I was recommended this show after going into depressive elaboration of the number of TV shows I've been unsatisfied with...

I was recommended this show after going into depressive elaboration of the number of TV shows I've been unsatisfied with...

Was this a troll recommendation? And is that an Adams Apple?

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

Nothing Ever Happens Shirt $21.68

Shopping Cart Returner Shirt $21.68

  1. 4 months ago

    Like a sitcom, it's a show that gradually becomes good as you grow to like the characters.
    And despite being voiced by a man, the show eventually explains it's a woman not a troony.

    • 4 months ago

      >And despite being voiced by a man, the show eventually explains it's a woman not a troony.

      Sure...I could believe that but...still...the Adams Apple...do I need to send a clearer pic?

      • 4 months ago

        Possibly a visual gag because they joke about the possibility until it's explained.

      • 4 months ago

        Are you under the impression that women don't have them?

      • 4 months ago

        Women have larynx cartilage too, they're just usually so small they don't protrude through the skin, whereas boys' expand during puberty as their voices deepen. It would actually make sense for Dr. Girlfriend's adam's apple to look like a man's considering her voice. That said, the pic you posted is still a pretty normal amount of protrusion for an average woman.

      • 4 months ago

        they wanted you guessing in the early season. however, when women look up their throat or whatever can set to look like that, the neck muscles join in a way where the throat can stick out. hers is just enough to make you wonder, she's not drawn like that later.

        the first season of this show is set up, so its not great, once the second season starts the real show begins and becomes this plot heavy excellent experience with twists and turns and some of the best character development out there. so power through season 1, just know it becomes something else

        • 4 months ago

          >so power through season 1, just know it becomes something else

          frick you if you're wrong. I currently can't fricking stand deadwood. shows where it's borderline impossible to hear the charcaters voice on 2x speed are mega red flags.

          fricking hell, Chernobyl is probably a slower show, than deadwood, and despite that, it was far more compelling.

          I'm so tempted to just skip this shit to season 2, because everything feels too silly to mean anything so far.

          • 4 months ago

            i wouldn't skip anything, and the last two episodes of season 1 are important. if you have to skip ahead make sure you see those so you know whats going on, but you'll still not really get certain things. everything that happens will have some kind of payoff at some point, so its really not a good idea to skip episodes

          • 4 months ago

            how many episodes have you seen?

          • 4 months ago

            Lmao that's so funny I also thought to watch deadwood after watching venture Bros. Couldn't do it, that era of television used boredom as a plot point.

            • 4 months ago

              >Couldn't do it, that era of television used boredom as a plot point.

              Thank frick I'm not alone. I REALLY hate to use the word "boredom" as a criticism, because it's a very subjective and easy word to abuse and misuse anywhere and everywhere. But seriously, I don't know how else to describe it.

              There's this type of "show" that tries so hard to come across as "real" that it ends up feeling like "nothing" at all. And that's what Deadwood is. Chernobyl manages to LITERALLY be based on a real life event, but it also takes liberties (the creators literally mention this in the ending credits if I'm not mistaken) so as to actually communicate their themes about truth and perceptions and get their point across.

              I just fall back on Chernobyl incase some moron days "Lol this moron can't watch realistic deep shows!" Frick you. I watched All of the Wire, and I watched Chernobyl, I watched more than enough of Boardwalk Empire, watched True Detective, watched Mad Men, which is honestly, similarly boring, but I will never forget Don's speech about love. Atleast they knew how to pretend they have Interesting characters. Frick, I watched West Wing too.

              Frick you, Deadwood is just boring shit.

          • 4 months ago

            there's stuff that will later be very relevant. the second episode seems like not much happens but has like 3 plot points that become very important through the series. one in particular has a big payoff in a very late season so its hard to say you should skip any of it. the humor is way more parody with tiny glimpses of whats to come in the first season so i understand why its a bit of a slog at first. there's a vision though and its great to see something thats really just two guys making come to something so amazing. there's nothing else really like it

          • 4 months ago

            Go watch Utopia my man, 1. That shit is free, 1080p on youtube, 2. No time for filler, show keeps on moving, 3. Only 2 seasons of six episodes each. Only cons are that it's British and I haven't finished it yet, although people say most plot points wrap up, but it's still a cliffhanger ending.

