I want to feel what it's like to be hot just once in my life. It seems incredible.

I want to feel what it's like to be hot just once in my life. It seems incredible.

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  1. 1 month ago

    If I would suddenly become hot, I would use my new powers to reject attractive women that approach me.

    • 1 month ago

      t. homosexual ass diddler sodomite clay stirrer crust breaker

      • 1 month ago

        Silence, incel.

    • 1 month ago

      There's no point in being that vindictive. If you achieve hotness enjoy the fruits that you now have access to.

    • 1 month ago

      If you'd do anything else get the frick off this website

    • 1 month ago

      school shooter moment

      • 1 month ago

        acting like a woman is being a school shooter? interesting slip

    • 1 month ago

      LMAO Didn't ChestBrah's brother, CardiacArrestBrah do that when he got shredded?

    • 1 month ago

      Even if you are attractive women won't approach you out of the blue, their brains don't know how to be direct like that. It's more like they will just be much more receptive to you approaching them, but you still need to be direct which no anons seem to be capable of doing

  2. 1 month ago

    Adult women don’t care about your looks
    They care about what you can offer them
    Once you realize this you become imune to their tricks
    T. Chad

    • 1 month ago

      You're wrong. They actually care a lot. I'm an actual 11/10 Chad. You sound like a Tanner/Brad that watched too many blackpill videos.

      To the OP, its awesome. Everywhere you go both men and women look at you when you pass by. You can basically decide whether you wanna talk to a girl or ignore them. You can feel eyes on you and the awe when you walk by. Would recommend.

      • 1 month ago

        >t. 0.5/10 basement goblin

      • 1 month ago

        prove it

      • 1 month ago

        Adult women don’t care about your looks
        They care about what you can offer them
        Once you realize this you become imune to their tricks
        T. Chad

        The real truth from an actually successful professional?
        Being hot is great when you're young, and up and coming. It makes you stand out in a good way, and you're a good hood ornament for successful people so you can learn and ride their coattails.
        Being hot is an active detriment when you're older. People expect "experienced" people to look a certain way -- you need to be "put together" but not "hot." The hotness comes from accomplishments and prestige.

        At no point should being sexually attractive to women be something you're shooting for. At no point should you be putting in significant effort into meeting or finding women to hook up with.

        It will just happen on its own if you're in a mixed social setting. If you're hunting or pursuing, you've lost your way.

    • 1 month ago

      If you want a woman, be outgoing, agreeable, have ADHD, smoke, and be somewhat overweight. Don't have an advanced college degree and don't be autistic. Despite what they say, height isn't actually all that important unless you're a dwarf. Being a bit dumb also helps.
      Note that this is for women in general, not just hot women, which is probably all OP is interested in.

      • 1 month ago

        be an npc basically

        • 1 month ago

          Yes. Keep in mind that most of them are themselves fat, dumb, and neurotic, so that's your prize for "winning".

        • 1 month ago

          Being so smart you understand what other people want to hear and being brave and independed (what adhd basically means) is being an npc? ADHD and charisma is like the opposite of being an npc.

          • 1 month ago

            woah you said different things now so i must be wrong?

  3. 1 month ago

    If you’re autistic, being good looking is a game changer. It turns all your offputting weird qualities into quirky charming qualities like magic.

    • 1 month ago

      it helps but youre still getting less girls than non autistic guys that are less good looking

  4. 1 month ago

    It's a straight up monkey paw's curse. I looked like a young Brad Pitt when I was in my 20s....although I'm starting to look like Jeff Bridges now as I get older, which is leading me into whole new uncharted territories that I'm not very comfortable with. Anyway, you'd think literally being able to just walk up to the cute cashier at CVS and asking her to watch a movie with you at your house when she gets out of work, and she says yes....and within minutes you're having sex! and this is happening everywhere all the time, whoever you pick you get to frick—would be a GREAT thing, but hory shit it's not. Psycho fatal attractions following me around; knock at the door at 3AM (while I'm with someone else) and she's telling me she's going to kill herself if I don't go outside; I've had 4 girls tell me they're pregnant with my kid and had to do 4 paternity tests to prove them wrong. Women that told me they were single and then 2 months in they tell me they're married and want to leave their husbands for me....and I'm not a bad person; I don't break up families but do you know how hard it is to get rid of those women? I literally settled down with a girl that I knew would legit commit suicide if I didn't marry her because I couldn't have that on my conscience.

