I don't like my job. I don't think I'm gonna go in anymore

I don't like my job. I don't think I'm gonna go in anymore

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    >40 hours a week
    >really it's 50 if you consider the time to prep for work and driving there
    >micromanaged all day by tyrannical boss
    >all so he can get his bonuses
    >money is just good enough to get by month after month
    >wow 5 days of vacation every year
    And this is supposed to be living? It is slavery with extra steps

    • 2 weeks ago

      i cant believe this the way things are and people allow it. democracy is fricking useless.

      • 2 weeks ago

        I'd rather just live a traditional feudal system and serve a king or a lord if I'm going to be a peasant. This system pretends I'm anything but that

        • 2 weeks ago

          >I'd rather just live a traditional feudal system and serve a king or a lord if I'm going to be a peasant. This system pretends I'm anything but that
          The system pretending it's not that is what allows the 'nobles' to get out of their end of the bargain.

          Those Kings and Lords that peasants used to serve were expected to do stuff themselves like go to war, protect the realm, spend their money commissioning art, on religion, and alms for the people, establish a legacy for their name and land etc. etc. etc.

          Modern richgays do NONE of that and they get away with it by pretending that you can join them.

          • 2 weeks ago

            they get to use their obscene wealth to influence the world to their liking and get none of the accountability

      • 2 weeks ago

        >40 hours a week
        >really it's 50 if you consider the time to prep for work and driving there
        >micromanaged all day by tyrannical boss
        >all so he can get his bonuses
        >money is just good enough to get by month after month
        >wow 5 days of vacation every year
        And this is supposed to be living? It is slavery with extra steps

        If only things were different in 1945…

    • 2 weeks ago

      Set aside money every paycheck to invest in a side hustle. Something to earn you passive income every month. It could be YouTube, stocks, real estate, etc. Just something to give you money outside of your work.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >dude just be a famous YouTuber!
        Why not advise him to become a professional baseball player or male model?

        • 2 weeks ago

          You don't need to be a famous YouTuber. All you need is 1.5K subs to qualify to put advertisements on your videos.

          All those Indians who make videos about how to fix your computer but have terrible English and have like 20K subs? They are making money off YouTube

      • 2 weeks ago

        no. one full-time job should be enough to live

        • 2 weeks ago

          not only that, one full time income should be enough to provide for a full family. just like it used to be.

          • 2 weeks ago

            you'll have to remove women and aliens from the workforce

            • 2 weeks ago

              >you'll have to remove women and aliens from the workforce
              I didn't say it would be easy.

        • 2 weeks ago

          >no. one full-time job should be enough to live
          Those days are over.

        • 2 weeks ago

          God i wish watching old movies and seeing teenagers working every summer then buying a car with the money saved up is crazy to me now.

    • 2 weeks ago

      And like most jobs it was mainly pointless work they made him do

      • 2 weeks ago

        >make the staff do cleaning projects when there are no customers around so that the corporate visits can go well and the general manager will get a good review
        >fill out the daily logs (temperature log, facility inspection, uniform log, lost and found log, etc.)
        >seriously a million fricking logs that none of the managers remain consistent with because it's soul draining
        >all to get a good audit when the auditor visits so that the general manager will get a good review
        >moronic schedule (close one shift, then open, then close again, then have a day off and open again the day after, etc.)
        >get asked to come in when another manager calls out as if I have an option to say no
        >get asked why I'm not giving out enough write-ups to the staff as if there's a quota to meet
        It all goes back to working for someone and making them look good doesn't it

        • 2 weeks ago

          My job is very, very similar to this and I unironically like it. No one is a dick to me, and on the very rare occasions when someone truly sucks, they sort themselves out very quickly, and it's never someone who has any power over me. I have some pull with the boss to say "that one sucks, I'm done, I would recommend a term." I have a high degree of autonomy in a specialized function and I get on well with my boss. I even have a room that I like to think of as my personal office, I keep it autistically organized and clean, put a few little personal touches in the corner. When the higher-ups ask me how my side gig is going, I give a little detail, and they seem pleased with that. I go in, I do my shift and make myself useful, and then I go home and everyone leaves me alone. I actually got a bunch of raises in the past two years. I get my workout for the day so I don't get fat. I'm maxed out on vacation and I should really take more, they want me to. Like over a months' worth, and that's not including the sick time I never use. I have a 401k that I own outright and it has a fair chunk of change in it. I am very good at my specialized thing that I do and people say so regularly. The higher-ups know about this. Doesn't pay a huge amount, but that's fine because the work itself is pretty easy if you're halfway intelligent and able-bodied, which I am.

