I shouldnt be this attached

I can’t believe it bros. A comic about a blue hedgehog with super powers is making me tear up.

It’s not just because of how good some of the stories are, it’s also because nothing gets resolved in the end because the whole thing got rebooted and canned.

Eggman in-universe, WON. He fricking won. He managed to reset the universe and pretty much killed everyone and reformed only most of them, reshaped the world into something else. It wasn’t in his image or the ideal outcome but he still won because the old world died, was replaced, and no one was ever the same again. Even those that remembered the old world, were doomed to forget it.

We don’t even get much time in the new universe before the whole thing is canned.

Sally and Sonic… they don’t get to be together, after EVERYTHING. Sally remembers less than what Sonic remembers. That’s gotta hurt for him.

So much stuff got changed and then it all just ended. It’s not fair Cinemaphile bros.

I will never forgive Penders, Archie, and Sega for doing this to us.

God there’s so many things that I’m distraught about but Sonic and Sally not being able to stay together, and then just forgetting about each other.. just HURTS. It undermined what happened during the previous Genesis wave when we saw that their love and comradeship could even transcend universe rewrites. But not this time. This is just cruel.

And then so many loose ends, stories, lives that we will also never get to have closure for either.

I get it now. These comics are a masterpiece. One made of pain, anger, but also of overwhelming brilliance and happiness. For all of the problems, it was well worth it, and most of these stories will be fondly remembered by me for years to come.

And Sega is likely to never go back to this stuff. It’s locked in a vault forever. But I know deep down that they WISH that most of their favored media had this amount of compelling storytelling and world building.

It’s not fair.

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  1. 4 months ago

    you are just upset that you invested so much time for nothing. It's fine, at this point there is not a single franchise i liked as a kid that hasn't turned to shit, it happens.
    Be glad they happened at all and move on.

    • 4 months ago

      >you are just upset that you invested so much time for nothing

      Kinda true, I won’t lie. I don’t fully see it as nothing though. I had genuinely enjoyed most of what I got.

      I’ll move on but I had just went ahead and finished reading it all so the pain is in full force at the moment.

      • 4 months ago

        I still won’t forgive Penders and other responsible parties, however. What happened to these comics in the end was good as criminal

    • 4 months ago

      >you are just upset that you invested so much time for nothing

      Kinda true, I won’t lie. I don’t fully see it as nothing though. I had genuinely enjoyed most of what I got.

      I’ll move on but I had just went ahead and finished reading it all so the pain is in full force at the moment.

      >you are just upset that you invested so much time for nothing
      >you are just upset that you invested so much time for nothing. It's fine, at this point there is not a single franchise i liked as a kid that hasn't turned to shit, it happens.
      As a (former) Star Wars fan, I understand you guys' pain. Hell, even the LOTR movies got some shitty sequels in The Hobbit movies.

      That's the thing with franchises -- as long as they're good, the studios will milk them. The only thing that stops the gravy train is shitty sequels that put off the audience.

      • 4 months ago

        Op here, also a former Star Wars fan. Last thing I watched was Ahsoka, thinking that if Filoni got to okay with his toys by himself that we would be in for one hell of a story. This was pure copium, and I was dead wrong.

        You are right. Eventually that gravy train will stop.

        But the one difference between Star Wars and Archie was that Archie had left it’s more controversial and had gotten really good and it had a planned ending that was coming up, sometime after the Metal Virus arc.

        But maybe we were spared. After all, we see what has happened with IDW. But the question “what if” plagues me.

        Can’t believe I’ve been BTFO by a Sonic comic

  2. 4 months ago

    Honey, hate to spoil you but...
    Genesis Wave =/= actual reboot.

    • 4 months ago

      Yes, I’m talking about the super Genesis wave. Forgot about the second regular Genesis wave.

      I referred to the first one where Sonic manages to reset the universe back successfully.

  3. 4 months ago

    I don't know sonic comics all that well but yeah it's sad that so many great story ideas have been ruined over the years by moronic legal or executive constraints.

    • 4 months ago

      Many such cases, this being one of the biggest ones. Though I’d say that lack of constraints were an issue for these comics in the early days

  4. 4 months ago

    I diagnose you with autism.

    • 4 months ago

      Maybe it’s a factor into how I managed to trudge through the earlier and messier issues, idk. But being attached like this is not a common occurrence for me.

  5. 4 months ago

    Ken Penders will one day die, alone and penniless. That is the price he will pay.

    • 4 months ago

      You really hate penders THIS much?

      • 4 months ago

        He’s a pedo anyway and drives a V6 Challenger. So what does it matter?

    • 4 months ago

      >alone and penniless
      He's married and his wife is a lawyer.

      • 4 months ago

        I know but you cannot tell me that anyone could stand him. Unless… well shit, his wife is pretty much like him and she was the one who suggested for him to sue. I guess time will tell. At the very least, he has screwed all chances of him continuing his career. No one will hire him again, thankfully.

  6. 4 months ago

    We couldn’t even have these two together in the end

  7. 4 months ago

    Well, one moral of the story can be that if even someone like Ken Penders can bag a bread winning wife, then all of us got a shot at getting a good partner.

  8. 4 months ago

    Anon, I've just spent the last week reading every archived Ride thread after being away for almost a year (since somewhere in the Unofficial Ride) and I know what you mean, I'm in the same boat. I never cared for Archie, I had no familiarity with it, I was happy with my Fleetway and my dumb webcomics. But now, man, I just don't know. Archie's lows are so fricking low but their highs are so fricking high. I get it now, I understand why people care.

  9. 4 months ago

    Well, Archie is garbage for people with shit taste, so I'm glad you're sad.
    Get fricked.

  10. 4 months ago

    If anything, Harry the cab driver was able to blissfully blink out of existence after receiving on of the most weirdly spiteful bad ends of really any of the characters.
    But yeah, I've been following The Ride (which hasn't gotten to the SGW yet) but I know it's gonna hit hard when it does. I love Archie Sonic, it might be one of my favorite comic books. Including its ridiculous lows (mostly when it focused on ECHIDNA LORE.)

  11. 4 months ago

    having followed along with The Ride much more closely this time around, it really feels bad since Flynn took over, it felt like a long-term, herculean effort to overcome years of bad writing and artwork and it finally felt like it was paying off, only for everything to be ripped away. Nothing stings more than wasted potential, and unfortunately it's what Sonic as a series has always been best at

    • 4 months ago

      >Nothing stings more than wasted potential, and unfortunately it's what Sonic as a series has always been best at
      It hurts because it's fricking true.

      The reboot puts in all this cool worldbuilding and manages a single arc before it ends. Fricking hell.

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