>i am forgotten

>i am forgotten
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

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Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 10 months ago

    Lack of action, slow pacing, lame prologue, tried to take itself seriously,bad characters.

  2. 10 months ago

    Trying to appeal to people who never watched Gundam, even if they'll generate the big bucks.

  3. 10 months ago
    Weimar Japan

    rampant homosexuality

  4. 10 months ago

    >Whole anime is just Gundam in name only
    >Entire audience are yurigays who don't even give a shit about Gundam
    >Shipping out the ass
    >They only bought the MC's Gundam and nothing else
    >School setting
    >Writing is complete dogshit
    >Only 24 episodes
    >All the MS get destroyed at the end
    This show was apparently supposed to bring in youth for Gundam and all it did was hurt the brand.

    • 10 months ago

      >This show was apparently supposed to bring in youth for Gundam and all it did was hurt the brand.
      it's impressive how we haven't gotten anything good for 15 years and yet they still inisist on doing build fighters. What a cursed franchise.

      • 10 months ago

        I've never seen Gundam but I started to collect and build the models. Let's be honest, the shows are basically toy advertisements. They're Japanese Bionicles.

        • 10 months ago

          >He doesn't think Bionicle had a good story

        • 10 months ago

          So it's a good to watch toy commercial? Better than most live action or sitcoms?

        • 9 months ago

          Let's be honest, at least Bionicle knows how to sell you the toys AND tell a good story. This shit can't even do the latter.

      • 10 months ago

        More build fighters wouldn't have been an issue if they kept up the energy from the first one and maybe only did them every couple normal shows instead of belting them out one after another.

    • 10 months ago

      >Whole anime is just Gundam in name only
      Not trying to defend G-Witch but that's like all of the AUs and even the non-UC Tomino "Gundam" like Turn A and G-Reco

      • 10 months ago

        X is probably the closest to the UC series but it was still mediocre.

      • 10 months ago

        Not really. Gundam as a series, even at it worst, always felt like Gundam. The series is about people and the world that they live in. The main characters are your eyes to see one side of that and that hasn’t ever changed up until this point where with Suletta you don’t see a thing and with Miorine, it’s practically the same. There is no grander world that the characters are in, the scope is incredibly small. Something feeling like Gundam just means it spent time developing the setting and establishing that the world continues on with or without our protag and things will happen regardless of them. Still, they choose to do what they can to either improve the world or their own situations while fighting against others who in some cases are doing the same. G-Witch has the depth of a low budget romcom that can’t even afford to develop the school outside of the one really cool kids club you should love and the nerd club which is lame but is cool at heart. It lacks any of the depth, even if superficially at times, that most gundams have. They threw in flavor text like shit about the drone wars or trying to talk about conflict on earth but they never give you a clear scope or reason as to why those things have caused the world to become like it did. It’s just nonsensical in a way that’s impossible to relate to outside of the main casts’ one note traits.

    • 10 months ago

      >All the MS get destroyed at the end

      • 10 months ago

        Amuro sacrificed his Gundam to do the final attack on Char
        MCU-style "i don't feel so good, sir" meme

    • 10 months ago

      Young people hate robots, they just want to see CGDCT.

  5. 10 months ago

    We're still getting spammers. It aint forgotten yet. Also frick off

  6. 10 months ago

    Honestly I don't give a shit if the series is "Gundam in name only" (and this isn't actually particularly true of G-Witch;) all I really care about is if the writing's good. G-Witch's writing was not. It had good points, and a lot of stuff I liked, but they bit off way more than they could chew and either handwaved or rushed a bunch of plot points. It was still a fun watch, and it got a bunch of my friends interested in the rest of the franchise, so that's what's actually important to me.
    The Elans were the best characters.

    • 10 months ago

      Same. I enjoyed G-Witch, and still love it, despite knowing that it's dogshit. It was a fun and enjoyable ride. I got sucked in by the setting and it reawakened my interest in mecha. For me, however, it was Burion.

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty spot on, to me G-Witch had a lot of good concepts but failed to execute most of them. But at the end of the day it was fun to watch, which just left me with that bigger feeling of wishing it was done better.

  7. 10 months ago

    Alright I'll bite
    >Mary Sue protagonist
    >Annoying deuteragonist
    >No underlying themes
    >Asspulls (i.e. Calibarn's existence, SAL's laser, every Gundam dissolved into magic sparkles)
    >Otome pandering when we all knew it'd be yuri to the detriment of the characters involved (i.e. Guel, his crush was out of place after episode 15, especially episode 22)
    >Dropped plot points (El0n)
    >Forgettable side characters (Earth House)
    The robots were cool, especially the ones designed by Gyoubu.

    • 10 months ago

      pandering when we all knew it'd be yuri to the detriment of the characters involved (i.e. Guel, his crush was out of place after episode 15, especially episode 22)

      It takes a very good writer to actually have both yuri and otome well executed in one story. Okouchi the HACK is not one of them.

    • 9 months ago

      >Mary Sue
      They're called newtypes.

      • 9 months ago

        Most newtypes have miserable lives

  8. 10 months ago

    You didn't have the balls to do this.

    • 10 months ago

      Or this.

      • 10 months ago

        Much less this.

    • 10 months ago

      Or this.

      Much less this.

      If I were to meet Fukuda once in my life, I wouldn't ask him about the disaster that were SEED or Destiny. Rather, how was he able to get away with shit G-Witch wouldn't dare touch with a 70-foot pole.

    • 10 months ago

      Or this.

      Much less this.

      If I were to meet Fukuda once in my life, I wouldn't ask him about the disaster that were SEED or Destiny. Rather, how was he able to get away with shit G-Witch wouldn't dare touch with a 70-foot pole.

      Cross Ange was late night, specifically for "otaku". WfM aired on Sundays at 1700/5:00 PM, which is a time slot for children to watch.

      Remember, parents complained about the Kira x Flay sex scene in Mobile Suit Gundam SEED and how Mobile Suit Gundam: Iron-Blooded Orphans tackled children desensitized by violence.

      • 10 months ago

        There are toddler shows with a better story than gbitch.

    • 10 months ago

      >what went wrong?
      Poor writing and structure. Lots of wasted time when it only had 24 episodes. Also these.

      Or this.

      Much less this.

      If I were to meet Fukuda once in my life, I wouldn't ask him about the disaster that were SEED or Destiny. Rather, how was he able to get away with shit G-Witch wouldn't dare touch with a 70-foot pole.

      I'm not asking for full on lesbo frickfest but come on now even Kira got his dick wet

      • 10 months ago

        Even Setsuna got a kiss at least

  9. 10 months ago

    Its just dollar store IBO. It copies:
    >biologically connected to machine human soldier thing, where going to far harms the pilot, except instead of doing something thematic like slowly losing mobility (which they do end up using for Prospera herself in the final goddamn episode), people just straight up die.
    >dystopia corpo world with feudalistic stylizations like houses and stuff. Except IBO goes all the way with showing us exactly how the houses operate and how individuals within the system frick (literally and figuratively) the poor.
    >Advertises a story about a new planet (mercury) vs actually taking place on a new planet (mars) a significant portion of time.
    >Story focuses on children founding a company, except Tekkadan actively usurp their former leaders for mistreating them, while Earth house are just given all of their stuff when there's really no purpose in not having an adult run stuff.
    >Deuteragonist protags with an unhealthily codependent dynamic. Except that IBO actually takes that premise to its logical conclusion while WFM b***hes out and gives everyone a happy ending. Even the protags themselves are dollar store versions.
    >Lip service to why having children doing adult things is bad, whereas in IBO they actually get destroyed and see the consequences of their actions.
    >new focus in combat, whereas IBO was no beam spam, WFM is all beam spam... which isn't really a new concept the same way no beam spam was.
    >same thing with duels to go along with feudal dressing. In season 1, IBO has a few duels, but they all get subverted by Mika not being honorable, and aren't taken seriously. In WFM they are. This is probably the only remotely positive subversion of IBO.

    Actually, now that I think about it, that's probably how I'd describe WFM. Its feels like a subversion of IBO, rather than its own thing.

    • 10 months ago

      I liked how Mika ended up being crippled for real, unlike Suletta who started to magically recover during the timeskip (while Prospera ended up crippled for life because she's evil I guess?)

    • 10 months ago

      This post is making me want to go back and finish IBO, but I've been advised by multiple people against doing such a thing

      • 10 months ago

        I mean if you already finished garbage like wfm I don't see why you wouldn't be able to finish IBO.

      • 9 months ago

        dew it. Also watch Urdr hunt.

  10. 10 months ago

    Nothing, /m/ is the only place that hates it.

    • 10 months ago

      Yeah, cause everywhere else instabans any criticism because "muh lgbt"

    • 10 months ago

      I can use this exact line and switch the site in question to describe any controversial or popular thing. Especially for a series whose honeymoon phase hasnt ended yet.

  11. 10 months ago

    they fricked up season 2
    they should of completely fricked off with the guel episode and spent more time on their MC instead of just sidelining her for 4 whole fricking episodes

    • 10 months ago

      >muh episode 15
      Suletta was a terrible MC (and a mary sue at that) and one more episode wouldn't have solved that.

  12. 10 months ago

    I’ll bite
    >annoying spaghetti spilling protagonist who is a total brickwall for 90% of the run before they realise they’ve spent more time developing Guel and El5n than her so they hastily power through her arc
    >unlikable deuteragonist who is horrible to everyone, even her supposed partner
    >disastrous pacing. The show either spends too long on shit that doesn’t matter. S1 is agonisingly slow and S2 is too fast
    >plot threads introduced that end up going nowhere (what was going on with Notrette, everything about the Dawn of Fold), get resolved instantly (SAL are Ochs Earth supporters) or just get forgotten about completely (Peil’s human trafficking and experimentation, Eri being able to handle the Data Storm). Entire story themes are also walked back on (Adults shouldn’t take responsibility for their actions, Shaddiq can) or given a half assed conclusion (Transhumanist themes boil down to Eri getting jammed in a keychain which even the show can’t explain)
    >numerous asspulls that barely make any logical sense (Calibarn coming out of nowhere, SAL laser coming out of nowhere, Permet poisoning or whatever the frick it’s called, magical disintegration, back door code for QZ being hidden in a tomato Rouji randomly scans)
    >overstuffed background cast that barely get any development or are one dimensional stereotypes
    >character growth is about as subtle as a nuclear bomb (Suletta literally looks at the camera at one point and goes “I guess I have changed!”) while important world building stuff is barely/poorly explained (how Permet even works, what “war partioning” is)
    >big lack of mecha action, some suits appear for 30 seconds and are never seen again
    >ending is a chaotic mix of 0079, Seed, 00, AGE and F91 crammed into a blender where most of the villains get let off with a slap on the wrist and the heroes suffer absolutely no consequences
    >attracted a fanbase of genuine schizos who don’t care about the franchise and are only here to ship

    • 10 months ago

      Oh and also the romance at the core of the story is, at worst, poorly handled and actively abusive at worst. The two of them barely have any chemistry, interact a grand total of 3 times in S2 and Miorine spends more time shittalking Suletta, being incredibly overbearing or stabbing her in the back for her own good than showing actual appreciation for her

      • 10 months ago

        this is a genuinely autistic read of their character dynamic
        zoomers can't understand human behavior because of social media overexposure
        sadly, it's terminal

        • 10 months ago

          this is the type of reply tht would be expanded on more if it didn't sound like it was the first thing you came up with.