          • 2 weeks ago

            I quit a career field/lifestyle to intentionally pursue a 9-5 desk job. I got too old to do what I was doing. This will sound homosexual/like a larp but I got out of the military and did overseas security contracting and random work for the gov in the US before getting my degree. Now I have a office job and a little desk with a succulent on it and a desk fan. Lysol wipes, some hand sanitizer, organizer with sharpees/highlighters and a cup of coffee. Couldnt be happier.

            Im also 36.

            • 2 weeks ago

              I see one possibility for a lateral move to maybe make more money and I might just study for that for fun (just so I have some other skill I can point to), but I know what crappy/shitty jobs are like and I have a very good thing going with this one. I regularly call mom and tell her honestly that I like my job. This makes her feel very happy. There's an obvious internal promotion opportunity which would be the real change, but I'm low-energy/beta and I seem to be good in the current role.

              • 2 weeks ago

                IMO you have until your early-to-mid 30s (as someone on the other side of 35) to do anything you want. Try stressful/high paying jobs, lower paying/chill jobs. Remote work. Travel. Move to a different state or country to work if you can. Do as much as you can to figure out what suits you before you end up wondering
                >maybe i should have taken that job in Nevada
                Or something

                Im not making a ton, but thats by choice after getting out there and realizing location and stability is more important to me at this point. Get out there man, light the fires and kick the tires.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I'm older than you but thx for advice. I'm "comfortable" but I recognize the need to have one or two other abilities to point to that are undeveloped if something goes bad.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ha. My bad. Being 36 I usually assume people are younger. Good for you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >5 days of vacation every year
      Do Americans really? I get 7.5 weeks of paid holiday a year

    • 2 weeks ago

      >commit a cool crime
      >go to prison
      >get a new group of friends that have your back
      >literally free food
      >cool prison drugs
      >endless time to fap
      >free anal sex with any man weaker than you
      >no women telling you what to do

      You have options.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i work like 6 hours a day and take two hour lunches then bike home in 15 minutes
      my life still sucks

    • 2 weeks ago

      Its confusing to me they expect people born into this world to take away something good from life when most people are living day to day just doing this. Then they wonder why mental illness, depression, division of sexes, low replacement rate is happening.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >micromanaged all day by tyrannical boss
      Damn... I feel you. My boss is overbearing. The only thing that keeps me going everyday is visiting the cute girl that works at a convenient store after work. Lately another worker invited me to smoke in the back and I enjoy learning new things about today's youth.

      • 2 weeks ago


    • 2 weeks ago

      yes, it is basically slavery. especially now when most people have to live paycheck to paycheck, owning nothing. all so a few people can continue living out royal lives like the old times, only without the blatancy (it is blatant though). anyone who worships this arbitrary amount of work hours like its a divine rule is a cuck through and through

    • 2 weeks ago

      i quite $140k/yr job to work for $60k. 8 minute bike ride to work. I set my own hours, 35 hours/week usually. no supervision. spend most of the day playing chess online and browsing the chan.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I work 60 hour weeks with weekends, evenings and nights and I end every single month in my overdraft.

      Think i've managed 6 hours sleep per night maximum for years now.

      • 2 weeks ago

        *before anyone thinks my expenses are high. No, don't have time for spending on anything other than food as I don't have time to cook.

        I'm just a bongland doctor on £40k per year whose rent is £2k a month.

  2. 2 weeks ago

    i like my job

    • 2 weeks ago

      You like the people you work with and you believe they are just as happy as you.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    I kind of like my job. I work from home most of the month and can wake up 5 minutes before I have to log on and go back to sleep as soon as I'm finished.

    • 2 weeks ago

      I fricking hate remote work. The lockdown converted us to full time remote and I became extremely antisocial. I used to frick coworkers all the time before the lockdown.

