I find Tony to be a very sympathetic, relatable and endearing character

I find Tony to be a very sympathetic, relatable and endearing character

People always talk about how he's LE BAD but he literally gets betrayed by his family and closest friends numerous times, he gets railroaded into a gloom and doom mindset. His world is rotten, not him

I feel like every glimpse you get into Tony's internal feelings and mindset shows he's just scared, anxious, confused

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  1. 8 months ago

    >kills you first
    He's a criminal. He chose this life. He chose to be a piece of shit. Just like he'll choose to kill you the moment you incovenience him. He killed Chrissy and Puss. Keep defending this subhuman and keep romanticizing crime life, you'll be dead faster than any of these people and none of them will bat an eye.

    • 8 months ago

      Puss was a traitor and Chris was a drug addict loose cannon.

      • 8 months ago

        They were both made men. Executed, no remorse. How about Tony's cousin? If Tony found a reason to off his own blood and his closest friends, you are nothing. The bottom line is you're a liberal autistic loser that worships romanticized crime from a 30 year old tv show that means even less than the dirt on these types of people's boots. You may now proceed with your simping.

        • 8 months ago

          >no remorse
          redditboy didn't even watch the fukcin' show ova here

          • 8 months ago

            Tony felt zero remorse. It was all circlejerking for his own ego, nothing more, the victimization, the grief, the therapy it was all for him. Not for anyone else. Watch as the entire world takes advantage of you, genuine dummy!

            • 8 months ago

              >Tony felt zero remorse
              >had constant nightmares about his friend right up until the very end of the show
              >when faced with his friends widow, he lashes out at her because he feel guilt and remorse
              throw some more 10 cent words and freshman 101 pysch class tier midwit nonsense at me dipshit I dare you

              • 8 months ago

                wasn't there a whole scene where he's on a bunch of fricking drugs playing craps and he keeps winning over and over, taking it as a sign from the universe that killing Chris was the right thing to do?

              • 8 months ago

                yes, because it was the right thing to do
                you twerps have zero sense of morality or honor

              • 8 months ago

                >drug pusher
                >honorable andmoral
                keep simping for criminals you will never be white

              • 8 months ago

                Yes. Although I interpreted that scene as him realizing he was a scumbag and accepted it.

              • 8 months ago

                Oh yeah I remember the dream where he talked about how happy he was Chris died and that he was glad he killed him lol
                >defending the morality of the fictional character, serial murderer, polluter, thief, scumbag, adulterer tony soprano
                Is this a bit?

    • 8 months ago


      I find Tony to be a very sympathetic, relatable and endearing character

      People always talk about how he's LE BAD but he literally gets betrayed by his family and closest friends numerous times, he gets railroaded into a gloom and doom mindset. His world is rotten, not him

      I feel like every glimpse you get into Tony's internal feelings and mindset shows he's just scared, anxious, confused

      he whacked a grieving father over a horse out of all the other reasons he could have killed ralphie for, top kek

      • 8 months ago

        She was a beautiful, innocent creature.

    • 8 months ago

      >He killed Chrissy
      frick chrissy, I wanted that little shit's brains splattered across the wall the second he shot the baker in the foot

  2. 8 months ago

    Probably cause you have no dad

  3. 8 months ago

    the more you rewatch the show the more you realize tony is a piece of shit
    yes, on a surface level tony is a charming and sympathetic guy, he loves his kids, doesn't beat his wife, jokes with his mob friends
    that doesn't mean he isn't a completely self-centered egomaniac, cold-blooded murederer with massive temper issues

    the show does a really good job at making the characters complex, they have regular everyday moments too, not every character interaction is a grand stand-off with high drama
    you can see where the character are coming from, what the motivations are, but that doesn't make what they do right and that they are not at their core just bad people

    it's a bit hard to see tony as self-centered, unless you stop seeing him as the hero main character and him solving all the obstacles in the plot as justified, because it gets the story moving forward
    all the people he killed, he did because they were getting on his nerves and becoming a liability to HIM only, not the "family", the "greater good", just HIM
    you would see every one of tony's victims as completely justified in killing him first, if the show was told from their perspective

    the show expects you to be smarter than the characters on the show
    it's what makes this show about gabagool mobsters one of the best things in television history and it probably won't ever be topped

    • 8 months ago

      Their neither good nor bad. They're flawed, which is what makes them interesting. Sometimes tony does things for himself to protect himself. You have to in his line of work. It's no reason to hang him out to dry as some big villain. He killed those who betrayed him and challenged him, as you would expect from someone in his position.

