focused on him. Fricks sake. You're in hell, you agreed to the porn gig. Stop whining about what you agreed to

    • 4 months ago

      boo hoo I made shitty life choices now I'm in hell time to make more shity choices after learning nothing I go cry about having a prolapsed butthole and demon AIDS

  18. 4 months ago

    There is no way to fix it, the plot is super poor and amateurishly written and makes no sense when you apply fridge logic to it, Helluva Boss is Viv trying to do something in the Hazbin Hotel setting that actually works in the long run

    HH will be one season and then it's gone

    • 4 months ago

      >one season
      >he doesn’t know

    • 4 months ago

      >HH will be one season and then it's gone
      i hate keep saying this, but it's got "two seasons".
      which is just ONE season cut in half so they can finish the 2nd half.
      That's how streaming services work now.

      If a series isn't a STELLER hit, then it will sink. It's likely she knows she can't get MORE than two seasons so that's why everything seems so rushed. But seeing how so much is thrown at the wall in the 1st five episodes, what else does this series have to offer after they already dumped the Rape episode 4 episodes in?

      • 4 months ago

        Shows get cancelled after 1 season on streaming all the time, especially now.
        Split or not, it still gets another season.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm comparing this to numaniacs, which equally had a "HIT STATUS" and was praised as a gem by many simps on twitter and Cinemaphile. And the simps on Co are generally contrarians looking to be "cope" about it to people who are haters.

          Most people were saying it was mid, but it was big enough to get "three" seasons and was quickly killed after that. Amazon and a24 smartly is releasing episodes two at a time which allows people to talk about them and then be reminded as more hype is generated. A cartoon that depicts RAPE four episodes in did get people talking about it.

          Outside of viv's angry haters, there are more people who are honest about the confusion of the story. If the show is doing well in other countries it IS because something like this coming out of the states is a novelty. They're kinda allured by it the way weebs are about Attack on Titan.

          If they can't get season 2 out fast, it'll be dead. But that still doesn't put a stop to Helluva's production. If people are in here saying "viv won", you're not wrong, but it's not without it's monkey paw effects of success.

        • 4 months ago

          A movie-lenght episode may be more likely in the end tbh

  19. 4 months ago

    Doesn’t seem like they want any fixing

    • 4 months ago

      man, you're a simp and it's sad.

      Do you have any other shows that interest you so i can get an idea that you're not just a toe sucking slug?

      • 4 months ago

        You clearly have no other shows that interest you to be spending this much time on a show you don’t like.

        • 4 months ago

          There is nothing else out right now, it's fricking JANUARY.
          If it's doing well it's because it's the shiny object on top of the trash pile!

          • 4 months ago

            Sounds like the perfect time to see the shows you missed from last year or even older ones you never got around to, instead of hyperfixating over a show you don’t like

            • 4 months ago

              Noone talks about the one thing I actually DO love.

              • 4 months ago

                That was a based show too

              • 4 months ago

                it's fundamentally better in every way.

                I get there's a "mean girls" jealousy to viv's work, but seeing a show that's legit awful get praise when better art gets slept on is a problem

                Equally, Unicorn Warrior did well in it's own right, because it had TV ratings to back up it's success. Tiny Toons reboot has some mild success because of how it's accessible on TV as well as streaming.
                Most people should know these Amazon shows can get "success" because someone will CLICK the show, watch 30 seconds of the 1st episode and it'll fudge the results. It'll count that as a full watched just to prove that the investment was valid.

              • 4 months ago

                it's fundamentally better in every way.

                I get there's a "mean girls" jealousy to viv's work, but seeing a show that's legit awful get praise when better art gets slept on is a problem

                Equally, Unicorn Warrior did well in it's own right, because it had TV ratings to back up it's success. Tiny Toons reboot has some mild success because of how it's accessible on TV as well as streaming.
                Most people should know these Amazon shows can get "success" because someone will CLICK the show, watch 30 seconds of the 1st episode and it'll fudge the results. It'll count that as a full watched just to prove that the investment was valid.

                UWE was weird, I respect it as a creative work and still look on it fondly, but the writing and story was just too confused and ended up just making me feel empty in the end with all the missed potential. Doesn't help that the ending sucked dick too

              • 4 months ago

                >Doesn't help that the ending sucked dick too
                Endless possibilities. I was ok with it so long as it meant we were getting MORE but hard to say at this point. Primal doesn't need more seasons with it's conclusion and yet we are.

                I loved how it took it's time, I love the characters, and the art style so much more. All of Viv's work is all flash and no subsistence. Even if they have the same issue of having plots that don't make any sense, I'd rather be left wanting more then begging for it to be over sooner.

        • 4 months ago

          I like Ted. But even if that show didn’t come out that doesn’t make Hazbin Hotel good.

  20. 4 months ago

    homobin hotel will be the bud light of leftist entertainment

  21. 4 months ago

    add a troony

    • 4 months ago

      >anon doesn't know

      • 4 months ago

        >Vaggie's birth name was Peeney

  22. 4 months ago

    But which is worse this or Owl House?

    • 4 months ago

      Owl House I can say isn't for me, but I see the value of it's existence.

      Looking at viv's cartoons are like seeing a preschooler's macaroni art hung up in a museum next to a Monet.

      • 4 months ago

        what do when there aren't good christian alternatives

        • 4 months ago

          Wrong board

          • 4 months ago

            sodomy or trans pipeline what is the world coming to

  23. 4 months ago

    >make the pilot episode total canon and upload to Amazon along with the others
    >use original style, VA cast, and don't skimp on animation quality - everything should be a high quality production, highly refined, dialled-up-to-11 version of what worked in the pilot
    >organically add whatever new Broadwaygays in as new characters all you want, but cast the right person for the right character, not the other way around - they would be welcomed by everybody.
    That would take care of 99% of problems right there. Give everyone everything they expect, hoped, and dreamed - just better. Seriously, what did people really want, except more of what they got in the pilot? Also with the pilot fully integrated and included you don't need to spend half your first new episode reestablishing shit, you can get right to it. Normies who never saw the pilot on the internet would love it just as much as anyone else, or at least be intrigued enough to keep watching.

    • 4 months ago

      (cont ... )
      Episode 1:
      >minimise the shadow animation intro or better yet ditch it entirely, (you could start each episode with something like it briefly for additional exposition that isn't fun or doesn't fit into the episodes, as lazy as that is. But better to do something different each time, like Vaggie's exposition on the Radio Demon was actually really well done in the pilot).
      >start with Alastor's commercial instead of Charlie/Vaggie conversation
      >interrupt discussion after with call from Charlie's Dad
      >conversation she had with Vaggie at start integrated into them talking after the call
      >'Happy Day in Hell'
      >meets Adam
      >He's a bit of a dick, but turns out it's just out of prejudice that demons are bad people who could never reform even if they tried, so he's being a little dickish to try to discourage her, (thinking she'll just wind up disappointed).
      >other characters shooting new commercial to flesh out characters
      >use Adam meeting to recount some lore in natural conversation, maybe him telling Charlie something about her parents/origin she didn't know before
      >have Adam's song be more sympathetic, but still dismissive and intended to discourage, "for her own good". Charlie will ultimately prove him wrong, but he's not evil - he's just gatekeeping Heaven. He doesn't like the exterminations any more than she does, but considers them necessary, he's following divine orders, etc.
      >we see some of the commercial they made and it tells you more about the situation, hotel, and characters, while being funny.
      >drop the dead angel thing entirely, or have it simply harden Adam's heart even further against the idea of redemption - the implication that the person who did it is a problem that might cause conflict unwanted by both Heaven and Hell, (moving the timetable up six months is totally pointless).
      That way you integrate all the exposition more naturally into the episode itself, rather than have the 'talking about feelings in hallways' effect.

    • 4 months ago

      (cont ... )
      Episode 1:
      >minimise the shadow animation intro or better yet ditch it entirely, (you could start each episode with something like it briefly for additional exposition that isn't fun or doesn't fit into the episodes, as lazy as that is. But better to do something different each time, like Vaggie's exposition on the Radio Demon was actually really well done in the pilot).
      >start with Alastor's commercial instead of Charlie/Vaggie conversation
      >interrupt discussion after with call from Charlie's Dad
      >conversation she had with Vaggie at start integrated into them talking after the call
      >'Happy Day in Hell'
      >meets Adam
      >He's a bit of a dick, but turns out it's just out of prejudice that demons are bad people who could never reform even if they tried, so he's being a little dickish to try to discourage her, (thinking she'll just wind up disappointed).
      >other characters shooting new commercial to flesh out characters
      >use Adam meeting to recount some lore in natural conversation, maybe him telling Charlie something about her parents/origin she didn't know before
      >have Adam's song be more sympathetic, but still dismissive and intended to discourage, "for her own good". Charlie will ultimately prove him wrong, but he's not evil - he's just gatekeeping Heaven. He doesn't like the exterminations any more than she does, but considers them necessary, he's following divine orders, etc.
      >we see some of the commercial they made and it tells you more about the situation, hotel, and characters, while being funny.
      >drop the dead angel thing entirely, or have it simply harden Adam's heart even further against the idea of redemption - the implication that the person who did it is a problem that might cause conflict unwanted by both Heaven and Hell, (moving the timetable up six months is totally pointless).
      That way you integrate all the exposition more naturally into the episode itself, rather than have the 'talking about feelings in hallways' effect.

      (cont ... )
      Ultimately despite misunderstandings and even divine conflict throughout the series, (along with dark forces in Hell working against her), Charlie, through her optimism and redemption of individuals at the hotel, shows Adam, the angels, and all of Heaven they're wrong - not evil, but wrong, (as in, incorrect). Sinners CAN in fact be redeemed.

      In the climax Charlie finally convinces Adam and they accept their first person from Hell into Heaven, (possibly Vaggie, Angel, Pentious, or somebody surprising who has been doing good unnoticed all along in a Wizard of Oz Tin Man kind of way). We see them transformed from a demon into an angelic form that still retains some of their characteristics, but in a good way.

      Heaven stops the annual purges of course. Vaggie is proven right for disobeying orders to purge sinners, and forgiven by Heaven, but ultimately decides to stay in Hell with Charlie and help her redeem souls. They have a lot of work to do, but an eternity in which to do it, and Charlie is confident she can reform even the worst of them, side-eyeing Alastor whose demeanor cracks ever so slightly and we catch a glimpse of wistful hope, before he appears to shrug it off and make a sarcastic comment, but still seems a little ... different ... more positive. Remember he's shit on the idea of redemption more than anyone already - right from the pilot.

      Business at the hotel is booming, and hilarity ensues with some of the shitbags queuing to sign up.

      Hell is still Hell, and still separate from Heaven, but we see Charlie again dancing down the subtly nicer/cleaner street doing another number reminiscent of 'Happy Day in Hell', (or some kind of reprise), where people are still doing fricked up shit, but some making an effort to be nicer. You can sense her getting more respect, like the guy who told her, "Go frick yourself!", before says something nicer like, "Hi Princess", or warns her right before she steps in roadkill this time.

      • 4 months ago

        (cont ... )
        That way you answer the obvious question of how a hotel with only a few people in it is going to help do anything about the overpopulation or have any impact on the purge at all, (not that Charlie thought ahead that much, she was just eternally hopeful enough to naïvely muddle her way to some sort of success).

