i always loved the environments in this show (during the early seasons that is), theyre so charming, the way everything looks kinda archaic and cobble...

i always loved the environments in this show (during the early seasons that is), theyre so charming, the way everything looks kinda archaic and cobbled together yet very cozy, and it all has a nautical theme tying it together, none of it really feels all too modern even for the era it came out in and it all looks like people live in that world and brought it together over time
spongebob's house is my favorite, i especially love his kitchen

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  1. 4 weeks ago

    >During the early seasons that is
    Regardless of what you think of the show today it still does maintain that cozy nautical look

    • 4 weeks ago

      no, not really
      yes the old enviornments are there, but the new ones they create are often vastly different, theyre way more often clean and contemporary and even when they try and emulate the old style they don't get creative with objects as much like having stuff made from trash or items that would get lost at sea, they just put metal panels and similar textures on walls and things

  2. 4 weeks ago

    I haven't paid attention much to backgrounds, since I've always considered myself more of a character animation autist. I'm probably one of the few people on this board who likes post-season 10's animation.

    • 4 weeks ago

      I think the animation in the newer seasons is very skilled on it's own, but aside from it not being a style of comedy I enjoy, I think even over the top animation like this has it's place, and the show just doesn't use it well
      When everything is constantly moving so much all the time, it's wasted movement, motion for the sake of motion, everything is extreme but not in a way that evokes anything
      We can't feel a character getting super angry, like, face going mad, last straw, ready to explode- when he's been moving and emoting in such a way thruout the whole episode. We can't compare mild anger to EXTREME FUMING ANGER or mild laughter to EXTREME MANIC LAUGHER because everything is animated so much and so needlessly that it meshes together
      Even good expression humor needs moments of calmness for the funny face to hit. Before, the occasional funny face was comedic because it was sudden and sparse, fit the emotion or thing a character was currently feeling or doing and was used to exemplify it to another level
      And now a lot of the time the faces don't express anything at all, they dont display the characters feeling or tone, they're just faces to take up screentime, they're the equivilant of a joke told again and again and again, funny because it's sudden and random but loses the appeal when it'd constant

      If someone showed me these animations alone, as part of a test of some kind, I'd say they're damn impressive, it's clear theyre difficult to do and require a lot of work and talnet, but within the cartoon there's just no point in their existence, and ironically it makes most viewers appreciate them less because they're happening constantly and in your face

      Especially when the animation is a crutch to otherwise lacking comedy or writing, it's not comparable to a slapstick cartoon in my opinion, like people often say, because there's no good use of timing or breaks, things just go crazy to go crazy

      • 4 weeks ago

        I think these expressions don't work because they're trying to disguise the humor of writer-driven episodes. I'm pretty sure this approach works better on Patrick Show, since that's an artist-driven show.

        • 4 weeks ago

          Maybe you're right, I haven't watched the Patrick show, is it more oriented towards that sort of comedy? Because Spongebob certainly isn't, it's always been a very down to earth show with a simple charming mix of cartoony humor and verbal gags

          • 4 weeks ago

            >is it more oriented towards that sort of comedy?
            Very much so, to the point where its upside-down world is the whole point. It's supposed to be the antithesis to Nu-SpongeBob, that way artists still have freedom to do whatever.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >It's supposed to be the antithesis to Nu-SpongeBob, that way artists still have freedom to do whatever.
              its such a shame people who wanna create something fundamentally different like this arent more encouraged to make a more cartoon, instead of just forcing their vastly opposing style into an old show and keeping it alive for no reason
              i mean, it's not spongebob anymore, why even maintain the presence that it is? let the old die gracefully and do new things!

              i guess brand recognition is all soulless execs care about, what a shame
              its why for every original idea we have a dozen or so remakes, reboots and rehashes of the same shit over n over again

              • 4 weeks ago

                If it's "brand recognition" they want, there's no reason history can't rewrite itself.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >there's no reason history can't rewrite itself.
                youre right
                you didn't have to put it so depressingly

              • 4 weeks ago

                I've got depression myself, so it happens :p

              • 4 weeks ago

                It mean it makes sense. Every homosexual these days is completely afraid to fail on their own so can't fail if I have a gold floor of a support. Spongebob has been around since the late 90's and is still here so of course these pussies are gonna milk every single aspect the original just glossed over because it didn't matter.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I've got so many ideas that failing on my own is no big deal. If a kind of show I wanna pitch doesn't work, then I'd have to accept that.