          • 10 months ago

            who do you think you are?
            i'm not obligated to hold your hand through a cartoon, buddy

            • 10 months ago

              and yet you feel obligated to over complicate a response without any proper rebuttal. what did the post have to do with being zoomer? how does social media exposure apply to this? Why would you say any of this and come to a board that repeatedly dunks on the show? I know you did this as a drive by post, but I'm bored

              • 10 months ago

                jeez man. sorry i hurt your feelings, ok?
                don't take nicaraguan mountaineering forums so seriously

              • 10 months ago

                >don't take nicaraguan mountaineering forums so seriously
                Not him, but go back.

      • 10 months ago

        I have a friend who watched G-Witch (and only that because she says that the older Gundam look like shit and refuses to watch them) and believes that the romance between Suletta and Miorine is genuine. Everytime I say something bad about Miorine she'll get trigger and start shouting about how homophobic my comments are. Also, she almost cried when Bandai confirmed that Suletta and Miorine aren't married, she wouldn't shut up about it.

      • 10 months ago

        It kinda sounds like one of those shitty romance manhwuas to be honest. Like...It is well show Miorine grew to care a lot for Suletta, and Suletta the same, despite how Miorine treats her during season 2, likely due to her own lack of emotional maturity and being isolated from others for so long. For the other hand, the way they handled their romance was lackluster...like, I'm not saying they don't have feelings for each other, is just that they don't talk about it at some point, or they keep seeing this thing of their marriage as just like a "pact" between each other, with almost no romance, kinda like a friendship?
        I kind of expected they would throw the marriage thing out of the window in the last bit, because it was the condition of marriage that imposed on Miorine by her father, to bond her by force to another person, regardless of what she wanted it or not.
        So, at the end of the day, I was expecting something of starting to date and romance each other, because they have the feelings there, is just that, with everything else that is happening, it feels like nor them nor the plot itself explored them too much.

        I have a friend who watched G-Witch (and only that because she says that the older Gundam look like shit and refuses to watch them) and believes that the romance between Suletta and Miorine is genuine. Everytime I say something bad about Miorine she'll get trigger and start shouting about how homophobic my comments are. Also, she almost cried when Bandai confirmed that Suletta and Miorine aren't married, she wouldn't shut up about it.

        Treat carefully with that friend. She is not mentally well.

  13. 10 months ago

    Anyone who said the show is totally original and said "you just hate it because it's not another UC rehash" can go eat shit
    The start:
    >Beat by beat Four Murasame rehash that's literally called Number 4 except genders are reversed i guess
    >Straight up copying the Rozen Zulu fight scene (of all the things to copy?)
    The end:
    >Doing a Char vs Amuro fencing reference and a last shooting reference simultaneously
    >A trunkated version of Unicorn's ending
    >Ripping off Zeta's biosensor ghosts

  14. 10 months ago

    Remember to report template threads for being low effort.

    • 10 months ago

      Announcing reports is against the rules

  15. 10 months ago

    >season 1 offended straight people
    >season 2 offended LGBT pedos/Reddit

  16. 10 months ago

    Shitposting aside, how bad was Miorine really to Suletta?

    • 10 months ago

      Pretty usual tsundere behaviour but she’s bad enough that anyone saying they had a perfect relationship is delusional. naturally that shit wouldn’t fly irl, the ‘email me three times a day and water my greenhouse’ stuff is some stalker level stuff

      • 10 months ago

        Wait why did she make Suletta do that?

        • 10 months ago

          Cause she’s a lazy b***h, no idea. The writers probably thought it sounded romantic when instead it just makes her look like a slave driver. Suppose you could argue that the greenhouse represents Miorine’s trust (considering she never lets anyone else inside of it) and allowing Suletta into it is meant to symbolise Mio accepting her into her life, but that just sounds moronic

      • 10 months ago

        Cause she’s a lazy b***h, no idea. The writers probably thought it sounded romantic when instead it just makes her look like a slave driver. Suppose you could argue that the greenhouse represents Miorine’s trust (considering she never lets anyone else inside of it) and allowing Suletta into it is meant to symbolise Mio accepting her into her life, but that just sounds moronic

        I'm glad I'm not autistic.

      • 10 months ago

        Wait why did she make Suletta do that?

        Suletta is denser than a sack of potatoes and also absurdly shy and insecure. Keep in mind right before Miorine said that she found Suletta sulking in a toilet, calling her mom and crying because she feels like a burden and not wanting to tell anyone or else she'll feel worse. She's the kind of person who could be dying of cancer and not tell anyone because she doesn't want to be a bother. Miorine telling her to email 3 times a day is telling her "don't worry about being a burden, please just talk to me, regardless of how insignificant it is, I want to hear it".
        The greenhouse is a separate thing that Suletta put a huge amount of investment into first because she thought it was a place precious to Miorine, and her having permission to water the tomatoes to Suletta implies Miorine trusts her with the well being of the momento of her dead Mom. She felt offended when she saw someone else watering them because she thought that meant Miorine didn't trust her with it.

        Was their romance great? No, but that was one of the better parts.

        • 10 months ago

          But that isn’t really a good thing because all Miorine is doing is using Suletta’s insecurities to gain her trust and loyalty. She’s not doing it for Suletta, she’s doing it for herself and so she has someone who won’t betray her and will keep the holder position until she can get rid of her.

          • 10 months ago

            >She’s not doing it for Suletta, she’s doing it for herself and so she has someone who won’t betray her and will keep the holder position until she can get rid of her
            If this happened at like episode 3 you'd have a point. At this point in the show we're well past that, they care for each other now.

            • 10 months ago

              It didn't show because again, most of what Miorine did was for herself. If Suletta was happy with it then that's a bonus but primarily it's for Miorine herself, not Suletta

              • 10 months ago

                Around the time Miorine formed gund-arm the dynamic started to pivot. If Miorine just cared about her own well-being she would have just left Suletta out to dry when the peil hags had her cornered and ran again during the vacuum of trying to find the new holder. Forming a company around forbidden technology that kills the user is by far more risky than just running away. And she had to kneel to her Dad to do it to boot.

              • 10 months ago

                She had to kneel to him once to get her own autonomy and even then, he supported her. Miorine does things that give her more freedom. Her tossing Suletta at that point doesn’t make sense because she need Aerial and Earth House. When she finally does toss Suletta, she has 0 use for her and starts doing things in a way that’s much easier and convenient to her instead of having to try and goad Suletta into following her and not her mom. The fact that Miorine holes up in her room and cries until Suletta comes in and makes her realize how bad doing that makes her look should tell you about her priorities and care for others. Over the course of the show she gains more charisma and has a better ability to use people ala Char but in the end, all of her actions serve to make things easier for herself and none of it comes from a place of doing something for anyone else.

              • 10 months ago

                >she need Aerial and Earth House
                She didn't, if she wanted to run to Earth that was the perfect time for her to run. She pulled Gund-arm to save Suletta, not for herself so she could use Suletta, but for Suletta as a person.
                S2 gets dicey because the quality of the show nosedives, but Miorine did what she thought was best for Suletta, which was to get her away from her batshit Mom, who for all Miorine knew was going to use her in some batshit vengeance fueled plan. She made mistakes but they were for Suletta's well-being. Suletta herself knows it's fricked up for her mom to have so much influence on her to the point where she'll admit that she'd kill people.
                It's after this where everything Miorine does crumbles because her peace talks got hijacked by Prospera lighting a powder keg, causing a massacre, and then Quit Zero launching, making her realize she enabled an unstoppable WMD. She made mistakes and got played, badly, but she didn't do it for her own sake, she did it because she saw no other way to help Suletta.

                You seem very dead set in this Miorine BAD mindset though and I don't think anything I can say, or anything that happened in the show could change your mind.

              • 10 months ago

                Because she was selfishly bad and her actions in the latter half of S2 make it clear she doesn’t care enough about other people to inconvenience herself. No amount of cute moments will make up for the fact that she doesn’t ever do things for others and only when it benefits her as well.

        • 10 months ago

          >Was their romance great? No, but that was one of the better parts.
          No it wasn't, I'm not sure if it's because Bandai was afraid to show yuri romance or just because Okouchi's poor track record with romance but their romance and friendship is never given depth and it's all very tell don't show anything.

          • 10 months ago

            Most of their romantic scenes are Suletta talking to an Earth house member or company heir and going "gee, did you know I really like ms. Miorine?" Or vice versa instead of actually, you know, directly interacting. They barely had 2 conversations with any form of emotional connection either

            • 10 months ago

              Exactly, show us some real romantic moments, you have a ball and they don't even get to dance.

          • 10 months ago

            so what, reddit's making shit up when they tell detractors to use their brain? I hate that fricking line so much.

            • 10 months ago

              People nowadays will believe something if you just say it. Because the show tells you Miorine and Suletta are in love, you’re meant to believe it. They have a few moments but most people need more than that to believe they’re in love in love like the show says they are.

      • 10 months ago

        I think it would have been cool for Suletta and Miorine, at the end, rather than see them married, to see them starting again with their relationship, after all the shit that happened between each other, given that the marriage thing was nothing but a way of forceful bonding imposed to Miorine by her father.

      • 10 months ago

        Mostly bad pacing. season 1 was way too slow and meandering meanwhile season 2 moves at breakneck speed. it seems like this could've been heavily due to corporate forcing rewrites of the script

        People overstate how bad it was and dont blame miorine's stupid decisions in the relationship on the fact she is emotionally immature and easily manipulated.

