I hate inquisitors.

I hate inquisitors.
My canon is that the empire only had Palpatine and Darth Vader and all other force sensitives were offed or locked up.

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  1. 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago


      I hate inquisitors.
      My canon is that the empire only had Palpatine and Darth Vader and all other force sensitives were offed or locked up.

  2. 2 years ago

    Inquisitors are just a marketing gimmick to allow bad guys with lightsabers who aren’t Vader to exist in the civil war era and fight good guys with lightsabers who aren’t Luke. On paper they’re interesting, but in execution they’re bland and inconsequential, but at least that makes them easy to dismiss. The number of Order 66 escapees and new apprentices they keep wedging into the timeline continuously makes Luke feel less special, and by extension makes Kenobi and Yoda seem more cowardly than cautious.

    • 2 years ago

      Luke is special because he is the only one strong enough to defeat Vader, and because he is his son, which gives him an upper hand and a possibility to turn him. No other Jedi has those feats. Ahsoka was completely overpowered by Vader and she failed to turn him, for example.
      HOWEVER! It turns out, Kenobi could have beaten the shit out of Vader all along, he just chose not to. He just left him be and let him terrorize the Galaxy for another decade, because reasons.

      • 2 years ago

        this looks so fricking silly

        • 2 years ago

          throwing rocks at people is a thing in the old republic mmorpg

          • 2 years ago

            >Instead of Force Lightning, they bombard the target with little rocks
            >Instead of Shock, they rip a chunk of debris from the ground and smash it on the target
            >Instead of Force Storm, they generate an earthquake
            Not gonna lie, it's way better than "just colorful shockwave" n°30

          • 2 years ago

            That doesn't make it look good.

      • 2 years ago

        I bet you're one of the bastards who b***hed that Obiwan needs to defeat Vader because of a throwaway line interpretation from A New Hope

        • 2 years ago

          what made you think that, moron

        • 2 years ago

          I mean, really, I don't think that Obi-Wan and Vader should've met at all after Mustafar unti ANH.

      • 2 years ago

        The entire concept of the Kenobi show went downhill when they chose to get Hayden back. You can tell once that arrangement was made whatever subtlety they desired went out the window so fans could have their sloppy fan fiction rematch. The narrative should’ve been about a rogue Jedi survivor with an ax to grind going after Kenobi on Tatooine and it should’ve culminated with a duel outside the Lars homestead. Leia should’ve been written out by the third episode instead of lingering to see way more than she needed to and hugging Obi-Wan 26 times for the benefit of emotion reaction videos. The Reva character should’ve died, but once they cast a black woman that became impossible because they knew people would complain about the all white cast ganging up on her. So instead she spares Luke, which isn’t unbelievable for her character arc, but her reason for even pursuing him is contrived as hell and now she’s yet another force sensitive lingering in the background of the timeline. And once again, the new canon continues the Lucas legacy of answering questions no one asked to justify the material’s existence. How did Leia become a rebel? Well it wasn’t because she grew up with forward thinking parents who taught her right from wrong, it’s because she went on an epic adventure and got held hostage on a spooky dark side world and also Obi-Wan gave her her holster which is apparently now iconic instead of just a costume accessory. Obi-Wan’s line of saying Darth Vader killed Anakin wasn’t something he made up on the spot as a way to hide the truth from Luke, it was something Vader outright told him to his face. Wow it’s all connected, like poetry it rhymes.

        • 2 years ago

          They could still make Vader-Kenobi rematch. But in his head. The entire show should have been TCW Yoda's arc, but with Obi-Wan listening to Qui-Gon, learning how to become a Force Ghost. Isn't that the whole fricking deal that was teased at the end of Revenge of the Sith? But we got none of it, and Qui-Gon was just a last minute MCU quip cameo. And he is a corporeal ghost now, for some reason.

          • 2 years ago

            I remember too reading that they toyed with the concept of making Obi-Wan a drunk and he’d have a trippy hallucination of Anakin’s charred corpse crawling out of the campfire. Obviously this was too bleak and grown up so they had to make yet another “gruff man with kid sidekick” adventure instead. Unfortunately the extreme positive reaction to the cameos in season 2 of Mandalorian have had a trickle down effect where now cameos and fan favorites infect every project because it makes for better buzz. It’s all deliberate what they do, sacrificing a uniqueness between projects in favor of safe and inoffensive. Ultimately Disney got their way and turned Star Wars into another MCU.

          • 2 years ago

            Qui-gon going from a disembodied voice to growing increasingly corporial was established in "From a Certain Point of View" by Claudia Gray.

            Short version, his training was incomplete, but he continued training on the other side.

        • 2 years ago

          It went downhill before it even started

        • 2 years ago

          >Obi-Wan’s line of saying Darth Vader killed Anakin wasn’t something he made up on the spot as a way to hide the truth from Luke, it was something Vader outright told him to his face
          I do genuinely love that line tho. Somehow Darth Vader wasn't even supposed to be Luke's father, but because Alec Guinness is such a talented actor, it can be argued that he was withholding the truth.

        • 2 years ago

          >Obi-Wan’s line of saying Darth Vader killed Anakin wasn’t something he made up on the spot as a way to hide the truth from Luke, it was something Vader outright told him to his face.
          Vader's been saying that in the comics since forever though

        • 2 years ago

          They should have taken this concept and done it for a Yoda show instead.

        • 2 years ago

          what the frick why does your assertion have to do with an actor when the comic in 2017 shows vader losing his shit whenever it comes to jedi? palpatine gets pissed off at vader whenever jedi are involved because vader's judgement takes a plunge

        • 2 years ago

          I feel like this show would have been a lot more fun if it was just about some random never before seen OC jedi and not Obi. We know Obi's story and adding more shit to it just kind of screws up everything we know and just adds unnecessary fluff that was never really asked for by anyone.

          I feel like it should have been that other guy that we saw in Mos Eisley trying to get by and survive and occasionally running into known faces like Lars, Obi, and Leia. Then the writers wold have a lot more freedom to play with the narrative and not have to shoehorn everything in or else risk fricking up the Episode 4 narrative.

      • 2 years ago

        Luke is a shit bland character and the worst part of the original trilogy. People liked it because of the cool stuff that happened around Luke and happened to Luke Luke himself was a blank paper bag.

        TLJ was the best thing done with his character because at least he HAD a character. He was a hollow action figure who loved where the plot told him in Ep IV, in Ep VI he was a robot . Ep V was the closet he got to being good .

        • 2 years ago

          Honestly Luke beings serene monk in 6 was a logical end point for his journey in the trilogy, but it makes total sense that behavior would wind up screwing him over. I totally believed that after 20 some years of being an unstoppable legend he’d develop enough of an ego that something like Ben being a bad apple would give him a panic attack and make him falter. I don’t know why people had such an allergic reaction to the idea that he ALMOST made an emotionally charged decision before coming to his senses, since that’s always been the defining trait setting him apart from Anakin. If he had tried to go through with it like Kylo claimed then I’d say it’s bullshit, but he felt instant regret at the impulse and pulled back which is totally in character.

          • 2 years ago

            >The guy who redeemed motherfricking vader, who chopped his hand off, decided it was better to just kill his own grandson
            Ah yes, very accurate there, anon.

            • 2 years ago

              He didn’t decide it moron, he had a moment of panic then came to his senses. He hadn’t done anything he couldn’t walk back, the problem is that Ben was already clearly brainwashed and just needed that little push.

              • 2 years ago

                That luke would ever consider it is moronic, especially a wisened, older luke.

              • 2 years ago

                He didn’t consider it, it was a flight or fight response that he overpowered because he’s just that good. If Ben wasn’t such a brat like his grandpa he would’ve let Luke explain himself, but his mind was made up so he smashed the temple and took off. I’ll never understand this insistence that Luke’s character growth had to stop at age 28. That isn’t how life works, and frankly the creepy cult Luke everyone is jerking off to on Disney+ almost seems like a parody of the real character and is lending credence to the idea that Luke’s self perceived infallibility was his greatest weakness.

              • 2 years ago

                >That isn’t how life works

                A story is not life. Stories are allowed to end happily ever after. Especially when the "continuation" of the story is just rewinding and replaying the exact same ending with a different coat of paint.

              • 2 years ago

                That aspect is on JJ tho. He hit reset and shirked the responsibility of doing something bold and different. Johnson was left to carry the weight of two movies efforts as both the dark middle chapter and the fresh slate. You can disagree with his execution, but the worst thing to be done was undoing his efforts in the spirit of stubbornly bowing to nostalgia.

              • 2 years ago

                >Stories are allowed to end happily ever after.
                Star Wars did end happily ever after, until JJ zombified it. What he should've done was set it like a hundred years or whatever from the original trilogy, that way everyone gets their happy endings while still leaving enough time for a proper threat to come along that doesn't immediately take a shit on the previous movies.

              • 2 years ago

                But if you set it a hundred years from the future, you can't have cameos from the OT!

              • 2 years ago

                force ghosts

              • 2 years ago

                With Luke maybe. Can't do it with Han though.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah, it'd be incredibly stupid to have a non force-sensitive character appear after being long dead, wouldn't it?

              • 2 years ago

                pretty sure harrison ford doesnt like starwars that much anyways so it would be fine

              • 2 years ago

                Who cares what Ford thinks? Because Disney sure wouldn't give a shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Nah, sorry. I don't believe that. I know about real life, but real life isn't Star Wars already, so that's a shit excuse. The Jedi live in a world where they deadass say "Oh, I now know this information I couldn't have known before hand thanks to the force!", so why should I believe a Jedi would act in any way similar to someone in real life?

