>hurr durr I'm a combat pro. >hurr durr I'm the hero

>hurr durr I'm a combat pro
>hurr durr I'm the hero
Why did they ruin Tetsuya so much in his modern appearances?

Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

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Homeless People Are Sexy Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    >constantly whining about how much better he is than Kouji
    >molests Shiro

    All accurate to Great Mazinger 1974.

    • 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      1974 Tetsuya was calm and chill like Duke.
      He's like a Getter Robo pilot ever since Mazinkaiser OVA

      • 10 months ago

        Tetsuya has always been the crazier one. In the episodes with Great and Z, he is the crazy hot blooded one while Kouji is more level headed.

    • 10 months ago

      Tetsuya doesn't whine about Kouji until he actually comes back towards the end of the Great Mazinger anime and they start to butt heads. He does have a bit of an ego though.

      • 10 months ago

        Does Toei Tetsuya have daddy issues?

        • 10 months ago

          he's orphan and was adopted by Koji's father so he was very jealous of Koji having a real father.

  2. 10 months ago
  3. 10 months ago

    How to find series updates when Baka has it stalled at c4?

    • 10 months ago

      The manga is fully translated on mangakakalot

      • 9 months ago


        >hurr durr I'm a combat pro
        >hurr durr I'm the hero
        Why did they ruin Tetsuya so much in his modern appearances?

        That was a rollercoaster, good ideas in there but the pacing was all over the place

    • 10 months ago

      Ok maybe don't look at these images if you're not caught up

      • 10 months ago

        And I forget when https://files.catbox.moe/ikz0m0.jpg is

  4. 10 months ago

    I'm partial to Tetsuya but I feel this is unfair, he's certainly a complete ass in his first appearance, but
    >also has an immense amount of determination and knows he's putting his life on the line every time
    >even Koji recognizes that he is a fren
    >literally immediately entrusts Minerva and co with his life even though they just met
    Really the only gripe I'd have with him in ZERO is that he's a Kenzo clone

    • 10 months ago

      At least Zero Tetsuya didn't get "Violence Jacked"

      • 10 months ago

        The closest thing aside from the spoiler I mentioned is probably acknowledging that Great and Tetsuya are sidelined and forgotten, even seen as unnecessary, by some fans. Can't wait to read Ota's Z and Great, hopefully that will be more cheery, ha ha ha.
        How and why would you find me and post this

        • 10 months ago

          Have this webm to make yourself more cheery

          • 10 months ago

            Thank you! Koji wasn't a pushover either, but it's good to see Combat Professionalism pay off even when he's outside the Great.
            >poked in the eyes
            Does Tetsuya have no concept of fair play..?

            • 10 months ago

              Fair play is irrelevant when all of humanity is at stake.

              • 10 months ago

                That's true, and I'm in favour of that too, but Tetsuya seems like he shows zero restraint
                (he's a professional!)

                >SRW completely reversing the order
                This is incorrect, also is this W or X, looks like W

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >nearly finish V
                >switch to X
                >swear I finished the last Zero stage for V
                >think I just got or will get Tetsuya next stage (and then Z/Great get replaced with Kaiser and Emperor in like 4 stages regardless, what's the point)
                I was vaguely aware that Zero is heavily involved with the ending, but I'm so happy. Like, considering the ending of Zero vs Ankoku, should I be excited, or prepared or disappointment? Are you playing it now?
                >Grendizer STILL hasn't shown up

              • 10 months ago

                The only modern SRW game Grendizer has shown up is DD and that one's a mobile game

              • 10 months ago

                I'm not even making the general "when's Grendizer showing up" objection, it's just far moreso relevant if Zero is one of the main plotlines.
                >Grendizer/Fleed is specifically told to frick off because dangerous and iirc because it might also just make Zero even more powerful
                >you've brought 53 trillion buddies with you that are at least equal to Grendizer, including heavy hitters like Gurren Lagaan and machines that convert feelings/emotions into moron strength
                >some of the greatest newtypes in the world, and Char
                >literal magic
                >upgraded versions of Z and Great, even though Great getting stronger is literally what triggered Zero's awakening to begin with
                >despite all of this, they didn't even send Grendizer a letter
                Unless SRW X is trying to be faithful to the manga ending, but that would be an immense trip, wouldn't it?

              • 10 months ago

                My fault, then. Just baked this webm as an apology.

              • 10 months ago

                Ok well (You) haven't done anything wrong, you don't have to apologize!
                >Ank again
                >remembering he was actually a pretty fair and polite guy in his intro for X
                Idk why I have such a fondness for the guy. Maybe just because he's old and somewhat honourable?
                >deployed most of the units I'd probably deploy, even CC
                You are a good person, thank you!

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                They're certainly amazing but I don't know how I feel about them being given so early. V giving you just Great very very early on was a bizarre choice, but it was great (haha) for me as a Great/Tetsuya fan

              • 10 months ago

                Since this is a Mazinger thread, this reminds me of one gripe with the Mycenae that I was always confused about.
                Is "Great General of Darkness" supposed to be his name AND his title?

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe Ankoku Daishogun sounds more like a name, it could be his name or title.

              • 10 months ago

                Maybe Ankoku Daishogun sounds more like a name, it could be his name or title.

                >pitch-black great-general
                I know Gorgon and Janus and other buddies all had names with their ranks... maybe Ankoku is then his legal name? It's always Ashura Danshaku, Brocken Hakushaku, Gorgon Taiko, etc.
                So shit, maybe Ankoku is his actual name?

                I really want to like Infinity

              • 10 months ago

                What do you not like about the titular Infinity besides the panel lining?

              • 10 months ago

                Oh, for the titular mech and not the movie? It's sort of just there all of a sudden unexplained, just as a big robot to be a big bad with. SRW30 had it be vaguely interesting but not even by much really. It's like if you wanted to be an evil Kaiser or Zero with Mazinger antag vibes but without any hard substance.
                I guess the design itself reminds me of Ankoku or Marshall Hell, so I don't hate it on that front, I was just given nothing to be attached to it in any form
                Missed you, how was work?

              • 10 months ago

                The heat actually made it horrendous.

              • 10 months ago

                I'm really sorry to hear that.

              • 10 months ago

                After that, I made this webm

              • 10 months ago

                >the upgrade/attack I like the most, apart from the Great boomerang
                Thank you, I don't know why I love it so much

              • 10 months ago

                It's not often you see a super robot use an entire jetpack to ram someone at.

              • 10 months ago

                I mean
                >built-in jetpack
                >give him a separate one like the prior formula, and subsequent bots have more of it
                >Z was given flight later on, Grendizer needs spazers for environmental stuff or the fact that it came from space and weighs a million tons, Kaiser follows the same format of Z and can just straight up use the scrander as a melee weapon because it's just a beast and a tank
                >Kenzo had the foresight to give a built-in scrander but this doesn't sell toys
                >the new separate jetpack is uh, faster, can ram with it or separately, also it's silver
                >that's it
                By no means does it seem necessary at all instead of trying to upgrade the scramble dash, and completely personally, I was always slightly wary of ramming attacks because "wouldn't you have to repair your own stuff too after". However, literally everything about the Great Booster is just way too cool, whether it's a jetpack or an entire plane thing for Great to ride on. Also, rewatching, and noticed:
                >Great's wings don't do the bendy thing for when it's flying forward
                >the Infinitism kit doesn't have this option for him, only Z's scrander
                >legitimately unsure/doubtful whether it did this in the movie either
                The frick? Is this an oversight or a feature? Do you have the art pages for Infinity's Z? Great's pages don't show his wings bended back.

              • 10 months ago

                The Metal Build doesn't have the standard wings move either, but you can with the Great Booster

              • 10 months ago

                I guess/assume it was easier for the $500 figure to make and design switchable wings since it's just the unangled wings, missiles, and I think maybe the end bits? Like, I sort of see the hassle in making the Great's scramble dash wings removable or on a hinge.
                I don't even- I'm 99% sure the Great Booster didn't even show up, because he never got authorization for it in the opening fight, and that was it.

                >it didn't have moving wings for Z either
                Ok then I have no fricking idea.
                >Great's sheet has the plug for the scramble dash and the hole on his back
                Sorry, were they designing the robots with the kits already in mind?

                Toei Koji was a highschooler, jet he could beat the shit out of armed iron mask troops, magically accelerating to jump over a truck with his bike and he was constantly jumping from the motherfricking second floor of his school straight into his bike. Dude was a ninja.

                Yeah, I think even earlier on they just had him with this level of acrobacy. I guess that's why he's the coolest kid at school!

                why do they need to combine Great with Booster for 2 seconds every time before it attacks enemies?

                That is actually a Great fricking question. I'm pretty sure you get like, 2 or so uses for it. Meaning that rather than taking energy, it takes something material..? Is it too expensive to just have as an upgrade? Like, you can just switch to it after a certain amount of morale, and you've unlocked the large energy-consumption Great Booster attack as well? Maybe they have to repair it every time it attacks, I don't know, anon.

              • 10 months ago

                I like how in the GBA games the Great Booster is attached on Great all the time until you use it as an attack.
                looked cool with it, but of course what happened on GBA stayed on GBA

              • 10 months ago

                Ok I messed up

                Does it come back after attacking?
                >of course what happened on GBA stayed on GBA
                I get that it's easier to make GBA designs than regular, but if you make a neat design for SRW proper, you can just reuse it for the rest of our lives like they do with the Methuss.