        • 10 months ago

          Her being easily manipulated is pretty moronic in an of itself since the way it happens is antithetical to her previous characterisation

        • 10 months ago

          >corporate forcing rewrites of the script
          This is western mecha-show levels of frickery. Even casual audiences are cinemea savy enough nowadays to know that doing that shit is a death-sentence. I don't think there is anything from anywhere at any time that survives long after corporate strolls in. TV, games, comics, etc. It's one thing to have too many chefs in the kitchen, but who the frick thinks it's a good idea to have a lawyer make the soup?

          • 10 months ago

            Considering whom they tapped to work on this Gundam show, caring why the show ended the way it did will just make you even more cynical about Gundam AUs.

            Best just hope we get more Ad Stella, not more WfM.

            • 10 months ago

              Ad stella's world doesn't seem to make much sense
              It's like they just wanted to tell a yuri story and improvised everything else

              • 10 months ago

                >Ad stella's world doesn't seem to make much sense
                Well that's new. I kept hearing that it had potential but it wasnt used to its fullest.

        • 10 months ago

          >it seems like this could've been heavily due to corporate forcing rewrites of the script
          Its not corporate's fault when you admit to doing it of your own volition on a whim.

    • 10 months ago

      Well there was that time Miorine tried getting her away from her mother by working with her mother and purposefully acting terrible to her after she rigged the duel but i guess it's fine since it was for her own good! (It didn't actually help her at all, kek)
      Seriously in the three episodes where Suletta has some kind of highschool angst breakdown and Miorine tries to help she only actually succeeds in one of them

  17. 10 months ago

    S2 dropped the ball really fricking hard, even on things that should have been layups. Like Shaddiq and Guel have a lot of mirrored symmetry, but during their fight they're basically screeching right past each other.
    It feels like corporate interference forcing rewrites with the amount of rushed or dropped plot points, but I can't imagine the suits at bandai thinking GWitch wouldn't sell. Not when the plamo was flying off the shelves as fast as they were, stores couldn't keep anything in stock beyond Shaddiq's suit because he's a cuck and nips hated him. S1 was really big in popularity so I don't know why they would interfere. Maybe the writer really is that shitty.

    • 10 months ago

      Didn’t Shaddiq hit number 10 in a recent popularity poll? He beat Miorine by like 12 spots it was pretty funny

      • 10 months ago

        The only G-Witch character lower than Miorine is Elan (no number specified)

    • 10 months ago

      It depends on the store. At some stores everything flew off the shelf. At others only Aerial kept sellling out, and sometimes Darillblade. But you are right about Michaelis being the least liked suit. Because it's lame and is barely an improvement over it's predecessors.

  18. 10 months ago

    it just wasn't very good, all told. fumbled S2 hard.

  19. 10 months ago

    Does Miorine even have any friends? I think we're supposed to believe she's close with the Earth House whos but she doesn't interact with them that much.

    • 10 months ago

      I guess, but technically Chuchu still doesn't trust her, and you can chalk up the rest to them being her employees

    • 10 months ago

      At the start of the show? no. At the end? I mean the show tries to tell you that Earth House like her even though she barely interacts with them and at times forces them to do work for her

    • 10 months ago

      Its interesting because episode 1 wants you to believe that Miorine is some captive princess, trying to escape. Then you realize that she basically has the run of the place, able to requestion her dads office, has elite business training, previous friendships if not romantic interests (shaddiq and book OC) and slowly you realize that the way she's portrayed in episode 1 makes absolutely no sense (as does the way that Guel is portrayed btw, he is noticeably more evil episode 1 than even 1 episode later). And you're left trying to figure out what this b***hes problem is that she has literally NO friends outside of her holder.

      • 10 months ago

        I do like that one scene where her dad wakes up from his month long coma and she immediately begins her KUSO OYAJI schtick and he juat looks at her like.
        >is this b***h serious? Can you be not be on for like five seconds or something?

      • 10 months ago

        I mean, she lives in her own world, so someone from Earth, which is someone who is genuinely captive by the capitalist forces of the Space Corporations, would say she is having it easy.

        It would have been really nice to see her realize of this and snap out of her exccesive pettyness

      • 10 months ago

        A gilded cage is still a cage.

        • 10 months ago

          Tell that to people with actual problems like the Elans, Norea, Sophie or Earth House's literal whos

        • 10 months ago

          But she clearly showed she could escape when she wanted. The entire Gund-Arm arc was about her adapting and grasping at freedom of her own volition and will.

          • 10 months ago

            >But she clearly showed she could escape when she wanted.
            And they also showed that Deiling would catch her every time she would try.

            • 10 months ago

              I'm talking about Gund-Arm specifically. Delling supports her when she does things all the way and not just halfway.

            • 10 months ago

              Wow, what a terrible father, not letting his teenage daughter run away from home.

              • 10 months ago

                But she stopped her from playing the piano so he's literally a nightmare

              • 10 months ago

                Its just hilarious to me looking at the end and realizing that the staff put no real thought into its concepts and plots beyond "it just is" and the fact that they go out of their way to respect the Holder stuff that was supposed to be terrible at the end exemplifies this.

              • 10 months ago

                We're lucky Suletta and Miorine didn't have Yuribabies otherwise they'd be school trophies too kek

              • 10 months ago

                Wasn't it said that the holder stuff was an excuse to have Miorine get involved with Suletta? They coudn't even be bothered to show their relationship evolve naturally

              • 10 months ago

                Basically they are so devoid of any actual chemistry that Okouchi needed to combine the contrivance of the Deuling game from Utena with the contrivance of Prospero's revenge plan from the Tempest in order to brute force these same-magnetic pole b***hes together

              • 10 months ago

                >Wasn't it said that the holder stuff was an excuse to have Miorine get involved with Suletta?

              • 10 months ago

                No it was just put there so Delling could keep Miorine safe while also keeping an eye on her. Prospera sent Suletta and Aerial to the school as part of her gigabrain keikaku because she knew Suletta would win so she could approach Delling and begin working with him on QZ (that happens off screen)

              • 9 months ago

                Honestly that was extremely moronic writing

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah if anything making her take piano lessons would be what an actual sheltered rich kid would experience, but they really needed to make Delling look evil in season 1 so no nuance allowed

            • 10 months ago

              No? She almost escaped in episode 1, she would have succeeded had not Suletta intervened.
              Also Earth is a huge shithole as episode 15 showed us so I don't see what's so wrong about not allowing her to go to Earth.

              • 10 months ago

                She wouldn't have because Deling set up a blockade to bring her back.

        • 10 months ago

          What part of her life makes it a cage though?

          • 10 months ago

            Deling being a controlling father/person and dictating large parts of her life leaving her little control to experience and discover her own identity and leaving her miserable.

            • 10 months ago

              Too bad the rest of the series beyond episode 1 shows the opposite.

        • 10 months ago

          A dog that doesn't appreciate a three-acre backyard complete with a dozen trees, a pond, dozens of birds to chase, and a golden food dish filled with wagyu beef ribs is one that deserves to get lost chasing car bumpers.

        • 10 months ago

          Tell that to people with actual problems like the Elans, Norea, Sophie or Earth House's literal whos

          A dog that doesn't appreciate a three-acre backyard complete with a dozen trees, a pond, dozens of birds to chase, and a golden food dish filled with wagyu beef ribs is one that deserves to get lost chasing car bumpers.

          You know, I've actually had some IRL experience with this. I was at a party and one of the girls there was a Kennedy. Not THOSE Kennedy's but apparently another Kennedy family that is a pseudo household name. Anyway, we got to talking and she started telling me about how "If she just settled down and found a husband, her grandpa would make sure she was set for life, but she doesn't want that, she wants to be her own lady, so she's going to college and that means she won't be getting any grandpa money". And she framed it as this huge noble sacrifice... Talking to a guy who felt very fortunate to have an internship which actually paid him. It was just galling to me.

          • 10 months ago

            It’s cognitive dissonance where you’re supposed to feel bad for her because she can’t do everything she wants while she still has more access and opportunities than you ever will. It’s incredibly vapid sand in Miorine’s case it’s particularly moronic because she’s not ever actually clear with Delling about what her problem is and what she even wants. You see cute girl, you’re immediately meant ti sympathize with her. Genuinely, if the prologue hadn’t shown Delling’s massacre, it would be hard to see him as anything other than. dad with a bratty daughter who didn’t realize how much he actually did to try and keep her safe. I can almost guarantee you that if Miorine told him about Guel mistreating her, he would have done something about it but the issue is Miorine fricking hates to talk to him and help him understand her. Which makes it actually insane how she treats Prospera. G-witch has an issue where women are super human angels who can never do anything wrong and can always be reasoned with but the men can’t ever be reasoned with and are all stupidand when they’re smart they’re usually big ole meanies trying to control the women. I honestly felt bad for Delling. Miorine doesn’t deserve to have a father as protective as him. If she wants to go and die on earth because she immediately gets recognized as a spacian then she should be allowed to.

            • 10 months ago

              The whole subplot Delling and Miorine got snubbed when the last meaningful interaction they had was her calling him a shitty dad (but lovingly!) While he was barely conscious. It was about the only thing Miorine had going for her besides being Sulettas wife and being the boss lady whose company is only afloat through economic plot armor. I'd dare say the Smirnov's pulled it off better

              • 10 months ago

                Andrei sucked but at the very least he realized his mistake after his frick up. Miorine is too busy giving fan service with Eri to have a meaningful conversation with her father.

        • 10 months ago

          I'm still curious about how it's a cage tbh. Delling clearly gives her the run of the place outside of "go to school plz". He's not particularly attentive but I honestly get the feeling that's what Miorine wants anyway. Guel claims episode 1 that as holder, he has the power to make Miorine move in with him, but we're never shown as such, or given any examples of similar actions being taken by other holders (if there were other holders). And if the holder really did have that much power over Miorine, why wouldnt her previous (or current) friends like Shaddiq just take over the position and sit on it to prevent those powers from being used, like Suletta eventually does?

          • 10 months ago

            It really show the problem with WtM is "Told, but not shown" and we as viewer has to filled the gap.

            • 10 months ago

              Or as the fans say, 'use your brain.'

              • 10 months ago

                More like headcanon/fanart/meme in these case.
                Honestly i wouldn't surprise is the deus ex tomato is because of fans like tomato meme.

