I still think it's bullshit that Phil ended up getting whacked, he was such a better mob boss than that fat frick Tony Soprano, he loved his wife ...

I still think it's bullshit that Phil ended up getting whacked, he was such a better mob boss than that fat frick Tony Soprano, he loved his wife and family and also ran his operations top down.

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  1. 4 months ago

    He also wasn't a pill popping degenerate, Phil was a man's man for sure.

    • 4 months ago

      He sure was.

      • 4 months ago

        Man frick Chase for this. That cynical Gen Xer couldn’t let ANY mobster be seen as cool or admirable, he had to deconstruct each and every one. The man’s man OG boss with a true sense of respect towards tradition? Nah, he is a secret homosexual.

        • 4 months ago

          He was gay, the Shah?

          • 4 months ago

            Yeah, Chase even confirms it.

            • 4 months ago

              Chase barely wrote any of the episodes, so that's just his bullshit opinion that's about as valuable as any opinion here.

        • 4 months ago

          He's a boomer you stupid zoomer wiener sucker.

          • 4 months ago

            >checks wiki
            Christ I didn’t know he was that fricking old. Go back to Jersey.

            • 4 months ago

              He had a whole a career before the sopranos.

        • 4 months ago

          Phil is a hypocrite like the rest of them, he just pretends harder and uses his time in the can as social capital

        • 4 months ago

          > couldn’t let ANY mobster be seen as cool or admirable
          You have moronic expectations. The whole show is characters acting like morons because of their feelings (or just generally being morons) and you thought there would be an exception?

        • 4 months ago

          Phil was one of the most destructive, vindictive pieces of shit in the Sopranos

        • 4 months ago

          I would argue that Carmine Jr doesn't get deconstructed like the other mobsters do. In fact, he has it pretty good

        • 4 months ago


        • 4 months ago

          he was just hiding in the closet

          there weren't that many places to hide in there

          • 4 months ago

            >doesn’t help his surly goons restrain Vito
            >waits in the closet to dramatically leave (gay)
            >shoves a pool cue up his ass which entails pulling his underwear down and looking at his flabby guido ass (very gay)

            • 4 months ago

              take that cue out yo bussy playa

            • 4 months ago

              take that cue out yo bussy playa

              That pool cue, I wonder if it was chalked?

  2. 4 months ago

    t. Shah of Iran

    • 4 months ago

      I never got that joke

      • 4 months ago

        It's not that deep

        • 4 months ago

          Still don't get it, you fat piece of shit

          • 4 months ago

            He looks like the former Shah of Iran

          • 4 months ago


            • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                Thats just not right.

              • 4 months ago

                Looks like the turd didn’t fall too far from the homosexual’s ass

        • 4 months ago

          i agree with the joke in spirit, but i gotta counsel...

        • 4 months ago
  3. 4 months ago

    he was hiding in the closet and loves the 20 years he spent in the can eating grilled cheese out of his cellmate's ass which is why you never heard a fricking peep from him

  4. 4 months ago

    He shouldn't have threatened Butchie. Phil was too hot headed. He was like a worse Sonny Corleone.

    • 4 months ago

      He started fricking up after his coronary but compared to fat frick he was a better mob boss.

    • 4 months ago

      >Phil was too hot headed
      It was just the wine, you know it makes him emotional

  5. 4 months ago

    doesn't matter if he's a good boss, he started a war

  6. 4 months ago

    >Butchie pushes Phil to wipe out Jersey "glorified crew"
    >Phil finally does it
    >Butchie turns on Phil soon after
    This whole ending was sloppy.

    • 4 months ago

      Butch was making moves you filtered homosexual.