                >can tell it's Grendizer because I see that one thing
                >it's just him praising Grendizer?
                Where is news..

                >Mazinger Z vs Ankoku Daishogun (1974 move)
                >Great Mazinger vs Ankoku Daishogun (1974 Anime)
                >Mazinkaiser vs Ankoku Daishogun (2023 movie)
                >Shin Mazinger Zero vs Ankoku Daishogun (2012 manga)
                Is Ankoku Nagai's favorite villain or something?

                Are we just calling him this now? I'm fine with that, I think that might be his name, it just seems strange after years of calling him the whole thing.

                Dash Dash!

                Dan dan, da dan~

              • 10 months ago

                So far, these designs and the official teaser

              • 10 months ago

                >still only these
                Is it weird to want a Tetsuya and Great appearance too? I get it's "Fleed and Grend, but Koji helps", but what an opportunity to have all three on the screen and do a big attack. I get they don't want to steal spotlight from Grendizer, so maybe just have a triple breast fire for the secondary big bad (like what Garadoublas usually is) and have Grendizer go off to finish the big threat? Please...

              • 10 months ago

                Mazinger Z was in the teaser, but no Great Mazinger. Considering the staff involved though, I'd be surprised if the cast remains small.

              • 10 months ago

                I took it to just mean that "it's in the history and we might see a flashback of it because we have Koji" but oh I really do want to hope!

              • 10 months ago

                Hope with Mazin Go in your side

              • 10 months ago

                >reminded that Aniki is dead
                There is no hope...

              • 10 months ago

                I remember one anon making a beautiful post during his memorial thread

              • 10 months ago

                I saved someone else talking about that

              • 10 months ago

                I saved someone else talking about that

                It's a weird thing seeing yourself quoted, but I'm glad it was helpful to some folks.

              • 10 months ago

                >aniki is gone
                if the people in charge of the new grendizer adaptation have the nerve to get anyone besides isao sasaki to do the opening i won't even consider watching it.

              • 10 months ago

                Isao is 81. I'm not holding my breath for him to do the opening.

              • 10 months ago

                They could remake the UFO Robot Grendizer vs. Great Mazinger where they are forced to fight.

              • 10 months ago

                >forced to fight

              • 10 months ago

                >Does it come back after attacking?
                if you put it in a battleship to restock, yes
                it always starts a level with the GB attached by default

              • 10 months ago

                >restocking on your jetpack

              • 10 months ago

                it's considered an ammo/consumable weapon

              • 10 months ago

                Yes but why? I sort of get it for stuff like rocket punches, and obviously weapons for real robots that have obvious bullets and missiles, but still.

              • 10 months ago

                Because it's a video game.

              • 10 months ago

                Yes but some attacks cost energy

                Great Booster has always been a 1 ammo attack, obviously old school toei mazinger appearances have it blow up so that explains that. Gets funnier with the Kaiser OVA though, where Great/Tetsuya just ride the huge thing and leap off it to punch someone, and that's still 1 ammo.

                I get the Toei thing, but even aside from Kaiser, even in the 30 webm you see Great Mazinger just fondly look at the Great Booster flying away.
                >they just have a few spares but build more Great Boosters each time
                Why not just grow them out of the ground at that point?

              • 10 months ago

                You seen fuel prices lately? I'm sure as hell not gonna fuel up the Great Booster twice in a day

              • 10 months ago

                Great Booster has always been a 1 ammo attack, obviously old school toei mazinger appearances have it blow up so that explains that. Gets funnier with the Kaiser OVA though, where Great/Tetsuya just ride the huge thing and leap off it to punch someone, and that's still 1 ammo.

              • 10 months ago
              • 10 months ago

                I mean
                >built-in jetpack
                >give him a separate one like the prior formula, and subsequent bots have more of it
                >Z was given flight later on, Grendizer needs spazers for environmental stuff or the fact that it came from space and weighs a million tons, Kaiser follows the same format of Z and can just straight up use the scrander as a melee weapon because it's just a beast and a tank
                >Kenzo had the foresight to give a built-in scrander but this doesn't sell toys
                >the new separate jetpack is uh, faster, can ram with it or separately, also it's silver
                >that's it
                By no means does it seem necessary at all instead of trying to upgrade the scramble dash, and completely personally, I was always slightly wary of ramming attacks because "wouldn't you have to repair your own stuff too after". However, literally everything about the Great Booster is just way too cool, whether it's a jetpack or an entire plane thing for Great to ride on. Also, rewatching, and noticed:
                >Great's wings don't do the bendy thing for when it's flying forward
                >the Infinitism kit doesn't have this option for him, only Z's scrander
                >legitimately unsure/doubtful whether it did this in the movie either
                The frick? Is this an oversight or a feature? Do you have the art pages for Infinity's Z? Great's pages don't show his wings bended back.

                why do they need to combine Great with Booster for 2 seconds every time before it attacks enemies?

              • 10 months ago

                ...is SRW Z no longer considered morern?

              • 10 months ago

                2008 was eleventy billion years ago, boss.

              • 10 months ago
                dorkly_chair at instituteforspacepolitics.org

                would you consider Super Mario Bros 1 "modern" in 2000?

              • 10 months ago

                Why do you gotta make it hurt like that?

              • 10 months ago

                Because time is cruel and doesn't look back

              • 10 months ago


              • 10 months ago

                >The only modern SRW game Grendizer has shown up is DD and that one's a mobile game
                Be patient brother, this is the decade of Grendizer

              • 9 months ago

                Oh yeah the new game and anime. Reiwa has been a big blessing for Grendizer.

            • 10 months ago

              Toei Koji was a highschooler, jet he could beat the shit out of armed iron mask troops, magically accelerating to jump over a truck with his bike and he was constantly jumping from the motherfricking second floor of his school straight into his bike. Dude was a ninja.

            • 10 months ago

              >Does Tetsuya have no concept of fair play..?
              >It was 4 on 1

  5. 10 months ago
  6. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      so has it become a trend in SRW to make Tetsuya fight every other protagonist?

      • 10 months ago

        Not really, he was a good lad in X and T, that scene in 30 is from one of the side DLC missions, and the two end up having to stop fighting to team up later in the mission anyway.

      • 10 months ago

        Well in SRW30 Tetsuya and Guy were friendly rivals so this is just them sparring, Tetsuya is actually very level headed in 30 with him being a husband and soon to be father.

  7. 10 months ago
  8. 10 months ago
  9. 10 months ago
  10. 10 months ago


  11. 10 months ago


  12. 10 months ago


  13. 10 months ago

    >Mazinger Z vs Ankoku Daishogun (1974 move)
    >Great Mazinger vs Ankoku Daishogun (1974 Anime)
    >Mazinkaiser vs Ankoku Daishogun (2023 movie)
    >Shin Mazinger Zero vs Ankoku Daishogun (2012 manga)
    Is Ankoku Nagai's favorite villain or something?

  14. 10 months ago

    Dash, DASH

    • 10 months ago

      Dan dan da dan

      • 10 months ago

        Dash Dash!

  15. 10 months ago
  16. 10 months ago
  17. 10 months ago


  18. 10 months ago

    >ep2 of Shin shows Ankoku triumphant over Z, so it's not even a fair fight and clearly the Big Bang Punch did nothing
    How would ep1 of Shin Great turned out so that it wouldn't also be the last episode?
    Also, noticing only now in a rewatch that Zeus' sword is pretty prominent, and Great's the only one that uses swords. Great Booster has him turn into a sword for the Big Bang Punch? Great Booster straight up just spears enemies to death? What could the new gimmick for Great have been?

    • 10 months ago

      >How would ep1 of Shin Great turned out so that it wouldn't also be the last episode?
      The most likely way seems like the first arc would be Great Mazinger already outright beating Ankoku Daishogun, other troops would retreat this poitn and then Yami no Teiou would be the actual main villain.

      • 10 months ago

        Already, like permanently, or enough to drive him off after recognizing a worthy foe or other?
        Also I noticed that the lyrics for OP1 mentions that an army of darkness is coming, that it's here, and obviously the knight. Sort of wondering whether this opening is moreso about Shin Great or if I'm just insane
        >Yami no Teiou
        >some sort of Devilman villain

        It's a weird thing seeing yourself quoted, but I'm glad it was helpful to some folks.

        It was a good post anon!

  19. 10 months ago
  20. 10 months ago
  21. 10 months ago
  22. 10 months ago


  23. 10 months ago


  24. 10 months ago
  25. 10 months ago
  26. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >every time I feel shafted as a Great or Getter fan, I remember Jeeg exists
      Poor Jeeg...

      What's this from? Google and Koreans say it's uh. From Devilman vs Hades.

      • 10 months ago

        Devilman vs Hades, Hades is also the Emperor of Darkness in this story.

        • 10 months ago

          >Zeus was the strongest of his army
          >Z gets its shit kicked in by Ank
          Was Hades or someone else giving orders, I'm rewatching but it's been a while. Would make sense if the arriving Mycenae were the "you fools, Zeus was the weakest of our generals" tier strong

          I need to lie down after hearing that, but I also need to start reading

          • 10 months ago

            It's pretty good but remember it's a Devilman story featuring Mazinger and outside of one really out of character moment from Duke it's a fun ride.