              • 2 years ago

                Why should Luke act the exact same as a real Jedi? His definition of Jedi is "swings a lightsaber and isn't cacklingly evil."

              • 2 years ago

                >Why should Luke act the exact same as a real Jedi?
                At this point, you're asking "why should a Jedi act like a Jedi.", and I really don't have the energy to argue with that nonsense.

                >His definition of Jedi is "swings a lightsaber and isn't cacklingly evil."
                You're discounting any other Jedi wisdom he did learn or might have learned? Like when he said "Even though you're evil now, Vader, I know you still have good in you!"?

              • 2 years ago

                >You're discounting any other Jedi wisdom he did learn or might have learned?
                None of which was in any way defined and can therefore be tuned however the writers want.

              • 2 years ago

                It doesn't have to be explicitly stated, just coherent in a way that's reasonable to Luke. We know that Luke will vouch fore merely the potential good in someone, so it wouldn't make sense for me to write Luke in a way that contradicts that.

              • 2 years ago

                >We know that Luke will vouch fore merely the potential good in someone
                And then immediately remove one of their hands in a fit of rage and be on the verge of killing them in cold blood, yes.

              • 2 years ago

                I googled "Luke cuts hand off", and got results from a comic, so I can't speak on the characterization in that until I read it. I will say, if it was in the beginning of him becoming a Jedi master guy, then its believable because he was still able to be tempted by the dark side, and even Palpatine could see this. In fact, I'd say the dark side can tempt anyone, so it wouldn't be too out of character to have a moment like that for Luke unless its extremely poorly handled.

                I don't think Luke would have attacked Kylo first and foremost. I would have wrote it in like Kylo already pushed the bounderies by massacring an entire village, Luke approached him like "Ben, I believe in you!", but then Kylo pushes him even further and forces Luke to try and kill him in a straight up fight, failing, and exiling himself due to failing to see the signs and then failing to stop Kylo.

              • 2 years ago

                He cut Vader's hand off in a fit of rage, remember?

              • 2 years ago

                That was right after he got the black suit and officially completed the Jedi Master stuff, right? I won't pretend I'm a star wars lore master, but like I said before, its believable because he was still susceptible to the dark side. Palpatine counted on that rage and inexperience; I'm pretty sure he wanted him to kill Vader and take his place.

              • 2 years ago

                Technically, defeating Palpatine was what was necessary for Luke to even be a Jedi KNIGHT. The OT was serious about that shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Imagine whining about Star Wars when you haven't even seen the original fricking movies.
                Get the frick outta here.

              • 2 years ago

                Engage with my argument, anon, not with your own emotions. I think my write up of Luke and his motivations are still good enough to matter, so what do you think about it?

                And I've seen them, but personally I've always liked the Clone Wars and KOTOR more. You probably like me even less now!

              • 2 years ago

                Speaking of KOTOR, what are some good comics/novels based on this era?

              • 2 years ago

                shit, someone storytimed one like 2 months ago.


              • 2 years ago

                Your "argument" is based on non-canon Legends material and not the actual movies. Luke didn't put on le ebin black Jedi supersuit that leveled him up enough to unlock the Jedi Master title, he just put on black clothes and that's it. In fact the clothes weren't to indicate he was this amazing Jedi Master badass, but actually to provide a visual parallel between him and Vader, which along with his aforementioned anger highlighted how easy it would've been for him to follow his father's path and fall to the dark side.

              • 2 years ago

                Your comment is just a paragraph of angry incoherence. At no place did I even imply the suit powered him up, I just said he got the black suit and was at the master even if it was only mentally.

                As I said, I'm not a lore master, but I'm pretty sure during their second fight, Luke returned with a completely different mindset to engage with Vader, and while maybe he wasn't an officially recognized Jedi master, he was already comparable to how they appeared and acted in the prequel movies, so I feel like that was enough of a tell that he was a Jedi Master at that point, so that's why I said that. Also

                >which along with his aforementioned anger highlighted how easy it would've been for him to follow his father's path and fall to the dark side.

                I feel like we mainly agree there, but you're framing it in some way to say that I'm wrong. Your comment seems like its trying to nitpick "how" I said something, but you don't really agree with the point of my post.

              • 2 years ago

                Engage with my argument, anon, not with your own emotions. I think my write up of Luke and his motivations are still good enough to matter, so what do you think about it?

                And I've seen them, but personally I've always liked the Clone Wars and KOTOR more. You probably like me even less now!

                You sound like an arrogant homosexual. I'll bet you're right at home on Twitter.

              • 2 years ago

                >he was already comparable to how they appeared and acted in the prequel movies, so I feel like that was enough of a tell that he was a Jedi Master at that point
                Your headcanon is not canon.
                Sorry you think not agreeing with your headcanon is "angry incoherence," but everything your argument is based on has no basis in the actual films.

              • 2 years ago

                >but everything your argument is based on has no basis in the actual films.
                Everything in my argument is based off of only what I saw and what I felt. If you think its wrong, that's fine, but it seems like you and that other guy just got upset at me and not my argument at all.

              • 2 years ago

                When you talk down on others, it tends to piss people off.

              • 2 years ago

                That's not something you expect me to take serious on Cinemaphile is it?

                >Everything in my argument is based off of only what I saw and what I felt.
                That's nice, but your feelings aren't canon.

                Feelings aren't canon, but they're literally all you have when someone asks you "why is this thing good or bad".

              • 2 years ago

                "Everyone else is a dick so I'm just being a dick as well" is a pointless argument. By that same token, he has no reason to respect you either.

              • 2 years ago

                I wouldn't get upset if he didn't show me any respect, though. In fact, had I known a mild condescending tone would have been enough to greatly upset the both of you, I mean I would have still typed the comment out, but I would have been shocked.

                Keep in mind, I got condescending in response to this comment:

                Imagine whining about Star Wars when you haven't even seen the original fricking movies.
                Get the frick outta here.

                >Imagine whining about Star Wars when you haven't even seen the original fricking movies.
                Get the frick outta here.

                So he jabbed and I jabbed back. Normal Cinemaphile shit, tons of fun. Why get so salty about one comment in some side argument?

              • 2 years ago

                Because I found your attitude far more disagreeable than his. You're a heavily dislikeable human being.

              • 2 years ago

                Send him a link of you crying. He'd aplogize then!

                Sidious was really popular and they need badass villains, even though lucas never cared much for them, bobba died as a joke

                They need badges villins so bad that the killed snake before he could be one lmao.

              • 2 years ago

                First, lmao
                >badges villins

                Second, that was more of a case of "Wow, I bet they won't expect him to die here!" and not have anything up their sleeves after that.

              • 2 years ago

                We're dealing with more than "good or bad" we're dealing with things that actually happened in the films and how they influenced characters leading up to them reappearing in later films. Since you brought the prequels into it, we know from the prequels that Jedi are supposed to start training at an extremely young age, so much so that little kid Anakin from Phantom Menace was too old. They spend at least a decade and a half, likely closer to two decades, cloistered in a temple, learning stuff like lightsaber fighting and force manipulation, but also things like finding inner discipline and peace, letting go of material attachments, and all that other jazz Lucas lifted from "Buddhism For Dummies." And not only were they guided by the best Jedi Masters the Order had to offer, but when they reached roughly teen age they were put in a master-apprentice relationship with an older experienced Jedi who was supposed to personally mentor the apprentice in any specific ways needed as an individual.

                Luke had absolutely none of that. He got a single lightsaber exercise, followed by a cliff notes version of Jedi training over a few days by a guy on the verge of death. So it's absolutely ludicrous to assume that Luke should be acting the same way as a wise experienced Jedi Master from the prequels. Your feefees don't overrule canon.

              • 2 years ago

                >Everything in my argument is based off of only what I saw and what I felt.
                That's nice, but your feelings aren't canon.

          • 2 years ago

            Honestly, what bothers me is how so much in the OT was rendered meaningless. The Empire was just replaced by the First Order, nothing's really changed and Leia's STILL fricking leading a rebellion, there are STILL Stormtroopers everywhere, Palpatine is fricking ALIVE again and everything's just back to square one. And a lot of it just goes back to that one mistake Luke made. In one fell swoop, with a single fricking action, Luke destroyed everything they'd managed to build up across three films.

            • 2 years ago

              It was pretty lazy how you just had a similar, but slightly different Empire instead of, like, just a small-scale faction of diehards who continue to fight the Republic on a smaller scale. Having a guy like Thrawn in charge of it.

              • 2 years ago

                Thrawn is too smart for a bunch of morons like the First Order. The Empire of the Hand and Imperial Remnant were a thousand times better than this moronic homosexualry.

                I mean, who the frick even likes them? How cna a homosexual like Hux or Kylo Ren compare to the likes of Pellaeon or Zsinj?

            • 2 years ago

              >Honestly, what bothers me is how so much in the OT was rendered meaningless. The Empire was just replaced by the First Order, nothing's really changed and Leia's STILL fricking leading a rebellion, there are STILL Stormtroopers everywhere, Palpatine is fricking ALIVE again and everything's just back to square one.
              This was the fault of 7 and 9 and were absolutely fricking stupid creative decisions that betrayed how Disney had absolutely no ideas whatsoever and was fine just shitting out nostalgia pandering crap to keep the merch money rolling in. I know this is Disney's mentality because they've done it with other franchises they've purchased, like Power Rangers.