      • 4 months ago

        >Butch was making moves you filtered homosexual.
        Are you moronic?
        >from the minute Butch was introduced he had beef with Tony/Jersey and wanted them wiped out
        >always pushing Phil to do this
        >finally they go to war
        >Butchie: "Nah, nvm. War over, you win Tony."
        >this is AFTER Tony stuck a gun in Butchie's face

        • 4 months ago

          >>this is AFTER Tony stuck a gun in Butchie's face
          Only because he tried to interfere. He wouldn't have looked at him twice if he didn't open his mouth.

          • 4 months ago

            >Only because he tried to interfere.
            Irrelevant you fricking homosexual. Butch is a made guy from a NY family. Tony was out of line attacking Coco (who was another made guy). Tony should have gotten a sit down like Johnny Sac did with the Ginny joke. You think Butch forgot about this? Out of nowhere Butch is going to surrender to Tony in the mob war after Tony attacked a made guy in front on Butch and put a gun in his face? Isn't Butch also the underboss to Phil?

            • 4 months ago

              You don’t threaten the daughter of a boss (or glorified crew). Johnny was an underboss and the whole Ginny thing was a joke.

              • 4 months ago

                >You don’t threaten the daughter of a boss (or glorified crew).
                IRRELEVANT. YOU CAN'T TOUCH A MADE GUY. Did you watch the fricking show (or Goodfellas)? Johnny Sac even tells Ralph "Tony knows he made a mistake" after Tony hit Ralph.
                >Johnny was an underboss and the whole Ginny thing was a joke.
                So Tony daughter disrespected = Tony can attacks
                Johnny wife disrespected = Johnny has to have a sit down

              • 4 months ago

                >YOU CAN'T TOUCH A MADE GUY
                Stupid frick. They're all hypocrites and when the guy doing the beat down it usually gets excused or sorted one way ot another.

              • 4 months ago

                >. They're all hypocrites
                It's not about being hypocritical. It's a rule. Tony in theory could have been executed by the Lupertazzi crime family without question for that alone.
                > the guy doing the beat down it usually gets excused or sorted one way ot another.
                The only example of a made guy being attacked is Ralphie from Tony and it was a big deal with Ralph screaming "I'm a made guy you can't lay your hands on me!"

              • 4 months ago

                >It's a rule
                A rule that gets broken often.
                Watching zoomers trying to understand this show is like crawling through crushed glass

              • 4 months ago

                >A rule that gets broken often.
                Again, IT DOESN'T. Hits happen where someone is killed and the body "disappears". But a made guy being hit (or in the case of Butchie getting a gun pointed in his face). Doesn't happen often. Aside from Butchie and Ralph tell me when it does happen.

              • 4 months ago

                *correction: "attacked without being killed"

              • 4 months ago

                i dont know why you're fixating so much on Butchie getting threatened by Tony that one time in the restaurant. the show makes zero deal out of it and for that (among other slights) to be the thing that sets him off on the course to seize power is reaching

              • 4 months ago

                >i dont know why you're fixating so much on Butchie getting threatened by Tony that one time in the restaurant.
                >after the ceasefire, Butchie would be in charge and he would 100% be in the right to execute Tony for pointing a gun at a made guy
                >the show makes zero deal out of it
                So the show has to bang it over your head for you to realize how big of a deal it was? kys moron.

              • 4 months ago

                i mean the show literally never addresses it. you're basically trying to read between lines for things that aren't there

              • 4 months ago

                >i mean the show literally never addresses it.
                Are you moronic? TONY STUCK GUN IN THE FACE OF A NY UNDERBOSS. Do you need a character to say "WOW, THAT'S REALLY BAD TONY, BETTER WATCH OUT FOR BUTCH <cue ominous music>"

              • 4 months ago

                lol relax max you're just wrong it's ok to be wrong

              • 4 months ago

                >lol relax max you're just wrong it's ok to be wrong
                Ok homosexual. This isn't some Disney+ Star Wars show where everything is spelled out for you. kys homosexual

              • 4 months ago
              • 4 months ago

                go back to ask jeeves you fricking hylic b***h

              • 4 months ago

                >This isn't some Disney+ Star Wars show where everything is spelled out for you. kys homosexual

              • 4 months ago

                Go back to redd it, wiener sucker.

