I watched the Robocop remake/reboot recently. Bad movie, but some great scenes if that makes sense.

I watched the Robocop remake/reboot recently. Bad movie, but some great scenes if that makes sense.

Worst part to me is now there were so many topic and ideas the movie TOUCHES on in terms of modernising the idea of Robocop and satirising modern corporations, government and technology. But it fumbles the ball and forgets about it five minutes later every time

Really unfortunate because the cast is great too

>Joel Kinnaman
>Gary Oldman
>michaek Keaton
>Michael K Williams

They also chose wisely for the plot to be completely different from the original rather than it being a shot for shot remake. Only “cop is killed and is made into Robocop by corporation” remains the same

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  1. 4 months ago

    >Joel Kinoman
    >stars in shit

    • 4 months ago

      *blocks your path*

      For All Mankind is kino, man

    • 4 months ago

      The Killing is absolute kino.

    • 4 months ago

      he would probably do very well under the right direction and in a good project. unfortunately, gosling is taking all his roles. kinoman would've been better in that gosling netflix movie where he's a "sierra 6" or whatnot.

  2. 4 months ago

    Just off the top of my head interesting stuff from this movie (that barely gets explored or made worthwhile)

    >Megacorp already has advanced military drones/robots in military, we see them occupying Iran (after some future US invasion I guess) in news segment (can even hear one of the robots saying some Iranian Allah shit then the English translation while pacifying crowd)
    >they want to make Robocop specifically because these kinds of drones/robots are banned domestically. So he will be a more human face and prove the robots are better at fighting crime and less corrupt etc so he’s just a PR stunt. They never intend to make a whole line of cyborg Robocops. Just a way to pass some US bill to legalise them in general
    >after Murphy is killed in an explosion and most of his body is wrecked they actually salvage his hand and keep it unlike the original. They keep one of his hands human because they want him to be able to shake hands, have a human touch
    >genius robotics/prosthetics scientist Oldman only agrees to this because he will be able to fund massive programs for actual important shit like robotic legs, organs etc and is against the shit they do to Murphy the whole movie
    >interesting shit regarding the whole surveillance state and information on everyone
    >they actively try to control Robocop via brain implants to alter his dopamine keep him stable because of course you’d go mad if this happened to you

    Cool scene from the movie that’s genuinely good. This shit was like PG13 too if I recall so nothing like originals gore.


    Incredibly annoying they tease the original steel grey suit and colour but joke it off then go with “tactical black”. Until the ending where he looks like original Robocop again for a sequel we will never get

    • 4 months ago

      Also the actors face is uncovered most of the movie unlike the original, and he has a visor flip down during action or arrests when he’s scanning people. This certainly makes him less inhuman… but that’s the point. They made him to begin with as a human face for an inhuman system. It wouldn’t work if they just saw some mouth. Also why they keep the hand when it’s objectively a weakness.

      Really annoying they didn’t choose the classic armor modernised. They tease it early on but scrap it and it looks so much better. Then he ends up getting it for the ending scene. wienertease

      Also Kinnaman did a great job. He’s not a mindwiped robot like the original. He is legit a human stuck in this body just with some alterations to his brain to make him more compliant. They can control his dopamine levels etc to stop him being emotional. He switches between panicking and anger or this zombie like state.

      And one of the most interesting parts was the CEO’s plan which never even gets to happen

      >need to get rid of Robocop after some point
      >he has brain implants that can affect his judgement without him even realising it’s not his choice
      >use basically mind control tech to make him do something horrific as a way to turn people against him and kill him off
      >since he wouldn’t know he was forced to do it, he would also have no defense. He’s still technically a human not a machine so he chose to do it, and he would believe he did it of his own free will, either ends up turning himself in, going on the run or killing himself

      Interesting ideas, not explored at all

      • 4 months ago

        The costume looks ridiculous, and like shit. I'm not going to get into a debate about faceless vs open face but the fact that it was CLEARLY a helmet versus the macabre skin stretched over a machine base look they managed in the OG movie 40 fricking years ago was/is pathetic.

        • 4 months ago

          In the designs defense, you see him without that helmet on and he’s much grosser. Why would they want normies to see him unmasked and think it’s gross? The helmet is there to hide that.

          But yeah it still looks lame stylistically

        • 4 months ago

          What do you think about the movies take on the classic design?

          • 4 months ago
          • 4 months ago

            I don't think there's anything wrong with rebooting a franchise taking it in a different direction - there'd be no point in watching it if it was just a safe remake. So yeah I like the body horror aspect and I don't mind Robocop getting emotional over it as a result. Unfortunately they botched the movie but it could have been good, can't really bring myself to hate it.

