i have absolutely no hope for this

i have absolutely no hope for this

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  1. 4 months ago

    the cartoon was almost perfect. there is zero need for a live-action version. None. Only fake ass npc 'fans' are going to watch that shit, just because its the flavor of the month. Frick all of you.

    • 4 months ago

      the cartoon sucked ass though, and I say this as someone who was 10 in 2000

    • 4 months ago

      Only season 2 was good.

  2. 4 months ago

    as you shouldn't

  3. 4 months ago

    I really think shit like this is a money laundering scheme. Anyone with a human brain in their heads know these adaptations are doomed to fail. SHAMALAMAWTFBBQ DID THIS OVER A DECADE AGO!

  4. 4 months ago

    Is the budget that low for the Avatar spinoff they can't even afford to paint him blue? I didn't expect CGI like the James Cameron film but they could at least try to make them look like the Na'vi.

    Hard pass from me.

  5. 4 months ago

    I, on the other hand, feel like it's going to be another One Piece situation with 90% critics and 85% audience, with Cinemaphile being left with a dick in their hand to quietly seethe at all the progressive changes in the show.

    • 4 months ago

      One Piece hadn't been tried on a mainstream Western Audience before but it worked. When people see this they are just going to see it as a cash grab trying to ride off the coat tails of James Cameron's films by calling itself the same name or not bother watching it because they remember the first movie bombing.

      Netflix would have done better adapting Detective Conan to live action as it would be a ready made hit as Whodunit kino is popular at the moment anyway.

    • 4 months ago

      if it's just following the show it's gonna be hard to frick up in the eyes of most fans.

      • 4 months ago

        >the mainstream audience with shitty standards liked it, therefore it's good
        Good, you're a pathetic moron.

        • 4 months ago

          who are you quoting?
          my post doesn't say whether or not that makes it good

    • 4 months ago

      You're a worthless moron, and your taste is garbage.
      >all the progressive changes
      They already toned down Sokka being a mysoginist who needs to be "put in his place", kek.

      • 4 months ago

        Not once have I expressed anything about the quality of the product, spergerino. Learn to read, alright? I haven't even watched One Piece. I just know that reaction to it was very positive, despite Cinemaphile's persistent doomposting. Relegating you to posting Black person Nojiko again and again as some kind of proof of series shit quality while it was being renewed for season 2. Yeah, I'm thinking it's going to happen again with you posting Kyoshi Island rewrites again and again while they announce Book 2. When was Cinemaphile ever right, after all?

        • 4 months ago

          >just know that reaction to it was very positive,

          I don't think any of that shit matters to regular people and no one remembers the shamalamadindong movie except losers that browse places like Cinemaphile. A lot of the praise for One Piece came from the 1:1 costume design and from the trailer Avatar looks like it put some effort into the costumes.

          >I don't think any of that shit matters to regular people

          >the mainstream audience with shitty standards liked it, therefore it's good
          Good, you're a pathetic moron.

    • 4 months ago

      Weeeellll I ain’t one of them there weeb fellas, so I’ll need someone to field these for me. Did one piece have
      1) a relatively short run that made people satisfied with what they got while still eager for more
      2) a disastrous high profile movie adaption
      3) an equally shit sequel series that pissed all over the original
      4) the two of the original creators that made the shit adaption being on board and then leaving
      I may just be a simple normalgay, but it seems to me that avatar has a bit of a hill to climb before audiences give it the benefit of the doubt

      • 4 months ago

        I don't think any of that shit matters to regular people and no one remembers the shamalamadindong movie except losers that browse places like Cinemaphile. A lot of the praise for One Piece came from the 1:1 costume design and from the trailer Avatar looks like it put some effort into the costumes.

      • 4 months ago

        Yes anon mainstream audiences don't think about the movie that no one watched a decade ago or how Korra was shit or how the original creators left the project 4 years ago because they don't care and probably don't even know those things exist because they think of blue aliens when you say Avatar.

        • 4 months ago

          No child, these are your delusions speaking

  6. 4 months ago

    Unironically the film did the arrow better if you're translating to live action. The 30 year old nerds on here will seethe however

    • 4 months ago

      man those are two ugly fricking kids

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, one of the few things I liked about that era of live action was the occasional genuine attempts at grounding something even slightly in reality.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, one of the few things I liked about that era of live action was the occasional genuine attempts at grounding something even slightly in reality.

      I'm a little optimistic because when they show Aang entering the avatar state in the trailer the tattoo is revealed to be more detailed and not just a solid arrow.

      Not a fan of Zuko's scar though.

    • 4 months ago

      >Unironically the film did the arrow better if you're translating to live action.
      stop being contrarian, there are better way to trash this shit show.

      • 4 months ago

        Not being contrairian. The blue arrow looks dumb. Although as another anon said it appears to have more detail up close. I dont really like Netflix production or set design a lot. Kinda worked for one piece, but Avatar was never super vibrant or needing to be OTT. I think the more subtle approach of the film looked better

  7. 4 months ago

    I just don't see why you should remake an already great show only to replace the expressive and stylized animation with dudes awkwardly standing infront of green screens. Why would I watch that when the OG series is right here.

  8. 4 months ago

    Are they going to be attempting awkward comedy with these child actors or are they going to treat this series as seriously and joylessly as possible to avoid it?

  9. 4 months ago

    >article about removing Sokka's sexism
    >Zhao is at Kiyoshi Island instead of Zuko

    The primary concern for me is that all of the main characters might be having their negative traits washed away. Which is fricking stupid. Sokka's whole character growth derives from realizing that traditional gender roles are more or less subverted by the existence of bending. And if they take away Zuko and Iroh's warcrimes then their redemption has no meaning.

  10. 4 months ago

    The more I've seen of it lately the more scared I get. Hearing some of Zuko's lines and some of Aang's really had me worried they're both going to be utter shit. It would be one thing if they were utter shit but the cinematic quality of the series was that of a high budget movie, but instead the cinematic quality is that of a standard daytime television drama series. I'm so scared.

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