      • 8 months ago

        He had an innocent civilian “family” killed to get a discount on expired prescription medication to sell to seniors because he was the father of the grandchild of a Canadian criminal involved in a civil custody dispute.

        • 8 months ago

          Wow that's bad

          tony isn't flawed, he isn't a victim of circumstance, thrust into a life of crime by his father
          he moved up the ranks of the mob and ensured he stays on top by removing anyone in his way, there is no other way of putting it

          there are no cut and dry villains in real life, people don't commit evil at every opportunity they get, there are no people that are irredeemable 100%
          if you were presented by the fact that he strangled a government witness out of nothing but pure vengence, would you say he is flawed because he feeds ducks in his pool and loves his family
          tony living a relatively normal life and only killing with premeditation, doesn't even come close to making him "neither good or bad"

          If it was over pure vengeance I would judge it harsher than to protect something. I generally only get mean myself to make people back off me.

          >We wuz soldiers n shit we dindu nuffin it’s the code a da streets errybody know the rules. ooof madone.
          Charcoal briquette.

          Tony is a good boy

          Okay maybe Tony is the "bad" guy. I like that part at the very beginning of slaughterhouse 5 though where he goes on about how their are no good or bad people in this world and that's the world view I tend to approach situations with. It's the worldview I guess I believe in. I think Tony is deep in sin but I still wouldn't call him a bad guy. Not to say he's anything close to a good guy. He's Tony.

          If he repented and spent the rest of his life trying to be like muhhamad or Jesus he'd still not be a good guy. Course he wouldn't be a bad guy either.

          I think it's our circumstances, choices, and a whole tapestry of other variables that define us. And we are not the victims of anything. Tony chose to join a life he was exposed to because of his circumstances and the opportunities they presented him. Which to me is neither good nor bad. It's just Tony.

      • 8 months ago

        tony isn't flawed, he isn't a victim of circumstance, thrust into a life of crime by his father
        he moved up the ranks of the mob and ensured he stays on top by removing anyone in his way, there is no other way of putting it

        there are no cut and dry villains in real life, people don't commit evil at every opportunity they get, there are no people that are irredeemable 100%
        if you were presented by the fact that he strangled a government witness out of nothing but pure vengence, would you say he is flawed because he feeds ducks in his pool and loves his family
        tony living a relatively normal life and only killing with premeditation, doesn't even come close to making him "neither good or bad"

      • 8 months ago

        >We wuz soldiers n shit we dindu nuffin it’s the code a da streets errybody know the rules. ooof madone.
        Charcoal briquette.

      • 8 months ago

        > They’re neither good nor bad
        Imagine watching the show and this being your takeaway lmfao

    • 8 months ago

      first season tony was still trying to recover and become a normal human... by the sixth he had totally given up

      >the show expects you to be smarter than the characters on the show
      yup and that's why pol zoomers can't into the show despite 10 million crappy youtube analyses... they think it's a celebration of patriarchy when it's a nonstop criticism of it
      >it's a bit hard to see tony as self-centered
      oh he's downright vile. melfi blew him the frick out with: "…Despite your mothering you made one good decision in your life vis-à-vis women. You’re not going to throw that away. Your own selfishness is too strong to let that happen."
      he's the beast of burden and carm is the strong one

      These shows are really all about raggin on Italians. They make them look like shit, we all laugh at it. Its kinna cruel, when you think about it.

      yup and when sopranos does it the bad jokes never end when spike lee does it OUTRAGE

  4. 8 months ago

    Oof. Lot to unpack here. Repeat after me: YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO IDOLIZE HIM.