            They even made an awesome suit, too bad they didn't fricking use it

          • 4 months ago

            The human human was a moronic addition
            other than that pretty good

            • 4 months ago

              >the human human


          • 4 months ago

            You need something to break up that wave of black on the abdomen. A belt or something would complete it

    • 4 months ago

      What a bland fricking poster.

      Has advertising improved since 2014? Or are we still in the dark ages of such bland colour palettes and minimalist images

      • 4 months ago

        we've regressed in almost every aspect. only progress i can think of is: we have faster internet and better smartphones.

    • 4 months ago

      the scene is brilliant, however i don't like the lungs in the tubes thing, your lungs dont have their own muscles, they are controlled by your abdominal diaphram muscles, they needed to simulate those for accuracy but didnt.

      • 4 months ago

        I’m gonna suspend my disbelief and say they had a workaround that pumped his lungs in a subtle way. I mean he’s somehow alive and coherent in that state so it doesn’t feel like a step too far to say they have something to similar to the muscles forcing his lungs to breath that’s not easily visible

      • 4 months ago

        Honestly I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. No it wasn't as good as the original. Of course it wasn't. But it felt like it was made by people who understood that and made something interesting anyway.

        Part of that is that it really isn't a reboot/remake at all. If it had been called something else it would have felt more like a homage.
        It would have been so easy for them to make something completely bland that just badly copied the original's ideas updated to modern day. Instead it had it's own plot and it's own ideas and what is honestly a way more cynical and believable evil corporation-plot which as you say, has basically made Robocopy as a marketing ploy to manipulate people.

        Not sure I get you? Those lungs look right to me. Lungs are in their own sealed cavity. Your muscles squeeze that cavity to make it smaller, increase pressure and push air out, and when they relax there is negativer pressure and so the lungs inflate to pull air in. In this case it looks like the lungs are just in a solid tube but it'd be easy to just have a pump that changes the pressure in that tube to make them expand or contract.

        • 4 months ago

          What would you rate the remake out of 10?

          • 4 months ago

            Nta but i rate it 7/10
            Not being a R-rate is a big step down
            It lacks this raw visceral feeling of the original for the message to work. Something HAS to stand out, like the brutality and heartlessness of the whole Robocop project,
            You saw a glimpse of that during the “Nothing left scene” but nothing much after

        • 4 months ago

          I also enjoyed it, it had a lot of ideas of man vs machine that the originals really never went for. It wasn't as good as the first one but I would say it is equal to 2 and definitely better than 3

  3. 4 months ago

    Nice analysis anon, I appreciate it.

  4. 4 months ago

    if they made this easily available for streaming or on tv, with ads, i would watch it. unfortunately we live in a world of greedy idiots. so i end up getting the illegal stream.

    • 4 months ago

      Pirating is way easier than stream sites, why would anyone use them

      • 4 months ago

        When it’s any remotely popular show or movie it’s easy as frick to find a high quality stream. Hell they even half subtitles available as an option half the time now. And most people don’t want to go to the effort of downloading something through a torrent that they’re just gonna watch once. Most people aren’t collecting tons of movies on hard drives and shit

  5. 4 months ago

    It’s weird they kept the wife and kid in the plot, she signs the consent form, they know Murphy is alive, but they’re barely in the movie, her scenes sucked. Maybe bad actress.

    I kept thinking the bad guys would take them hostage to force Robocop to comply or something but… nope.

    The corporate bad guys don’t even do anything that bad until the ending, makes me wonder why I’m supposed to hate them before that point. Nothing like Dick Jones being openly evil and not giving a frick. They all genuinely think this stuff is helpful and the only truly bad stuff happens after the entire plot is done lol

    • 4 months ago

      >bad actress.
      abbie cornish has great breasts and perfect face. as for her acting, it's bland and she's basically a backup copy of that crazy south african actress whose name i can't remember.

      i'm at the sex scene part and it seems out of place. i guess they had to add it because she's hot and it sets up murph being a regular human with a wife who he wants to frick. he kisses his son way too many times though.

      • 4 months ago

        Charlize Theron?

        • 4 months ago


          >3 token blacks

          It’s set in Detroit, like 75% of the population is black

          that's fine, doesn't mean the fuggin news personality and police chief have to be black. makes sense for his partner to be black, and some of the villain's goons. the worst thing about forced diversity in shows/movies is that the roles often don't make much sense, don't add to the realism.

