How would you have written the finale without sounding mad?

How would you have written the finale without sounding mad?

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The Kind of Tired That Sleep Won’t Fix Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago

    aliens show up

  2. 3 weeks ago

    You will not get a serious response here. Instead, you'll get the same arguments as to why it was bad, nothing about how to solve it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      I do not believe that posters who ask meme questions like "how would you...without sounding mad?" are looking for serious responses in the first place.

    • 3 weeks ago

      A. Just keep him away from civilization as long as possible until the comet ends (at least one climactic moment where he tries to vaporize [plot important location]. When the comet ends, the Fire Nation troops are now weakened again, probably tired after the onslaught, and the other nations all band together to mop them up. Ozai either gives up knowing he's not gonna see another comet for a VERY long time, or he decides to go out with a suicidal BANG to try to kill Aang.
      B. Aang snaps and annihilates Ozai with the Avatar State; he breaks himself out of it in shock and leaves to go become a wandering hermit teaching the ways of peace, possibly creating a few more Airbenders as he goes, finding people descended from monks that left or people who are just attuned to it. The rest of the team misses Aang and looks for him, but only finds positive rumors of a man wandering the world.
      C. Cheesy "talk him down" angle, Aang defends constantly, all while trying to get Ozai to stop, telling him of all the good that peace brings, a flashback montage of situations where people worked together regardless of what nation they're from. As the comet ends, Ozai finally gives in, literally and metaphorically burnt out.
      D. Ozai loses control, either via too much fire bending or some literal fire monster taking him over, attracted by the intense flames. As the comet goes on, he looks more fricked up, his body barely holding back all this energy; this scares his troops, but he doesn't care. After some back-and-forth fighting, the Gaang and whoever else is nearby is clearly aware that Ozai can't handle it and will literally explode. Everyone rushes to get out of the blast radius, but Aang stays behind to keep him busy and maybe contain the blast somehow. Ozai explodes, straight-up nuclear. Aang either dies overtly and the Avatar cycle continues, or the show does a "kids show thing" and he's found injured in a village miles away, recovering.

      Pic unrelated.

  3. 3 weeks ago

    would having ozai burnt his hand as a lesson of unbalance and abuse of element can lead to bad consequencea a better alternative than being banned from using elements?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Actually if Sozen's comet made all the people using fire-bending fricking explode that would have been amazing.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    Instead of the rock that unlock the avatar state asspull. Have aang display his mastery to fight ozai without the state. End the fight with aang getting fricked up because a comet boosted ozai is too strong, then have him redirect lightning to kill ozai.

    killing ozai will reinforce what all the other avatar's have been telling aang from the start, "sometimes you need to kill a motherfricker". It could end bittersweet that aang had to betray his ideals but it was the only way to save the world.

    ...but perhaps atla being a kids show is why they needed the lionturtle ex machina to fix everything

  5. 3 weeks ago

    epilogue episode that see's Katara falling for Aang

  6. 3 weeks ago

    I would've set up the turtle dragons in season 1.
    Literally that's all.
    Like have them mentioned at some point.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Or at least earlier on, the energy bending isn't even a bad idea it's just so last minute.

      • 3 weeks ago

        I don't know why they didn't set up energy bending with guru pathick and the swamp guy.

        • 3 weeks ago

          They set it up with panda

    • 3 weeks ago

      Basically what thus anon says

      Or at least earlier on, the energy bending isn't even a bad idea it's just so last minute.

      I don't know why they didn't set up energy bending with guru pathick and the swamp guy.

      You keep energybending along with it not forced. Have the characters mention the lion turtles on the same level of spirits multiple times throughout the show, keep the cameo from the library and itball hsppens more organically.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Alternatively you could have an ep where Aang runs into the turtles earlier, have energy bending be powered by pure will, even the slightest bit of doubt can kill you.
        Aang tries it and due to several doubts including killing the firelord it nearly kills him which he then swears it off completely and doesn't tell the others due to not wanting to confront the fact he has to kill the firelord(much like when he ran from the iceberg)
        Then in the final battle Aang finally makes the decisive decision(like the other avatars tell him) to save the firelord and to not kill mastering energy bending and overcoming the firelords will (which would explain the red energy nearly overtaking him)

  7. 3 weeks ago

    Azula wins the Agni Kai.

    • 3 weeks ago

      why her fire was blue? i thought it was a sign of mastering lightning bending but ozai and iroh were also capable of doing so yet their fire were orange like the rest

      • 3 weeks ago

        Because of her name, duuh
        She was just good at it. Either something to do with hotness or straight up spiritual connections.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >straight up spiritual connections.
          azula is a crazy b***h enough to bypass toph's lie detecting method but i doubt it would helped her have a spiritual connection

          • 3 weeks ago

            >azula is a crazy b***h
            Right, spirits only work with good/sane people.
            Btw, all people can learn to bypass lie-detectors.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Fire is stronger the angrier you are. She was super angry all the time.

