I see people talk about how Tom Taylor sucks, but I bought the last issues of Nightwing and Titans and I really liked them both.

I see people talk about how Tom Taylor sucks, but I bought the last issues of Nightwing and Titans and I really liked them both. I'll be reading the next ones.

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  1. 3 months ago

    The hate for Taylor is overblown. He's not that bad, just aggressively mid.

    • 3 months ago

      >He's not that bad, just aggressively mid.

      Agree. Think most of the hate for him stems from smearing his personal politics everywhere and inheriting Bendis's take on Jon Kent.

      Like I've read enough of his Nightwing issues and they're just... fine. Feel like a fill in issue from 15 years ago

      • 3 months ago

        I never read his Superman run, but Injustice was legit pretty bad.

        • 3 months ago

          Injustice is mostly bad and sometimes so bad it's good but there are some unironically good stuff like Harley and Green Arrow, Booster and Ted, Plastic Man, and of course Green Lantern Lobo.

      • 3 months ago

        >inheriting Bendis's take on Jon Kent.
        Excuse me? He’s the one who said not making jon gay would have been a “missed opportunity”l he’s the one forcing jon into nightwing and as dicks friend rather than Damian’s. He’s the one that can’t write a male character without them being feckless, pizza-eating manchildren who constantly need to lean on others rather than being a strong figure.

        • 3 months ago

          How is it that every right wing homophobic post sounds so unintentionally gay?

          • 3 months ago

            >if I say it sounds gay I can giggle regardless if it’s true
            Sure thing homosexual, it’s pretty sad you’ve resorted to weaponizing your own degenerate sexuality

            • 3 months ago

              Trust me dude. I'm laughing at your posts regardless of what I call you.

              • 3 months ago

                >damn he’s right I weaponized my own sexuality
                Lol I accept your concession homosexual

              • 3 months ago

                >I accept your concession
                Don't use words you don't understand man. It doesn't make you sound smart.

              • 3 months ago

                Concession isn’t a particularly impressive word, moron. Weaponized, which also isn’t all that impressive, is more so. Are you six years old?

        • 3 months ago

          look nobody's forcing you to pretend you've read a comic

    • 3 months ago

      It's not unbearable, it's just completely forgettable.

      >He's not that bad, just aggressively mid.

      Agree. Think most of the hate for him stems from smearing his personal politics everywhere and inheriting Bendis's take on Jon Kent.

      Like I've read enough of his Nightwing issues and they're just... fine. Feel like a fill in issue from 15 years ago

      Like the others said, the hate is 90% on Taylor rather than the Nightwing and Titans series. I find them to be okay.

      Has Nightwing (Nightwing, not Dickbats, Robin or Agent Greyson) ever had a run that's actually been interesting or good, or has he always been not quite Batman guy who does everything Batman does, but is a bit less interesting and doesn't get to play with any of the cool villains?

      Daredevil's Marvel's not quite Spider-Man guy, and his stand out runs probably reach double figures. Is Nightwing doomed to forever be kind of mid, lest his book overshadow Batman's? What would you do with him/who would you put on the book? I know he's up there with Iron Man as a solo book Priest's been told he can't touch but nobody else knows what to do with.

      • 3 months ago

        >Has Nightwing (Nightwing, not Dickbats, Robin or Agent Greyson) ever had a run that's actually been interesting or good, or has he always been not quite Batman guy who does everything Batman does, but is a bit less interesting and doesn't get to play with any of the cool villains?
        Honestly? Dixon's run was pretty good. Nothing amazing, but it's solid. Tomasi also had a good run that was tragically cut short.

        • 3 months ago

          Pretty good but nothing amazing seems to be the best Nightwing gets, it's staggering for such a long running and popular hero to not have one 'definitive' or great run.

          I guess the prevailing editorial logic is that anyone who could write a great Nightwing solo could probably write a better Batman or 'Tec, so get them on one of those books

          • 3 months ago

            >Another Dickgay compelled to inform us he likes to waste his time and money.
            > nothing else
            Anyway, OP is a homosexual.

            >the prevailing editorial logic
            Nightwing solo, like Harley solo, only exist to tap into a market. It has no other purpose but to contains and capitalizes on an autistic fanbase.

            • 3 months ago

              >I guess the prevailing editorial logic is that anyone who could write a great Nightwing solo could probably write a better Batman or 'Tec, so get them on one of those books
              It's been known for decades that DC would tell writers their pitches were "too good" for Nightwing and make them rework the stories for Batman instead.

