How would you improve it?

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 year ago

    More sipping

  2. 1 year ago

    >Less stupid scientists touching things and taking off helmets
    >Less stupid action
    >More exploration by David and the crew about the engineer civilization

    • 1 year ago

      cool ideas but poor execution

      this is a big part of it. supposedly expert characters making extremely unintelligent decisions, as well as just some very "cheap thrill" scenes like the zombie berserker scene where fiefields half zombified mutated corpse takes out literally all the extras so they dont have to worry about filming them or explaining what happened to them for the rest of the movie.

      just lots of shit like that. feels like it was written by a teenager with only the loosest and most stereotypical understanding of scifi and horror. also somehow the sequel was even worse in that regard.

      its a shame because the core of the film, from the premise to the cast to the art direction and set design are all fricking 10/10, but the script, scenes, and dialogue often feel like they were written by a chimpanzee with a typewriter. such a waste of otherwise great potential

      • 1 year ago

        >supposedly expert characters making extremely unintelligent decisions,
        on of the removed dialogues explained it. Weylands daughter exposes she deliberately chose the biggest morons she could find to sabotage dear daddy wanting to talk to ayyy lmaos. Dad delegated the recruitment to her as he did not care much for any aspect instead how to get there as fast as possible superficially disguised as a science mission.

        • 1 year ago

          Why did she want to stop her daddy achieving immortality?

          • 1 year ago

            Imagine your boomer dad decides to stay alive and never gives you your inheritance
            You'd be pretty pissed too

            • 1 year ago

              We already do,

              Boomers live forever now and don't retire until they're in their 70's.

              Meaning not only do you not get inheritance you also don't get promoted because higher tier vacancies never open

            • 1 year ago

              And he clearly liked David even more, who is also an inmortal of sorts

        • 1 year ago

          >she deliberately chose the biggest morons she could find to sabotage

          Why would you do that on an extremely dangerous space mission that you yourself are going on?

          You will likely need to rely on these spoons for your own survival at some point/s.

      • 1 year ago

        >just lots of shit like that. feels like it was written by a teenager with only the loosest and most stereotypical understanding of scifi and horror.
        Thats damon lindelof for you

    • 1 year ago

      overall it's a solid movie and I don't get the hate at all. the alien franchise has always been about atmosphere, and Prometheus is better in that regard than everything between it and the first two.

  3. 1 year ago

    I'd go full Giger, I really like his art.

  4. 1 year ago

    Charlize runs sideways

  5. 1 year ago

    Disconnect it from Alien entirely. Reintroduce a lot of the deleted scenes. Making a trilogy long story in advance and stick to it instead of seemingly making shit up on the fly.
    Have the characters be smart and try to make the best decisions and only fail due to things they don't know, instead of making them unlikeable idiots who rush to make the worst possible decisions.

  6. 1 year ago

    Remove the character Elizabeth Shaw

  7. 1 year ago

    The scene of Charlize Theron getting BBC should have been much longer.

    • 1 year ago

      You could probably find some gay black dudes to screw you. Then you wouldn't have to pretend you like women.

  8. 1 year ago

    Make it two hours of noomi doing squats

  9. 1 year ago

    flesh out the Yuatja (Predator) assassin main plotline instead of leaving it in all the releases as a wiener-tease and then doing moron scientist shit instead

  10. 1 year ago

    Dont hire Damon Lindelof.

  11. 1 year ago

    Add an extra hour and include most of the Lindelof script. It's probably been filmed already.

    • 1 year ago

      Why, not enough mystery boxes?

      • 1 year ago

        Having actually read the script, I can vouch for its competence. Not so much in writing style - which I think was written in a way to impress Ridley Scott, but the overal plot and story beats. The finished cut is a three hour (or three and a half hour) movie condensed into two, discarding a bunch of really important scenes.
        I think fan cuts of the movie already proved to a large degree that pasting the deleted scenes that were released on the blu-ray into the finished cut were all positive additions. (One was an alternate scene, but I don't count that.)
        What would remain is a movie where at the end you would ask the right questions like ''what is the goo'', ''why did they want to kill humans'', ''are they going to the Engineer homeplanet'' etc. and less ''why are the mapping scientists so fricking dumb''

  12. 1 year ago

    Change the scene with the zombie guy who's all contorted into a weird ball. In my version of Prometheus, when they open the cargo door of the space ship, and the zombie guy unwinds his contorted body, he says "HEY! LOOK WHAT I CAN DO!" as he continuously contorts into a bunch of weird shapes. Idris Elba, smoking a cigar, looks at the guy and says "SHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIITTTTTT" and everyone gathers around and watches him go. The entire rest of the movie plays out exactly as it did.

  13. 1 year ago

    It was perfect

    • 1 year ago

      It's honestly pretty close to perfect. The only thing is why would the Engineers point humanity to a military installation/bioweapons holding facility as the place to meet them.

      Having such low standards means you'll rarely if ever be disappointed. Congratulations?