            • 4 months ago

              It was a ceasefire.

        • 4 months ago

          Because they fricked up deadling with Jersey and got themselves in a protracted conflict they couldn't afford to fight. Every day they were feuding with Jersey the other 4 families were making gains. Phil was insulated and set, guys like Butchie weren't.

          • 4 months ago

            >Because they fricked up deadling with Jersey and got themselves in a protracted conflict they couldn't afford to fight.
            What? It's been established many times that NY has much more soldiers and resources than the DiMeo family. It would be Tony that would be bled dry much quicker than any NY family.
            >Every day they were feuding with Jersey the other 4 families were making gains.
            This is speculation.
            >Phil was insulated and set, guys like Butchie weren't.
            It was Butchie that pushed for the war.

            • 4 months ago

              >It's been established many times that NY has much more soldiers and resources than the DiMeo family.
              Yeah, eventually they would have wiped out the sopranos if it dragged on but they were losing money and face with the other families. Everyone wants to get back to earning.

              • 4 months ago

                >Yeah, eventually they would have wiped out the sopranos if it dragged on but they were losing money and face with the other families. Everyone wants to get back to earning.
                Then why did Butchie push for the war? He spent years getting in Phils head to do it. But a week later it's "whoa, this war stuff is too tough, better quit".

              • 4 months ago

                They didnt expect for it to drag on. Tony, sil and bobby were all supposed to die on the same day.

              • 4 months ago

                >They didnt expect for it to drag on. Tony, sil and bobby were all supposed to die on the same day.
                But the odds of that happening were slim. And who's to say someone wouldn't step up in the power vacuum if all 3 of them were killed? It's foolish to think that you could win a mob war that quickly. Again, "going to the mattresses" is a thing. It means you lay low and fight a long term war.

              • 4 months ago

                What you think it irrelevant, homosexual. That was the plan and it didn't work out.

              • 4 months ago

                >What you think it irrelevant, homosexual. That was the plan and it didn't work out.
                So the plan was to kill 3 top mob guys on their home turf, the leader of which often has a body guard. These killings have to be done incredibly rapidly and we have to hope that nobody steps up and takes power (making our entire attack moot). Great writing.

              • 4 months ago

                >ITS BAD!

              • 4 months ago

                It's doesn't make any sense. "Going to the mattresses" is a real life mob thing and it's reference in the Sopranos. I guess now its "we tried to kill a few guys but only got 2 out of 3, better call for a ceasefire and kill our own boss!"

              • 4 months ago

                Except they couldn't get to Tony and Phil was becoming a bigger homosexual by the day. They wanted to get back to earning, you stupid frick.

              • 4 months ago

                >Except they couldn't get to Tony and Phil was becoming a bigger homosexual by the day
                How was Phil becoming a homosexual. Phil was saying "keep fighting" (which is what BUTCH WANTED). It would be one thing if Butch was against the war from the beginning. Instead it was 2 years of "kill the Jersey guys" and very quickly it became "oh no this it taking a little longer than we thought, better let Tony kill Phil". "Going to the mattresses" is a thing.
                >They wanted to get back to earning, you stupid frick.
                Then why did Butch start the war?

              • 4 months ago

                I already explained this to you. Butchie betrayed Phil because he wanted to be boss.

              • 4 months ago

                >I already explained this to you. Butchie betrayed Phil because he wanted to be boss.
                Please post exactly where you made this claim.
                And he did? We never got any indication of this. Butch was on team Phil from day 1.

              • 4 months ago

                >decapitate and do business with whatevers left.
                Go and watch sons of anarchy or some other moronic shit. This show is over your head.

              • 4 months ago

                >Go and watch sons of anarchy or some other moronic shit.
                "Going to the mattresses". The idea of winning a war that quickly was unlikely. And what if "do business with whatevers left" decided to keep fighting?
                The issue is that Butchie pushed for a war then gave up real fricking fast.