  20. 10 months ago

    The first time Suletta opens her heart up to Miorine about wanting to open a school is followed up by Miorine immediately using that information to try and guilt trip her out of her bullying-induced panic attack (unsurprisingly that doesn't work)
    I don't really expect their married lives to be as sweet and peachy as the the ending implies but whatevs

  21. 10 months ago

    Here’s a better question: why didn’t Suletta just call off the engagement? If the holder system was as toxic as acid, then freeing her should’ve been a priority, right?

    • 10 months ago

      She even fought Guel in that stupid fencing duel for the holder again

    • 10 months ago

      Because the show supports the holder system. Theres never a moment where the show says the main leads love each other without it, and during the forced fe cing scene holder status is given back to Suletta as validation

    • 10 months ago

      Because Suletta is in love with an abuser so she needs to keep the leash.
      Imagine justifying a character doing shit like I'm hurting you because I love you type shit that would trigger any DV lawyer in 16 countries.

    • 10 months ago

      Because their relationship is so poorly handled that they had to fall back on the Holder System as a means of keeping them together. You know they could have actually made it so Suletta rejects the idea of duel with Guel because she realises that she loves Miorine by herself and not because of some weird system that dictates they be together but considering WFM’s primary audience is only here for the shipping, they desperately need validation and confirmation that they are in love and getting married so they shoehorned that dumb frick fencing scene in and had Suletta regain her crown as biggest muff muncher in space. That and they had to squeeze out another 0079 reference

      • 10 months ago

        *2 0079 references, simultaneously
        It's even more shameless than Unicorn (Novel)'s pipe duel

        • 10 months ago

          When the anime staff of Unicorn realizes something is too much and guts it, but the G-Witch staff does it anyways.

        • 10 months ago

          I feel that they added that scene just to force those two reference, it's filler otherwise. It did nothing for Guel's character or Suletta's, in fact it was a disservice to both imo.

          • 10 months ago

            Several purposes, all of them bad
            >Squeezing in some more 0079 refences
            >Also being a Utena reference
            >Making sure Suletta gets her holder status back for validation and so we can still market her in her holder uniform
            >Trying to give Suletta another "Win" right after she spent a few episodes out of the limelight doing very little
            It's a scene of nothing but pure pandering and the show would have been more poignant and less trashy without it

            • 10 months ago

              >original scene is a display of desperation, anger, and mania of two men lost in war even after their machines have been destroyed
              >this scene is repeated in CCA but as a gun and rocket fight with Char having lost himself again to his madness and lust for revenge
              >this scene is repeated again in Turn-A with Gym giving Loran a katana because of his obsession with revitalizing war and his lust for conflict even with the threat of world ending machines right next to them going wild
              >this scene is repeated again...by a show that wanted you to clap at the reference and give the girl the lesbian colors again

              • 10 months ago

                As much as I loathe Unicorn, at least that pipe scene in the books has purpose beyond LOOK LE REFERENCE

              • 10 months ago

                And the pipe scene was still too on the nose just like the double last shooting so they took it out. Now you can argue whether or not Neo-Zeong is even more egregious, but none of it plays out like Gundam versus Zeong so it still kind of works. Still bland though.

      • 10 months ago

        how would you have changed it?

        • 10 months ago

          Just have Guel jokingly mention a duel for Miorine and then Suletta gets deathly serious and explains that the system doesn’t matter anymore and that she wants to be with Miorine because she loves her, at which point Guel just chuckles and gives her the room number.

          • 10 months ago

            This would have been fine honestly
            I haven't seen a single person genuinely liking the fencing duel

            • 10 months ago

              I get the intent behind it, guel testing suletta's resolve, but why is suletta so good at fencing?

              • 10 months ago

                >why is suletta so good at fencing
                No idea, I don't think there are any fencing courses in Mercury, or maybe there's a fencing club in Asticassia or something. Or maybe Guel just sucks at fencing?

              • 10 months ago

                Why would the rich kid suck at a rich kid activity more than the country bumpkin? Aerial doesn’t even do up close fights as much either so you can’t say it’s because of that.

              • 10 months ago

                Didn’t Guel intentionally throw the duel though? Wasn’t that what they were implying?

              • 10 months ago

                That's how I understood it as well, but if he was testing Suletta's resolve the scene where he slaps himself doesn't make much sense.

              • 10 months ago

                >Didn’t Guel intentionally throw the duel though?
                No, he just wanted a fair fight.

              • 10 months ago

                It really shouldn’t have been a fair fight.

              • 10 months ago

                How is it just them, no mobile suits, no other people not a fair fight?

              • 10 months ago

                I didn’t say it wasn’t a fair fight, I said it shouldn’t have been and people saying Guel genuinely lost and didn’t throw are stupid because there shouldn’t be a world where Suletta somehow is a better fencer than the guy who most likely has more training in it than her. It was a dumb scene from start to finish and I remember watching it live and wondering why we once again had to watch Suletta beat Guel because she just can’t ever lose of her own merit. It would have been nice ti see Suletta lose and have to tell Guel that her feelings couldn’t be settled by just a mere duel and she had to see Miorine, regardless of the holder but that would mean Suletta admitting she’s weak in some way which the show doesn’t ever let happen outside of funny haha moments.

              • 10 months ago

                Guel's entire behavior in episode 22 didn't make much sense, the self-slap was stupid too. Felt like they were trying to wank Miorine in that scene.

              • 10 months ago

                That episode was just him being the butt of every joke to prop up Miorine and show how “stupid” anyone who didn’t believe in their love was. It was painfully obvious e stopped being a character the moment he was put next to Miorine which sucks because they could have played with the, butting heads a lot more but instead he’s just a doormat. I want to see him and Miorine fight it out in a discussion on what’s best otherwise it just feels like Miorine gets everything she wants with little to no fight and she gets no real feedback or anything from anyone. So much of the show is just wasted man.

              • 10 months ago

                Agreed, it's especially jarring because he was shown to be fully accepting of his rejection (and I don't think he expected his feelings to be returned) so that scene felt like a step backwards in his development. Guel and Miorine could have had a fun dynamic but he was a non-character every time he was near her (or even near Suletta)

              • 10 months ago

                Sounds like you just hate Suletta and can't accept she beat Guel fair and square.

              • 10 months ago

                I hate Suletta because she never earned anything without it feeling given to her thus it became incredibly hard to feel anything when she won. Like why are the two of them still at that stage where he’s just not good enough to beat her despite doing so much to improve himself.
                Up until that point the two of them had both grown but the results of everything and how they reacted felt the same and improper to show any actual growth from point A to point B. Suletta losing and being able to realize her worth is in more than just fighting for Miorine hands would have meant a lot more on top of being able to see Guel be humble in his winnings instead of constantly being a failure at everything.

              • 10 months ago

                So you are just salty Guel lost in a fair fight and don't like seeing him humble in losing.

              • 10 months ago

                Dunno, we had already seen him acting humble plenty of times by then. That scene felt pretty useless. It added nothing to Guel's or Suletta's characters. If you cut it nothing would change.

              • 10 months ago

                It's not Guel's side that frustrates me, Suletta's worth being tied to how good she is in combat sucks because it implies that if she had lost she wouldn't have bothered with Miorine at all. Guel losing isn't the problem, Suletta only being able to win in that situation takes away all the tension.

              • 10 months ago

                There was no tension for Suletta or Miorine throughout the series at all

              • 10 months ago

                >if she had lost she wouldn't have bothered with Miorine at all.
                You should look up more since a lot of things seem to fly over your head.

              • 10 months ago

                I think youre the one giving the show more credit than it deserves. When it comes to Miorine, outside of when she has the Holder, Suletta is entirely half assed and again, if they had shown that she would have went to Miorine regardless of winning it would have been different but they couldn't. She still puts more stock in the title than her actuap feelings. I wanted there to be more to chew on but the show is shallow in everything regarding Suletta and Miorine.

              • 10 months ago

                >the show
                >your head

              • 10 months ago

                Enlighten me then since you get it.

              • 10 months ago

                same. i wanna know what this pretentious ass is talking about.

              • 10 months ago

                Then what's the point of the fencing duel?

              • 10 months ago

                So Guel can have a fair fight against Suletta. Guel asked her for the duel for himself.

              • 10 months ago

                That's a new one. So far I've seen
                >Guel wanted to test Suletta's resolve
                >Guel wanted an excuse to give her back the holder title
                >Guel compiled with Suletta's wish to duel him again
                And now
                >Guel asked for the duel for himself because he wanted a fair fight
                This scene was so fricking stupid, nobody can agree what it was about. Sasuga Okouchi.

              • 10 months ago

                NTA but her beating Guel in a fencing duel was absurd considering she was established time and time again as a country bumpkin who had minimal human contact until she came to Asticassia. She shouldn't know fencing. Aerial barely uses its beam saber too.

              • 10 months ago

                >Aerial barely uses its beam saber
                Suletta used them a lot.

              • 10 months ago

                When? All I remember was her abusing the Gund bits. Even in her last proper fight (the last duel with Guel) she used that huge ass rifle instead.

              • 10 months ago

                She uses them in every fight she has.

            • 10 months ago

              I saw someone say once that the scene + the show falling back on the holder system was good because Miorine and Suletta both liked the system for what it had done for them (Suletta made a friend, Miorine found someone she can rely on) which might be the most insane take I’ve ever read anywhere

              • 10 months ago


        • 10 months ago

          Have her properly lost against Guel dueling MS duel would be the start.

  22. 10 months ago

    Bandai thought they could pander to yurishit subhumans in the most low effort attempt possible and most of us who actually cared about the franchise wouldn't bat an eye. I'm glad this shit has gotten such massive backlash enough for bandai to retcon the yuri ending since they know this installment will forever be a massive shit stain in the long running history of this franchise.

    • 10 months ago

      >massive shit stain in the long running history of this franchise
      They've survived the SEED, AGE, and IBO shit stains so far
      They'll be fine

      • 10 months ago

        >SEED Shitstain
        You're delusional to think that it is a failure. Just because you could regurgitate that it's a failure, it doesn't mean that it is.

        At least the original people who hated on SEED actually knew that the Japanese loved it. You guys are so out of touch, and are just echoing something that someone else said.

        • 10 months ago

          >At least the original people who hated on SEED actually knew that the Japanese loved it.
          I detest SEED with every fiber of my being, and I'm more than aware of its massive popularity and what it meant to Bandai/Sunrise.

      • 10 months ago

        That's so true.

  23. 10 months ago

    I swear everyone on this board has terminal autism and lacks understand of even the most basic social cues.