    Oh and like around 35 I just completely lost interest in sex. It's like when you eat too much sushi and then even the sight of it makes you lose your appetite; it's a lot like that.

    • 1 month ago

      Ngl if what you are saying is true, that sounds amazing. Like seriously who gets to experience that? The just talk to a girl and ask her to come to your place part. But i get the you get bored of sex part. Like it cannot be much different from when you’ve fapped to so much porn you just get bored of it. I see very handsome men and they just don’t care that much about sex, especially the older ones. Still, you had a wild snd very eventful life compared to most.

      • 1 month ago

        >you had a wild snd very eventful life
        A very empty and unfulfilling life actually. It wasn't until I settled down with a woman and had kids that I finally felt happiness, and the woman I settled down with wasn't/isn't even hot. She was actually an old high school friend that I always kept in touch with; you know, the fat girl that could always make me laugh.

        Looks aint shit dude. It's all hollow on the inside. Also nobody ever talks about how smelly sex is. Believe it or not I got to a point where I was sick and tired of my bed always smelling like piss (women can pick up on that too and know you're a manprostitute), the STD scares, pregnancy scares.....so many fricking scares, come to think of it. Sex isn't something that's supposed to be casual; it's serious and could have disastrous consequences.

        Honestly for most of my life the one thing that's ever brought me comfort was watching movies and TV, which is why I'm here. Oh and people that think they're less attractive than you always give you a hard time at work...there's nothing worse that being attractive and sucking at your job. And it's not like women that can "ugly themselves up" with makeup and hairstyles.

        • 1 month ago

          Yeah, i’ve always more or less had the foundations in my life in very good shape. I guess that’s why i have such fond memories of sex with hot girls, even when i’m just average looking but good charisma and high status job. I guess if you don’t have everything else in your life in good shape, the sex doesn’t feel as awesome either.

          >Sex isn't something that's supposed to be casual; it's serious and could have disastrous consequences.

          I get what you mean with this. Sex used to have a high chance of actual pregnancy and bringing a new person into this world and needing to provide for it, not to mention giving birth was always fatally dangerous to women. It’s only after 60’s that it has been something this casual.

        • 1 month ago

          >Believe it or not I got to a point where I was sick and tired of my bed always smelling like piss (women can pick up on that too and know you're a manprostitute)

          lmao wash your sheets

    • 1 month ago

      >35 and feels washed up
      Another fake "chad", you just sound like a b***h.

    • 1 month ago

      >yea I totally looked like a young brad Pitt

  5. 1 month ago

    So be hot

  6. 1 month ago

    I made it about five minutes with this flick, too cringe for me

    • 1 month ago

      Just let go man

  7. 1 month ago

    He looks like a normal non fat white collar white guy in his 20s or 30s
    Or maybr ive watched too much slop

  8. 1 month ago

    It's alright. I'm not hot now since I'm 40 and lost my six pack, but I'm getting back there slowly with lifting. The friends of one of my ex's were all fascinated by me since I so much hotter than her and beta orbiters would get angry.

    • 1 month ago

      So just being low bodyfat made you a lot more attractive?

      • 1 month ago

        I was also younger. I am attractive, but no where near as much as I could be. Not just low body fat, but muscle too. And I'm white and 6'2. And I have a seven inch fat wiener. And I have all my hair. I'm still shit with general interactions that aren't alcohol fueled.

        • 1 month ago

          Why can't you interact without alcohol? I get its more fun but I'm a greater Chad than you and I was able to do this by 25.

