>humiliate the queen. >refuse to elaborate. >get nuked

>humiliate the queen
>refuse to elaborate
>get nuked

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Unattended Children Pitbull Club Shirt $21.68

  1. 3 weeks ago

    Nice man boobs.

    • 3 weeks ago

      Like what you see plebian?

  2. 3 weeks ago

    Was the magic green nukes an asspull?

    • 3 weeks ago

      The wildfire and the caches hidden under King's Landing had been a recurring element referred to constantly since the very first season.

    • 3 weeks ago

      No but its still gay

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, the caches hidden all over King's Landing by the Mad King were real. That's why Jamie killed his Hand too, he was the leader of the pyromancer guild and knew about all the caches the Mad King wanted to set off.

      • 3 weeks ago

        Jaime killing Cersei could have been kino, the actual hero of the story in this scenario

    • 3 weeks ago

      No, that was the only part that made sense in that whole storyline. What didn't make sense was why the Faith was even seen as a threat to the throne. In the books they're disillusioned knights who take up vows to serve the smallfolk and protect the innocent instead of fighting for various lords in the war and pillaging their way across the land. It's obvious why the smallfolk would like this and the church having an army of trained and war-tested knights in the city obviously makes them a threat to the Lannisters, which is why Cersei's biggest mistake was to change the law so that the Faith Militant was allowed again. In the show they're autistic monks who walk around with cudgels and assault people for drinking wine or visiting a brothel that's never been shown to be taboo to the people before that point. Why the frick would the people like that when they have little more to do than drink and fornicate thanks to the war that keeps them bottled up in the city? Why would Cersei feel threatened by them when any guardsman with a spear could dispatch five or ten of them by himself, on account of them being morons walking around in monk's robes with a heavy stick in their hand, making fricking LANCEL their top knight?

  3. 3 weeks ago

    Was that stupid explosion in the books?

    • 3 weeks ago

      This "stupid explosion" was the only saving grace of season 5

      • 3 weeks ago

        If the show ended right there sure, but Cersei automatically assuming control of the throne with absolutely no consequences for killing a shitton of lords is moronic, doubly so when Daenerys shows up and all the lords of Westeros side with FRICKING CERSEI for some reason. Euron makes sense because even book Euron would be batshit enough to side with someone like that, but every person in the South should've automatically supported Daenerys, either out of spite, faith, fear, or the fact that the Lannisters are just fricking broke and can't pay them at this point.
        I wonder if maybe that's why Martin is never gonna publish Winds, because he has no fricking idea how to get Cersei out of the shitshow she's in and back on top without it feeling natural, and knows his story's fricked because of it.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >all the lords of Westeros oppose the mad flamey king's heir for some reason
          The only one with a legit grudge against Cersei was Stannis. She even wanted to spare Ned Stark.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Yeah, but when she NUKES THE CENTER OF ALL FAITH with ALL YOUR FAVORITE LORDS INSIDE, that's the type of shit to start a riot across the entire countryside, not just in King's Landing. Also lmao that the entire population of a feudal age city gave 0 shits about their center of faith being nuked and wouldn't immediately storm the capital french revolution style and tear her to shreds.

            >he has no fricking idea how to get Cersei out of the shitshow she's in and back on top
            Why does this need to happen?
            In her last chapter she just finished the walk of shame and then was carried off by zombie Mountain. Before that she "convinced" the High Sparrow to forgive the Crown's debt of one million gold dragons in exchange for allowing the faith to re-militarize.
            If anything the High Sparrow will increase his control over King's Landing setting up fAegon to liberate it.
            But words are wind, especially when they'll never be written.

            >Why does this need to happen?
            I don't think it NEEDS to so much as that's what the plan is. It's not like George wasn't on set telling Dan and Dabid what his overarching plans were for the story.

          • 3 weeks ago

            >no one has a grudge against Cersei

            Considering that Cersei not only blew up the sept which killed numerous lords, she also killed the queen, the lord of the reach and the hand of the king who was also her own uncle.

            Realistically half the continent would have a grudge against Cersei after that.