            • 10 months ago

              >it's a Devilman story featuring Mazinger
              I'll try not to get too excited. If I'm only familiar with the original cheerful manga (severed head, world ends) I read years ago, will I be fine?
              >one really out of character moment from Duke
              How bad is it

              Honestly they took the Japanese fan's meme of "Combat Pro" so much that they're pandering to them instead of doing anything different

              >the Japanese fan's meme of "Combat Pro"
              How/what is it like in Japan?

              • 10 months ago

                >will I be fine?
                Yep, it's an alternate sequel to the original.
                >How bad is it
                Pretty bad but Duke only appears right at the end and only for a few pages, it's just odd since the manga does well by every other character, it doesn't really effect the story though and it's still worth a read.

              • 10 months ago

                >next SRW X stage is the one with kaiser/emperor
                >objective is to beat Ankoku AND whittle down Zero's health
                V had an objective to beat the Mycenae in like, an absurdly short amount of time, and it was probably the hardest SR point to get. I really do like the desperation you sometimes feel in Mazinger, different than the surreal despair and confusion from dealing with Getter, where your back is against the wall while facing almost-assuredly losing odds. Another day of repenting for overlooking Mazinger as basic, another day of praying for a sequel to Shin...

                I will soon read, thank you

              • 10 months ago

                >Another day of repenting for overlooking Mazinger as basic
                The simplicity of Mazinger's aesthetics is part of its char/m/

              • 10 months ago

                Unironically gotta respect your elders and predecessors, despite how far we've come they definitely knew what they were doing.
                >another day of trying to figure out whether I like black or blue limbs
                I'm honestly torn, blue is iconic but there's so many good moments with them in black. But I feel Mazinkaiser definitely needs black limbs.
                Do you have one for Great? I love the Great.

                >Does Tetsuya have no concept of fair play..?
                >It was 4 on 1

                Then never mind, they had it coming!

              • 10 months ago

                No Great lineup.

              • 9 months ago

                Dissapointing but unsurprising, thank you regardless!

                That was a rollercoaster, good ideas in there but the pacing was all over the place

                It was assuming you were keeping up with the meta-premise(?) the whole time, but I agree that being constantly dropped in the middle of the settings left you hoping for a bit of receiving a full intro/context from start to finish at some point. I do believe the ending was worth it though.

              • 9 months ago

                Just came back and made another webm

              • 9 months ago

                Hope work went well! Has the heat died down at all?
                Still can't get used to the red-lines for the eyes for Z. I know they were always there in some sources, but still.
                Mazinkaiser's such a good rewatch every single time (and will have to give the movie yet another chance), Tetsuya has a lot of good moments in it too, even though it's Koji+Kaiser centric.

              • 9 months ago

                Sort of, the skies became much grayer. Still needed a pill for my headaches.

              • 9 months ago

                What, why... I hope those headaches go away for good some day.

              • 9 months ago

                As in work went out sort of fine. The headaches only real come out during that day at least. Watched Great Mazinger vs Getter movie to go along with the stuff I'm currently watching. Decent short crossover movie.

              • 9 months ago

                Well, still hoping the best...
                There's two of them, aren't there? A regular and a Getter Robo G one, they were inoffensive and fun from what I remember. Rewatching Shin Mazinger, I didn't realize what a relatively slow show it was. Wondering if they could have squeezed in Great for 26 or 39 episodes. Although, I suppose in that world, we would bemoan the fact that the show was rushed. At least Zero had a satisfying conclusion for both parts?

              • 9 months ago

                >There's two of them, aren't there? A regular and a Getter Robo G one
                Yeah, only watched the regular one. Honestly, watching slim Getter-1 feels more surreal than the slim Mazingers.

              • 9 months ago

                Well, you're in for around a similar experience, albeit I'm uncertain what canon these movies are in, since it doesn't seem like they fit perfectly with the show. Not a big issue, though.
                >watching slim Getter-1 feels more surreal than the slim Mazingers.
                What do you mean, would you consider Shin Getter chonky? I guess the Getter-1 in Armageddon definitely was, though. Not that I mind Armageddon, but I definitely would welcome a change of pace now and then. So the Toei movies were pretty pleasant for what they were.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm just mostly used to Getter 1 looking bulky/chunky and all. Shin Getter I consider "beefy", especially with those shoulders.

              • 9 months ago

                Fair enough, Toei designs are a bit more regular, yeah I see it a bit better now. Weird how despite the bulk, Arma Getters get just as busted up all the same, maybe the bulk was moreso for radiation shielding than it was for armour. Unlike the invincible castles of iron, though, they're unbreakable!
                Go to bed!!

              • 9 months ago

                There's a watch thread now


              • 9 months ago

                The Toei designs are a little bit strange to look at after getting used to the modern stuff, aren't they? It's so offputting looking at this lineup

                >Another day of repenting for overlooking Mazinger as basic
                The simplicity of Mazinger's aesthetics is part of its char/m/

                and seeing the two on the right have those really skinny legs (and also not seeing the GX-07 Mazinger for some reason)

              • 9 months ago

                What Mycenean is that?

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                ...the SRW1 boss?

              • 9 months ago

                Apparently, yeah

      • 10 months ago

        >Poor Jeeg...
        It's not easy being green

        • 10 months ago

          Thus always to greens

          • 10 months ago
  27. 10 months ago
  28. 10 months ago

    Honestly they took the Japanese fan's meme of "Combat Pro" so much that they're pandering to them instead of doing anything different

  29. 10 months ago


  30. 10 months ago


  31. 10 months ago
  32. 10 months ago
  33. 10 months ago
  34. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      >Mazinger Z makes an appearance in the Grendizer anime
      >it converted to Islam

      • 10 months ago

        Mazinger Z has truly converted itself into a God

        • 10 months ago

          >tfw mommy Tsubasa will never choke you
          I know she took a lot of the spotlight in the show, but she's still a top tier character imo

          It's always great when this actually comes up as a temporary or overarching plotpoint

      • 9 months ago

        Will his Breast Fire shoot out phrases from thr Quran?

  35. 10 months ago

    Fire On

  36. 10 months ago
  37. 10 months ago


  38. 10 months ago


  39. 9 months ago


  40. 9 months ago

    I wish this were animated
    I don't know in what world, but I can't say this one out of fear that it'd be CGI somehow or the violence + nudity being toned down

    • 9 months ago

      Maybe it'll have 2D mecha like the new Grendizer anime is appearing to be

      So far, these designs and the official teaser

  41. 9 months ago

    >noted that Ashura, Brocken, and Pygman were made by Tsubasa, aka have same weakness
    >Ashura are Mycenaeans found in ruins
    >Brocken is usually a Nazi that got killed/beheaded
    >Pygman is some tiny pygmy tribalguy (and we've seen him pop out of the black guy near the end of the series)
    >Dr Hell (that was his legal name even back then) convinced Tsubasa to make Ashura for the Mycenaen secrets and she was tempted to help this suspected world-conqueror For Science
    >w-was also easily convinced, off-camera, to revive "hey what if this convicted Nazi was loyal to me but with a floating head"
    >as well as "what if tribal magic Napoleon (who is 2ft tall) was loyal to me but was also 6ft tall and black when he wanted to be"
    I'm warming up to Pygman from a rewatch, considering how consistently polite and kind he is to Ashura so far, but man.

  42. 9 months ago

    Mazin bump

    • 9 months ago

      >not saying "Mazin GO"
      You had two jobs

      • 9 months ago

        I failed you, Aniki

        • 9 months ago

          Live your life freely and make him proud.

          • 9 months ago

            I'll do it from the wind

            • 9 months ago

              Can't believe I skipped past this soothing ED on my first watch.

              Will his Breast Fire shoot out phrases from thr Quran?

              I'm pretty sure I remember hearing that Islam views the Quran as somehow sentient, so I think that'd be more fitting with Getter, because both of those things are equally incomprehensible (and terrifying) to me. Getter Sultan sounds like a cool name though

              • 9 months ago

                >I skipped past this soothing ED on my first watch.
                Aniki is baffled and upset by this

              • 9 months ago

                I just wanted to get to the next episode, and EDs aren't as exciting. It's sometimes a nice relaxing change of pace if I'm not watching another episode after, or if the show's ending. But EDs can be really neat, insightful, or foreshadowing, so I should really be in the habit of sticking through with them.

                I think I did so as well, thankfully I started listening to Tornado every now and then.

                That's good, Tornado is good!

              • 9 months ago

                I think I did so as well, thankfully I started listening to Tornado every now and then.

  43. 9 months ago


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  49. 9 months ago
  50. 9 months ago

    Happy 56th birthday, Masaki Endoh

  51. 9 months ago

    Anyone else notice how robotic Mazinger's movement is in the original TV series, it seems like his movement grew more humanlike the better koji got at piloting. I can't tell if this was intentional as part of him improving or that it was a result of the lack of other other super robot shows to draw inspiration from so they had to think about how a robot moves around.
    I can't immediately think of other shows that have a whole arc dedicated to the mc teaching himself like that, and it's one of my favorite aspects of the show so far.
    It also seems to put an interesting and kind of rare emphasis on machine gore and damage, like the image that they put in the ED was actually made with a practical purpose in mind.
    I just find it a bit ironic that it's regarded as the go-to super robot series, almost to imply that it's as basic and formulaic as it gets when it does things that you rarely see from shows that came after it.