          • 4 months ago

            The police chief was black in the original too though

            • 4 months ago

              black male chief or drill sarg has been done so often it's a meme now, so it's accepted. female partner in the original is also not that bad even though technically it is feminist and woke. it also works great in robocop 1 and in dredd because the actresses were both good. today's wokeshit is horrible because of bad actors, plus nonsensical character.

              The visual design of the Total Recall remake is incredible. Cyberpunk 2077 relentlessly apes it along with Elysium.

              yeah but somehow it was boring. i fell asleep in theater.

  6. 4 months ago

    Also I did like the whole motorcycle idea. This Robocop is much faster, more agile. And a motorcycle works better for him than a car. Just looks cool

  7. 4 months ago

    watching now thanks to your thread.
    less than 15 mins in and there are 3 token blacks
    the movie opens with sam l jackson, the one actor i'm tired of seeing in everything, smacking his lips and clearing his throat.
    at least there were two shootouts that looked good.

    • 4 months ago

      this is an automatic world-building fail for me. it's hard to side with the cops if their chief is some dumbass black b***h who lets corrupt cops steal mil-grade assault rifles from evidence locker. i have no problem with his partner being black but he seemed useless in the shootout while kinoman was super-human. then of course the sam l jackson intro wasn't very nice. should have just opened with the Tehran scene or the restaurant shootout. instead they crammed 2 major events into the first 15 mins. seems rushed, badly paced.

      • 4 months ago

        watching now thanks to your thread.
        less than 15 mins in and there are 3 token blacks
        the movie opens with sam l jackson, the one actor i'm tired of seeing in everything, smacking his lips and clearing his throat.
        at least there were two shootouts that looked good.

        Keep us updated, I’m intrigued.

        • 4 months ago

          i'm at the 18 min mark and it's gary oldman as the scientist. it's finally getting good. i'm not trying to be overly critical, just curious why this flopped while 9 yrs later something sloppy and feminist like barbie grosses over a $1bn. is the entire world fake and gay?

          aside from the black female chief and the annoying sam l jackson intro, it looks watchable and worth continuing.

          • 4 months ago

            The Samuel L Jackson intro was trying to ape the originals in universe commercials and news stuff, just didn’t pull it off as well. Guess he’s meant to be some populist pundit

            • 4 months ago

              no, he was supposed to be a controlled media talking head, aligned with pentagon/omnicorp, because he was showing how effective the robots are in tehran. i just really fricking hate sam l jackson, he ruins immersion. but yeah the "news coverage" is a useful way to convey background info to the audience. kind of weird to lead with that when the audience is expecting direct intro to detroit and murphey. it's more globalist predictive programming crap leaking into a movie that's supposed to be about one city's crime problem.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, could’ve been interesting in concept just because

                >see? We use these drones to pacify enemy regions and it’s fine, no problems
                >you should legalise this military product to be used at home! It will keep us all safe!

                Especially when the time this would’ve been written was during Obama’s presidency, his massive use of drone attacks including ones which killed American citizens abroad without trial. The whole question of what could and couldn’t be allowed. I can see the angle they were looking at it, just wish they’d explored it better

              • 4 months ago

                the director seems competent, but the wider implications of drone & robot use on U.S. soil should have been explored later, perhaps hinted at as the ulterior motive. but they went right into it, which must have been jarring for robocop fans who saw it during opening week. around 2014, the avg normie was probably tired of war-in-mideast news and images.

                sometimes a story's intro and plot sounds great on paper but looks messy on screen because there's too much going on between scenes. i think that's why some anons liked fincher's The K_.ller last year, because it's got a clean linear story that just focuses on the main character's thoughts and actions.

                i'm 23mins in and they've gone all over the place. tehran, cop scene, shootout, courtroom hearing, omnicorp, omnifoundation, murph's family life. it's just a lot to take in unless you already have a big brain to process it all and can easily pause the movie. if i saw this in theaters i'd be overwhelmed.

              • 4 months ago

                Yeah, like I said, they had a ton of ideas but don’t commit or explore any in detail and as a result it feels undercooked and overwhelming.