              In this context, Luke's character and pretty much the entirety of Luke and Rey's scenes in 8 make a lot of sense and could've legitimately added to the franchise while building up to 9. By portraying Luke as an ultimately well-meaning but still flawed character, it emphasizes that the previous generation should not be worshipped or pandered to, that nostalgia is for morons, and that people need to move on. Where 8 failed was in literally every other fricking thing in the movie going against that concept, like it was written by two people who never communicated with each other and had polar opposite ideas of what the movie should be like. And then 9 threw everything out for "Somehow, Palpatine returned."

              • 2 years ago

                I sort of get why Disney played it as safely as they did with TFA - they'd just spent four billion on their fancy new IP and they sure as hell weren't going to take any risks on it. Their handling of it in subsequent years though is absolutely baffling. The creative merits (or lack thereof, but that's a completely different story) of TLJ-aside, why did they immediately jump into the deconstruction route that they knew would polarize audiences? Wouldn't it have been smarter to do that a few years down the line rather than second in line?

              • 2 years ago

                They, for some baffling fricking reason, didn't have an outline or any plan for the plot and instead handed the reins completely over to some homosexual who really wanted to stick it to that pesky Star Wars.

              • 2 years ago

                It's because they put Abram in charge and Abram loves his stupid "Mystery Box" concept. Abram's ideologies were ultimately to blame for how the NT ended up.

              • 2 years ago

                Why are they so moronic?

              • 2 years ago

                Because they're braindead nepostistic morons who got their job because of connections instead of any real competence.

              • 2 years ago

                >nepostistic morons who got their job because of connections
                literally JJ Abrams
                His version of Kirk gets keys to the flagship handed him because some admiral liked his dad, and everyone just goes along with it

              • 2 years ago

                Star Wars was kind of a pulp novel deconstruction. the series has always been ''post modern''

              • 2 years ago

                >pulp novel deconstruction

              • 2 years ago

                Because disney, as opposed to what many think, is not some genius force of pure profit. Which is why they hired some narcissistic hollywoodian homosexual who hated star wars to write for star wars.

                This is something that is happening in a frick ton of mainstream series nowadays - they hire someone who literally hates the fans, hates the series and publically talks about how they're going to frick everything up so they "own the chuds" and then be surprised when people don't like it

                Why do you think they abandoned sequels so fast?

              • 2 years ago

                >hey hire someone who literally hates the fans, hates the series and publically talks about how they're going to frick everything up so they "own the chuds"
                There is no Know Your Meme page on this word, and the Urban Dictionary definition is hilariously inaccurate. It makes me angry that I can't trace the etymology of this word.

              • 2 years ago

                >I can't trace the etymology of this word
                Literally "Chad" with the vowel replaced so "it's the opposite of chad" or some moronic shit. It ain't rocket science.

              • 2 years ago

                el chapo trap house called alt right guys chuds in 2015 or something. the term coming from the movie CHUD. thats it

              • 2 years ago

                I think they figured that since TFA did so well at the box office, they could put out any old wank and still make a killing. TLJ was probably their attempt at getting critical plaudits above all else.

                They, for some baffling fricking reason, didn't have an outline or any plan for the plot and instead handed the reins completely over to some homosexual who really wanted to stick it to that pesky Star Wars.

                To be fair to that hack Abrams, he and Kasdan did write a treatment for Episode 8 that was rejected in favour of Johnson's own script for TLJ. In their version, Luke is living in hiding with his family and Ashoka, with the mystery box moment being the discovery of Snoke keeping Luke's severed hand in statis for some reason.

              • 2 years ago

                >with the mystery box moment being the discovery of Snoke keeping Luke's severed hand in statis for some reason
                >This Black person ripped-off fricking SuperShadow of all people
                Now I'm convinced Jar Jar Abrams keeps getting jobs through blackmail

              • 2 years ago

                >with the mystery box moment being the discovery of Snoke keeping Luke's severed hand in statis for some reason
                >This Black person ripped-off fricking SuperShadow of all people
                Now I'm convinced Jar Jar Abrams keeps getting jobs through blackmail

                Luke and Ashoka being buddies and training together got recycled into The Book of Boba Fett and the Snoke keeping Luke's severed hand thing appeared in a comic recently.

                Why can't they come up with anything original?

              • 2 years ago

                Star Wars has never been original.

              • 2 years ago

                That. Even in the 1970's critics called Star Wars a flash gordon knockoff

              • 2 years ago

                That. Even in the 1970's critics called Star Wars a flash gordon knockoff

                in the beginning it was definitely a knockoff of the Valerian french comic

                but anon is right though. disney is even less original than star wars when it first came out, and once more comic books came out and the old republic came out as part of the franchise, it stood on its own. one could argue the star wars universe and what lucas was doing with it was better because it was direct and a political commentary, but i don't know if Valerian was political commentary

              • 2 years ago

                >why did they immediately jump into the deconstruction route that they knew would polarize audiences? Wouldn't it have been smarter to do that a few years down the line rather than second in line?
                No? Because their only plan for the trilogy was that it would be a trilogy, and if you're going to go that route then it makes sense for the first movie to use what the audience is familiar with to set up the new plot, the second to deconstruct what the audience is familiar with, and the third to resolve everything. Hell, just look at the prior two trilogies themselves. 5 started off by undoing 4's big victory to put the heroes back on the defensive, and spent the rest of the movie fricking up the heroes using their own major traits: Han's "don't worry I know a guy" gets the entire party captured and him put on ice, while Luke's eager hero schtick has him charge into danger blindly and lose badly. And of course the surprise tweest at the end retcons the entirety of Obi-Wan and Vader's prior relationship, not to mention why Obi-Wan was on Tatooine in the first place.

                It could've worked if anyone involved had any writing chops, but Disney managed to hire the worst possible people for every writing and production job throughout the trilogy.

            • 2 years ago

              It was pretty lazy how you just had a similar, but slightly different Empire instead of, like, just a small-scale faction of diehards who continue to fight the Republic on a smaller scale. Having a guy like Thrawn in charge of it.

              In Lucas' treatments for the sequels that Iger ultimately scrapped, a still-alive Darth Maul was leading factions of disgruntled Imperial remnants and mercenaries as a kind of long-reaching Mafia syndicate who was waging guerrilla warfare against the New Republic.

            • 2 years ago

              >and Leia's STILL fricking leading a rebellion
              Actually a private military, until the nu-Republic gets JJ Abrams presents: nu-Death Star'd. Calling it the fricking Resistance is hilarious in hindsight.

              It was pretty lazy how you just had a similar, but slightly different Empire instead of, like, just a small-scale faction of diehards who continue to fight the Republic on a smaller scale. Having a guy like Thrawn in charge of it.

              If memory serves it took decades to fight the Imperial Remnant in Legends, and even then a new sith-free empire was founded. D*sney canon just has "and then the Sheevdroids issued Order KYS and the Empire died"

            • 2 years ago

              JJ is to blame for having the New Republic get destroyed just so they could have Rebels vs Empire again. People say Johnson made bad choices but a he did was try to wipe away the stale copycat set up JJ stiffed him with. It wasn’t Johnson that chose to make Palpatine behind it all, that was JJ. It wasn’t Johnson who made Luke a hermit either, that was JJ. All JJ did was try to walk back Star Wars into a safe box, Johnson like it or not had the balls to change shit.

              • 2 years ago

                Johnson did choose to make Luke a coward though. He didn't necessarily have to be in hiding *just* because he was afraid, he could've been looking for a secret, meditating, etc.

              • 2 years ago

                >"Coming into writing Luke, the first thing I had to figure out was why was he on that island. He's taken himself out of the fight. His friends are fighting and dying in the good fight. He's sitting on an island in exile. I know the Luke that I grew up with is not a coward; he's not sitting out there hiding. So I had to come up with a reason he was there that was one, active; and two, positive. And I guess, three, something that I could genuinely believe I could think if I were in Luke's shoes. And the thing that I came to, that seemed to make sense to me… was this notion that he sees this hero worship of him and of the Jedi as something that is detrimental to the galaxy. The universe has put its faith in this false god of the Jedi and they need to basically forget the religion… so the light can rise from a worthier source, basically”

                I find it hilarious that people jerk The Clone Wars off as proof of concept that Lucas’s story telling was brilliant because it showed how the Jedi were flawed. Yet they whipped up into a foaming hysteria when a sequel supported that theme. Luke ended up giving the galaxy what it wanted anyway by appearing to vanquish the First Order and save the Resistance, but you all belly ache because he didn’t go there in person to be a video game character. The final scene of the movie made it so clear that Luke was seen as a hero all over the galaxy, and that he was mistaken in believing it was useless to be a symbol, but all that went over your heads and so JJ destroyed the entire saga with his reddit post.

              • 2 years ago

                I'm not someone who thinks that Lucas's ideas are golden nuggets and should be bowed to and most of the fanbase isn't so that's not the gotcha you think it is.

              • 2 years ago

                Gimme a break. The whole fandom has been suckling his toes since 2016 even going so far as to say his version of the sequels would’ve been superior. People miss him because he’s the devil we know, and the entirety of the post episode 7 fandom has been about revising historical to act like he was a brilliant genius and not a nerd who needed the help of collaboration to properly function.

                Yeah and I guess that worthier source is Rey!

                The source was someone not from a dynastic power family, someone for whom the force was pure and not tied to a power structure. That all went out the window with 9.

              • 2 years ago

                >someone not from a dynastic power family, someone for whom the force was pure and not tied to a power structure.
                This was one of the stupider aspects of TLJ, but given the dipshittery of the prequels it was an easy mistake to make, I guess.