    • 9 months ago

      in our case it really is because we know what we're talking about. We know 92 episodes is a hard sell, but there's really not much else out there like it.

      > I can't tell if this was intentional as part of him improving or that it was a result of the lack of other other super robot shows to draw inspiration from so they had to think about how a robot moves around.
      It was definitely both. It's obvious that Kouji just learning to pilot is an arc of the show, but I remember reading that the reason they take a really long time to introduce the Jet Scrander (even though it would make things much easier to animate) is because Nagai wanted to convey a sense of weight (and it probably helped that the toy companies wanted to sell a separate chogokin that included the Jet Scrander). Unfortunately I'm unable to dig up the quote, but it certainly does help set Mazinger apart from prior mecha works like Atom or Tetsujin, where the robots could always fly from the start

      • 9 months ago

        That is interesting because iirc the arc that follows is the increasing need of flight as Dr Hell starts sending out flying kikaiju, it definitely felt like an intentional delay so it'd make sense if Nagai actually said that. It does lead to the episode where Mazinger has to grab the missile boobs midair which imo is one of the best episodes in the show.

        • 9 months ago

          Wanna add that that specific episode is among the ones where he is forced to think outside the box as the conventional special attacks are rendered ineffective by the kikaiju. Koji struggling to either think of a new unique tactic or struggling to control mazinger at all is really nice. Also really like the emphasis on the wienerpit, the use of levers, buttons, pedals. Very satisfying.

    • 9 months ago

      The animation for the Toei series changes in quality and style per minute.

  52. 9 months ago


  53. 9 months ago


  54. 9 months ago
  55. 9 months ago

    Mazin Go

  56. 9 months ago

    >remembering again how even the model kits will pour more love into Z than the Great
    You know what, Tetsuya has every right to be fricking mad about being shafted.

    • 9 months ago

      The cruel life of being number 2 and not the first protagonist of a franchise

      • 9 months ago

        I was thinking of precisely this when I wrote my post. What happens after the battle is interrupted? Are they frens again?
        I'm reminded that I should just torrent and watch Mazinger Z on my computer, but it's like 80 gigabytes. Possibly 40 according to one Mega. Do I look like I'm made of space? Of course not, I'm made of me...
        >SRW30 drags the short and straightforward movie into like 30 stages
        >but also has them verbally reconcile about Kabuto
        >also makes Infinity threatening and important, and introduces Kaiser
        I'd prefer if they spent another decade on Shin and Zero though, unless the new manga is absolutely amazing.

        • 9 months ago

          Pretty much yeah

          • 9 months ago

            Thank you but why is he so bad at the game...
            >realizing that Tetsuya is overleveled compared to Guy and the stage
            >but Tetsuya also lacks the EN-saving skills he'd benefit from, probably is relatively unupgraded also
            >checked to see that he's at 59 kills, uncertain if he aced Tetsuya in this stage or not
            Tetsuya just can't catch a break...
            >getting along but then bickering again over their matching knee kicks
            Cute, wish they were given a combo attack though, if they went far enough to give them a spotlight stage together. Thank you!

            As far as SRW goes, you may want to get started on Toei Mazinger Z, because I think it's probably gonna show up in the next SRW. There's been a real trend of classic SRW series that no one thought would return ending up returning after all. Everyone thought Mazinkaiser was off limits because of Hiroya Ishimaru's retirement, but then it shows up in DD. The original Mobile Suit Gundam hadn't been in a real game in like 20 years, but 30 brings it back. Ditto for Victory Gundam, which was dismissed as requiring too many units and animations. There were all those rumors about shows with a protagonist voiced by Akira Kamiya, and then out of nowhere, Raideen, which was last seen on the PS2 and bizarrely never even got onto a mobile game, shows up in DD
            If we're going back to classic Gundam, classic Mazinger can't be far behind

            I'm like 6 or 7 episodes in, I have their DVD boxset, but no computer CD drive or a functioning DVD remote, so it's "watch a disc's worth of episodes in a sitting or have a nice day".
            If a lot of classic shows were brought back, then as you say it's entirely possible they'd bring back Toeizinger. I don't mind watching older shows (Harlock was great, Gundam was ok) but NINETY two episodes is a bit excessive. Was told it's good to have playing while building gunpla, but I don't have much of those. Should have had episodes playing for the four or so hours it took per Infinitism kit...
            >Tetsuya has a seiyuu for Toei, Kaiser, Shin, and Infinity
            >his og seiyuu Keiichi Noda isn't even deceased
            What's happening, I thought the Japanese were insistent about seiyuus

            • 9 months ago

              a new remote can't cost more than the price of a pizza dude, you can't be that poor, especially if you have model kits

              And about the 92 episodes, you're already a fan of Mazinger. You've already watched some of the show itself, presumably you're already liking it or else you wouldn't be talking to watch more. And of course on top of that, it's THE mecha show, one of the most culturally important anime ever produced. And on top of that I'll attest to it being my favorite Mazinger work after Shin even if I don't like Toeizinger's design. I would literally watch it again before I'd watch Mazinkaiser again despite the 85 episode difference. A good show is a good show. So what's the issue? "Oh no, one of my favorite franchises has a lot of content, what a burden." Remind me again how many episodes of the Brave series you've watched? QED

              • 9 months ago

                >DVD player also has a VHS player
                >have to look into this and figure it out
                >pretty much the only DVDs I'd want to watch are the Mazinger ones, and the player has buttons for the VCR
                >rarely eat outside my room to begin with
                >was left someone's second television but we never set it up anywhere
                If I had a TV+DVD in my room, I'd look into it but other than that, nah..
                >especially if you have model kits
                I rarely spend money on myself, I just stay at home...
                >you're already a fan of Mazinger
                I've watched literally everything EXCEPT the old show, or like, God Mazinger or the other ones where things get crazy weird.
                >Toeizinger is your favourite after Shin, rather than Zero or Kaiser, explicitly mentions Kaiser
                > A good show is a good show.
                >So what's the issue?
                >"Oh no, one of my favorite franchises has a lot of content, what a burden."
                >Remind me again how many episodes of the Brave series you've watched? QED
                Honestly I feel like the rival villain who's getting beaten down and convinced to join the heroes, how did you even know about Brave...
                A weak counterargument is "where's the development", but I'm the same person who defended episodic J-Decker for drip-feeding more of the relationships between the characters whereas SRW30 just speeds through "oh yeah btw all the cops have a special human in their hearts". Think I also read an anon mention that Go Nagai intentionally stalled a flight upgrade, partly to provide "a sense of weight" to the earlier story. I have like 30gb of free space but I'll definitely think hard about getting back into Toeizinger. Maybe I'll finally decide on another Infinitism kit and watch like 10 episodes and keep that ball rolling.

              • 9 months ago

                >A weak counterargument is "where's the development"
                Just from what you've watched you should have already seen that Kouji isn't so great as a pilot. Obviously, he's going to get better. You're not seeing classic Mazinger stuff like Brocken, Boss Borot, the Jet Scrander, etc. But you know you're going to see all of these things eventually. If it really just was an average MotW type deal where nothing ever happens, I wouldn't be talking so kindly about it. Like Gatchaman for example. I sat through all 115 or so episodes of that show. It's just as influential as Mazinger for other reasons; they started airing within one day of each other. Gatchaman is mediocre. In comparison to Mazinger there's not much it ever builds towards and it doesn't have a central thing around which everything revolves. You've probably tried watching Exkaiser or Fighbird, it's like those (albeit unlike them it does have 70s melodrama, which is a plus for me). Mazinger Z is more like Da Garn. Episodic, but there's clear arcs that culminate in things that have lasting consequneces.

                >Think I also read an anon mention that Go Nagai intentionally stalled a flight upgrade, partly to provide "a sense of weight" to the earlier story.
                Yeah that was me, I'd probably have to go digging through tbharchive to figure out where I got that idea from, but anyway, I'm not sure how effective it is considering Toei Mazinger gets blown apart all the time. That is the one thing that the show excels which you don't see too much in other Mazinger works, even something like ZERO is like, you know Mazinger is going to win, it's just a matter of whether it happens without the world getting destroyed. But with Toeizinger, it feels like half the fights end with Mazinger missing an arm, so it can get pretty tense

              • 9 months ago

                Someone, possibly you, said that even the walking starts off weird, and it was ambiguous whether it was just the animators, or Koji as well, getting used to Mazinger Z.
                >If it really just was an average MotW type deal where nothing ever happens, I wouldn't be talking so kindly about it.
                Turns out I'm on episode 10, downloaded 10 or so episodes while preparing lunch. I'll admit that I was surprised with Boss+co and even Sayaka being helpful in the earlier episodes, whether it was in combat or insight. So certainly it's not going to be 90 episodes of "time to help, oh no Koji help, thanks Koji" from the supporting cast.
                >over a hundred episodes of influential mediocrity, whereas Z stands up to this day
                I've watched a bit of Exkaiser but haven't made much headway, going to try Might Gaine once subs+BDs are great. (And I LOVE 70s melodrama haha)
                >Mazinger Z is more like Da Garn. Episodic, but there's clear arcs that culminate in things that have lasting consequneces.
                Ok I wasn't expecting THAT. Because Da Garn was "supervising villain gets his own reign of terror before new ones show up, protag+frens have to deal with a LOT of shit and growth in the meantime". Not to mention "some side characters get some really defining moments to shine". Hoping Boss and Sayak get some more moments aside from just the orphanage help one (which was already pretty great).