                Seemed to actually do ok at the box office, not enough for a sequel obviously. Mixed with critics

                >100 million budget
                >242 million box office

                Wonder if a sequel could have improved things and had it more focused

              • 4 months ago

                definitely all those cool ideas could have been explored in sequels had the 2014 one been more focused.

                it's considered a flop at those numbers. but then again who cares since hwood financial accounting makes no sense, and it's not money in our pockets. 242m minus approx 40-50% theater take, minus 100m budget and approx 50-100m in marketing. maybe it got some dvd sales, redbox rentals, streaming licensing. maybe if enough people post about it on Cinemaphile it gets memed back into popularity via netflix or whatever.

                if this came out in 2020 direct to streaming i think it could have done better. and with streaming the financials are hidden so it's easier to lie and get a sequel made. (ex: zack snyder's zombie vegas movie was a hit on netflix!!!)

              • 4 months ago

                It's important to remember that while (even adjusted for inflation) RoboCop 2014 made way more money than the other films at the box office, it cost waaaaay more.

                The budget blowout was a serious problem. The film went SERIOUSLY over budget, and that caused the studio to step in and demand a PG-13 rating and numerous other changes because they were like, "We need a return on this thing."

                What's a bit unfortunate is that while they allowed Len Wiseman to do a (far superior) home video director's cut for the Total Recall remake with a new ending and various other changes, the RoboCop reboot was not given similar leeway.

              • 4 months ago

                >Wonder if a sequel could have improved things and had it more focused
                The sequel would have been made after Obama so it would’ve either pushed a certain political message or be a cartoonish copy of a Marvel movie full of quips and misplaced jokes.

    • 4 months ago

      >3 token blacks

      It’s set in Detroit, like 75% of the population is black

  8. 4 months ago

    i also really hate this guy. i recognized his face and voice immediately. bad choice for the "sleazy corporate sidekick". another reason why movies suck, terrible casting. a movie like this needs gravitas and this little gay doesn't have it. he belongs in those direct-to-discount bin stoner comedies.

  9. 4 months ago

    What irked me in the movie was when Robocop starts shooting bad guys in the abandoned factore and 'Hocus Pocus' by Focus starts playing. It's an awesome song by a Dutch band, which is obviously a nod to Dutch Director Paul Verhoeven. Only thing is, it's 70's rock and doesn't fit the scene at all. They should've dropped that idea. Terrible artistic choice imho.

  10. 4 months ago

    the direction and visuals remind me of the Total Recall reboot with collin ferral. why were action movies in 2010 so bland despite all the CG. first iron man at least had soul.

  11. 4 months ago

    Something I find curious is how much RoboCop: Rogue City borrows from the reboot, but because the RoboCop fanbase hasn't actually seen the reboot, none of them notice.

    • 4 months ago

      RoboCop in general is a weird franchise because all its most hardcore “fans” only actually care about the one original movie. Even though it has two sequels. A reboot. Two cartoons and two live action tv shows.

      And there’s plenty of good and fun and interesting stuff in the other movies, they just don’t like it because it’s not as good as the original.

      It’s funny, the whole intro scene in RoboCop 2 where the scientists keep making RoboCop 2 prototypes to try and make a successor to RoboCop but they all end up being shit and killing themselves was pretty hilariously prophetic

      • 4 months ago

        the montage of failed robocop copies is the only good thing about the sequels and spinoffs. and that is really sad.
        >i always get a giggle out of it when they show the machine shooting the doctor in the arm and then they cut that doctor holding his wounded arm in the meeting room.

        • 4 months ago

          Robocop Prime Directives the live action miniseries/show from tne early 2000’s was actually pretty good from what I recall.

          Basically old man Robocop.

        • 4 months ago

          Rouge City was surprisingly good though.
          Not to mention Robocain/Robo-Old Man are always kino it their appearances.

          • 4 months ago

            might play the game when it hits 5 bucks next summer.

      • 4 months ago

        i've heard that fans like 1 and 2. the rest are shit. i've seen both and enjoyed them, especially the funny scene from 2 that you mentioned. haven't seen 3 and don't plan to since i heard it was terrible.

      • 4 months ago

        I like 1st best and 2nd later
        3rd is mediocre and the series literally became the thing it made fun of

    • 4 months ago

      I immediately noticed that the plotline revolved around OCP viewing RoboCop "hesitating" during a combat situation as a serious problem to be fixed. And this brain and lungs in the secret OCP laboratory is an obvious giveaway because this particular combo is from the 2014 movie. It never appears in the original three films.

      • 4 months ago

        He eats nutrient/protein paste in the original movies to maintain his biological stuff, so his organic insides must include some digestive system unlike the reboot Robocop where he’s just a head, brain, lungs and hand

        I guess his vocal cords survive unless they simulated his voice and I forgot.