              • 2 years ago

                Yeah and I guess that worthier source is Rey!

              • 2 years ago

                The concept of Luke fleeing from hero worship and idolization of the Jedi is fine. But anything is fine in concept. The problem is that Johnson's execution was dogshit.

              • 2 years ago

                Luke is just doing the obi-wan role again

              • 2 years ago

                Obi-Wan was trying to convince Luke to go in ANH, Luke was trying to convince Rey to let him die in TLJ. They had similar looks and ages but they were basically the opposite of each other.

              • 2 years ago

                That justification doesn't work because Luke left without explaining himself, the galaxy continued to worship him and the good guys wasted time and resources trying to find him.
                Why did he even leave behind the map if he didn't want to be found?
                Face it, Johnson wanted to make Luke a loser without a legacy and wrote backwards to make it sound like a good thing.

              • 2 years ago

                Who says he left the map? For all we know Lorr Santeca kept a copy of the way to Ach-To without his knowledge or maybe it was a fail safe he put in R2 and forgot about. Either way the assertion that Johnson burned all the set ups is dogshit because he left Maz Kanata on the table but JJ did nothing with her in 9 that could’ve provided extra context. All this arm flailing over the conspiracy to destroy Star Wars is just stirred up by your moronic hatred of Tumblr blue hairs who you believe were in a secret cabal with Lucasfilm to steal what little testosterone you have. You’d have hated whatever movie they put in front of you because it was never about enjoying the film but spiting those you didn’t want to enjoy it. You demanded a Jedi genetics test for Rey because she didn’t train in Jedi Academy for XBox original like you did to get so OP. You foamed with madness that Holdo’s plot made no sense but also claimed Admiral Ackbar in her place would’ve fixed it. You lie and say “Snoke was built up” even though there was no promise he’d be anything more than a generic villain and had a melt down when he wasn’t Plagius. You say Johnson left all JJ’s plot behind but give him no shit for doing the same and also stomping on Johnson’s changes to appease you. They could’ve recontexualized elements of the Ep 7 vision but chose to give you the suckling blow job you were already too flaccid to enjoy. You took a shit on your dinner plate and then wonder why everyone left the restaurant.

              • 2 years ago

                >it was a fail safe he put in R2 and forgot about
                most likely like everything else

              • 2 years ago

                >Rey because she didn’t train
                This was bad, though.

              • 2 years ago

                I really don't think any of those explanations would've been any less contrived than Luke staying out of the fight because he believes he'll just make it worse.

              • 2 years ago

                Trying to wipe the slate clean as the ending to the second movie is a trilogy is absolutely moronic no matter what he was trying to fix.
                Also I don't think it mattered who came after him. If he didn't get to direct the third movie, the next director was going to have to absolutely scramble because of all the loose ends and plot points he cut before ending the movie.

          • 2 years ago

            Luke was standing aboard a superweapon built by Vader that was actively killing his friends and allies, and had just had Vader try to kill him, and was being actively goaded into killing Vader when he refused to kill his family member on the grounds that there was good in him.

            Ben Solo was having a bad dream when Luke contemplated murdering him in his sleep for having a slight amount of bad in him.

            People make mistakes, but a mistake that undoes the entire point of the original character arc is just shitty writing.

            • 2 years ago
              • 2 years ago

                Han-solo was an assassin. Did he miss that? Disney is contradicting itself

              • 2 years ago

                This reminds me a bit of the plot behind Chrono Cross actually.

              • 2 years ago


              • 2 years ago

                Not canon except to cucks

              • 2 years ago

                That's the way it goes. Peace doesn't last forever. Not here and not in the world of fiction.

            • 2 years ago

              Luke barely had a character arc in the first place

              IV: He is bored of being on Space Kansas. So bored he considers joining the empire. Then the plot falls into his lap and he spends the whole film being led around by other people with no agency for himself.
              V:Luke trains with Yoda so you could say his arc is "learn to suprass the physical" but then he skips his training to save his friends so the arc was to NOT over value the spiritual
              VI:Luke is a soulles Jedi robot.

              Seriously Aang in Atla basically has the same "arc" as it Luke and it pulls it off much better because he is a character with wants and desires and flaws that react and change with a plot he actively is engaged in instead of glorified player character Avatar.

              • 2 years ago

                >V:Luke trains with Yoda so you could say his arc is "learn to suprass the physical" but then he skips his training to save his friends so the arc was to NOT over value the spiritual
                Did you even watch the movie? I think you need to stick to Peppa Pig.

              • 2 years ago

                >VI:Luke is a soulles Jedi robot.
                The whole movie was a about Luke becoming a Jedi by breaking the cycle,
                Sidious even calls him Jedi the moment he refuses to kill Vader.

      • 2 years ago

        Filename is appropriate because Kenobi first burned Anakin on Mustafar. Now, he's throwing rocks at him. In ANH, Obi disappeared into the air when Vader struck him down. The only thing missing is some big Kamino fight to cover Vader up in water. Luke even burns Vader's body at the end of RoTJ, restarting the cycle, so it makes sense.

      • 2 years ago

        As soon as I saw that shot I thought of this piece from the ILM Art Department Challenge back in 2016.

        • 2 years ago

          lol we're gonna get the super duper star destroyer at this rate

          • 2 years ago

            Thats some Gurren Lagann shit right there.

          • 2 years ago

            Scifi escalation is always kind of stupid because it looks like it always leads to this level of dumb shit.

            Star Destroyers really should be the biggest a ship can be and still be useful before the massive size starts working against it. Like it has to refuel and resupply too damn often to function for more than a week at best. Or it takes hours to get around inside the ship making it a nightmare while in combat to get to a station.Or the power resource is too insane that they cannot really power the whole thing at one time or shield all of it at the same time. Too damn much of the inner space needs to be used for supplies like food and power generation working against it too.

            The Executor was brought down by a single fighter ramming the bridge. 3 miles of mega ship made totally useless instantly.

      • 2 years ago

        He was a good friend, please understand

      • 2 years ago

        >Kenobi could have beaten the shit out of Vader all along
        Wasn't that always the case?

      • 2 years ago

        >Luke is special because he is the only one strong enough to defeat Vader
        No, Luke was special because he was the only one who could appeal to Anakin Skywalker, who was buried deep down in the creature known as Darth Vader. Luke was never strong enough to take Vader if he had his shit together.

        >It turns out, Kenobi could have beaten the shit out of Vader all along, he just chose not to. He just left him be and let him terrorize the Galaxy for another decade, because reasons.
        This shit was moronic. Obi-wan winning should only happen through outsmarting Vader, like he did on Mustafar. When it comes to sheer display of power, the only one who should be Vader is Sheev. Everyone else, especially Luke, is lesser.

        • 2 years ago

          luke very clearly defeated vader in return of the jedi you moron, what made luke special was being able to not kill his father

      • 2 years ago

        Why did George Lucas even made up the whole "choosen one" and "mucho Midi-chlorians, highest power level" lore if Vader is a mediocre Sith without a single impressive feat? His highest point is defeating a 80 year old after Obi Wan tired him out, it was better when he was just a regular jerk before the retcon.

        • 2 years ago

          It folds what the audience already knew into the story to layer the dramatic irony, and he probably thought it would make the story more grandiose and epic -- that it would make Vader more obviously tragic.

          It was a terrible idea for multiple reasons, though.

        • 2 years ago

          >and "mucho Midi-chlorians, highest power level"
          More midichlorians =/= power level. Thanks for not watching the movies.
          if Vader is a mediocre Sith without a single impressive feat?
          He's not a mediovre Sith. He's the second most powerful Sith lord to have ever lived.

          >His highest point is defeating a 80 year old after Obi Wan tired him out
          >80 year old after Obi Wan

          • 2 years ago

            >More midichlorians =/= power level.
            Yes they are, they even as far stating Yoda and Anakin had the most in the first movie

            • 2 years ago

              >Yes they are
              Midichlorians = potential. Thanks for not watching the movies.

              • 2 years ago

                Potential = Power
                I did watch the movies but I'm pretty sure you didn't, the sequels were all about stating how Anakin was so powerful, with Palpatine describing his power 2 times in the revenge of the Sith, Anakin was constantly stated to be special and not due to a prophecy but due to his powers.

    • 2 years ago

      How many are we up to now that survived order 66?

      10ish Inquisitors

      • 2 years ago

        How can you forget Yoda?

      • 2 years ago


        Jocasta Nu survived order 66, but Vader later kills her and some other rando in the 2017 comic

        Quinlan Vos

        the mantis guy that was a fricking badass swordsman i forget the name of

        • 2 years ago

          found him. beygor sahdett. didn't see him much but i think this jedi is rad

          • 2 years ago

            i wasn't able to finish reading this story, i don't know what happens to him. these were fun comics to read

      • 2 years ago

        at this rate there will be enough jedi to claim their order still existed after 66

        • 2 years ago

          no, not really
          there were 10k of them
          now there's 10 of them

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Honestly, this. At least if their uniforms weren't so fricking tryhard or their stupid fricking lightsabers weren't AS fricking stupid, it could work. Maybe.

      >The number of Order 66 escapees and new apprentices they keep wedging into the timeline continuously makes Luke feel less special,
      Legends did the same thing, so I'm not surprised at all.

    • 2 years ago

      >makes Luke uninteresting

      i don't care about Luke and if that's all it takes to make him uninteresting, you're just making him sound boring. he was already a mary sue, so what's the real loss?

      an entire galaxy to hide in and all the jedi dying sounds pretty dumb and unlikely

      • 2 years ago

        How do you even get into Star Wars while not caring about the main character of Star Wars?