  8. 3 weeks ago

    Have the firebenders gang up on azula ez then ozai so aang doesnt have to cry about killing his crush

  9. 3 weeks ago

    I would've ripped off DBZ and Friezad Ozai. As in, he lashes at Aang, Aang dodges and then the fire breaks some rocks that fall on Ozai and he dies by accidental suicide.
    Or, well, just do the bending removal thing without the battle of wills like they did in Korra. Because I find it weird Aang had more willpower than Ozai.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >he lashes at Aang, Aang dodges and then the fire breaks some rocks that fall on Ozai and he dies by accidental suicide
      this is the best answer, aang does not cause the death and it also serves a lesson about powertripping can always go wrong, maybe show aang some sadness that he couldn't prevent his death but could helped him underatand what kyoshi meant with her story she shared

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Because I find it weird Aang had more willpower than Ozai.
      Aang has infinitely more willpower than Ozai. He was able to regain control of himself from all his past lives to avoid taking the easy way out and killing someone who deserves it. All Ozai ever did was abuse a child he barely cared about and take a metaphor literally

      • 3 weeks ago

        The man trying to take over the world has less willpower than the kid that is too much of a pussy to take a life even to save somebody.
        Nope. You got daddy issues and it shows lol

        • 3 weeks ago

          >daddy issues
          How exactly did you infer it?

    • 3 weeks ago

      I think fixing the finale is nearly impossible, if we have to adopt the following constraints:
      > Aang can't kill; a Kids Show hero can't be shown to use killing as a solution, no matter how justified it might be and also ignore all the times Aang used force that might not have been *intentionally fatal*, but most certainly resulted in people dying, a'la people falling off the mountain or getting buried in snow at the Northern Air Temple
      > Ozai is irredeemably evil, and has never once shown remorse for his actions, and is a True Believer in the cause of Fire Nation Supremacy
      > All the main characters need "something to do" (i.e. this is the reason Zuko couldn't just win his duel with Azula, because what else is Katara doing if she's not anchoring Zuko when he fails?)
      I see some people saying that Energybending should have been setup earlier or the Lion Turtles properly foreshadowed, and I think this trades one problem for a different one. A finale where things go exactly as planned is a boring finale, and that's what you get if the solution is foreshadowed too much. You can say "so foreshadow it the correct amount!", which is an easy thing to say when you're not the writer who has to actually put in the effort of balancing story elements.

      Instead of the rock that unlock the avatar state asspull. Have aang display his mastery to fight ozai without the state. End the fight with aang getting fricked up because a comet boosted ozai is too strong, then have him redirect lightning to kill ozai.

      killing ozai will reinforce what all the other avatar's have been telling aang from the start, "sometimes you need to kill a motherfricker". It could end bittersweet that aang had to betray his ideals but it was the only way to save the world.

      ...but perhaps atla being a kids show is why they needed the lionturtle ex machina to fix everything

      In a world where Aang was allowed to kill, combining these two would have been a fantastic solution. Aang truly doesn't want to kill Ozai, but he basically fails to pull his punch at the last second: Ozai takes advantage of Aang's mercy to fire lightning at him, Aang redirects it, realizes it's going to kill Ozai and tries to reflect it to a less vital spot, but it's Comet Boosted Fire-Hitler lightning, even striking a nearby rock would probably be fatal through sheer force of impact. Ozai commends Aang for proving that he's "stronger and therefore more worthy to rule the world" before dying, and Aang despairs that he failed to uphold his cultural values.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Couldn’t Katara fight those old advisors Azula always had with her or fend off an army trying to stop Zuko? Azula isn’t one to play fair

  10. 3 weeks ago

    The stone lions don't exist

    Aang fights and soundly defeats Ozai in a duel, but can't bring himself to kill him, seeing the humanity in his eyes before he can deal the final blow. In this moment of distraction, Ozai mortally wounds Aang, real villain shit. Ideally, at this stage, Azula turns against Ozai, after Zuko had shown kindness to her previously after defeating her in a fight, while her father shows her only scorn (Azula is redeemed).

    Humiliated and seeking ultimate power, the Fire Lord uses fire bending to bring the comet closer to Earth, which increases his power immensely. In his now overpowered state, the Fire Lord has bitten more than he can chew, becomes a being of pure fire, looms large and threatening over the gang for a second and swiftly disappears into the night sky, fate left unknown (think the ending of Fate of Atlantis PC game).

    The comet is now in a direct collision course with Earth, the sky turns red, animals are screaming, everybody looks at each other and realize this is the end. Katara talks to Aang, who's in a coma or something. Her tears reach Aang from the world of the living, so Aang uses the remainder of his strength to enter the Avatar state and speak to the whole world, asking them to give him their energy so that he can push the comet away, or, alternatively, gives a speech and urges everybody to unite for a common cause, and use their bending powers in unison to push the comet away. Aang wakes, up, everybody is happy, yay.