        When new souls arrive in Hell they now get the Charlie Welcome Wagon telling them they have another chance for redemption, and she and the Hazbin Hotel will be there for them for as long as it takes.

        Maybe the main characters get the chance to go to Heaven, (maybe even Charlie herself), but also decide to stay in Hell to help new souls. Like 'Anthony' is redeemed, and that redemption divinely breaks his contract with Val, but he decides to stay. Also echoes of some shit Adam said about not actually wanting to personally go down to Hell and appearing by hologram. It's not a pleasant place for a literal Angel to be, but it's a self-sacrifice on his part to help Charlie and save other addicts and shit.

        Presumably more and more people will go to Heaven over infinite time until only Charlie and Hell-born demons are there, and her parents. So it ends on a hopeful note that they will all eventually go there so everyone is happy in smiling in Heaven as per her original plan in the pilot.

        >That way it's less offensive to religious gays because Heaven is still 'le good', and you still go to Hell for being 'le bad' and you can't get into Heaven until you truly repent and turn 'le good'. While still satisfying the pseud Lefty McAtheist literal homosexuals that they are somehow right and "God" is wrong to be such a hardass and 'hate gays' or whatever bullshit they tell themselves to justify their own degeneracy.

        And Heaven having been wrong about one thing, realise they might be wrong about Lilith's *vomit* strong independent whammening, and Lucifer's ideas for the universe, so Charlie saves them in more ways than one as well.

        • 4 months ago

          (cont ... )
          Or progressively over time Hell becomes more the 'same but different' to Heaven, and Heaven's unforgiving 'flaw' having been corrected, they basically become just two equal realms where everyone is happy. As explained in a shadow animation coda to bookend with the pilot intro.

          Maybe Lucifer is forgiven and goes back to being an Angel in Heaven right away and his ideas for the universe now being respected is put in charge of shit, living in Heaven happily with Lilith, but watches over and visits his daughter who now rules over Hell with a velvet glove full of puppy dog kisses, cotton candy dreams, and puffy wuffy clouds.

          But with Vaggie gone to Heaven, Charlie is lonely ... until a black guy is sent to Hell after being shot by his wife for spending $50k on a fricking music video. Charlie falls instantly in love at first sight and can't help herself going full-nympho ... but that's another story.

  24. 4 months ago

    I would maintain Vizi original Idea of

    >>If you do bad things in life, but later do good things do you really deserve to be sent to hell?

    Meaning that heaven is the goal and anyone can get there, as long they are good people. And not the horrendous thing that it turned out to be, where heaven is as bad as hell, making hell not so bad in comparison. Within turns butchers the original Idea, for a more modern one of body positive and self acceptance.

  25. 4 months ago

    Swap places with AD

  26. 4 months ago

    Holy shit episode three was bad.
    >vaggie's voice actor is as abysmal as the first two
    >half the overlord designs are garbage
    >*all* the new overlord personalities are garbage
    >they don't feel like overlords at all
    >both songs were shit
    Nothing about this was enjoyable or memorable.
    I'm actually dreading watching the fourth one.

  27. 4 months ago

    bros.. why did they make him so hot?

    • 4 months ago

      This design is so bad; what’s the point of him having wings? Also said wings look like cardboard.

    • 4 months ago

      He's the only character that I actually like. His character design is subpar but I can overlook that cause he's such a cool cat~

    • 4 months ago

      I just wish they didn't make him BLACK

      • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          he's now the same VA as THE PRESIDENT from RICK AND MORTY
          who is BLACK

          • 4 months ago

            That’s who you know him as? Not Spawn, Captain Anderson, The Arbiter, or Doctor Facilier?

      • 4 months ago

        he's now the same VA as THE PRESIDENT from RICK AND MORTY
        who is BLACK

        have a nice day

    • 4 months ago

      >why did they make him so hot?
      Get better tastes

      • 4 months ago

        Finally, a unique reaction

    • 4 months ago

      is that dracula?

    • 4 months ago

      He’s built like every other character in this show. They could have given him a dad bod and it’d unironically be an improvement

    • 4 months ago

      Sparkledog looking ass cat in the hat

  28. 4 months ago

    thoughts so far are some new voice actors hurt a lot like I dint even like Katie Killjoy but s(he)? is a troony now? strike that that's a plus bc trans all belong in hell. also they made my man husk a nog. Alastor is gonna carry the show mark my words.

    • 4 months ago

      >Alastor is gonna carry the show mark my words.
      He already looks like a joke. The other overlords outside of the Vox crew barely gave a shit about him.
      He's not even taking his own motivation seriously. He supposedly wanted to help with the hotel so he could see demons try and fail to rehabilitate, but what's the point if he's not going to put an honest effort in? He's undermining his own goal. If anything, it seems more at this point like he used that as a flimsy excuse to have somewhere to put up his broadcast tower. He's more interested in his radio show and trolling Vox than anything else.

      • 4 months ago

        Alastor is inconsistent in this.
        His characterization/introduction in the pilot speaks for itself.
        Episode 2 ("Radio killed the Video Star") is about him once more broadcasting his power all over hell while curbstomping someone who theoretically has a stronger medium.
        Then in Episode 3, nobody cares that this legendary figure was gone for seven years, and nothing apparently changed in the interim e.g. no power struggles over his vacated territory.

        Overlords as a whole came off poorly - no real sense of threat or the will to power that one might imagine, instead, the feeling of a retirement community. Carmilla got the worst of it: they should've kept her motivation a secret and played up the "the weapons dealer doesn't want a war? She must be plotting something" angle. It also makes no sense to give her a song at this stage.

        • 4 months ago

          Apparently Husker was an overlord? He got his ass handed to him in a bar fight and needed Angel Dust to bail him out how the hell was he ever considered ultra-powerful?
          That bit about him being a former overlord felt more like a cheap way to make him more interesting, it makes zero sense

          • 4 months ago

            It could make sense if they had foreshadowed it (through vocabulary/a high prestige style of speaking? strange allusions?) The guy who wanted power, lost it all, then permanently broken, abandoned that dream to walk a modest path. The oldtimer who sees echoes of his foolish past self in those around them, and tries to set them straight.

        • 4 months ago

          In the pilot episode he explicitly explained that his work had become mundane to him. But in the show proper, he goes right back to it.
          In the pilot he explained that he wants to help with the hotel so he can see demons try and fail to get out of hell. But in the show proper, he sabotages the hotel off jump with that shitty commercial and makes it sound like seeing Vaggie fail was alone enough to satisfy him.
          In the pilot they implied he was literally ripping overlords apart and slaughtering them wholesale, but in the show proper he just drops a diss track.

          Inconsistent is right. He's just fricked at this point, they ruined what the pilot set up for him.

          >bring back Charlie's old design and personality
          >bring back the Pilot VAs
          >bring back the Pilot animators
          the show feels watered down and the animations feel stiff, Viv hit the sweetspot with the crew she had making the Pilot and she should have stuck with them as the core of the creation team and brought on others to support them, not replace them
          also, slow down the pacing of the show, there are way too many storythreads being given to us which then aren't developed because Viv has to rush to the next one because it feels like she's still got a dozen other things she wants to set up and she's only got four episodes to do it, and who knows how many others if she gets greenlit for a second season

          back the Pilot VAs
          Viv doing them dirty like she did proves she's a shallow dirtbag.

          • 4 months ago

            >Viv doing them dirty like she did proves she's a shallow dirtbag.
            Is Michael Kovach still friends with her? If so I’d be stunned since he got thrown under the bus big time, and he at least has serious cred as a VA

            • 4 months ago

              The dude looks like he's 90% onions, so probably.

            • 4 months ago

              I think Monica Franco is the only one of the original cast still on speaking terms with Viv

  29. 4 months ago

    Only specific characters swear to show how foul they are.
    All gay/porn references removed stick to violence and other vague degeneracy for sinners.
    Present the hotel as something that might actually work instead of having angels immediately shit on it.
    Make the Vees or whatever they are called a more immediate threat to the hotel with them not wanting redemption because that'd make them lose their audience.

  30. 4 months ago

    >too many moronic characters. Trim the fat.
    >remove gaygil and Angel, have the Snake be the focus of the hotels first redeemer
    >voice over for the bartender doesn't make sense, change him from some winged sparkle dog manlet into someone that fits the voice and bartender role
    >stop Charlie from swearing, except maybe when she's in rage mode. That way when she does express anger it's more shocking
    >biggest one: heaven and the Angels following the "they're actually le evil" is full blown fricking moronic and a very tiresome trope . Play it straight or make it more nuanced, not this literal black and white situation.
    >following from previous point: Angels and heaven being evil is a massive plot hole, it makes Charlies attempts to redeem sinners pointless, especially if both places are just the same thing but different sides of the coin.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, the trope about heaven being evil is old as frick and generally just makes me wonder if there's a kind of person who just doesn't believe anyone other than himself can be good.

  31. 4 months ago

    The fandom is going to be like the RWBY fandom.
    One side will like it no matter what and defend it and the other side won't like it, but will watch it anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      Probably the second for me. I don't really know how I feel about the show as a whole yet. But will still watch the rest as it comes out.

  32. 4 months ago


  33. 4 months ago

    It's mediocre and with some interesting bits but way too many flaws that keep it from being genuinely alright; and it mostly all comes down to the sloppy writing. The main thing it needs is to slow the frick down and FOCUS on something, there's too many things going on at once and the pacing is whack. It's also only the first season yet we already know there's going to be a direct conflict with heaven already, this raising of stakes is a nonsensical choice considering the worldbuilding is still completely nonexistent and we still barely know how things work nor given room to breathe and really take in the setting.

    With a pitiful total of 8 episodes however I'm not sure how they would manage that in a satisfying manner, it's likely that they'd only got guaranteed two seasons with a small amount of episodes and the rest would be up in the air. I imagine they'd have to sacrifice certain things that the creator is clinging onto They honestly should've just kicked all the lousy ass writers when it got picked up with how amateur the storytelling is

  34. 4 months ago

    Unironically just make demons act like demons and angels act like angels.
    Why the frick does everyone sound like a b***hy Amerifat? Stop. The fricked up thing is that they played with this in helluvaboss with the angels that pop up. Vizie knows better.

    • 4 months ago

      The people who took over the Hazbin hotel animation team are all b***hy Amerifats.

      • 4 months ago

        i don’t want them to make him black either, honestly i don’t think viv would change his original design for the voice, she wouldn’t ruin her ship like that

        • 4 months ago

          wrong reply

          he's now the same VA as THE PRESIDENT from RICK AND MORTY
          who is BLACK

    • 4 months ago

      Viv has daddy issues and is using animation as an outlet for it.

    • 4 months ago

      >watch show, demons are buttholes
      >watch leaks, most angels except Adam are good

      you're a gay anon

      • 4 months ago

        it's still so weird they went with Adam to be the commander of the exterminator angels when they had fricking Archangel Michael to work with, in all his blonde twink, flaming sword-wielding, demon-slaying, Heaven's Hosts-leading glory
        maybe they didn't want to get too controversial by showing an actual angel people pray to as the bad guy?

        • 4 months ago

          >maybe they didn't want to get too controversial by showing an actual angel people pray to as the bad guy?
          You already have boomers on facebook losing their shit over her fricking with the story of Adam and Eve. It's just a gross lack of respect for the paganized Judeo-Christian mythos it's trying to play with.