  14. 1 year ago

    More scantily clad young women

  15. 1 year ago

    not much to improve. It's almost perfect. Covenant was crap tho

  16. 1 year ago

    i would take the production money and spend it on hookers and blow instead

  17. 1 year ago

    More alien abortion

  18. 1 year ago

    Can you believe somebody watched this and actually thought “let’s give the guy who wrote this a star wars movie”.

    How much dick has that hack actually sucked in Hollywood to keep being seen as a good writer?

  19. 1 year ago

    It's honestly pretty close to perfect. The only thing is why would the Engineers point humanity to a military installation/bioweapons holding facility as the place to meet them.

    • 1 year ago

      Perhaps it was not a mil/biowep facility in their mind. Maybe all of them are armed to the teeth and the cruisers are the standard universal ships to do everything. Also it was never stated the black stuff was a weapon, it seemed to have some ritualistic meaning with the storage chamber large murals/face. Perhaps a derivative of the monster energy drink the engineer drank in the beginning to seed earth with organic compounds?

      • 1 year ago

        The thing that made the most sense was that their society split into multiple factions that desired to do things different ways. The peaceful faction were the ones seen at the beginning and they left the directions. Either they have been destroyed or maybe displaced by the violent ones and moved to other planets. And it could either be them or one of their creations that David destroys in Covenant. That always seemed most logical and most interesting to fans and made the Engineer's behavior make sense. In Theatrical the humans don't get any answers beyond their initial assumptions. In the deleted scenes though he says they wanted to kill humanity since they were violent and had killed the human Jesus whom they had taught. And Engineer did stop chasing Shaw for a few moments when he was fascinated by the books on their ship. But if that's what Ridley was going for then it's really stupid. Like these supposedly hyper smart beings will be immediately hostile due to something ancient humans did 2,000 years ago and aren't even curious how the frick humans managed to get to them in deep space or how they've changed since then

  20. 1 year ago
  21. 1 year ago

    Actually put the fricking script they intended into the film

    I have never seen a movie have so much cut content

    This guy has a couple decent videos explaining it

  22. 1 year ago

    I watched it ten years ago and didn't like it. I watched it this year and I can't find a single fault with it. I was wincing when the hologram Goldmember came out at the start to do his little intro "this isn't muh grimdark this is goofy". Then after finishing it I realized that was intentional. The fricking movie isn't meant to be grim dark. I don't think 99% of people realize this is a black comedy and you have permission to laugh at the characters awe and struggles. The specific "why did they do that" moments that people are baffled about are even each preceded by a specific overt joke "go [static] yourself" to telegraph to you that we're in farce mode. The reason the characters are doing this next thing is because it's funny, because they are tragic fools (who, if you have to have an 'explanation' were chosen to fail by vickers "i'm surprised to see you here after all your efforts to stop me" (to stop me prolonging my life which means you don't get your inheritance))

    • 1 year ago

      >vickers first line: to those of you i hired personally,
      >wayland: surprised to see you here given your vigorous efforts to stop this mission

  23. 1 year ago

    Although the first time I watched it some parts annoyed me, it was one of the best movies of the past decade and perhaps one of the best sci-fi movies of all time (especially if you include production quality in the mix).

    The only way to improve it is to make a sequel that isn't a disappointing and moronic reinterpretation.

  24. 1 year ago

    Make a better movie

  25. 1 year ago

    Completely new cast, the one we got are absolutely moronic. Are we really supposed to believe there was no vetting process for a trillion dollar expedition? One of the ''''''scientists'''''' upon seeing signs of life immediately starts shitting his pants and running away, and the main dude looks more like a Yoga instructor than a scientist. It's so dumb

    • 1 year ago

      I think you may have not even watched the movie. I think you've seen some clips.

  26. 1 year ago

    replace Michael fassbender with adam sandler

  27. 1 year ago

    why can't there just be comfy exploration movies where the characters slowly uncover a mystery? it always has to turn into action or slasher shit at some point.

    • 1 year ago

      That's the entire point of the story Ridley wanted to tell though: "What if you miraculously found your creator only to find out that they hate you and want you dead?" They just had to tack on the alien stuff since he's more well known for that even if it made zero sense.

      • 1 year ago

        and the "creator" has to run around killing people with his bare hands like a homeless meth addict, he can't just will them into non-existence?

        • 1 year ago

          Correct. They assumed that him and his kind were immortal God beings with such fantastical powers. Not only are they not, but they have emotions and can be killed too, and can be fallible.

          • 1 year ago

            >kills human for not wanting to die
            >fights for his own life
            not so fricking stoic now are you?

            • 1 year ago

              What was Wayland expecting?

              • 1 year ago

                A simple 'No' would have sufficed, no need for all that palaver

              • 1 year ago

                What's the moral of the story?