              • 4 weeks ago

                The artists who work on nu-spongebob are just glad they found a job that isn't going away anytime soon, legacy of the SquarePants be damned. If one of them gained a conscience and quit, someone else would take their place. They're all to blame.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >The artists who work on nu-spongebob are just glad they found a job
                Frick, I'd work on the Sponge too. Nu-R&S is soulless garbage in comparison.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I'd work on any cartoon where people would actually want to see my boards for once. No one gives a shit about bland storyboards for Baby Shark.

              • 4 weeks ago

                I think they're cute, tbh. Industry anons are awesome!

              • 4 weeks ago

                >storyboards for Baby Shark.
                NIGHTMARE PHRASE
                DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO DOO

              • 4 weeks ago

                >that artstyle
                kek, it really is the stock style for when a piece of media gets pulled out the ass with no thought or love put into it, like the fricking shitty premade seasoning mix of visual styles

      • 4 weeks ago

        >pic rel
        ok but thats obviously from a newgrounds fan animation or something

        • 4 weeks ago

          Newgroundsers work on the show now, so kinda?

        • 4 weeks ago

          >He doesn't know
          Lol no it's not, it's from a recent episode of the show

          • 4 weeks ago

            that's just a rat fink parody

        • 4 weeks ago

          They are trying to fish for the next big meme face and it's not working. Pretty embarrassing tbh

      • 4 weeks ago

        It reminds me of that era of Loony Tunes, where they focused much more on smaller, more subtle micro movements to communicate jokes. That line of thinking for animation is completely ignored entirely by modern spongebob. Nothing is subtle, nothing is small, even when it would be funnier if it was expressed that way. Every joke, every movement has to be as bouncy and exaggerated. There's clear technical skill being expressed and it's a shame because it's not nearly as funny as the early seasons. I dunno, I know it's a kids show but it didn't used to feel like it nearly as much.

        • 4 weeks ago

          That's because Spongebob was never a "kids show", it was a family show for all ages, like Tom n Gary or something
          Now it's more akin to a kid's show

          The concept of target audiences is lost on modern media and so is identity, eventhing needs to be samey slop for the lowst common denominator audience and the only two groups are "children. all of them. every single one without accounting for age, gender, personality, culture or interests" and "adults. specifically ones who smoke weed every day"

        • 4 weeks ago

          Ren & Stimpy was a spiritual successor, and I'd consider it to be a lost art when you compare it to cartoons coming out in the current decade.

        • 4 weeks ago

          this is gonna anger e-kiddies but i dont care: kids brains are fried now, constant screens and overstimulation from a young age made them mentally incapable of appreciating or understanding something subtle, they cannot watch, comprehend or even stand something if it doesnt move at the speeds of a coked up fly with ADHD

          • 4 weeks ago

            I was fortunate enough to grow up on Ren & Stimpy, and all I cared about was how fluid Carbunkle's animation was compared to every other cartoon.

            • 4 weeks ago

              >grow up on Ren & Stimpy
              lol R&S was one of those shows that felt like it was made for adults first n foremost but ended up on the childrens channel somehow, maybe it just couldnt make it to adult TV or maybe the network believes "well durr there's no swearing so dis be for kids"
              felt the same about rocko's

              its weird how we had this era in the mid to early 2000s where it really felt like cartoonists who understood kids were finally making stuff they love again, before that all went to shit
              seems like "tries to pass as childrens cartoons but is actually for adults" stuff also used to feature things like violence and crass humor, whereas now its mainly relationship drama and whining about exes and your self esteem
              i guess thats because the creators used to be crude social outcast men whereas now theyre social butterfly bully women

              • 4 weeks ago

                Too bad all the Boomers/Gen Xers made Zoomers edgy, so it's inevitable that cartoons will get their edge back.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >made Zoomers edgy
                lol lmao

                gen-Z aren't edgy in the slightest they're only "acceptable-edgy" insofar as society approves of

              • 4 weeks ago

                Then what does that make Millennials? I know they were some of the earliest Cinemaphileners/Newgroundsers, but I also know a lot of them tend to write R&M-tier stuff.

