how would you save ASM?

Imagine you’re in charge of marvel and can rewrite cannon. You also have creative control over other spidey related titles and characters

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  1. 8 months ago

    I would kill off Spider-Gwen and most of the Spider-Family sans Miles (even I ain’t that dumb to kill Miles).

    But Miles and his cast have to go back to the Ultimate Universe or universe similar to his movie. He can’t still visit Peter’s universe from time to time.

    Then I would have Peter remember the deal he made with Mephisto and have everyone remember Peter unmasking himself during Civil War. Peter then has to learn to deal with everyone knowing his secret identity and that he basically mindraped everyone against his will. Even JJ hates him again and snaps hard. Even the X-Men don’t trust him. Aunt May doesn’t trust him.

    Peter is constantly hiding and trying to win back and prove to the general public that, while he has made mistakes, he is still and hero and to forgive him.

    The baby that Mary Jane had preOMD is still alive and was taken by Mephisto as part of the deal and raised into a supervillain (time distortion in Hell) to kill Peter and ruin his life.

    • 8 months ago

      >Another "Peter Parker can't get married" episode
      Frick off

  2. 8 months ago

    Oh look, a OMD hate bate thread.

    Surely the response to this will be metered and rational and restrained only to things that actually happened in the book

    Oh wait, it's going to be screaming madness about Ben and how Peter sold his daughter's soul and how MJ is perfect and their relationship is perfect and probably that one creepy Norman stan demanding sins past back.

    Will we see RYV shit, or Spider-Girl shit? Would anyone ever want any of this shit three months after getting their beloved marriage back?

    Of course not.

    • 8 months ago

      You can't even spell bait moron

    • 8 months ago


  3. 8 months ago

    Romy and Owen are back but they are PeterMJ kids.
    I get killed by a mob of angry fans.

  4. 8 months ago

    I would do what Marvel WANTS to do, but is too cowardly to do.

    I would have Spider-Man get a headquarters. You know, a batcave-like base to operate out of. And at first, he would operate out of it. He would have extra web-cartridges, and a lab, and a video-conference room for when he needs to talk to other heroes. I would increase the number of mad scientists he fights, because mad scientists are perfect for comic books, and they lend themselves well to stories: there's an initial mystery involve something seemingly impossible happened, the hero investigates and encounters it, he does a bit of research and he figures out that it's just a weird application of science, to the extreme, and counters the phenomenon, luring the villain out for capture. Sometimes, formula is great.

    But eventually, the base gets destroyed. It just becomes a hole in the ground that Peter regrets ever having, but can't prevent himself from going back to.

    And someone--one of his foes, or JJJ remembering how his papers sold like hotcakes when he b***hed about Spider-Man, whatever--discovers the hole in the ground Spider-Man goes to, and traps him.

    And opens it up as a public restroom. So the entire city, the entire world, can come to look at how pitiful and pathetic Spider-Man is, and piss and shit and vomit on him. Forever.

    • 8 months ago

      How would that fix Spider-Man?

      • 8 months ago

        It's not supposed to. The OP asked how to save ASM. There's no saving it. All we can do is end the torment.

  5. 8 months ago
    Comm anon

    Let spider-man grow, instead of trying to enforce a restrictive status quo. Have peter and mj remember the deal, having to accept aunt may's death, move from it get married again, for the narrative have a hook with them remembering mayday and we finding out she's alive so there's that ticking clock for when they find her.

    On other areas
    >Do a scarlet spiders book with ben and kaine alongside arcley and janine traveling through the us.
    >Do a spider-girl book dealing with mayday in college to have a book with romita era vibes
    >Do a green goblin mini exploring norman as a villain protagonist (tie to to the larger mayday plot too)
    >Do an anthology book for the other spider-characters that would not be able to hold a book on their own and misceanlous stuff.
    >Do a condensed book in graphic novel format covering all of peter's career so new readers can have something without screwing older ones.

    • 8 months ago

      A lot of these are good ideas but I do not think a spider girl book would work in the main continuity.

      I think it would be cool to explore norman Osborn more as a villain and explaining what he was doing while he was assumed to be dead

    • 8 months ago

      I like all of these. I imagine the Spider-Girl would just pick up where we left off in MC2?

    • 8 months ago

      The scarlet spiders one I want

    • 8 months ago

      Not bad

  6. 8 months ago

    It's simple. I'd kill everyone working on it.

  7. 8 months ago

    I feel like there should be a big countdown to some kind of unfathomable final crisis that results in the very fabric of reality shifting to start of reshuffle the board.

  8. 8 months ago

    ASM doesn’t need saving. If you’re triggered by the current run come back when a new writer comes on.