    In the end, the world could have two moons.

    • 3 weeks ago

      You're an AWFUL writer.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Azula turns against Ozai, after Zuko had shown kindness to her
      Lost me there.

  11. 3 weeks ago

    With my mouth closed

  12. 3 weeks ago

    I don't really know how to be honest. I think it's fine besides the rock being contrived and spirit bending not having enough setup

  13. 3 weeks ago

    Katara doesn't get involved with the siblinh fight. Zuko beats Azula entierly on his own. He hugs his beaten sister, tells her that he loves her, and forgives her for everything and promises to do all he can to help her, while she sobs and screams at him and shrieks like a crazy woman insulting him and proclaiming herself Fire Lord over and over.
    Aang accepts that he can't solve every problem with pacifism. After an arduous battle and almost losing to Ozai, Aang enters the Avatar state and burns half of Ozai's face. He gives Ozai one final chance to surrender. After Ozai delivers a last minutr Frieza style sneak attack with lighting, Aang redirects it back hit Ozai right in the heart, killing Ozai.

    Zuko has finally and wholly embraced compassion and understanding and mercy and has become a stronger future Fire Lord for it.
    Aang accepts that his role carries with it certain burdens and that sometimes he has no choice but to take a life, as the Avatar needs to be above personal beliefs and morality when it means safeguarding the world. Sometimes violence and force are necessary evils.
    The two main protagonists of the series started their journeys embracing yin and yang, but end it embracing yang and yin. They remain in balance, despite both reaching conclusions that neither would have dared to make at the start of their respective stories.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Good one.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >He hugs his beaten sister, tells her that he loves her, and forgives her for everything and promises to do all he can to help her

    • 3 weeks ago

      nice digits fren although i doubt azula would have been in conditions to be approached like that.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >He hugs his beaten sister, tells her that he loves her, and forgives her for everything and promises to do all he can to help her, while she sobs and screams at him and shrieks like a crazy woman insulting him and proclaiming herself Fire Lord over and over.
      Mega cringe.

  14. 3 weeks ago

    The best answer is to just set up the Lionturtles at literally any point in the prior three seasons. The second best answer is that Ozai lashes out and causes his own death. Either is fine storytelling.

  15. 3 weeks ago

    After rewatching Last Airbender there are some aspects about the original series that have not aged well and it was a sign how the bad writing was becoming more noticable but you dont draw attention to it on your 1st viewing of the series

    First off, Ozai is a lousy character. He has zero depth and the comics actively go out of their way to give him even less character development. You're led to believe that Zuko's entire fricked up family all suffers from generational mental illness. Sozin was ass ravaged how he has the fricking Avatar as a member of the Fire Nation so he believes Roku to be less like a person now and more of a weapon of enforcement.

    Then generationally when we get to Ozai we have 2-3 decades of transferring that same psychotic delusion until it splits off between Iroh and Zuko while the blunt of it is transferred over to Azula.

    Lets go over Ozai's dumb ass plan. Its one thing to wanna burn Ba Sing Se to the ground or even Omashu but Ozai wants to burn the entire Earth Continent to ashes

    Yeah...the Earth Kingdom...famously known for its HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF MILES OF ROCK FORMATIONS AND SAND



  16. 3 weeks ago

    If I can't rewrite the whole season. Probably rework it so that the last quarter or half of the finale is purely Aang's spiritual battle with energybending to push the fact it's not an easy out and make pulling it off feel like a win in itself.
    In the energybending world just have it be a void shaped by the minds of Ozai and Aang morphing to fit whose will is winning the fight. They can't bend in the spirit world so it's basically Aang having to use his natural strength against a 6'5 muscular grown ass man . Aang can really only play on the defensive and get small hits in that really only serve to frustrate Ozai rather than hate. In the beginning of the fight the place is a chaotic inferno, it gets worse the angrier Ozai becomes, Aang eventually realizes he's avoiding everything Ozai can muster, his panic subsides and he zenly even comically navigates all Ozai's madness and begins pacifying the world itself. Raging torrents of fire and metal becoming smooth gusts of wind. Ozai eventually realizes the void is completely Aangs, trying to use his physical power but he can't touch Aang, and the winds begin manipulating Ozai as well. Ozai realizes how powerless he is and just breaksdown into a tantrum like Azula. He looks up at Aang who then places his head on his forehead in the spiritbending stance. And reality returns to both of them.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Change the mechanics of energy bending

      Aang needs to beat Ozai in battle first and when Ozai goes for a cheap shot, he goes into the Avatar State and pulls both of them into the Spirit World where neither of them has bending

      Aang then beats the shit out of Ozai without bending
      And then Ozai gets attacked by a Spirit who he has angered by trying to burn down the Earth Kingdom and his soul is damaged before Aang can save him

      Aang brings then both back to the physical world where Ozai is in pain and has lost his bending with some of his spirit missing

