I don't understand Sinestro w/ Lex Luthor's voice here.

I don't understand Sinestro w/ Lex Luthor's voice here. Like, you already know Earth can repopulate the Viltrumites successfully, So why even let Mark live to go warn them? How stupid of a plot point is it for them to ask Mark to go back and conquer earth? Like, I get the writers need to come up with a way to keep him alive after him and his dad are defeated but that is just stupid and illogical that the Viltrumites would trust a half breed sympathizer, son of a Benedict Arnold, to finish a mission they could easily manage for themselves at this point.

They can get to Earth and conquer it right now so... why not?

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  1. 6 months ago

    >So why even let Mark live to go warn them
    Because he survived a 3 v 2 and that's what their dumb Darwinist society cares about. Try paying attention anon.

    • 6 months ago

      No I understood that. But why mark specifically and not just a 'random viltrum soldier?" they dont even give him a ship to get back do they? and it took a nearly a week to get to bug land!

      • 6 months ago

        Your Mom can make a perfectly good sandwich Laura but instead your Dad ordered you to do it.

      • 6 months ago

        Theres literally only 50 viltrumites

        Your Mom can make a perfectly good sandwich Laura but instead your Dad ordered you to do it.

        according to some summary i read.

      • 6 months ago

        He’s Omni Man’s son, and to them, he’s responsible for Earth by heritage. They left him there so he proves himself strong enough to go back to Earth on his own. If he can’t then they see him as a weakling and kill Earth.

      • 6 months ago

        Omni-Man’s son
        He is capable of at least putting up a fight
        They need all the people they can get

      • 6 months ago

        Because there are only 50 Viltrumites left. Mark being physically like them and being strong made them interested and he automatically becomes a Viltrumite soldier. They gave him a mission to check if he can fulfill it, they DO NOT want to kill him - there is barely any Viltrumites left due to Plague that ravaged them.

        • 6 months ago

          You’d think that them learning that humans are perfectly compatible in making more viltrumites would make them just go to earth and squash the resistance. They could just ask the population “do your governments work for you, or do they work for others who own you”? I feel like at this point most people would be fine with super powered over lords controlling them over whatever homosexuals who control the world from behind the scenes

          • 6 months ago

            i could only think in Cecil reading this post, lmao

            • 6 months ago

              Cecil is alright but he’s honestly the most fictional among them. Any spy like that would’ve tried working WITH Nolan in trying to bring his new masters seemlessly. Anyone who thinks that people from three letter agencies have any sort of honor loyalty or backbone hasn’t been paying attention

          • 6 months ago

            They're busy maintaining their grip on their empire and Omni-Man's son being strong doesn't mean all human hybrids will be.

            When they find out about Oliver and how Viltrumite kids of the big people react maturity in a few months Freddie takes notice

          • 6 months ago

            I mean honestly the viltrumites can be absolute fricking monsters but if all they want from earth is for us to birth more viltrumites, and in exchange they turn earth into a post-scarcity utopia, that's significantly better than people spending their entire lives being poisoned by monsanto while also working for monsanto

            • 6 months ago

              >could've just sent a bunch of dudes to larp as superheroes and impregnate women, and in 500 years the entire planet would be ruled by Viltrumites
              the more you dig into the story the less sense everything makes, i miss when it was just a bunch of tyrants instead of an endangered species.

              • 6 months ago


                About that, once they find out just how compatible humans are with Viltrumite DNA and how well they can blend in with Earth's populace, they immediately move there in secret and start procreating

              • 6 months ago

                i don't want a bunch of Viltrumites fricking women, i wanted Mark taking Earth's side and defending their planet. At that point the story doesn't even makes sense, why wouldn't anyone want the Viltrumites to conquer earth and spread your 1% gene across the cosmos and grant you better life conditions?

              • 6 months ago

                >aliens with a proven history of oppressing the people whose planets they take over
                >grant you better life conditions
                I mean, what you're saying does kind of happen in the story, but you shouldn't trust foreigners who come to your home and tell you they'll make you rich for free.

              • 6 months ago

                if humans are willingly fricking Viltrumites then no, is not even an invasion is just a case of people not scoring and getting upset that your child isn't star level.

          • 6 months ago

            They aren't the unbeatable gods they claim to be.
            Nolan is one of their best soldiers and even he ran into situations on Earth that threw him for a loop.
            As several others have already pointed out there are only ~37 viltrumites alive and they have to operate in secrecy so as to not get PLAGUED again , AND there are several things that can kill them, such as the Ragnars, the Infinity Gun thing, and whatever the frick Robot develops later on in the series. So from their point of view they're acting somewhat rationally, but the issue here is that from our point of view as readers/watchers of the comic/show is that it doesn't seem that way.

