I know about Bond 26. AMA.

I know about Bond 26. AMA.

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Mike Stoklasa's Worst Fan Shirt $21.68

  1. 1 month ago

    Is he a big guy?

  2. 1 month ago

    Why is he a pussy-ass Black personhomosexual?

  3. 1 month ago

    what is the title and who are the bond girls

  4. 1 month ago


  5. 1 month ago

    I just watched Fall Guy which had Goose call the guy who's up for Bond a Bond villain. That was funny.

  6. 1 month ago

    What's your favorite Pokemans game :3

  7. 1 month ago

    Most probable is that filming will begin in December 2024 with the film releasing in September 2026.

  8. 1 month ago

    Do you denounce the Talmud?

  9. 1 month ago

    do they write him as a mossad double agent?

  10. 1 month ago

    The writers are Neal Purvis and Robert Wade who have written a pretty good draft and it's unlikely that someone else will be brought in as they've written something moreso resembling a Brosnan joint than anything in Craig's tenure of auteur-driven movies where usually they'd bring in some "prestige" writer to just give his stamp. Two of the names being passed around for the director are Ben Wheatley (Free Fire, Meg 2) and Gareth Evans (Apostle, Gangs of London) as they're established but could still use the boost to their careers but know they won't have any meaningful effect on the movie's casting or direction beyond some general guidance.

    • 1 month ago

      The full cast of this movie please

      • 1 month ago

        Aaron Taylor-Johnson's casting in 28 Years Later has cast some doubt on his Bond chances as it seems like a commitment that would hinder his Bond chances but one has nothing to do with the other as that's likely not a major role that'd require months of shooting, unlike Bond.

        No such thing as a confirmed cast just yet but I have more than let loose on who's who on the casting sheets of interest.

        • 1 month ago

          oh great they hired asmongold

        • 1 month ago

          Bond. israelite Bond.

    • 1 month ago

      Would definitely prefer Gareth Evans between those two names, that guy directed The Raid movies

      • 1 month ago

        Perhaps but if you ask me, I'd lean more on Ben Wheatley who's already wet his beak with blockbuster filmmaking on Meg 2 (the Jason Statham shark movie) and would be much cooler with doing journeyman work than Evans who still has a movie shelved because he won't budge on details with Netflix. It's called Havok with Tom Hardy.

        • 1 month ago

          yeah but Meg 2 was... bad...

          • 1 month ago

            He'll just be there to steer the ship and fill the director's seat and that movie shows he has no problem doing this which bodes well for Bond 26 as a middleman for the shotcallers that are the EON thinktank comprising of Barbara, Michael, Purvis and Wade.

          • 1 month ago

            I was very surprised (and still am) that people virtually everywhere disliked Meg 2. Meg 1 was a massively boring, directionless slog that didn't know what kind of movie it wanted to be, tried to be "a little bit of" every type of movie and failed miserably. Meg 2 is very lean, focused, has excellent pace and consistent tone, you're watching a movie that clearly knows what it should be and how to be that way. Meg 2 is about as good as a movie with that kind of silly story can hope to be.

            • 1 month ago

              I liked and enjoyed it. You watch a Statham joint, you get a Statham joint. The direction was no-nonsense and sharp which is the thing Bond needs right now. Not over-indulgent artsty-fartsy buttholes.

            • 1 month ago

              Not enough giant sharks wrecking shit

              The Chinese cast were generally quite abysmal actors

              The main villain big bad creature looked stupid

              CGI is obvious and tacky most of the time

              Needs 20 mins+ hacked out of the runtime

        • 1 month ago

          Why is that movie archived?

      • 1 month ago

        Doesn't matter which one they go with, the Bond producers are notorious micromanagers. They just want a director who will do what they say with minimal argument.

        • 1 month ago

          They weren't for the duration of the Craig era due to Craig's personal relationship with both the producers but now that the dust has settled and he's out, they're returning to their pre-Craig ways and getting cheap and compliant directors to steer the ship and Purvis/Wade to cook up some good, tight scripts to film. Look up the directors of the Brosnan films, they were, harsh as it sounds, nobodies but who still got to direct Bond. It looks good on any resume. As for casting, not much movement beyond the passing-around of the name of the actor from the new FX show Cosmo Jarvis who's from the UK.

          • 1 month ago

            >Nood. Bix nood.

          • 1 month ago

            To elaborate, I'm guessing that he's on the same list as Fabien Frankel and Michiel Huisman (both GOTverse actors) as the role of the main henchman character.