          I'd love to see more people play with it, because it's fascinating stuff that would make great tv. I just want to see the faintest drop of effort go into it.

          • 4 months ago

            I want to see weird Angels.


          • 4 months ago

            I think the only way we will ever see a good piece of TV based around biblical hell vs heaven struggle, apple consumption and so on, will be an adaptation of Paradise Lost
            It's just a really demanding topic to cover and people nowadays don't know shit about Christian theology. Milton already nailed the commentary on Lucipher as a tragic, almost Greed tragedy hero, who starta off as as a noble leader with a crucial character flaw and slowly turns into a massive piece of shit as he sacrifices everything for his pride

        • 4 months ago

          I think they put Adam in that position for the familiar awkwardness. Since he’s the ex of Charlie’s mom.

        • 4 months ago

          Oh well...

          • 4 months ago

            I like this idea but wish the angels looked more unique and less like Lucifer at least.

        • 4 months ago

          Oh well...

          Some of this might sound pretty similar to some of the stuff other anons posted here, but I just think there's so much potential in terms of the wordbuilding that was just wasted.

          Here's what I would change personally regarding Heaven and Hell in the show.

          >Lucifer is Satan, but many of the denizens think they are separate entities, so the wrath ring is ruled by a demon who acts as
          >Lucifer is in hell because he was envious of mankind and led a rebellion against God.
          >The Ars Goetia were all former angels who were part of that rebellion.
          >Lillith left Adam over a sex position.
          >Infamous figures in history and the bible like Hitler, Cain, or Epstein, are basically celebrities in Hell.
          >Pentagram city is just one part of the pride ring, being the largest sinner settlement in the ring. There settlements that can lie far away of the city, and large swaths of pride that are dry, barren and cold.
          >The exterminations exist as part of the punishment for sinners in hell, rather than a fear of Hell becoming too powerful.
          >Michael is the one in charge of commanding the exorcist angels in the exterminations rather than Adam. Lute is a colonel within Heaven's army that closely follows him.
          >Angels are inclined to be righteous, so they will act as so, even if it comes off as holier-than-thou.
          >God exists, and angels like Sera communicate with him directly. In essence, those angels are God's secretaries.

          Do you guys think these changes would help the show or hurt it?

          >stick to the original premise
          >keep the original VA's
          >don't give everyone the same type or use red for everyone
          >don't have every character swear or make a sex joke constantly
          >have hell actually be a shithole filled with terrible people
          >use the sinners to push the main theme. husk isn't evil just fell short of heaven's standards, angel has done some bad things but can be redeemed, and alastor actually revels in being evil
          >less musical numbers
          >don't have be heaven be pure evil
          >have Michael be head of the exterminations out of a sense of righteousness and perverse duty

          A Michael character would have been so fcking kino bros, like Gabriel Ultrakill but more cartoon styled, such a shame Viv robbed us of that
          >Tfw the shows writers and creator fumble a kino opportunity yet again

    • 4 months ago

      >Why the frick does everyone sound like a b***hy Amerifat?
      because the shit is written by a b***hy Amerifat, have you been paying attention?

    • 4 months ago

      >Why the frick does everyone sound like a b***hy Amerifat
      Apparently Viv found aussie accents to be the pinnacle of comedy which is why Mammon and Cherri are now aussies. I expect even more of them in the future.

  35. 4 months ago

    has episode 5 been leaked yet?

  36. 4 months ago

    1. Episodes are driving the stakes too fricking fast. In the first episode she’s already presenting her idea to heaven and essentially having war declared on her? Go slower- it’s easier and people like it. Say what you want about something like “Goku trains for the 100th time” filler but it makes the payoff better

    2. They ruined everything by clearly making everything a womyn issue. Adam is le bad because he is a le misogynist. Lucifer will be le good because he likes strong womyn. Yawn

    3. troony vaggie is such a shit character. With the monotone voice and awkward forced relationship between her(?) and Charlie it already killed whatever romantic tension that could have fueled a narrative.

    4. Redemption is a much better story arc than “heaven is le bad.” Redemption is one of the oldest story tropes for a reason- yes there can be shades of gray when it comes to humans but when it comes to heaven and hell people like things a bit more absolute and it’s jarring when heaven is made to be so shit compared to hell.

    5. Give us an uncucked Lucifer. Everyone likes the villain in the story- and no one is a greater villain and tragic character than Satan himself. For the love of Christ don’t make “Lucifer is le good because he likes strong womyn” bullshit. Lucifer is a tragic character because he’s a dreamer that has devastating character flaws and who chooses the WRONG choice because of pride. Don’t go making the clearly WRONG choice into a “vague gray choice” because “what if man god is le bad and strong woman good?”

    • 4 months ago

      >Redemption is a much better story arc than “heaven is le bad.” Redemption is one of the oldest story tropes for a reason
      Pity she didn't pay closer attention to those musicals she loves crapping on about. How long has Les Misérables been running now? I mean if you want a story about questioning justice, punishment, and rigid adherence to rules, you don't have to look fricking far.

  37. 4 months ago
  38. 4 months ago

    scrap or at least Change the Angel Guy. He is by far the Most annoying Character as a whole
    also make the General Character Design Look less Like "14 year old edgy Tumblr Girl" came Up with them

  39. 4 months ago

    Anyone have the mega for the new episodes?

  40. 4 months ago

    Make it not gay. And tell the creator to delete her social media presence and just do things behind the scenes.

  41. 4 months ago

    I'm confused about the musical numbers. Charlie's are treated as diegetic, taking place in the reality of the show. Are we to assume the same about all the musical numbers? Because Charlie's tendency to burst into song is treated as obnoxious quirk of a naive princess. Vaggie, the apparently most level-headed of the cast, finds it cringe inducing and she treats it as something unique to Charlie. Something she advises against because it looks ridiculous. But it seems like literally everyone is ready to burst into song at the drop of a hat.

    • 4 months ago

      It’s a disease, Charlie is infecting everyone with the need to burst into song.
      Like the end of Loser Baby has the guy “and they’re frickin singin?!” So it’s not a common thing.

  42. 4 months ago

    >how would Cinemaphile fix the show

    • 4 months ago

      Dante is too cool for something this gay and moronic

  43. 4 months ago

    Pull it's contract, end its production, shit on the remains

  44. 4 months ago

    I'm really disappointed with how much it seems like the entire hotel and redemption premise got dropped in favor of this war with Heaven
    The hotel is more of a hangout spot for our main characters rather than actually being the plot. We're halfway through the season with 2 guests at the hotel and I highly doubt we'll get anymore except maybe Cherri Bomb

    The hotel was a good idea, I don't know why it's just been dropped

    • 4 months ago

      Vivzie can’t stay focused on any of her original premises it seems.

    • 4 months ago

      >The hotel was a good idea
      I don't know. Charlie could've opened up a school, or a community centre, or anything else that would match better for this concept of rehabilitating sinners. As it is, the hotel feels like a really empty and unnecessary setting. Hotels are places where you stay while you're traveling away from home; hotel managers are not supposed to offer lifestyle guru advice to their visitors. Is the idea here that Charlie didn't think any of this through at all, like Alastor suggested in his ad? But if you want to make that point, you could've made the same point with something else than a hotel, too. Charlie could've just set up a cafe or a bar, and when sinners get lured in to buy a drink, she starts giving them an unwanted lecture about trust falls and boundaries.

  45. 4 months ago

    I don't think it can be salvaged.

    The character designs are bad. Everyone's a twig with a shark smile, black/red/white color scheme and way too many pointless details.
    The designs fail to communicate much about the characters. I wouldn't know these are demons if I hadn't been told. They might as well be from any other scifi/fantasy setting.
    Vivzie was always known for hectic animation and exaggerated poses that can be hard to decipher. I think that problem persists. Some shots and camera movements go by too fast, or the poses/color schemes make it hard to tell what's going on.

    The premise is nonsensical. Charlie is trying to affect Hell's population issues by turning bad people into good people. But redeeming a handful of sinners wouldn't affect anything in the big picture; there are presumably billions of sinners in Hell.
    Charlie is calling her place "hotel" but it doesn't actually function like a hotel. I'm not sure what's the reason for naming the place "Hazbin", either.
    Writing a story with demons as protagonists and angels as antagonists seems like a challenging thing to accomplish. Since the show's take on Hell already looks odd, I don't have faith that any complex themes will be handled well.
    It would make more sense if Charlie was an optimistic angel who tried to redeem sinners, like one anon suggested. Or if you really must have a hotel, maybe it could be in purgatory rather than Hell, so all kinds of weirdoes would be checking in and out each episode.

    The show feels like something out of the mind of a 15-year-old deviantArt girl in her edge phase during the early 2000s. I don't want to even attempt to fix it. The problems are too deep in the core of the show.
    Ultimately, I'd give Vivzie all the money and tell her to do anything she wants with no editor oversight. I'd prefer her to show her true vision to the world. I think it has potential to be an entertaining trainwreck.

  46. 4 months ago

    In the pilot Angel Dust says something to Vaggie that I don't think ever's been addressed
    "If you killed me, would that make me double dead? Where would I ever go, double Hell?"
    Everyone's freaking out about this purge or whatever but there's constantly people dying in the streets. Mass warfare over all of hell as people get torn apart, and the death from that is presumably as permanent as the angels.

    While the angels seem a lot more thorough in their annual purge, there are massacres every day from demons inflicting it upon each other that Charlie's just completely ignoring.

  47. 4 months ago

    So characters can die in this right? What happens? Is there like super Hell or is it just oblivion?

    • 4 months ago

      They haven't said yet, presumably oblivion.
      It would be cool (but they won't do it), if the no respawning thing meant that they lose their hell body and their soul is permanently rooted to whatever location they died in, unable to sense or move or be detected or interacted with, but still there for eternity.

      • 4 months ago

        that's what happens to some of them, if you look there's eyes on some of the objects of the background and on walls

    • 4 months ago

      Their souls could be completely erased, or could be part of a reincarnation system where dying again gets the soul recycled.

  48. 4 months ago

    >show is good, not great
    >Cinemaphile :it sucks ass

    maybe give it some time?
    More then enough shows out there praised by Cinemaphile with a slow&boring first season.
    Or maybe ignore what i'm saying and just keep on being a moron.

    • 4 months ago

      >Bro, just use the three season rule

  49. 4 months ago

    I've only watched part-way through episode 2 and some of the youtube stuff but for some reason every single angel I've seen in that setting so far has been an utter c**t.
    There should be some objectively good angels, or at least some who aren't just complete buttholes for no reason.

  50. 4 months ago

    I would release it 4 years ago

  51. 4 months ago

    >bring back Charlie's old design and personality
    >bring back the Pilot VAs
    >bring back the Pilot animators
    the show feels watered down and the animations feel stiff, Viv hit the sweetspot with the crew she had making the Pilot and she should have stuck with them as the core of the creation team and brought on others to support them, not replace them
    also, slow down the pacing of the show, there are way too many storythreads being given to us which then aren't developed because Viv has to rush to the next one because it feels like she's still got a dozen other things she wants to set up and she's only got four episodes to do it, and who knows how many others if she gets greenlit for a second season

    • 4 months ago

      >if she gets greenlit for a second season
      don't look...