            • 6 months ago

              You're trying to use rational logic on Cinemaphile, man, you might as well try to get your dog to file your taxes

          • 6 months ago

            About that, once they find out just how compatible humans are with Viltrumite DNA and how well they can blend in with Earth's populace, they immediately move there in secret and start procreating

          • 6 months ago

            They actually do do that eventually, but they're they're too busy trying to keep a front against the rest of the galaxy

      • 6 months ago

        >No I understood that. But why mark specifically and not just a 'random viltrum soldier?" they dont even give him a ship to get back do they? and it took a nearly a week to get to bug land!
        The idea is that the inevitability of the viltrum empire coming for earth means that Mark will do their bidding, what choice does he have? It's an order with an implied threat which gets followed up by Conquest coming to check on his progress.

    • 6 months ago

      is still a dumb plot point because everybody knows Nolan hard carried that fight and Mark at best served as distraction so Nolan could fight one at a time. Makes all the elder Viltrumites look like a bunch of campers who stale during fihghts or let others do the hard job.

      • 6 months ago

        He's young and had enough gumption to get a shot. They say they'll be checking up on him and he'll be killed if he is found wanting

      • 6 months ago

        You are forgetting that Nolan overtake of Earth was planned in the next 500 years. They still have time to bring Mark to their said and even if they fail, probably would only shuffled some chairs and put another one in that position.
        Remember that Nolan is around that 5000 years and there are other Viltrumites that are pushing the 10000 years. Waiting a few years mean nothing to them

  2. 6 months ago

    Viltrumites are still attempting to manage an entire empire by themselves. They honestly do not have the manpower to do both. So eventually, they don't.

  3. 6 months ago

    Except this son of a traitor is strong as frick and there’s only 50 of your army left
    Could they hypothetically want to kill mark later if they had no use for him? Sure but it’s probably easier and smarter to try and use him for your goal that’s slowly slipping away.

  4. 6 months ago

    The comic explains that the viltrumites are so arrogant they feel that Mark can't do anything to stop them and they don't intend to make a move on Earth just yet. They take Nolan and Mark is his replacement. If he doesn't do his job then someone comes along to correct him.

  5. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      just make more lol this cartoon is dumb as hell

      • 6 months ago

        That's the entire plan for Earth: mating with humans results in a cloned Viltrumite, whereas other races have decades if not centuries of bizarre halfbreed physiology that makes them less for reproducing the Viltrumite race. That's why they're so intent on keeping Earth in their grasp: it's the only place that they can "just make more" in any meaningful way.

        • 6 months ago

          if every viltrumite is essentially a clone, why not just directly clone themselves at that point? why make your civilization weaker by needing to mate with weaker civilizations?

          • 6 months ago

            Mark despite being born of a human woman is pretty much 99% Viltrumite, so i don't think that counts as making their race "weak" by mating with them

          • 6 months ago

            >if every viltrumite is essentially a clone, why not just directly clone themselves at that point?
            They don't have the technology to do so because their civilization was reduced to 40 individuals as the result of a bioweapon produced by a traitor.

            >why make your civilization weaker by needing to mate with weaker civilizations?
            This is why they were waiting until they found a species like humans to start interbreeding: Viltrumite DNA eats the non-Viltrumite DNA, but it takes time, ergo they need to interbreed with a species that is as Viltrumite as possible. They don't want to do it, and the women are disgusted by the thought of it even if the kid is 99% Viltrumite. They're basically forced to in order to make more Viltrumites as it's the only option.

            In the comic the entire Viltrumite race (all ~40) end up settling on Earth as the plan was always for Nolan to conquer Earth and then for the Viltrumites to start shacking up with the locals. The reason that Nolan even has Mark is to see if their preliminary findings regarding Human-Viltrumite couplings actually happen as predicted.

            • 6 months ago

              why was nolan fricking with the bug people then

              • 6 months ago

                Because he was high on compassion.


                >They don't have the technology to do so because their civilization was reduced to 40 individuals as the result of a bioweapon produced by a traitor.

                So that whole flashback in S1 of them fighting each other to the death was bullshit?
                No, it was legit. The Viltrumites used genetic engineering to make themselves into Saiyans, then they decided that HURR DURR ONLY THE STRONG MAY LIVE. They then went on a purging of the weak. Then, they conquered themselves an empire. Then Thaedus (Optimus Prime from the Coalition) decided that this was stupid, defected to the Coalition (which was created to fight the Viltrumites), and gave them the Scourge virus. The virus prevents a Viltrumite from healing, so whenever they use their flight, super strength, etc they just tear themselves apart (this is why Kregg is missing an eye and why Conquest has a prosthetic hand: they cannot regrow them as they were lost to the virus).

