I think I hate being an Evangelion fan

>Watch series that changes your life
>Try to engage with the fanbase
>They're all fricking insane
>The creator encourages it

Usually I don't get like this but it's gotten extra hard not to be mad about it lately. Doesn't change my love for the series but it's still upsetting.

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  1. 9 months ago

    What’s Shinji’s favourite XTC album? Skylarking is the obvious choice but he seems to me like someone who would enjoy Nonsuch. Maybe Mummer or English Settlement?

    • 9 months ago

      idk shit about xtc but i like that one song that goes one two three four fiiive senses working ooooverrrrtime

  2. 9 months ago

    Anon finds out about the most unfunny people on the internet
    Is unamused
    What did you expect?

    • 9 months ago

      Not much of a big fandom person in general, yeah. Realistically I shouldn't be surprised.

      At least TTGL and TF fans are relatively normal.

      • 9 months ago

        TTGL fans? Normal? Brah, there's a reason I avoid bringing it or Evangelion up when giving people anime recs at /wsr/.

        • 9 months ago

          Fair. As I said, don't engage with fandoms a ton so I'm speaking off of limited experience. I'll keep that in mind though for sure.

          • 9 months ago

            You're one special kind of snowflake, aren't you? Better than everyone else, too much to engage in conversation with the fandom. You're so special we should be grateful you're even posting here.

            • 9 months ago

              I never once said that, you're either projecting or you're insane. I'm remembering why I stopped using this site half a decade ago. You're all acting like children and then throw a fit and pull the "Haha under 18" joke.

              • 9 months ago

                >I don't think I'm too special for this place
                >I just remembered! You all suck and I'm too special to be here

              • 9 months ago

                The self awareness levels are dropping..
                *DING DING DING*
                *angel attack starts playing*

  3. 9 months ago

    >Watch series that changes your life
    Stopped reading there and have a nice day sad--posting Asuka avatarhomosexual, you're the among worst posters on this entire website

    • 9 months ago

      Are you this upset over a black and white manga panel.

      • 9 months ago

        Typical gaslighting response from an annoying forum personality, telling me that I'm the one upset.

        • 9 months ago

          >have a nice day
          >you're among with worst posters on this entire website

          Simmer down, take your meds, drink some water. The hentai will be here when you get back.

          • 9 months ago

            Yeah, me taking the piss out of your ho-hum casual blogpost and calling it how I see isn't me being upset.

    • 9 months ago

      Very true
      if you found any part of Eva relatable or insightful you should grow up, and if you're over 18, you should kys
      The only acceptable reasons to watch it are for the mecha fights and for shitposting purposes

      • 9 months ago

        What I find difficult to understand is why the frick would any functional adult care about how old is someone who feels that a fictional work is relatable or insightful by any means. Being that mad about someone being affected by a random work to the point of telling that person to kill himself is hardly a sign of any kind of personal growth.

        • 9 months ago

          >personal growth
          b***h shut the frick up.

          Fair. As I said, don't engage with fandoms a ton so I'm speaking off of limited experience. I'll keep that in mind though for sure.

          >don't engage with fandoms a ton so I'm speaking off of limited experience
          Yet you decided to make this shitty whiny blogpost.
          Try posting again when you are over the age of 18.

        • 9 months ago

          Ah, I didn't know I was dealing with a woman.
          Watching Evangelion does not make you a psychologist, dear. I implied that Eva threads are dumpster fires for shitposting and you're over here thinking I'm mad. Time to log off.

          • 9 months ago

            You have never been within ten feet of a woman.

            • 9 months ago

              Look lady, if you hate incels so much you shouldn't have come to the incel site. I don't know what to tell you other than frick off

            • 9 months ago

              And here comes the seething. You gotta love it.

        • 9 months ago

          Sorry but you are on the internet kid. On Cinemaphile no less. Listen....This site is cut throat & no one cares frick all how you feel or think. You just have to accept that. Don't take the discourse personally & you'll be fine mentally. I am being generous here. Bye.