      • 4 months ago

        honestly I do want there to be a second season, it's the only way I can see there being a small chance for Viv to salvage this train wreck into something better
        I enjoyed the Pilot, so I want this to be good, and if it needs a second season to find it's feet, I'm alright with that

      • 4 months ago

        >he still thinks season one 2nd half is season 2

      • 4 months ago

        If you don't know already anon, whenever a show gets greenlit for a second "season" before it air, it's always because they just chopped season 1 in half and called the later half "season 2". It's to squeeze more money out of a show for less because then they can sell season 1 to you twice.

  52. 4 months ago

    The main problem is that the show clearly doesn’t give a shit about honestly addressing the question of how to go about reforming objectively bad people. There are so many opportunities of creativity for how serial killers, rapists, racists, genociders, and whatever the hell else you can think of can go about being redeemed that can be thought provoking, but instead the show is all about making degenerate trash look sympathetic for being degenerate trash.

    • 4 months ago

      >queer people reclaiming the imagery of hell is just a thing some of us do cause it represents something to us
      what the frick is she talking about? reclaiming implies it was ever there idea, and what the does it represent for queer people? the constant reminder that the majority of the world sees them as freaks?
      this screams of "I don't like religion and I'm making it everyone else's problem"

      • 4 months ago

        If most people on Cinemaphile can agree about anything is that Viv is an idiot. She takes criticism , even the joking criticism, seriously enough she’ll say something completely idiotic

    • 4 months ago

      Women are really eternal teenagers aren't they

    • 4 months ago

      Viv really seems to think she’s queer because “I once made out with a girl in college”.

      Guarantee you she’s 98% straight IRL, because most Fujo’s like Viv are straight.

    • 4 months ago

      this b***h doesn't have a single gay bone in her entire body.

    • 4 months ago

      >objectively bad people

      • 4 months ago

        if sir Pent doesn't get redeemed then there really is no hope

        • 4 months ago

          He will. He's got a hidden nice side.

      • 4 months ago

        I mean he went to hell for some reason, a episode showing people's past lives on Earth would be a nice thing to see.

        • 4 months ago

          I want to see Angel Dust as a loathsome type of mafioso, abusing prostitutes because of his closeted homosexuality (hence his ironic punishment in Hell).

          • 4 months ago

            Post-script: but keep Angel Dust's human form as close to his demon form as possible. Tall, wirey, odd-faced.

        • 4 months ago

          I’d like to think that people can go to hell on technicalities. I mean, to get into heaven in some actual Christian lore, you literally have to be perfect with the slightest failing acting to disqualify you from admission unless you earnestly repented before dying and acted perfectly for the rest of your life. I can see him going to hell because of some accident that wasn’t really his fault or because he told a lie once or something. Folks power levels in hell seems to be tied to how horrible they were in life. Sir Pentius is weaker than Angel and angel was a mafia soldier and drug addict.

          We don’t even know if angel was a bawd or even gay when he was alive. He could have showed up in hell, got groomed by Valentino because of his looks and basically rape corrected/broken into being an obedient little sextoy. Think sea of rape scene from that one PSA about foreigners that go to third world countries and rake kids.

          • 4 months ago

            Not exactly, the general rule of Christianity is you have to genuinely try to be a good person and genuinely continue to repent for your sins.
            The irony of Christian purity spirals is that "No one is perfect" is basically built into the religion and comes mostly from the misunderstanding of "Grace."
            Namely that His Grace will push you to act good and strive to be good, but you're not suddenly perfect because otherwise you'd have the power to do Jesus miracles

    • 4 months ago

      How would (you) redeem a racist?

      • 4 months ago

        It is possible.

      • 4 months ago

        Most people who are “racist” are just people who understand how different groups act per capita and act accordingly. Most aren’t violent morons like the KKK who really only do what they do out of hatred. If I had to guess it would be to actually sit a KKK member down with a black guy and understanding that individual people are different.

      • 4 months ago

        Racism is fine in Christianity, the Torah is basically israeliteS GOOD GOYIM BAD

        • 4 months ago

          And Buddhism, Hinduism, Shintoism and Islam are incredibly racist themselves so it evens out.

  53. 4 months ago

    send Schlatt to hell so he can bully everyone

  54. 4 months ago

    It's over. The show is mid at best, and not even X likes it because of the rape scene. The most attention this this show got was a D tier youtuber commissioning Charlie raping his OC.
    I predict that this show will get no more than two seasons and be cancelled. And because Vivziepop signed away the characters, she can't use them again. No more Charlie, no more homosexual spider, no more Tumblr sexyman deer.

  55. 4 months ago

    Just watched it and you know what, it's fun enough. Kind of cheesey and had me eye-rolling more than a few times, but I'm down to watch more

  56. 4 months ago

    Remove all the musicals and the childish aspects, such as Charlie trying to educate the patients in her hotel to sing and clap their hands even though they're psychopaths

    • 4 months ago

      >such as Charlie trying to educate the patients in her hotel to sing and clap their hands even though they're psychopaths
      That's the joke

      • 4 months ago

        And its really unfunny, worse than all the excessive swearing and cheap sex jokes.

        The only thing I found funny was when Charlie walked into Angel Dusts porno set, it reminded me a lot of THE SCENE from American Pie and that one scene in American Dad where Francine was about to catch Stan jerking off. A stressing build up to shock is always funny

        • 4 months ago

          >And its really unfunny, worse than all the excessive swearing and cheap sex jokes.
          Sure your mileage may vary, but my point is it's very much done on purpose. Charlie's hopeless naivety and grade school counselor like lessons is supposed to contrast with everyone else's shittyness. Personally I'd prefer if the contrast was starker, like make everyone else act like they're out of the Sooranos or something

          • 4 months ago

            >it's bad on purpose
            The absolute state

            • 4 months ago

              No, they're making a joke on purpose that you didn't like, which is fair.

  57. 4 months ago

    Turn Husk from a cat to a regular demon, he's my favorite character but the fact he's a furry just ruins him

  58. 4 months ago

    Reboot it and give the show over to Japan so we can get kino

  59. 4 months ago

    Make every single character immortal, the entire purpose of Heaven and Hell is being an afterlife where everyone is immortal, yet for some reason there are dead bodies and killings in the streets of hell

  60. 4 months ago

    Accept that the show is made for womanchildren, and/or edgy high school art girls who laugh at "haha le sex" "Haha angel bad, demon good" "Blood funny"
    Shit is just Rick and Morty for girls.

  61. 4 months ago

    The good things: the songs, some of these guys can sing; Charlie, even if she's basically just Anna from Frozen; the radio demon, love his voice; Adam, even if his role is nonsensical.
    That's it basically. I would literally rework everything else, or in the case of Angel Dust, at least move on from the gay porn jokes already.

  62. 4 months ago

    All I know is I wanna frick the shit out of Velvette. I think her musical number was the most catchy too.

    • 4 months ago

      I wanna frick Niffty

    • 4 months ago

      I wanna frick Niffty

    • 4 months ago

      I wanna frick Niffty

      You're into short stacks

      • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      >I think her musical number was the most catchy too.
      Oh, it was catchy, sure. It was also fricking awful.
      Just generic black girl attitude on girlboss bullshit.
      >"Maybe we shouldn't start a war with heaven without more informa-"
      She is objectively in the wrong here.
      Heaven comes down and purges Hell annually because they are overwhelmingly the stronger force.
      If this show weren't written by a dumb b***h the outcome of her actions would be obvious - everyone would be wiped out, and it would be her fault.
      But I know Viv's writing well enough to know she's going to ride this right into a shit-colored sunset.

      • 4 months ago

        you stupid c**t, all the scene was her just acting like an idiot to make the big hand b***h (Camille or something idk) recognize that she killed the Angel, because if she admits she killed an angel they can go to war with them

        • 4 months ago

          There's what you wish it was, and then there's what it actually was. Sorry anon.

          • 4 months ago

            no, anon, it's an obvious thing if you have at least a positive number of IQ

            • 4 months ago

              Keep believing, anon. Some day maybe you'll be right.

              • 4 months ago

                listen anon, if you can't even understand fricking HAZBIN HOTEL, you're genuinely NGMI

              • 4 months ago

                Keep throwing your tantrum, it's obvious now why you like that character so much, you're just alike.

      • 4 months ago

        No, she has a point. Most of the overlords are very old and her implication is that they're comfortable with their positions. She's pretty sure she knows who the culprit is behind the dead angel too, meaning there's a way to deal with them that someone isn't disclosing.

    • 4 months ago

      there's something about her voice that does it for me

    • 4 months ago

      Built for Big Television wiener

    • 4 months ago

      her mannerisms and voice were seriously not what I expected, and yes I did think she was gonna have a harley quinn knockoff personality

      • 4 months ago

        Oh? What is her personality and voice?

        • 4 months ago

          Australian devil wears prada mixed with instagram model

        • 4 months ago

          she strikes me as an angry wife from those tv dramas from spain

      • 4 months ago

        Velvette has really started to grow on me with her being a lot more aggressive and mature sounding then I thought

        • 4 months ago

          Same, I thought I was going to hate her, but she surprised me.
          I always like the old dons vs young upstarts plot in gangster films, so I like the overlord conflict.

          • 4 months ago

            The Vs so far have been the main sources of excitement and conflict in the show aside from Adam in the first ep, I hope we see more of them in this and season 2.

    • 4 months ago

      Here voice makes me think of a succulent Chinese meal

  63. 4 months ago

    Atrocious art style

    • 4 months ago

      If the show was animated by Harry Partridge, it would look much better

      • 4 months ago

        and if it was rewritten by Seth MacFarlane, he's a comedic genius as proven with Ted 2024

  64. 4 months ago

    To anyone who watched Hazbin Hotel and pic related: Despite having a similar premise the difference really is night and day isn’t it?

    • 4 months ago

      they really don't have a even regular promise until season 3

      • 4 months ago

        im a fricking moron, similar premise, how the frick did I mess up that bad

      • 4 months ago

        Throughout the show it’s always about determining what in fact makes someone a ‘good person’ when the standards for what classifies someone as a ‘good person’ change depending on the time and circumstances. It could’ve covered philosophy and theology a bit more, but it’s still leagues better than what Hazbin Hotel is trying to do.

  65. 4 months ago

    In a weird way this show draws forth a weird kind of nostalgia about when shock value "Haha gay" jokes first became common. It reads just like that, but I dont mind it. Its like rewatching Drawn Together, the jokes at the time were like "Oh this will really push the envelope" but now its 2024 and its commonplace. Basically it feels like the show should have come out in 2004.

    • 4 months ago

      Hazbin is nowhere near as edgy as drawn together. A more accurate comparison would be comparing to old newground shorts made by kids who think swearing = mature

      • 4 months ago

        it's true... there isn't a scene in helluva where someone sits under a glass table and a pixlated shit river comes from off screen.

        Where are all the cum stains in Helluva?

  66. 4 months ago

    did anyone else think Viv made Adam likable by mistake?
    he's clearly supposed to be an annoying douchebag, but honestly just comes off as based as frick in the first eppisode

    I'd love to see him play a guitar solo over Vaggie's mangled corpse while Charlie watches on helplessly
    and I'm sure this longing will just increase as I watch more of this show, considering Viv's inability to write likeable protagonists

    • 4 months ago

      Didn't Viv say she modeled him after an ex of hers?