                The virus destroyed the Viltrumite empire and reduced the population of Viltrumites to 40 (who all either eventually fought off the virus or never caught it). Freddy Mercury intentionally kept the low population hidden so as to retain control over the remaining 39. Nolan doesn't tell Mark because he doesn't know how bad things are, as far as he's aware Viltrum is still going strong, it was just put on the backfoot by the virus.

              • 6 months ago

                >wtf how did they not notice that the numbers were so low?
                They spend most of their time alone flying through space or conquering. You know how Nolan destroys the Flaxans by just flying around smashing into shit? The Viltrumite Empire worked by just sending some dude to do that, one person per planet. They'd spend decades if not centuries alone.

              • 6 months ago

                So this all happened within the last 20-30 years cause Nolan and Debbie shacked up not long after he went to Earth yeah?

              • 6 months ago

                No, Nolan was out smashing planets while it happened. That's why he didn't get the virus. Eventually, people in his unit (which really isn't a "unit" because they don't work together but whatever) got reassigned to find a planet for hybridization, but they were never told about the low population count, they were just told "find a planet that we can hybridize with, if the one you're at doesn't work then smash it and leave". This is why Nolan says that he has to find out if Mark was a Viltrumite: they needed to figure out if Earth was suitable.

                If it wasn't? He'd do to it what he did to the Flaxans and then move on.

              • 6 months ago

                I doubt that last part. All throughout S1 he seemed to be psyching himself up to do the job.

              • 6 months ago

                >All throughout S1 he seemed to be psyching himself up to do the job.
                Well, he did find out that Mark WAS a Viltrumite after all, and could clearly see that it would break Mark's heart to tell him the truth. But then, he also got hooked on compassion anyways, so who knows what he'd do if he actually had to pull the trigger on Earth.

              • 6 months ago

                Nolan knows though. He told Allen about the real Viltrumite count.

              • 6 months ago

                if Nolan knew that makes his actions to have even less sense.

              • 6 months ago

                It’s complicated. Nolan actually cares about Viltrum and his race, it’s just Mark unconditional love broke his mind.

              • 6 months ago

                >Freddy Mercury
                I love how we call him that because of his looks.

            • 6 months ago

              >They don't have the technology to do so because their civilization was reduced to 40 individuals as the result of a bioweapon produced by a traitor.
              So that whole flashback in S1 of them fighting each other to the death was bullshit?

              • 6 months ago

                IIRC that was before they started the conquest of the universe based on this rule
                and therefore it was before Ripper Virus was unleashed on them

        • 6 months ago

          If this is true why is Mark asian and not white. His dads genes should have wiped out the mothers genes completely

          • 6 months ago

            Mark looks White to me.

          • 6 months ago

            >If this is true why is Mark asian and not white
            Because he's only like, 25. By the time he's 500 in the comic he's no longer a quappa. That's the result of him being 99% Viltrumite, if he were 50% who knows how long it would take for him to be full blooded. This is why Earth is so special to them.

          • 6 months ago

            because the show is mkaing changes, lore be damned.

            >If this is true why is Mark asian and not white
            Because he's only like, 25. By the time he's 500 in the comic he's no longer a quappa. That's the result of him being 99% Viltrumite, if he were 50% who knows how long it would take for him to be full blooded. This is why Earth is so special to them.

            18, just graduated high school.

      • 6 months ago

        >Le show is dumb
        >moron gets plot explained to him
        >l-le show is just dumb
        Typical Cinemaphile pseuds.

    • 6 months ago

      >genocide half your population
      >have to throw three (3) of your best at some mutt
      >they all die
      idiots deserve it

      • 6 months ago

        none of them died

  6. 6 months ago

    >So why even let Mark live to go warn them?
    Viltrumites live for thousands of years and there's 42 of them left in the entire GALAXY, three of them might be dead, and one might have to be executed for treason, making this little scuffle theoretically result in there only being 38 Viltrumites left. If Kregg just kills Mark, that means that there's a minimum of 37 left. If he lets him go, then Mark runs off to Earth, warns them about the Viltrumites, and...