            • 4 months ago

              >Go watch Utopia my man, 1.

              Kek. I already watched the Pyrocynical 8hour essay, so it just feels like it'd be a waste of time to watch it. I would have, if I didn't tho. lmao, idk why I find this so funny, but thanks for trying to revive my faith in TV.

              • 4 months ago

                Man, you should've seen it first, oh well, kek I guess... Maybe try watching Fringe? I haven't finished it either but it was entertaining to me. I'm sure you've seen Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul.

  2. 4 months ago
  3. 4 months ago

    It is extremely uneven, the writers are notoriously petty and change storylines because the audience like ideas or characters too much. If it didn’t instantly hit, don’t worry about it and just move on, it’s all the same.

    • 4 months ago

      >If it didn’t instantly hit, don’t worry about it and just move on, it’s all the same.

      ah. I see. I guess that recommender sorely misunderstood what I like about the few tv that I like, since I seriously don't get this show.

      off to deadwood.

      • 4 months ago

        What are all the other shows you're a contrarian about?

    • 4 months ago

      >It is extremely uneven, the writers are notoriously petty and change storylines because the audience like ideas or characters too much.
      Kek no they don't. They just wrote Triana out when all of the fans just wanted to goon to the sexy goth b***h.

      • 4 months ago

        Wasn't it because Hammer's ex voiced her?

        • 4 months ago

          its not why, they've replaced actors before and you can't really tell. plus i don't think they were on bad terms, they just didn't have anything to do for her. she serves a purpose for deans growth, and it would be annoying to just have him forever pining over her. obviously this isn't the kind of show where he's gonna win her over

          • 4 months ago

            Ahh I see, yeah that makes sense.

    • 4 months ago

      i know the quote you're thinking of but its taken very out of context. they would read what twists people were expecting because they wanted to make sure their ideas weren't being obviously telegraphed and wanted to avoid cliche resolutions. you can see the primary set ups hadn't changed and they wanted each season to have surprises.

  4. 4 months ago

    I stopped watching after season two, but I thought it as pretty okay. I really liked the double date episode and Scooby Doo episode, but I didn't care enough about the characters to actually continue.

  5. 4 months ago

    Its the best show on tv and deserves at least 2 more seasons

  6. 4 months ago

    It's a great show that progresses over time and has great world building/set ups.

  7. 4 months ago

    The original Reddit show. Guys that watched this in their 20s now have a Funko room, vasectomy, and open marriage

    • 4 months ago


    • 4 months ago


      Bunch a slack jawed homosexuals; s.o.y. swallowing, limp wrist, chud latté drinking, girlie men, swears by this show! Vasectomy, Open Marriage, male feminist losers!

    • 4 months ago

      To be fair it was written for gen xers and millenials, as it's a parody of several franchises that ended in the 80s and the pretty narrow window of kids who watched Johnny Quest

  8. 4 months ago

    The Venture Bros is one of the best pieces of animated television ever created. It is also one of the only IPs driven from end to end by the passion of the creators, and it shows. There is such an insane amount of content shoved into the show, it feels like a novel.
    I will admit it isnt always as funny as it could be, and as someone who watched it since it came out, there being literally years between seasons was a bummer, but i dont have to worry about that anymore QQ
    And to answer your question
    >Yes, i belong in here, i just have a deep voice

    • 4 months ago

      >>Yes, i belong in here, i just have a deep voice

      Not a single woman sounds like that moron. Stfu. It's obviously a dumb gag, don't even try to pretend it has any valid reasoning to it.

      Just another confirmation that this show is definitely trash, when you've got morons like this, dicksucking it. Thanks.

      • 4 months ago

        It makes one homosexual mad but its probably the best show you can ever watch

        • 4 months ago

          >but its probably the best show you can ever watch

          I hate dishonest people. And this is a fundementally dishonest statement. Thinking about if I wanted to sell my favourite TV show. I don't think I'd ever say "It's the best show you can ever watch" I'd just say "It's peak television to me" emphasizing the inherent subjectivity of it. Then supplement that statement with either strong, logically sound arguments towing the line of objectivity and subjectivity, or give a brief, vague, but meaningful description of its core general value.