                >even something like ZERO is like, you know Mazinger is going to win
                I dunno, things did look fairly hopeless... I know Getter gets pieces blown off often, but I assumed Getter was more of a glass cannon than The Invincible Castle of Iron, I'll definitely keep an eye out on Mazinger's injury record. And I think ep9 was him fighting the big-ears flight one, not sure how he won that or most of his anti-air battles. I guess there's also the weird minor attacks to look forward to: drill missiles, missile punch, southern cross knives, a freeze beam I think, and the iron cutters.

              • 9 months ago

                >So certainly it's not going to be 90 episodes of "time to help, oh no Koji help, thanks Koji" from the supporting cast.
                Well, don't expect them to by winning any fights; I think between Boss and Sayaka they destroy a grand total of 3 kikaiju throughout the course of the show. But yeah, they do help in other ways.

                > Because Da Garn was "supervising villain gets his own reign of terror before new ones show up, protag+frens have to deal with a LOT of shit
                Okay, I was just speaking structurally, not really comparing specifics. If I were to do that I would say it's actually ironically kinda like certain Gundam shows (00 in particular coming to mind for me here) in that it's a story that ultimately boils down to a technological arms race where every bit of progress brings protagonists closer to defeating the villain

                >but I assumed Getter was more of a glass cannon than The Invincible Castle of Iron
                I think Mazinger probably got that nickname as a result of its SRW appearances where it probably seemed natural to make it the tanky unit because "oh, it's made out of this super special metal and the whole story is about the bad guy trying to steal that metal." I don't think the writers of the Toei show really thought about that much for better or worse. I can't remember where the nickname itself was first used, but either way, 1972 is still the early years for mecha and there were a lot of things that hadn't been developed into a formula yet, which is part of what lets Mazinger be as interesting as it is
                Remember Combattler from SRW 30? That's the kind of show where you can tell that a formula had set in. It didn't bother showing the kids having to learn how to pilot. It had a finishing move it used every episode. Its main cast were all the same archetypes that Gatchaman had already established. It even has its own Boss Borot ripoff (https://youtu.be/-2LvRTprUIw). I'm not saying the show is bad, but it's definitely so much less interesting.

              • 9 months ago

                >Well, don't expect them to by winning any fights
                I was... but yeah, I assumed Boss would be more of a simp, but in today's episode he was just immediately going with Sayaka to rescue Shiro just for the sake of rescuing Shiro. Boss is a true hero...
                >not really comparing specifics
                Well, I'm still looking forward to Brocken... not so much Pygman but he's great in Shin, so maybe I'm being too harsh.
                >a technological arms race
                I know Taurus(?) has the chogokin horn but I don't know what else could be a part of the arms race, I'm excited.
                >just a SRW invention
                I mean, so's Mazinkaiser (but cues from some earlier thing Nagai made?) so I'm not surprised... I can't remember the earliest source where it was called the Castle of Iron in any capacity. If it wasn't the manga, then it's probably a source after the original works as ell.
                >there were a lot of things that hadn't been developed into a formula yet, which is part of what lets Mazinger be as interesting as it is
                Oh boy... I mean, there's "simply hold onto rockets to fly", but I'm not sure hat else.
                >just established archetypes having fun
                The only notable thing I've heard was the one revealed-cyborg general was honourable and died nobly, but aside from that I've never heard anything surprising about it other than "yeah it has a buddy twin who's run by traditional Japanese".
                >same finishing move
                Z won with fricking finger missiles in today's episode. I assumed as a kid that the Breast Fire was the endgame sure-fire kill but no, it could LITERALLY be anything. It could literally be a dropkick or Aphrodite A tripping over a rock and landing on a kikaiju. Wild.

              • 9 months ago

                >Boss is a true hero...
                One thing I really liked was how he wasn't bust the comic relief oaf but became more and more an actual part of the Photon Labs to the point where he was even taking part in briefings.
                Shame that Great kinda shat over this and degraded him to "that goofball that houses inside some shack and that no one really takes serious".

              • 9 months ago

                >consistently doing above and beyond with zero incentive
                >the same guy who supposedly kidnapped three innocent professors to force them to build a robot to continue his rivalry with Koji
                >nah he's pretty much a part of the lab
                I'm sure the Boss Borot debut is more understandable once I get to it. Sad to hear he gets sidelined in Great, apparently Koji came to respect and appreciate Boss and told him as such, nothing like that with Tetsuya? I know there's picrel but that's about it.

              • 9 months ago

                >I can't remember where the nickname itself was first used
                Pretty much the first line of the opening song.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, kinda, I guess. Like I said though, they clearly weren't taking that seriously
                Nagai's manga did though, I can't remember Mazinger taking serious damage there

              • 9 months ago

                By the way, an anon translated the Sworgrader manga's first chapter



              • 9 months ago

                I keep putting off reading it, but thank you.

                The third hero is also more popular.

                Is this that one long French manga? Is it good? My intro to it was someone just dumping the pages in an unrelated thread and attracting some ire, is it a good introduction to Grendizer? I've only read Go Nagai's manga.

              • 9 months ago

                Not sure I've never found it in english but the art is amazing, it's story is a sequel to the French dub of the series so I don't think it would make for a good intro, the comic did also get a release in Japan but I don't know if they changed anything to make it closer to the original Japanese dub.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, it's the 2021 comic taking place after the show I think, there's an unofficial English translation that I think I either found or was given as a bonus, trying to figure out how I might upload it, 212mb is too big for catbox...

              • 9 months ago

                I only remember the meming on Maria being pussyblocked of Koji regardless of Sayaka's absence

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, she doesn't have a very fun time...

            • 9 months ago

              All that overleveling for Tetsuya and he still can't surpass the King of Braves' earliest model, non-Genesic mecha.

              • 9 months ago

                I'm SO sure that he just didn't upgrade Great or give Tetsuya skills... but then why the frick did he overlevel Tetsuya!!

              • 9 months ago

                He doubted Tetsuya as a pilot

              • 9 months ago

                He doesn't know how hard Tetsuya worked...
                >Koji has bullseye and persist but Tetsuya straight-up has intuition, because he is a PROFESSIONAL

              • 9 months ago

                Aniki agrees with your sentiment

              • 9 months ago

                Sounds similar to that one Z theme, but this is pretty nice, thank you.
                >I have a painful history.
                Same, Tetsuya. Same...

        • 9 months ago

          As far as SRW goes, you may want to get started on Toei Mazinger Z, because I think it's probably gonna show up in the next SRW. There's been a real trend of classic SRW series that no one thought would return ending up returning after all. Everyone thought Mazinkaiser was off limits because of Hiroya Ishimaru's retirement, but then it shows up in DD. The original Mobile Suit Gundam hadn't been in a real game in like 20 years, but 30 brings it back. Ditto for Victory Gundam, which was dismissed as requiring too many units and animations. There were all those rumors about shows with a protagonist voiced by Akira Kamiya, and then out of nowhere, Raideen, which was last seen on the PS2 and bizarrely never even got onto a mobile game, shows up in DD
          If we're going back to classic Gundam, classic Mazinger can't be far behind

          • 9 months ago

            Classic Getter returning to team up with Armageddon soon

      • 9 months ago

        The third hero is also more popular.

  57. 9 months ago


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  59. 9 months ago
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  64. 9 months ago

    >it's another "bully Professor Yumi" episode
    He's not even a combatant, man

    • 9 months ago

      Don't feel too sorry for him. Toeizinger kind of makes him out to be a terrible father

      • 9 months ago

        What the frick?
        >don't want daughter to die or be a warrior, but let her pilot Aphrodite A in a pinch for the sake of the world
        >can probably be blamed regardless of what he even does for this
        I got too sad for unrelated reasons to finish the episode, but I'd like to think he's doing his best as a father

        • 9 months ago

          It'll make more sense when he starts talking about why Aphrodite A is as ineffectual as it is

          • 9 months ago

            I mean, I'm past the episode where she wanted more weapons and they had their (first) vote about it, and I know he wants Aphrodite to be a symbol of peace, but I don't know if it came up yet, or to the extent I think you're implying

            • 9 months ago

              Yeah, it has to do with that, he's putting a bunch of vague nonsense over his daughter's safety
              If you wanted to be charitable you could say he's purposefully keeping the robot weak to discourage her from piloting, but even then, after like the tenth time Sayaka goes out to fight, you'd think he'd realize it's not working
              So nah, frick him

              • 9 months ago

                I said something similar when I saw that episode, they were close to saying yes for weapons but it was Sayaka who said it was fine being rescued by Mazinger, because status quo
                I think it'd be different if we were parents and knew what this was like, but I say this partly from my bias of liking supporting characters and not wanting to dislike anyone.
                >tfw he never got a proper birthday party in Mazinkaiser

              • 9 months ago

                Proffessor Yumi in the OVA and by Toei are two different characters though. He was pretty courageous in Mazinkaiser in comparison.

              • 9 months ago

                I see him as a very timid man, especially as he never does or says anything when Koji constantly bullies his daughter.

              • 9 months ago

                Proffessor Yumi in the OVA and by Toei are two different characters though. He was pretty courageous in Mazinkaiser in comparison.