      These two have potential

  17. 3 weeks ago

    Change the mechanics of energy bending

    Aang needs to beat Ozai in battle first and when Ozai goes for a cheap shot, he goes into the Avatar State and pulls both of them into the Spirit World where neither of them has bending

    Aang then beats the shit out of Ozai without bending
    And then Ozai gets attacked by a Spirit who he has angered by trying to burn down the Earth Kingdom and his soul is damaged before Aang can save him

    Aang brings then both back to the physical world where Ozai is in pain and has lost his bending with some of his spirit missing

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Energybending is just the Avatar equivalent of Shun Goku Satsu

    • 3 weeks ago

      I never liked how they said that energy bending is risky and dangerous but never explained why or how. Seeing aang take ozai's bending away had no context because no one had no fricking idea what was happening

  18. 3 weeks ago

    energybend was an asspull, thru the show we're told balance and importance of the 4 elements. Aang should've use all 4 elements in his favor to counter Ozai's fire from desperately defending himself from his fire to calmly pushed it away making Ozai more frustrated. It would've been a great way to demonstrate the importance of all 4 elements and how in balance can defeat the strongest fire

    • 3 weeks ago

      Energy bending is also dumb as he'll in hindsight. If taking ozais bending away was enough time stop him then simply defeating him would've done the same thing even without killing him. We're supposed to believe that the fire lord not bending suddenly took away all of his influence?

      • 3 weeks ago

        In a society built on firebending duels. Yes. They had setup soul bending since the beginning of the show though

        • 3 weeks ago

          I don't understand agni kais because not everyone is born a fire bender, even amongst nobility. like most bending, it isn't genetic so you can be screwed and not be born as one but at the same time non-bender discrimination has never been shown either. The closest thing to it was ozai being impressed with azula's talent and disappointed in zuko's.

          • 3 weeks ago

            that's why you don't see non-benders in higher position

          • 3 weeks ago

            >The closest thing to it was ozai being impressed with azula's talent and disappointed in zuko's.
            If we ignore the comics, he wasn't.

            • 3 weeks ago

              The born lucky/lucky to be born thing and her being a prodigy who everyone adored was from season 1

              • 3 weeks ago

                But no one actually adores her. Zuko's perspective is way off.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >lucky to be born
                And this means, what exactly? You read it as "You'd be better dead?"
                In this scene Zuko compares Aang to Azula, he doesn't tell about how father hated him before banishment.
                Azula has everything she has, because she was born hardworking prodigy - hence lucky. Zuko had everything he had, because he was firstborn of the Fire Lord - therefore lucky to be born.

              • 3 weeks ago

                zuko born under different circumstamces, he's be fodder for the war since he is average in firebend

              • 3 weeks ago

                i hate ESLs so much.

              • 3 weeks ago

                He would be better off just Google-translating it.

              • 3 weeks ago

                He would be better off just Google-translating it.

                KEK leave pedro alone!

              • 3 weeks ago

                I assumed it was more Ozai's way of saying "you suck so much I'm surprised you weren't stillborn"

      • 3 weeks ago

        Technically speaking he abdicated his throne to Azula which Zuko won squarely. But ultimately Aang beat their Emperor after he declared himself a God, an whipped out a never before seen power to completely remove his firebending. If you build your propaganda both around your divine right and physical prowess and have someone beat you squarely in a fight and sap you of what is seen of divine potence of course any faith bought with that will crumble.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yeah, I did forget that ozai abdicated himself for an imaginary higher title he just made up(god king of the world), so zuko winning it from azula made him the new lord regardless of ozai's defeat

          i mean, bith azula and ozai were sharing the same traits as being the second child being shadowed by the first born and when they saw the first sign of weakness of them they immediately took this chance to overthrow them. Both wanted recognition, stand more and be the one who began something new by breaking the ceiling glass.

          Azula does seem work as a mini ozai pretty well, as they share a lot of the same traits and sensibilities. You could see some of ozai's character in what he's instilled in azula and done to zuko and the world

          • 3 weeks ago

            yes, that's why azula is how she is, because she already had competition (zuko) just like how ozai waste no time when iroh mourn the loss of his son to lead the war his way. they are opportunistic though what changed iwas azula didn't get the sort of recognition like ozai had because ozai was focised on his own goals

  19. 3 weeks ago

    same, but with more episodes dedicated searching for the secrets of energy bending and less about environmentalism.

  20. 3 weeks ago

    Do I only get to fix the finale itself or do I get to redo all of season 3? If I can only fix the finale, then no soul-bending. No rock formation, avatar state. Aang tries and fails to give up his love for Katara to control Avatar State. Goes mano el mano with Ozai, coming out on top. he also emasculates him in front of all his men, destroying any respect anyone had for him.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >he also emasculates him in front of all his men, destroying any respect anyone had for him.
      That makes far more sense as a means to destroy his influence then "taking away his bending" because what are his people going say "oh no, the fire lord lost his bending, now he's just like 50% of the population...and he's still of nobility...and he's just like the earth king, who is also a non-bending nation ruler?"

