How would YOU have done Phase 4?

HARD MODE: No "I wouldn't."

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  1. 10 months ago

    I would make kang white

    • 10 months ago

      Build up to and end it with a New Avengers movie instead of Black Panther 2

      Make Kang less insanely OP.
      If they insist on using the multiverse, have a set of rules every project has to follow so it's not blatantly obvious no one has any idea what's happening and they're just doing their own thing
      Don't ruin established characters (Wanda, Fury) and stop shitting on dead characters (Cap, Tony, Natasha)
      2-3 movies a year at absolute maximum, significantly cut down on Disney plus chaff
      Better CGI, obviously
      There's a lot of problems but those are the biggest.

      All of this, and no Multiverse Saga, keep that Spider-Man movie as the one and only multiverse thing. Make a Doctor Strange sequel where he fights Mordo and Nightmare instead of making MoM.
      Go Full Kirby on Eternals instead of going Full Diversity.
      Use the Mandarin's rings from the comics instead of those bracelets, and don't b***h about the guy's name.
      Don't have Hank Pym get cucked.
      WandaVision doesn't back down on the Agatha reveal and keeps her as unambiguously the villain to blame for everything, and the show gets a sequel instead of Wanda getting turned into a villain.
      Re-cast Black Panther instead of killing him.
      Make Namor and the Atlanteans at least passably comic accurate.
      Get a different director for Thor 4 and play the movie seriously.
      Don't hire any Rick & Morty writers for the MCU.
      Don't go rushing to include 2010s characters like Ms Marvel and America Chavez into the MCU.
      Keep mutants an entirely separate thing to the MCU, trying to add them this late is just stupid.

  2. 10 months ago

    Build up to and end it with a New Avengers movie instead of Black Panther 2

  3. 10 months ago

    i dont even know what phase 2 and 3 were

  4. 10 months ago

    Make Kang less insanely OP.
    If they insist on using the multiverse, have a set of rules every project has to follow so it's not blatantly obvious no one has any idea what's happening and they're just doing their own thing
    Don't ruin established characters (Wanda, Fury) and stop shitting on dead characters (Cap, Tony, Natasha)
    2-3 movies a year at absolute maximum, significantly cut down on Disney plus chaff
    Better CGI, obviously
    There's a lot of problems but those are the biggest.

    • 10 months ago

      >have a set of rules every project has to follow
      But they do.

      >(Wanda, Fury)
      I will give you Wanda though everybody knew it was coming, but how has Fury been ruined?

      >(Cap, Tony, Natasha)
      Where have they done anything but shill for these, especially Stark?

  5. 10 months ago

    Give Kang his EMH motivation

    Actually build up Doctor Doom

    No Disney+ shows

    Never hire Victoria Alonso

    • 10 months ago

      I think Phase 4 got way too much hate.

      The only thing I'd do is end it with an Avengers movie. Doesn't even have to be a big, huge thing. Just something that brings them all together, acknowledges stuff like Tiamat, establishes the new status quo, etc. They fight a more small scale villain, like MODOK or something (yeah, I know, I'll get to Quantumania in a bit). But it essentially hints at Kang. He gets a small post-credits scene that shows he's coming, like Thanos in the first Avengers movie.

      For Phase 5, with Quantumania, I either just give Kang a different subvillain altogether, with MODOK being completely different in the Avengers movie, or have it revealed that Kang sent MODOK for some reason but couldn't send himself. Also have him as less of a fricking joke and better CGI. Have Kang get beaten in a way that's much more respectable and shows that the Ant-Man family was *just* able to do it under the right circumstances and even then, Scott and/or Hope get trapped in the Quantum Realm still.

      Phase 4 wasn't really the problem, it's been Phase 5 so far.

      >Never hire Victoria Alonso
      Wasn't she in charge of the MCU throughout its whole existence until she got fired?

      • 10 months ago

        >Have Kang get beaten in a way that's much more respectable and shows that the Ant-Man family was *just* able to do it under the right circumstances

        Isn't that pretty much what happened? They would've been toast had Hank's ants not gone through Quantum evolution.

        • 10 months ago

          I mean I guess? But it also came off as being way too comedic and stupid for someone as big as Kang is supposed to be.

          And you're also telling me he still couldn't beat those ants?

          • 10 months ago

            >And you're also telling me he still couldn't beat those ants?

            Well, he came back later and we never saw them again. Odds are killed them all off-screen.

  6. 10 months ago

    Less quippy moronic shit like Love&Thunder and Quantumania. GotG 3 was a nice balance between humor and drama, but most of the MCU refuses to grow up.

    I want more stuff like The Winter Soldier and Secret Invasion, even if SI didn't quite hit the mark.

  7. 10 months ago

    Endgame would have been the last movie from the MCU world building stuff for a few years and to explore the impact of what happened, I'd use spiderman since they have to always have a movie made or on screen for legal reasons.
    during that time I'd have fleshed out the actual direction of the mcu, why they need to have more movies with a proper narrative and slowly implement that plan leading to kang with small glimpses instead of a rush.

