How would you integrate Micronauts, Power Rangers and Rom into the Energon Universe since Hasbro owns them all?

How would you integrate Micronauts, Power Rangers and Rom into the Energon Universe since Hasbro owns them all?

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  1. 2 months ago

    Power Rangers should stay it's own thing. I'd rather have MASK or shove in the cast of the fricking Battleship movie than having Power Rangers shoved into the Energon Universe. A Crossover set in its own universe like they used to do at IDW l I think would work better.

    • 2 months ago

      For Power Rangers, this guy is right, it's it's own thing, with enough history and lore and a big enough fandom that it should just stay it's own thing. Just do occasional Transformers/Power Rangers crossover stories that aren't really hard canon for either.

      With Micronauts, just copy the earlier comic iterations of Micronauts, it's primarily set in it's own Microverse dimension, the characters can occasionally travel to the same world as everyone else for crossover stuff but it's otherwise self-contained. Just introduce the Spaceknights via Void Rivals, and then get to Rom having adventures on Earth. If you want to work MASK in, the IDW idea of their tech being reverse-engineered from Transformers isn't a bad way to go.

      I don't think they can use Inhumanoids anymore, and Visionaries is probably best off kept as it's own self-contained thing off on it's own planet.

  2. 2 months ago

    My problem is that it feels less like a balanced crossover and more like those IPs become accessories to Transformers
    I'd dig a Transformers/Power Rangers crossover with the right team but I can't get behind trying to make their decades of lore mesh together all while keeping G.I. Joe there

  3. 2 months ago

    Not everything needs to exist in the same universe. You can even do a crossover event without them all existing in the same universe. It's a shame that capeshit publishers are too busy chasing the concept of a shared universe instead of the concept of publishing good and interesting stories.

    • 2 months ago

      This. I would go so far as to say that the concept of a shared universe is antithetical to good and interesting stories

      • 2 months ago

        >This. I would go so far as to say that the concept of a shared universe is antithetical to good and interesting stories

  4. 2 months ago

    Very easily since Transformers are really really really old. They kind of show how there has been a relatively large and non-unified galactic society for a few million years and Cybertronians have been landing on random planets throughout that whole time.

    Zordon could have been doing his thing to protect worlds with the morphin grid and the Space Knights were fighting Dire wraiths in their own part of the universe and rarely ever needed to meet since Cybertronians kept warring among themselves.

  5. 2 months ago

    The tricky part about Rom and Micronauts is that unless Marvel gives Hasbro ownership of everything from the comics, you'd be unable to use anything from Bill Mantlo's runs except for
    >Rom, Space Knights, the Dire Wraiths, whatever else was on the toy's box
    >Acroyear, Baron Karza, Biotron, the other robot whose name escapes me now, and the Microverse
    Makes me wonder how the development on Hasbro's Rom and Micronauts movies has been going. That strikes me as kind of like doing a Batman movie with only the rights to Bob Kane's initial concept.

    • 2 months ago

      >Makes me wonder how the development on Hasbro's Rom and Micronauts movies has been going.
      They're dead jim

      This. I would go so far as to say that the concept of a shared universe is antithetical to good and interesting stories

      Waid himself admitted the Marvel Universe will always be more cohesive than the DC Universe because the former wasn't a patchworked clusterfrick and was built from the ground-up by people with similar conditions and even then the Marvel Universe is a mess

    • 2 months ago

      I don't think Hasbro has plans to pull the Rangers license from Boom since they have been publishing it for so long and it makes decent money for them (not like the speculator craze surrounding EU but you get the point)

      How did IDW adapt them?

      >This. I would go so far as to say that the concept of a shared universe is antithetical to good and interesting stories


  6. 2 months ago

    make Rom look like this.

    • 2 months ago

      Thoughts on Don Figueroa's redesign?

      • 2 months ago

        Cool looking.

      • 2 months ago

        It's lame.

    • 2 months ago

      Thoughts on Don Figueroa's redesign?

      looks like shit

  7. 2 months ago

    I would integrate them all together by throwing them into a big bonfire.

  8. 2 months ago

    Void Rivals is kinda bland, should have just been Rom tbh. MASK would probably be either a GI Joe division or a civilian funded equivalent.

    Battleship is just "GI Joe but for space" probably because the movie was actually good, and just builds up to being part of the EDF.

    Power Rangers can just kinda be independent and just kinda exist on its own.

    • 2 months ago

      Battleship was a fun movie that just got buried by releasing around the same time as Avengers did. Was there any other material for it that gave any lore on the aliens?

  9. 2 months ago

    The smart answer is you don't as we learned from endgame IDW that they are wholly incompatible. The Joes and Transformers have stuck together long enough that they can work together, but once you start adding more it becomes too much. Like MASK is redundant with GI Joe around and literally what in the frick would the Micronauts have to offer the wider universe. ROM could work for sure if you ape the Marvel run setup of "everyone thinks he's some unhinged lunatic from space" but he shouldn't be on Earth until much later in the universe lifespan, he'd be fine in a serialized spacefaring narrative

    Power Rangers is too fundamentally different to incorporate with any series beyond a one off either way

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