  21. 3 weeks ago

    Koh shows up because of some spirit world bullshit, aiming to grab Aang's face but Ozai does a smug grin right in front of him and he can't resist.

  22. 3 weeks ago

    Tie the ending back into the theme of "everything is connected". Aang does some soul-searching through the season as he tries to find a way to spare Ozai, coming to the conclusion that if perhaps the Avatar can reach enlightenment, a way will reveal itself. So Aang unlocks his chakras, discarding his possessiveness towards Katara in the process. This results in Aang reaching an epiphany, as he reassures his friends that everything will be alright.

    During the fight with Ozai, Aang makes the decision to connect the Fire Lord to the rest of the planet, linking his mind to everything and everyone else. Ozai sees, hears, and feels everything from the deaths of the innocent, new life being brought into the world, and everything in-between. Brought before the Avatar Spirit, the spirit of the earth, Ozai is humbled, a man now seeing just how small he is. He falls to his knees, asking what Aang will do with him now. Aang tells Ozai to repent and heal the wounds he has brought to the world.

    Aang doesn't get with Katara. He instead returns to her the same unconditional love she showed him. We end with a group hug shared between Aang, Katara, and Sokka. Elsewhere, Ozai is in chains personally fixing his mistakes, then is confronted by Zuko, demanding to know of his mother's fate. Ozai replies that they both know what happened to her, and Zuko sadly agrees.

    • 3 weeks ago

      That's a cool idea. Reminds me of all star superman where lex got to experience superman's power and finally understood that the world is less than a small speck in the universe and everything he's done was petty.

      ...I also agree that thing would've been better if all the kids just ended as close friends

      • 3 weeks ago

        That's exactly what I was going for! When it comes to a pacifist hero, the implication is that pacifism can ONLY succeed if the hero is overwhelmingly powerful but defeats the enemy through rendering them destroyed by their own hand. In the case of Lex Luthor or Ozai, it's perfectly fitting. Men who think themselves gods need to be humbled through being shown truth: there's only us and no one is better or worse inherently.

        I was also going for a Buddhist throughline. The Buddha disarms his violent enemy through love and sends him on the path of helping.

        • 3 weeks ago

          Yeah, having aang resolve the conflict this way allows him to follow his ideals and follows his role as an avatar, so it isn't as contrived as energy bending, and as a bonus it is pretty Buddhist way to approach it. I guess the only problem I can see from this was that Ozai was written as a one-note plot device. Many see this as a good thing because its execution but him just being a psychopath who sees his kids as pawns and wants to be king of the world was a weird final goal for him to have when fire nation was already dominating for a hundred years. I guess what I'm trying to say us that I would've preferred ozai being more of a character than a device so something like him getting a revelation could be a possibility

          • 3 weeks ago

            i mean, bith azula and ozai were sharing the same traits as being the second child being shadowed by the first born and when they saw the first sign of weakness of them they immediately took this chance to overthrow them. Both wanted recognition, stand more and be the one who began something new by breaking the ceiling glass.

    • 3 weeks ago

      If Ozai isn't significant his actions have no significance and thus he has no reason to repent. If anything I think something like that would just make him more determined to do irreparable damage just as an ego thing.

  23. 3 weeks ago

    Aang was not going to kill anyone, because this was a TVY7 show in the mid 2000s that couldn't even show blood.

    • 3 weeks ago

      and arill managed to be better wrotten than the "not for children anymore" live action

    • 3 weeks ago

      He killed thousands of people in the last episode of season 1.

      • 3 weeks ago

        They let themselves get killed. Big difference

      • 3 weeks ago

        Funny aang went berserk and sank an armada, which undoubtedly killed hundred of fodder soldiers if you're being generous. But they pulled the cliche that killing fodder is fine but killing the final boss is "wrong"

  24. 3 weeks ago

    Cut the Ba Sing Se parts (keep the iroh reunion obviously) then have an extra 5-10 minutes of the gaang just enjoying their victory

  25. 3 weeks ago

    Aang gets no help, is determined to end things peacefully, but every former avatar advises him on killing Ozai. Perhaps have more focus on Aang and Roku, with the later consoling Aang and advising him that even he would stop his old friend Ozai if things had come to this and so many people were in danger.

    Aang fights Ozai, much in the same way. The battle lasts longer, at least because Aang tries to trap Ozai while Ozai is just trying to kill people. Eventually, it turns out Ozai taps into the comet too much and it burnt out his firebending ability.
    Aang captures Ozai and plans to turn him in, but Ozai just laughs at that. He's already placed people in the Fire Nation that are committed to ending the war. Azula is fully willing to step in where he left off, and many others are willing to take her place if she falls. He'd suspected that someone from the Wind Tribe would be a pacifist and mocks Aang for having accomplished nothing even with winning the fight.

