>i am forgotten

>i am forgotten
What happened? I thought this was going to be the next Gundam SEED? Why doesn't this have the same staying power then?

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  1. 9 months ago

    Well yeah you're anonymous posting anonymously how do you expect us to not forget you? moron.

    • 9 months ago

      We don’t need another namegay shitting this place up

  2. 9 months ago

    Because no one cared for it save the yuri.

  3. 9 months ago

    >people can't stop making threads about it every day all day since it started
    I know you're just a seething falseflagger but it really is hilarious how a gay couple can make a show live so rent free in morons' heads.

  4. 9 months ago

    G-Woke flopped badly.

  5. 9 months ago

    It's ironic that I like this yuri Gundam show because of the hetero pairings. And the Mech design is alright.

  6. 9 months ago

    >the next big Gundam SEED
    An irredeemable trainwreck that only shitposters prop up and pretend to like?

    When are we finally going to run the terminally autistic shitposters off of /m/?

    • 9 months ago

      Keep seething over SEED kiddo.
      It's still the best.

      • 9 months ago

        Projecting much?

      • 9 months ago

        Frick off Duel.

      • 9 months ago

        The best at starring a cuckold yes

  7. 9 months ago

    >Invites trannies
    >Story was bad
    >Only thing they care about is gay shipping

  8. 9 months ago

    it's much too bland to have left an impact like SEED

  9. 9 months ago

    >first season: haha the snowflake straighties are being offended by our wholesome gay show XDDD
    >second season: aiiiieeee where the frick is the yuri sex and kiss reeee

  10. 9 months ago

    finally finish it yesterday

    ending is so shit, it's unreal

    show as whole is mid

  11. 9 months ago

    Because it was designed to fail successfully.
    >Outright stated to be highly experimental.
    >Only given 25 or so episodes to work with.
    >Targets those who wouldn't normally ever watch a Gundam series just to get just a few new fans into the rest, and also make cash off the one-timers still.
    >Successful enough to make a few new Gundam fans, but too far out of Bandai's domain to warrant more.
    >Just having a few new fans is successful enough. They milked the casual crowd enough to not care that their statement offends the rest.

    Then because it's targeting those who wouldn't normally ever watch Gundam, it becomes a horrible gateway into Gundam specifically because the 2-3 main series Bandai wants fans for (UC, SEED, and sometimes 00) are not the type of series Witch is for. If anything, Bandai is probably just happy they made so much easy money off yurigays before telling them to frick off.

  12. 9 months ago

    All the yurigays are going to move over to the new Madoka movie.

    It was nice of Bandai to stupidly invest in this, thinking it would bring over new fans. When the obvious play was to go back to either 00 or SEED.

    • 9 months ago

      The way I see it, this was just a way to test the waters, find that while they made money, it's still too toxic to dive into, then go back to working on safer projects.

      They have the SEED movie on track, and supposedly 00 might be getting a sequel after so long too.

  13. 9 months ago

    Kyoukai Senki was more experimental than Gwitch and still delivered on being a mecha show for mecha fans. With Gwitch you could tell that they would rather be making anything other than a mecha show.

    • 9 months ago

      I must ask: if this was to be an experiment all along, why bother trying to make it look like there was more to be told with Ad Stella (everything about the Space Assembly League, countries in Earth made to fight each other by Benerit subsidiaries, and the idea of Asticassia) and not plan for it?

      As said with Kyoukai Senki, that one reminded viewers that it's a mecha show (despite recruting people who couldn't come up with a more creative way to justify Japan being invaded) whereas this anime avoided being one at times (focusing more on Suletta X Miorine at the expense of everything else). If this is going to happen again, then Bandai Namco Filmworks/Sunrise really have lost their way.

  14. 9 months ago

    It clearly has staying power in your head

  15. 9 months ago

    Is it just one person constantly making these threads?
    For being forgotten I do keep seeing threads about it.

    • 9 months ago

      It's the same moron (or group of morons) that spammed the show while it was airing, nowadays they look for any excuse to plaster this garbage on the catalog.

  16. 9 months ago

    Gwitch is a show of no "symbols" of it's own making and is merely a jigsaw of elements from other sources strung together with little care or unique spin of their own.
    If you fed UC, Utena and Shakespeare into an AI generator you would get Gwitch word for word. A contradiction really, supposedly made to reach new fans while being 75% traced storyboards from older shows

    • 9 months ago

      It was odd. I saw a clip of the Exia vs 0 Gundam a little while ago and it was weird because 0 Gundam was literally just RX and was doing a lot of homages with the way it fought but it didn't feel cheap because outside of that, Exia was also pulling its iconic pose and making its own last stand. G-Witch having nothing iconic for itself is really what brings it down the most. It's too bland and standard with no flare of its own. Even the permet light show is just bootleg unicorn.

      • 9 months ago

        Gwitch isn't like the good sort of homage like After War X or Gym's character in Turn A where the references actually have a purpose, it's closer to OO season 2's trashy beta references.
        Here's something to think about. Unicorn was actually better in this regard than Gwitch. When the Unicorn novel had Full frontal and Banagher fight with sticks and then had the two gundams perform a double shooting, the staff of the OVA decided not to animate it. But then Gwitch comes along and refences both of those at the same time, it did something too gaudy even for Unicorn

        • 9 months ago

          >the staff of the OVA decided not to animate it
          It's this guy's fault.
          You know, I would've given Marida a Neo Elmeth, rather than that mini-Quin Mantha.

  17. 9 months ago

    G-Witch had no staying power unlike Seed and 00 because it was a toothless boring AU with boring underwhelming characters and god-tier mech designs that were completely squandered in the lamest final battle in Gundam history where not a single person died aside from nameless redcoats.