    I'd have used ground level heroes (luke cage, punisher, hawkeye) to deal with what the hell its like losing half the world in an instant, the trauma it causes and the people that lost hope from grief.

    And I would keep the 'm SHE u ' in check. no she hulk or goofy experiments. introduce her through a hulk movie and what he went through in those 5 years missing

  8. 10 months ago

    I'd stop raising the stakes. Personal conflicts will always feel more meaningful than "but the whole universe might explode."

    I'd also stop this bullshit of introducing characters based on plans for future tie-ins. You cannot fricking convince me that someone looked at the Strange 2 script and genuinely, honestly believed it would benefit from the presence of America Chavez rather than the other way around.

    • 10 months ago

      >You cannot fricking convince me that someone looked at the Strange 2 script and genuinely, honestly believed it would benefit from the presence of America Chavez rather than the other way around.

      I unironically enjoyed their relationship, it's cute.

      Strange is one of the strongest post-Endgame leads for me, and I appreciate how he keeps getting saddled mentoring teen heroes despite not liking kids.

      • 10 months ago

        It was probably the only time I liked America Chavez.

      • 10 months ago

        You could unironically replace her with another magic book or something and the plot wouldn't change at all.

        Except that suddenly the movie's climax wouldn't be resolved by a literal goddamn "the power was within you the whole time" moment.

        • 10 months ago

          >You could unironically replace her with another magic book or something and the plot wouldn't change at all.

          That's a stupid line of reasoning that you could apply to everything you don't particularly like.

          • 10 months ago


            I didn't like Sylvie much either, but she had agency. She did things. She made choices that impacted the plot. If you replaced her with a magical book, the story wouldn't happen.

            America Chavez spent the entire movie being moved to and from different locales, she made no meaningful choices, and she contributed nothing beyond the use of her superpower. If you gave her power to an inanimate object and had Strange use that object instead, it would be the exact same movie... except the climax works better because Strange solves the problem by recovering the macguffin, rather than America just deciding that she can do it now.

            • 10 months ago

              I'm obviously not talking about a book at face value, but "if things were different, the plot would still be the same" is an empty criticism because that is the very basis of scriptwriting.

              America was a plot device, but she had a little arc and played into Strange's development moreso than a book would.

              • 10 months ago

                ...Are you trolling? "If things would be different, the plot would be the same" is a damning criticism because if things are different, *the plot should be different.*

                I remember seeing a hypothetical pitch for what civil war would look like if Quicksilver had survived Age of Ultron. The idea was that he gets along surprisingly well with Tony, because they're both quippy; Pietro cleans up his act, tries to be a better hero, and when the registration question comes up he's actually in favor of it because he's in atonement mode. Wanda, conversely, feels like she's being trapped and manipulated; they're on opposite sides in the airport confrontation. The emotional tension of hero vs hero is amped up because they're literal siblings. Plus, when Wanda goes to prison, maybe Pietro ends up with doubt over his role in the whole situation, leading to a potential villain arc? I dunno.

                Point is, if a plot isn't strengthened by the inclusion of a character, that character should not be included. Chavez didn't add anything interesting, she didn't influence any choices, none of the conflicts were intensified by her personality or personal connections. Closest we got was Strange struggling with his "dark side" over what to do with her, and the temptation of power would do that just as effectively... maybe moreso because we don't believe Strange would kill a kid, but we do believe he'd take power for himself.

      • 10 months ago

        >this whea doesn’t know Spanish
        >erm uhm you might puke your first time
        God I hated her character

  9. 10 months ago

    I would have, y'know, done it? They're saying to me that they're currently moving from Phase 4 to Phase 5 and I'm over here like, "there was a Phase 4?"

    I liked Loki, and I guess that was the start of that phase? I don't recall much. I guess what Spider-Man did a multi-verse thing, Dr. Strange did too... Was that it? Did Ant-Man technically do that? Is the Quantum Realm another universe?

  10. 10 months ago

    Hot take: other than the TV shows, the MCU hasn't really declined in quality.
    Most of the films were merely good/watchable and still are.

  11. 10 months ago

    End each phase with an Avengers movie for one.
    Make Michael B Jordan or M'baku the new Black Panther instead of Shuri
    Delete Black Widow, the Eternals, and completely scrap Love and Thunder's 'save the keedz' plot

    I'm not a writer, but I'd try to end with an Avengers movie where say, Antman's family gets trapped into the Multiverse/Quantumanium whatever so he makes an Avengers level call for whose around
    >Captain America (Sam Wilson)
    >Nu Black Panther
    >Wong (Dr Strange MIA)
    >Shang Chi
    >New Hawkeye Girl
    >Plus Antman + Wasp
    >I fricking hate the CGI worlds, so make it like Multiverse of Madness where different Avengers get sent to different realities (kind of like JL:War World with a Western, Barbarian, 1950s FBI spy thriller). Like a pastiche shit they did with Wanda Vision for sitcom television.
    >Movie ends with Antman's family saved, and defeat depowered!Kang
    >Everyone goes their separate ways
    It's shit, but I think the new Avengers team could be good if they focused on new big 3 (Michael B Jordan Black Panther, Sam Wilson, Shang chi)