    • 8 months ago
      Comm anon

      Its a shit run, but its not particularly unsalvagable.

      I feel like there should be a big countdown to some kind of unfathomable final crisis that results in the very fabric of reality shifting to start of reshuffle the board.

      Dan come on.

      • 8 months ago

        >but its not particularly unsalvagable.
        Explain how you'd salvage anything to do with MJ and Paul

        • 8 months ago

          Nta but just retcon it.

        • 8 months ago

          Literally just ignore it. If the shit writers can ignore a bunch of good stuff the good ones can just ignore that bad stuff

          • 8 months ago

            >Literally just ignore it.
            You know it's honestly amazing how many people try to over complicate this shit when this is so much easier an response. Is it takey and cheap? yes. But it's direct and simple and instead of just ignoring bad stories we spend tremendous amounts of energy to "Fix" them that only serves to validate them further in the end. Just drop it like a brick and move on.

            • 8 months ago

              I do think some stuff needs to be a least addressed because of how big it is. OMD namely, but also Mayday.

              • 8 months ago

                It doesn’t. It’s irrelevant the older it gets.

              • 8 months ago

                No really, it literally retconned 20 odd years of stories

              • 8 months ago

                Stories that are for the most part entirely irrelevant and disconnected what the characters are like today. It’s meaningless, irrelevant and pointless continuity wank that most people don’t care about because it does not mean anything unless you’re upset about old changes.

              • 8 months ago

                It’s almost 20 years since OMD so if they wanted to undo it they would have a long time ago. Even when they tried to kill off MJ in a plane crash in early 2000s she was only gone for a year.

              • 8 months ago

                Well yeah they won't undo it, it's a pride situation now.

              • 8 months ago

                Well like they say, pride goeth before a fall

                Now they're trying to convince people that more people like the current direction by doing more Disney variants and DIsney incentive variants

    • 8 months ago

      >no shut up you're not allowed to criticise shit products

      • 8 months ago

        Your criticism is largely poorly written and largely based on fanboy mentality rather than any type of objectivity

        • 8 months ago

          Smells like slott.

          • 8 months ago

            Smells like it hit a jackpot

      • 8 months ago

        Idk why comics fans are like this too, like what's wrong with any form of critique on the medium.
        >we literally do this to every form of media, hell I never see people go play another game when people critique a game.

        • 8 months ago

          Cause the "comic fans" doing this, are half the time likely to be industry people using alt accounts to make the argument that you shouldn't criticize shit products

        • 8 months ago

          Critique =/= endless whining how shit sucks and I don’t like it because muh power levels or whatever tiny fanboy pet peeve you can’t get over.

          • 8 months ago

            Well shit if the product was good then the critique wouldn't persist imo
            > dude got triggered over power levels.

            • 8 months ago

              Oh please fanboys are more b***hy then teenage girls over inane things

              • 8 months ago

                I mean no offense but your b***hing over fanboys b***hing, generalizing people who don't like what the medium is at just feels moronic.

              • 8 months ago

                The comic sucking for longer than some of you morons has been alive is a pretty strong cause to complain. I don't think you understand just how bad things are. There is an entire generation of potential fans who don't even know what GOOD looks like. The people who grow up on this as their standard are going to see this as the baseline and it's only going to get worse.

              • 8 months ago

                I mean nowadays most entry level people in comics are Hella reduced because there are so many other types of media like anime and videogames to satiate the overpriced content of comics.

              • 8 months ago

                Like always this is not a content issue, it is a perception issues. Like all fads, comics are not interesting to people today. Whining about stupid shit like baaaawwww Mary Jane isn’t dating Peter anymore and Tombstone can’t defeat Spidey is not why comics aren’t selling better. That is ridiculous butthurt shit only hardcore nerds obsess over.

              • 8 months ago

                Literally only hard-core nerds read comics.

    • 8 months ago

      Your criticism is largely poorly written and largely based on fanboy mentality rather than any type of objectivity

      Hi Dan!

  9. 8 months ago

    Kill off MJ off-panel. Peter starts seeing Betty, who is now a single mother, again. Some sort of time-space anamoly happens and out of it pops 90s Peter and MJ (pregnant) and they're married since they're from a non-OMD affected universe. Reed for whatever reason says they can't go back to their old universe, so both Peter's are active as Spider-Man for a bit. 90s Peter is better than 616 Peter in every way and everyone likes him more. 616 Peter decides to retire and leave the country with Betty and is also permanently depowered somehow so he can't be dragged back. 90s Peter and MJ take the places of 616 Peter and MJ permanently and no one ever mentions that they're not the 616 versions again. Yes I know this is basically what happened with Rebirth Superman, give or take a few details, but it's the ONLY way of fixing the book long-term. Much as I'd like to just give it to Kaine, most readers want "Peter Parker" in the suit, even if it's him from a different timeline.