            • 3 weeks ago

              There'd also be way too many people who believe she pushed her own son out of the window to take his throne. Making her not only a kingslayer but a kinslayer, even more cursed than Jaime is in the eyes of the people. Anyone with even the smallest claim to the throne would spread those ideas around far and wide, along with the previous incest stuff that she admitted to to damn her even further and cast aspersions on whether Myrcella is really Robert's heir.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >he has no fricking idea how to get Cersei out of the shitshow she's in and back on top
          Why does this need to happen?
          In her last chapter she just finished the walk of shame and then was carried off by zombie Mountain. Before that she "convinced" the High Sparrow to forgive the Crown's debt of one million gold dragons in exchange for allowing the faith to re-militarize.
          If anything the High Sparrow will increase his control over King's Landing setting up fAegon to liberate it.
          But words are wind, especially when they'll never be written.

        • 3 weeks ago

          >maybe that's why Martin is never gonna publish Winds, because he has no fricking idea how to get Cersei out of the shitshow she's in and back on top without it feeling natural
          >he thinks Cersei's going to be on top again
          Anon... Faegon's going to take the throne soon and Dany will go mad when they choose a fake over her, just because he showed up with Westerosi sellswords and elephants instead of Dothraki and dragons, even though she sacrificed so much more to save them all. Cersei is used up, D&D just kept her in the show and got rid of the Faith Militant and Faegon because they liked the way she drank wine and smirked and didn't want to give her less screen time. That's literally the only reason she stuck around as the big bad until the end.

          • 3 weeks ago

            Idk, I think there's too much plot orbiting around Cersei for her to not be the big bad for the last act (apart from the whole Dany going crazy and killing people.) Like next you're gonna tell me Jon actually STAYS dead and doesn't get the res.

            • 3 weeks ago

              Cersei won't die, she'll still have her part to play because she can only be killed after all he children are killed. It's just that she won't get back on top and sit on the throne like she did in the show, because GRRM actually cares about the politics of the land making sense and literally no one would accept her on the throne because she has zero royal blood. At most she'll be allowed to slink back to King's Landing and marry some cousin who she can then rule in the name of, allowing her to remain a big player in the war. Most probably she'll skulk around the castle seething over how she's old and fat while everyone loves the new pretty queen, causing her to plot against her and fricking shit up for Tommen and Myrcella, to continue her descent into madness and grief that the prophecy demands. She'll never gain any influence on the throne again because if Tommen goes then so does her last chance at a stewardship, because Myrcella will just be married off to someone who'll rule in her stead.

              Cersei's part in the final act will be for Jaime's benefit. Also maybe Dany or Arya, depending on who you think the Valonquar will really be. She certainly won't stick around as a queen just to make Dany burn King's Landing and then die in a sudden rockfall in the precise location where she's standing with Jaime.

    • 3 weeks ago

      this would be later than where the books are at right now, but i wouldn't be shocked if there was something like it

    • 3 weeks ago

      Not yet, but Cersei already flicked her bean to watching the Tower of the Hand get the wildfire treatment so the idea is in her head.

  4. 3 weeks ago

    so did they have a big non-white genocide between the prequel show and the main show?

    • 3 weeks ago

      Yeah most of the Black folk died last season I'm sure they'll cut down the amount of Black folk killed this season though

    • 3 weeks ago

      Just like Rings of Power
      Isnt there an AI tolkien video about that somwhere

  5. 3 weeks ago

    Technically he did elaborate though

  6. 3 weeks ago

    >tommen speaking at normal volume
    >somehow the crowd hears everything hes saying

    • 3 weeks ago
    • 3 weeks ago

      >dany speaking to her army of dothraki and westerosi in valyrion
      >they all seem to understand her

  7. 3 weeks ago

    >people of the city ready to revolt and kill the incest freaks occupying the throne before the new queen wins their love and makes them love her king as well
    >new queen is blown up along with the beloved pope and they're told the king "jumped out a window"
    >old queen who has zero claim to the throne seizes it
    >people just kind of forgot they wanted to revolt and put her head on a pike BEFORE she killed the queen they loved and her own son and just lets her keep ruling them for no reason whatsoever
    People who claim the show only went to shit in the final season were deluding themselves so fricking hard.

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