          • 1 month ago

            >ugly balding half-armenian manlet
            you don't know anything and just make shit up, Eon would never cast him

            • 1 month ago

              I didn't say he was up for Bond.

          • 1 month ago

            How did Daniel Craig have so much power in the franchise?

            • 1 month ago

              Barbara loved him or just really liked having him around. His shenanigans delayed NTTD for 5 years and then COVID hit. Not to mention he had a producer credit, courtesy of Barbara, and brought in writers and directors he wanted to work with all on Barbara's dime. It's not an exaggeration to say he was given free reign, more or less. I doubt ATJ will be given that same freedom and it's for the best, really. The quality of his movies should put that idea to bed forever.

              • 1 month ago

                I read a blind article which says that Daniel Craig chose the Bond girls based on whether they were hot and willing to frick him at all times. I wouldn't be surprised if he was also fricking Barbara Broccoli

              • 1 month ago

                Bullshit. Daniel is a homosexual and male feminist.

              • 1 month ago

                I wasn't aware of this particular detail, but it feels about right. I recently rewatched Craig's run as Bond, also saw some of his interviews / quoted thoughts on the franchise, and it felt like a classic case where someone who is lean and mean in an attractive way gets old and loses his edge and becomes a boring ass sentimental normie. The later movies, and tbh even Skyfall to a degree, leaned into humanizing and softening Bond too much. Even without knowing that he was a producer, I felt at the time that Craig was probably feeling attached to the character too much and thinking that he had this grand idea of where to take the character, without realizing that he lost touch somewhat.

              • 1 month ago

                I wasn't aware of this particular detail, but it feels about right. I recently rewatched Craig's run as Bond, also saw some of his interviews / quoted thoughts on the franchise, and it felt like a classic case where someone who is lean and mean in an attractive way gets old and loses his edge and becomes a boring ass sentimental normie. The later movies, and tbh even Skyfall to a degree, leaned into humanizing and softening Bond too much. Even without knowing that he was a producer, I felt at the time that Craig was probably feeling attached to the character too much and thinking that he had this grand idea of where to take the character, without realizing that he lost touch somewhat.

                Another thing I would like to say is that Craig expressed his disdain for the franchise since the third movie. He literally said that he would rather die than continue being 007.
                I hate these types of homosexuals who complain about a character who gave them everything. He's not a great actor anyway

              • 1 month ago

                I wasn't aware of this particular detail, but it feels about right. I recently rewatched Craig's run as Bond, also saw some of his interviews / quoted thoughts on the franchise, and it felt like a classic case where someone who is lean and mean in an attractive way gets old and loses his edge and becomes a boring ass sentimental normie. The later movies, and tbh even Skyfall to a degree, leaned into humanizing and softening Bond too much. Even without knowing that he was a producer, I felt at the time that Craig was probably feeling attached to the character too much and thinking that he had this grand idea of where to take the character, without realizing that he lost touch somewhat.

                Craig just wanted the money and fame and thought he could juggle being Bond and doing his "prestige" movies on the side, having some not-so-quiet Oscar aspirations. Obviously, he couldn't and so he settled with having more control over Bond and we all saw the results. There were two sides over at EON after Spectre made bank but was viewed as a "disappointment": One that wanted Craig recast since he quit anyway and Barbara that wanted him back and stalled production and plans to accommodate him with a bigger salary so he came back. He led them on for a good few years before production with Danny Boyle kicked into gear but even then, he had a lot of arguments and stuff he didn't agree with which irked Boyle and he just called it quits. He had some interesting ideas for it, some of which they kept in NTTD but only little stuff.

  11. 1 month ago

    What's the new intro song and why is it WING by Duran Duran?

    • 1 month ago

      The Arctic Monkeys changed their mind on disbanding despite saying they would for years and people theorize it's because they want to sing the next Bond theme. If EON doesn't tap them for the Bond theme, the movie is dead on arrival.

  12. 1 month ago

    It will just be John Wick slop. I'm calling it right now.

    • 1 month ago


  13. 1 month ago

    The announcement will come shortly before filming so don't expect it anytime soon. As in, in a few weeks or such. It'll be in October-November.

  14. 1 month ago

    How woke will it be?

    • 1 month ago

      Your non-answer speaks volumes. Although you kind of answered without realising it:

      Shalom Brune-Franklin is a name in contention for the main Bond girl role with Sophie Wilde, Ella Balinska and a few other actresses of the same general "look" being mixed/black actresses.