                Fair enough, I have a lot of respect for Mazinkaiser Yumi, shame he's a bit more timid in the OG series. But still, he's not for bullying...

              • 9 months ago

                I don't know if that was the vision Toei had for the character but I think it makes sense considering he's a scientist and not a combatant, he keeps stating that photonic research is for peaceful purposes. Definitely a interesting approach imo. IIRC he tries to kill himself like three times lol.

              • 9 months ago

                I don't know, I'm certainly not a full-on pacifist (since you should fight for what's important if necessary) but I absolutely do get the value in wanting to remain peaceful. Hoping to see him and the three profs get some time to shine. Dreading a bit whether Prof Morimori dies in Toezinger too, unsure where this first started... I swear he was absent in Infinity.
                A peaceful world is a good thing to strive for. Hoping to see Prof Yumi be like a father to Koji.

                I'd say worse actually. At least Kenzo was some kind of man on a mission. He had his reasons for being distant. But that's just what I gathered from other works, I still have yet to watch Great Toeizinger itself

                THAT bad? Even if he's a good person who did what was necessary, that doesn't somehow make him a good father to Koji, Shiro, Tetsuya, or Jun... but I'm hoping he makes up for it when he shows up.
                Also what the hell is he doing showing up in Kaiser at the last minute but then never showing up again? How did Tetsuya and Jun even show up? I think they said the first Great was made by Kenzo but I'm not even sure of that anymore. I can't wait to meet them again in my Zero reread, what a masterpiece.

              • 9 months ago

                You can see the results of Toei Yumi's parenting in how Toei Sayaka is. She's a lot more unruly than every other version of the character. Kenzo I think at least has the capacity to be a good parent, I mean Tetsuya really was basically devoted to him and yearned for his approval. Kenzo has to be doing something right for that to be the case. But for Toei Yumi, I just don't think he has it in him

              • 9 months ago

                Fair enough, I have a lot of respect for Mazinkaiser Yumi, shame he's a bit more timid in the OG series. But still, he's not for bullying...

              • 9 months ago

                Holy fricking shit

                You can see the results of Toei Yumi's parenting in how Toei Sayaka is. She's a lot more unruly than every other version of the character. Kenzo I think at least has the capacity to be a good parent, I mean Tetsuya really was basically devoted to him and yearned for his approval. Kenzo has to be doing something right for that to be the case. But for Toei Yumi, I just don't think he has it in him

                Your arguments are sound, I just really don't want to believe them ;_;
                Good on Kenzo though! I don't know if "longs for father's approval" necessarily means "good father", but I'll have to see it.

                Happy 78th birthday, Uncle Go

                Happy birthday, Go Nagai!
                >that Great
                Once again, the Great is king...


                I have no idea what this flying ball is

              • 9 months ago

                >the Great is emperor

              • 9 months ago

                >my dad when I played with his Chogokin Mazinger Z in the bathtub
                I actually really like the Glossom X2, I think underwater combat's underrated and it has a neat design (when it's not a silly salmon colour)

                That too!
                >Mazinkaiser's named after a bread while Mazin Emperor G is named after a great emperor, probably Germanic

              • 9 months ago

                This is where I started to really understand that Mazinger is an exceptional show. Dr. Hell isn't gonna forget about that weakness to water next episode. He's gonna continue to try to exploit it as long as he can.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh man, no fricking way. I thought maybe this is where that arms race that was mentioned (by you?) began, but oh man oh man. I don't LOVE water settings or stages but it's so uncommon, can't wait. I thought they sort of patched up issues of saltwater and zero motion, but I guess the Mazinger wouldn't immediately be able to deal with something specialized for water, huh? The next episode is a "another flyer Mazinger can't do much about", curious as to what the in-universe reasoning is that they haven't made the scrander. Maybe they just make the foot-jets give him some aerial as well for now, I know he sometimes has those to dock with the scrander (specifically making the shape of a cross! Sources go out of its way to tell you he has to do the pose, it's the law!)

                >Mazinkaiser's named after a bread
                I take it the swirled top is reflected in those curved fins on its arms.

                Absolutely 100%. Go Nagai was eating a kaiser roll (as he often does) and he discovered a shape to surpass the drill pressure punch, and the rest was history.
                If this is actually true I'm going to lose my fricking mind

              • 9 months ago

                Years from now, I'll be rewatching Mazinkaiser and be suddenly hungry and it'll be your fault.

              • 9 months ago

                >Mazinkaiser's named after a bread
                I take it the swirled top is reflected in those curved fins on its arms.

              • 9 months ago

                The episode after this has the amazing Ashura nightmare sequence.

                This is where I started to really understand that Mazinger is an exceptional show. Dr. Hell isn't gonna forget about that weakness to water next episode. He's gonna continue to try to exploit it as long as he can.

                I really appreciated this episode, the writers really seem to think of Mazinger as a robot rather than a magical superhero.
                I think Koji's motorcycle is the greater technological wonder though.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, it's a bit funny and concerning how they (Ashura since I honestly don't know how to refer to that person or people) and Dr Hell get legitimately scared of Mazinger. Dr Hell it could just be poor translations for him calling it "fearsome" but Ashura is plainly scared shitless
                Not sure how I was vaguely familiar with rocket-grappling-punch but alright. Funny enough, despite that neat trick it was still a v close battle that was only won because of the kikaiju charging in and Koji using breast fire. Legit not even a tactical or strategic victory but just luck, same with the water bunny last ep swimming into its own torpedoes. Not sure if these flukes are intentional, I did notice the scientists mention that they rebuilt Mazinger just prior, so anything new would be a bit much. So far, it's a lot more than I expected, hoping Hell+frens at some point just go "why don't we start sending two kikaijus with completely different styles that Koji couldn't counter at once". I know that one three-pronged attack is a staple of Mazinger, hoping it shows up in Toei too.

                Years from now, I'll be rewatching Mazinkaiser and be suddenly hungry and it'll be your fault.

                For episodes 1 to 7! Culminating with the Final Kaiser Bread!

                What is this?

                It's our fren, Mazingolfer Z.

      • 9 months ago

        But is Yumi a better or worse father than Kenzo?

        • 9 months ago

          I'd say worse actually. At least Kenzo was some kind of man on a mission. He had his reasons for being distant. But that's just what I gathered from other works, I still have yet to watch Great Toeizinger itself

  65. 9 months ago

    Happy 78th birthday, Uncle Go

  66. 9 months ago


  67. 9 months ago

    What is this?

    • 9 months ago

      Oh hey, Uncle Go

  68. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Mazin fore

      • 9 months ago

        I wish I knew more about golf, otherwise I'd try to come up with literally anything

  69. 9 months ago
  70. 9 months ago
  71. 9 months ago
  72. 9 months ago

    >episode preview shows Shiro, Boss, and friends being held hostage
    >my first thought is "why aren't they crucified?"

    • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago

        But why was he kidnapped again and why is he having a good time

  73. 9 months ago

    Which is your favorite version of regular Mazinger?
    Mine is the one from the manga, sadly only seen in animation once, and only briefly in the Mazinkaiser OVA. What sets it apart from Toei's version is the rounded breast plates, lack of nose, red eyeliner and a white pilder.

    • 9 months ago

      Shin version
      Mazinger looks best when it's simple. I don't like the white pilder for the same reason I don't like the blue limbs, the colors clash with every other part of the design. I also am not a fan of the recessed nose on the manga version or the weird upturned chest on the Toei version (which always makes me think of anorexia). I get that the chest was like that because of the Scrander belt, but the way Shin did the God Scrander belt looked so cool I wish the original was like that.

      • 9 months ago

        >the blue limbs
        Never got why they didn't make the chest and shoulders blue too whenever they use this aspect.

        • 9 months ago

          Doubtless that happened at some point. Mazinger's design is different in practically every single piece of media it shows up in
          Even that image I posted I'm still not the happiest about because it has the biceps and hips in an off white color instead of the usual grey. You see that sometimes and it always bothers me, always.

          • 9 months ago

            I'm kinda reminded on how another Nagai franchise, Devilman, kept changing his own color scheme. 70's anime, he was teal, first two OVAs: flesh skin tone, and in the Amon OVA, he's purplish white and black.

      • 9 months ago

        Shin Mazinger is Ken Ishikawa's own redesign, taken from the short he did in Getter Robo Arc, iirc they even credited him for it.

        • 9 months ago

          It would be kinda funny to credit what's basically just a color swap of the pilder to the anime version. Not much of a redesign

  74. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      No I haven't, Koji-kun

  75. 9 months ago


  76. 9 months ago

    The Great Mazinger is turning 49 years old today, say something nice about him.
    (technically he debuted in the movie in July, but his show started airing on Sept 8th)

    • 9 months ago

      Just 1 more year until Great's own 50th anniversary

      • 9 months ago

        When's his 50th?

        • 9 months ago


          • 9 months ago

            Thank you

  77. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Such high quality (and helpful subtitles)
      Can't hate any of the Mazinger EDs.
      >even Venus A has a scrander, even though Kenzo made the Great's scramble retractable
      Is it just never explained why it's unique to Great forever? Also, why the magenta inner-wings and red outer wings, I was curious. Maybe "it'll blend with the boomerang if it's red", but I was always curious.

      It actually was a really, really bad fight.