          Anyway. You're a loser.

          • 4 months ago

            Your opinion is really trash lmao

            • 4 months ago

              So much words and nothing but shit taste. Go have a nice day.

              id rather watch the show than read your trash opinion hahaha

              Anyone who hasn't seen it already is a disgusting zoomer and needs to have xis/xer internet license revoked

              It makes one homosexual mad but its probably the best show you can ever watch

              Behold, venture Bros fans when you tell them venture Bros isn't the greatest show on earth.

      • 4 months ago

        It is a dumb gag, no woman does sound like that, and there is no valid reason as to why she sounds like that. The creators just thought it would be funny to do a silly manish voice for the hot super villain chick
        I dont want you to watch the show. Im serious. Dont. Im super serious. Im warning you mister. DONT

        • 4 months ago

          she was a heavy smoker. the funny thing about it is you completely stop noticing the voice as she becomes more of a character in the show. the whole gag is she's super sexy but has this one quirk. this is like in a johnny quest/ marvel universe, lots of things in it aren't in real life. its just taking vocal fry to its extreme

  9. 4 months ago

    It was a slow start for me but I stuck with it because Cinemaphile said it was great. It's pretty great.

  10. 4 months ago

    It's pretty much reddit meets netflix meets globohomosexual feminism. Basically it's feminism the show made to hypnotise the viewer into thinking "white men bad" and "POC women good". There isn't really much more to this dreary show than that.

    • 4 months ago

      Is this a bot post?
      Seriously, can you point out a single legitimate example of this you flaccid worthless cumstain

    • 4 months ago

      This could be posted in any thread.

      • 4 months ago

        and it would be right more than half the time
        welcome to 2024

    • 4 months ago

      Kek, how do you get this take watching the venture bros

    • 4 months ago

      >"white men bad" and "POC women good".

      when the frick does any of that happen?

  11. 4 months ago

    Anyone who hasn't seen it already is a disgusting zoomer and needs to have xis/xer internet license revoked

    • 4 months ago

      are you actually just mentally ill? the picrel you posted is like the most zoomer thing ever.

      I can't believe I'm saying this. But Is Cinemaphile somehow worse than even Cinemaphile? wtf?

      • 4 months ago

        If you can't handle Cinemaphile when it posts twink bugs bunny goth femboy ass, then you don't deserve Cinemaphile when it posts anal crust buck breaking 4U dubs.

        • 4 months ago


          you have no idea what that word means moron. just validated my point further. stupid board full of self aware void morons.

          • 4 months ago

            Sorry I didn't major in gayonomics like you sir.

  12. 4 months ago

    Idk why the fans of venture Bros say it's the "le greatest animated show ever". It really does absolutely nothing to deserve that.

    Most characters have a one note gag and they reuse it so much that it becomes really dull. But the worst part is how literally every character is a wimpy nerd, and that means 99.999% of the action is done ALL by Brock Samson. So Brock becomes the defacto best character in an ocean of boredom. Most of the time I'd just wait until Brock was on screen.
    It's not a coincidence that Brock is not only the most favorite character in poll's, the lowest rated season among fans is when Sargeant hatred replaced Brock and he's fricking gone for an entire season. Leaving NOTHING to watch. He literally carries the entire show on his shoulders.

    I hate the monarch, he's not funny, he's not compelling. They kept pushing this homosexual to being some deep nuanced take on a futile villain for what?!
    I find it interesting that the writers understand the elements of a complex character, but it's fricking wasted on someone who is fundamentally boring. They push the monarch to being the main character every fricking season and I just couldn't fricking care, especially last season, and the fact that the last movie was about HIM.

    I only watched this because I was under quarantine in covid. I wouldn't recommend this show to anyone basically. The only thing I'd show are Brock's scenes and if someone asked me what show he's in I'll just lie and say this is all there is.

    • 4 months ago

      So much words and nothing but shit taste. Go have a nice day.