  4. 9 months ago

    >oh no woe is me
    >please have pity for me
    >I haven't tried talking about it here though because I don't have anything to talk about, I just wanted the attention

  5. 9 months ago

    >>The creator encourages it
    no he doesn't, he wants you fricking losers to go outside and have sex like he did

  6. 9 months ago

    >>The creator encourages it
    lol? He tells them to go have a shower and talk to girls then it drives the schizo's insane thinking he hates everyone who made him successful

  7. 9 months ago

    >>Try to engage with the fanbase
    You done goofed, unless it’s something niche don’t ever fricking engage with fans

  8. 9 months ago

    >They're all fricking insane
    Examples, I know back in the day before anyone in the west knew Anno was a massive nerd EVA fans could be annoying with their deconstruction stuff and shippers are always shit no matter the franchise but aren't you being a tad bit dramatic, you could have made a EVA thread here instead of having a pity party.

    • 9 months ago

      I guess, yeah. But I think I'm picky on EVA stuff so making a thread about it doesn't sound too fun. Not really trying to have a pity party either where I'm hit with "Oh uwu anon it'll be okay" type shit, just kinda wondering if other people deal with this kinda thing when it comes to series you like.

      • 9 months ago

        Everyone does, you are on the internet and talking about an anime it would strange if you didn't run into weird people hell just being here makes you at least a bit odd but there also people that wanna talk about a series in a normal-ish way but you gotta take the good with the bad.

  9. 9 months ago
  10. 9 months ago

    >watch anime about depression
    >life changed
    Many such cases. But for me it would be Berserk and maybe Gurren Lagann, because my life went from happy to a lot of unlucky events real quick and I felt like giving up. Evangelion is for NPC's who need to be told what a soul is.

    • 9 months ago

      I just accepted early on that despite how avant garde it was for it's time, it's not the holy grail and 100% of the time people either treat it as such or spend every waking hour shitting on it

      not putting anything above another, but you've got a point. These days, people ought to just grow out of it after rehashing the same old stories, ideals and tropes for damn near 30 years

  11. 9 months ago

    Nobody gets that Eva is cool because of all the Nerve logistical stuff & the nice scale shots, like when the giant bullet casing crushes the K-car

    • 9 months ago

      Yeah man you are the first one to notice how cool eva is.

  12. 9 months ago

    And then anon realized he wasn't on LULZ anymore and promptly died of a spontaneous infestation of Cholera.

  13. 9 months ago

    I actually feel bad for people who got into Evangelion post-90s.
    Having watched Evangelion around 1998/1999, it was mostly still niche, had to buy VHSs to watch it, and in order to watch the movies, you had to actually be part of some IRL fan circle that would grant you a fansubbed VHS, since the movies didn't come out officially outside of Japan until like 2003.
    And, despite 1998 to 2003 being just a few years apart, the world changed tremendously in those short years. One clear example is that the internet became massive, in 1998, you'd be lucky if you had a 56K connection, and if you looked up for Evangelion on the internet, at most you'd come across some websites that had a few JPGs (that you would anxiously wait for them to load and save on floppy discs). Meanwhile, in 2003, people were already on DSL, and the internet was already kind of massive, and if you looked up Evangelion online, you could not just download JPGs, but also rips of the DVD on DivX format. People who weren't alive/conscious in the 90s will never know how big of a change was that heap from the 90s to the early 2000s.
    That said, words like "fandom" weren't even common (I honestly never heard of "fandom" well until the late 2000s, and it probably was here on Cinemaphile). In the 90s, Eva was just this weird sci-fi show that not many people knew about. Nobody talked about "deconstruction", and Gundam or Tomino stuff wasn't even popular outside of Asia yet, Robotech/Macross was more popular, but still, there wasn't any sort of "fandom wars" like today where you have to "pick a side", people just liked anime in general and chances were, if you liked big robot stuff like Mazinger or Robotech, you'd like Evangelion as well.
    Getting into Evangelion post-90s means that you probably first will be exposed to waifu wars, spoilers out the ass and just general jaded attitude.