      • 1 month ago

        his only cope is complaining about Craig

      • 1 month ago

        If we define woke as pushing any sort of message that tethers to leftist ideology that's prevalent all over the world today then I don't think it is. The casting may be viewed as such as they have another black character they want to cast but the movie itself is thought of as a barebones Bond actioner.

        • 1 month ago

          if it's not woke, why does Bond's girl need to be black? Does it take place in Africa? I doubt it

        • 1 month ago

          That's a lot of words to say yes. But we got that already.

          • 1 month ago

            if it's not woke, why does Bond's girl need to be black? Does it take place in Africa? I doubt it

            You should know this by now, folks. I mean, we all know what kind of landscape we live in. You just have to have a black/mixed person in some capacity in your piece of media. Way of the world. If you're in the industry and know what's good for you, you don't question it. It's slimy and very questionable but here we are. Least that could happen is that an attractive actress like Ella Balinska gets it so there's eye candy but also those DEI/ESG checkmarks are also taken care of.

            • 1 month ago

              >Now that Craig is out the franchise is saved and going back to being fun!
              >Well actually, it's going to be a woke piece of shit that makes no money, but it can't be helped...
              kek, the shill himself admitted it's going to be shit

              • 1 month ago

                One has nothing to do with the other. If intentions were assurances of outcomes, we'd all be in very different places. They want to bring back the tropes and cliches with a new face since Craig couldn't hack it anymore but of course, that's no indicator that they will succeed since the industry is in freefall and heads are rolling but Amazon is massive, y'know. They own James Bond now.

              • 1 month ago

                >They want to bring back the tropes and cliches
                What about the trope of Bond girls being hot? Is that too probematic now?

            • 1 month ago

              Oh, we know. But your assumption appears to be that people are just going to shrug and go see it anyway (maybe that's not the case, but that's the impression I'm getting). And some will, I guess, plus you'll have the low-IQ-beaner-type demographic, but still, I'm not convinced a woke (or I should say, woker) Bond film is going to fare very well. Even if it's a "bare-bones actioner" and the action is done well, if between (and during) those action scenes Bond keeps getting shown up by women, culminating in him submitting to some woman's point of view, it just won't be enjoyable to watch. And an "It's a white supremacist behind it all!" will be similarly tiresome. And if they make Bond a Black person... israelite they could still get away with, as look as it's a non-jewy-looking israelite.

              • 1 month ago

                *"It's a white supremacist behind it all!" reveal

              • 1 month ago

                I'm just saying that going by the second-hand impressions of the script imparted onto me by people I trust and haven't failed me with their tidbits that there's no such thing. I've got the gist of it and there's no Nomi character to be a nuisance to Bond's mojo or anything of the sort. There's Bond, the villain, the henchman that's as his right hand man, the Bond girl that gets involved, the Bond girl who's the "bad" one that has a few scenes with Bond and is a secondary antagonistic force in the movie and then there's the usual MI6 crew. It all depends on if they feel they want a draft or more but as it stands, it's all pretty satisfictatory. I didn't insinuate anything but just said what I've heard and that judging by what I know that it might not be as bothersome as people fear. If the movie succeeds at the BO is another question. Bond is a guaranteed moneymaker but a lot of high profile projects are failing so ... who knows?

              • 1 month ago

                Well, even in a best-case scenario, you're basing your optimism on second-hand (at least) info on a draft script. The outline could be perfectly good - cool, even - but if the dialogue winds up being your typical current-year shite, then it'll all be for nought. And things being as they are, and knowing the sensibilities of that Broccoli woman, I'd be very surprised if that's not the case. And this, if true...

                Shalom Brune-Franklin is a name in contention for the main Bond girl role with Sophie Wilde, Ella Balinska and a few other actresses of the same general "look" being mixed/black actresses.

                ...is not a good sign. If they're insistent on the main Bond girl being brown, that's not the only thing they're going to insist on.

              • 1 month ago

                The people I keep contact with and who feed me info would mention it if any of the Bond girls pulled out some speech about patriarchy in the middle of a gunfight. I'd be cautiously optimistic.

              • 1 month ago

                >The people I keep contact with and who feed me info would mention it if any of the Bond girls pulled out some speech about patriarchy in the middle of a gunfight
                Well, (a) that's not how the wokeness would be inserted - it'd be shot through with it throughout - and (b), though I repeat myself, all this is based on a draft. If you're in the industry, you should know how much can change just from one draft to the next.
                >I'd be cautiously optimistic
                My experience says different things, alas. If someone else were in charge... well, I'd still be pessimistic, but perhaps a fraction less so. This Barbara woman has already given us gay Q, and a coal-black negress 007, and Bond insinuating he's done gay shit before, and Bond having a daughter (it's *always* a daughter), and Bond being generally mopey etc, etc. Rather than things going in reverse, it's more likely she'll keep pushing.