              • 4 weeks ago

                have you ever viewed the world outisde of concepts of group identity and memespeak?
                no singular group that makes up the entire current generation can ever be edgy and rebellious because most people are by definition normal and thus conformative, but if you wanna talk generations, i'd argue gen X and older millenials made some of the edgiest media i know of
                but i dont think its a generational thing, i think its an era thing, they were around when rebellion was, of course not truly incentivised, but at least not so heavily punished, and creativity was on the rise

                kids now are simply living in the world where theyre not inspired to create

              • 4 weeks ago

                >have you ever viewed the world outisde of concepts of group identity and memespeak?
                Nope, because I barely go out and talk to people. It's especially hard when you live in a rural area, but I hope that'll change once I live in a city.

              • 4 weeks ago

                oh good lord buddy

              • 4 weeks ago

                No worries, I'm still young. I may be in a tight scrape now, but I'll eventually be better off soon.

              • 4 weeks ago

                anon, everyone falls for the "im gonna move to da big city and magically make connections!" thing
                if you couldn't do it in the countryside, it won't happen, don't do that to yourself unless you already have an established career plan or some kinda concrete course of action that neccesiates you being in the city

              • 4 weeks ago

                Sooooooorta. I've met Edward Kay, who's based (heh) in Toronto.

              • 4 weeks ago

                thats the extent of your plan?

              • 4 weeks ago

                That's only part of it, since I hope to show him some ideas of my own for cartoons. If he's on board, then it seems I'm set.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Post some of your work lol

              • 4 weeks ago

                These are some doodles I've made while using Procreate. I'm still struggling with bodies, but I think I'm getting the hang of cartooning so far.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Practice real anatomy and fundamentals before simplifying. Learn character design, archetypes, facial expressions, body language, fashion, proportion, storytelling. Make a portfolio that is market viable and solves the problem of a company

              • 4 weeks ago

                Anon you sound incredibly dumb

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nah, just Naive. (And a bit young.)
                >t. early 20s

              • 4 weeks ago

                >kids now are simply living in the world where theyre not inspired to create
                All art has been reframed as "content"
                All beauty is presented as something that can and should be mass produced and marketed, defined by clean sterility and emptyness
                All effort or skill is shunned, portrayed as evil and unfair to those who cannot or refuse to hone theirs
                And all their natural desire to create is beaten out of them, if not through the aforementioned threat of failure, then through fear that what they make will be disagreeable or problematic
                Is it any wonder they can't make, only consume? It's not their fault they're like this, but it sure as hell is their responsibility to break out of it

  3. 4 weeks ago
    • 4 weeks ago

      season 12 has sovl

      • 4 weeks ago


  4. 4 weeks ago

    kinda unrelated but I felt the same with MLAATR's backgrounds, I think the art from the show is still the best part of it. art deco is a blessing

    • 4 weeks ago

      The same people who did background art on MLAATR also did work on Mission Hill. (You can especially tell whenever palettes on characters change.)

    • 4 weeks ago

      this elegant futuristic look is beautiful

      i just adore when a show knows exactly what visual motifs and aesthetics its built on and utilizes it
      im so bored of cartoons that have no aesthetic or theme, stuff is just kinda there

      • 4 weeks ago

        Flapjack was great at that

        • 4 weeks ago

          Carbunkle animated the christmas special, if I'm not mistaken.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Yeah, I don't know why modern backgrounds feel a bit lacking when compared to even shows from the mid-2000's. It can't be the switch to digital tools because Invader ZIM was done 100% in Photoshop and they're spectacular.