    • 4 months ago

      What does the game borrow from the reboot? Haven’t played the game or seen the reboot

      • 4 months ago

        In the 2014 movie, OCP view it as a huge problem that RoboCop isn't just gunning people down immediately without hesitation, so they "fix" that. In Rogue City, RoboCop gets hit in the head on a mission, and he begins to hallucinate, and this causes him to hesitate during a hostage situation. OCP are not happy, and order a monitoring chip installed and psyche sessions.

        I think the biggest thing that the game took from the 2014 movie was this idea that OCP want to take the humanity out of police work. They want to remove the human element. The 2014 movie dwells quite deeply on a post-drone society, a post-drone model of warfare and policing. When the 1989 version was made, ED209 was a joke, but the 2014 version flips it on its head. OCPs products might be shitty and rushed, but they're brutally effective.

        In Rogue City, there is a plot to undermine RoboCop and replace him with fully robotic copycats, firing all the police along with him, completely removing the humanity from policing.

        Also, I think the scene where the chip installed in RoboCop (to undermine him by causing episodes) activates and he overcomes it by sheer force of will reminds me of the scene in 2014 where RoboCop overcomes his directives to shoot the bad guy.

        • 4 months ago

          Sounds cool. Will have to check out the movie at some point.

          Is the gameplay in the game good story aside? Might buy it has a discount at some point

          • 4 months ago

            >Is the gameplay in the game good story aside?
            It has satisfyingly punchy gunplay (blood, explosions, destructible environments, etc.), and interesting quests. It is a bit low budget, but it's quite well made and really nails the audiovisual aspect. The only real visual weakness is character animation.

          • 4 months ago

            the game looks really good.

            finally, a helpful thread on Cinemaphile

          • 4 months ago

            Once you figure out how to fully upgrade the Auto 9 using the chipboards, you storm through levels actually feeling like you are Robocop.

  12. 4 months ago

    It's the same story with the total recall remake.

    • 4 months ago

      Never watched that, was it decent?

      At least with Total Recall the Verhoeven movie was based off a short story but is nothing like it so they have more leeway and could try and be more accurate to the source material or something

    • 4 months ago

      Never watched that, was it decent?

      At least with Total Recall the Verhoeven movie was based off a short story but is nothing like it so they have more leeway and could try and be more accurate to the source material or something

      The director's cut of the Total Recall remake is substantially better than the theatrical cut. But I think it misses an opportunity to be wild like the short story. It is closer in some small aspects (they don't go to Mars), but it largely copies the film story not the short story.

  13. 4 months ago

    The visual design of the Total Recall remake is incredible. Cyberpunk 2077 relentlessly apes it along with Elysium.

    • 4 months ago

      Based. The scene where the key or whatever it was was hidden in the pianokey felt like it was lifted from another movie, but I can't think of the movie.

      • 4 months ago

        The visual design of the Total Recall remake is incredible. Cyberpunk 2077 relentlessly apes it along with Elysium.

        The Total Recall remake reminded me of the Deus Ex games for some reason

      • 4 months ago

        I had the same feeling, too. The 2022 Resident Evil show had a scene where they played a particular song on the piano and it unlocked a secret inside one of the keys, but this is a decade after Total Recall, so either it's copying Total Recall or both films are copying something else.

  14. 4 months ago

    Part of my problem with the reboot is they had absolutely zero memorable bad guys

    Clarence Boddicker was like one of the best movie villains ever. An absolute scumbag psycho

    They knew they couldn’t replicate that in Robocop 2 so they went completely different in tone and style with Cain as some drugged out cult leader terrorist type, and then they amp it up by making him a drug fuelled robot too. (Why did the scientist woman think putting drug addicted psycho’s in a superhuman robot body was the smart idea again?)

    • 4 months ago

      Where’s in the reboot I can’t even remember what the bad guy looked like. If there was some showdown I dint remember it because he must have seemed like a random thug

    • 4 months ago

      An unfortunately common issue with otherwise decent remakes or remakes is a lack of identity, a lack of character. The villains in both the RoboCop and Total Recall remakes have this problem in spades.

    • 4 months ago

      >(Why did the scientist woman think putting drug addicted psycho’s in a superhuman robot body was the smart idea again?)
      she was unironically a diversity hire and the only reason she got to a place where she had some real power was because she fricked the guy in charge

      • 4 months ago

        The only reason Alex Murphy survived was because of the intensity of this Catholic devotion. So they thought they could reproduce this effect by getting a power-mad butthole who would relish in being a cyborg.