              • 4 months ago

                The issue is that you're a stupid homosexual. End of story.

            • 4 months ago

              >It was Butchie that pushed for the war.
              Butchie pushed for immediate decapitation, he didn't want some long lasting war.
              >What? It's been established many times that NY has much more soldiers and resources than the DiMeo family. It would be Tony that would be bled dry much quicker than any NY family.
              The show is filled with people in NY being killed by nameless goons that drive away. No one in the Lupertazzi family was safe while Tony was alive.
              >This is speculation.
              They spell it out pretty clearly when Carmine is feuding with NY and Tony plans on expanding during the conflict. Do you honestly think that the other guys in NY aren't doing similar things? An innability to earn was a driving force for underboss character throughout the entire series, its why Johhny Sack wanted Carmine Sr whacked, Butchie was no different, but you're just some moronic who'se in a corner, so bring out your midwit takes you get from just watching youtube clips and let's get this shit over with.

              • 4 months ago

                >Butchie pushed for immediate decapitation, he didn't want some long lasting war.
                Same shit. "Decapitation" is the same as "war". The idea of hitting everyone successfully at the same time was slim. "Going to the mattresses" has been a thing in mob life for a long time.
                >The show is filled with people in NY being killed by nameless goons that drive away. No one in the Lupertazzi family was safe while Tony was alive.
                Wrong. Those kills were from the Lupertazzi/Little Carmine war.
                >They spell it out pretty clearly when Carmine is feuding with NY and Tony plans on expanding during the conflict.
                Wrong. He says "we will pick up the crumbs". Meaning Carmine and Johnny Sac were willing to fight to the end, crumbs be damned.
                > Butchie was no different
                He pushed for this.

              • 4 months ago

                God you're dumb.
                >Same shit. "Decapitation" is the same as "war".
                No it isn't moron.
                >The idea of hitting everyone successfully at the same time was slim.
                There's like 3 scenes in the show where Butchie lays out this plan and then one when he laments that the plan doesn't work after Tony escapes and then he starts to make moves against Phil. God you're dumb, or trying to understand something from Tiktok clips, what's the difference?
                >Wrong. Those kills were from the Lupertazzi/Little Carmine war.
                My point is that the Lupertazzi members weren't safe while the war was being waged.
                >Wrong. He says "we will pick up the crumbs". Meaning Carmine and Johnny Sac were willing to fight to the end, crumbs be damned.
                You're just a fricking idiot if you didn't understand what Tony meant when he was talking to Christopher about his plans during that conflict, and you're also an idiot if you think the other families aren't doing the same thing, maybe stick to the Marvel movies if you don't understand nuance in an Antagonist. Actually I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're ESL and to you "crumbs" is a feast, so I can understand why you're confused, but maybe you should stick to talking about things you understand, like living in a hovel and not being able to flush toilet paper.

              • 4 months ago

                >No it isn't moron.
                Yes it is. He was a blitzkrieg. But it's still a war. "Mob guys killing mob guys in an organized fashion"
                >There's like 3 scenes in the show where Butchie lays out this plan and then one when he laments that the plan doesn't work after Tony escapes and then he starts to make moves against Phil.
                So the plan didn't work and he turned on Phil as opposed to just, you know, waiting a little longer? "Going to the mattresses". moron.
                >My point is that the Lupertazzi members weren't safe while the war was being waged.
                You're moronic. They were perfectly same. Tony said "they have 200 soldiers". You think Jersey guys were going to go into NYC to kill Lupertazzi guys? Tony was on total defense, not offense.
                >You're just a fricking idiot if you didn't understand what Tony meant when he was talking to Christopher about his plans during that conflict,
                It's you who doesn't. What Tony meant was that both sides were in a conflict and there would be pieces to pick up "WHEN THE WAR IS OVER" or as Tony said "Johnny will end up on top, but who knows?!" Tony wasn't taking stuff from the Lupertazzi family as the war was going on.
                You are legit moronic.