        I look at stuff like Owl House or Amphibia and I SEE they want to a style for it... They are technically proficient. If an art student drew them, I would give them good marks. But then they'll use basic one or two-point perspective, use one of the default brushes to ink it, drench the whole thing in ugly gradients with black tints, and have really lame composition to boot. TOH is dreadful with using the line tool and often mirroring backgrounds by copying and pasting them to make it symmetrical.

        Dana says Hieronymus Bosch was one of her inspirations for TOH, and yet, the backgrounds look like they COULD belong to Amphibia who has an entirely different set of inspirations. It's like they have the technical skill to do a background that works for a production, but lack the talent to actually make it good.

        • 4 weeks ago

          A common problem with artists who want to get into cartoon work is that they believe the only skill needed is to draw good.
          A show's visual style involves EVERYTHING, things the average viewer doesn't even know they see, but subconsciously feels, and it's a hard thing to learn. This is only an issue because, as been said before, artists now don't really look to the knowladge of their elders, and the industry straight up discourages older industry masters from teaching the new blood. This isn't just me theorizing, either, this has been said by many people within the industry, new and old, that even giving advice or criticism from the perspective of someone older and more successful is seen as bullying, everything is taken in a negative tone, nobody wants to hear it and even if they do they'll never get it because there's this sickly 'wholesome' air that's being fostered and it's downright destructive to young artists' skills and improvement.

          To everyone ITT: Learn from your elders, don't copy them, don't idolize them, but learn from them. Great things are built on the shoulders of giants.

          • 4 weeks ago

            >learn from them
            I've been trying to learn from Bakshi and Crumb, which means I'm on the right track.

            • 4 weeks ago

              good taste anon

              • 4 weeks ago

                Aw, thanks! I know my cartoon history 😉

            • 4 weeks ago

              speaking of Bakshi I love the backgrounds in his movies, especially Ian Miller's work in Wizards

          • 4 weeks ago

            >pic rel

          • 4 weeks ago

            Everything you said is true. In college, there was 1 REALLY GOOD professor who was known to give criticism. And it gave me a lot of imposter syndrome during my first month in a class with her. But then I realized that she was the only teacher that wanted to see real improvement, instead of just letting students continue to make the same mistakes.
            A lot of older artists aren't gonna speak their mind, and younger artists need to understand that criticism isn't gonna kill you. It's more like pruning a plant, it'll grow better with it than without it.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Most people agree that the art was by FAR the best part of MLAATR, as badly as I want to frick Jenny she really wasn't that great of a character.

      • 4 weeks ago

        Vexus easily mogs Jenny, especially when it comes to her body.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Why is the pic so sexual?
      That is a vegana
      and a penis

      • 4 weeks ago

        gee i wonder why a show with themes of teenage life and puberty would have subtle sexual imagery and symbolism
        its almost as if shows are about things on a level more deep than just written plot

  5. 4 weeks ago

    I'm very interested in the art of animation backgrounds but they're very hard to find

    • 4 weeks ago

      Look into the names of background artists who worked on your favorite cartoons. Chances are, they have blogs posted somewhere.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >mfw I want to see the backgrounds of old cartoons like Tom and Jerry when they had to be more inventive with faking camera moves with changing perspectives to make up for lack of animation tech
        >mfw all the background artists are dead

        • 4 weeks ago

          >mfw all the background artists are dead
          Luckily they inspired countless people who would go on to make hella influential cartoons. Bob Clampett, for instance, inspired John K. (He even gave John K his blessing to create The New Adventures of Beany and Cecil.)

          • 4 weeks ago

            I'm thinking of animation directors in general btw, but I think you get my point.

          • 4 weeks ago

            the industry just doesn't push newcomers to learn from the old anymore, and for the old to teach the new, quite like it used to

            • 4 weeks ago

              Huh, I've always been under the impression that it was the case. I've grown up on some of the very last cartoons to have soul, so it's entirely possible to go back to the 90s/00s in terms of creativity.

