How would you get it back on track?

You have to make Kang work and you can't reboot the X-Men until 2026.

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  1. 7 months ago

    i would change my name and move out of the country

  2. 7 months ago

    Better scripts. It all comes down to better scripts.

    • 7 months ago

      that and hiring more visual directors who know how to actually work with visual effects. or even more practical effects.

    • 7 months ago

      Isn’t specific. What would make it better? IMO less female and POC leads. Movie going audience in North America is straight white men.

      • 7 months ago

        >What would make it better?

        Not hiring Rick and Morty writers, for a start

    • 7 months ago

      This. Fricking this. Stop boring me. PLEASE stop boring me.

    • 7 months ago

      I don't know how you can get better scripts or rather I don't know how good the scripts can be with the MCU "master plan" in place.

  3. 7 months ago

    remove gayie

  4. 7 months ago

    endgame was the last MCU movie I watched and the only way I watch another is if the FF are well-cast.

    Smoke show white blonde Sue (Vanessa Kirby is ugly so it better not be her as Susan), frickable Johnny a few years younger than Susan, Reed is white and has no beard a few years older than the storms, Ben is a israeli dude whose isn’t Seth rogen. If they go off model on any of them there’s no chance I ever see another MCU flick again. I don’t even care if doom is black as long as he wears the mask most of the time. MF Doom shitposting will be great. But the FF better be perfectly cast.

    And Reed better be the main character.

    • 7 months ago

      >And Reed better be the main character


      • 7 months ago

        Oh I’ve heard the “leaks” and “rumors” from Hispanic run Twitter accounts but nothing is written or cast. I just told the shills what they need to relay to their superiors.

        They can fight me ITT or they can jot it down and bring it to their boss.

    • 7 months ago


      Also Haven’t seen anything since endgame.

      If Susan ever so much as smiles at namor I’m out forever. So sick of “lol let’s make Reed a cuck”jokes and storylines.

  5. 7 months ago

    Get rid of the multiverse shit and start adapting Annihilation.

  6. 7 months ago

    Replace every creative team with white guys over 40. That’s literally it.

  7. 7 months ago

    Cancel the TV shows, maybe one or two isolated things per year, and put those resources back into the films.

    • 7 months ago

      I wouldn’t cancel them just make them an Alt U or make them shorter and more self contained.

      People are getting sick of cliffhangers and set up and projects that feel like they don’t have their own ending. A plot, maybe a B plot no C plot and finish the other two. A sequel series is always possible if people like the first season.

      Scavengers reign for a recent example would have been better with a clear ending rather than some “get ready for more of the same next season” shit. Stop with the teasers stop with the build up just tell a goddamn story and say “the end” at the fricking end.

  8. 7 months ago

    Unironically Knull invasion. Symbiote versions of big name characters from across timelines/realities

    • 7 months ago

      shut up Donny. 1. Sony owns the symbiotes and 2. Nobody frick cares about knull

      • 7 months ago

        They own symbiotes, not Knull. And say what you will, seeing symbiote infected heroes would attract an audience. I'm not saying Knull is a compelling character

        • 7 months ago

          >not knull
          Not how contracts work. They own any derivatives.

          Knull would have to be divorced from the entire concept of the symbiotes to be used.

          This is what they tried.

          No they didnt, they expanded the roster to try and set up the next avengers, completely ignoring any set up done by the main line movies.

          Also the tv shows were disjointed and the only one to carry main narrative weight was Loki. Everything else is still waiting to be paid off.

          Reread what I said anon. I want pay offs to happen much faster, within a year at minimum.

          The problem isn't that they made tv shows, it's that the tv shows were made for the wrong reasons and used the wrong way.

          No the problem is very clearly what I said, nobody is getting D+ let alone going to see a movie that requires them to get D+ to understand what’s going on.

          • 7 months ago

            See the "Symbiotes" of Earth-1610. Connected to the Sentinels through being made by Trask Industries, they are biosuits that were developed to cure cancer

            • 7 months ago

              I don’t need to. They cannot use the term in a Disney owned production without Sony’s say so. they cannot do a knull storyline in a Disney production unless he’s completely retooled or Sony is consulted and paid.

              • 7 months ago

                This is why Sony was hacked by North Koreans in 2014

          • 7 months ago

            Dude we get it, you cant afford a streaming service. You can just pirate it you know.

            • 7 months ago

              >y-y-you’re just broke
              Lol I make six figures and spend more money per Wednesday on comics in a month than you do on streaming in a year.