        • 2 years ago

          But I do care about Vader

          • 2 years ago

            Well played, I'll accept that.

    • 2 years ago

      Yeah, pretty much just this. Inquisitors make little sense in the lore but it's more interesting than having generic stormtroopers order 66-ing everyone

      • 2 years ago

        I'd be down for stormtrooper commando ops trying to hunt down surviving jedi.

  3. 2 years ago

    They existed in the old EU too. Unlike Disney Wars, the old EU ones were actually badass and didn't have the moronic copter sabers (and were preoccupied with other stuff). In fact one is the main antagonist of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.

    • 2 years ago

      >moronic copter sabers

      Rent free

    • 2 years ago

      >They existed in the old EU too
      That can be said for like 90% of Disney Canon.

      • 2 years ago

        Only that Disney Canon is horrible. EU less because it was 50% awesome and 50% hit or miss with slight leanings towards the latter. Then again it wasn't so bad.

        • 2 years ago

          I think much of the EU is outright shit, too. Its big advantage was in how broad and varied it was. Lucasfilm's focus on TV has produced some fine fruit (Mandalorian's first season) but on the whole it's made a lot of the rest feel timid, lest they step on a good Disney+ opportunity. Most of the comics have been passable but extremely uninteresting as a result.

          • 2 years ago

            With EU we got Exar Kun and the old republic, the expanded Clone wars lore alongside some smaller cases, like Vaders friend and him comforting Contrail while he was dying after taking multiple shots for him.

            • 2 years ago

              How is Vader in the EU material? I've mostly heard that a lot of writers watered him down or something.

        • 2 years ago

          I was just making a joke about how the expanded Disney stuff fell into all the same holes as Legends (ie. Boba and Palpatine returning to life, Death Star Clones, etc.)

  4. 2 years ago

    >I hate inquisitors.
    Frick you heretic. Without Inquisitor Fidus Kryptman the Imperium wouldn't have known about the 'nids. Karamazov is a c**t though

  5. 2 years ago

    >"Sith are superior the Jedi must be destroyed!"
    >*limit the number of sith to 2, hire dozens of jedi and give them high positions in the empire*

    Bruh just train more siths.

    • 2 years ago

      but they will backstab you

      • 2 years ago

        And the dark side jedi won't?

      • 2 years ago

        Why even train Sith? It's supposed to be a doctrine based in selfishness. If you want power and hoard it for yourself only why train someone else who could potentially kill you for that reason?

        • 2 years ago

          Darth Vader was a palpatine b***h.

        • 2 years ago

          because they will murder political adversaries, rebels and jedi whenever you tell them to

          • 2 years ago

            So it's all just to have a traitorous lackey because you're too lazy to get your own hands dirty?

            • 2 years ago

              or take the risk, genius. because murdering people is dangerous because the ones you want to murder will fricking defend themselves. sure is summer in here

        • 2 years ago

          There is a massive power gap between the Inquisitors and Palpatine/Vader and the Inquisitors are too busy fighting with each other to take a swing at the top.

        • 2 years ago

          >Why even train Sith?
          Because they wanna defeat their life long enemy the Jedi and they'll do whatever to kill them, even training another evil person who might one day kill them. Darth Bane's Rule of Two kept the Sith in small numbers but far greater in power since it was being concentrated rather than spread out and weaker as their history showed large groups of Sith always leads to its eventually destruction through infighting.

        • 2 years ago

          Well according to the sequels "the Sith" is a melevolent parasitic entity that passes from master to apprentice. So they would train an apprentice because they're going to need a fresh body at some point.

          • 2 years ago

            wrong sheev was being an butthole when he said he was all the sith. and technically he was the only sith lord in that scene the rest of sith eternal were just larpers and cultists

    • 2 years ago

      I mean, in practice the sith tend to look the other way when there's more than two sith.
      According to the plagueis novel, plagueis knew sidious trained maul but didn't do anything because sidious told him maul was just a pawn.
      In the clone wars sidious allowed dooku to keep asajj until he thought she was becoming too strong.
      Also, the sith apprentice was supposed to start training his own apprentice in the buildup to killing his master, and the master could start finding a new apprentice if he felt the previous one was unworthy.

      • 2 years ago

        Pretty sure eradicating the jedi that was their goal for centuries before Darth Big Guy was far more important than making sure there was only 2 sith.

    • 2 years ago

      Sith is an arbitrary title anyway just like Jedi.

    • 2 years ago

      There was a reason for the rule of two. More Sith = more backstabbing attempts. Every single time the Sith were closer to their victory half of them went full moron and tried to take power for themselves.

      >Let's train force sensitive people to hunt jedi!
      >We'll train them specifically in the ways of the Sith which emphasizes personal pursuit of power specifically through treachery and violence!

      It was a horrible concept. Were they invented for that Rebels cartoon or were they in some book?

      Thing is that those Disney Inquisitors were specifically trained to be ATTACK, ATTACK, ATTACK instead of having actual saber skills. Yes, they were purposefully trained wrong to not be a threat to Vader and Palpatine.

      • 2 years ago

        By Disney own new canon the betrayal problem is not sith philosophy but the dark side itself

        • 2 years ago

          I do not consider Disney Wars canon due to how badly done it is and how it is loosing people.

          >moronic copter sabers

          Rent free

          You woke up in a room full of Gizkas again?

    • 2 years ago

      inquisitors are specifically poorly trained so that they cannot rise up against the lords. like palps and vader are objectively the most powerful (except maybe prime obiwan?), but they cannot be everywhere.

      • 2 years ago

        >inquisitors are specifically poorly trained
        No they aren't some of them were fully trained jedi with jobs that imply above average skill

        • 2 years ago

          i dunno, they got mogged pretty consistently. Sometimes by Ezra, then by Cal. I'm ignoring their fights with Maul, Ahsoka, Jocasta Nu, and I'll even say that losing to Kanon is fine.

        • 2 years ago

          They are poorly trained compared to a Sith lord, not an average Jedi.

  6. 2 years ago

    Yeah the rule of two doesn't really make sense if there's more than two

    • 2 years ago

      They aren't Sith.

  7. 2 years ago

    Stop giving a frick about Star Wars
    You clearly don't even like it, so stop caring. It's never going to get any better.

  8. 2 years ago

    >Let's train force sensitive people to hunt jedi!
    >We'll train them specifically in the ways of the Sith which emphasizes personal pursuit of power specifically through treachery and violence!

    It was a horrible concept. Were they invented for that Rebels cartoon or were they in some book?

    • 2 years ago

      They were trained wrong and they were specifically underpowered so they would not present any real threat to Palpatine and Vader. They were used as a living bait, basically. They were enough to slaughter some younglings or low-tier Padawans, but if the target was serious, Vader would come in and do it himself.

    • 2 years ago

      >Were they invented for that Rebels cartoon or were they in some book?
      There was an Inquisition in Legends canon but they worked more like glowBlack folk/black ops with dark jedi among their ranks, instead of being the psycho rangers.

    • 2 years ago

      They existed in the old EU too. Unlike Disney Wars, the old EU ones were actually badass and didn't have the moronic copter sabers (and were preoccupied with other stuff). In fact one is the main antagonist of Dark Forces II: Jedi Knight.

      Inquisitors are just a marketing gimmick to allow bad guys with lightsabers who aren’t Vader to exist in the Civil War era and fight good guys with lightsabers who aren’t Luke. On paper they’re interesting, but in execution they’re bland and inconsequential, but at least that makes them easy to dismiss. The number of Order 66 escapees and new apprentices they keep wedging into the timeline continuously makes Luke feel less special, and by extension makes Kenobi and Yoda seem more cowardly than cautious.


      I hate inquisitors.
      My canon is that the empire only had Palpatine and Darth Vader and all other force sensitives were offed or locked up.

      all these people that aren't getting how the sith are a direct allegory for civil wars during feudal times in history. it's supposed to be this way, they were like this in star wars old republic as well.

      for real life examples, look at the list of roman assassinations and history of the praetorian guard.

      the empire is patently right wing. if their were elections they'd be bought off like Plutarch was talking about

    • 2 years ago

      there's a reason they use the meme sabers.

  9. 2 years ago

    >he was actually almost canon
    >he would've been sent to replace and rectify the Grand inquisitor's mistake
    >he would've been a foil to Ezra
    >Sam fricking Witwer was already planned on board for Maul

    • 2 years ago

      Imagine the shitstorm if everybody’s favorite fan fiction action figure got turned into a kid friendly jobber. I’m almost sad it didn’t happen.

      • 2 years ago
        i am more intelligent than you

        >Imagine the shitstorm if everybody’s favorite fan fiction action figure got turned into a kid friendly jobber
        you're describing boba fett in Return Of The Jedi

      • 2 years ago

        He could still come back as "Second Brother" or something as a replacement for Trilla Suduri, she died early enough in the timeline for that to be feasible.

      • 2 years ago

        It would be an upgrade for Starkiller.

    • 2 years ago

      Second biggest Mary Sue of all Star Wars

      • 2 years ago

        not even that powerful compared to any of the actual gods of Star Wars

      • 2 years ago

        He's in the third place

  10. 2 years ago

    Every one of the spinoffs sucks. but i blame lucas for doing a bunch of unnecessary retcons in the second trilogy. I don't even like star wars but these new shows are sad

  11. 2 years ago

    I think Inquisitors can be justified really mainly in video game settings. But outside of that, I always preferred the idea that Vader personally took down all the remaining Jedi himself.

