I still love my removed characters

I still love my removed characters

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Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

  1. 2 months ago

    >tord removed because the real life tord didnt like it
    >chef removed because his VA died after being coerced by scientology
    >ghandi and pepe removed due to unfortunate implications
    lisa didnt actually have much controversy other than being cuter than ramona, but was left out anyways

    • 2 months ago

      There were no implications about Pepe, the entire gag was sexual assault. Also who the frick even liked Pepe outside of fartgays?

      • 2 months ago

        You're right, there were no implications, only a harmless gag of someone trying too hard to flirt and who thinks girls like him more than they actually do.
        Oh right, I forgot, it's 2024, a guy you don't like looking at you is basically rape and a 20 year old fricking a 17 year old is basically pedophilia.

        • 2 months ago

          t. Fartgay

        • 2 months ago

          Listen dude, I’m a diff guy, and I don’t buy into most of the work shit, but you’re being very disingenuous here. Like the whole thing his is a scared woman running from a dude who won’t stop hitting on her, or trying to feel her up. That’s a modern day exaggeration, that’s literally what his cartoons where about, and frankly outside of his Looney tunes show adaption of being a gay hairdresser he was very boring as a character and isn’t missed outside of culture war gays that forget he exist the moment he’s no longer marketable to their agenda

          • 2 months ago

            >hates Pepe
            Oh yeah, it’s election year.

            • 2 months ago

              Oh yeah all those woke leftist Russians are out in force

        • 2 months ago

          Listen dude, I’m a diff guy, and I don’t buy into most of the work shit, but you’re being very disingenuous here. Like the whole thing his is a scared woman running from a dude who won’t stop hitting on her, or trying to feel her up. That’s a modern day exaggeration, that’s literally what his cartoons where about, and frankly outside of his Looney tunes show adaption of being a gay hairdresser he was very boring as a character and isn’t missed outside of culture war gays that forget he exist the moment he’s no longer marketable to their agenda

          it was never about fricking flirting or molesting, the gag is that the girls actually like him but the guy stinks.

          • 2 months ago

            The joke is French people stink. That’s literally it. A weird American hate boner for France. he’s a shit character. If it wasn’t for culture war outrage bait and they just stopped using him quietly no one would care. But of course WB had to circle jerk about how progressive they are.

            • 2 months ago

              No dumbass, that’s not literally the joke. To break it down for a dumbass

              French ppl stink Is part of it (+1pt)
              Bigger part though is that French men are known to be overly aggressive when it comes to pursing women, and the joke is just exaggerating that fact. It’s a joke about a “smelly French men who won’t take no for an answer”

              Now is the cartoon this big offense thing? No not really, but it’s can be easily seen that way, at least enough so that it’s not worth whatever controversy it could cause.

              • 2 months ago

                >no dumbass let me just repeat what you said but somehow think I’m smarter while using Reddit spacing outing me as a fricking tourist

              • 2 months ago

                What even

                is Reddit spacing and

                why does it make dumb people who seem

                intimately familiar with how Reddit

                looks and operates

                so upset?

                I've never had an account

                on Reddit and I don't know nor care if

                No dumbass, that’s not literally the joke. To break it down for a dumbass

                French ppl stink Is part of it (+1pt)
                Bigger part though is that French men are known to be overly aggressive when it comes to pursing women, and the joke is just exaggerating that fact. It’s a joke about a “smelly French men who won’t take no for an answer”

                Now is the cartoon this big offense thing? No not really, but it’s can be easily seen that way, at least enough so that it’s not worth whatever controversy it could cause.

                has but

                the fact that it and its spacing upsets you so much

                is fricking high-larry-us and you're

                a homosexual

              • 2 months ago

                Not him but I was told I was not agressive enough in pursuing my relevant crushes at those times seperated by 10+ years. By themselves, so the whole „no means no“ thing is wrong in some areas. Hell, I am a 6,1“ lanklord and had to be guided to be ok with tossing my partners around more in bed.
                Is Pepe a bad character? Probably, due to references being aged out. But I make a point in not believing public discourse about dating, dominated by women and their self interest.