              • 1 month ago

                (Or it'll be a one step back, two steps forward kind of thing, where Bond reverts to being more of a wienery misogynist, and people are fooled into thinking "based", but everything around him gets woker, and he's shown to be an anachronistic fool. Sort of like the OSS 117 films, if they were mean-spirited instead of funny.

              • 1 month ago

                That would actually be hilarious and based if we got an anachronistic chud Bond in the 2020s making all the woke characters around him seethe and cry

              • 1 month ago

                It could actually fly if you have some gay and lame characters who sit there making faces to show the audience how le bad he is but everyone ends up loving it and caring about him only, like Soldier Boy in The Boys.

              • 1 month ago

                You'd probably enjoy the OSS 117 films, then, if you've haven't seen them.

              • 1 month ago

                That'd wake women up and they would never let that. It's hard coded into their being that women gravitate to chud/chad men.

              • 1 month ago

                These nepo baby aging white women producers never stop, they keep going until the industry is all up in flames and thousands of jobs are lost, all to please their own egos

              • 1 month ago

                The draft is pretty set in stone from what I'm inferring and that only minor stuff like Felix Leiter's possible inclusion are up in the air. The auditions wouldn't start otherwise. As for Barbara, as I have stated, she's a surface-level feminist socialite who got swept away by Craig and his arsty circle and pretensions and with him gone, I'd expect her to just take a step back and let the other creatives take more of a charge as was the case in the Brosnan days where Michael, Purvis and Wade were the guys coming up with stuff and she was there just giving a thumps up. She has incredible reverence for Daniel Craig but also knows that Amazon now being their new boss, they have to keep things going despite his departure. I wouldn't be surprised if after Bond 26, they decide to just give it to Amazon under the guise of "appointing" a successor by posing one of their children as the new heads of EON or just sell it to the Amazon executives who are clawing at their door for the Bond IP like ravening wolves.

              • 1 month ago

                Christ, the idea of Amazon making a Bond flick is the stuff of nightmares

              • 1 month ago

                I don't see why Amazon want the rights that badly, the copyright on the Fleming novels run out soon and anyone can start churning out Bond movies

              • 1 month ago

                I don't wish to be unkind, but you're assuming Barbara will just cede control after having been very hands-on, and remain quiet while people under her steer 180 degrees away from the direction she set, and I just don't buy it. And even if she *does* retreat into the background, as you point out, Amazon ultimately calls the shots now. "Rangs of Power" Amazon. It'd be a miracle if the next Bond isn't terrible.

  15. 1 month ago

    I'm Louie Anderson

  16. 1 month ago

    Shalom Brune-Franklin is a name in contention for the main Bond girl role with Sophie Wilde, Ella Balinska and a few other actresses of the same general "look" being mixed/black actresses.

    • 1 month ago

      It will flop if they cast a black girl, bad choice

    • 1 month ago

      What master logic gives Eon the idea that casting a negress will sell movie tickets in perhaps the most precarious time of the franchise and movie theaters in general?

    • 1 month ago

      lol, dead on arrival

      • 1 month ago

        It will flop if they cast a black girl, bad choice

        What master logic gives Eon the idea that casting a negress will sell movie tickets in perhaps the most precarious time of the franchise and movie theaters in general?

        Ella Balinska missed out on Catwoman in The Batman so she's gunning for a role in any major production and a Bond girl role is the best thing possible for her, obviously dwindling, career. Sadly, they might want to lay off the bombshells and go for the more "normal" actresses (hence why it may go to a bigger up-and-comer like Sophie Wilde) as Barbara still thinks women care or pay for Bond movies and merchandise but it's not as bad as with the Craig era where they actively made movies with the female demographic in mind.

        • 1 month ago


    • 1 month ago

      >movie theaters are dying
      >we killed Bond off and pissed everybody off
      >should we play it safe this time and make something fans and general audiences will like?
      >nah, just cast a israelite as Bond and a black girl, I'm sure that's the solution this franchise needs
      kek, they never learn

      • 1 month ago

        I think the movie will turn out fine but sadly or not, no Margot Robbie/Henry Cavill combo for Bond 26 as the AI-generated viral garbage that circulated lately would have you "believe".

        • 1 month ago

          How about a movie where Margot Robbie is the main villain and Bond kills her by strangulation with wire over a 7 minute single take scene?

