I hate Japan now

What kind of savages boil people for fun, what kind of ass backwards culture allows this, i'm glad they were nuked, should've nuked them more.
Also frick subs this was the first show i watched with them and its the most moronic way of watching movies ever, first thing you can't even eat normally because you have to constantly read, and second for all those pseudo intellectual excuses about le original acting - you can't understand shit they're saying so you missing the acting, you don't know which word means what and only get the surface, the overall emotion but not the exact moment of acting when actor says the word that means something because you don't know which word was that.
tl:dr the show fricking sucks

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  1. 1 month ago

    We get it, you're brown

    • 1 month ago

      >posts twitter screencap
      >calls me brown
      hrt has rotted your brain troony

      • 1 month ago

        All your points is something a homosexual troon would say.

        • 1 month ago

          You post twitter - you're a troony. Those are the rules, i didn't make them, cope.

          >Asian men hate the show because a white guy fricks Asian women
          >Catholics hate the show because John Blackthorne hates them
          >Protestants hate the show because John didn't do a whole lot to defeat the Catholics
          >Bookgays hate the show because it didn't copy the books 1:1
          >Marvelgays hate the show because there is no soulless epic battle or orange slices
          >Illiterates hate the show because they have to read subtitles
          >Normies hate the show because because Japan is too weird for them
          >Zoomers hate the show because it's longer than 5 seconds and thats too much time away from their phones
          >Contrarians hate the show because it's good
          >Boomers hate the show because a 1980 version exists and "Old Good, New Bad" is their slogan
          >Animegays hate the show because Toranaga doesn't have an episode long fight with Ishido that takes place mid-air with their katanas clashing a thousand times a second
          >Lefties hate the show because a strong black woman doesn't become Shogun
          >/misc/ hates the show because it didn't have John become Shogun while turning Japan into his personal harem
          >Lobsters hate the show because there is boiling water
          >Only the cultured few who wanted to see a story that remained authentic and true to the Japanese culture of the period enjoyed the show.
          Water flows through stones
          The sticks and twigs may not pass
          The stream becomes pure

          >Illiterates hate the show because they have to read subtitles
          You are not literate, if you were you'd read a book, if you're enjoying to do things assbackwards way then you are unironically moronic.

          • 1 month ago

            lmao writing in total broken english and having the audacity to act like that.

            • 1 month ago

              Nothing there is broken troony, if you'd ever read a book you'd know that, as i said - cope.

              • 1 month ago

                lmao you're such an ESL. You cant hide it from native speakers/typers.

              • 1 month ago

                >had to clarify it
                yep troony confirmed, and now its seething too, still can't point out what exactly was broken other than its dick, lel

              • 1 month ago

                >, if you're enjoying to do things assbackwards way then you are unironically moronic.
                MEanwhile you cant even prove Im a troon beyond you gay ass meme. You're an ESL and you cant read too good and you're mad about it and lashing out like an incel jeet. Which is half of this board now.

              • 1 month ago

                >cant even prove Im a troon
                here's the proof troony

                now tell me the name of the last book you've touched you wienerless homosexual

              • 1 month ago

                It also explains why reading english subtitles makes you so mad since I had no issue going back and forth. Maybe find some hindi subs.

              • 1 month ago

                what is that, some dilator for illiterate morons that don't know how a book looks like?

              • 1 month ago

                You must be a troon trying to make normal troony haters seem like schizo morons.

              • 1 month ago

                nah you're projecting because you so mad at me speaking the truth

              • 1 month ago

                lmao you're so egotistical. It's why you're having a breakdown and grasping at anything to get at me. Im not a troon and I take great joy in making you so mad at your ESL ramblings.

              • 1 month ago

                >Im not a troon
                yeah sure you are "transgender" i get it
                >your ESL
                still failed to point out the exact "broken" part because all you have is missed grammar on me you disgusting wienerless freak, your reddit tricks won't work on this board, we say the word here, we hate the troons here, and we are not brown here

              • 1 month ago

                >>, if you're enjoying to do things assbackwards way then you are unironically moronic.
                >>, if you're enjoying to do things assbackwards way then you are unironically moronic.
                >>, if you're enjoying to do things assbackwards way then you are unironically moronic.

              • 1 month ago

                And the fact your entire OP post is one huge run on sentence. It's painfully obvious.

                and what's wrong with it other than that it makes you seethe you illiterate troon

              • 1 month ago

                And the fact your entire OP post is one huge run on sentence. It's painfully obvious.

                and what's wrong with it other than that it makes you seethe you illiterate troon

                >no response
                I accept your concession

              • 1 month ago

                And the fact your entire OP post is one huge run on sentence. It's painfully obvious.

      • 1 month ago

        Only browns hate japan, its the perfect country for white and yellow people

    • 1 month ago

      Tell me how he’s wrong?

      • 1 month ago

        Because blacks aren't known for having an attention span, and neither are zoomers. I'm guessing you're one or both?