    Since it's still Avatar, it would probably end with Azula killing Ozai towards the end to give a final conclusion and a distinct villain. But at least you have Aang dealing with his internal conflict rather than having a magic turtle solve all his problems.

  26. 3 weeks ago

    I'd rather have aang realize some people are beyond redeeming and become an adult by accident his responsibility as the avatar by killing this homosexual. instead they had to come up with an asspull that somehow makes him more pure and perfect compared to at least 5 of his previous lives

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah, this is what annoys me. Several of his previous incarnation tell him to suck it and bury ozai, even a previous air nomad avatar told him that "ozai needs to die, frick the pacifist code" and aang was only successful because of external forces that made him avoid making a tough choice. As much praise as avatar gets, that ending is a real wet fart that fricked up the landing but people praise the show in its entirety anyway

      • 3 weeks ago

        I'd rather have aang realize some people are beyond redeeming and become an adult by accident his responsibility as the avatar by killing this homosexual. instead they had to come up with an asspull that somehow makes him more pure and perfect compared to at least 5 of his previous lives

        That's a fricking bummer and against the whole spirit of the show though. The answer isn't "yeah just let Aang kill one of the final pieces of his culture and old life" it's introduce and explore this conflict so much earlier than "So how's Pacificism gonna work when you have to take down Ozai" because be real it WASN'T an issue until Zuko said it out loud, Aang never had to kill anyone before despite them being just as much a threat as Ozai did he? If Aang just kicked Ozai in the dick, and Zuko was fire lord with him in jail nobody would've said SHIT. It's entirely an issue introduced so that Aang has more conflict. That's the whole problem with the back half of season 3, the writers realized they blew their load with the Black Sun twist and they have no actual urgency for Aang to fight Ozai, no actual conflict for him to emotionally overcome either. The answer isn't to just play the answer with the cynical first impulse which is literally the conflict he's fighting, it's expand that conflict and plant seeds of the solution early.

        • 3 weeks ago

          From what I remember(I forget some of the details), the original plan was to beat ozai up before the comet, but they fricked that plan up so they now have Aang that is locked out of the avatar state that also has to fight 1v1 against one of the strongest fire benders who is comet boosted. That is more than enough of a conflict for a finale without having to shoehorn a "thou must not kill" element out of nowhere. Aang could've just displayed his mastery of all 4 elements(the goal of his journey) like all the previous avatars before him and subdue ozai and it would be fine

        • 3 weeks ago

          >because be real it WASN'T an issue until Zuko said it out loud.
          >typical airbender tactic: avoid and evade
          the dilemma of potentially killing is an expression of aang's core pacifism ideals. The fact that zuko was the first person to challenge his ideals isn't the problem. the fact that no one ever brought this up before zuko s the real issue.
          >it's expand that conflict and plant seeds of the solution early
          There is no way to introduce energybending in s3 without it still being contrived as frick. forget the fact that black sun is pretty much the basis for the first half of s3, a power that changes the entirety of how the established rules work needs to be eluded to from the beginning. if you want to still have aang choose peaceful means,

          Tie the ending back into the theme of "everything is connected". Aang does some soul-searching through the season as he tries to find a way to spare Ozai, coming to the conclusion that if perhaps the Avatar can reach enlightenment, a way will reveal itself. So Aang unlocks his chakras, discarding his possessiveness towards Katara in the process. This results in Aang reaching an epiphany, as he reassures his friends that everything will be alright.

          During the fight with Ozai, Aang makes the decision to connect the Fire Lord to the rest of the planet, linking his mind to everything and everyone else. Ozai sees, hears, and feels everything from the deaths of the innocent, new life being brought into the world, and everything in-between. Brought before the Avatar Spirit, the spirit of the earth, Ozai is humbled, a man now seeing just how small he is. He falls to his knees, asking what Aang will do with him now. Aang tells Ozai to repent and heal the wounds he has brought to the world.

          Aang doesn't get with Katara. He instead returns to her the same unconditional love she showed him. We end with a group hug shared between Aang, Katara, and Sokka. Elsewhere, Ozai is in chains personally fixing his mistakes, then is confronted by Zuko, demanding to know of his mother's fate. Ozai replies that they both know what happened to her, and Zuko sadly agrees.

          is both thematically consistent, already has the backing of the plot establishing that anyone has the potential for good and evil (even ozai and sozin), and doesn't require undoing the lore for a concept that ultimately serves little purpose afterwords.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >That's a fricking bummer and against the whole spirit of the show though. The answer isn't "yeah just let Aang kill one of the final pieces of his culture and old life" it's introduce and explore this conflict so much earlier than "So how's Pacificism gonna work when you have to take down Ozai" because be real it WASN'T an issue until Zuko said it out loud, Aang never had to kill anyone before despite them being just as much a threat as Ozai did he?
          Yeah he did. An entire goddamn fleet of people at the end of the season.