    • 9 months ago

      >SEED managed to portray race wars better than Gwitch's attempt to portray schools or businesses

  18. 9 months ago

    still better than IBO.

    • 9 months ago

      Nah, IBO at least had a point it got across.

      • 9 months ago

        IBO was 50 episodes of shallow characters bromance bullshit and orga what do we do. only 13 year old boys that worship andrew tate like IBO.

        • 9 months ago

          Nah, IBO at least had a point it got across.

          IBO was all over the place message wise. S1 ending well was a mistake - if you’re trying to do a “escalating to get revenge is bad” like they did with Biscuit they should have had Ein actually kill people. Then have S2 follow right after - same general plot but no timeskip and pound the “bad stuff is happening to Tekkadan explicitly because they chose to lean in to opposing the Gjallarhorn system” button as hard as you can.

          • 9 months ago

            It really wasn’t. It had a clear message of not pushing farther than you could and doing what you can for others. Mika just wanted a place where he could chill and farm and most of Tekkadan wanted the same but Orga got too caught up in trying to impress Mika and after Biscuit died, effectively taking away the one thing that kept Orga in check, Orga went off the rails and everyone followed him because they trusted him. The time skip was absolutely necessary as a way to show that Tekkadan could have succeeded if they had made it clear that they enjoyed that life rather than falling for the King of Mars shit. It has a pretty clear through line of not asking for too much gut not letting yourself be trampled and not always blindly following your family, both blood related through Kudelia and found through Tekkadan.

            IBO was 50 episodes of shallow characters bromance bullshit and orga what do we do. only 13 year old boys that worship andrew tate like IBO.

            If you describe it like that, then G-witch is just IBO except for lesbians where Suletta just ponders what would miorine think and do.

            • 9 months ago

              NTA but my issue with IBO is that it was far too slowly paced. Way too much monologuing about people's feelings and very little actual plot progression. Season 1: they fight guys on Mars, then go to space and fight some bandits in an asteroid belt, then go to a space colony where a riot happens and escape, then have another fight as they enter earth's atmosphere, then a knight lady shows up in the snow and requests a duel at their train and then Mika murders one of her men before killing her, and then they have a fight at the city in Canada. Only like 6 things happened in an entire 25 episode long - 9 hour long - season. More happens in 12 episode long seasonal anime, and way more in 0079 or Zeta or ZZ or SEED ir Wing and so on. I can't think of any Gundam show more agonizingly slow than IBO.

              • 9 months ago

                You're in luck because G-Witch managed to surpass it. IBO was slow at time and it was also too quick in how it resolved some plots but that was partially the point. IBO was about child soldiers who wanted to eventually be in a SoL show rather than a war one. Those slow moments were necessary to show Tekkadan's aim as well as where they made their mistake that cost them. It's not some high media or anything and it fumbles its execution at times as well but part of S1 was that the boys were stalling because they werent sure of what to do afterwards but when Biscuit dies, they go full gas. If youre complaining about IBO being slow then I don't see how you sat through G-Witch where they drag out easily solved plots. One thing IBO did do right was moving on when necessary and not dragging things out too long. Atra and Kudelia's relationship with Mika could have been stretched to hell and back but by the end of the 1st season they'd already had most of that sorted out. I think it's just personal preference in a way. IBO spent the 1st season trying to set up a slower paced and more chill 2nd until things hit the fan but the intention was, for a time, that you're meant to see the calm, or at least relatively calm, life that was being aimed for by the boys. Those small insignificant moments were part of the point.

              • 9 months ago

                NTA but my issue with IBO is that it was far too slowly paced. Way too much monologuing about people's feelings and very little actual plot progression. Season 1: they fight guys on Mars, then go to space and fight some bandits in an asteroid belt, then go to a space colony where a riot happens and escape, then have another fight as they enter earth's atmosphere, then a knight lady shows up in the snow and requests a duel at their train and then Mika murders one of her men before killing her, and then they have a fight at the city in Canada. Only like 6 things happened in an entire 25 episode long - 9 hour long - season. More happens in 12 episode long seasonal anime, and way more in 0079 or Zeta or ZZ or SEED ir Wing and so on. I can't think of any Gundam show more agonizingly slow than IBO.

                What else were you morons expecting? The warning was right there when the staff was announced.

              • 9 months ago

                My understanding is that there were behind the scenes troubles with IBO's story. Mari Okada wanted one thing while the director wanted another.

            • 9 months ago

              agreed, but Gwitch was short which made it more tolerable. IBO is a chore to get through with a lame climax.

              • 9 months ago

                I think the opposite. IBO gave a lot more to work with because of how it was. There's a lot of time where you can just imagine Tekkadan chilling and living a normal life and you actually get to see a good bit of it on screen too. G-witch left me feeling empty.

  19. 9 months ago

    > forgotten
    > nearly every kit backordered

    pick one you homosexual

    • 9 months ago

      >nearly every kit backordered
      Why are you lying?

  20. 9 months ago

    Where was it mentioned that WfM was an experiment to draw in new teenage fans again?

  21. 9 months ago

    confusing it with AGE?

    • 9 months ago

      As good as the AGE kits are, this was utterly fricking insane. I have zero idea why they thought AGE would outsell SEED and 00

      • 9 months ago

        It's even weirder because this was not what the staff intended either.
        Staff always expected AGE to be more a spin off than anything. But Bandai got insane.

        And I say that as someone who likes AGE. But this was an impossible goal.

  22. 9 months ago

    Seed and Seed Destiny were attempts to retell the 0079 story for a new audience. It borrows a lot from it and it did a decent enough job to bring in a lot of new fans and even older fans back to gundam franchise. Gb***h is a troon wet dream with a garbage mc boring story and some ok mech designs.

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