    • 4 months ago

      id rather watch the show than read your trash opinion hahaha

    • 4 months ago

      look at how shitty the replies are
      you have been proven right

      • 4 months ago

        It's one thing to be someone who didn't watch the show and just said it looked gay, that's bait, it means nothing.

        I posted a genuine opinion, based on watching every season, including the movie! The anons who parrot the same shit about it being the greatest show ever made are upset because they wanted a comfy thread where at best they get other fans, and at worse they get some shitposters. But someone who actually watched it, has a mixed opinion and says it's 6/10 pisses them off more than any bait.

        • 4 months ago

          truth hurts
          good way to find out the truth is to see what makes people act irrational

          • 4 months ago

            >good way to find out the truth is to see what makes people act irrational

            I can't believe I never thought of this, but this makes so much sense in retrospect. Just make an argument, and see how many psychos react in the most unexpectedly deranged way. It's not the most satisfying way to find out the truth, but it might be the only reliable way...atleast online.

            I'm NTA btw.

            • 4 months ago

              >Anon just discovered how bait works
              We have a genuine hylic here. Nice to meet you. What do you do for a living?

              • 4 months ago

                you have to define it as bait because you are the real hylic
                this post is cope
                grow up or hide yourself better next time reddit

              • 4 months ago

                thank you. for not being stupid enough to not realize the complete arbitration of sticking the word "bait" to what I said. maybe Cinemaphile is smarter than Cinemaphile afterall. Cinemaphile rarely has this much self awareness to even produce such a thought.

              • 4 months ago

                why do you go on Cinemaphile
                everybody there is brown

              • 4 months ago

                >everybody there is brown

                I am brown and I am sane so...I figure the problem is more than just that.

                But regardless. I go on Cinemaphile because sometimes, when I play videogames, I have thoughts and revelations about them that I want to share and tease out, so as to gain greater understanding of videogames, what their value is to me, what value they can provide just in general, and how to pinpoint what to value at all.

    • 4 months ago

      look at how shitty the replies are
      you have been proven right

      This is just someone's opinion. Any show can have characters that people love but others find annoying, so it's unfortunate if those are main characters. If you like Star Wars but find clones, or Dee Bradley Baker's voice annoying, then I have some bad news for you when you ask me "Are the Clone Wars any good?"

      • 4 months ago

        clone wars is a gay cartoon for redditors just like this

    • 4 months ago

      The action in Venture Brothers is kinda not that great.
      The humor is what grabs me most of the time. And Doctor Venture is a great butt of a joke character.

      • 4 months ago

        Family that Slays Together I&II had amazing action

        • 4 months ago

          I'll give you that point, but Brock isn't my favorite character because if theres a complaint of character's being one note then Brock Sampson is just that for four seasons.
          Doc and Jackson wrote him out because the dynamic was worn out.
          Nomolestol is a great joke and frick everyone.

          • 4 months ago

            Brock is fun though. when doc has the hit on him it heightens the stakes that brock is worried. his development is slow, but that makes sense, he's been a ruthless killer for so long. Once 'the Orb' is resolved he starts to grow into a character. but yeah he's not the most interesting. Pete White is my fav though

          • 4 months ago

            They wrote him out cus the voice actor got famous and moved in

            • 4 months ago

              *Moved on god I hate autocorrect

            • 4 months ago

              nah he openly loves the show. he goes to panels and stuff over his other projects. the show is not afraid of change and brocks initial arc was over

              • 4 months ago

                I didn't say he hates the show I said he was busy with other jobs cus there were years long gaps between seasons, one of the creators said so in interviews

    • 4 months ago

      Hatred is the best pedophile in fiction, what are you on about

      • 4 months ago

        Baron Vladamir Harkkonen is right there

        • 4 months ago

          Harkkonen is great, but he's not much of a dynamic character, he's just evil. its cool for dune, but he's one dimensional. Hatred is a complex real person, who doesn't want to be a pedo

    • 4 months ago

      The Monarch is a great exploration of what a character would have to be one of these villians that has a personal arch nemesis. confusing self hate projection and obsession, just putting up with the villian business for his goal. like Doc, he's not really into the whole Hero/Villian business.
      he's complex as well, he hates doc for riding his fathers success, yet he's just a trust fund kid using his parents money to fund his own obsession.