              I have no interest in D+, I only have MAX because it comes with my cable sub. You sound like a POC bragging about your 9.99 a month expenditure. Absolutely pathetic.

          • 7 months ago

            SONY doesn't own Knull, anon. He's ingrained in celestial stuff, the black sword Gorr used, and other shit. Symbiotes are a biproduct of Knull, they don't own home by proxy

            • 7 months ago

              If you could read you would understand I know this
              >knull would have to be divorced from the entire concept of the symbiotes to be used.
              What reason is there to do a knull story without any connection to the symbiotes and Spider-Man?

              • 7 months ago

                You act like SONY wouldn't play ball

              • 7 months ago

                I accept your concession

              • 7 months ago


                Sony is a Japanese company, they bought the rights to Spiderman solely so that Toei could not gain them

                The signal for Sony to stand down is Marvel adapting Leopardon to the MCU

    • 7 months ago

      Hire better writers and showrunners/directors. Remember that the target demo is men aged 18-49.

      Ignore shit like at all cost.

    • 7 months ago

      Frick no

      • 7 months ago

        Sony is a Japanese company, they bought the rights to Spiderman solely so that Toei could not gain them

  9. 7 months ago

    I would start by imposing a cycle.

    Tv series
    Tv series
    Tv series

    Each thing builds on the former, keeping continuity and making it feel like the passage of time go by in the MCU.

    I would use the tv shows as set up and lore dumping and the movies as set pieces to either kick off or end an arc.

    I would also split the focus between the old characters and the new ones. So that the old characters feel like they are handing off the mantle as a natural thing, not something forced.

    I would gut the black race shit and redirect it to super power prejudice, which is more in line with the comics.

    As for overarching story. I guess we have to deal with Kang. Idm the multiversal arc. But it's stupid that this is the main event but we are still getting set up or side stories this far in.

    No one cares anymore about characters that have no narrative weight. Even in end game brie did nothing.

    All in all the MCU just needs to be refocused instead of all this wave of extra nonsense.

    • 7 months ago

      This is what they tried post endgame and it failed. Nobody is going to go see a movie if they have to subscribe to D+ and spend 9-12 hours watching more shit.

      Are you moronic? Serious question.

      • 7 months ago

        This is what they tried.

        No they didnt, they expanded the roster to try and set up the next avengers, completely ignoring any set up done by the main line movies.

        Also the tv shows were disjointed and the only one to carry main narrative weight was Loki. Everything else is still waiting to be paid off.

        Reread what I said anon. I want pay offs to happen much faster, within a year at minimum.

        The problem isn't that they made tv shows, it's that the tv shows were made for the wrong reasons and used the wrong way.

  10. 7 months ago

    Replace Secret Wars with Civil War 2, kill off Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner and recast him, this would set up Immortal Hulk

    • 7 months ago

      A real horror focused Immortal Hulk movie would kick ass. God I hate Professor Hulk.

      • 7 months ago

        I think the stagnation on WWH info could be from them trying to push Ruffles out of the role or negotiate for Brave New World to be his last film.

        • 7 months ago

          I hate ruffalo so much. Ruined banner with his homosexual disposition

          • 7 months ago

            I've managed to kill MULTIPLE leak threads for a good year now by claiming Ruffalo's hulk would only get angry from a rape accusation

  11. 7 months ago

    It's a very easy fix, quality over quantity. In terms of overall phase plans Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars can still work just don't make the entire selling point "nostalgia" bait cameos. Despite basically being a glup shitto movie NWH worked because the center of that story was a personal tale of Peter suffering the consequences and making the final stages of growing up.

  12. 7 months ago

    >How would you get it back on track?
    Hire actual writers.

  13. 7 months ago

    Put a chick in it make it all gay and lame

  14. 7 months ago

    I would shut it down for 5 years.

  15. 7 months ago

    It's really telling when nobody can actually describe the character/motivations/stories from the original comics. Both on the fact of how little here actually read the comics and how bad Marvel is at making compelling villains (besides antiheroes).

  16. 7 months ago

    A new big 3(Cap, Iron man, Thor) is needed. The safest choices IMO are Spider-Man, Mr. Fantastic and Wolverine

  17. 7 months ago

    Make an action movie instead of a comedy. Use comic accurate costumes. Use comic accurate actors to portray characters. Use stories that sold well before the 2000s and have been reprinted multiple times.

  18. 7 months ago

    The Fantastic Four can save them. Get them right and you got movies and villains for years.

  19. 7 months ago

    Bring her back in the Kang Dynasty Avengers movie, write Multiverse of Madness off as possession, and do the "we may not trust her but we need her help against Kang" thing so characters can actually interact with her.