  12. 10 months ago

    Frick KANG crap.
    Secret Invasion mode babe

    All disney plus shows should have at least 9 episodes

    LoKI confirmed to be an elseword/spinoff series

    >WandaVision (No White Vision, just a hint, Agatha's goal is to become some God and revive her son. Ending hints Wanda solo movie

    >Black Widow (the same meh, this is just a set up for Yelena anyways)

    >Shang Chi (same)

    >Falcon and The Winter Soldier (cut the sick lady mentor and the antagonist are just full on anti state, make hints to an skrull invasion here with Sharon not being the power broker but a vassal for him

    >Hawkeye (more episodes to a better resolution and have bullseye appear as back up)

    >No Way Home (mmm same thing, we can have multiverse here as a future hint to secret wars, no Ned 's power crap but have america chavez as planned)

    >DR Strange 2 (no multiverse of mid, instead a solid sequel with Mordo and Nightmare as antagonist, focused on a more introspective side with Strabge dealing with letting his love go and assuming the pain of losing his little sister)

    > Thor Love and Thunder (Just Jane Thor vs some lesser thos villains, main focus should be Jane's inner battle and Thor accepting her destiny)

  13. 10 months ago

    Secret Invasion.
    Fricking skrulls screwing shit up and controlling a world where the Avengers are no longer a thing. Gimme Jessica Chastain or Eva Green as Veranke, and I'll be a happy man.
    Build up Doom, get an actual Thunderbolts crew led by Zemo, and send Spider-Man into a gang war.

  14. 10 months ago

    Wandavision - Reveal Agatha a bit earlier. Do her flashback as before. But in the climax, show the flashback again minus the self-delusion - she wasn't a Bad b***h All Along, she defended herself against people she should have been able to trust, and it was easier to pretend that it was all her own evil plan than to acknowledge the pain. She realizes Wanda is going down the same road, and rather than a dumb cgi fight with "runes," the finale is a mini therapy session where they acknowledge the shit they've been through and start a mentor/apprentice relationship. Bad Government Man is revealed to be Ultron afterward, spared by Vision but prevented from copying or duplicating himself, forced to live with a human's perspective; Ultron isn't fully on board yet, but acknowledges that he made mistakes and is trying to do better. Part of that is collecting Vision's remains, with the goal of *rebuilding* him so they'd be even; "It's a work in progress," says James Spader's voice, "but we'll get there. I won't accept anything less." Post credits - Knock at the door of Sanctum Sanctorum. Dr Strange opens the door. Agatha is there, notably alone, looking bitter and a little defeated. She gives a sarcastic "Hi. You busy? 'Cause something's come up, and I hear you're the guy to talk to." Stinger: Wanda will return in Dr Strange 2

    Falcon and Winter Soldier - just cut out the flag smashers entirely, the conflict is now Sam and Bucky trying to be street-level heroes vs US Agent whose mistake is that he's treating Captain America like celebrity status and thus missing the point of being a superhero. Sam and Bucky should initially be accepting, but Walker keeps overstepping, prioritizing the wrong things. Climax happens when Walker starts throwing his weight around, but the people who need help (ie. the people sam and bucky have been saving) turn against him, and Walker gets fired because he's now bad for PR. Sam takes over as new Cap. Post-credits Thunderbolts tease still happens.

    • 10 months ago


      Loki - More episodes. Spend more time on setup; Loki doesn't get to speedrun his redemption arc in 15 mins this time. Establish the dynamic of him trying to prove himself useful to the TVA with the end goal of usurping power. Reveal Sylvie, don't give them romance, make Sylvie feel more like an actual Loki in terms of mannerisms etc. Climax is similar, but Loki's arc is "I guess there are some things I wouldn't do for power" namely breaking the timeline, and Sylvie still would rather tear it all down than not be at the top.

      Black Widow - Doesn't happen. The window has been missed. If it needs to exist, make it about Yelena tearing down the program in an attempt to find her sister. Whole thing needs to go back to the drawing board.

      What If - Doesn't happen. If it has to, then cut out all the wanking over certain characters, don't bother with an ensemble finale episode, just double down on familiar characters in unfamiliar situations.

      Shang-Chi - Katie does not hit a miracle shot with a bow. She decides the bow is not for her, gets in the big truck, and does a miracle *truck stunt* using the breathing techniques or whatever that she was supposed to use in her archery, in keeping with the "take tradition and make it your own" themes of the movie. Truck knocks the big CGI monster out of the sky, Shang-Chi uses the rings to seal it back away, and the fight no longer distracts from the Wenwu conclusion.

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