    • 8 months ago

      This but also this

      It's simple. I'd kill everyone working on it.

    • 8 months ago

      Dude frick betty brant, only a moron cucktard on low test adops kids from another marriage.

      Norman or Ned should had killed her.

      • 8 months ago

        >only a moron cucktard on low test adops kids from another marriage.
        Yes like post-OMD Peter. Glad we agree

      • 8 months ago

        I think you didn't read that post carefully

        He's pairing OMD/BND/Slott/Wells Spider-Man with Betty and pushing them offscreen in favor of replacing OMD Peter and MJ with pre-OMD Peter and Mary Jane

  10. 8 months ago

    I would undo the Mephisto deal as well as most of the crossover events since civil war and then rewrite the continuity after OMD while keeping the good ideas to create a new status quo for Peter.

    > new status quo
    > takes place several years after OMD
    > Peter is semi retired and owns a tech repair shop, suits up occasionally but most of his crime fighting is doing detective work
    > Mary Jane is still married to Peter and works from home as a clothes designer
    > May, the baby from the clone sage is stating school
    > Aunt May is dead
    > A lot of his classic rogue galleries are retired, some of them like sandman are reformed and are now heros, Norman Osborn and Doc Ock are have given up on crime but are in prison
    > Teresa was actually Peters cousin and is on a black ops team, she’s a morally gray character
    > While investigating crimes Peter occasionally meets other teenage heros who were inspired by Spider-Man

    I would use the Spectacular Spider-Man title to bridge the gap of the continuity that’s been erased by retelling some of the stories with a focus on character progression and less plot repetitions.

    I would also set up a anthology book with characters that have been introduced in Spider-Man comics like the slingers, cloak and dagger, and sandman.

    I’m not sure what to do with Miles, maybe give him his own identity like tarantula or spiderboy

  11. 8 months ago

    People keep going on about big changes or twists that will save the book. That's not what will save the book. That will tell one or two good stories and maybe push some books but it won't save anything. The only thing that is going to save the book is to get a long term writer who's interested in telling stories over a series of years with spikes in quality peppered throughout based on fan reaction rather than fan baiting. We need guys like Stan/Ditko/Romita or Roger Stern or even Michelinie. We do not need EVENT WRITERS. We need monthly comic writers who understand monthly story telling.

  12. 8 months ago

    Everything since Disassembled was a psychotic break coma dream by the Scarlet Witch. As far as Spidey titles go that’s canon.

    • 8 months ago

      >just throw the Scarlet Witch under the bus and use her as a plot device to change a book
      Careful anon, you're talking like an X-gay there.

      I don't think she cares about Spider-Man enough to make him cucked and threatened with replacement. Not unless she's seen the fan art by morons who ship her with him.

      Wouldn't kill off anybody because I'm not a spiteful b***h.
      >Norman, in a last ditch effort, gives Norman Industries to Peter and we go back to to a similar Park Industries days
      >Peter gets back with MJ, Paul goes to Jamica and opens up a surfshack or something finds him self a nice ebony baddie
      >MJ gets Pregnant, Peter instead of trying to juggle the duties of being Spider-man, a dad and a CEO decides to grow up and rely on others.
      >Peter gathers the other Spider-people starts a Spider Family ala Batman style
      >Uses Norman's resources to make NYC safer and better
      >Peter finally takes not only Miles but Bailey under his wing and trains them
      >First Story arc is fixing the Chasm bullshit
      >Second Story Arc is Norman and the Goblin Nation
      >Miles fights Obama

      You're right, Norman should rename his company Norman Industries.

      • 8 months ago

        That art is weird.

  13. 8 months ago

    >rewrite canon
    I wouldn't, as piling retcons over other retcons would alienate the audience. Instead, I would recognize I'm not writing Spider-man for me and try to make a better story instead of making people mad on purpose.
    I would also make Miles lose the camo and electric power, for I think the latter is stereotypical, but mostly to encourage other writers to stop adding powers to Miles and instead focus on his character.
    I would stop any Spider-verse related project, as I feel like we will soon hit multiverses fatigues.

  14. 8 months ago

    everybody knows

  15. 8 months ago

    Have Peter, MJ, and Felicia be in a three person relationship. Marvel did it with Scott, Jean, and Logan they can do it with them if they weren’t cowards.