      That is really really distressing, and I'd say I hope they made up but I'm not sure if "3 second apology and laughing to credits" is really enough after something like this. I'm only done like, ep21. Another aquatic guy next episode, I don't want to end up being "the guy who likes water robots" though

      • 9 months ago

        >Is it just never explained why it's unique to Great forever?
        I assume them doing this annoyed toy companies who wanted to sell more stuff
        Hence why the other Dynamic pro designs in the 70s (Grendizer, Jeeg, Gaiking) have a bunch of combining support vehicles and option parts

        • 9 months ago

          I mean, I figured that's why he got the Great Booster, but then why not give Mazinkaiser a built-in one. And Grendizer seems absolute atrocious in terms of big-budget must-have vehicles for your toy.
          >Infinitism Grendizer only comes with the Double Spazer
          >really want the goofy UFO spazer, the drill one, and the water one for completion
          This marketing bullshit works

          • 9 months ago

            Let Tetsuya have something over Koji post-Kaiser. If Kaiser had a built-in-one, think about Tetsuya's pride.

            • 9 months ago

              Well yeah, I really want that for Tetsuya, but in-universe it's weird how this was the only time it was ever done.
              I guess Kenzo Kabuto was just a fricking GENIUS (and was strapped for cash when Venus A wanted an upgrade).

          • 9 months ago

            Great Booster was only in like one episode I hear

            • 9 months ago

              I skipped to the debut episode but assumed it was there more often...
              >the Institute gave clearance for a field-wiping Thunder Break but forbade the Great Booster
              How fricking devastating would a post-timeskip Great Booster have been...?

              Well that's what happens when most folk get their information from memes. The shows not called Aphrodite A. Which I would probably still watch.

              I agree with you but I've completely forgotten what I was talking about. Best upgrades for Aphrodite A? That's my best guess.

  78. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >Go Nagai just ripping off of Gundam
      This IS pretty intense though, I hope this is just from gas/hypnosis/etc rather than like, "no this was just a really really bad fight". Frick, even Ashura looks horrified.

      • 9 months ago

        Don't you mean the other way around? Gundam aired 7 years after Mazinger

        • 9 months ago

          But just look at this official Gundam manga, this is clearly similar to Go Nagai's works.

      • 9 months ago

        It actually was a really, really bad fight.

  79. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      People forget that Sayaka's actually pretty capable..

      • 9 months ago

        Well that's what happens when most folk get their information from memes. The shows not called Aphrodite A. Which I would probably still watch.

      • 9 months ago

        Well that's what happens when most folk get their information from memes. The shows not called Aphrodite A. Which I would probably still watch.

        It's like Yamcha memes

        • 9 months ago

          No. at most she's dismissively cast aside. Nothing has reached that level of moronation.

        • 9 months ago

          No, Sayaka has NEVER jobbed that hard.

    • 9 months ago

      Sayaka was underappreciated in her time.

      • 9 months ago
      • 9 months ago


  80. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      Wtf Garada has eye missiles? That's so dope.

      • 9 months ago

        One of the reasons why Garada is so awesome

  81. 9 months ago

    >Great Mazinger and Heidi crossover

    • 9 months ago

      Sounds like a fun crossover

  82. 9 months ago


  83. 9 months ago
  84. 9 months ago


  85. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      >assumed it was the Great Boomerang
      I like the OG enemies too, but oof.
      >sometimes rocket-fingers for rocket punch but sometimes not
      >sometimes there's finger missiles
      I shouldn't think this much hard but man..

      • 9 months ago

        Always be prepared for everything regardless of having "redundant" attacks

        • 9 months ago

          I think within the first dozen episodes there was something that greatly (haha..) resembled the thunder break. I'd like to think that Kenzo was watching and taking notes, but then uh, he wasn't helping? I'm going to assume Great addresses this, Shin Mazinger Zero did, at least for one of the many timelines
          Also it's neat that the early episodes sometimes show that Aphrodite A is just straight out of ammo. I don't know where/how the Missile Punch is stored, but "yes super robots but we're going to at least acknowledge the notion of ammunition sometimes" is cute and appreciated, even though infiniammo is very fun. (why are rocket punches ammo--based in SRW...)

          • 9 months ago

            >why are rocket punches ammo--based in SRW...
            They didn't use to be, actually. It's only a recent thing that they are. It used to be that Rocket Punching cost neither ammo nor EN and it was just completely free. But at some point they decided there shouldn't be anymore free attacks. I think that probably started with Z3, as many things did. As to the actual why, probably for balance reasons. Mazinger is an EN hog and by making Rocket Punch ammo based, they allow it to serve the same purpose it used to as a generic fallback attack for when you're out of EN

            It's kind of funny you mention this, because whenever Mazinkaiser has its Kaiser Missile move in SRW, it always has 99 ammo. So much for running out of ammo!

  86. 9 months ago
    • 9 months ago

      The thunder break is always lovely, but why magenta for inner wings, never answered..

      >why are rocket punches ammo--based in SRW...
      They didn't use to be, actually. It's only a recent thing that they are. It used to be that Rocket Punching cost neither ammo nor EN and it was just completely free. But at some point they decided there shouldn't be anymore free attacks. I think that probably started with Z3, as many things did. As to the actual why, probably for balance reasons. Mazinger is an EN hog and by making Rocket Punch ammo based, they allow it to serve the same purpose it used to as a generic fallback attack for when you're out of EN

      It's kind of funny you mention this, because whenever Mazinkaiser has its Kaiser Missile move in SRW, it always has 99 ammo. So much for running out of ammo!

      I mean, especially after some Z episodes, I really appreciate Close Combat being a literal option, but I don't know if rocket punch should be free compared to Literal Melee. But it's not like I have precedent/understanding of old SRWs.
      >just a ban of free attacks after some point, for balancing reasons
      >EN hog
      Isn't the whole point that photonic energy is revolutionary? Although I guess that by that logic, Mazingers should be ammo-based or fricking free entirely, although I wouldn't mind.
      >Kaiser Missile
      Like, an equivalent to Navel Missile and


      I mean, 99 is technically a finite amount. But so is 8 trillion...

      • 9 months ago

        >but I don't know if rocket punch should be free compared to Literal Melee
        older games didn't tend to have generic melee moves, at least not for units like Mazinger that had a bunch of obvious weapons. Units like Dancouga have always had melee though.

        >Isn't the whole point that photonic energy is revolutionary?
        Presumably this is why Mazinger units come with EN regen these days. Again, this was not the case in earlier games. In fact, IIRC there was at least one episode of the Toei show where Mazinger straight up ran out of power. The old understand of Photon Power is that it's kind of just like a different form of gasoline. And then ZERO and Infinity came along and suddenly Photon Power is nearly indistinguishable from Getter Rays

        • 9 months ago

          Does Dancouga not have many weapons, I swear in 30 it had like, 30 weapons
          >EN regen
          I didn't think about that, I was too busy being thankful for it to wonder the in-universe cause, thank you.
          >Mazinger straight up ran out of power
          I think I saw it, it was an earlier episode?
          I always assumed for whatever reason that it was basically post-nuclear tier "clean and can run forever and literally all of our problems are over if we research and distribute this" that came from Japanium or Chogokin
          >nearly indistinguishable from Getter Rays
          I loved Zero and cannot repeat it enough (1 volume left of the reread, it ended well iirc but can't wait to get to the sequel) but I'd like something even MORE Gettery, bc Getter Rays are terrifying. Also:
          >Mazinger is sentient or at least semi-sentient like shinto(?) "if you bond with an object enough it gains consciousness" tier
          >Ashura was two innocent people
          Were there more instances of this aside from Shin, Zero, and SRW I think DD with Great protecting Tetsuya getting into Emperor? A friend said that at least the second bit felt really familiar, but I haven't encountered any sources yet that has them as formerly two people

          • 9 months ago

            Well Dancouga's a bit of a weird case. Here's what normal, non-Ultimate Dancouga's moveset typically looks like

            Now that may look like a decent number of weapons, however, about half of those weren't in the show itself. The Dankuuken sword, for example, was first seen in the epilogue OVA Requiem for Victims, and the Dancoukogaken finisher didn't happen until the sequel movie God Bless Dancouga. Even the jetpack Dancouga is using (and the additional cannons strapped onto it) doesn't appear until like the last four episodes of the show. (J was also the only game to do the decombine attack, can't remember it happening in the show but it might have). So for most of the show's runtime, all Dancouga has is its built in cannons, the Big Gun and the ability to punch things, Helped that Ryo was a karate practicioner to the point where it's kinda weird 30 didn't have a melee move like that. But I digress

            >"clean and can run forever and literally all of our problems are over if we research and distribute this"
            yeah basically. I supposed it would have been specific to say that Photon Power operated like fuel sources you and I know rather than this nebulous, semi-sentient self-replenishing green shit that you see in more outlandish mecha works. But that's what it is now. Albeit my understanding is that even Getter Rays themselves only became like that after the Getter Robo Go manga was published. In the 70s Getter Rays were just another fuel source

            Were there more instances of this aside from Shin, Zero, and SRW I think DD with Great protecting Tetsuya getting into Emperor? A friend said that at least the second bit felt really familiar, but I haven't encountered any sources yet that has them as formerly two people
            Not sure what you're getting at or what the connection between Asura and Mazinger being somewhat sentient are. Asura being two people is probably a concept originally from Z Mazinger (which Shin drew quite a bit from)