      • 2 weeks ago

        sure you did bro

  4. 2 weeks ago

    I actual did this at my last job. I just didn't go in anymore. I assume I don't work there anymore, but idk

  5. 2 weeks ago


  6. 2 weeks ago

    >thank god i don't have a cushy office job anymore and can now irreversibly ruin my body by 60 doing hard physical labor for hours daily
    did gen x really?

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sitting down all day in an air conditioned room is good for your body?

      • 2 weeks ago

        there is no law that says you can't exercise before or after your office job.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Do you stand up in your house with the heat on when you get home?

          So is that a yes or a no? Why do you zoomers always communicate in riddles? Is it a twitter thing?

          • 2 weeks ago

            >get asked a simple question

            • 2 weeks ago

              Who are you quoting? What is the answer to the question? Why are you zoomers so veganal?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Do you stand up in your house with the heat on when you get home?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Air conditioning causes the body to store fat for warmth.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    >2019 was 1 second ago

  8. 2 weeks ago

    >I don't like my job.

  9. 2 weeks ago

    >work with obese 46 year old
    >narcolepsic, will literally fall asleep mid sentence
    >slacks off all day long watching Chinese cartoons
    >easily irritated because he’s unintelligent
    >wears shirts covered with stains only achievable from reclined binge eating
    >outlook avatar is anime with accompanying desk figures
    >delisions of grandeur
    >probably a legit 40+year old virgin
    >born before autism awareness was a thing. Undiagnosed and untreated
    >generally just a massive wreck of a person

    Which one of you is it?

  10. 2 weeks ago

    I get to dick around a lot at work but god dammit I'm tired of being there.

  11. 2 weeks ago

    I started working for the railroad late last year. I like it so far.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Any experience necessary?

      • 2 weeks ago

        Nope. I'm currently going through a Signal Maintainer apprenticeship and no experience was necessary.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Nope. I'm currently going through a Signal Maintainer apprenticeship and no experience was necessary.

      can you explain details about this job

  12. 2 weeks ago

    What if I told you insane was working fifty hours a week in some office for fifty years at the end of which they tell you to piss off ending up in some retirement village hoping to die before suffering the indignity of trying to make it to the toilet on time? Wouldn't you consider that to be insane?

  13. 2 weeks ago

    >have wasted 10 years since college at a useless job
    >literally want to commit suicide every day how how boring and meaningless it is
    >basically do nothing
    >don't get paid much even in a very high cost of living area
    >want to just stop going
    >have completely non-existent self esteem, severely depressed, terrified of everything, too afraid to even try to look for jobs because I know that no job will take me since I don't have any personality or skills

    its so fricking over for me. literally all i do every day is hope for death.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >its so fricking over for me. literally all i do every day is hope for death.
      you could also try to do anything else but that would require willpower

  14. 2 weeks ago

    >itt: men without hobbies complain about how rote their lives are and that they're forever alone bc they'll never meet a girl
    no. video games, pornography, and Cinemaphile are not hobbies.

    • 2 weeks ago

      i actually do have hobbies, in fact its a job i make money from (sports refereeing). still miserable.

      • 2 weeks ago

        what sport?

    • 2 weeks ago

      women don't have hobbies to meet men. they have hobbies to meet female friends or bond with their bf/husband. women can get endless easy top tier dick off apps.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >women don't have hobbies to meet men.
        yeah its so pathetic that men have hobbies to meet females. the average male is such a loser.

        • 2 weeks ago

          the average male expected equality to mean they would be thought of as good enough for women in the same women get thought of as good enough for men.
          by existing

        • 2 weeks ago

          you will not meet women anywhere if you're not tall and conventionally attractive. you will meet women who will shun you and call you a creepy butthole.

  15. 2 weeks ago

    I did this last week and they still haven't stopped calling me asking me to come back.

  16. 2 weeks ago

    Imagine finding a girl who likes kung-fu, like you.

    • 2 weeks ago

      what was achieved by this? (by the characters within the film)

  17. 2 weeks ago

    Living past 35 is clearly a mistake.

  18. 2 weeks ago

    Did GenXirs really bully office autismos like Milton?

  19. 2 weeks ago

    I literally did this a few weeks ago. No regerts

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