    • 10 months ago

      Care to explain why instead of drive by posting?

    • 10 months ago

      Suletta isn't even written to have regular
      social cues. Fricking Mika is more human that she is. The core of the story revolving around her is purposefully incredibly unsubtle and any subtlety a suletta defender suggests is usually the result of them reading too far into it

  24. 10 months ago

    The concept change to a school setting in the middle of production was a big red flag that this was going to be a trainwreck. You can see cuts of the original concept on the trailer that aren't on the actual show.

    • 10 months ago

      Such as?

      • 10 months ago

        Suletta being pursued by multiple Security force Dilanzas

      • 10 months ago
        • 10 months ago


          Another one

          I really want to know what could have been. Just based off of these, the fight choreography and set pieces were a lot more interesting. Not everything was completely washed out and bits didn’t seem like they made ip the majority of combat. The show needed more space battles that didn’t have a light show for a backdrop and in general, it needed Aerial doing more cool maneuvers with the tech it has. It was so underutilized

      • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Another one

    • 10 months ago

      A school setting can work, but G-Witch barely did anything with the school aspect. We saw one scene from one class, no instructors, what Permet is was told to us late in the series but used extensively beforehand, we never see any mechanics actively working on mobile suits or any production facilities for parts, there's no school events, exam seasons, or anything believable like that. It's not convincing as a SCHOOL.

      Asticassia was just a set piece for duels, which Suletta dominated in via bit beamspam and Unicorn NT-D suit shutdowns.

      • 10 months ago

        Honestly you'd lose nothing from the plot if Asticassia wasn't a school and was just a shared industrial centre instead. Gotta get that highschool appeal i guess

  25. 10 months ago

    Anyone else realise that Earth House would’ve lost if Rouji didn’t decide to randomly scan one of Miorine’s tomatoes and happen to find the back door code for Quiet Zero? If he didn’t do that one random thing then Prospera would’ve won.

    • 10 months ago

      A lot of the reason why Prospera lost was just a bunch of convenient happenings as opposed to any real concentrated effort to stop her. Things just happened to go well

    • 10 months ago

      Prospera's writing was kind of meh both ways. The things that foil her plans are kind of lame and her actual attempts at manipulation and deceit are pretty lame too. It's like she's just floating through the plot instead of actually having the 2 decade long master plan she's supposed to have

  26. 10 months ago

    Uh…everything? Like, it’s generally agreed that G-Witch is probably the worst Gundam of all time. Woke nonsense, no plot, boring men, and the main characters are women. Where’s the fighting and people being killed? It’s Gundam in name only and we don’t like it. We’re sticking with IBO. Sad to see that Bandai has turned woke.

    • 10 months ago

      While I sneer at WfM these days, I do think "Suletta having to act as the Holder while unaware of the world around her and what her mother Prospera is planning" is enough plot.

      What I sneer at with WfM is how Ad Stella was treated as a whole, which Bandai Namco/Sunrise just couldn't do because they think no one living in the 2020s below 30 would enjoy geopolitical squabbles and military details (they thought showing how powerful corporations are because 2020s audiences would connect better with that and even then, they rushed it), no matter if they tried.

    • 10 months ago

      >it’s generally agreed that G-Witch is probably the worst Gundam of all time

    • 10 months ago

      Mmm yes the show with pedophilia and male homosexualry

    • 10 months ago

      >generally agreed
      Maybe get off /m/ every once in a while.

      • 10 months ago

        Why would the opinion of people who don't like Gundam matter in deciding what Gundam is best or worst?

    • 10 months ago

      >We’re sticking with IBO
      Yeah, IBO had them get married.

      • 10 months ago

        i'm just glad Mika didn't die a virgin, bros. and his waifus delightfully scissor each other in his memory. absolutely based.

    • 10 months ago

      This is a false flag post
      t. Genuine Gwitch hater

    • 9 months ago

      G-Witch was bad but it wasn't IBO or Hathaway's Flash bad.

      • 9 months ago

        As yes, the knockoff copy is better than the original

        >Hathaway's flash < WFM
        HF did more world building in 5 minutes than WFM did its whole ass run time. You are a joke.

  27. 10 months ago

    It could have been great, and I mean in every way.
    They only had to go for more and make use of 48 episodes instead of 24.

  28. 10 months ago

    There I said it.

  29. 10 months ago

    I don't like it because it has women in it

    • 10 months ago


      No? She almost escaped in episode 1, she would have succeeded had not Suletta intervened.
      Also Earth is a huge shithole as episode 15 showed us so I don't see what's so wrong about not allowing her to go to Earth.

      To play devil's advocate they do say that the fat lady Feng was actually on Delling's pay roll.

      • 10 months ago

        Feng was a SAL glowie IIRC.

  30. 10 months ago

    Why do lesbians sexualize the main couple in this anime so much? The vile they spew makes me wonder why lesbians aren't cancelled instead of men. Its absolutely disgusting.

    • 10 months ago

      the word is "bile" you illiterate moron

  31. 10 months ago

    The whole "he took away my piano" line feels out of place. Like even if Delling forced her into being an isolated rich kid being taught how to play an instrument is pretty typical anyways. Feels like a cheap line to make Miorine's daddy issues seem more black and white than they would be revealed to be

    • 10 months ago

      I'm still curious about how it's a cage tbh. Delling clearly gives her the run of the place outside of "go to school plz". He's not particularly attentive but I honestly get the feeling that's what Miorine wants anyway. Guel claims episode 1 that as holder, he has the power to make Miorine move in with him, but we're never shown as such, or given any examples of similar actions being taken by other holders (if there were other holders). And if the holder really did have that much power over Miorine, why wouldnt her previous (or current) friends like Shaddiq just take over the position and sit on it to prevent those powers from being used, like Suletta eventually does?

      Do note everything about Miorine and Delling is meant for Japanese viewers, who know what it's like to put up with extremely overprotective and authoritarian parents and have to bear with it because Japan values fillial piety.

      • 10 months ago

        Why did Miorine want to go to earth again? Was it just to get away from Daddy or was there some significance for her? Place is a fricking dump

        She was raised in Earth and when her mother Nortrette died, Delling became even more controlling from putting an end to her piano lessons to putting her in Asticassia. Miorine wanting to escape to Earth is desperation to relive happier times (before Nortrette died).

  32. 10 months ago

    Why did Miorine want to go to earth again? Was it just to get away from Daddy or was there some significance for her? Place is a fricking dump

    • 10 months ago

      Soil I guess

  33. 10 months ago

    So when do you guys think the honeymoon phase will end, and newbies coming in will be posting their dissent onto sites like reddit?

    the more I look at this show, the more i realize that it was word of mouth and promotional pushing that did a lot of the legwork for the shows popularity. once it dies down...well... there will probably be some new yuri show. gonna feel bad for the people genuinely interested once they realize their community is a very flavor of the month type of thing.

    • 10 months ago

      The shipping and following controversy are the only sources of staying power the show has

      • 10 months ago

        What about the world? surely there's fanfic potential there surely.

    • 10 months ago

      It already took a pretty heavy hit in esteem with that wet fart of an ending and the interpretation stuff really did a number on it too and a lot of the more obsessive viewers left after that. I mean they were already going to leave anyway but that just made them run away quicker. I’m aware MAL is basically a toxic wastedump of garbage opinions but you’re more likely to find mixed/negative reviews for the show there than blind praise, especially for the second season. Even then I’ve seen plenty of posts from across the net of people not happy with how things turned out after liking the show during its run. It’s getting there, slowly but surely. The Gundam tag on Twitter has returned to normal and the official Info account’s replies have stopped being clogged up with Suletta spam (it’s still present but not nearly as bad as it used to be). I think the schizos are keeping in their own lane now and hopefully they’ll stay there and not shit the rest of the community up. I don’t know how it’s going down on Reddit and I refuse to find out

      • 10 months ago

        Any dedicated forums returning to normal? the most criticism i could find for the show was on mechatalk.

        • 10 months ago

          Only forum I check is Mechatalk so I couldn’t tell you, sorry

      • 10 months ago

        Reddit is the major holdout for a lot of left wingers; everywhere else (YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Vines, Instagram, Tiktok, etc) are either so flooded you can't get a consensus or is dominated by right wing opinions. That place isn't going to stop praising a woke series.

        Any dedicated forums returning to normal? the most criticism i could find for the show was on mechatalk.

        Most forums are dead or so under populated it's a wonder they haven't 404'd. Mecha Talk is the owner's echo chamber anyway, agree with him or get yelled at.

      • 10 months ago

        >posts from across the net of people not happy
        It's the minority.

  34. 10 months ago

    I've read a comment from somewhere saying there was a staff interview after the show was over revealing that big evil Bandai was forcing the team to constantly rewrite and remake episodes to oppress muh yuri and prop up and whitewash the Jeturk men instead, causing them to delay airing on several occasions fricking up their contracted TV schedule, kept Suletta out of the robot for several episodes straight and reduced the Pharact to a joke.
    Now this statement was quite emotionally charged and not exactly credible but it's giving me IBO vibes in how the people behind the scenes couldn't agree on what show to make. This was also evident on the HG Aerial having red eye stickers and blue beam effects. They've had this problem for two new AU's in a row if you don't count build stuff.

    • 10 months ago

      Considering Guel and the Jeturks got quite lot of illustrations in the unofficial staff book I don't think that's true, the staff loved him so I highly doubt he was imposed by any evil homophobic suits. If anything his character wasn't treated that Guel after his alliance with Miorine.

    • 10 months ago

      Sounds like actual cope for how dissatisfied this person was with the series

    • 10 months ago

      If anything it's the opposite to me, post episode 15 is where there some obvious rewriting.
      That Guel VS Suletta rematch reek of rewriting.

    • 10 months ago

      do you have a link to the actual staff interview? or even the comment?

      • 10 months ago

        the comment was from a random user venting under the information page of the HG Calibarn on a chinese gunpla fan site, claiming to have "insider information" so when I said it wasn't exactly credible, I meant it.

        • 10 months ago

          So literally nothing.

    • 10 months ago

      What were the bts IBO problems?

      • 10 months ago

        Writer and director were havimg a fight.
        Appearantly more tekkadan members would have died if it was on the director.
        Not sure what exactly his problem was.