  2. 1 month ago

    > What kind of savages boil people for fun
    You may have missed the fact that the Portuguese priest called for the execution, the japs just picked another sailor to execute to appease him.
    As far as the method, well to be honest executions should be brutal, they’re supposed to be punitive.

    • 1 month ago

      and now the dumbass chud justifying brutal punishment because it's done by le heckin japanerinos

      • 1 month ago

        Have hapa kids with Ochiba

  3. 1 month ago

    Japanese people since the beginning of history have been permanently suicidal, so execution isn't much of a deterrent. So HOW they're killed must be the deterrent.

  4. 1 month ago

    >Asian men hate the show because a white guy fricks Asian women
    >Catholics hate the show because John Blackthorne hates them
    >Protestants hate the show because John didn't do a whole lot to defeat the Catholics
    >Bookgays hate the show because it didn't copy the books 1:1
    >Marvelgays hate the show because there is no soulless epic battle or orange slices
    >Illiterates hate the show because they have to read subtitles
    >Normies hate the show because because Japan is too weird for them
    >Zoomers hate the show because it's longer than 5 seconds and thats too much time away from their phones
    >Contrarians hate the show because it's good
    >Boomers hate the show because a 1980 version exists and "Old Good, New Bad" is their slogan
    >Animegays hate the show because Toranaga doesn't have an episode long fight with Ishido that takes place mid-air with their katanas clashing a thousand times a second
    >Lefties hate the show because a strong black woman doesn't become Shogun
    >/misc/ hates the show because it didn't have John become Shogun while turning Japan into his personal harem
    >Lobsters hate the show because there is boiling water
    >Only the cultured few who wanted to see a story that remained authentic and true to the Japanese culture of the period enjoyed the show.
    Water flows through stones
    The sticks and twigs may not pass
    The stream becomes pure

    • 1 month ago

      you missed me I hate the show because they killed my favorite character and no i don't care about what's in the book

  5. 1 month ago

    now google what europeans did to their prisoners in medieval times

    • 1 month ago

      do you think shogun takes place during the medieval period?

      • 1 month ago

        Don't be a semantics autist. The 30 years war takes place after this and the shit the papists and protestants did to each other makes the 36th dirlewanger seem like a peace corps.

  6. 1 month ago

    Why tell a dead man the future?

    • 1 month ago

      >tells him most of the future before that point anyways

      • 1 month ago

        another amazing keikaku of lord Toranaga

  7. 1 month ago

    > What kind of savages boil people for fun,

    Ever heard of sawn asunder?

  8. 1 month ago

    we need to drop more nukes

    1 nuke for every 1 anime

  9. 1 month ago

    >its the most moronic way of watching movies ever, first thing you can't even eat normally
    I laughed out loud. Never change.

    • 1 month ago

      It wasn't supposed to be funny and i was serious, you can get away with not looking what you eat if its some chips but if its ravioli or cheese pasta you have to. Its not my biggest issue but it is one nonetheless.

  10. 1 month ago

    >Also frick subs this was the first show i watched with them
    Are you 12?

    • 1 month ago

      I'm 35

      • 1 month ago
  11. 1 month ago

    if you're white you came from people who hung drew and quartered men. And that's the only most well known execution your ancestors did. Pretty sure you boiled people too seems like a pretty logical form of punishment. All of us came from ruthless people. If you wanna call out nips, call them out for the wwII athrocities

    • 1 month ago

      That was different Jesus wasn't born yet, and it wasn't done for fun only for intimidation

      • 1 month ago

        the US dropped the second nuke for the kicks. The first one was already an overreaction. Also, do you really think everyone just executed people on record and officially in ancient times? Wake up or grow up. You sound young and naive

  12. 1 month ago

    why americans seeth so much about subs?
    >first thing you can't even eat normally because you have to constantly read
    nvm I understand now lmao fat fricks

    • 1 month ago

      Because Americans are the only ones that get them, Europeans get all movies dubbed if you didn't know that.

      • 1 month ago

        >Because Americans are the only ones that get them
        lol imagine believing this

        • 1 month ago

          Third worlders don't count, and if you're doubting that EU gets dubs just serch for whatever the last film you've watched in some euro language and see for yourself that its all dubbed.

          the US dropped the second nuke for the kicks. The first one was already an overreaction. Also, do you really think everyone just executed people on record and officially in ancient times? Wake up or grow up. You sound young and naive

          >do you really think everyone just executed people on record and officially
          nice "trust me" bro

          >first thing you can't even eat normally because you have to constantly read
          skill issue, also lose weight fatty

          >skill issue
          does this skill allows you to understand which word corresponds with the one that you see in english, no it doesn't you still don't understand what they're saying

  13. 1 month ago

    >first thing you can't even eat normally because you have to constantly read
    skill issue, also lose weight fatty

  14. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      >everything i don't like is bait

  15. 1 month ago

    >Also frick subs this was the first show i watched with them and its the most moronic way of watching movies ever
    why are americans so moronic

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