I genuinely wish that Superman had died in the 90s (without returning) and Batmans broken back had put him permanently out of commission.

I genuinely wish that Superman had died in the 90s (without returning) and Batman’s broken back had put him permanently out of commission.
This would not affect live action adaptations, cartoons or their respective tie-in comics, or elseworlds/stories with their own internal continuity. But doing this in the big books would have prevented DC from stultifying the way it did in the 2000s, and prevented them from getting into that viscous cycle of overclogging the continuity with various bullshit then trying to fix it with a convoluted reboot crisis event. It’s well documented that normies got super into comics due to Superman’s death than immediately dropped them after realizing it was just a fakeout. I’d be interested in seeing such massive status quo changes and how the storyline would have progressed from there

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  1. 2 months ago

    You are dumb and your ideas would have made the industry crash even harder than it did.

    • 2 months ago

      >You are dumb
      I won’t argue that point
      >and your ideas would have made the industry crash even harder than it did.
      Hard disagree. DC could not have been managed worse than it has been over the past thirty odd years. If my IQ is 0, DC editorials must be in the negatives. If you put someone in charge and told them “your job is to run DC poorly, run it into the ground and we’ll give you a trillion dollars” they could not have managed it worse.

    • 2 months ago

      Abandoning consequences and narrative progression is literally like 40% of what killed the industry you moron.

  2. 2 months ago

    I’m just so fricking sick of the status quo. A story works much better with a beginning, middle, and most importantly, a defined end. Thanks to morons who demand the status quo, characters like Batman and Superman will never be given a proper story arc. The same “Batman fight joker” stories will be recycled over and over and make less and less money until finally the character is forgotten forever.
    >So go read comics that DO have a beginning middle and end. Comics exist outside of DC
    I do, but I also have a fondness for certain characters and franchises and wish they’d be treated better

    • 2 months ago

      The lack of a definite end is not the problem with capeshit. That was the case back in the 60s and 70s, and that was when superhero comics were at their best.
      And Disney comics, some of the most popular comics in the world, have a set status quo with no definite end as well. Each individual story is standalone. This model works perfectly well.

      • 2 months ago

        >The lack of a definite end is not the problem with capeshit. That was the case back in the 60s and 70s, and that was when superhero comics were at their best.
        >And Disney comics, some of the most popular comics in the world, have a set status quo with no definite end as well. Each individual story is standalone. This model works perfectly well.

        This works when you are doing simple adventures.

        It kind of falls apart when you do anything mature around real character development. It's fun to see scrooge find new treasure and overcome new problems. It's not fun seeing batman never grow past his suffering or never learning from his mistakes with the bat family or Spider-Man never gets the girl or x men never be accepted by humanity. Doing the same fun things every issue is great. The same suffering over and over is not.

        People usually want the suffering to resolve and the next issue be fun and the character to move forward.

        • 2 months ago

          That sounds more like an issue with the writers/editors, who can't think of a way of challenging characters other than rehashing plot beats and character development.

          • 2 months ago

            Notice how mindcontrol is one of the worst reused plot devices in capeshit.

          • 2 months ago

            They won't allow toys that should be broken to get a scratch.

        • 2 months ago

          >normies got super into comics due to Superman’s death than immediately dropped them after realizing it was just a fakeout
          Wrong, normies dropped comics because they’re idiots and thought the million+ printed Death of Superman comic would be worth the same as Action Comics #1 and when they realized it wasn’t ever going to be dropped comics.
          >it’s not fun seeing Batman never grow from his mistakes yadda yadda yadda
          This is where DC and Marvel differ hard. DC was always more about what the capes were doing, you got an issue of Batman to see Batman solve a crime, Superman to see Superman beat up some dick hole alien so those books you could argue *could* go on forever assuming you don’t do stupid shit (like marry them or give them a kid) Marvel on the other hand is about the person behind the cape so you do want to see that character grow and mature. But how far do you go? Spider-Man gets married then what? Has a kid? Theeeen? My theory is Marvel realized in the 90s that Peter had pretty well reached his narrative end and that’s why we got the Clone Saga and, aside from a few gems, the title’s never really recovered.

  3. 2 months ago

    These characters weren't meant to progress by design by their original creators.

    • 2 months ago

      Jerry Siegel wrote a comic named The K-Metal From Krypton which would have changed the Superman/Lois dynamic as early as 1941, and National Comics rejected it. He’s toeing the company line there

  4. 2 months ago

    None of this shit actually matters. The problem is and always will be dogshit, mismanaged, convoluted storytelling. Fix that and all your problems go away.

    • 2 months ago

      >fix all that
      Easier said than done

      • 2 months ago

        True, but doing anything less is just treating the symptoms instead of the cause.

  5. 2 months ago

    Nobody reads capeshit comics.

    • 2 months ago


  6. 2 months ago

    What about Emerald Twilight?

    • 2 months ago

      >Emerald Twilight did more in the long run for DC than Death of Superman and Knightfall did

  7. 2 months ago

    Superman should have stayed dead for a good while. A few years. Then he can return.

  8. 2 months ago

    /tg/ tourist here. This reminds me of how Mutants & Masterminds had their Superman ripoff die in battle against their Darkseid ripoff and not only did he stayed dead ever since, but it was a turning point in the metaplot.

  9. 2 months ago

    capeshit comics suck because the stories are too fricking moronic, inconsistent, and out of control.

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