      • 10 months ago

        The director and the writing team were constantly clashing with each other and trying to take the show in different directions and apparently they were just writing it on the fly. Characters that were meant to die were brought back and characters meant to live were killed off. Gaileo was brought back because Okada liked his VA’s performance (or had a crush on him if you want to believe that) which ended up affecting McGillis going forward and cumulated in the Muh Bael disaster. The script was going through constant rewrites and stuff that was teased at events (Orga piloting his own MS for example) ended up being cut. The finale is the biggest thing. Director Nagai based Tekkaden off the Shinsengumi and wanted them to have a similar downfall with all of them dying (even Kudelia). Mari Okada (and the rest of the team) didn’t want that and wanted the ending to be more hopefully. The final episode was rewritten something like 6 times before they were satisfied with it so they reached a weird compromise where most of Tekkaden die and they get utterly demolished by Gjallerhorn but then Rustal reforms the organisation anyway and does exactly what McGillis wanted in the first place, in the final 10 minutes of the show.

        • 10 months ago

          That's really interesting. I wonder what Julieta's original story would have looked like.

          • 10 months ago

            Julieta should really have died after ruining Shino's shot but inexplicably Mikazuki left her alive

          • 10 months ago

            What we got is Julietta original story.
            She basically Okada's self insert.

            • 10 months ago

              What makes you say that?

        • 10 months ago

          It's been stated by Nagai, Okada, and the producer that the main story was already written by Nagai before Okada even joined. If it wasn't Gaelio it was going to be someone else putting down McGillis like the rabid dog he was. Mikazuki's death and Tekkadan's downfall were also set in stone.

          That's really interesting. I wonder what Julieta's original story would have looked like.

          She and other mooks were always meant to "kill" Mikazuki. Her role is ultimately not that consequential.

    • 10 months ago

      I call bullshit considering the main rumors were that Kobayashi and Okouchi dumped the original war script entirely and changed it to a school and romance setting 3 to 4 months out from air date.
      Given how none of the preview animation ended up in the show as well as how much of the original run HG Aerial clashes with the show itself that's far more likely than big bad evil John Bandai stepping in to constantly oppress the staff.
      Plus if you go by comments made by Tomino and Fukuda, Bandai executives don't even pay attention to the shows. They only care about the gunpla selling.

      • 10 months ago

        >I call bullshit considering the main rumors were that Kobayashi and Okouchi dumped the original war script entirely and changed it to a school and romance setting 3 to 4 months out from air date.

        If true, those two should never have been approached to do a Gundam show.

      • 10 months ago

        You mean this? It does explain why the teaser trailer was so different from the main product

        • 10 months ago

          >throw out months of hard work and planning to make a high school romance
          >it ends up sucking ass
          Who would’ve thought?

          • 10 months ago

            >Try to have "high school romance" by rewriting the show to pander to the seasonal show audience
            >Achieve the feat of portraying neither "high school" or "romance" in the finished show
            Actually impressive

            • 10 months ago

              Asticassia was wasted potential. It was a neat concept but we barely see the cast doing...well school things.

              Came from Okouchi himself
              >inb4 Deacon

              >had a more brutal worldview
              Sad thing is that G-Witch's world is pretty brutal but the series barely focuses on it.

        • 10 months ago

          That's just one anon's wild speculation, not from any staff.

          • 10 months ago

            Came from Okouchi himself
            >inb4 Deacon

            • 10 months ago

              The fact that there was zero hesitation shows that no one working on Witch wanted to work on a Gundam series and why none of them should be allowed to ever work on one again.

            • 10 months ago

              The fact that there was zero hesitation shows that no one working on Witch wanted to work on a Gundam series and why none of them should be allowed to ever work on one again.

              And now I offer the only solution Ad Stella has of being a viable Gundam AU: never bring Kobayashi nor Okouchi in any future Ad Stella stories.

              • 10 months ago

                Ad Stella will never be viable. Not only that but the entire staff needs to be gutted since they all joined in on tossing out everything.
                Just cut it all off and making it a one pump chump. Build Fighters already covered school shows anyways and the school setting ran its course which is why ReRise suddenly went isekai to a world that was Gundam X meets Turn A with the animal people from Little Tail Bronx.

              • 10 months ago

                The world itself is too fricked to be viable. Things that should matter don’t and the things that do matter are also solved with a hand wave. The penultimate “villain” defeated by the heroes carefully planning out to do so, they got a rag tag group of teenagers to do work that adults should have been ready and capable of doing. Ad Stella as a whole fails at establishing it’s normal because it constantly goes back and forth on it. It’s normal for the kids to play adult and manage actual business at the school but those darned adults not helping them at all when the entire time the world has made it clear that the adults who care are either incompetent or abusive or their care isn’t wanted. The people feel less like people and more like caricatures, a world like that won’t ever be able to make itself a mainstay in gundam’s line.

              • 10 months ago

                honestly the duels are the most logical thing about it. feels like the type of thing a bunch of corrupt rich fricks would do with their endless supply mof money.

              • 10 months ago

                We don’t see enough of them and they’re barely a part of the school for as much as they try and convince us they are. If it was like the holder had to do weekly duels against challengers and such to maintain the position instead of it being a challenge by challenge basis it’d be a lot more fun and just in general, they should have featured the duels as a way for the engineering students to showcase their feats as well as hold small competitions about most efficient repairs etc. It’s just lacking as a technical school

              • 10 months ago

                >honestly the duels are the most logical thing about it.
                I don't know. IRL the military industrial complex hates getting their prototypes damaged(because that sets back the timeline for production and sales) or destroyed so I don't think they would like duels at all.

              • 10 months ago

                The duels aren't logical at all. Nothing about the system is logical.
                Why would they have kids doing beta testing for top of the line military hardware on top of doing product demonstration? Imagine if the US Army had fricking highschool AP ROTC programs doing next generation Abrams development and testing.
                Why wouldn't they just run computer simulations for the majority of their testing before even getting to the first physical prototypes?
                It's like someone on the staff looked at the simulated dogfights NATO countries run and went "lol duels" even though the majority of those simulated dogfights are structured for specific scenarios to test attack viability using active fighter pilots, not test pilots. And most of those simulations are considered a joke since they'll do things like not allow the F15, F22, and F35 to start at BVR engagement range, while also putting the Typhoon or Rafale or F16 at gun range chasing a 22.
                How the frick is Australia the only country that's actually tested what it's like for an F16, F18, or Typhoon to get hunted from beyond visual range?

              • 10 months ago

                The US Military has tested it somewhat too but it's all classified. It's also more fun to let Australia as means less money we have to spend.

              • 10 months ago

                I meant in the sense of why is Australia the only one that runs actual tests with the US while Europe just wants to say the Eurofighter is the best.
                Australia and Japan are the primary partners in the US hypersonic missile systems, next generation nuclear subs, and some fricking space program they still don't want to talk about.

              • 10 months ago

                Because Okouichi really wanted to animate his Utena fanfic where Akio gets even more humiliated, so the dueling game was directly stolen

              • 10 months ago

                Now that you mentioned it, it does kinda make sense. Everything about this show felt like a bad fanfic, and I write fanfics. Sure does explain most of the show’s problems, though.

              • 10 months ago

                If anything i'd say its AI generated, right down to the parts where it copies entire paragraphs from Zeta or Unicorn's story but with a few word substitutions

              • 10 months ago

                Unicorn was already a shameless rehash that was so bad about it that the director and script writer had to get rid of shit that was just too "I get that reference."
                We got the edited version, yet somehow G-Witch managed to be more obnoxious about it than the obnoxious rehash show.

              • 9 months ago

                I mean, you could have a traditional conflict in WfM. Something I noticed is that all of the things happening in this series was into the space around the Sol sector, I mean, not inside the Orion Belt. What if that's where SAL dominion is limited to? What if places outside of the Orion Belt have their own system of colonies and states? What if there is a civil war happening in these outside systems? And what if the SAL decided to favour one side by shipping them a Gundam design?
                Bingo, you got a new settling inside A.S. to expand on GUND-stuff, and else. It would be conflict in which the big companies are selling their weapons and supplies. The question would be then if this happens before or after WfM. I would prefer before, given the status quo of before WfM would make sense, with leaders of the Benerit group that care about profit, but you could be smart and find a reason why after WfM, Guel, Miorine, and secelia are supporting certain factions fighting, in these systems outside of the Orion Belt

              • 9 months ago

                For an Ad Stella sequel, go for the idea I've been pushing throughout WfM's run: a colonization fleet coming back to invade where they came from as revenge for no one answering their calls for help because of the Drone Wars and that they initially succeed because the rich Spacians who had no love for what Miorine did to Benerit Group happily help because they too want revenge.

              • 9 months ago

                No need for that anon, with having some ships coming back to check what the frick was going since the drone wars is enough. Hell, you could make these colonized fleets come from an already established system of colonies and outpost, with loyalties to the equivalent of the Earth Federation in A.S. I mean...I got this headcannon, theory, that before the SAL there was something of an Earth Federation institution, and that, as time passed, as earth became more shitty and polluded, and space colonies prospered, the balance of power started to slowly shift. With the Drone wars being the final hit on the nail of in the coffin. This Colonization fleet could NOT recognize the SAL as the succesor government of the E.F. rip-off of A.S.
                In fact, I think the colonization fleet outside of the Orion belt would not take kindly that the home of their ancestors, earth, has been mistreated like garbage, given that all, if not most, of the personnel, civillian and not, of the colonizing effort, are from earth.

              • 9 months ago

                No need. The setting is primed for a Earth-Space war already. Could frame it as spacians wanting to reconquer Earth because they see it as "theirs" to own and exploit. Would be relevant to current events.

              • 9 months ago

                For an Ad Stella sequel, go for the idea I've been pushing throughout WfM's run: a colonization fleet coming back to invade where they came from as revenge for no one answering their calls for help because of the Drone Wars and that they initially succeed because the rich Spacians who had no love for what Miorine did to Benerit Group happily help because they too want revenge.

                These are literally just new AU's entirely. Like, what you're doing to arrive at these is the same thing that they did with UC to arrive at Seed, or Wing, etc. There is no reason to keep the A.S. timeline for these ideas

                Like, are you trolling? I genuinely cannot tell.

              • 9 months ago

                Yeah, well, what can make this hypothetical sequel with a war different is that while it's two factions battling it out as you said is the typical Gundam war story, have it that this hypothetical sequel is more focused on combined arms tactics to necessitate that this story mostly involves stealing mobile suits. Since a Gundam will be needed, the protagonists, a resistance group, simply run into an old Ochs Earth facility that contained an unactivated Lfrith.