          The best/worst part of being super good looking is that you see how treacherous women are. I've been having affairs with married women since I was 15/16 and without fail anytime I'm out ( i like to go out alone) and women see me at bars or public places with their bfs/husbands they look at me with lascivious eyes.
          I know my gf wouldn't do that to me since I'm HIM, but I still feel bad for inferior men. They're in a constant state of instacucking.

          • 1 month ago

            With me it just made me care less about romantic relationships in general, knowing it’s just a game of who has higher attraction stats. The guys in 19th century (romantics) who hyped up romantic love to the status it has today were dumb as frick, mistaking it for something genuine when indeed your love interest can just change if someone with higher ”stats” than your partner enters your life. That’s why i’ve always valued friendship more than romantic love.

            • 1 month ago

              yea but why the alcohol crutch was my question. The love thing is legit imo, but only if you're a GOAT. Otherwise, its a delusion and that's a fricking tough blackpill. Men can accept lesser women and love unconditionally but women are like reptiles.

        • 1 month ago

          >i'm 6'2" with a fat wiener
          you can always disregard these stories when you hear stuff like that
          I was 'sexy' when I was younger, which, too girls, is different from 'hot' (which is more of a social)
          i was extremely handsome and skinny, but 'had all the muscles'. I am about 5'10" but girls have no idea nor do they really even care unless they're very short themselves.
          girls will flirt with you. thats about it. they ignore you for the most part and are usually rude. if they see you enough they will be more flirtatious. if they hear about you from someone they may be even more so, or even make a sexy offering of sorts.
          i usually gravitated towards pretty, cute hyperfeminine smart girls. chaste and kind of chubby w/ big boobs & booty. had little trouble getting them. wouldve loved making pugh my little sexpiggy

  9. 1 month ago

    Start doing this
    >no porn
    >no caffeine
    >no inhaling with mouth
    >no sugar, no white flour
    >social interaction
    >having a pet dog/ 2 parrots
    >strategy and action-rpg vidya
    >reading new things, philosphy
    >writing a page for the daily journal
    >drumming, playing guitar, singing karaoke
    >whistling, improvising, creating new music
    >scetching common items in different positions
    >using pictures/ recalling images from memory
    >drawing emotional faces, shading 3d
    >empathy, teaching skills
    >truth, no negativity
    >water with ice
    >eggs, oats, nuts
    >sauerkraut/ pickles
    >hard cheese/ fish/ liver
    >onions, olive oil, parsley
    >potatoes/ brown rice/ beans
    >carrot/ tough apple after meal
    >gelatin jello with grug berry
    >long warm shower before bed
    >nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
    >deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
    >herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
    >electric toothbrush, clean tongue and floss
    >not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
    >ceraVe's night cream with retinol on face
    >melatonine, eye cover mask for bedtime
    >growing mother-in-law's tongue next to bed
    >30 min meditation with wim hof breathing
    >no sleeping on belly, chest or face
    >7.5 hour sleep
    >spreading toes, sun and moon salute
    >hot to cold shower
    >single blade shave
    >sunscreen moisturizer

    • 1 month ago

      and action-rpg vidya
      I don't think that fits

    • 1 month ago

      >and let your gf peg you

    • 1 month ago

      >no sugar, no white flour
      >potatoes/ brown rice/ beans

      No sugars but then starchy foods, that is just sugar with extra steps.

      >nettle shampoo, aloes honey body cream
      >deep pore cleanser/ exfoliating face scrub
      >herb mint facial mask, coconut conditioner
      >not oily nivea cream on hands and feet
      >ceraVe's night cream with retinol on face

      okay partrick BAITman

      also drawing, music, no lifting. gay.

    • 1 month ago

      >no sleeping on belly, chest or face
      This Black person is scared of dying in his sleep or getting wrinkles on his face. PUSSY

    • 1 month ago

      what kind of lipstick do you recommend?