    On a bigger level, just use the excuse of an Avengers movie to get as many characters as possible acting like themselves again (Thor, Hulk) or put them with someone else to make them more interesting (Captain Marvel teams up with, I don't know, White Vision, the other perpetually memory-wiped powerhouse).

    Throw out the Multiverse idea and just do the Kang Dynasty thing from the comics where Kang decides to conquer the earth using future tech. They can claim it's not a Thanos ripoff because Thanos didn't want to conquer the world.

    Basically just apologize for the last two years and get everyone back to normal in as contrived and quick a way as possible.

    • 7 months ago

      Mostly agreed. Doing damage control on the last two years, fixing characters people liked, trying to get back other popular characters, and just publicly apologizing for the bad movies and for what they've done to Thor, Wanda, Hulk, etc, and just dropping the Multiverse Saga outright would all be better ways to fix the MCU and bring audiences back than introducing more new characters or trying to get non-nerds to care about reboots of characters Fox had the rights to. They need to just admit they've screwed up and start trying to fix the things they've broken.

      Adding the FF, the X-Men, Blade, Daredevil isn't going to fix the problems or bring normies back, adding Echo and Wonderman certainly isn't.

  20. 7 months ago

    >get MCU on track
    Actually enforce the rule that the superheroes must be superheroes, not just superpowered buttholes who punch each other and only save people when it's a part of the main plot. (Even then if that)
    Enforce that the villain is just as important as the hero.
    Tone down the comedy.
    Hire better fight choreographers. Winter Soldier was a good start in that department but after that it's 1000 steps back.
    >make Kang work
    Just give me a gun with one bullet at this point. MCU fricked up Kang beyond any chance of unfrickening.

  21. 7 months ago

    Revolving your entire line around big all movie crossovers was a mistake. They could have done smaller multi hero stories like Maximum Carnage. I honestly think at this point they'd be better off building up to Onslaught and then pulling a Heroes Reborn to have a clean slate.

  22. 7 months ago

    Ban any story made past 2000, that alone would make quality skyrocket and nearly solve the pozzing issue.

    • 7 months ago

      You know it always really frustrated me how they were so hard on recency bias. Like their version of the avengers have barely assembled and they could not get to Civil War fast enough. Like it was somehow the most important story in Avengers history that needed to be told ASAP. There were countless stories, villains and events they could have worked through but they had to go and crush everything they built up.

      • 7 months ago

        At the absolute minimum they needed to make an Avengers movie with the new team so we could get to know them and see how they'd bonded together (or not) before Civil War tore them apart. The subsequent Avengers movies basically being whole-MCU team-ups meant a lot of the actual Avengers having tiny roles in their own movies, too.

        • 7 months ago

          Captain America 3 really should have been called Avengers 3

          • 7 months ago

            But there should have been an actual Avengers 3 before it. That movie should have been Avengers 4.

  23. 7 months ago

    >You have to make Kang work and you can't reboot the X-Men until 2026.

    Since the death of Tony and Cap there are no Avengers. So a new group is formed. (On the West Coast, due to California influence and wanting to co-opt something popular.) But they can't find anybody decent so they use.

    Based US Agent
    Vision knock-off Machine Man
    Fun bawd Tigra
    Spider-Woman (Julia Carpenter, who is a single mum, who isn't a girlboss but actually a good mother who wants to do good with her powers, because the Avengers saved her daughter.)

    Wonder-Man (White) is the villain, who blames the original Avengers and wants to put them in their place. He ends up the Green Ranger.

    All of these characters have slightly different arcs from their original characters.

    Next movie is Kang. There's only one of him. He's from the future, and wants to fight the Avengers for shits and giggles. He knows EVERYTHING about them. Some side heroes and villains are introduced, again not quite as the should be. The Avengers and side characters eventually win by making choices outside what they would usually choose, becoming the characters they were depicted as in their original depiction in comics.

  24. 7 months ago

    >How would you get it back on track?
    I can't even tell what the fricking destination is supposed to be.

    • 7 months ago

      I think that's sort of the big problem right there though. There's no long term goal. Movies have been about immediate box office with declining results.

  25. 7 months ago

    Antagonists who aren't always antagonists, making their loyalties fluid.

    I.e more Loki types.

  26. 7 months ago

    Could he have worked?

    • 7 months ago

      homie looks like a george floyd meme

    • 7 months ago

      No. kang is white and I don’t support racebending.

  27. 7 months ago

    Make Kang a femboy, and only use practical effects for everything.

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