  5. 8 months ago

    Did he ever get his penis back?

  6. 8 months ago

    People who love Tony always expose themselves when they say they hate Janice

    • 8 months ago

      Janice is ugly which is why people don't like her.

    • 8 months ago

      Janice is a putrid c**t

  7. 8 months ago

    Just because he's a "le bad person" it doesn't mean he can't be a worthwhile person in your eyes, someone who you'd like to gather some traits over to yourself, how stoic he is, impulsive maybe, that's what you find to be likeable about the guy, and it's totally valid. You might find him charismatic while perhaps not wanting to be by his side when the shit around him is starting to rot and you end up seen as an annoying collateral in his social circle. Jumping on the moral bandwagon when discussing crime shows is a little gay at this point, these are morally ambiguous characters like most people IRL, it's what attracts people about his kind of characters. what you seriously root for is not "morality" so much as it is "humanity".

  8. 8 months ago

    >I find Tony to be a very sympathetic, relatable and endearing character

    you fricking serious?

  9. 8 months ago

    Tony is a violent sociopathic mob boss. He's a parasite that is willing to kill or injure innocent people for money. There's not really much nuance here if you have a remotely normal moral framework.

  10. 8 months ago

    I always thought they're not particularly bad they're just people

  11. 8 months ago

    I always thought the “crime doesn’t pay!” theme was a simplistic takeaway from Tonys character and the show itself. The deterministic stress and deterioration of relationships and family dynamics over time is the most relatable aspect of the show, and it isn’t undermined by the fact that hes a “le psychopath” but only thematically heightened and exaggerated to great effect.

    • 8 months ago

      > crime doesn’t pay theme
      It isn’t a theme, but what the frick are you talking about? Which of the members had a happy ending? How can you watch the show and you think the writers message us that crime doesn’t pay? Didn’t you see what happened to the characters?

  12. 8 months ago

    Kek. Sociopaths would love you anon. You naive c**t

  13. 8 months ago

    This is literally the point of the show and everyone who says otherwise is a literal dumbass that has no idea what they are talking about.

  14. 8 months ago

    >show doesn't blatantly and unambiguosly condemn it's anti-hero main character as bad and having been served karmic justice through death with a flippantly poignant "got what you deserved" cheery rock song at the end
    how am i supposed to know if Tony is LE BAD or not? my TV cut out at the end THEY DIDNT TELL ME WTF

    • 8 months ago

      You have to buy the downloadable content to find out

    • 8 months ago

      Damn, you're right

      Breaking Bad truly is the deepest childrens crime drama

  15. 8 months ago

    These shows are really all about raggin on Italians. They make them look like shit, we all laugh at it. Its kinna cruel, when you think about it.

    • 8 months ago

      Movies do nothing but mock Italians. Its like they are the butt of some hundred year old joke, and people are sick of it.

      • 8 months ago

        But people still watch mobster movies because they are still the closest thing to honor culture we have today. Italians care about their own, personal honor. They aren't as concerned with how they are perceived as how they perceive themselves. And people relate to that.

  16. 8 months ago

    >I find Tony to be a very sympathetic, relatable and endearing character

    t. Only watched the first episode

  17. 8 months ago

    I liked the episode when dr melfi gets raped because if she told Tony what happened it would turn Tony into a anti hero. Tony should remain a piece of shit villain

    • 8 months ago

      But yeah, Tony is a piece of shit.

      • 8 months ago

        In the last 2 or 3 seasons I found myself rooting for tony to get arrested or whacked

        He’s a massive piece of shit

  18. 8 months ago

    nah ralphie was a piece of shit
    tony rocked

  19. 8 months ago

    >You fricking junkie
    >Gets stoned and does peyote in Vegas

    What did Tony mean by that?

    • 8 months ago

      I did mushrooms once. Stuffed mushrooms the whole frickkn plate

    • 8 months ago

      Chrissy was stoned 24/7 for years and it constantly got in the way of his life

      Tony did in Vegas what you're supposed to do in Vegas

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