  16. 8 months ago

    >Make Sins Past canon again
    simple as

  17. 8 months ago

    I would just quietly sideline Miles and just have him vanish without a word. I promise you non of his "fans" would even notice he wasn't in the comic because they don't read comics.

  18. 8 months ago

    I don't care about the book anymore, I just want it to accelerate harder and harder until heads start to roll and careers are permanently stained. The reception to Kamala was only a small taste.

  19. 8 months ago

    End asm and else Spidey titles, start new series (something like that ultimate shit).
    Hire J.M. DeMatteis.
    Give him complete freedom and guarantee 100 issues run.
    That would be a start.

  20. 8 months ago

    I wouldn't just flat out undo OMD, because as much as it sucks I'm not going to be an butthole and force other writers to figure out how to sort the timeline shit. The story begins on Peter's XXth birthday, as an easy starting point. He and MJ still aren't together again, but they're at least on friendly terms. After the party, MJ announces she's going to be moving out of NY to help her sister Gayle and her nephews. She doesn't know when she'll be back, if she'll ever be back. I don't hate MJ, but she's been nothing but attention bait for the readership since OMD and I'd rather just keep her out altogether for a while before bringing her back in. Like, have it be several years IRL before MJ comes back to New York. Absence makes the heart grow fonder and all.

    No more Spider-Verse crossovers for at least 20 years IRL. The other Spider-People don't have to die but they all need to stay the frick in their own universes. That includes Miles, so put him and his supporting cast back into 1610. He and Gwen can have their own separate ongoing books set in their universes, but that's it. No crossovers between them.

    As for Peter? I'd kill off Aunt May, and ban anyone from reviving her. From there, the stories would be about Peter learning to how to stand on his own without the two most important women in his life behind him.

  21. 8 months ago

    Spider-Man TAS is declared the one true canon, and the story can go from there. Naturally, the comic book writers are hacks, so you'll have to roll back to just TAS in two years or so again, but maybe something good will happen in the meantime.

  22. 8 months ago

    >Imagine you’re in charge of marvel and can rewrite cannon. You also have creative control over other spidey related titles and characters
    Give the WHOLE spider-office to tracy scops and his artists.

    • 8 months ago

      Who’s Tracy scopes
      Is this some meme or is he a writer

  23. 8 months ago

    Step 1-See what has worked since Avengers Disassembled
    Step 2-Hire a person that cares about continuity to make sure shit can fit
    Step 3-Delete a good chunk of the stupid shit since Avengers Disassembled(Civil War, HoM & OMD? GONE)
    Step 4-Hire Jim Shooter to wrangle people

    • 8 months ago

      Have JLA/Avengers mentioned every moment as a special event where people met Spider-Man live on TV thanks to the legendary reporter from Daily Planet, Clark Kent.

  24. 8 months ago

    I would make Spider-Man literally me, and then Spider-Me would kill all of the not-mes.

  25. 8 months ago

    Wouldn't kill off anybody because I'm not a spiteful b***h.
    >Norman, in a last ditch effort, gives Norman Industries to Peter and we go back to to a similar Park Industries days
    >Peter gets back with MJ, Paul goes to Jamica and opens up a surfshack or something finds him self a nice ebony baddie
    >MJ gets Pregnant, Peter instead of trying to juggle the duties of being Spider-man, a dad and a CEO decides to grow up and rely on others.
    >Peter gathers the other Spider-people starts a Spider Family ala Batman style
    >Uses Norman's resources to make NYC safer and better
    >Peter finally takes not only Miles but Bailey under his wing and trains them
    >First Story arc is fixing the Chasm bullshit
    >Second Story Arc is Norman and the Goblin Nation
    >Miles fights Obama

    • 8 months ago

      Also have 3 main spider books
      >ASM for his solo and more traditional adventures
      >Web of Spider-Man as an Anthology series focusing on the other Spider people that can't hold there own book
      >Spider-Men for his training adventures with Miles and/or Bailey

  26. 8 months ago

    Let Peter grow the frick up(they got miles as they’re young spiderman so they have no fricking excuses). If have a story where Peter skull fricks Mephisto with Ben, Kaine, and Spider cide, so Peter and MJ gets their daughter that got erased in OMD. Also have "Mayday" come back as a background figure and later foe at first but Peter is able to fix that just be being a genuinely good and caring person. Also no more cult or magic bullshit(at least for a decade) for Spiderman. Say Norman had her in some cage or something and was waiting to unleash her but forgot since OMD magic bullshit. Also have some(most) aspects of the current Wells run be nightmares or some mind frickery by Emissary and mephisto.