  27. 3 weeks ago

    Aang gets engulfed by Osai evil chi and becomes elemental lord Aang, the most powerful avatar ever, he then kills the ancient lion tortoise and absorbs his chi becoming completely immortal and severing the connection between the spirit world and human world forever, everybody loses their bending except for Aang who rules the world for thousands of years. Korra events never happens.

  28. 3 weeks ago

    Finallly, one of these threads!
    >No energybending: it just exists to give aang an out and nothing was done with the concept afterwards.
    >No Avatar state rock deus ex machina. keep it locked or have aang unlock it inside the rock they way he did at crossroads of destiny
    >Like someone else said, pull a frieza with ozai and either have him die or be critically injured. the war ending on the premise of the leader having his bending or not was always dumb
    >either give zuko the clean win or have azula's lightning be unstable and knock her back when she shoots at katara, taking herself down as well or atleast injuring her. Katara still get's to clean up afterwards without causing the mess by running up to soon.
    >lastly, cut all the shipping bits at the end. dont matter which way you go, all the options needed time that just wasn't there prior to the finale to not come off contrived at best. Leave it for a timeskip and be done with it.

    • 3 weeks ago

      > have azula's lightning be unstable and knock her back when she shoots at katara, taking herself down as well or atleast injuring her.
      This makes too much sense, the way she is mentally unstable and all.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Thank you! It's one of many examples in the finale of Byrke forgetting how their own series rules

        • 3 weeks ago

          >Azula is a cold and collected prodigy and even she struggled to stay calm during her lightning training, and told that shit could kill her if she fricked it up
          >zuko, also talented bender with the tutelage of iroh, could learn lightning because he was crying like a b***h in the rain
          >azula being an emotional wreck and still spamming lightning
          >Then in legend of korra, lightning bending is so easy that it's literally the skill of a low paid general labor factory worker
          These guys can't remember a darn thing

          • 3 weeks ago

            I just would love for Nick/Viacom/whoever the frick to put this series in another persons hands besides byrke. Seriously, what are the old writters besides Aaron up to nowadays?

            • 3 weeks ago

              Bryke are so ingrained in the franchise that companies are likely afraid of removing these guys for "bad press". These guys kinda give off the impression of having the type of massive ego that makes them difficult to work with. Instead of simply saying that ATLA can't be done in live action, they always left for "creative differences". You just know that when these guys make that adult ATLA movie, it'll fail and they won't have anyone to blame

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Bryke are so ingrained in the franchise that companies are likely afraid of removing these guys for "bad press".
                regardless of what i think of NATLA, i kinda do want to see it succeed just so we can remove the tumor. we've seen happen in comics for decades: Series can do outgrow their creators when put into the hands of those who can execute a good fricking story.
                >You just know that when these guys make that adult ATLA movie, it'll fail and they won't have anyone to blame
                It's going to suck big time, The VA casting was a dead giveaway. The onlything going for it the sunken cost fallacy and Dante Basco needing a paycheck (how he hasn't gotten more VA work post zuko is beyond me.)

              • 3 weeks ago

                tbh i didn't hate the NATLA series, I don't have a strong opinion on it but you just know that the fans were ready to hate it just because of the pedestal that the OG cartoon was on. Watching some fans review NATLA on youtube made me realize how shit these guys generally are at analyzing media while treating ATLA like goddamn Shakespeare.

                And yeah, these are the same guys that made modern Korra and gave their thumb of approval for the shit comics and books. This is gonna blow ass but the fans who were desperate for content will happily devour it

              • 3 weeks ago

                >the shit comics and books
                The comics are absolute dogshit but I thought the books weren't that bad, just suffering from mediocre writing.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >tbh i didn't hate the NATLA series
                Me neither. I at least liked what they did with Ozai far more than the show did with him.
                >Watching some fans review NATLA on youtube made me realize how shit these guys generally are at analyzing media while treating ATLA like goddamn Shakespeare.
                Twitter is somehow worse. this place is unironically the only place for good media analysis when it comes to avatar. even with takes i dont agree with, i can at least see a base level of understanding here when it comes to plot and themes. hell several of the ideas in this thread are completely different from what i would do but still make more sense than what we got.
                >these are the same guys that made modern Korra and gave their thumb of approval for the shit comics and books.
                the same comics and books they already confirmed as being cannon 'with tweaks'.... buckle up tbh kek

              • 3 weeks ago

                >confirmed as being cannon 'with tweaks'
                Oh boy. Can't wait to see some forklifts and korra levels of philosophical discussions with a child's understanding of subjects like communism and anarchy

              • 3 weeks ago

                dont forget making a character gay/bi to distract away from whatever nonsense they decide to pull next.