              • 9 months ago

                No need for that anon, with having some ships coming back to check what the frick was going since the drone wars is enough. Hell, you could make these colonized fleets come from an already established system of colonies and outpost, with loyalties to the equivalent of the Earth Federation in A.S. I mean...I got this headcannon, theory, that before the SAL there was something of an Earth Federation institution, and that, as time passed, as earth became more shitty and polluded, and space colonies prospered, the balance of power started to slowly shift. With the Drone wars being the final hit on the nail of in the coffin. This Colonization fleet could NOT recognize the SAL as the succesor government of the E.F. rip-off of A.S.
                In fact, I think the colonization fleet outside of the Orion belt would not take kindly that the home of their ancestors, earth, has been mistreated like garbage, given that all, if not most, of the personnel, civillian and not, of the colonizing effort, are from earth.

                >No need for that anon, with having some ships coming back to check what the frick was going since the drone wars is enough. Hell, you could make these colonized fleets come from an already established system of colonies and outpost, with loyalties to the equivalent of the Earth Federation in A.S.

                When I meant by "no one answering their calls for help because of the Drone Wars ", have it that they launched before the Drone Wars began and when did they did, their calls for help went unanswered.

              • 9 months ago

                No need. The setting is primed for a Earth-Space war already. Could frame it as spacians wanting to reconquer Earth because they see it as "theirs" to own and exploit. Would be relevant to current events.

                >Could frame it as spacians wanting to reconquer Earth because they see it as "theirs" to own and exploit. Would be relevant to current events.

                Exactly why I proposed the idea of this hypothetical sequel being another war story: with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, you can have the invaders be analogous to Russia whereas anyone willing to collaborate with them (rich Spacians who didn't like Miorine dissolving Benerit Group and those in the SAL who probably still feel upset about how the Quiet Zero Incident was resolved) can function as stand-ins for the "separatists" Russia propped in the Donbass in 2014.

              • 9 months ago

                I dont think they need to introduce an all new faction for that. SAL didn't like Benerit getting too big for its britches but that doesn't mean the space government wants earth to stand on its own either. They have a big military and super weapons and a bunch of racist citizens. Russia considers Ukraine to be one of its vassals. SAL considers Earth its its vassal. Pottery. It becomes a story about neo imperialism.

              • 9 months ago

                That's why I suggested half of the SAL: both still have no love for an Earth that can stand up for itself but there are two approaches: one wants to go back to the status quo even without Benerit (this half of the SAL will be the collaborators) while the other half only went with the distribution of Benerit assets to make sure there would be no more revolts from armed Earthian groups.

              • 9 months ago

                The only way an Ad Stella sequel could work is if they seriously rehaul the background lore, include none of the original characters, have a completely different art style and use different designers for characters/mechs/etc, change the timeline to a different one and just make a new AU altogether

                >The only way an Ad Stella sequel could work is if they seriously rehaul the background lore, include none of the original characters, have a completely different art style and use different designers for characters/mechs/etc

                We need some of the original characters because they weren't done justice back in WfM. They just have to be demoted to supporting roles like how Mobile Suit Z Gundam used some of the White Base veterans from the original Mobile Suit Gundam.

              • 9 months ago

                Now I know you're trolling me. You in no way answered why the frick they'd make a sequel/spinoff to A.S. when they could just make a new AU and do all of this.

              • 9 months ago

                I already gave my answer in


                >The only way an Ad Stella sequel could work is if they seriously rehaul the background lore, include none of the original characters, have a completely different art style and use different designers for characters/mechs/etc

                We need some of the original characters because they weren't done justice back in WfM. They just have to be demoted to supporting roles like how Mobile Suit Z Gundam used some of the White Base veterans from the original Mobile Suit Gundam.


              • 9 months ago

                well you didn't respond to me.

                >We need some of the original characters because they weren't done justice back in WfM
                this is the dumbest bs reasoning I've ever heard. You make a sequel because the original is good and you think more like it would also be good. Not because "This character has unresolved issues because the writing is trash".

              • 9 months ago

                But there’s a very jarring problem with that; It feels like it comes out of nowhere. A throwaway line about it would have been enough to get people intrigued or wanting for something like that but you never really see ruins, the one time you see them tap into Gund history, it’s never explored again, and just in general there aren’t many threads to pull on. What you’ve done just now is take a woven and finished scarf and cut as an established design so you could pull on threads that had no interest in being pulled on.

            • 10 months ago

              Hi Deacon!

          • 10 months ago

            Only about the episode being elements from the original version. The part about throwing out an entire war story after finishing writing episode 1 so they could instead do a school story, that was not speculation. It was known since season 1 from interviews or something. I remember the doomposters bringing it up multiple times then.

      • 10 months ago

        >the main rumors were that Kobayashi and Okouchi dumped the original war script entirely and changed it to a school and romance setting
        Its not a rumor, they admitted this themselves

  35. 10 months ago

    >Sold out the franchise for Yuri cred
    >Misleading prologue
    >Unlikable Characters
    >Gundam in name only
    >Not quite Space Thunder Kids bad, but pretty creatively bankrupt and infuriating
    The worst part is that the hack behind this show is gonna go after Mazinger next. Oh, yeah. 2024. Grendizer U. Written by Ichiro Okouchi. Take cover.

    • 10 months ago

      Okouchi is shit and anything half decent or at the very least interesting he works on is usually the result of the people working with him. Thankfully Grendizer U has the almighty Fukuda-sama there to carry him.

  36. 10 months ago

    The difference in the vibe between this and the initial promo makes me lose all hope

  37. 10 months ago

    Why does miorine look like she hasn't seen sunlight ever?

  38. 10 months ago

    Too gay for me

  39. 10 months ago

    Bad pacing, rushed ending, way too many loose plot threads

  40. 10 months ago

    So if the show was presumably rewritten, which parts of it do you think were done so?

    • 10 months ago

      Eh, they only wrote the first episode. I bet they started from scratch after that.

  41. 10 months ago

    You are delusional if you think it won't be a trainwreck anyway. WfM isn't bad because of the school setting, it's bad because okouchi is a terrible writer and this is the director's first job.

  42. 10 months ago

    Secelia isn't real and she isn't me blowing right now.

  43. 10 months ago

    Pretty much everything:

    -Uniforms the cast use look awful, probably some of the worst I've ever seen.
    -Romance in the show just sucked, no effort was made to make the relationship feel genuine. X, for example, does a lot to make the relationship between Tifa and Garrod work. Witch also had the leads spend most of the second half apart, making this all worse.
    -Most conflict is resolved in unsatisfying ways, made worse by many episodes ending on an interesting cliffhanger that is immidiately deflated the following episode.
    -Too many characters that are just there, doing nothing because they didn't know what to do with them. Several characters being stuck in limbo for several episodes did not help.
    -Many ms that don't get to do anything cool or interesting. Most only got a fight or two.
    -Many episodes with no ms fights and some only feature brief ms action.
    -The entire endgame of the show was unsatisfying to watch, most Gundam shows gave pretty hype final fights with decent lead up to them, this one just happens with fights that ended up lackluster.
    -Everything about the school.

    • 10 months ago

      >-Uniforms the cast use look awful, probably some of the worst I've ever seen.

      What's wrong with the uniforms?

      • 10 months ago

        They aren't stylish or cool. Color for the standard uniform is also boring. They also give off this weird feeling of keeping them boring to avoid making the cast look too attractive. Ever seen those school unisex swimsuits? They remind me of that.

        • 10 months ago

          Here's an example.

          • 10 months ago

            Don't be unfair to the unisex school swimsuit. G-Reco had unisex diver suits that they wore under space suits and it was fine.

      • 10 months ago

        The shorts don’t work with the poofy sleeves and also the fact that it’s all you ever see characters in makes even worse. Also the colors just suck. The holder only looks good because it’s hard to frick up that color palette but the regular uniform, while unique, just looks like it wasn’t designed with a school in mind. I like the sleeves of the top too but those shorts just kill it for me more than the colors already did.

        • 10 months ago

          They also perpetually look like unfolded flat tshirts that do very little to imply depth and generally completely hide the wearer's physique. The only unforms that look good are the ones with so many permutations that they aren't uniform anymore compared to the Wing School uniforms that just look good by themselves

          • 10 months ago

            I saw someone do a redesign a while back that maintained the unisex style but still allowed for you to understand the character’s physique. The issue with the uniforms as they are is the color that doesn’t work well or even represent the fricking school colors well, the artstyle in general not doing them any favors, and the stupid attempt at making everything uniform with the only deviations being few and far between and those still adhering mainly to the standard uniform. I also hated the pilot under suits. Don’t get me wrong, the window for the love handles is great but what purpose is that supposed to serve? And why have that when the pilot suits themselves are already so huge on their own? There were a lot of questionable design choices made and I really got the feeling that the character artist didn’t understand what kind of school she was making the uniform for.
            Why aren’t there different uniforms for the different program focuses? Why does inly the holder get to be special when apparently that kind of tech exists in all the uniforms and could have been used to make them more visually distinct for each character? It just makes me sad. I want a school gundam done right.

  44. 10 months ago

    Gundam series that's disinterested in telling a story about war.

    • 10 months ago

      Gwitch was disinterested in telling a story about anything, even love

      • 10 months ago

        >when the K9 GM Sniper versus Kampfer Amazing fight in a kid's show about battling plastic models is a grittier war story than the show set in a universe where Boeing, Lockheed, Northrop, Raytheon, and all the other defense industry corporations rule the systems and sell their weapons to anyone that wants to buy it so long as they bully earthno...excuse me, earthians

  45. 10 months ago

    If Suletta’s an abuse victim, does that mean Bandai did a good thing by declaring their relationship as ‘up to interpretation’? I kinda feel like someone on Gundam Ace’s editorial board saw the truth behind the pairing for what it was.

    Or maybe I’m assuming too much.

    • 10 months ago

      The show frames their future relationship as being as pure and impeccable as a shippergay's dream desires and I'm pretty sure any implication that their relationship has cracks forming within it are purely accidental. You know, like how KnM acts like its main couple are going to be joyfully reunited in love when their relationship is unhealthy to the point of comedy

      • 10 months ago

        That's the rape one, right?

        • 10 months ago

          *flute rape

      • 10 months ago

        Okouchi just wrote an honest lesbian relationship considering lesbians have the highest rate of domestic violence of all marriages. Who would have thought someone doing the "I'm hurting you because I love you" is an abuser? It's wild how Miorine always decides who can be Suletta's friends, who she gets to see, and where she gets to go. Truly no abuse at all.