    • 9 months ago

      This is a special kind of bullshit, eva was huge with anime fans in the 90s.

      • 9 months ago

        Hmmm, depends. I live in South America, and the anime that was actually popular here was Saint Seiya, Dragon Ball and Sailor Moon, that was the holy trinity of the 90s here. Before that, for Gen X people, it was Robotech and Mazinger. Evangelion was not comparable to any of those because Evangelion was not on TV, as I said the only way to watch it was to buy the VHSs.
        I'm not sure how it was in USA or other regions but I'm sure it was more or less the same.
        What's more, being "anime fan" was already kind of a niche concept, as most people were still calling them "chinese cartoons" (unironically).
        But yeah, among those who actually knew what "Anime" was in the 90s, Eva was kinda popular as a new big thing, but compared to today? It was a small group of people. And as I said, the general atmosphere wasn't like today, which is mostly jaded people who will bait each other with deconstruction memes or waifu wars, it was just people genuinely wanting to share an interest with others. Since that wasn't easily attainable (remember, no massive internet), just meeting someone else who was into something like Evangelion in the 90s was a big deal. When I finally met other people who liked Evangelion it was a blessing because I could also get my hands on fansubbed VHSs of D&R and EOE.

        • 9 months ago

          >Evangelion was not on TV
          Locomotion aired it and I remember some fanzine articles about it, I exaggerated when I said it was huge and of course it wasn't as big as dragon ball but arguably nothing is.

          • 9 months ago

            >Locomotion aired it
            I'm almost sure Locomotion started broadcasting Eva in 2000 though? Maaaaybe late 1999 but pretty sure it was the year 2000. Also, Locomotion was not an air channel, it was cable, and it wasn't even on all stations/regions.
            >fanzine articles about it
            Yeah pretty sure Eva was mentioned on anime magazines, but in order to read those, you had to be already an anime fan.
            >but arguably nothing is.
            It's less about "DB vs Eva" and more about "the old world vs the new world", in the old world, without massive internet and its inherent internet culture, the world was just vastly different. It's not that Eva was inaccessible, but you had to put a minimum of effort into watching it, be it either paying money for VHS (original or pirate, still money), or be social and befriend other fans so they'd lent you their VHSs (I lented my Eva VHSs to many friends, and as I said, I was able to watch D&R and EOE thanks for being able to get fansub VHSs from other people, as not even comic stores carried them).
            Compare it to now, when people first come across Evangelion through waifu war memes or EoE spoiler memes (lol shinji jerk offs to asuka! lol iconic dead giant rei head on the horizon!), and of course the "deconstruction of mecha" bait, etc, etc... it's just a difference experience to get into Eva now, people already go into Eva kind of jaded, fans and anti-Eva people are equally obnoxious. Sadly the only way to genuinely get into stuff (not just Eva but things in general) would be to wake up from a coma and not being familiar with internet culture, lol. I know, I'm exaggerating, but I do feel like "fandoms" and anti-fandoms sort of ruined discovering things on your own. The good side is that everything is super accessible and for free, but at what psychological cost?

  14. 9 months ago

    > wow, I sure like this character driven piece about what kind of PTSD a child would have if they were actually forced to fight alien and possibly cosmic horrors
    > you know what would make this show even better?
    Why are all the women and some of the men who have seen the show like this? They were also like it about Harry Potter, Gundam, Gravity Falls, basically everything ever. Why is this even a thing now? When did children's entertainment turn into, "How can I make them buttfrick?"

  15. 9 months ago

    at least your favorite show has a fanbase.

  16. 9 months ago

    that is what you get for being a moronic tourist evahomosexual.
    let something actually good change your life and then come back.

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