      • 4 months ago

        Jesus I wouldn't admit that to people. Why the frick would you do that?
        >"This character is based off someone I found sexy in the past"
        That says a lot about you than you think. Especially with his weird surfer dude frat boy persona. She was attracted to dudes like that?

        • 4 months ago

          If this is the case it's more likely she exaggerating the real person's characteristic greatly. I never trust artists or writers when they write about exes or estranged family members. I think the Persepolis lady had a great scene about the issue

        • 4 months ago

          I'm pretty sure all of what Viv writes is based closely on her life
          why else would all of the main characters in Helluva Boss have daddy issues and butthole exes?

          even fricking Millie turns out to have an butthole ex and she's the designated mentally sound character (which is also why Viv clearly struggles to develop her in any way, there's no real relationship or daddy drama so she has no idea what to do with her)

          • 4 months ago

            Viv is a fujo, she writes better for guys. Also I feel Viv has some serious issues with her dad, which kind of annoys me since I’m pretty sure daddy was helping Viv get her career going with his money.

          • 4 months ago

            What's wrong with Helluva Boss? So it's full of romantic angst but that sets it apart from Hazbin Hotel.

            nta, but the main issue with Helluva is especially S2.
            >Moxxie with Millie is basically a functional couple, in a disfunctional mess society
            >nu-uh, we can't have that, Moxxie is/was gay, and Millie had the same ex, because... it was like that okay?! Btw why were they imp hitmans again?
            It was so out of the character, shock factor to drive the plot further.
            What really tickled me off was the campers episode. Its easily the worst episode of all the show, it smelled of desperation and pandering. From hitman imps it became "I have daddy issues, woe me, also add: I'm gay btw."
            The last episode was visually good, but storywise weak as shit. It reeks, its the same shit when a corporation who pretty much uses child labor waves rainbow flags. I have noticed the same themes in Hazbin too, when it forgets the plot to become a homosexual drama. There is a reason why Angeldust is hated by so many people, and is probably the weakest of the cast.

        • 4 months ago

          >She was attracted to dudes like that?
          >He thinks just cause she's chubby and artsty she didn't frick Chads by the dozens in college

          • 4 months ago

            Chubby is best.

          • 4 months ago

            honestly I thought she was a femcel considering her fujo tendencies, obsession with sexually provocative content and all that
            socially-adjusted people don't usually make sparkledog OCs all day

            • 4 months ago

              Femcels still frick. More than actually well adjusted women I'd say.

            • 4 months ago

              Femcels don't exist, just picky women.

    • 4 months ago

      The excessive swearing doesnt bother me too much, this is how they wrote the angels

    • 4 months ago

      The only good character in the show is Husk, everyone else are BANs

    • 4 months ago

      It feels like a caes were viv made him so evil and annoying that it loops back ways to show the only way we root for the hotel is by making everyone else worse somehow

      • 4 months ago

        Helluva did a few things right and it's not full of musicals. It got worse when the characters started to sing for no reason.

  67. 4 months ago

    Take all the effort, industry, and bullshit used to make this and instead, make a fire. Use that fire to heat water. Use that water to spin a wheel. Problem solved.

  68. 4 months ago

    I kinda want to frick the spider

  69. 4 months ago

    Well for one thing I'd cut back on the crappy songs and stop ending every scene with a character with fangs smiling at the camera.

  70. 4 months ago

    Show us a part of the Gluttony Realm with actual weight gain!!!!

    • 4 months ago

      We could have had that sparkle fox thing that ruled gluttony be chubby/fat. But nope Viv wanted her precious Kesha

      • 4 months ago

        She would have been a babe as a fatty, with that winning personality.

        • 4 months ago

          And it’s not like Viv hasn’t drawn fat characters before, cause she has. But it feels like it’s way easier for her to draw stick figure bodies in the mold of sparkledogs, because that’s how she got big on DeviantArt

          • 4 months ago

            It really is a shame. I want to see the Gluttony Realm leader let loose and get obese in canon.

            Fat, sweet party girl.

  71. 4 months ago

    Just watched the available episodes. The musical numbers are catchy, not particularly well written but they are serviceable.

    The introducing too many characters and plotlines. I am unironically more invested in Carmine the arms dealer, her daughters and her relationship with Sarvile then I am with with anything else.

    I would give the show a 6/10 right now. If I had to remove a character it would be Angeldust since his schtick is getting old.

  72. 4 months ago

    I don't really understand why the story keeps pretending that Charlie is so helpless. She's Princess of Hell, she doesn't need bodyguards or contracts with inferior demons.

    • 4 months ago

      The worldbuilding is really inconsistent with stuff like power levels. Charlie is supposed to be the princess of hell and daughter of Lucipher himself, but she gets mogged by some random sinner like Alastor who's basically all-powerful because... he just is, okay??

      The only thing I don't like about the show is Alastor
      Most of the characters have all been so heavily redesigned over the years and their designs fit their characters but Alastor still looks like he jumped out of the mind of a 15 year old girl.
      I can't take any of his "scary" scenes at all seriously because he's a twink with scene hair

      Alastor strikes me as extremely obvious sexyman bait who looks like he was designed in 5 minutes by some thirsty middle schooler.
      At least angel dust is more original about sexymanning with the whole uhh... femboy pornstar mafia spider angle??

      • 4 months ago

        The mafia part is really at odds with every other aspect of his character

        • 4 months ago

          Honestly? I can buy Angel Dust as a mafia type. He was a closeted homosexual who beat prostitutes out of self-loathing for himself.

          His ironic punishment was to be condemned in Hell to be a blatantly gay prostitute abused by crime lords. His friendship with Cherri Bomb was part of his redemption arc. In moral life, he would have hurt her and taken advantage of her kindness.

          Basically Angel Dust USED to be Valentino.

          • 4 months ago

            Or use another analogy. Angel Dust is the Joker to his mortal form. Completely unleashed and unhinged.

      • 4 months ago

        The vibe I get from Charlie is that she does not want to use her "power" to get her way and doesn't want to hurt people. Like she's holding back 24/7.
        There is 0 chance Alastor is actually stronger than her. She's just unwilling to use her power and easily taken advantage of and he probably knows this. Valentino thinks the same. They don't respect her and see her as weak because even though she has the power to wipe them off the face of hell with a snap of her fingers she does nothing.

        • 4 months ago

          Nice headcanon, Blart. Offer a single shred of fricking evidence.

          • 4 months ago

            Why would Lucifer allow his daughter to run around with dangerous overlords unless he thought she could take of herself
            It also just fits with her personality in general.

            • 4 months ago

              So you have no evidence, just headcanon.
              Way to go, Blart.

              • 4 months ago

                it has been said by the creator and we also have seen glimpses of it, like when Vaggie told her she needs to start using at least a portion of her power or when Charlie almost snapped Valentino in half before angel intervened

            • 4 months ago

              Nice headcanon, Blart. Offer a single shred of fricking evidence.

              Vic said that those two goat things that run with Charlie have combat forms.

              Angels are unable to be killed by demon weapons, hence why the mystery of how Carmine killed the angel is enough to trigger a second purge.

              Lilith is an original human, similar to Adam, and should be just as powerful.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm guessing Charlie and her Dad both don't like using their power over people. Lucy seems like he's just over the whole thing and doesn't care what people say since his pride is broken.

          Charlie seems like she just doesn't want to hurt people.

          I'm hoping in Lucifers episode we see an example of how powerful he is. I really hope he claps back Alastor because the tidbit we saw was mad disrespectful

  73. 4 months ago

    The only thing I don't like about the show is Alastor
    Most of the characters have all been so heavily redesigned over the years and their designs fit their characters but Alastor still looks like he jumped out of the mind of a 15 year old girl.
    I can't take any of his "scary" scenes at all seriously because he's a twink with scene hair

    • 4 months ago

      >Alastor still looks like he jumped out of the mind of a 15 year old girl.
      If memory serves me currently, Alastor is based heavily off one of her first OC characters back around when she was first starting out and was still unknown

    • 4 months ago

      >I can't take any of his "scary" scenes at all seriously because he's a twink with scene hair
      It's bad because they're trying really hard to make him frightening. But underneath all the teeth and vague Wendigo aesthetic, he's just another Onceler clone.

    • 4 months ago

      It really is just the hair honestly
      If you give him literally any other hair style it fixes him
      I've seen redesigns that give him much shorter and well kept hair (which would fit better for his time period), to more black american styled hair and they both look way better.

    • 4 months ago

      Vivzie knows messing with Alastor would be killing her gold goose

      • 4 months ago

        Alastor was based off her first OC she made years ago. She’s never gonna kill him off or make him fully look bad.

    • 4 months ago

      He’s the mascot basically

  74. 4 months ago

    Helluva Cast > Hazbin Cast

  75. 4 months ago

    1. Develop the world more. Right now hell is just our world painted red which is boring. Show us what heaven looks like too.
    2. Stick to the premise of redeeming sinners. Also, make the goal more clear. What exactly does it mean for a sinner to be “redeemed” anyways? Sure, Angel Dust does lots of drugs and has lots of sex, but will stopping that suddenly make him a good enough for heaven?
    3. Stop bouncing between so many villains and conflicts. Is the antagonist Alastor? The V’s? The angels?
    4. Give Charlie and Vaggie a 15 minute long uncut lesbian sex scene
    Those are all my demands

  76. 4 months ago

    >actually make the show about the premise and not just speedrunning the plot with the war against Heaven
    >make Charlie less whiny and useless, have her actually be more confident and know how to be the Princess of Hell instead of a blubbering idiot that treats trying to "redeem" people like a daycare worker with crayon drawings and preschool level exercises
    >change Vaggie's voice actor to someone who actually sounds like she has emotions and give her back her hair trigger temper like the pilot because right now she's boring and her VA sounds bored
    >cut back on the musicals, there were parts where it didn't need a whole ass song just to convey a conversation and it's grating having to listen to characters randomly singing every ep
    >make Alastor and Vox more on equal footing so their rivalry is an actual rivalry and Alastor has someone he can genuinely bounce off of that can get under his skin
    >give Nifty more screentime
    >show what the characters were like back when they were human, maybe in short flashbacks since the show barely explains anything about anyone and the only way someone would learn anything about these idiots is by using the wiki
    >make the angels look like actual angels so they have a complete design contrast to the demons and make them cold, calculating, and inhumanly calm to contrast how chaotic demons are
    >throw the "heaven le bad" plot in the trash because it's boring
    >give the cast a new sinner who just fell to hell to be an audience surrogate so we have an excuse to explain the worldbuilding, characters, and give explanations for things instead of shit just happening like "why are sinners turned into furries?", "why are they stuck in the Pride ring", "how long does it take for someone to respawn after they get killed by another sinner", "why are sinner above actual residents of hell that were born there", the show needs someone to ask questions for anyone new watching
    That's all I can think of.

    • 4 months ago

      Even classic Disney princesses have moments they drop the sweet act. Snow White told the Dwarves if they don't wash up they will not get their soup. Cinderella shows dislike for Lucifer the cat. Ariel, Belle, and Jasmine don't like to be tied down by what rules or society tells them. Disney girls back then were strong in their own way.

