I can't tell if it's actually not good or if the improved animation is just too much and dragging down everything else.

I can't tell if it's actually not good or if the improved animation is just too much and dragging down everything else.

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  1. 6 months ago

    Animation is off putting but I been enjoying the episodes, other than the first one

  2. 6 months ago

    Wait, it already released?

  3. 6 months ago

    I hope they go back to their old animation if they have another season

  4. 6 months ago

    The faces are too expressive which takes you out of it but the writing is still pretty good. Only one I really didnt care for was the very first episode. Eps 2 and 3 were solid

    >Are all movies this short?
    >>Yeah you want longer ones you gotta pay more.

    • 6 months ago

      Over animation is definitely a problem. Aquadonk struck the perfect medium with the details like Shake's glove melting and splattering but they want too far in the show

  5. 6 months ago
    It's bad

    It's unfunny and bad. Aqua Teen died when C Martin Croker did. For some reason the creators think their writing was the heart and soul but they're overwriting every episode to be about something and it's bad too. The three remaining alive actors still have the voices but everything around them is bad. It's bad. They wouldn't have to overplay how "It's back! The stuff you know!" If it wasn't bad. It's bad.

    • 6 months ago

      > Aqua Teen died when C Martin Croker did. For some reason the creators think their writing was the heart and soul
      Uhhhhh…elaborate? The frick did Crocker add to the comedy?

      • 6 months ago

        Other than being the fourth star and animating it?

      • 6 months ago

        Is this not a cartoon thread? Do you not know what animation is?

        • 6 months ago

          Other than being the fourth star and animating it?

          Do you not know most of the comedy was in the dialogue? Plus the occasional violent moment that mostly had to do with effects. Are you saying just the designs Crocker did was the heart and soul? Frick off.

          • 6 months ago

            Huh? Do you think the animation in Hime movies was the selling point too?


            • 6 months ago

              We're talking about comedy not animation.

            • 6 months ago

              People like aqua teen for the jokes that the characters say with their mouths. Not the stupid designs and occasional arm movements you dope.

              This guy barely added anything. Read my post VERY FRICKING CAREFULLY BEFORE GIVING ME A BRAINDEAD REPLY YOU FRICKING IDIOT

        • 6 months ago

          Huh? Do you think the animation in Hime movies was the selling point too?

    • 6 months ago

      >they're overwriting every episode to be about something
      THIS! This is the biggest problem.

      • 6 months ago

        The only one that was really topical was the AI episode. People were saying ep 2 was about coronavirus but I only see a vague similarity.

        • 6 months ago

          The problem isn't the show being too topical. The problem is the episodes are about a specific real-world thing (to referential). Like episode 1 was all about VR. Episode 2 was just a parody of some movie. It only got better when they introduced the crazy aliens. Weird characters are this shows bread and butter. Episode 3 was about crappy celebrity pun kitchen appliances taking over the world, or something.

          I might not be explaining this well. Because ofcourse the old show did reference real-world stuff but before it was just part of the journey and not the whole point, if that makes sense.

          I think the show is suffering from these problems for the following reasons. The writers are rusty, it's been a while. They had too much time to write these. It's no longer a wild ride and a stream of consensus but rather a basic story that hits the beats of a narrative but doesn't have the right vibe. I don't know if it's because they are old or out of practice. Or since the animations is better they try harder and trying too hard in writing is sometimes the worst thing you can do. Leads to overwriting.

  6. 6 months ago

    >characters don't act like themselves
    >long animated transitions that are just dead air
    >slapstick doesn't play as well but I don't know why. Timing maybe?
    The biggest problem is...
    >Antagonists don't have a presence, personality, and motif like they used to. Not memorable.
    Old villians
    >juvenile delinquents
    >codependent losers
    >sex offenders
    >bad roommates
    New antagonists
    >quiet robot
    >Rockstar alien
    Where are the petty criminals? Where are the burn-outs with daddy issues?

    • 6 months ago

      >slapstick doesn't play as well but I don't know why. Timing maybe?
      Could be. The timing in ATHF was always great, if they can't nail that with the animation anymore it's not going to work as well.

    • 6 months ago

      Changing the characters is actually a positive. I prefer Carl being friends with the Aqua Teens rather than being mutilated/ killed/ tortured nonstop.

  7. 6 months ago

    Haven't watched yet, but I could see that. The limited animation was a big part of the charm and humor.

  8. 6 months ago

    The first movie was a great example of using fluid animation sparingly, and the seasons afterwards kept that method.

    I know Plantasm, as well as this season is animated by a new studio, but it does lose that charm of being a cheaply animated show on TV.

  9. 6 months ago

    We haven't had any normal episodes yet. The first one was a VR episode. The second one was a parody of a movie no one cares about anymore and the third one was a punch of puns about celebrities. Which oddly enough repeated an ass eating joke from episode 1.

    The show seems like it's trying to hard to do X thing instead of doing it's own thing and going down it's own weird and cool path. I'm not sure if these will be outlyers of this "season" but yeah there are only 2 more episodes left. I am not hyped for this show anyone. I hope for the next season they tone down the animation and turn up the episode count and try to go back to their roots and stop being so referential the coffee machines all being shitty cilibraties was so fricking annoying and the bird box episode was annoying except for the sand throwing that was pretty funny and the aliens. And most of the first episode just sort of sucked.

  10. 6 months ago

    Where should I start watching ATHF

    • 6 months ago

      Handbanana episode, if you think it's funny then watch it

      • 6 months ago

        But you should watch the part first where Carl created the dog out of hairs on his feet

        You watch THAT particular clip first and then you watch the full episode

    • 6 months ago

      Watch season 6 then season 12 then season 7 and 8 followed by the LATER half of season 2 which is quite long at 24 episodes

      You watch season 2 episodes 7 to 15 and then you watch half of episode 12 twice in a row

      You watch in that specific order or else you don’t really get it.

  11. 6 months ago

    0/10 they 've thrown several items and not one of them have exploded, utter lack of SOVL

    also anon is right the villains suck so far

    • 6 months ago

      They retconned this to say that things exploding when thrown was not a Shake ability, it's supposedly the floor of the house itself that does it (Which is FRICKING STUPID)


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