    The Viltrumites just wait. In the comic there's several years in between the Thraxan fight and the Viltrumites actually showing up again, and in that time everyone on Earth stopped caring about the Viltrumites. Worst case scenario, Mark starts shacking up with Earthlings and making more Viltrumites. Human-Viltrumite hybrids are 99% Viltrumite and eat the remaining 1% over time, meaning that Mark and his kids are basically clones of Nolan, and given that they live for thousands of year's they'll outlast all of their partners. This does actually happen in the comic btw, Mark has a kid with Eve, and Oliver has a kid with the bug lady.

    So after everyone that Mark cares about is dead, they come back and ask him if he wants to play ball. If that doesn't work, they ask his kids, or their kids, and so on. How long before Mark and his lineage return simply because they have no where else to go? The only real flaw in this strategy is that Freddy Mercury is an autistic moron who is too high on being regent to actually go through with the plan because shortly after killing him Mark DOES actually conquer Earth.

    • 6 months ago

      I think the age thing is something people forget a lot. Remember Nolan felt his time with Debbie was so short that 30 years was like a couple months to him. Waiting to see how mark or his kids feel after 100 years or so is much smarter than just killing him now.

    • 6 months ago

      i thought there were 50?

  7. 6 months ago

    >Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other five?

  8. 6 months ago

    >Nolan betrayed after spending some time on Earth
    >surely his son who grew upon Earth and openly rebelled against us will surely listen to us and not try to rebel to save his home planet
    This show's plot went to shit. Nolan should have had Mark pretend that he was apprehending him and down with the Viltriumite cause. Then they'd have a reason to believe in Mark.

  9. 6 months ago

    Kregg was playing the long game.

    • 6 months ago

      Kregg is the best non-Anissa Viltrumite

      • 6 months ago

        I like Mei Mei

        • 6 months ago

          She fricks her brother

          • 6 months ago

            exactly, she's the best

      • 6 months ago

        *Kregg is the best Viltrumite

    • 6 months ago

      That pouty blonde still irritates me like hell. The fact that she doesnt have a child yet puts her to a total disadvantage against the rest but its clear she wants Kregg all for herself.

    • 6 months ago

      >10 women

  10. 6 months ago

    This fight fricking sucked. power scaling is wonky as frick and everything happens for the plot
    >guy gets belly sliced by hand that barley budged him
    >somehow survives long enough to aim and time a kick from who knows where
    >knife hair lady somehow goes from demoloting mark to jobbing
    >somehow dies from a missing jaw
    >other guy got completely fricked
    not to mention the shitty art and fight choreography. all to say who cares. I literally skipped all the boring shit just to see how cool the animation would be. you can imagine my shock when I got to the slide show.

    • 6 months ago

      >knife hair lady somehow goes from demoloting mark to jobbing
      I hate this, the worst possible trope in fiction is "character decides not to lose" or "character believes in themselves and gets stronger/new ability"

  11. 6 months ago

    >you already know Earth can repopulate the Viltrumites successfully
    It's still too soon to tell if earth hybrid viltrumites were basically perfect viltrumites at the time they spared him. Mark would have to fully mature before they can conclude that earthlings are the perfect candidates to bear their children.

  12. 6 months ago

    yeah thats the one caveat to all cartoons or any media really: the bad guys have to be stupid or else there is no Show.

  13. 6 months ago

    Speaking of Sinestro, I wish Jason Isaacs voiced Kregg.

  14. 6 months ago

    >They can get to Earth and conquer it right now so... why not?
    you said your self tard the writers needed the story to continue

  15. 6 months ago

    do you think we will get this next episode?

    • 6 months ago

      or maybe this?

      • 6 months ago

        No, Angstrom will probably be in episode 7.
        We'll probably get some villain of the week stuff until them. Probably Duplikate's brother plot / Titan stuff.

        • 6 months ago

          They still haven't done the Martian invasion, just foreshadowed it.

          • 6 months ago

            Yeah we're getting Martian Invasion + Cobra Stuff next, then we''ll end with Angstrom.
            I wonder if they'll kill the shrinking girl for real

    • 6 months ago

      >do you think we will get this next episode?
      That would be fun.
      So no.

      • 6 months ago

        >another mostly filler episode about Amber, Eve, and Mark's mom

  16. 6 months ago

    these are questions for Reddit you dummy

  17. 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago

      What are the odds they keep Oliver as purple

  18. 6 months ago

    i was a Viltrumite holding hands with a h*man woman yesterday, Viltrum has fallen

    • 6 months ago

      hes just like me fr, except stronger, smarter, handsomer, more buff, more accomplished, more loved, has sex, cares about his people, isn't scared to fight, etc.

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