              >Nightwing solo, like Harley solo, only exist to tap into a market. It has no other purpose but to contains and capitalizes on an autistic fanbase.
              >It's been known for decades that DC would tell writers their pitches were "too good" for Nightwing and make them rework the stories for Batman instead.

              This is a shame, because there are some great stories that could be told with the character. Frick, just look at how good Morrison's Batman and Robin was, Bruce could have stayed permanently dead for all I cared

          • 3 months ago

            >I guess the prevailing editorial logic is that anyone who could write a great Nightwing solo could probably write a better Batman or 'Tec, so get them on one of those books
            It's been known for decades that DC would tell writers their pitches were "too good" for Nightwing and make them rework the stories for Batman instead.

      • 3 months ago

        His first run is considered the best, but it’s also ground zero for the worst parts of modern Nightwing runs. Bad antagonists, poor supporting cast, no memorable arcs, coasting off the art, it began there.

        • 3 months ago

          >coasting off the art
          Nightwing has literally never done this. Redondo is literally the best artist he’s ever had as Nightwing. He always gets mid and boring art style artists. The best artists he had prior were Javier and Travis Moore before he went too gayface and the former had decent layouts but mediocre faces and the latter drew hot guys but had boring layouts

          • 3 months ago

            >house style artists

          • 3 months ago

            >muh gayface
            moore hasn't changed his style, you're just an idiot

            • 3 months ago

              >moore hasn't changed his style
              Come on. NTA but of course he's changed his style. Don't be a tard.

          • 3 months ago

            >muh gayface
            moore hasn't changed his style, you're just an idiot

            who is looking at their faces when moore draws fat breasts

          • 3 months ago

            >Redondo is literally the best artist he’s ever had as Nightwing.
            gr8 b8 m8i r8 8/8

            • 3 months ago

              Honestly pretty true. For traditionally "pretty" art it's a toss-up between Redondo, Fernandez, or Land.

            • 3 months ago

              And who is better? Land? Zircher? McDaniel?

      • 3 months ago

        The big problem with Nightwing IMO is the lack of continuity. Each writer wanting to put their own stamp on the character, ditching everything that came before, creating a brand new status quo, and ignoring the decades of character relationships that have been built up for this granddaddy of the DCU.
        With that in mind, my favorite Nightwing run is the Tim Seeley's Nightwing Rebirth.
        Despite being limited by the Nu52/Rebirth continuity mandates, Seeley embraced Nightwing's then recent history. He pulled from Dixon, Morrison, Snyder, Higgins, and his earlier work with King. He took a single-page bronze age hostess ad and made gold from it.
        I'd love to see a run like that redone now that his full character history is back.

        • 3 months ago

          I agree that Seeley's run is most fun recently.

    • 3 months ago

      >I have low standards and no passion for things
      >yes I am the anon that said wells’ Spider-Man and king’s WW exist so you can’t hate Taylor

    • 3 months ago

      Starfire and Babs giving each other verbal tongue baths was embarrassingly bad.

      • 3 months ago

        When did this happen? Sounds hot.

        • 3 months ago

          No, it was just cringe.

          • 3 months ago

            Post scans, gay.

    • 3 months ago

      He's a moron and a hack like Tom King

    • 3 months ago

      Tons of writers are aggressively mid and while Taylor gets tons of unearned praise (from fandom and getting Eisner noms), the quality of his books aren’t why Taylor gets shit on relentlessly.

      He gets tons of hate because he’s progressive enough for chuds to shit on him (eg making Jon bi) but he’s not progressive enough and is too white liberal for actual leftist SJWs (eg the ableism accusations with killing Risk and Babs making dumb comments like not being able to get pizza due to being disabled, making Dick a “good/ethical billionaire”, gentrifying Bludhaven, Jon trying to hug the fascism out of Injustice Superman, complimenting Dixon after he posted a homophobic edit of one of Taylor’s panels, etc).

      If something actually happened in the book beyond fluffy feelgood pages people would at least discuss that in addition to their political grandstanding, but nothing really happens so people use the above for their hatred. That’s actually why Titans hasn’t been getting the same amount of hate as his Nightwing. Things happen in the book, mediocre and regurgitated things, but things nevertheless so people talk about what happens in the book instead.

  2. 3 months ago

    It's not unbearable, it's just completely forgettable.

  3. 3 months ago

    Like the others said, the hate is 90% on Taylor rather than the Nightwing and Titans series. I find them to be okay.

    • 3 months ago

      >He's not that bad, just aggressively mid.

      Agree. Think most of the hate for him stems from smearing his personal politics everywhere and inheriting Bendis's take on Jon Kent.