      • 4 months ago

        Women today make a lot of strong assumptions about women of yesterday.
        They think "Baby it's Cold Outside" is a song about rape, because they're too presumptuous and think Grandma didn't have any kinks, like playing hard to get. They also didn't bother watching the movie it comes from.

        • 4 months ago

          >Baby it's Cold Outside

          Needs an Architect version.

        • 4 months ago

          The only time the song is okay is if it's the female singer doing it.

          • 4 months ago

            Femdom version would be kinky.

          • 4 months ago

            That's literally a scene in the movie.

            • 4 months ago

              Needs the chick from Fatal Instinct in this scene.

      • 4 months ago

        >when actual Disney princesses have more backbone then the princess of literal Hell
        Charlie getting sidelined in her own show is fricking bad, she's been a side character for 3 episodes now.

    • 4 months ago

      >>the show barely explains anything about anyone and the only way someone would learn anything about these idiots is by using the wiki
      >>make the angels look like actual angels so they have a complete design contrast to the demons
      I think those issues are real problems in HH and HB.
      I've read information that originates from livestreams and other behind-the-scenes content. Because of that I know which characters are humans who ended up in Hell because of their actions, which ones are demons who were born in Hell, which ones are powerful/dreaded, and which ones are considered useless trash. But I'm not sure if the shows adequately explain all of it so far. And none of the character designs indicate enough about the cast. In HB one of the deadly sins outranks everyone in Hell except Lucifer's family, but she looks quite a lot like hellhounds (who are considered the lowest of the low).

      I like this anon's proposal to make the sinners and various kinds of demons visually distinct

      >sinners are the souls of the damned, represented by vaguely human translucent "spirits" -they are literally in hell to be punished through gruesome torment so they can be purified, processed back into the cycle, and reborn on earth. there is a finite number of viable souls, and YHWH cycles them so that it may know and be enriched by their experiences
      >the quasi-animal people like Angel are demons, not sinners. they are largely responsible for doing the actual punishing of damned souls
      >the more humanoid folk like Charlie are devils, largely responsible for managing the demon hordes and keeping the day-to-day operations of hell running
      >Lucifer is the current Satan, in charge of keeping the denizens of hell on task so that the spice continues to flow
      >Charlie is not his kid, but rather an overworked devil that acts as his Majordomo
      >one day Lucifer just up and disappears and she has to scramble to keep things running, but the Seven Prime Sins are crafty shits so they quickly find out about Lucifer's disappearance and Hell immediately breaks down into factions warring for his throne
      >this stops the processing of souls pretty much completely
      >Heaven finds out and threatens to come down and start reaping damned souls; this would destroy their experiences, but render them viable for rebirth. There are also actors in Heaven that could use this as an excuse to tighten their grip in Hell.
      >the titular "Hazbin Hotel" in not for redeeming sinners (that's dumb), but rather a hub intended for peace talks and negotiations; a neutral zone for the various conflicting parties
      >Charlie has to end the conflict somehow, either by finding Lucifer or a suitable replacement, while keeping various bad actors from usurping the throne

      Also change Vaggie's name to something less moronic and make her an observer assigned by heaven to report on things.

      • 4 months ago

        Your right about the character design failing to convey more about the cast. I never would've guessed what Husk's backstory was if I didn't look at the wiki. I can barely guess what era anyone is even from, you'd think having sinners be from different time periods would be an element that's used more.

  77. 4 months ago

    a prolonged tickle torture scene

    • 4 months ago

      Or Charlie on an ice cream binge.

  78. 4 months ago

    20 minute Charlie sex scene

    • 4 months ago

      I unironically want to see him as a member of Charlie's secret harem of human sex-pets. It'd be funny.

    • 4 months ago
  79. 4 months ago

    More nudity. The reason I hate the sex jokes so much is because they're so juvenile and never have any followthrough. Like a kid trying to be edgy. The porn scenes in E4 actually felt mature for once because you can see their filthy, naked bodies.

  80. 4 months ago

    Are there any pics of Micheal Kovach without glasses? He's cute
    -female simp not trying to steal anyone's man just mirin'

    • 4 months ago

      Ummm... Kovach isn't in Hazbin Hotel. Why even bring him up at all?

    • 4 months ago

      He's in a better show: The Amazing Digital Circus.

      • 4 months ago

        If he’s not even remotely still pissed with Viv he’s a pussy

        • 4 months ago

          I think there's certainly some bad blood between them now, but even if the NDAs eventually lift, he probably won't say anything incriminating out of fear of being blacklisted from any professional roles. Vivzie is too big right now to point any fingers at her without suffering consequences.

        • 4 months ago

          Why would he? It's not her fault he can't sing.

          • 4 months ago

            Okay Viv

          • 4 months ago

            I remember when Addict come out and we were all shitting on him for the autotune. But now that he's got the boot anons pretend we liked the queer VA man.

            • 4 months ago

              The new guys have auto tune as well, it's just not as noticable because they can hold a note.

  81. 4 months ago

    Watched episode 1 and not bad. I actually like the music, it's alright.

    • 4 months ago

      third episode it's a little bit rough, I think it was more like a filler one, fourth one is the best

      • 4 months ago

        But fourth one is the worst though.

        • 4 months ago

          Fourth actually felt like I was watching a show for grown ups.

        • 4 months ago

          I'm not a subjective viewer because I loved it all except for episode 3(and I liked some scenes) but explain your point, why is episode 4 the worst

          • 4 months ago

            >I'm not a subjective viewer
            Did you mean objective?

          • 4 months ago

            Not that anon but I didn't really like episode 4 because it felt way more melodramatic in some parts and then tonal change to sudden perky musical number with Husker calling a rape victim like Angel a loser and this somehow helps. It's probably because I don't care about Angel in general or Husk whose been a non character since the show started, and I wish Charlie wasn't basically a side character in her own show. We're halfway through the season and the show feels both like too much and not enough has happened at the same time. A frickton of characters, subplots, main plot with fricked pacing.

            • 4 months ago

              >Husker calling a rape victim like Angel a loser
              That part was great though

            • 4 months ago

              If people are saying episode 4 is peak, and anyone who's already seen episode 5 hasn't said that it's picked up after it, it's likely that the series had no where to do after that unless they do MORE rape.

              I agree that I don't think a show's good if you gotta rape your character to get people talking about it.

              • 4 months ago

                For a show about Hell it sure hasn't had much Satanic or genuinely hellish stuff depicted in a horrible light until now. Aren't sinners supposed to be sufferring even more with people panicking because of the early extermination?

                You'd think there'd be more depraved shit going on but everyone else acts like this is just another tuesday. How bad is this compared to how Hell is normally?

              • 4 months ago

                >How bad is this compared to how Hell is normally?
                it's drugs and consenting BDSM orgies... that's it.

                Pinhead would be upset.

      • 4 months ago

        Huh, guess I'll watch more then. Glad the show isn't painful to watch, good on viv I guess

      • 4 months ago

        4th was meh, I still prefer ep 2 over everything else so far. The Vs have been the most interesting things in the show.

  82. 4 months ago

    i simply cant beleive some homie spent $50,000 on a 3 minute cringe video.

    • 4 months ago

      Believe it now, motherfricker

    • 4 months ago

      I just pretend such things don't exist. I'm sure if you felt like it you could find all sorts of really pathetic shit out there on the internet. Especially from groups that try to game the suggestion algorithms, those things get... weird.

    • 4 months ago
  83. 4 months ago

    We all agree Helluva Boss is way better than HH, right? Better plot, better characters, better ideas for single episodes, better furbaits...

    • 4 months ago


      • 4 months ago

        how much of a turbohomosexual can you be to prefer HH? Like, are you a woman?

        • 4 months ago

          they're both shit
          >inb4 why are you watching

          • 4 months ago

            one shit is better than the other shit

    • 4 months ago

      I refuse to watch anything by Vivzie.

      • 4 months ago

        have sex, incel!

    • 4 months ago

      Helluva Boss pilot is better than Hazbin Hotel's pilot but it seems like the HH series is gonna be better than HB series.

      • 4 months ago

        for now the 4 HH episodes are not that good, while HB has built somewhat solid foundations

        • 4 months ago

          Not really.

  84. 4 months ago

    It should have played Heaven straight and made it an actual paradise that is never actually shown to the audience. At most, you could have had something that threatened it towards the series finale and the Hotel group helps stop the threat, not expecting any reward from doing so. But, because of their selfless act, God considers them redeemed and allows them in
    Or something to that effect. Basically, Hotel could have been a comedy with a nice message about redemption buried under layers of its current humor, but the writers just refused to have anything painted in a nice light

  85. 4 months ago

    >sinners are the souls of the damned, represented by vaguely human translucent "spirits" -they are literally in hell to be punished through gruesome torment so they can be purified, processed back into the cycle, and reborn on earth. there is a finite number of viable souls, and YHWH cycles them so that it may know and be enriched by their experiences
    >the quasi-animal people like Angel are demons, not sinners. they are largely responsible for doing the actual punishing of damned souls
    >the more humanoid folk like Charlie are devils, largely responsible for managing the demon hordes and keeping the day-to-day operations of hell running
    >Lucifer is the current Satan, in charge of keeping the denizens of hell on task so that the spice continues to flow
    >Charlie is not his kid, but rather an overworked devil that acts as his Majordomo
    >one day Lucifer just up and disappears and she has to scramble to keep things running, but the Seven Prime Sins are crafty shits so they quickly find out about Lucifer's disappearance and Hell immediately breaks down into factions warring for his throne
    >this stops the processing of souls pretty much completely
    >Heaven finds out and threatens to come down and start reaping damned souls; this would destroy their experiences, but render them viable for rebirth. There are also actors in Heaven that could use this as an excuse to tighten their grip in Hell.
    >the titular "Hazbin Hotel" in not for redeeming sinners (that's dumb), but rather a hub intended for peace talks and negotiations; a neutral zone for the various conflicting parties
    >Charlie has to end the conflict somehow, either by finding Lucifer or a suitable replacement, while keeping various bad actors from usurping the throne

    Also change Vaggie's name to something less moronic and make her an observer assigned by heaven to report on things.

    • 4 months ago

      not bad, not bad at all

    • 4 months ago

      oh. like sandman.

  86. 4 months ago

    Arrange for Vivzie to be hit by a semi truck or something before she ever conceives of the idea.

  87. 4 months ago

    >show is called Hazbin hotel
    >People actually improving the Hotel or trying to make the idea work is like 10% of the show
    Maybe change that

    • 4 months ago

      it's not the hotel moron it's the demons and they have actually been making progress. maybe even a bit too fast

  88. 4 months ago

    I demand Verbalese (or an expy) be in the series as one of Charlie Morningstar's "private harem".

    • 4 months ago

      >New season happens
      >Constantly in the background is a "pet" of Charlie's resembling Verbalase

  89. 4 months ago

    >use the VA's from the pilot
    >not put in 2 songs in every single episode

  90. 4 months ago

    less singing, 1 song per episode is more than enough.

  91. 4 months ago


    He looks way too friendly like a looney tunes character compared to everyone else in hell. It's like he got lost on his way to a different show meant to be about cute talking cats.

    • 4 months ago

      That's the joke. He's a tough guy with the voice of KEITH DAVID.....stuck in the body in a ridiculously cute character. No wonder Angel Dust keeps hooking up with him.