      • 4 months ago

        And yet I'm not compelled to watch it at all. It wasn't making me go "aha! Wow! Bravo!"
        Finding out his dad was a superhero who worked with venture was like finding out I ran out of milk and need to go pick some up later. Just dull tedium I expected.

  13. 4 months ago

    I genuinely don't understand the appeal of american """adult""" animation.
    Not even a little bit.

  14. 4 months ago

    It's an amazing show, one of the only shows I've ever been passionate about.

    • 4 months ago

      shame they had to condense the final season into a movie, looked like there were some real good stories in it that are now too short. Still, decently satisfying conclusion. i feel satisfied with the end. i'd love if they got another movie but its all pretty wrapped up now and i'm not bothered if it doesn't get anymore

  15. 4 months ago

    Autist can't into comedy the thread

  16. 4 months ago

    It becomes much better mid season 2, they get into their flow and take long hiatuses and it kept it fresh for me. I've usually started my friends out on Escape to the house of mummies part 2.
    There is no part one and it's not like the show ever got a proper intro episode where it all started. You get jumped in some 16 years since the boys were born. It becomes less episodic later on but at first they're just creating their strange parody Johnny Quest Marvel/DC world.
    The long wait is worth it without spoiling anything, and I actually like the first season episodes going back, but they certainly pack in areas. Season almost exists just for the shock of the finale.

  17. 4 months ago

    >I was recommended this show after going into depressive elaboration of the number of TV shows I've been unsatisfied with...

  18. 4 months ago

    I like the show, but independently of that I think you're behaving like a hysterical and neurotic israeli homosexual, like the ones that get molested by their psychoanalyst dads, like you've been sodomized by a simple show with some moronic references for autists in such a brutal way that your ass simply can't hold itself back from spurting shit after shit of dimwitted comments, as if you were cool even though I can see your ass leaking and smell the homosexualry of your ways.
    That said I think the first seasons are a cool average, the last ones solid 8s, it's a comfy show that I watch while I eat slop in bed or when I want to take my mind off things, if you're expecting a high art show that can tickle you in all the homosexual ways you need so you can still be a pseud, then I recommend you find something else.
    Sneed, ywnbaw, and all the usual, and frick you too because you're annoying.

    • 4 months ago

      >then I recommend you find something else.

      like what. I think you have a misunderstanding of the type of person I am, because I think most people would laugh at what I consider peak television, except for one of them.

      yes, I'm a pseud, using your arbitrary definition. but I'm a ME type of pseud, a very specific type of person, with very specific types of standards, that have very specifically been thought about and dwelled on, for many many years, in the shower, in bed, at the dining table, on the bus to school etc.

      I don't care about "art". I just like very personal, very honest shows, that make me feel like I don't have to hate humanity as much, because atleast I can find interesting people to vaguely care about and value in fiction, and the things their lives say about life. I don't care about prose, I don't care about composition, lighting, technique, shots. I only care about:

      Character Interaction
      And a depth that feels almost tangible.
      I want to watch the type of show, that when I think of a problem in my head. It attempts to answer it earnestly, and coherently. Even when the character seems deranged and unlikeable.

      *sigh* alright. I'm done explaining myself.

      • 4 months ago

        this show becomes incredibly personal, and despite its setting, is really honest about how life works. Dr. Venture just seems like a dick at first, and i guess he is, but once that onion starts peeling and you see why, he's one of the most sympathetic characters there are. the characters will start feeling very real as it moves. keep in mind they didn't think there'd be a second season so once it had a good reception they felt more free to expand the world and characters

        • 4 months ago

          I don't believe you. It just sounds to ridiculous to be true. But I have nothing else to watch, unless I commit to finishing Bojack Horseman, starting with Season 4 Episode 4: "Bojack the Feminist"

          • 4 months ago

            how many episodes have you even seen? is this all based off the first one?

            • 4 months ago

              ye, I didn't feel like watching anymore, which is a big red flag, because I've watched whole seasons of shows I genuinely consider bad and stupid.