  6. 4 weeks ago

    you guys wanna see a downgrade in background art? look at arthur in fact of course

    • 4 weeks ago
      • 4 weeks ago

        The show became soulless as time went on.

    • 4 weeks ago

      >giant UN flag hanging off the wall
      Kek, getting them started early eh?

  7. 4 weeks ago

    SU may have been absolute visual ass, but there were some very talented people working on it that just couldn't save the show no matter how hard they'd try
    Most of the backgrounds were made by Rebecca's brother, Steven Sugar, and it's downright beautiful and has a clear visual theme that's nicer and more coherent and visually appealing than the rest of the show, making the characters stand out like a sore thumb in them

    • 4 weeks ago

      Blame the outsourced animation more than anything else, since you can tell a LOT of corners were cut on that front.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >Blame the outsourced animation
        lol imagine being a storyboard run cartoon, most of the people working for you only have one job, and they can't even finish it
        that whole crew was so lazy they make actual passionate artists look bad, they singlehandedly fit the sterotype of the sensitive and entitled cartoonist who doodles one picture and goes "MAAAAN THIS IS SOO HAAAAWD I DESERVE MOAR MONIEZ"

        • 4 weeks ago

          Lame, they should try working at a Canuck studio and see if they could survive more than a day. Unlike a burger studio, they do animation in-house as well.

        • 4 weeks ago

          What's a storyboard run cartoon?

          • 4 weeks ago

            a show that doesn't have a script and is written inline with the visuals via storyboard
            amazing practice, ideal for an episodic comedic show! not so great for a show with an overarching plot that tries to be all deep n soup-or-cereal all the time like SU

            • 4 weeks ago

              Wait WHAT? You're telling me Steven Universe doesn't have a FRICKING SCRIPT?

              • 4 weeks ago

                You didn't know? The whole thing's production was a mess! Most of the confused writing was a result of "writers" passive agressively pulling the story in whatever direction they wanted and ol Rebecca failing to wrangle em

                These are some doodles I've made while using Procreate. I'm still struggling with bodies, but I think I'm getting the hang of cartooning so far.

                Kek ok brother, this confirms you're taking the piss
                Could've kept the joke going longer and fooled more people if it weren't for this

              • 4 weeks ago

                >Could've kept the joke going longer and fooled more people if it weren't for this
                What? It's no joke, I'm dead set on being a cartoonist.

              • 4 weeks ago

                Dammit, are you doing the "funnee board weirdo that draws bad and thinks he's gonna get into the industry" skit? We already have like 3-4 of those on this board, find another gimmick

              • 4 weeks ago

                I take it you want "polished" work? Frick, then I'm going to have to share some old shit.

          • 4 weeks ago

            Anything by Genndy

            • 4 weeks ago

              Genndy is a great artist and I love his work! Especially the character art, but while we're on the topic of backgrounds, the one's in his shows are perfect- beautiful, stylistically consistent and thematically fitting. Just amazing. I wanna frick the elf.

              • 4 weeks ago

                one thing i like cartoons doing is setting the environment apart from the characters, like how he does here with the colors, it mostly being one tone and quite dim and less saturated

                it's something you gonna know how to do well, do it wrong and it makes it feel like a greenscreen or a stage instead

              • 4 weeks ago

                I've been trying to do the opposite, but only because I suck at drawing backgrounds.

              • 4 weeks ago

                >I've been trying to do the opposite
                what do you mean? blend the characters into the background?

              • 4 weeks ago

                Nah, I meant to make my backgrounds completely abstract so my characters stick out more. I'm not exactly good at "realism."

              • 4 weeks ago

                I hope those 2 will be feature in season 2

    • 4 weeks ago

      >have some of the most pretty and impressive looking backgrounds in modern animation
      >stick pic rel into them

      • 4 weeks ago

        I completely forgot about the mess that was this shows' visuals

        I don't care what justification they wanna give for this, it just plain looks bad
        We fricking have eyes

    • 4 weeks ago

      that show felt like a fricking school project, lol, a buncha catty fricks arguing with one another till the end while a couple of people behind the scenes do all the work and get none of the credit

      • 4 weeks ago

        >a buncha catty fricks arguing with one another till the end while a couple of people behind the scenes do all the work and get none of the credit
        Believe it or not, kid, but that's how the vast majority of human civilization works

        • 4 weeks ago


  8. 4 weeks ago

    Jay Bondy and crew gave Invader Zim such an incredible depth and theme that even the Florpus pales in comparison. You can find more on his portfolio website.