    • 2 years ago

      Jedis were killed in order 66, everything that isn't in the movies is non-canon

      • 2 years ago

        It seems unreasonable to me that every single Jedi died from that. I mean Obi-Won and Yoda managed to hide. In order for Order 66 to have completely wiped out all the Jedi instantly, there would need to have been FAR less Jedi than there were in the Prequels.

        • 2 years ago

          There was a massive war beforehand that lowered the Jedi's overall numbers and ensured they were all surrounded by clones when Order 66 happened.

          • 2 years ago

            Surely a handful of Jedi WEREN'T surrounded by clones. Obi Wan and the ones who confronted Palpatine weren't.

          • 2 years ago

            Still, not every Jedi would die, like the jedi we saw survive in legends had to rely on gorilla tactics, and some were saved by Clone Commandos. Even removing that saying that every Jedi was killed by Order 66 is moronic, doesint matter that the jedi were low on members they were still thousands of them during the war and it would make sense that some Jedi were not even fighting when it happened and some like Yoda sensed and killed their clones before they could get riddled with blaster bolts.

        • 2 years ago

          Surely a handful of Jedi WEREN'T surrounded by clones. Obi Wan and the ones who confronted Palpatine weren't.

          That's how I see it, there still would have been 7-8K jedi in all corners of the galaxy and considering how incredibly easy it is to hop a ship and hyperspace to any planet anywhere in an instant, it wold be impossible to find them all. Only the top highest level ones would have been the generals and commanders surrounded in clones and the lowest levels if trainees, kids, and mundane office workers would be in the temple when Anakin showed up.

          If most just kept a low profile and just retired to be farmers, traders, pilots etc there should still be a few thousand by the time of episode 4. Also it makes for the easiest explanation for random force groups appearing decades later too like the Knights of Ren. Some jedi escaped and had a bone to pick and made up a force using biker gang. Or some just caved into temptation and became local criminals. Maybe some made a couple dojos somewhere on a random outlying planet and that led the way to some new evil lightsaber guy in a future story.

          It seems impossible for Vader and 10ish weaker guys to manage to find and kill them all. It's just too damn easy to run and hide in a galaxy with millions of planets and almost any ship can reach them in an hour.

  12. 2 years ago

    I like Inquisitors specifically because helicopter lightsabers are so absolutely stupid that you know damn well Lucas would've put them in the prequels if he thought of them himself. It's exactly something that would fit as one of his ideas. Like in the middle of the climatic showdown between Anakin and Obi-Wan, Anakin just spins to win to get the high ground, and a pivotal moment in the duel is when Obi-Wan cuts it in half so Anakin can't do that anymore.

    • 2 years ago

      >Lucas would've put them in the prequels if he thought of them himself
      Given the shit he tried to get away with originally, you are absolutely correct.


  13. 2 years ago

    >Inquisitors will always be some dumb Youngling-tier jobbers
    I want him back

    • 2 years ago

      Michael Ironside?

      • 2 years ago


    • 2 years ago

      Hell yeah

      Michael Ironside?

      No some stage actor I think

      >season 2 is September 28
      jeez, why the frick so long

      Filoni Wars/ Disneyverse is crap

      • 2 years ago

        >calls something crap while defending this garbage
        lmao even

    • 2 years ago

      his boss fight was shit
      >literally just walk circles around him then stand in front of him when he runs

    • 2 years ago

      Jerec was played by Christopher Neame in the live action cutscenes of Star Wars: Jedi Knight: Dark Forces II. Neame provided the character's voice as well,


  14. 2 years ago

    See, the ultimate joke of the New Trilogy is that it sort of inadvertently presents the idea that Star Wars is cyclical. That the same shit will repeat over and over forever. Unless, of course, Rey actually succeeds at everything and fixes all this shit for good, which I wouldn't put past Disney.

  15. 2 years ago

    Anyone know any good star wars comics?
    Any period is okay.

    • 2 years ago

      Dark Empire was pretty good.

  16. 2 years ago

    I think Abrams would have been fine if allowed to do all three films. His talent is big spectacle, emotional gobliasiatic, and mystery boxes. He typically does have solid overarching plot points and twists, its just that the journey from Point A to Point B can be a mess and his character writing is fratboy stuff, but honestly that'd be fine for star wars.

    If the story was able to develop organically instead of Episode 8 all but sabotaging every conceivable plot point developed in Episode 7, the series would have been fine. A blatant cashgrab of spectacle, but fine.

    As is? Still better than the Prequels.

    • 2 years ago

      >If the story was able to develop organically
      Abrams has literally never been capable of this in his entire life.

      • 2 years ago

        I meant production wise, not narratively.
        It's be disjointed, overly dramatic, and tread the line of plausibility. But it's Star Wars. So who cares?

    • 2 years ago

      It was flawed from inception by just trying to clone the context and atmosphere of the OT.

      • 2 years ago

        That was totally fine for the first movie of the ST. A reintroduction should retread old ground. Starkiller Base was a bit much, but so was the Second Death Star.

        • 2 years ago

          You shouldn't have to rehash the Original Trilogy in your sequels when Lucasfilm is making a bunch of spinoffs to flesh out the Original Trilogy era already.
          Solo was the sole "Every Disney Wars movie has Death Star tech to some extent" exception.

        • 2 years ago

          But it's Star Wars. The premise itself is the old ground. A story about somebody becoming a Jedi to face down an evil threat is familiar enough, especially since there are so many returning characters (different from how we last saw them, but still very familiar). They didn't need to retread the original movie in such a half-assed inferior way.

    • 2 years ago

      Why does Abrams get so much praise recently?
      I see a bunch of zoomies try to say Lost was watchable (or even good) now too.

      • 2 years ago

        >Why does Abrams get so much praise recently?
        Lost was a pretty big deal when it was airing, and it's understandable people would have nostalgia about it. Same with Cloverfield. Same with Star Trek 09, as much as Trekkies hate it, and while Into Darkness was rancid garbage it did cater enough to western fujos that they wouldn't care about quality. And all that on top of incessant backlash toward Last Jedi specifically.

        For as much as Abrams sucks creatively, he's amazing at picking and choosing the right times to duck out of a franchise so that someone else takes the blame for it.

        • 2 years ago

          Did people actually like Cloverfield? I remember people talking more about the clever marketing campaign on MySpace more than they did the actual movie.

          That said, that spinoff with John Goodman and that chick from Fargo was really good until the last twenty minutes.

      • 2 years ago

        It's not praise. He's tolerable but a lot of people act like he's the worst director on the planet, when he's just meh. He's a high budget generic Action Director who gets handed nerdy titles like Transformers and Star Trek. Then Nerds get angry Optimus Prime and James Kirk act like generic action heroes.

        Perfect for Star Wars.

  17. 2 years ago

    I know I shouldn't have expected them to do something interesting but I was really disappointing that Fin's trauma at the beginning when he sees his squaddies die. Like he's just casually murdering his coworkers a few scenes later. I wanted something exploring PTSD or deprogramming the brainwashed.

    • 2 years ago
      i am more intelligent than you

      um, no? we made all stormtroopers talk with moronic, cartoony southern accents so you'd know they were bad guys and it was okay for fin to kill them all

    • 2 years ago

      Meh, I was fine with Coward Traitor. I didn't really see Fin losing his squad mates as "Oh no my friends" so much as "oh shit that could've been me".

    • 2 years ago

      The scene that got me was when he cheered as a fighter swooped down and blew a hole through the ranks of his former comrades. Completely wasted character concept

      • 2 years ago

        They weren't comrades. They were nameless, faceless soldiers press ganged from birth into a militant death cult hellbent on galactic destruction.

        • 2 years ago

          It's out of character. either finn is a soulless soldier or he is a sensitive person.

          • 2 years ago

            He's comedy relief!

          • 2 years ago

            It's really not. Finn is terrified of the First Order. He never cared about liberation or comraderie. He just wanted to get the frick outta dodge.

            He is a Traitor Coward. His experiences and the friends he made should have turned him towards more altruistic goals, but in the first movie that wouldn't occur anyway.

            • 2 years ago

              I think this is headcanon. the moment he realized that people are dying he was afraid. They just want mindless violence for our entertainment.

    • 2 years ago

      Fin change was so sudden. then he becomes that buffoon in the sequels and for some reason he speaks ebonics.

    • 2 years ago

      he could have been the next han solo if he gained confidence and disney had anyone in charge of those shit movies that was competent, but we didn't get that. we got shit movies

  18. 2 years ago

    This is still one of the best moments in...I'll just say it, all of Star Wars. This is the only time you see someone from the Imperial side show true passion about what they're doing who's not near the top.

    • 2 years ago

      Adam's Driver's "Traitor!" yell was pretty fantastic. Honestly TFA was full of pretty great moments. They had solid actors to work with, all they needed was a script that wasn't a nightmare.

    • 2 years ago

      i don't know anon, General Grievous was pretty passionate about killing jedi

      Cad Bane isn't passionate, but his stirnerist ethos is more evil than most sith

  19. 2 years ago

    Mandalorian season 1 is the best Star Wars product in a long time, but then they keep pushing Jedi/Sith/laser swords.
    It's a shame.

  20. 2 years ago

    I quite like the Second Sister from Fallen Order. I think she demonstrated the potential for the inquisitors. After all Vader can't be everywhere at once, he has his own things to worry about. Sending him after some punk with a lightsaber would not be in the Empire's best interests. So why not have a goon squad of people to do the dirty work for you?