              • 4 months ago

                thats not a good episode to judge off of. its very primitive

              • 4 months ago

                "The Better Man"
                Season 4 Episode 7

                This is a good episode to start with and it's really self contained.

              • 4 months ago

                Good idea. I could check this out as something to motivate me of what to look forward to. Thanks.

              • 4 months ago

                Good idea. I could check this out as something to motivate me of what to look forward to. Thanks.

                >"The Better Man"
                >Season 4 Episode 7

                is he gonna like that without knowing who anyone is or what they do? maybe he will because the plot is self contained but man, so much of this is about character interaction with people you know. i feel like you need an open mind if you don't know who the frick these people are

              • 4 months ago

                As far as self-contained episodes that will show you what Venture Bros is all about with minimal spoilers, S2E5 "20 Years to Midnight" is probably the best.
                >Characters all playing to their strengths (and weaknesses)
                >Galactic Inquisitor is hilarious
                >Johnny Quest and not!Fantastic Four

              • 4 months ago

                >Dr. Venture: God, I thought I was all done with those crappy dreams.
                >The Grand Inquisitor: THAT WAS A WEIRD ONE.
                >Dr. Venture: Great! You can read my mind.
                >The Grand Inquisitor: IGNORE ME!... Yes I can.

              • 4 months ago

                I started with adult swim streams and eventually picked it up from the beginning, it draw me in very rapidly and I watched from all the seasons until I got very interested in the story.
                What I can tell you is that if you either don't care or don't remember very minor details as the series moves on it becomes less rewarding, if you really care about stories and not episodic stuff pick it up from the middle and in no type your going to be saturated by references to earlier episodes and either feel stupid and want to watch the earlier stuff or accept that the show isn't for you and stop being gay about it.

  19. 4 months ago

    even if the show isn't your style, i'll never trust someone who can't appreciate the passion that went into it. the animation, hand painted backgrounds, completely connected story and characters with real love put into them, even the detestable ones. even if you don't like it you should appreciate what it is.

  20. 4 months ago

    the mid season special All This and Gargantua 2 is one of the greatest episodes of tv ive ever seen. Operation P.R.O.M. is incredible too.

    The Family that Slays Together 2 parter might even be up there with the best action movies. theres a ton of gold in the show

  21. 4 months ago

    >OP bait setup
    >replies come in
    >bait comes in
    >reply to bait that is also bait
    >bait reply to bait reply about bait
    >i baited u
    >no i baited u

    What the frick is this thread. Get your hands off your wieners and stop baitin'.

  22. 4 months ago

    This is 1 of those shows where if you happened to catch a random episode here and there on TV late at night it was like pleasantly enjoyable, but it kind of got overrated and is probably not the most bingeworthy show - nice show in small doses if you have at least a middling understanding of the shit that it parodies

  23. 4 months ago

    1st season is a rough start. Season 2 to 4 is beyond kino

    • 4 months ago

      aside from 1, the only season i'm not that big on is 5, but thats mostly because the wait was so long for it and it doesn't progress the story much. although thats not really fair because the finale was supposed to be All this and Gargantua 2, but it wasn't finished in time

  24. 4 months ago

    OP make sure you're watching past the credits, there's always an extra scene and lots of streaming services can skip those depending on how you're watching

  25. 4 months ago

    Its pretty good when framed as an exploration of the fallout of all those 60s+ cartoons and what happens to the families of such people living in their shadows and having to put up with all the bullshit associated with the hijinks.
    The scooby doo episode is one of my favs.

    • 4 months ago

      >The scooby doo episode is one of my favs.
      Always thought it was a shame Val didn't have a cameo in the Wes Warhammer episode.

  26. 4 months ago

    Just watched "The Better Man" It was good. I laughed once. Much better than the first episode. But idk, and let me preface. This ISNT A BAD THING. Maybe it's because I was 7 years old in 2009? But the show just seems like the standard type of shit that was on Cartoon Network around that time. I'm not saying it's bad. Infact, I imagine it's probably good. I would have probably loved it when I was 12, frick it. I'd probably have enjoyed it still when 15 or 16. I just don't know if I feel like committing to something so..."mundane" oh wait. Actually "comfy" is the perfect word. It seems nice tho. Unfortunately it sucks to watch on 2x speed too.