    • 4 weeks ago

      That attention to detail is enough to make me cum.

    • 4 weeks ago

      that show was always great with its visuals, the while world felt either alien (heh) or filthy and cold, with lots of angles making everything seem just a little fricky and the main characters to feel small

      florpus didnt understand this, they just threw a buncha purple together and called it a day
      thats not to say i didnt like the background visuals of that movie, alone they looked fine, but as its been said about many things many times itt- it didnt work within the context it was used in

      • 4 weeks ago

        The only returning talent were the voice actors and it shows. But it's like asking if Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts is worth it. Without it, there wouldn't be another entry in the franchise. With it, the visuals are just wrong.

    • 4 weeks ago

      Backseat Drivers has better action scenes for a comedy show than something like The Owl House or Amphibia's finale have despite them being adventure shows.

      I know the show cost an arm and a leg, but it's insane how even with outsourcing to Korea, we were still able to pump out these amazing sequences like it was effortless. Now we hire guest animators for select scenes and it still doesn't look good or feel tense.

      • 4 weeks ago

        >I know the show cost an arm and a leg
        to be fair some of that is because of some really unfortunate accidents and miscommunications that resulted in several occasions where CGI was unnecessarily used that resulted in the show going massively overbudget and was probably the biggest factor in the show getting canned

        • 4 weeks ago


          • 4 weeks ago

            nta but yeah remember 'room with a moose'?
            that bit with the nuts wasn't supposed to be CGI but someone thought it was and ordered it, kek idk how that happens
            tho tbf, it certainly lended itself to some comedic effect

            what i always loved about that show is how they used frickups for comedy
            like when there was a scene in one episode where the layering gets fricked up, and one guy accidentally gets put too high up in the shot, when he's actually supposed to be close to the camera and lower down- making him look like a giant- so they just said 'frick it, i guess there's just a giant in this scene for no reason' and added giant footsteps when he walks by

            i think a sign of a great artist is one who gets handed their lot of lemons and goes "alright, where do we go from here with this?" instead of saying NO or crying and throwing a fit that it's all ruined now

            • 4 weeks ago

              >i think a sign of a great artist is one who gets handed their lot of lemons and goes "alright, where do we go from here with this?" instead of saying NO or crying and throwing a fit that it's all ruined now
              Anyone has more instances of show creators being cheeky like this? I feel like it's a dying art, showrunners have it was too easy now that hey can practically do anything so they just moan until they get their way

    • 4 weeks ago

      I wonder if there some high res Invader Zim backgrounds kicking about somewhere?
      I expect the originals no longer exist unless Nick archives production assets from their shows.

  9. 4 weeks ago

    very soulful

  10. 4 weeks ago

    I feel like his house would smell like my grandparents house

  11. 4 weeks ago

    good thread

  12. 4 weeks ago

    When you really take the time to analyze SpongeBob's kitchen, you come to see how ingenious the set design philosophy is. The barrel cupboard? The surfboard table? The SAND BUCKET SINK?? I never noticed these as a kid

    • 4 weeks ago

      ikr, i love design like that
      is there a name for it? idk if 'cluttered' is the right word but it's so comfy and homely

      also nice cosplay

    • 4 weeks ago


      • 4 weeks ago

        What degree did Sheldon receive?

  13. 4 weeks ago

    >Thread about comfy cartoon backgrounds
    >Nobody mentions My Gym Partner's a Monkey

  14. 4 weeks ago

    I like Kaz Aizawa a lot


    Too bad his website is not available anymore but he worked in a lot of cartoons i grew up watching, he is now lead background design on Moon Girl series i believe

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