              • 4 months ago

                >Tony wasn't taking stuff from the Lupertazzi family as the war was going on.
                See, now I know you didn't watch the show, because the HUD was a big deal for the entire season during that conflict. Just frick off and stop talking about shit you know nothing about, watching Youtube clips isn't a substitute.

              • 4 months ago

                >See, now I know you didn't watch the show, because the HUD was a big deal for the entire season during that conflict.
                Yes, they were working TOGETHER and they couldn't agree on a % for Tony to kick up to Carmine. Tony wasn't taking over sections of Little Carmine business as he got weaker (and vice versa with Johnny Sac).
                You literally think Tony was taking over things as Johnny and Little Carmine were at war? REALLY?

              • 4 months ago

                Mob bossues use conflict between other families and within families as a chance to get rich. This happens in the show over and over again, how can you not understand this. This keeps the families out of conflict for a long time, and when someone gets emotional and wants to start beef that impacts that wealth generation, they get killed.
                Did you watch this scene:

                And only think
                >haha Junior wear a suit on the phone
                Like every other mongoloid in the Youtube comments.

              • 4 months ago

                >Mob bossues use conflict between other families and within families as a chance to get rich.
                When? Give examples. As Tony said, they can pick up crumbs when Little Carmine or Johnny do damage to each other in an internal power struggle.
                > This keeps the families out of conflict for a long time
                So...this doesn't happen a lot...but you are claiming that it does...
                >Did you watch this scene:
                I did. And it has nothing to do with what we are talking about. This scene was about how the Lupertazzi's depend on Ralph, but Johnny says "there's no one else to put in there?" And Carmine says "no, get over it John"

              • 4 months ago

                >I did.
                Then you clearly didn't understand it.

                It's like trying to explain stuff to an ape. Don't bother.

                Pretty sure Apes understand territory conflict and how to steal bananas when other apes are going at it.

              • 4 months ago

                >Then you clearly didn't understand it.
                Ok, explain what I'm not understanding. I await your silence.

              • 4 months ago

                >again with the money
                >yeah again with the money. It's settled John so either name a price or get the frick over it
                Then later on Carmine Sr asks Tony to whack his own underboss because he couldn't get over it and couldn't afford protracted conflict with Jersey, just like how Phil couldn't get over it and so his own guys eventually wanted him whacked too because they couldn't afford it.

              • 4 months ago

                listen to him he knows everythng

              • 4 months ago

                That's instinctual. This moronic has no higher brain functions.

              • 4 months ago

                It's like trying to explain stuff to an ape. Don't bother.

              • 4 months ago

                >Actually I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, maybe you're ESL and to you "crumbs" is a feast, so I can understand why you're confused, but maybe you should stick to talking about things you understand, like living in a hovel and not being able to flush toilet paper.

        • 4 months ago

          Are YOU moronic? Who the frick do you think killed Tony?

          Butchie played them both.

          • 4 months ago

            >Who the frick do you think killed Tony?
            The main theory is that Patsy/Paulie killed Tony.

            • 4 months ago

              Butchie got Phil whacked so he could run things. Then he got Tony whacked to absorb New Jersey, among other things.

              • 4 months ago

                Then Tony is moronic
                >"I will totally make peace with this guy who is willing to turn on his friend/boss of the family. Oh and me and this guy have had beef for years and I stuck a gun in his face a month ago. What could go wrong!"

              • 4 months ago

                Tony was convinced Phil was the one causing problems.

              • 4 months ago

                >Tony was convinced Phil was the one causing problems.
                >Tony and Butch had beef for years. When Tony went to see Phil in the hospital Butch kept blocking the door when he tried to leave
                >Tony put a gun in a made guys face (who was also the underboss of a NY family)
                >Tony then believed it would be a good idea to hand power to him by ending the war
                Tony is moronic or the writing is poor.