              • 1 year ago

                iv never been more sure that ur an american in my life wp high iqanon

                the thing about words is sometimes they are perfect but the implimentation is an imperfection ur litterly the robot rn your to well written

  28. 1 year ago

    More David vs. David martial arts fighting

  29. 1 year ago

    I honestly loved this and covenant. Anymore comfy alien/space kinos like this? Excluding the other Alien films

  30. 1 year ago

    By adding more weird axes

  31. 1 year ago

    remove idris elba

  32. 1 year ago

    the big guy gets up *later* the girl talks with him alacart AVP at the end but he-s mad

    the storm ect *as viseral as it was feels more real*
    aka less jokes up to that point from the cast

    the boi who likes touching things expositions beforehand

    the well written robot is more obvious and less well written

    people hate the grand scale of it that makes sense its what we all want but not what made old alien great

    realistically it needs a transitory movie

    i liked it fvk plebs i like m,y scifi schlock funny and existential not witty and personal

    • 1 year ago

      i lied i like both ut not the ad-mix
      promethius is under-rated and faux outrage even if they have good points for the faux

  33. 1 year ago

    Our girl deserved a better script.

    • 1 year ago

      Especially for the sequel. Daniels was not a good replacement. And I don't know what's with Ridley killing off each heroine gruesomely after each movie. I guess he didn't want another Ripley situation.

      • 1 year ago

        It seems he enjoys killing off women for some reason

  34. 1 year ago

    How do you improve perfection?

  35. 1 year ago

    Remove the space axe, thus rendering Shaw helpless against the alien tentacle monster.

  36. 1 year ago

    make it 18 hours long and force people to watch it like this

  37. 1 year ago

    Make the axe plasma

  38. 1 year ago

    I got two main issues with the movie
    1) Shaw having her alien c-section then going on a mission without anyone really caring or even acknowledging it. She just keeps injecting herself with dilaudid like that makes it suddenly fine. I think I would've had her faint following the procedure and not be present for the engineer killing Weyland. Charlize can take most of her role in that scene which wasn't much anyway. She can wake up later/get reintroduced following the escape pod ejection and the movie can continue like normal.

    2) Engineer killing Weyland and destroying David needed more of an explanation. I know the explanation now but it kind of sucks to have to read the script/watch youtube videos/etc to interpret what Ridley and Lindeloff were going for there.

    The other stuff like scientists not wearing protective gear and removing their helmets, etc is dumb stuff but I would fix it given the chance but it doesn't bother me like the above two.

  39. 1 year ago

    Add a laughtrack when she slips on the fricking blood.

    • 1 year ago

      Anon that's the sequel

  40. 1 year ago

    I think they should've.made it more about why and how they developed the black goo. Having it turned against them is fine, but stupid as executed in the follow-up. This was just the same shit different movie bigger budget.

  41. 1 year ago


  42. 1 year ago

    It would have been fine if the planet they landed on was LV-426 instead of some other planet, and instead of goo the engineers had alien eggs. Bam. Done.
    Then again that LV-426 derilict was a thousands-year old fossil, so Idk.
    Scrap the whole movie and make a new one.
    Besides, I'm fairly certain this was just some script ~~*Lindelof*~~ had lying around and they lazily slapped the Alien brand on it, which is why it makes no sense at times.

  43. 1 year ago

    More like Shitmetheus.

  44. 1 year ago

    >Ridley finds his balls and tells Fox to go frick themselves (and Damon Lindelhof with them); his & Spaight's unadulturated script is shot to the letter
    >Preempt Arrival with a hunt for the largest and oldest sets of archaeological linguistics for a super AI to reconstruct the 'Ur-language' polar regions, Amazon basin, Knossos, Richat structure West Africa, Caucasus, Balkans, East China, Easter Islands figure prominently
    >Life Seeder Druids = reincarnation belief plot structure follows Alchemical process, with the first sacrifice as the 'blackening' or Nigredo, mirrored in Earth governments unsureness about releasing findings, then Red & White, broadly -- Jungian collective unconscious in some fashion demonstrated to be interleaved with this Promethean figure's sacrifice with 'quantum computing' and bilocation experiments (the problem requiring non-synthetic DNA of 'Engineers'; behind the scenes Earth ghouls just want to gene therapize themselves back into nephilim form)
    >Xenosuit 'Engineers' = entirely different and quasi-materialist belief system chasing personal physical immortality; their attenuated goo facilitates the xenosuit biotech merging, but is extremely hazardous to synthesize
    >part of Seeder religion has - through random chance - that the missing link for Black Goo reconstruction will arise as an embodied cipher for recreating the 'Bird-Dog' seen in one of the frescos
    >the fresco 'Bird-Dog' is a Phoenix/Simurgh, lays EGGs black goo and is like a Mule sterile or hybrid animal resulting from Ur-Xenomorph 'Deacons', themselves Druid/Engineer-Xeno combinations.
    >Xenosuit Engineers need unmodified Druids to accomplish the aforementioned, but cannot clone (doesn't work), and increasingly cannot find original Druid settlements (war, hiding), so that's why they were in the neighborhood of earth seeing if Humans would 'evolve' toward the original Druid-Seeder template

  45. 1 year ago

    >Alien species are boring humanoids

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