  92. 4 months ago


    So he's THIS trope but done worse? Got it.

    I still hate it.

    • 4 months ago

      there's.. nothing similar about them anon besides them both being evil cats

  93. 4 months ago

    Did they tone down Vaggie's angry Latina aspect? She seems to be missing that fire.

    • 4 months ago

      Guarantee you they reduced it either because of the actress just not being very good at doing it, or Viv was told to tone it down because some California left wing Latinos would get angry

    • 4 months ago

      her new voice actress is a massive downgrade from the pilot and they made her less explosive with her temper unfortunately, now she's just bland

      • 4 months ago

        Yeah I miss her rage. Like when she confronted Alastor while hurling Spanish at him, pointing a spear right in him.

        Yeah I get that it's easier to sell the whole "she's a great lover to Charlie" thing if she's nice, but nice shouldn't mean "always passive".

        • 4 months ago

          Vaggie was always the most boring out of the main characters, I don't think anything changed. The "suddenly speaks spanish" thing Americans give to latinos always feels moronic, so I don't miss it.

          • 4 months ago

            Honestly I'm hoping for more Aramaic, Greek and Latin in Hell. Especially Aramaic.

            Also shouldn't Charlie have her own private army, akin to a Praetorian Guard?

            • 4 months ago

              You're assuming way more Biblical knowledge than the writers of this show have

              • 4 months ago

                I think it'd be cool to see Charlie's little army of personal guard demons. She's embarrassed by them because Daddy demanded them for her.

            • 4 months ago

              >Also shouldn't Charlie have her own private army, akin to a Praetorian Guard?
              I don't think Charlie needs physical protection from anyone in Hell.

              • 4 months ago

                That's the point she tried to make to her father. She feels he's being overprotective.

              • 4 months ago

                But shouldn't she at least have more servants or people catering to her? She's a princess and even guys like Stolas have servants.

                It's weird that her only servants are Razzle and Dazzle (whom we haven't seen since the pilot) and the cyclops cat.

              • 4 months ago

                Realistically, yes. She'd have staff.

              • 4 months ago

                Razzle and dazzle were in episode 3 briefly. It’s not strange with the context that she probably thinks it’s mean to order people about. One thing that would be great tho is if she has hidden bodyguards or servants aborenbo shogun style. They’d just pop out to do their job outside of her sight and then just silently retreat back into the shadows when they’re done.

              • 4 months ago

                I bet Hell bodyguards are REALLY ornate. Lots of decoration and symbology on their armor.

                so why exactly is vaggie in hell again?

                Unpaid marketing tickets, jaywalking, talking during a movie.

              • 4 months ago

                Charlie is a "humble" princess, so she probably turns down staff save for her goat pets.
                We'll find out more about the royal family next episode, but Lucifer also seems like a basement king who just does his own stuff and isn't surrounded by staff and servants like the Goetia and Sins.

        • 4 months ago

          Very well could be the VA is just not very good.

  94. 4 months ago

    The show would be better off with a MC.

  95. 4 months ago

    I would fix this show by introducing Thorfinn from Vinland Saga.

  96. 4 months ago

    Hitler was supposed to make a special appearance in the series.

  97. 4 months ago

    Will we get a "female gets fat" scene?

    • 4 months ago

      When Dobson collabs

      • 4 months ago

        But who will get fat?

  98. 4 months ago

    Some of this might sound pretty similar to some of the stuff other anons posted here, but I just think there's so much potential in terms of the wordbuilding that was just wasted.

    Here's what I would change personally regarding Heaven and Hell in the show.

    >Lucifer is Satan, but many of the denizens think they are separate entities, so the wrath ring is ruled by a demon who acts as
    >Lucifer is in hell because he was envious of mankind and led a rebellion against God.
    >The Ars Goetia were all former angels who were part of that rebellion.
    >Lillith left Adam over a sex position.
    >Infamous figures in history and the bible like Hitler, Cain, or Epstein, are basically celebrities in Hell.
    >Pentagram city is just one part of the pride ring, being the largest sinner settlement in the ring. There settlements that can lie far away of the city, and large swaths of pride that are dry, barren and cold.
    >The exterminations exist as part of the punishment for sinners in hell, rather than a fear of Hell becoming too powerful.
    >Michael is the one in charge of commanding the exorcist angels in the exterminations rather than Adam. Lute is a colonel within Heaven's army that closely follows him.
    >Angels are inclined to be righteous, so they will act as so, even if it comes off as holier-than-thou.
    >God exists, and angels like Sera communicate with him directly. In essence, those angels are God's secretaries.

    Do you guys think these changes would help the show or hurt it?

    • 4 months ago

      I've said and heard this alot, Viv can write characters on her own rather decently she just needs someone to really help with the world building.

      • 4 months ago

        Her problem is that she keeps changing how she wants a character to be. She often doesn’t have a fully concrete plan and just does whatever is on her mind at any given moment.

        Look at what happened to Stolas for example of terrible writing from Viv.

        • 4 months ago

          I don't mind romantic angst-ridden Stolas but felt Stella's characterization was too simplified.

        • 4 months ago

          Stolas goes from a character with authority and self assertion. When he shows up to fight off the humans that were taking to kill Blitzo, it SHOWED that he had range and could fight.

          Angst sad boi stolas in season two isn't any of that. He wasn't going to defend himself in hopes that Blitzo would come to save him? Viv killed her own character, and then claimes shit like "this is how he was always meant to be."

          We had that same shit with Yellow Diamond. There are always better writers who'll understand why your characters do what they do better then you do if you refuse to see them as flawed.

          • 4 months ago

            He was a silly boy since episode 2. Pay more attention anon.

            • 4 months ago

              Silly isn't the same as being a b***h baby all the time. Pay attention.

  99. 4 months ago

    It would have been a little nice if the angels being le ebil bad guys was more of a reveal instead of getting an (admittedly very good) villain song from Adam in the first episode.

    On that note, I don't like the way the angels look. I get that they're Destroying/Avenging angels, so I understand them being scary/edgy. I just feel like horns + generic zim style faces is kind of lazy.

    I would make Viv choose between "wacky show about silly bad people that you don't have to take seriously haha wiener frick penis lol" or "heartfelt comedy about damaged people, here is a very emotional sad song about saying sorry" because I cannot be expected to care about sinners being redeemed when they run the gamut from genuinely tragic self destructive people like Angel to very fun and goofy characters like Sir Pentious. I like BOTH characters, mind you, I just feel a weird sense of whiplash when Pentious' problem is being a silly steampunk villain and Angel is busy getting raped in the ass. Its hard to make heads or tails of the tone.

  100. 4 months ago

    so why exactly is vaggie in hell again?

    • 4 months ago

      Vaggie calls sinners "Charlie's people" and has a weird military background. She's probably not a sinner.

    • 4 months ago

      Rumor has it that old theory that Vaggie is a fallen angel might be true, and she got kicked out of heaven for...some reason.

      • 4 months ago

        She probably got kicked out for falling in love with Charlie. She's also the likely source of Hell getting access to Heavenly weapons.

        • 4 months ago

          That is possible but the question would be how they even meet and if Vaggie did anything else to get cast down

          • 4 months ago

            Vaggie was probably just a basic Exterminator who fell in love with her mark.

            • 4 months ago

              But hellborn are not targets for angels, they only go after sinners. There's no point in killing Charlie since Lucifer and Lilith are the ones responsible and they can't be killed easily either.

              • 4 months ago

                What I mean is, she ran into her and fell for Charlie hard (thus abandoning her post).

          • 4 months ago

            It will probably be like Vaggie was going to kill some sinner, but Charlie tried to stop her and trying to convince her to spare the poor lil sinner, and Vaggie just fell for this adorably innocent anti-christ.

    • 4 months ago

      cuz she gay

  101. 4 months ago

    I'd fricking probably fricking stop fricking making fricking everyone fricking talk like fricking this every five fricking seconds

    • 4 months ago

      idk if you have seen the show but it really didn't seem that bad for me?
      Especially once I realized all of the scenes where characters say "frick" a lot of times are from scenes where those characters are acting like whiny little b***hes and being immature, (Valentino,Vox,Adam,Angel Dust...)
      I am not really a fan of that writing resource but realizing it made it a lot more tolerable

      • 4 months ago

        >Valentino is a whiny b***h

        Meh. I always pictured him as a lecherous and abusive creep.

        • 4 months ago

          He can be both, he is creepy when he is with people below his level but he is a total whiny b***h when people like the other Vs or Alastor appear, or when something annoys him especially

          • 4 months ago

            I'm legit-curious what would happen if Valentino met Adam.

            • 4 months ago

              Adam would absolutely laugh at him and he would take it and cry like a little b***h because in front of someone with equal or more power he's nothing

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, that's also fairly accurate. Most abusive people tend to be completely lost when they meet someone who won't take their shit.

  102. 4 months ago

    >stick to the original premise
    >keep the original VA's
    >don't give everyone the same type or use red for everyone
    >don't have every character swear or make a sex joke constantly
    >have hell actually be a shithole filled with terrible people
    >use the sinners to push the main theme. husk isn't evil just fell short of heaven's standards, angel has done some bad things but can be redeemed, and alastor actually revels in being evil
    >less musical numbers
    >don't have be heaven be pure evil
    >have Michael be head of the exterminations out of a sense of righteousness and perverse duty

    • 4 months ago

      >don't have every character swear or make a sex joke constantly
      This is where you can see A24 wrangled Vivzie a bit yet the issue is my god, Angel Dust manages to carry the quota for the whole staff

    • 4 months ago

      >Less musical numbers
      This is unironically the best part of the show in it's current state, I think two songs an episode is perfectly fine.
      Honestly I think the only song I'd actually cut is It Starts With Sorry.

    • 4 months ago

      >keep the original VA's
      Frick no. Real actors instead of internet scrubs was a great update on most of the cast

      • 4 months ago

        Okay Viv

      • 4 months ago

        "Real actors" that nobody would know about unless they were really deep into Broadway.

  103. 4 months ago

    I’m just gonna repost what I did IanotherT

    I'll be honest, The entire sequence in Episode 4 of Angel freaking out when he see's Charlie in the sex dungeon and trying to hurry her out of there, Val mauling Angel in the backroom and then Angel screaming at Charlie for trying to intervene was probably the 'best' sequence out of the first 4 episodes. Only slightly being dampened by the Spider-Porn softcore HMV that followed it in order to meet the 'Musical' quota.

    It actually hit everything you need to build tension in a scene like that, Which are the two pillars of 'The Inevitable' and 'The Unknown', It feeds the audience knowledge of 'The Inevitable' because the second you see Charlie enter the Sex-Dungeon [assuming you are a participant in the fandom or have basic pre-knowledge of these characters] you essentially KNOW that this will now end with Valentino mauling Angel Dust the moment Charlie is out of the room [if even], With 'The Unknown' of the situation being what the 'severity' of this mauling will be, How will Charlie react to it, How will Angel Dust respond to it and so forth.

    You immediately understand WHY Angel Dust runs over to the door like and tries to make Charlie frick off while their voice is a nervous wreck, Charlie's refusal is irritation and tension raising to the viewer, And when Charlie starts fricking with shit and causes a fire, The weight of 'The Inevitable' and guessing what the severity of 'The Unknown' will be - Becomes almost crushing to the viewer.