            • 9 months ago

              >"overrated zero effort super robot show" has scientists actually give the science of why the photonic beam isn't working underwater, how it can be, and why they can't apply this immediately
              Yes I love ridiculous attacks but I also love it when they still try to give you some science and reasoning

              >basically the Final Kaiser Blade in terms of timing, but also has a regular sword, like Kaiser in the movie
              >the big gun is literally just called the Big Gun
              >jetpack's very late and so's the neat shoulder cannons (with various strengths)
              A de-combination mechanic is absolutely dope though. A bit strange to think that "a super robot can mostly just do melee attacks" in a way just means "it has all the combat capabilities of an elephant". I'd hope it was in the show, seems odd for it not to be used as a solution to some tricky enemy.
              >it would have been specific to say that Photon Power operated like fuel sources you and I know rather than this nebulous, semi-sentient self-replenishing green shit that you see in more outlandish mecha works.
              O-okay I'm sorry
              But yeah, things only started to get crazy weird starting Shin/Go, Getter and G were pretty standard compared to what Getter became.
              >Asura and Mazinger being somewhat sentient
              Sorry, these were two separate and unrelated questions. I'll look into Z Mazinger, and I also like "non-sentient robot is ambiguously sentient enough for it to have a mutual and protective fondness with its operator", hoping to see some of that in the show.
              >Sayaka's looking for Koji and calls out for Koji and then Mazinger, which you'd normally do if you're looking for two people
              My prayers are answered

              • 9 months ago

                the Final Kaiser Blade in terms of timing, but also has a regular sword, like Kaiser in the movie
                I thought the animation made this obvious, but they're the same sword. It's just in the finisher the sword is channelling a laser cannon fired by a separate battleship (and incidentally this is actually semi-related to this thread since the battleship's captain, Professor Hazuki, is voiced by Hiroya Ishimaru). It's like the original version of the Exkaiser Thunder Flash/Might Gaine Bamboo Cutter/Full Power Gridman Grid finish, with the difference being that the beam doesn't come out of nowhere (in canon. It usually does in SRW, but J was canon accurate for once).

                > I'd hope it was in the show, seems odd for it not to be used as a solution to some tricky enemy.
                It's extremely weird that it hasn't been used more considering it takes almost half the show for them to even combine in the first place and even after they do combining isn't always the solution. Dancouga is a pretty unique show, albeit not necessarily a good one.

                >hoping to see some of that in the show.
                can't say I remember much of that in Toeizinger. I'd seriously consider watching Giant Gorg if that's what you're into.

              • 9 months ago

                >I thought the animation made this obvious, but they're the same sword. It's just in the finisher the sword is channelling a laser cannon fired by a separate battleship
                You're right, I'm dumb
                >Captain Kabuto
                >it's like the Braves and Gridman
                Ok, fair... that's always pretty fun
                >it takes almost half the show for them to even combine in the first place
                The hell? Wait, why does this format sound familiar? "Why don't they just automatically use the finisher- oh ok I mean I get that it's a waste and potential overkill, but the initial weaker attacks have worked on enemies zero times"
                >and even after they do combining isn't always the solution
                Ok that's a bit more exciting, then
                >Dancouga is a pretty unique show, albeit not necessarily a good one.
                >Giant Gorg
                I mean, I liked Imagawa's Tetsujin and Giant Robo, I think Gorg may or may not have been recommended the last time I talked about secret sentients

              • 9 months ago

                >secret sentients
                Daigunder. It even had a not-Koji Kabuto in episode 21.

              • 9 months ago

                Alright, that's going on the list too!

              • 9 months ago

                It even has a purple ninja robot voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama too

              • 9 months ago

                >"Why don't they just automatically use the finisher
                IIRC it was one of those combiner scenarios where the "brainwaves need to be in sync" but the team aren't working well together and character development needs to happen first and all that. Until then then they manage to win without combining.

                I think Dancouga is still worth watching. Even if you don't like it, it's still pretty interesting. For me it's one of those 5/10s that is a 5/10 because it's really good at some things and really bad at other, but is never boring either way. As opposed to the second series, Dancouga Nova, which absolutely is a boring 5/10 even though it's much shorter.

              • 9 months ago

                Oh, okay. You know what, that's fair enough. I take that it's one of those "they need to learn how to work as a team, children let us too get along with our friends okay" shows.
                >Even if you don't like it, it's still pretty interesting.
                A watch thread had one guy state that he finishes all the shows he watches, even the ones he hates, because otherwise he would have no right to criticize or hate the show. I still think about that anon a lot.
                Ok, I mean, you can really like a show and really have some problems with its faults. Although I guess it's odd to be fond of or say you like a 5/10 show.
                >the next show is also 5/10 but not in a good way
                I need to lie down...

                It even has a purple ninja robot voiced by Nobuyuki Hiyama too

                I thought that was in the new Kamen Rider, then I realized that it was a toy train
                Am I just insane

              • 9 months ago
              • 9 months ago

                It took me a second to hear Hiyama-san's voice, since I assumed he'd voice a hero. The T-Rex's voice is unexpectedly mature, and the main robot's voice is unexpectedly child-like.. but still looks pretty comfy!

                >Ok, I mean, you can really like a show and really have some problems with its faults
                You probably acknowledge that much of Code Geass would be extremely stupid if you took it seriously, but it's still fabulously entertaining DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY SAYING DANCOUGA IS ANYTHING LIKE GEASS IN TERMS OF CONTENT OR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. It's all a matter of how much you let certain things affect you, like the melodramatic ex-boyfriend subplot, or the stupid idol shoe-in character whose voice sounds twice as old as the character looks

                I was literally thinking about "it's not a well-written show, but still very good and enjoyable, 9/10" Code Geass, I just cowarded out of mentioning it.
                I mean, I can suspend disbelief the same way that I'll treat Yuusha deaths at face value, and just enjoy melodrama for what it is.
                >sounds twice as old
                SRW Judeau...

              • 9 months ago

                >The T-Rex's voice is unexpectedly mature
                Yeah, a T-Rex voiced by McCrane and Leon's VA.

              • 9 months ago

                >got Braved again
                Thank God for this genre

              • 9 months ago

                Indeed, especially with songs by the King of Braves' singer, Masaaki Endoh

              • 9 months ago

                First one has jungle vibes to it, it's nice! I'm never going to not watch a JAM Project ani/m/e.
                >Getter's towering a bit in the second, but possibly it's just the angling
                >Gaiking is probably gigantic
                Scalegays, help me...

              • 9 months ago

                70's Gaiking at least is between the 40-50 meter range

              • 9 months ago

                Sasuga, scalefriend (setteifriend?)
                >even the base Getter is taller than Mazinger
                >Dragon is massive, even compared to Getter and Gaiking
                Thought Gaiking was similar to the Mazingers combat-wise, but the odds seem to be in Gaiking's favour when considering scale...

              • 9 months ago


              • 9 months ago

                >they were NOT able to install the underwater photonic lenses

                My dear fren!
                >Boss Borot standing dead-center with a goofy smile as if he's the protagonist who's just next to two supporting characters and a grumpy uncle
                Have a hairless Boss + co to scale with Aphrodite

                > I'm never going to not watch a JAM Project ani/m/e.
                You've got a bigger priority than Daigunder then

                >SRW anime
                >the one with the beetlething
                Didn't really get what was going on with him in SRW30 but he was still endearing enough. Same with the tiger thing-
                >Sanger, Ratsel, and DyGaiGar (and horse)
                Now that's what I'm talking about

              • 9 months ago

                > I'm never going to not watch a JAM Project ani/m/e.
                You've got a bigger priority than Daigunder then

              • 9 months ago

                >Ok, I mean, you can really like a show and really have some problems with its faults
                You probably acknowledge that much of Code Geass would be extremely stupid if you took it seriously, but it's still fabulously entertaining DISCLAIMER: I AM IN NO WAY SAYING DANCOUGA IS ANYTHING LIKE GEASS IN TERMS OF CONTENT OR ENTERTAINMENT VALUE. It's all a matter of how much you let certain things affect you, like the melodramatic ex-boyfriend subplot, or the stupid idol shoe-in character whose voice sounds twice as old as the character looks

  87. 9 months ago

    What's also fricking insane is that the Pilder can be skillfully piloted enough to like, fare well against kikaiju or bully them enough for them to have to ramp up their efforts. I thought it'd be just a convenient mobile wienerpit, but it's pretty great! High hopes for the faster and superior Brain Condor. VTOLs cannot match the top speed of a jet (afaik?)

  88. 9 months ago

    Did Z always have blue on the back of his head?

    • 9 months ago

      In a lot of the beginning episodes it was there to say it was an production error.

      • 9 months ago

        It looked so natural in some frames, so I thought it was an OG charm, like the red stuff for Z's eyes in the early designs, I was tricked again..

    • 9 months ago

      In a lot of the beginning episodes it was there to say it was an production error.

      It looked so natural in some frames, so I thought it was an OG charm, like the red stuff for Z's eyes in the early designs, I was tricked again..

      At least the blue back of the head makes the blue limbs more fitting.

      • 9 months ago

        That's true, and it was good to have it matching with the face as well, was a bit surprised it was a legitimate error

  89. 9 months ago

    One last Mazin Go ITT

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