    • 4 months ago

      ...you watched it on 2x? there is just something wrong with your brain. you're dopamine poisoned.

      • 4 months ago

        No. I have ADHD. It's a condition, I'm not poisoned, I was just born like this.

        Honestly, I wouldn't have even known to 2x things If I never watched destiny. The thought never crossed my mind. But as somebody that likes to waste their time...timely, it's good for me. I've never enjoyed something less because of watching it on 2x, and if I DO THINK I'm enjoying it less, I always just go back to 1x anyway. I'm an adult dude, I can make right decisions for myself.

        • 4 months ago

          humor is based on timing, you judging only getting one laugh out is completely thrown out the window. in fact, so is drama and anything in this medium get on vyvanse or something, or else stop casting judgement on shit. things are developed and made to be shown a certain way, you can't modify them on a fundamental level and think you're judging something fairly.
          you also dont KNOW if you've enjoyed something less on x2 because you can't watch it both ways the first time. if you go back and watch it, you've already seen it

          whatever, seems like a troll now because you can't be this stupid.

          • 4 months ago

            I think you're stupider than you realize trying to project ones reception to humour as anything but subjective. But you're also stupid enough to arbitrarily dismiss any opinion you don't like as a troll. So please go do that, and don't reply to me again. You have nothing interesting to offer to me insofar as insight. *yawn* Don't know why you even bothered. You already made up your mind. But it's consistent with your stupidity atleast I guess.

            • 4 months ago

              humor being subjective doesn't mean that altering it provides a good judgement on the thing. altering something changes it, so your judgement on this is meaningless. if you would have opened with 'can i enjoy watching this on 2x speed' this thread would have been vastly different. you're not even saving time because you spent the thread sitting around wondering if you should keep watching.

  27. 4 months ago

    What do you guys think about House of Cards. I was told to watch the UK version by one guy, and the US by another.

    • 4 months ago

      You'd hate it, you already watched far better shows and hated them all.

      • 4 months ago

        >you already watched far better shows and hated them all.

        like what

  28. 4 months ago

    I'm thinking Mind Hunter is the answer guys, I've just got a feeling

    • 4 months ago

      he's gonna watch that on 3x speed and miss whats going on

      • 4 months ago

        It's perfect so far:

        -Has subtitles, so even if I 2x speed. I can rely on the subtitles to supplement any mishears
        -Can 2x speed
        -Opening scene focuses on smart nuances of actually appealing to somebody's sensibilities rather than hammering home some badass bravado, or some whiny shit like "for much family, I will le do anything >:("

        so far, were on the right track guys. Venture Bros feels like centuries ago already

  29. 4 months ago

    it takes a bit to get going

  30. 4 months ago

    Are you a child or a virgin?
    Women have Adam's Apples. They just typically are less pronounced

    • 4 months ago

      honestly surprised so many of you defended this so much and were just barley smart enough to know that woman have Adams apples too. On Cinemaphile I'd have figured one of you would be screaming "pozzed troony" at anyone that tries to suggest that woman have Adams apples.

      But still. You'd be moronic to try and suggest most women (I was about to say ANY woman, but, you really never know.) have even close to anything that prominent. It's not hidden, and I know exactly what you're talking about. When youre looking at woman from the face forward, you can see something that can vaguely be imagined as an Adams Apple. But from the side? Nah, it's impossible, my Adams Apple is barely pronounced too, and you CANNOT see it from the side. It's easier from the front and if you're very close.

  31. 4 months ago

    I've seen it all (minus the final movie) and I'm in the boat 'it's overrated'.
    To be more specific it's overrated by its fans. Venture hasn't ever been very popular, for example even Heroes(a forgotten show) was the biggest thing ever during its first season.
    Having a small fanbase that say it's the best thing ever dosen't make it so.
    Last Airbender is better on every level, you can like more Venture of course.

    • 4 months ago

      saying airbender is better doesn't make it so either. there is no 'overrated' unless people are lying about how much they enjoy something

  32. 4 months ago

    I wish I stopped watching at this episode

    • 4 months ago

      Coincidentally that's what I did.

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