    I can definitely understand why positive reviewers who watched the first 5 episodes said that 4 was supposedly the turning point where it went from 'passable' to 'good', And if Episode 5 [Which will seemingly be ~Lucifer/Charlie/Alastor-centric] manages to have more sequences like THAT, And not sequences like Charlie arguing with the surfer-bro Adam, Or the British b***h singing about TikTok or whatever, Then I will be PLEASANTLY surprised. And immediately raise my rating of this show.

    • 4 months ago

      A turning point for the show to move into an even more shitty direction isn't a good thing. It was shit when it started but now it's shit and everyone is b***h sobbing because they're terrible people in hell isn't something I want to watch.

      It's still a musical with terrible music.

    • 4 months ago

      Honestly, I think the only reason 4 is when it goes from passable to good is that 4 is the only one where it's being consistently funny rather than the drama itself. Like, yeah Angel's situation is tense when Charlie is on the porn set but at the time, Charlie on the porn set

      • 4 months ago

        Does Charlie even like porn?

        • 4 months ago

          No anon, that's what made it funny

  104. 4 months ago

    I wouldn't. So far it's fine for what it is.

  105. 4 months ago

    Make them a couple.

  106. 4 months ago

    Add dicks and penises to the show so Husk's cat dick is on full display all the time

  107. 4 months ago

    Tie in with HELLUVA BOSS and bring back the VA

  108. 4 months ago

    You can't, its own creator is a pathetic libshit who can't come up with anything interesting without relying on tried tropes like how every gay is a basket case but it was someone else's fault like their dad. Same character arc, same conclusion. She is only a decent ideas person.

  109. 4 months ago

    I've said before I respected Viv for nothing else than proving indie animation can exist without the big name studios fricking everything up

    And that still remains true. Every frickup Helluva Boss and Hazbin can directly tied back to her. Every stupid ass vision she had and "improvment" can still be felt, and sure Bento drained the soul from the presentation, and no doubt Amazon had some say. But this is by and large Viv showing how much doesn't know shit about writing or directing an animated series beyond its visuals (and even that is called into question, because again, Bento)

    It's a confused fricked mess of a show, but it is Viv's fricked mess of a show, and for better and worse that will forever be her legacy that and the Hide From Me video

    • 4 months ago

      It's all spectacle and mediocre to alright music. It wants to be "deep" but there's absolutely nothing there. It's shallow, same as Helluva boss.

      • 4 months ago

        Which reflects Viv to a T, all style with no actual substance. Which isn't even really a Viv thing, it's a modern writer so convinced their writing isn't shallow as piss that they're willing to do everything to mask it, thing. Rebecca Sugar is another major example of this

        • 4 months ago

          Viv's art and story is like eating at IHOP. It's sugary food that looks good on paper but it'll just give you the runs and tooth rot.

          • 4 months ago

            I know her products are the sugary confections of animation. But you're going to vomit and get diseases eventually from it.

            This is what Hellhounds look like naked. We finally know.

            they have no butthole. Just a blob of meat to sit down.

    • 4 months ago

      You tried really hard with this post, I'm sure, I'd feel bad if the only reply you got for it was from the Yes-Man. Have a pity (you)

  110. 4 months ago

    to summarize a post i vaguely remember reading here
    >hell was originally a punishment/test by god to see if both lucifer AND adam could redeem themselves without his intervention
    >adam was given the role of head exterminator (murdering his own decedents) pitting him and lucifer in a never ending cycle of suffering until on of them tried to stop it
    >instead lucifer declared himself king of his own cell and adam with his angels reveled in the exterminations
    >eventually god gave up any hope and left hell be
    >UNTIL charlie came along with her happy hotel idea with god secretly observing her actions

    • 4 months ago

      Who drew this and why? It honestly feels like a more focused and thought out show. More anime esc than than Viv's Disney after Sunday school trash show.

      • 4 months ago

        >animegay, NGMI

  111. 4 months ago

    same with steven universe just hire some tard wrangler to keep vivzie in check and filter her ideas

  112. 4 months ago

    This is what Hellhounds look like naked. We finally know.

    • 4 months ago

      Why weren't they allowed to give her an ass but AD does? I don't understand the creative decisions in this show.

      • 4 months ago

        Angel doesn't have an ass. He's thin as a twig.

    • 4 months ago

      Where's the ass, Viv?

  113. 4 months ago

    I dont know, I think its fine, you guys are just being mean lol, give it a week and youll get weekly positive threads like HB has

    • 4 months ago

      HB season 2 is pretty widely criticized.

    • 4 months ago

      >positive threads like HB has
      Uh? That show is getting blasted for weak it has gotten. Almost like all the good idea were frontloaded in the first season, did well enough for a second and now just going through the motions.

  114. 4 months ago

    it's fine, but the excessive swearing is annoying.

  115. 4 months ago

    I like Charlie but she got the most samey and forgettable songs of the bunch.

  116. 4 months ago


    except Vaggie actress, she is emotionless and she sucks ass

    • 4 months ago

      You're not getting your money back Verbalase

      • 4 months ago

        frick you catched me

        • 4 months ago

          Fake Verbalase. He's a native english speaker.

  117. 4 months ago

    >I want to fix things
    >Fix things? Sorry kiddo but things have been fricked for a long time
    >I know the whole story about you and my mom
    > shes trained you to be like this what a b***h
    >Shes not
    >She is, the biggest b***h in existence, imagine a b***h who sees herself as a victim even though her actions caused all of this shit
    >You forced yourself on her
    >Yh that was my role as the man you stupid b***h, she was my wife my beloved and she threw everything we and future mankind had that blonde angel c**t
    >Dad accepted her
    >He manipulated her to frick up mankind as spite against God for banishing him from Heaven
    >No thats not true
    >Oh lemme guess that lying b***h made some narrative Lucy is a good boy who dindu nuffin right? Frick off hes an evil bastard who hates humanity and everything. Its so weird how nice you are.
    >But I I
    >I get it your just an indoctrinated kid believe me Ive seen millions of those in my existence so I wont hold anything against you just realize everything your doing is futile and just party hard
    >I dont want that
    >Look toots you are a weirdo who is well free so enjoy your infinite time in this dump and stop following what that lying angel fricking b***h taught you
    >I just want to make a positive change
    >Shame your mind wasnt generated in an angel too bad accept that mommy wrecked everything now and forever now get lost

  118. 4 months ago

    >Alastor's head to Charlie:
    Charlie, let it go.. It is not a sin to fight for the right cause.. there is those who words alone will not reach. Adam is such a being... I know how you feel Charlie, you are gentle... you dont not like to hurt. I know because I too have learnt these feelings... but it's because you cherish life that you must protect it. Please.. drop your restraints. Protect the life I once loved.. you have the strength, I sensed it..

    >Just.. let it go..

    >*Adam crushes Alastor's head*

    • 4 months ago

      Canon but swap Alastor with AD.

    • 4 months ago

      >Wanting to save a serial killer who is proud of his deeds

      • 4 months ago

        Ikr people that watch this forget some of the sinners are fricking monsters

      • 4 months ago

        Ikr people that watch this forget some of the sinners are fricking monsters

        B-b-bu-but Alastor is skinny tall and cute! How can I NOT like him?! (Unironical thought process of some)

      • 4 months ago

        YES. Charlie loves and believes in him. And she wants his hand in marriage.

  119. 4 months ago

    Angles actually being Good and they are the Good Guys.

  120. 4 months ago

    I want to FRICK Charlie

  121. 4 months ago

    Hell is other people. Put emphasis on that

    • 4 months ago

      It can also be the lack of others.

      • 4 months ago

        The whole point is that Heaven and Hell are the way they are because of the people in them.

  122. 4 months ago

    Give Valentino more screen time.

    • 4 months ago

      The guy that's soon to become a Demon form Charlie victim? Yeah.

      • 4 months ago

        Sinners cannot die so death threats are pointless on them

        • 4 months ago

          Being a head is probably not too fun is it? And if decapitation is not possible then the pain should be enough of a dissuasion.

          • 4 months ago

            Velvettes sinner minion can reattach her body parts like a zombie

        • 4 months ago

          They were going to kill sir Pentius in episode 2

          • 4 months ago

            With a blessed weapon that Vaggie has.

    • 4 months ago

      >Give Vox more screen time.

      • 4 months ago

        Don't do that anon, you'll just monkeypaw is and we'll get more of Vox, but he'll be turned into Alastor's old simp/"friend" that gets turned into a woobie for him.

  123. 4 months ago

    Your a loser, baby a loser goddamn baby your a, fricked up little whiney b***h

    • 4 months ago

      >Vox out of NOWHERE

      • 4 months ago

        >t. Alastor

  124. 4 months ago

    Vox controls all TV in the city right? How is Alastor more successful than him?

    • 4 months ago

      by pure and sheer force

    • 4 months ago

      I have a feeling Vox, especially when I watched his music duet with Alastor that Vox has some sort of self esteem issue.

      Alastor's wordplay on Vox being "lesser" when he's not backed up by the other V's and that Vox asked Alastor to join him and he refused to do so, and Vox's subsequent loss of control and him causing an entire Pride Ring blackout, gives credence to that belief. Vox is powerful, but also think that he's very dependent on what others think of him and his desires to change himself and modernize himself to stay relevant is like that of a TV personality who gets surgery to stay young and hip, to the point that they don't have any part of their original self still remaining.

    • 4 months ago

      Because Alastor is a gary stu. He's better at everything than everyone for no discernable reason.

      • 4 months ago

        Next to Angel, he is an author pet.

        • 4 months ago

          Because Alastor is a gary stu. He's better at everything than everyone for no discernable reason.

          Shit, no idea why I forgot those terms.
          He's never going to "loose" and I hate that trope.

  125. 4 months ago

    it's already better than pilot and these first few episodes of helluva boss I've seen years ago, and spider twink gets a lot of screentime so it's alright. I never expected much from it, maybe invader zim will get new series if this will be a success

  126. 4 months ago

    Radio is shit compared to TV

  127. 4 months ago

    Alastor let Vox win, he would have stomped had he wanted to. Jeez, my HERO is powerful!

  128. 4 months ago

    Does Angel Dust realize hes in Hell? Caring about someone loving you down there is moronic.

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing about his personality suggests he cares about anything else other than sex and getting dicked.

      >Bump limit met

    • 4 months ago

      that's exactly why he keeps up facade?

  129. 4 months ago

    This motherfricking snake is the best character in the show and it's not even close.

    • 4 months ago

      But Alastor isn't a snake?

      • 4 months ago

        Alastor is a shit character

        • 4 months ago

          If you read my 100k character long fanfiction about him you will see he is actually the best character in the show.

          • 4 months ago

            You mean to watch the show? No thank you.

      • 4 months ago

        He’s a dear.

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      I just want to give him a big ol hug in silence. When he gets an episode focusing on his backstory I do t know if I can handle it.

  130. 4 months ago

    Respectless is the best song

  131. 4 months ago

    Go back to the actual premise from the premier and be about actually redeeming people that are terrible.

  132. 4 months ago

    The big twist will be that "Heaven" is a mindset, not a place.
    In essence, Heaven is not Heaven

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