    • 1 month ago

      >brown rice

  10. 1 month ago

    I'm like 2% of bodyfat away from being a Jim Morrison tier chad. It's happening, bros

  11. 1 month ago

    Me on the left.

    • 1 month ago

      She's another Bridget Fonda. Mark my motherfricking words. I know the brand.

  12. 1 month ago

    You would get to date a fertile beauty

    • 1 month ago

      frick she's hideous

  13. 1 month ago

    is it perverted of me to have loud ball slapping hardcore mating press sex with my wife almost every night who looks some like sydney? it just feels so kino to slide 7 inches all the way in and out and THWACK with my balls as i power pound her until we both cum

    • 1 month ago

      Not perverted at all

  14. 1 month ago
  15. 1 month ago
  16. 1 month ago

    I was *very* hot for at least a decade
    I still am hot but it's just Dad hot these days
    Anyway women completely ignored me to my face and nothing ever materialized no matter how much back-channel chatter I heard
    At some point there were 3 cute girls who were all very interested in me over the same 2 week span (a blonde, a brunette and a redhead) and I ended up marrying the most aggressive of the 3.
    We have 5 kids now and life is pretty good
    My 16 year old son is the hot one now. He's a nationally ranked swimmer, chess player and he plays the piano.
    His older sister tries to bring "baddies" around the house (her words) to help him out but he's a sperg like his dad so when my daughter brings her friends and their younger sisters, he hides in his room and reads until they leave.
    tl;dr being hot feels good but charm is the most OP stat

    • 1 month ago

      you should really prioritize your sons proper social development even if he’s superficially successful in other ways

      • 1 month ago

        I honestly don't know what to do
        Girls like him. There was a cute girl on his swim team who got cut and he told me that she still goes to watch him swim.
        To me that's a major signal and I hinted as much but he's just dense that way.
        She's even his "type". He likes MENA/Latina girls.

        • 1 month ago

          just be straight with him about the need to take risks, you don’t need to tell him what specific risks he should go for, but he should try to be with a woman and enjoy friends the same way he should study hard. Life is about more than grades and winning officiated competitions and it will be very different once he’s out of college. Finding love doesn’t happen by accident for a man. He of course has plenty of time, but being dense is only partly an act for smart people like him, they have a low level chronic anxiety that manifests as being dense and keeping people distant

    • 1 month ago

      >His older sister tries to bring "baddies" around the house (her words) to help him out but he's a sperg like his dad so when my daughter brings her friends and their younger sisters, he hides in his room and reads until they leave.

      What a fricking Chad, I'd be proud of him

    • 1 month ago

      If your son won't frick them, you should.

  17. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      Me on the right.

  18. 1 month ago

    The names are on the wrong people

  19. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      pretty much my fantasy right here

  20. 1 month ago
  21. 1 month ago
    • 1 month ago

      lol wtf is this movie? This is just porn.

      • 1 month ago

        Well anon, she's basically a porn star.

    • 1 month ago

      Me on the left.

    • 1 month ago

      please refrain from posting my wife.

  22. 1 month ago

    I was fat and ugly in high school and lost all the weight when I was 19-20 and my 20's was spent being constantly hit on by women who never would have noticed me when I was fat. The entire thing lifted up my self esteem and made be learn to avoid women at all costs because they are all shallow as frick and only care about looks. Whenever I am in public and girl starts to flirt I tell them off and call them shallow.

    • 1 month ago

      You’re still pretty dumb, men also mostly care about the looks of a woman. Sex and romance is shallow in general.