        • 10 months ago

          >It's wild how Miorine always decides who can be Suletta's friends, who she gets to see, and where she gets to go.
          funny how guel tried to do the same in episode 5 or 6 and the narrative punished him for it

          • 10 months ago

            That's just something that happens around guel in general. The entire anime from ep 1 onwards is his great fall from grace due to his own pride and arrogance from being Holder, and for a second during S2 it seems like Suletta is being set up as following the same path with how brutally her duel montage is framed and how overreliant her ego was on being a holder to the point that losing it gave her an emotional breakdown. But in the end her pride and arrogance is validated so I guess it's fine when she does it?

          • 10 months ago

            >episode 5 or 6
            episode 1?!

            • 10 months ago

              I think he means when Guel confronts Elan

        • 10 months ago

          >It's wild how Miorine always decides who can be Suletta's friends
          She doesn't.

    • 10 months ago

      The problem with Anime pairing is that people rarely considered/wanting stuff beyond they become pairing.
      This is romcom/harem anime for otaku often focused on the how they become pair and its happy ending beyond that, while the one for normie expanded to their relation after they become pairing, which filled with drama sometimes.

  46. 10 months ago

    I wonder what other kinds of gas lighting Miorine will do to Suletta in the future for her own good now that they are """"""married""""""

  47. 10 months ago

    Lots of good ideas executed and paced very poorly.
    Also completely fricking impossible to discuss, but that ain't the show's fault.

  48. 10 months ago

    WfM is good. Not great, but good.
    IBO is good. Not great, but good.
    Both could and should have been better, but their respective flaws aren't enough to sink the whole show.

    • 10 months ago

      I think the MAJOR difference between the series is the amount of the pandering that the series have.
      Like it or nor WtM filled with lot's but pandering, especially shipping, which gave them much more rabid fanbases. Though this could be atributed to the current otaku fanbases mindset.

      • 10 months ago

        WFM has very little actual pandering. It had broader appeal which meant shippers got involved. But the show itself had some of the least fan service in Gundam.

        • 10 months ago

          Pandering =/= fan service. Fans don't want to see nigs and fats, they want robots.

      • 9 months ago

        >Like it or nor WtM filled with lot's but pandering
        Do tell.

  49. 10 months ago

    Not enough suffering. It started getting somewhere what with Guel Jeturk killing his own father and the school full of rich spacian kids being gundam columbin'd, but I wanted to see some REAL blood and emotional devastation, not watch the world's most autistic gundam pilot bawl her eyes out because her short tsundere gf dumped her for now eating her out or whatever.

  50. 9 months ago

    Shitty mechs
    Shitty story
    You already know this, and so does everyone else you disingenuous moron

  51. 9 months ago

    Can we agree wfm is just a bunch of cool, interesting ideas and concepts bad executed or just not given enough time, with a plot whose pacing is a trainwreck by the second season?

  52. 9 months ago

    The only way an Ad Stella sequel could work is if they seriously rehaul the background lore, include none of the original characters, have a completely different art style and use different designers for characters/mechs/etc, change the timeline to a different one and just make a new AU altogether

  53. 9 months ago

    What is even the point of another AU entry that has to do so much to rewrite and rework your understanding of the base AU to begin with? The reason the successful AUs and UC are popular is because they had intrigue, they had lines in the background that you could make stories off of and even in their endings, there was a clear way to go. The reason 00 keeps entertaining the idea of a story despite wrapping up pretty nicely is because the conflict wrapped up was simply one of many to come. Ad Stella has no such additional conflicts nor any foreshadows to make a threat that comes later, like the aliens, make sense without coming out of left field. Ad Stella is a dead AU, even IBO had more meat on its bones to explore with additional entries and such and it left a decent amount of threads for if they wanted to do something before or after if they wanted to because the pieces were all there. Ad Stella is a finished puzzle where as the other popular AUs are puzzles with no borders that leave edges open for new pieces to be able to fit in.

    • 9 months ago

      This. Ad Stella never was interested on the greated world, It was only interested in Yuri.

      Even SEED had world-building with Eclipse, as well as Freedom's background, (if the new blood in the staff causes it to be a hit, then Gundam has a second full timeline to explore) , Astray and Stargazer.

      Hell, I dare say that IBO was a mere portrayal change away from greatness. (Tekkadan were portrayed as still heroic figures instead of a tragically mislead child army on its last legs)

    • 9 months ago

      This. Ad Stella never was interested on the greated world, It was only interested in Yuri.

      Even SEED had world-building with Eclipse, as well as Freedom's background, (if the new blood in the staff causes it to be a hit, then Gundam has a second full timeline to explore) , Astray and Stargazer.

      Hell, I dare say that IBO was a mere portrayal change away from greatness. (Tekkadan were portrayed as still heroic figures instead of a tragically mislead child army on its last legs)

      As to why some, myself included, believe Ad Stella can be salvaged through sequels, is because 2020s audiences need an AU to get into Gundam as a whole, which is why AUs exist. It isn't too late to continue Ad Stella; all that needs to be done is to prevent Koboayashi and Okouchi from working on it, get people who know what a Gundam story should be to work on Ad Stella sequels, and plan things out better (figure ou how to appease executives while also figuring out to make a better story that should keep to the usual Gundam story beats while drawing in 2020s audiences).

      • 9 months ago

        Also, someone scanned the entire staff-made artbook:


      • 9 months ago

        That's wrong. Why would you invest in a fandom that doesn't care about the background and only cares about two veganas interacting?

        The reason why AD, CE and UC are being focused on is because their background is fascinating and has nuance, (despite SEED being bad at expressing it in the anime).

        People laugh at SEED, but in honesty, the setup and the intrigue regarding its many factions are a good subject matter. People lump the moronic actions of the Earth Alliance to what the Atlantic Federation and Blue Cosmos/LOGOS are doing.

        • 9 months ago

          >That's wrong. Why would you invest in a fandom that doesn't care about the background and only cares about two veganas interacting?

          Then do something to keep those people while NEVER forgetting to appeal to non-yuri fans.

          • 9 months ago

            >Then do something to keep those people
            Might as wel make a new franchise, because that would mean making every gundam completely focused on dykes and their melodrama.

            • 9 months ago

              I only provided an answer to what should be done with Ad Stella. I have yet to give an answer on "how" and now I do have one: this hypothetical sequel should just have another lesbian as a protagonist to keep the yuri fans.

              >because that would mean making every gundam completely focused on dykes and their melodrama

              And there's another reason why Ad Stella has to continue: make it THE AU for yuri fans. Universal Century and every other AU can remain free of that. And going back to my idea of hypothetical sequel protagonist being another lesbian, she should be hardened and cutt throat to make her more appealing to non-yuri fans willing to look the other way.

        • 9 months ago

          SEED has to be the dumbest race war story ever told

          • 9 months ago

            but at least it's a war story, not Lesbian softcore porn.

      • 9 months ago

        >It isn't too late to continue Ad Stella; all that needs to be done is to prevent Koboayashi and Okouchi from working on it, get people who know what a Gundam story should be to work on Ad Stella sequels
        No director would want to try and fix their sloppy seconds. You’e fundamentally misunderstanding AUs if you think changing directors could “fix” Ad Stella. Gundam AUs work because they have a clear vision and they typically don’ change the vision the director had. The directors are involved or consulted for almost every project. If Bandai was going to invest in a new director, like previous AUs, they’d simply make a new one, not force someone to try and clean up a previous directors mess. That’s what UC is for. If you have to cut off the directors, the project is dead. Unfortunately Ad Stella can’t be salvaged by someone else and it should be left as Okuchi’s mess that the fandom can play around with as it likes.

  54. 9 months ago

    >this shitstain of a thread is finally dying
    Another one bites the dust

  55. 9 months ago

    Having marathoned season 2 yesterday the series problems are basically all summed up in 2 issues.

    Nothing in the world is fleshed out. Factions and equipment pop into existence as they're needed and there's nothing explaining how or why.

    None of the characters except Guel has a story or a purpose behind shuffling the chairs. The hero of the story does nothing to change who she is. She stood up to her mother once and her ending is giving up on her dream of opening a Mercury school to look after her mother who's wheelchair bound.. and how does any of that relate to gundarm tech? We see a set of legs to replace damaged legs. The heroes mother who goes unpunished for wrecking an entire fleet... uses a space wheelchair.. so the core message of gundam tech can be medical is never actually in the story. Mean while Guels story is ended with a meaningless fight against his brother despite him clearly being the focus of season 2 and having a full story arc. And even he forgets MS wienerpits make him feel sick.

    The series shouldn't get any sequels or follow ups. Leave it to rot until gundam ace gets desperate. It was a very obvious attempt to pander to gays hoping the gundam fanbase were desperate enough to tolerate their series being copted. It failed on every front and that's all it should ever do. Suletta will become comic relief in srw because its an easy series to slot into those games. Nothing in it is meaningful or big scale. Only issue is if srw would be willing to do school shootings.. which again lol witch decided was a good idea to use twice with it barely mattering in the story. The second time seemed meaningless edgelord stuff and served no point in the story except giving a gun to another character in the finale so the earth house didn't need to carry one.

    Tl;Dr Guel is the only character in the entire series. Everyone else is shallow and self serving from 1 to 24.

    • 9 months ago

      >Suletta will become comic relief in srw because its an easy series to slot into those games. Nothing in it is meaningful or big scale.

      Hence why I've kept on fighting here about still believing in Ad Stella. Suletta can still be a part of it but she has to keep her head down when told and if WfM debuts with its hypothetical sequel, the protagonist of the latter should be the one to Suletta (and by extension, Miorine and Earth House) that they're soldiers and must act as such.

      • 9 months ago

        > she has to keep her head down when told
        why don't you keep your head down when told. We're telling you to frick off this board.

        • 9 months ago

          And I will do so now that I got everything I wanted to say out of my system. Just remember that there's a difference between yuri fans and the behavior of yuri fans but people like you can't seem to tell the difference.

          • 9 months ago

            > there's a difference between yuri fans and the behavior of yuri fans
            Nope. All shippers are toxic, cancerous, and annoying. Call me chemotherapy.

          • 9 months ago

            You sound like a moronic woman. There won't be a sequel outside of awful comics in gundam ace. Same as with every au not called seed.

            • 9 months ago

              I mean, 00 & wing got a movie. IBO got the game thingy. Build got a few. The only AU prior to WFM that has no sequel is G.

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