  27. 8 months ago

    O Anon! Everything fine with Spiderman what do you mean needs to saved. You not thinking about droping spiderman are you? You do want to complete your run dont you anon? So just look at the pretty Alex Ross cover and dont worry about it ok?

    • 8 months ago

      Frick the variant covers

    • 8 months ago

      I haven’t read a Spider-Man comic since secret wars ended

      • 8 months ago

        The 80s? Damm

  28. 8 months ago

    Allow Aunt May finally succumb to being an old sick woman permanently
    Wolverine does some work so Peter Parker it got enough of a degree that he can be a part-time science teacher at the X-Men School so He can finally have a steady job with people who know who he has or won't care enough who he is got the weird Spider-Man stuff doesn't need to go through multiple loops so his secret doesn't get out but he can do the job.

    .I hear he has a problem accepting at Mary Jane moved on without him make him a reasonable Adult and just accept it even if it hurts to move on with his life.

  29. 8 months ago

    >hire grant morrison
    >Mephisto knows Mayday will kill him, and he's trying to avoid that in any way he can, and fricks with Peter like reverse flash.
    >a couple of Morrison convoluted dimentional/time travel adventures later, we finally understand the stakes. Peter is indeed the chosen one of the one-above l-all(best selling marvel chara)
    >we go beyond meta, Mephisto is the only chara we interact with that is immune to 'reboots'. Dying is just another way to say he will be rebooted, like kid loki. And ofc he doesn't want that.
    >after more Morrison's shananigans, the heroes prevail.
    >new mephisto accepts that he can't frick with the golden goose or everything will die (marvel will go bankrupt again)
    >616 Peter can finally have his daughter, grow old and rest, his timeline is locked and can have only out of continuity new adventures.
    >we pull out of the void ultimate Peter, and he will be the new 616 Spiderman. He will be in his 20s and will never grow old
    >miles can frick off.

    • 8 months ago

      Grant Morrison doesn't give a shit about spiderman post ditko.

    • 8 months ago

      Not a fan.

    • 8 months ago

      Why is it so hard for you people to get it into your skulls that Mayday had already been dead for almost 20 years before OMD? The future daughter, both from OMD itself and from the flash-forwards in Spencer's run, is Annie from Renew Your Vows. You can tell by the red hair.

      • 8 months ago

        I think one of the ideas here adresses that.

        • 8 months ago

          No, they don't.

          • 8 months ago

            The namegay one does.

  30. 8 months ago

    >Marry peter and MJ again, idk how, just do so
    >Cheesecake every issue
    >Make venom a villain again
    >Let spider-man win some fights again

  31. 8 months ago

    I wouldn't save 616. It's just dead, no point in trying.
    I'd let the chucklefricks shit all over it.

    But I would start a new universe with talented writers. I have them read the comics between the start of Marvel and, say, 2000 (so it gets up to Mayday). I'd tell them that's their roadmap, but they can change details, foreshadow things, and insert their own stories/rewrite events to make the flow better.
    I'd ban the current crop of marvel 'tards from interacting with the new universe. I'd ship any new 'tard who slipped into the new universe off to 616 to write there instead.

    • 8 months ago

      Reboots and marvel doesnt work.

  32. 8 months ago

    Aunt May finds out about the deal with Mephisto.
    Being involved with weird magic, she goes to see Dr. Strange about it.
    After Dr. Strange spills the beans, Aunt May resolves herself to undo the deal, even at the cost of her own life.

    Peter gets to grow up after grieving and create a family instead of constantly being at the center of everyone's accidents.
    He remains Spider-man in some capacity, in the same vein as Jay Garrick.

    Peter gets to be old man spidey, a seasoned veteran with decades of experience.

    Everyone else can literally learn the ropes.

    • 8 months ago


  33. 8 months ago

    >this thread again, every week, same picture

    Yeah you know what, there is only one way to save this book. I'd build a machine to make everyone in this topic forget it existed so it would stopped getting hatevertising on every part of the internet and sales would dip low enough to shake up that entire department

    • 8 months ago

      No one actually buys asm. Only stores do.

      • 8 months ago

        And what evidence do you think Marvel uses to sell it to stores

        • 8 months ago

          Disney variants? We know this? Of course some people buy asm but it's just collectors keeping it afloat.

      • 8 months ago

        Oh there are people who buy ASM. It's just primarily variant collectors

        • 8 months ago

          Silly anon, variant collectors arent people.

          • 8 months ago

            Variant covers are the greatest ill in all of comics

  34. 8 months ago

    There. Done. Saved.

  35. 8 months ago

    Fire the current heads of Marvel and the editors

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