    • 2 years ago

      It's funny how they all get wiped out before the OT starts no matter what. Like shit, they're supposed to be the elites of the Empire and they're all dead before Luke leaves Tatooine.

      • 2 years ago

        just like an entire clone army

        • 2 years ago

          In fairness, the clones have accelerated aging so I guess they're not really designed to last 20+ years.

          • 2 years ago

            and we have no confirmation that like thirty percent of the clone troopers we see aren't last-gen clones in different helmets.

            But they were designed to be expendable in the first place and the Empire actively tried to get rid of them. It's small wonder they vanished so quickly.

            • 2 years ago

              I think the issue with the Clone Troopers is that they're meant to be this expensive but hyper-elite army designed specifically to take down the Jedi. Once all the Jedi were gone it's kinda hard to justify them since apparently they're crazy expensive.

            • 2 years ago

              I think the issue with the Clone Troopers is that they're meant to be this expensive but hyper-elite army designed specifically to take down the Jedi. Once all the Jedi were gone it's kinda hard to justify them since apparently they're crazy expensive.


              if you read the comics, some of the jedi figured out that if they said "execute order 66", the clone troopers would turn on the inquisitors

              • 2 years ago

                Comics are not canon.

              • 2 years ago

                yeah? the newest trilogy isn't canon

        • 2 years ago

          I don't get why Lucas didn't just say they started making clones from different people. It's not like we even saw a single face of a Stormtrooper in the OT.

          • 2 years ago

            Meta Wise, the Clone Wars was a thing Lucas to give the world more life and was more of a mystery before the Prequels. In lore clones were quickly abandoned for normal Soldiers due to the Kamino rebellion which cause Palpatine to realize that "Wait frick those fish fricks order 66 me like the jedi!"

          • 2 years ago

            Lucas didn’t give it much thought, but that was his original plan. Before the Disney buyout, the Fett clones in the prequels are supposed to be the Stormtroopers we see in the original trilogy, which is what he originally had in mind. Old canon snippets about the stormtroopers being clones goes way back to the OT release days. The audience was supposed to make that connection. After the release of RotS, Battlefront II and other supplementary material solidified the differing accents and heights of stormtroopers as being both recruits or made from different clone templates.

            • 2 years ago

              Makes more sense the Storm Troopers were made up of not clones. How do you create a loyal population if the army is made up of clones? Make the population part of the military and they will be loyal as to make sure their family's are kept safe while serving in battle.

          • 2 years ago

            The original Battlefield 2 campaign mode told us that happened after the Kamino uprising.


  21. 2 years ago

    I stopped paying attention to star wars because it just sucks but goddamn, these designs are next level of fricking awful. these are the stupidest lightsabers I've ever seen. the leader's head looks like it's made out of a tube sock.

  22. 2 years ago

    anon dark side force users existed in Star Wars Legends

    • 2 years ago

      That's not what they're getting at. They're talking about how during the events of the OT, anyone using the Force have become legends since they've been killed off by the Empire. Sidious doesn't care about having loads of Dark Force users because that just means more potential rivals as he doesn't care for the rules of the Sith. He embraced their ways of using the Dark Side but never cared for their rules as he was all about himself and nothing else. He wants to remain as the master forever and go through one apprentice at a time which goes against Sith teachings where the apprentice is supposed to one day defeat master and find a new apprentice. That's why he was okay with Luke being converted cause he believed Luke would kill Vader, giving him another young and powerful Dark Force user to manipulate.

  23. 2 years ago

    I like the idea of inquisitors as a tool for certain times when the Empire needed force sensitives to root out survivors but they should all be dead or mia by the time of Tarkin and the other moffs.

    • 2 years ago

      pretty sure they are dead by that time, unless it says otherwise in some piece of media i dont know of

      • 2 years ago

        Can never be too sure. Realistically, how can you absolutely know that all Jedi are dead? At least two were definitively unaccounted for.

  24. 2 years ago

    >season 2 is September 28
    jeez, why the frick so long

    • 2 years ago

      probably cuz its animation that doesnt look like cheap dogshit

  25. 2 years ago

    The Grand Inquisitor was cool as frick but every inquisitor after has been moronic as frick

    >tweedle dee and tweedle dumb in rebels constantly getting punked out by ezra
    >the inquisitor in fallen order who got tortured by the empire so bad she joined the empire

    and that's not to mention that their fortress uses some shitty faux latin name when nothing else in star wars follows anything similar to that kind of naming convention. they just suck all around and worst of all they look fricking boring.

    • 2 years ago

      Sidious was really popular and they need badass villains, even though lucas never cared much for them, bobba died as a joke

  26. 2 years ago

    What exactly was in Lucas' outlines for the sequels that scared Disney so much? He claims he had a handshake deal with Iger and Alan Horn to use them but then they walked back on it.

    • 2 years ago

      Disney wasn't against using George's notes. JJ Abrams wouldn't come on board for TFA without the green light to do whatever he wanted, and he was the one that threw out the notes.

    • 2 years ago

      Darth Maul and the Whills.

    • 2 years ago

      A big part of it was that Lucas wanted to go in-depth in exploring what exactly the Force was - Luke would eventually come into contact with Whills, sort of Force deities. Basically it was doubling down on the self-indulgent prequel shit like Midochlorians. Meanwhile as mentioned above, a cyborg Darth Maul had exploited the power vacuum left by Palpatine's death and had set up a violent crime syndicate that was engaging in a guerrilla warfare campaign against Leia's New Republic.

      Elements of it were retained in the final versions, though. Notably Luke starts out a washed-up mess because one of his students was corrupted and Columbine'd the academy, but is later given a renewed sense of strength and purpose when he comes across proto-Rey, who becomes his Padawan.

  27. 2 years ago

    All the competent ones were locked up. The Inqs are Pal's personal free-range Keystone Kops nostalgia and he secretly keeps droid footage of them being disasters and getting themselves killed. Like a Post Wrecked thread, only Palpy's got to let them be free to do their thing for it to happen. It's ok, P's got time.

  28. 2 years ago

    They're a useful concept for stories set during the Imperial era. It means you can have a Jedi survivor character and still have lightsaber duels and shit without having to bust out Vader. In turn, that makes it a bigger deal when Vader shows up in person to tear ass.
    That said, I would agree that Disney's execution of the concept has been mediocre to bad.

  29. 2 years ago

    My canon is that Star Wars ended in 1983.

  30. 2 years ago

    I like Trilla.

  31. 2 years ago

    The idea of Jedi and Sith just running around during the Imperial Period makes perfect sense when you remember that there are billions of force sensitives who just aren't identified at any given time. It must be pretty easy to find old holocrons and lightsabers.

  32. 2 years ago

    The bigger problem is that Star Wars games and books have made force users too damn powerful that no one else is capable of handling them. It takes another guy with a lightsaber just to potentially match a guy with a lightsaber. No other group stands a chance against a jedi or sith no matter how cool their armor is or what cyborg parts they have on them. So just one force user existing in the show means they have to escalate and make more or else there is no challenge, the one force user godmodes through everything easily.The series cannot just have one lightsaber guy, there has to be more just to make something to overcome.

    If the rebels have a single former jedi in their group then they are unstoppable until Vader shows up. So the villains need lightsaber mooks too just to make a weekly challenge for the heroes. Empire mooks are already too damn mooky, stormtroopers are the definition of pathetic. And if Vader is the main antagonist in every episode then that weakens him by a lot too if he has to be defeated or escaped from every week. That means the empire needs to have someone weaker than Vader, but also capable of slapping around a jedi every week as a main rival to the hero.

    I agree spinny lightsabers are dumb. I have been tired of every sith needing to have some super special gimmicky lightsaber every time for a while now.

    • 2 years ago

      >If the rebels have a single former jedi in their group then they are unstoppable until Vader shows up.
      But ins't that exactly why the writers created the rule of 2? To explain why Palpatine only got one force user minion even though the rebels can recruit as many as they want?

      • 2 years ago

        I assume so. That seems like an episode 1 thing that was ignored pretty quickly. It really did look more like some line to explain why Palpatine did not have a school full of students in the OT and just had Vader.

        By episode 2 there was Dooku, Ventress, Opress the Dark Acolytes, etc. Things escalated to Palpatine, his official apprentice and then a random collection of more evil force users too because escalation for side stories and toy sales. The Inquisitors seem like that exact same concept all over again post episode 3. Pretty sure they had something like this in the 90s too with Palpatine's super secret extra students that were running around in the OT era.

      • 2 years ago

        I assume so. That seems like an episode 1 thing that was ignored pretty quickly. It really did look more like some line to explain why Palpatine did not have a school full of students in the OT and just had Vader.

        By episode 2 there was Dooku, Ventress, Opress the Dark Acolytes, etc. Things escalated to Palpatine, his official apprentice and then a random collection of more evil force users too because escalation for side stories and toy sales. The Inquisitors seem like that exact same concept all over again post episode 3. Pretty sure they had something like this in the 90s too with Palpatine's super secret extra students that were running around in the OT era.

        The solid rule of 2 seems like a poorly thought up idea that is just never put into practice anyway so it was considered limiting and annoying even by the official writers.

        It seems like it would have been a much better idea to just have Palpatine be an incredibly paranoid person who is terrified of any little threat to his position and power so he had Vader kill all the jedi as a preemptive move to make sure there was no one that could possibly rival him. While he personally made sure to only have a single apprentice that he could maintain dominance over at all times. Instead of that being official Sith doctrine, just make it all Palpatine's personal paranoia.

