I think we could have done better.

Current Unity Squad feels like randomly bad choices.Who would have been some good choices for you for the group Squad?

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  1. 8 months ago

    Considering the current status quo with Orchis being literal space Nazis the Unity squad should have been a Savage Avengers style group with no qualms about stacking corpses to the moon
    >Lady Deathstrike
    >Mastermind (Lady preferably team needs more chicks)
    A bunch of killers on the side of Angels trying to even the score against Orchis maybe have some guys like Taskmaster and other affable sometimes good mercs and assassins filter in and out

    • 8 months ago

      I feel like if you want particle to join you'll probably need a little story of a hate crime against an innocent undangerous mutanrt.It's probably be done in 2 pages Punisher find some thugs physically assaulted a clearly not resisted not dangerous person after he quick Incapacitates them he demands why are they doing this they say it was Orchis Pay it down to watch some mutant up and take them to him Castle forces the punks “you do or die’ and recruit produce.

  2. 8 months ago

    Only bad choices are Monet and Kwannon. Replace them with mutants that would actually go looking for Cap to ask for help, like Cannonball and Sunspot, or X-Men that have been part of non X teams, like Iceman and Angel.

    Monet doesn't really work on any team right now because the current X-Office write her as an unstable unlikable b***h, and shove all her flaws an insecurities away. Kwannon is just a left over Jim Lee design that lost all her character when Hellions got canned.

  3. 8 months ago

    Quick Silver, Cap, Deadpool, and Rouge were good picks.

    BUT having one Inhuman and/or Eternal would have helped. Another Avenger like Black Knight or Tigra would have gone a long way. There's just too many muties.

    • 8 months ago

      >Quick Silver,BUT having one Inhuman and/or Eternal would have helped.
      Would it probably work better with his ex-wife for his daughter on the team?

      (And yes I know the Luna the daughter get ageup into a teenage for some basically cameo appearances in other comics )

    • 8 months ago

      >Black Knight (because I like him)
      >Starfox (technically an Eternal now)
      >I can't think of a single Inhuman outside of the Royal Family
      Maximus? Is he still alive? He'd be fun, him or Lockjaw. Now there's a squad made for Unity.

  4. 8 months ago

    I hate ESLs.

  5. 8 months ago

    I think Gambit and Punisher would have been great choices instead of Rogue and Monet, it would have let you dial the power level back a touch, given some great character moments with Punisher and Cap. Gambit and Deadpool had a pretty fun miniseries a few years back, lean on them to have a few moments to give a darker series some levity without going into full quip mode, would have been solid

    • 8 months ago

      Considering the current status quo with Orchis being literal space Nazis the Unity squad should have been a Savage Avengers style group with no qualms about stacking corpses to the moon
      >Lady Deathstrike
      >Mastermind (Lady preferably team needs more chicks)
      A bunch of killers on the side of Angels trying to even the score against Orchis maybe have some guys like Taskmaster and other affable sometimes good mercs and assassins filter in and out

      I have a Deadpool and Punisher team up book. Punisher knows enough about Deadpool that he considers him a serious capacity and knows how to work his healing Factor into doing what he wants.But what I wanted to see most I never got anyone comparing the two of them. Read DeadPool books but not Punisher but I know Frank Castle has a major problem with anyone trying to be like him in with being a murderous vigilante.

    • 8 months ago

      >on an avengers lineup
      Just no.

      Cap/Frank only works because they can't be a team.

      • 8 months ago

        unisher I think he was on a Avengers reformed Squad with that Deadpool Red Hulk Winter Soldier and it was before my comic book time but these were the ones I remember in the team.

      • 8 months ago

        >>on an avengers lineup
        >Just no.

        • 8 months ago

          Was a Conan Team-Up book that just used the name. They're never called the Avengers in the story.

          Frank on an official Avengers team would have to be a team like Secret Avengers that isn't public, or with a disguise as the newest person to be Ronin. Or the writer just ignores continuity, Frank in universe notoriety, and Cap's personal disgust for Frank, haha.

  6. 8 months ago

    Yeah right b

    • 8 months ago

      >Yeah right b

  7. 8 months ago

    Ideally the team should have been a mix of Dark X-Men and Uncanny Avengers.....

    Avengers: Captain America, Quicksilver, Hawkeye

    X-Men: Rogue, Gambit, Madelyne Prior, Polaris, and Havok

    New guys; Americop (use him instead of Punisher and retcon him an Inhuman with Maddrox tier duplication powers to explain away all of the Americops floating around in recent years)

    Ned Leeds (ORCHIS gets Ned out of jail by murdering Ben Ulrich/framing him for brainwashing Ned evil again with help from Ben's evil nephew to gangpress Ned to be their propagandist only for Ned to run the frick away and end up joinging the Unity squad and using Hank Pym's stash of weapons from his red speed suit days to fight ORCHIS)

    That way you have a lot of dynamics to carry the team:

    Lorna/Havok reunite
    Rogue and Gambit hijinks
    3/4ths of Cap's Quartet back together
    Maddie, now dumped again, hovering towards Americop as her new boyfriend and Maddie getting pregnant agan with Americop's kid, who's son will become Punisher 2099.

    Ned dealing with super hero shit along with Flash Thompson siding with ORCHIS and once again, trying to steal Ned's wife.

  8. 8 months ago

    >Who would have been some good choices for you for the group Squad?
    >Captain America
    >Reed Richards
    >Doctor Doom
    >Master Mold
    >Sentinel Waifu (pictured)

  9. 8 months ago

    Unity squad have over representioon of X-Men. It should have adgardian, atlantian, inhuman, thunderbolt, guardian etc. Put one of spider people like Scarlett spider or silk.

  10. 8 months ago

    Is that fricking Penance?! From Generation X?

  11. 8 months ago

    Duggans team books like savage avengers and punisher kill squad were really interesting group of characters .

  12. 8 months ago

    Man it's a real shame that marvel didn't have more characters who were both Avengers and X-men over the years. Sure would be a shame if there was a perfect character who was endearing and charming that he could smooth over both sides with his simple honest personality. Why if I had a character like that I'd not only use him, I'd make him the front liner instead of ruing him to an un-salvageable state.

    • 8 months ago

      They can still resurrect/clone a version of him with only pre-Krakoa memories, right?

      • 8 months ago


  13. 8 months ago

    I'd keep Rogue, Cap, and Deadpool. The rest need to go.

  14. 8 months ago

    The team needs more Avengers reps, right now it's just Cap and Pietro (with Pietro just being as another mutie despite not being one anymore)

    • 8 months ago

      Black Widow joined the team too, she just wasn't on the initial covers

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