              • 4 months ago

                Nah, you're just stupid

            • 4 months ago

              No one gives a fuxk about your regurgitated theories, you fricking parakeet.

    • 4 months ago

      >Butch was making moves you filtered homosexual.
      Are you moronic?
      >from the minute Butch was introduced he had beef with Tony/Jersey and wanted them wiped out
      >always pushing Phil to do this
      >finally they go to war
      >Butchie: "Nah, nvm. War over, you win Tony."
      >this is AFTER Tony stuck a gun in Butchie's face

      Butchie had Tony whacked shortly after. He basically played them both and took out the two main people who were causing problems. He even got Tony to do half of his work for him.

      • 4 months ago

        butchie wouldn't have moved on his own, he had no claim to the throne and the other families would have taken him out. little carmine is the one who called the shots

      • 4 months ago

        Pasty and Pauley killed Tony.

    • 4 months ago

      >even when Philly hated Tony he didn’t want to kill a boss
      >him and Tony bury the hatchet
      >at his brother’s big birthday bonanza he suddenly decides that he hates Tony again and that he’ll kill the boss of a family because his name is leotardo

  7. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      OH SHIT

      Every few years my mom rewatches the series and I always go in to see this scene.

  8. 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago

      This is one of the most insane things I've ever seen
      >Sopranos finale
      >one of the biggest events in TV history
      >main antagonist gets killed
      >cut to this 2 second shot of a real life Cotton Hill who walks like he has no knees

    • 4 months ago

      Nothing will ever be worse than those two girls they kept cutting to during Chris's fatal accident. It completely deflates the seriousness of the scene. Who's daughters were they that Chase shoehorned them a cameo into the final season.

      • 4 months ago

        >im on my learner license!
        Really needed that line shoehorned in commenting on a change to new driver laws

      • 4 months ago

        Kennedy and Heidi, the episode is named after them, but why?

  9. 4 months ago

    Did we ever learn how many years he was in prison for? Phil was pretty quiet about how much time he did.

  10. 4 months ago

    HBO had to kill him off, he was too based, imagine the amount of butthurt i he had stay alive.
    the same reason they turned tony into an antagonist in the last season.
    wake shit was starting.

  11. 4 months ago

    Phil was a moron who was willing to waste tons of money and ruin business for the sake of personal vendettas like it was the 60s, also his completely irresponsible transformation into a house could have brought a lot of heat on the organization.

  12. 4 months ago

    He was a terrible boss, refused to compromise and alienated his own top guys out of paranoia. That frick Phil got what he deserved.

  13. 4 months ago

    I’ve only seen the first episode of this show. He was whining about taking Prozac or something. Pretty boring. Does it get better?

    • 4 months ago

      It does but the whole first season is pretty weird and is different from the next seasons.

    • 4 months ago

      You're too much or a dumb frick zoomer. Try again in 5 years.

    • 4 months ago

      Not really

  14. 4 months ago

    >he was such a better boss
    >creates a worse situation than Tony by abusing his caps even worse, to the point where Phil's caps actually eventually betray him
    Although the way Tony's arc was developing it seemed like the next step was his captains doing something similar and selling him out.

  15. 4 months ago

    Don't you stupid boomers ever get tired of talking about this gay show all the time?

  16. 4 months ago

    Phil is completely ruled by his ego, greed and personal vendettas just like every other wop on that show. If you think any of these guys were good leaders then you’re taking the media at complete face value

  17. 4 months ago

    Why was Phil’s death so undignified and comedic? Ralphie was a comedic guy and his death was played straight.

  18. 4 months ago
  19. 4 months ago

    Sis did this moron just watch the entire show thinking all the rules from the Godfather was all in affect and that the show’s about an honorable and well-functioning mafia? What an idiot

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