                >“Tehee, I want to frick you so I get horribly smashed so I can say it was the alcohol later.

                Fricking hell.

      • 2 months ago

        Don’t be moronic, anon.

      • 2 months ago


    • 2 months ago

      >cuter than Romona
      That’s why she’s left out. Anyone with a brain realizes she’s the best girl. Shit Ramona isn’t even second or third best girl. She’s like fifth behind Julie and ahead of Envy

    • 2 months ago

      Lisa is only ever left out because, wile she's a good character and her presence in vol 4 is valuable, she's nowhere near crucial enough to the essential plot of Scott Pilgrim to survive the cut when the comic is adapted into more truncated formats.

  2. 2 months ago

    when did they remove Fry?

    • 2 months ago

      Anon are your eyes OK?

      • 2 months ago

        Eye, and good enough to fly a ship

    • 2 months ago

      he got fried

  3. 2 months ago

    I’m honestly glad that Troy was removed, only because no one could replace Phil Hartman.

    • 2 months ago

      Troy was removed? When? Why?

      • 2 months ago

        Phil Hartman got killed by his wife so they retired Troy out of respect
        Frick Andy Dick he's partially responsible for this

        • 2 months ago

          holy shit

  4. 2 months ago

    Add screwy squirrel to the list and the two headed guys in space goofs

    • 2 months ago

      screwy squirrel still shows up in a bunch of tom and jerry stuff, he even made a cameo in the movie back in 2021

  5. 2 months ago

    I presume Apu is late for the reunion.

    • 2 months ago

      He still shows up, he's just mute.

      • 2 months ago

        cowards. i'd prefer they remove him over keeping his lifeless husk around

        • 2 months ago

          It's very disingenuous how they said they love Apu and will keep him around, but haven't found a new VA for him.
          Maybe cause making an Indian VA make such an exaggerated Indian accent is racist too? I dunno how this works.

          • 2 months ago

            Big Bang Theory was super popular despite Raj being a far more negative stereotype than Apu ever was. It just feels like they want to keep on avoiding the elephant in the room as they've left it so long at this stage that recasting him and Manjula would just be re-earthing all the old drama.

            • 2 months ago

              The only people who actually complained about Apu are the kinds of nerdy Indian Americans on which Raj is based, just look at the fricking guy who made the documentary.
              America in general has this problem with kids of foreigners who secretly loathe the culture their family comes from and how it affects them, but insist on wearing it like a badge of honor when they want to complain about something. Characters like Raj or anyone played by Mindy Khaling to a T, and they don't seem them as negative stereotypes because they don't realize how insufferable they are themselves.

          • 2 months ago

            Simpsons is eternal, they're likely trying to wait out the moment of hypersensitivity, thinking it's just going to fade.

          • 2 months ago

            I thought of a perfect fix for this. Have a scene where Apu speaks with a thick "Hey, I'm walkin' here!" NYC accent when no yellows are around then immediately switch to his typical bullshit, then back to NY.
            >hey unc, why do you do that?
            >*shrug* it's fun!
            Like he's playing a joke on them.

      • 2 months ago

        His disembodied voice haunts the reunion and no one knows who it is and what to stop it.

    • 2 months ago

      You can make the case for multiple Simpsons characters. It's gone on so long that it's clear when characters fall in and out of favour with the writers. Barney was a main character as Homer's best friend in the early seasons, and now he's lucky to even get cameos whilst Homer, Lenny, Carl and Moe go and do shit without him.

  6. 2 months ago
  7. 2 months ago

    I'm not really that upset with Lisa getting removed since Bryan Lee O'Malley hasn't been good at anything since the original Scott Pilgrim comics and maybe the movie where he had little input.

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