              • 3 weeks ago

                >Ozai wanted to conquer the world so that he can make gay marriage legal everywhere and frick his boyfriend free of contempt

              • 3 weeks ago

                It's funny that even some gay people are calling out bryke for being cowards with korra and using shipping bait to distract from the terrible writing. Can't wait to see how bryke will try to portray aang and katara's relationship as adults, maybe we'll get more love triangles where aang gets to be a gross frick who dates all his friends in an attempt to repopulate the air nomad race.

  29. 3 weeks ago

    Have aang and Katara fight him together

  30. 3 weeks ago

    Just have Aang go avatar mode from the start of the fight and knock Ozai out. Then hand him over to the Earth Kingdom to deal with.

  31. 3 weeks ago

    Keep most of it. Add a further gravitas towards Energybending as a concept by developing Chi Blocking by proxy, I'd say nix the Energy stuff all together and reinvent it as the culmination of what he learned from the Guru. "What if I blocked his Chakra so he can't hurt others?" Aang asks the Lionturtle about it rather than it just being given to him after mentioning the idea of defying others to do it 'his way'. I think a lot of it is solid otherwise.

    Though, I do think the idea that Aang achieves this ability should have a lot of other repercussions and shouldn't be played as a bit. ATLA is so inspired in eastern religion, I think him deciding something so deific could take some parallels to western religion just for the contrast in the way of how much it'd make Aang a savior to hold that true power. It's no longer nature. The idea Aang discovers the ability to decide who can and can not have bending and that balance belonging to him alone.

    Imagine he stands triumphant over Ozai and tells the others "I took his bending away" and Sokka, someone just simply not born with the bending ability, stares onward. "...What?" Yeah Aang good job fella you evaded killing someone. But now you have to answer to the punishment for blind pacifism.

  32. 3 weeks ago

    The issue was overblown for the sake of creating false tension and drama.
    Just have Aang beat him into submission. Like he did to basically every antagonist prior.
    > B-but he objects to killing
    Who's saying that he needs to?
    > But the firelord is too strong to stop without bearing murderous intent
    If that were true then Aang shouldn't have been able to win in canon, but the fact remains that a Sozin-comet empowered Firelord jobbed embarrassingly to the avatar state - so its a moot point.

  33. 3 weeks ago

    Make an early connection between bending and energy,
    >Energy bending means literally leaving a motherfricker in the thin line between life and death, carefully mingling with it means no more bending
    >That would've set a huge stake for Aang if he fails

  34. 3 weeks ago

    Energy bending is introduced at the beginning of season 3, but nobody believes Aang will beat Ozai in a battle of wills so all the anxiety and past avatars telling Aang to go for a kill shot remain. Make more overt the concept that if Aang kills Ozai, he will culturally and spiritually, no longer be an Airbender. Imply that might mean he can't have air bending kids but don't say that part out loud.

  35. 3 weeks ago

    Aang gets into the Avatar State, but is only around as strong as he demonstrates with it in previous episodes sans Koizilla - no uber powerful elemental ball w/ full flight.
    Ozai with the comet is able to actually keep up with Avatar State Aang for a bit (instead of being stuck running away to avoid a curb stomp) but still loses in the end.

    I don't really care so much for Aang solving by taking Ozai's bending away, could have been foreshadowed better, I personally just want a better final fight than Transform -> Win.
    Especially when its triggered by rock to the back.

  36. 3 weeks ago

    Not the finale, but the show in general, just give a more exposition in regards to the Lion turtles. Maybe have Aang get a vision or something, they easily could've still added this in that nightmare episode.

  37. 3 weeks ago

    Technically, it was the ocean spirit who killed people, not aang.
    Apparently Aang doesn't remember what happened during the possession

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Aang doesn't remember what happened during the possession
      what a convenient excuse

  38. 3 weeks ago

    Aang kills the Firelord.
    End of story.

  39. 3 weeks ago

    Two things:
    >Set up the lion turtles as a myth and legend a little earlier. Like in the second season. I think there's a few small cameos, but it needs scenes with dialogue and a moment of wonder.
    >Explicitly express the idea that the Fire Lord's political power comes from him being a really good fire bender, or at least a really good warrior. Like have him threaten his generals, subordinates could remark that they'd never follow a Fire Lord who couldn't beat them in a duel, really play up the "might is right' aspect.
    And then it would be perfect.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Oh and finally.
      >After Aang does his thing and takes Ozai's fire bending away, you need to have a moment where the soldiers turn their backs on Ozai, or have a change of heart, or something. You've got all those downed airships, so just a few shots of random survivors acknowledging defeat. Easy.

    • 3 weeks ago

      >Set up the lion turtles as a myth and legend a little earlier. Like in the second season. I think there's a few small cameos, but it needs scenes with dialogue and a moment of wonder.
      The scene literally writes itself. Aang naively wonders if they could still be around. Sokka expresses skepticism, "no way, one is the size of entire island, where would it be hiding!" Katara takes a middle position, "the ocean *is* a big place...". Toph needs the image to be described to her.

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