        Also more wacky things like all sith eventually scheme and backstab their masters is dumb. Make that again Palpatine's thing, he was just a constantly paranoid little creep that saw even his master being a threat to himself and he is always jumping at his own shadow afraid someone is going to try to kill him so he kills off whole planets first.

        • 2 years ago

          Never thought about it but you are right, for some reason they retconned every single Emperor Sheev Palpatine personality trait into Sith Philosophy, he was supposed to be a petty, cowardly jealous corrupt politician was that was making everything worse due to being so afraid of everybody while not tolerating sharing political power with others.

          Now he's just bland and perfect and every flaw he ever had was retconned into being a set of rules he was pressured to follow to honor his deal with his master and will ignore it from times to times when it is bringing him down.

          • 2 years ago

            I mean that’s just what’s shit about Star Wars in general, where every trait that a couple niche characters had is just the entire fricking philosophy of the Jedi and Sith.

            Like Obi-Wan’s robes aren’t just ratty old hermit robes, they’re the official robes of the Jedi Order. He also says that blasters are a crude weapon, so every Jedi eschews blasters. And Darth Vader has a red lightsaber, so every Sith has to have a red lightsaber. And there were two bad guys in Return, so naturally the Sith have some unbreakable rule that there can only ever be two of them.

            • 2 years ago

              >have some unbreakable rule that there can only ever be two of them.
              The rule of two only really existed in the prequels and in every piece of Star Wars media outside of the movies doesn't treat the rule of two as some sacred law of the sith. No one follows it.

              • 2 years ago

                That's what anon is saying, Sith and Jedi culture was clearly just turning every Ben Kenobi, Vader and Emperor personality trait and design into sacred rules in the prequels.

          • 2 years ago

            >for some reason they retconned every single Emperor Sheev Palpatine personality trait into Sith Philosophy,

            That's not just Palpatine, but loads of other Star Wars characters. They wrapped an entire species or group around a single character from the OT too many times.

            Because Jabba was a mafia don, all Huts became gangsters.
            Greedo was a bounty hunter so all Rhodians were bounty hunters that worshiped a bounty hunt goddess
            Obiwan wore brown robes, now all jedi wear brown robes as a uniform
            Jaba had some twi'lek slaves, now Twi'leks are the most commonly enslaved and traded species ever
            Because you see some bounty hunters in ESB, bounty hunting is now the second most popular profession in the galaxy

            • 2 years ago

              >Because you see some bounty hunters in ESB, bounty hunting is now the second most popular profession in the galaxy
              This is because people want to see stories about bounty hunters, not because they are that common in the star wars universe.

            • 2 years ago


              Watto was not a law abiding constitutional monarchist

              Jar Jar was not a noble warrior or an engineer that builds and maintains advanced technology

              Boba Fett was a clone, not all humans are clones

              just because Cad Bane is a duro doesn't mean duros are mercenaries

              stop reading idpol tweets that are racist itself, trying to claim jar jar is a minstrel character or watto being a israelite. those people are just stupid and racist themselves

              • 2 years ago

                >Anon give examples of the old trilogy before the universe was expanded
                >post sequel examples after the worldbuilding was changed
                Anon is right

              • 2 years ago

                all those examples were from the prequel-era george lucas produced shit though he has watto backwards because we see him first then the other toydarians like eight years after in the clone wars

              • 2 years ago

                Anon point stands, his examples follow a clear pattern and your counter examples fail to refute it.

              • 2 years ago

                i am not that person but the twi'lek and bounty hunter points are both moronic. rest are more or less valid but not really worth b***hing about

            • 2 years ago

              >Greedo was a bounty hunter so all Rhodians were bounty hunters that worshiped a bounty hunt goddess
              You got Bossk and the Trandoshans mixed with the bug-eyed meme that got shot
              >D*sney canon slapped an overly long name to Bossk just for the hell of it, just like Lando

              • 2 years ago

                out of all the things you could complain about in disney canon you pick bossk having a joke name

            • 2 years ago

              >Because Jabba was a mafia don, all Huts became gangsters.
              Legends actually had one of the greatest and most loved supreme chancellors in history being a hutt.

        • 2 years ago

          >If the rebels have a single former jedi in their group then they are unstoppable until Vader shows up.
          But ins't that exactly why the writers created the rule of 2? To explain why Palpatine only got one force user minion even though the rebels can recruit as many as they want?

          The Darth Bane edict of the Rule of Two is moronic but also Palpatine never really cared about respecting the Rule of Two in either canons.

  33. 2 years ago

    When is that animated series that focuses on young Ahsoka, Dooku and Qui-Gon coming out?

    • 2 years ago

      Is this a joke? Have they truly found a way to shoehorn that c**t into even a Dooku and Qui-Gon show? Jesus fricking Christ.

      • 2 years ago

        I think it's a series of one-shots focusing on different characters.

        • 2 years ago

          Ah. That's better then. Carry on.

    • 2 years ago


  34. 2 years ago

    I like that Starkiller was basically a black ops Inquisitor.

    • 2 years ago

      >we taught him to grip his weapon backwards like a dildo

  35. 2 years ago

    I liked them in Fallen Order because it turns out they're more fun as bosses you fight instead of Saturday morning cartoon villains that Ezra regularly dunks on

    They don't totally break the world for me because they're more like mall cops than actual sith

  36. 2 years ago

    If you got isekaied into the world of Star Wars, what would you do with your meta info?

  37. 2 years ago

    I always kinda felt that Palpatine actually did plan on making Vader his successor. The reason I think this is due to this line "Lord Vader will be more powerful than either of us." There was no real reason to say this if he didn't have truly big plans for Vader, since there's no particular merit to gloating about Vader during a fight with Yoda unless he meant it. When Vader got lava'd, that probably forced Palpatine to change all his plans. Vader was no longer a worthy successor, and with Vader lava'd, there WERE no more worthy successors in all the galaxy, and there probably never will be.

  38. 2 years ago

    Does Palpatine look all deformed because of burns sustained from his lightning during the fight with Samuel L Jackson or did he always look like that and just stopped keeping up appearances so he could say he was crippled in a botched assassination attempt by the Jedi?

    • 2 years ago

      It was definitely a disguise revealed imo. No one else ever got scarred by Force lightning and there's no reason for him to keeping zapping himself if it's scarring him.
      That said I'm pretty sure George's intent was that he was actually scarring himself. Seems like the sorta dumb thing he'd go for and that certainly seems to be what the movie itself is implying.

    • 2 years ago

      Well in the Rebels finale he tried appealing to Ezra by looking like benevolent ruler and not a evil deformed Sith Lord. So I would imagine he used this hologram disguise while making public appearances through holograms

    • 2 years ago

      The deformation was unintentional. Palpatine never meant for all that force lightning to be redirected at him.

  39. 2 years ago

    Seventh Sister was a cute girl. There, I've said.

  40. 2 years ago

    Would the prequels have been better had Natalie Portman and Hayden Christiansen actually been able to act?

    • 2 years ago

      They actually acted perfectly for their characters, the problem is their characters were "moronic young couple who were both sheltered and have tons of issues dealing with their respective trauma and properly expressing their personal feelings."
      Also George fricking sucks ass as a director.

    • 2 years ago

      I don't think there's any way you can come out looking good with some of that dialogue.

      • 2 years ago

        I dunno, in RotS McDiarmid takes a pretty ridiculous script and puts in the performance of a lifetime.

  41. 2 years ago

    Jerec and Mara Jade fit the canon nicely.

  42. 2 years ago

    Vader doesn't have time to chase down every fricking padawan that managed to dodge 66.

  43. 2 years ago

    They have stupid hats and their lightsabers are moronic.

    • 2 years ago

      These weapons are legit


  44. 2 years ago

    While we're on things we hate. I FRICKING HATE EZRA. He is so annoying and has zero fricking depth. He's only there to give kids a self-insert main character. Ezra offers absolutely nothing to the star wars universe besides making luke look weak by comparison. Can luke ass pull light speed space whale, Ezra can.

    I hate most things about Rebels now that I think about it, except Kanan and Hera (Kanan should've been the main fricking character). Almost everything established in rebels sux. And I am pretty sure that the cameo bullshit that star wars is known for nowadays came from rebels canceling the clone wars.

    Think about it. Filoni wanting to close the loose ends from his canceled show uses his new show as a vehicle to reintroduce his old characters and give them proper conclusions (even at the cost of having to include the newer less interesting characters in these stories). Filoni (and Disney) then realize that fans were creaming their pants over characters returning and not plot lines being concluded. Then begins the never-ending call-back bullshit of unnecessary characters returning in shows or movies that they just don't fricking belong in. Like holy fricking shit, Bad Batch just devolved into the cameo show for its middle episodes. Why the frick did young Kanan, young Hera, cad bane, fennec, the two lame Hispanic sisters from clone wars, and JABBAS (then baby) RANCOR have to make an appearance. None of these cameos offered any substance and was just included to make fan boy money pig cucks feel like they were being rewarded for consuming this garbage.

    Side note, don't get me wrong, the prequels did have their fair share of unnecessary cameos appearances as well like Chewbacca, but it was never so intrusive to be the only thing the movies had to offer. (This isn't me defending the prequels or putting them on a pedestal over what Disney produces, those movies are still shit. The clone wars shows are the only things that validate their existence).

    • 2 years ago

      Kanan was unnecessary
      Hera makes sense, she's Chum Syndulla's daughter, who is in charge of Ryloth - of course she'd be there
      The rancor was not the same from RotJ
      Martez Sisters was a big coincidence, but they knew Rex via Ahsoka, and the Bad Batchers also knew Rex, so that's how they got in contact

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