        • 1 month ago

          It could be the best movie in the franchise, it will still fail to break even if they cast a israelite and a black girl as the leads. People are tired of it and doubling down won't make people buy movie tickets. Just some sensible business advice for your pals in Eon.

          • 1 month ago

            I don't like this racial angle to everything myself but I don't believe this is what is going on with this casting. Even if he's of Hebrew heritage, Aaron Taylor-Johnson is still someone that brand deals put his face on adverts so he's viewed as an attractive, marketable actor and any poster with him and Ella Balinska, for example, would look good.

            • 1 month ago

              >Ella Balinska
              If they cast her they might just about get away with it, if they cast those other two names you mentioned it's DOA, they're the type of hideous negress woke casting that everybody makes fun of in modern movies. Cinemaphile will make fun of it for years.

              • 1 month ago

                Those other two feel like Plan B and they don't have any sexual energy but then again that's my straight, white male opinion which is near worthless in this industry so who knows? Sophie Wilde has been in some recent popular stuff and award buzzers so they might go with her despite having no sex appeal. Auditions though will paint a clear picture once they get underway.

              • 1 month ago

                Whatever, I shan't be buying a ticket to see it

            • 1 month ago

              >any poster with him and Ella Balinska, for example, would look good.
              Why would it? She's box office poison and has a dwindling career.

              • 1 month ago

                A Bond girl role is about the only thing she's made for. Her other roles posit her as either strong woman who doesn't need a man or the lead and she isn't cut out for either of that. She's just eye candy.

              • 1 month ago

                She's too tall, should just accept being a model and give up acting

              • 1 month ago

                Nothing that camera trickery couldn't mask but at the end of the day, studios just don't go for that. You'd be hard-pressed to find a leading man who'd put up with that too, lol.

    • 1 month ago


  17. 1 month ago

    Do actors sign a bunch of NDAs when they are invited for auditions for a role in a high-profile picture like this?

    Let's say the producers have decided on the Bond actor and want to test the chemistry of various potential Bond girls with him. Screen test etc. I imagine it's all behind NDAs, you can't reveal who you're doing screen tests with, etc?

    • 1 month ago

      Yes, they often sign NDAs

    • 1 month ago

      No auditions as of yet but they will happen very soon. Depending if they can assemble the cast faster than anticipated, this could also push them to make the general announcement sooner than the Fall 2024 estimate but it all depends on how they go. A lot of exciting names being thrown around but no big, obvious stars which would dillute the film.

      • 1 month ago

        >No auditions as of yet but they will happen very soon.
        Sure, but I mean the process in general. "Before we say anything to you about the movie that isn't super vague, you'll sign this NDA contract which says we'll tear you a new butthole if you leak any detail about Bond 26 that we'll tell you."

  18. 1 month ago


  19. 1 month ago

    >has been branded by his wife like a slave
    >is the next Bond
    It's over
    bond has fallen

  20. 1 month ago

    I thought I read somewhere we were going to see Sydney Sweeney as a bond girl?

  21. 1 month ago

    It sounds like it's gonna be a lame Force Awakens style reboot where they try to emulate the Brosnan era but it's soulless and everybody is black and israeli and politically correct

    the industry really is just gonna have to collapse and take all our beloved franchises with them, it seems

    • 1 month ago

      >It sounds like it's gonna be a lame Force Awakens style reboot where they try to emulate the Brosnan era but it's soulless and everybody is black and israeli and politically correct
      That's actually a very ampt and accurate way of looking at it but I wouldn't say it'll be THAT bad.

      • 1 month ago

        It will probably be worse because industry standards have dropped further in the 10 years that passed since The Force Awakens was made

  22. 1 month ago

    Name one movie where the production insisted on casting a black girl as the lead turned out to be good.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        by far the worst Austin Powers movie and Beyonce was also the worst part of it, so not really disproving his case

        • 1 month ago

          disprove the case that you're a homosexual

          • 1 month ago

            no, I love wieners

  23. 1 month ago

    It's not looking good for shillbro, he took a hammering itt

  24. 1 month ago

    Felix Leiter could be re-re-introduced despite featuring him in No Time To Die and killing him off in that movie.

    There's a stock CIA character that could be easily changed to Leiter. He's not in for long in his current form but if the decision to bring Leiter into the fold comes to pass, his role could be expanded.

  25. 1 month ago

    Ess ell oh pea.

  26. 1 month ago


  27. 1 month ago

    Bond, shit Bond

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