I am just going to give you anons a heads up half a year in advance, Gundam SEED Freedom will not be like SEED or Destiny.

I am just going to give you anons a heads up half a year in advance, Gundam SEED Freedom will not be like SEED or Destiny. Times have changed, the one thing you can never reclaim is you past and the one thing you can never reclaim is yourself. Back when SEED aired Jupiter was in Leo, Saturn in Gemini, and Uranus in Aquarius; during Destiny Jupiter was in Libra, Saturn in Cancer, and Uranus in Pisces. During the run of both Neptune was in Aquarius, Pluto in Sagittarius, and Orcus in Virgo. All of these planets will have different positions when SEED Freedom is in theaters this January. Life Goes On as the ending song goes.

Tell me /m/, are you absolutely sure you are ready for closure on this?

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  1. 10 months ago

    This is some duel tier moronation.

    • 10 months ago

      Like complaining about duel?

      • 10 months ago

        Hi duel.

        • 10 months ago

          Case in point.

  2. 10 months ago

    As a hobbyist in astrology I'll try to explain what all this shit is supposed to mean. First we'll start off wit SEED.

    >Jupiter in Leo
    SEED was very theatrical in its character dynamics and its fight choreography, very flashy and gained the center of attention. This was most apparent in the Freedom although at this point in the show Jupiter entered Virgo, Rau's theme of genetic purity correlates with the sign's need to make things medically perfect like an ultimate coordinator.
    >Saturn in Gemini
    Communication and language became hard to convey, we saw this with the Earth Alliance and ZAFT being unable to have any peace talks of sorts and dialogue between characters could easily get lost in translation. As the series was ending Saturn entered Cancer, disrupting anything that could be considered comfy or homely, reflected in the insane amounts of gore and lack of home the characters could go back to by the end.
    >Uranus in Aquarius
    The planet is in its domain, all about BLAM! change and technology, SEED was no stranger to give sudden changes while remaking the 0079 formula. During the second third it briefly dipped into Pisces, making its changes more mystical and dream-like, it does reflect Cagalli's impact on the story, especially with Athrun.

    Next I'll do Destiny's astrology.

    • 10 months ago

      As for Destiny there's some changes.

      >Jupiter in Libra
      Can be summed up with "JUSTICE JUSTICE JUSTICE JUSTICE!" Shinn wants that for his family after Orb left him in ruin, Kira wants justice for the ZAFT soldiers that infiltrated his home, Durandal wants justice for Phantom Pain stealing his mobile suits, and justice for Bloody Valentine kickstarted another colony drop by rogue coordinators early in the series.
      >Saturn in Cancer
      Nobody had a comfort zone, nearly the whole cast struggled to find a place in the story, a "home" as it were.
      >Uranus in Pisces
      Dreamy things have sudden moments in them like Stellaa suddenly being forced into the first Destroy Gundam, the Impulse beating the Freedom, the many clipshow episodes, Durandal's destiny plan, the Legend Gundam's numbering, all very strong.

      Now for both of them we have.

      >Neptune in Aquarius
      The technology becomes either unrealistic or incredibly dreamy/watery, Kira's later Gundams reflect the mystical behavior of this.
      >Pluto in Sagittarius
      Transformation of wisdom and humor, both shows go deep into conflicting philosophical concepts throughout as this planet squares off against Orcus. Speaking of which.
      >Orcus in Virgo
      Orcus is all about self, Virgo has a focus on science and medicine, SEED's themes are centered around how one's genetics make up their individuality.

      With those indicators lets see what the movie will bring when it hits theaters.

      • 10 months ago

        >Jupiter AND Uranus in Taurus
        Very Earthen and stable, Uranus will be at its weakest so don't expect any new technology in the movie outside of a few new gundams. Definitely an emphasis on the what is tride and true, don't expect twists.
        >Saturn in Pisces
        The dreamy qualities of the shows will be put through the ringer, we even saw this with the destroyed Gundam in the trailer.
        >Neptune in Pisces
        The planet is in its home, expect emphasis on human spirituality, more newtype ghost scenes are likely.
        >Pluto in Aquarius
        Transformation on tech, given how it's still inkling its way through Capricorn there is a higher chance there will be more political drama in the story.
        >Orcus in Libra
        Could be described as personal views on justice, perhaps this will be the character arcs the characters go through.

        One thing remains consistent: Eris will still be in Aries.

        Alright /m/, there's your astrological predictions for SEED Freedom.

  3. 10 months ago

    Put down the crack pipe, OP. It doesn’t have to be like this

  4. 10 months ago

    Astrology is insane stupid bullshit for women and blacks, moron. no one cares.

    • 10 months ago

      There's an entire general on /x/ that says otherwise.

      • 10 months ago

        /x/ is insane stupid bullshit for women and blacks, moron. no one cares.

        • 10 months ago

          Astrology is insane stupid bullshit for women and blacks, moron. no one cares.

          I've never seen a black person into astrology. It's always weird white persons

          • 10 months ago

            As far as I know, blacks are into kooky shit (Pyramid power, assorted cults, conspiracy theories about "The Man"), but not astrology proper.

          • 10 months ago

            You're not looking then. Check youtube, there's unlimited numbers of black people into horoscopes and tarot. Horoscopes have no racial bias.

      • 10 months ago

        /x/ told me I'm a suave rapist because I'm a Scorpio.

  5. 10 months ago

    If this was an AI spambot, I'd feel better.

    • 10 months ago

      It was not.

  6. 10 months ago

    >Gundam SEED Freedom will not be like SEED or Destiny.
    Oh thank god.

  7. 10 months ago

    Why am I suppose to care about a sequel to the worst entries in the genre again?

    • 10 months ago

      Freedom is not following IBO.

    • 10 months ago

      But Witch isn't getting a sequel

  8. 10 months ago

    But what will never change with the passage of time is that Uranus is gaping.

  9. 10 months ago

    Shinn will kill Kira and cuck him by hate impregnating Lacus with 10x Kids

    It will happen, screenshot this

  10. 10 months ago

    Another bipolar schizo on Cinemaphile forgot to take their meds.

  11. 10 months ago

    >Back when SEED aired Jupiter was in Leo

  12. 10 months ago

    When's the next news anyway?

  13. 10 months ago

    Fukuda has real creative control so of course it won't be

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