    • 1 month ago

      no no no this means you’re an incel! you’re supposed to like them being shallow because you benefit from it now! women don’t have to be good people, just use them while you can like liberals and israelites do

  23. 1 month ago

    Its not about being hot, its about being desired

  24. 1 month ago

    I took up yoga a couple of months ago and while I'm getting in great shape doing it being in such close proximity to 11/10 hot b***hes who will forever be out of my league is eternal suffering

    • 1 month ago

      leagues only exist to women

  25. 1 month ago

    i just can't make peace with the fact that my consciousness formed in this body that has locked me from making certain experiences. why do some people just get to be rich, beautiful, mentally healthy and talented? i also feel for the people who have it worse than me for no reason. and there is nothing I can do. my only choices are cope or cry both dont truly feel satisfying. i dont feel bitter towards anyone. if there is a god i cant take him on and evolution is just an abstract process. the only way to make peace with it is to see myself from 3rd person as an animal with needs and just take the mental anguish with no judgement. to see the pleasure the lucky ones get just as some chemical reactions and not something special. to imagine that what would be euphoric happiness for me is just normal for them because they are used to it.

    • 1 month ago

      Mew+Caffeine moisturizer

    • 1 month ago

      also i know that its no use complaining about things you cant change but this feeling of life being an unfair competition is just something in my core and why I find it hard to motivate myself to do anything. why do i have to compete for the same thing with someone who is just genetically superior and had rich parents? i dont know how others are able to get over it so easily. of course its better than being miserable but having to work your ass off for something others get for free feels bad even if you "made it".

      • 1 month ago

        Just get friends and loved ones bro, you don’t need looks or money for those.

      • 1 month ago

        You look like 10 times better than you think you look. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and just do the Boomhauer technique. Literally just go to where there's a lot of women and start asking for numbers. That's literally what I do and every time I meet a woman I ask her for her number so we can hang out. Like every other week I have a new date, and then of course you build up a nice list of booty calls.

        How do you think truckers (of which I am) get laid? We're home for 3 days out of the month, yet you'd be hard pressed to find a single trucker. Like FRICK THAT I'm going to work myself to death and not get pussy on my off time? I don't think so. But then again I like ghetto bad b***hes, which are a little easier to score...so there's that. Horny female truckers are always a pleasant treat, and then I can watch movies with them in my birther.

      • 1 month ago

        There's really nothing else to say but get fricking over it.

  26. 1 month ago

    Money and status matters a lot more for men than appearance.

    Look at Leo for example. 40 year old chubby dude yet fricks a new 20 year old supermodel every weekend

  27. 1 month ago

    Go to Phoenix in the summer

  28. 1 month ago

    a friend of mine was a super hot looking guy. we would walk into a bar, and he'd have 5 girls on him before we got a beer. I asked him how many chicks he banged in college. he gave it some serious thought. He said 1000? it's a totally different world for good-looking people.

    • 1 month ago


      • 1 month ago

        I also hung out with a Playboy Playmate. all true gay boy

  29. 1 month ago

    Just work out and eat less you moron. Also dress better and shave your balding head. Fricking idiots.

  30. 1 month ago

    OP posts the version of the poster where the text covers up the good part. What a NINCOMPOOP

    • 1 month ago

      The text doesn't censor her ass in most languages actually

    • 1 month ago

      The text doesn't censor her ass in most languages actually

      HERE'S how to title a poster.

      • 1 month ago

        OP posts the version of the poster where the text covers up the good part. What a NINCOMPOOP

        Here's a more efficient one.

  31. 1 month ago

    he's 5'11 and slightly above average facially, hardly an unachievable ideal. Try looking at guys like Tyler Maher or prime Henry Cavill if you wanna feel small and inadequate as a man

    • 1 month ago

      if he's 5'11" Sydney is like 5'6". He's barely 5'9". He was hired to make Tom Cruise look average height

    • 1 month ago

      Anons won't admit it because it goes against the black pill rhetoric, but the bar for being an attractive male really isn't that high. I've seen women be attracted to some ugly ass dudes

      • 1 month ago

        Women simply aren't scopophilic (except towards themselves and their nest.) They see a man and feel. That's literally all.

  32. 1 month ago

    >I broke up with my perfect ex because it wasn’t fair to other women
    Who honestly writes this shit

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