      Like I've read enough of his Nightwing issues and they're just... fine. Feel like a fill in issue from 15 years ago

      The hate for Taylor is overblown. He's not that bad, just aggressively mid.


      I see people talk about how Tom Taylor sucks, but I bought the last issues of Nightwing and Titans and I really liked them both. I'll be reading the next ones.

      This feels like a samegay given the IP count

      • 3 months ago

        Motherfricker you just came into this thread and people are replying to each other. Do you not know how poster to post ratio works?

      • 3 months ago

        I don't understand people like you. It's one thing to call out an obvious schizo spamming the board, but does it seriously blow your mind that multiple people can share an opinion that differs from yours? I mean whats the alternative? That Tom Taylor is browsing Cinemaphile and making threads to defend himself?

        • 3 months ago

          Motherfricker you just came into this thread and people are replying to each other. Do you not know how poster to post ratio works?

          You’re taking this personal anon (intentional singular). Why would that be?

          • 3 months ago

            You're fricking delusional dude.

      • 3 months ago

        Wannabe internet detectives are pathetic.

      • 3 months ago

        No shit. He’s the one shilling Dawn of DC every day. He also loves Zdarsky Batman and PKJ Action Comics.

  4. 3 months ago

    It’s, like all post-injustice, Taylor comics the same saccharine garbage meant for tumblr-expats on Twitter to screencap and repost. It’s not for fans of the character, it’s for people who ship characters they’ve never actually read. This is why people who admit it’s a pretty lackluster run even admit that the shipping is the “best part” which is just ridiculous. The redondo art is horrid tracing and incredibly effeminate all of the time and it’s propped up by gimmicks.

    Absolutely nothing has happened beyond Taylor adding a sister and a dog, both of which are mere annoyances rather than enjoyable additions.

    TLDR: it’s not a good run, it’s pretty lackluster and people saying it’s inoffensive likely never read or cared about nightwing prior to this.

    • 3 months ago

      >saccharine garbage meant for tumblr-expats
      This is true.
      >Absolutely nothing has happened beyond Taylor adding a sister and a dog
      This is not.

      He brought Dick Grayson and Barbara Gordon back as a fully committed couple for the first time since Grayson/Simone Nightwing/BoP.
      He reunited the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans lineup for the first time since the Winick run and moved them to Bludhaven.
      He reintroduced long-ignored character elements from New Earth and Earth 2 like Dick's time as a cop and a lawyer.
      He turned Dick into a tone-deaf poster child for philanthropic gentrification, buying up massive amounts of property with the help of his painfully corrupt sister.

      He's done plenty of character building. I hate Bludhaven and wish it was still a crater so I dislike most of it, but there's no denying that it happened.

      • 3 months ago

        >He reunited the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans lineup for the first time since the Winick run and moved them to Bludhaven.
        This is not a good thing. One of the worst things about Nightwing is how Batman and Titanshit always encroach on his territory. It absolutely kills the stakes knowing Dick can get his friends to bail him out.

        • 3 months ago

          No shit. Did I say if it was good or bad? My point is that something stupid happening isn't the same as nothing happening at all.

      • 3 months ago

        >but there's no denying that it happened.
        It's exactly how this will go down, though. Taylor really makes it easy for people to write him out since fans, regardless of how they feels about his run, refuse to engage with his additions. Nobody is playing with/exploring the points you've listed, despite Taylor insistence on not exploit anything, including his villain. That's usually the kind of gaps fandom try to fill-in for. But it's apathy general here.

      • 3 months ago

        >He reunited the Wolfman/Perez New Teen Titans lineup for the first time since the Winick run and moved them to Bludhaven.
        >He reintroduced long-ignored character elements from New Earth and Earth 2 like Dick's time as a cop and a lawyer.
        >He turned Dick into a tone-deaf poster child for philanthropic gentrification, buying up massive amounts of property with the help of his painfully corrupt sister.
        None of this is good because it either impedes character growth for Dick (Titans) or gets straight-up ignored (Dick is suddenly a philanthropist because Tom Taylor hates millionaires).

        • 3 months ago

          I like having the Titans around. The only one missing is Jericho. The Titans are his most enduring supporting cast besides Batman, Batgirl, and Alfred, and for two decades they weren't allowed in his solo book. If having them in Bludhaven is the price we pay for them being acknowledged, I'm good with that.

          • 3 months ago

            The Titans are DC's equivalent of heroes who peaked in high school.

        • 3 months ago

          Dick should be a philanthropist because his family wealth is public knowledge and him not being one would be unthinkably bad pr for the Wayne family brand.

  5. 3 months ago

    Congrats, you have awful taste.

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