        • 4 months ago

          Was Murphy ever established as being religious in general? I know the whole robocop is Jesus allegory but I don’t remember him saying anything about religion prior to being killed

          Cain being some Jim Jones type seems like he’d be even worse as a choice because clearly they’d want someone who will follow orders and be controlled.

          The only real advantage she seemed to present is his addiction to that Nuke drug to incentivise him to follow orders

          • 4 months ago

            in Robocop 2 they say he was a devout Irish Catholic

            • 4 months ago

              They really couldn’t find any other catholics in the police force who got killed after the first movie?

              They just picked Murphy at random based on the high risk factor of cops likely to die in the first movie. Him living seemed more like an abomination of nature rather than a miracle.

              It’s an interesting idea, but robocop 2 had completely different writers than the first so I don’t think that’s what they were going for in the first movie. Same way robocop 1 ends with robocop saying he’s Murphy and accepting his humanity again… only to abandon it and being Murphy in the sequel

              • 4 months ago

                IIRC the idea of Murphy's Catholicism as being the one thing that kept him going, wheras the failed RoboCop2 prototypes all tried to kill themselves, was a Frank Miller idea that survived the rewrites to appear in RoboCop 2.

                The whole Frank Miller RoboCop situation is kinda interesting because the way he envisioned RoboCop was obviously very oddball, and some feel there's a needlessly mean spirited energy to them, but his ideas were very influential and all the sequels including Rogue City take influence from his scripts.

                He once referred to his experiences working on RoboCop 2 and 3 as the script is a fire hydrant, and there's a line of dogs around the block waiting to piss on it. (The dogs are studio representatives.) By the time RoboCop 2 and 3 were filmed, his scripts had been reduced to tatters.

                I’m pretty sure they only hired Frank Miller to write the script initially for the sequel because he just got big doing the Dark Knight Returns comic which revitalised batman in a huge way. And if you read TDKR it does have a very robocop style atmosphere. Future Gotham where weird gangs are fricking things up. Constant advertisements and over the top news media. Lots of satire of politics and orporations. Can see why they’d think he’d be a good fit for

                They actually eventually adapted Frank Millers original robocop 2 script into a comic in the 2000’s if you wanna read it

          • 4 months ago

            in Robocop 2 they say he was a devout Irish Catholic

            IIRC the idea of Murphy's Catholicism as being the one thing that kept him going, wheras the failed RoboCop2 prototypes all tried to kill themselves, was a Frank Miller idea that survived the rewrites to appear in RoboCop 2.

            The whole Frank Miller RoboCop situation is kinda interesting because the way he envisioned RoboCop was obviously very oddball, and some feel there's a needlessly mean spirited energy to them, but his ideas were very influential and all the sequels including Rogue City take influence from his scripts.

            He once referred to his experiences working on RoboCop 2 and 3 as the script is a fire hydrant, and there's a line of dogs around the block waiting to piss on it. (The dogs are studio representatives.) By the time RoboCop 2 and 3 were filmed, his scripts had been reduced to tatters.

    • 4 months ago

      >(Why did the scientist woman think putting drug addicted psycho’s in a superhuman robot body was the smart idea again?)
      Because the psychological profile matched that of Murphy's in all the key metrics.

      I could deal with that, cause there's always been a thin line between criminal and cop (in films).

    • 4 months ago

      she thought that they would be more compliant due to the drug but forgot that they can take the drug from the company and they couldnt do anything to stop him

  15. 4 months ago

    Was a genuinely unsettling scene and reminded of me body horror/sci fi flicks from the 80s like the og Robocop.

    • 4 months ago

      The fact his wife actually signed off on it and agreed to the procedure to save his life in the reboot, while in the original he was just used because he signed off the rights to his dead body as part of joining the police force, is even more fricked up IMO

      Something I can genuinely imagine a spouse doing in grief even though the other person would hate it. Obviously they lied about what kind of quality of life he’d have but still, the dude has literally nothing left.

      I don’t know man, I guess he still has his humanity and ability to move around and interact etc. he can raise his son. Talk. Watch movies. But you can never be normal again. Have sex. Feeling your wife with your human hand would be one of your only comforts

  16. 4 months ago

    Yo is that dude watching the movie right now still here?

    • 4 months ago

      yeah. if you want the link here it is

      • 4 months ago

        Nice, let me know your thoughts when you finish it.

  17. 4 months ago

    The whole part where clearly modern robocop is directly linked into the cloud and gets and uploads info constantly rather than manually doing so is interesting enough already.

    Considering how it ended I wonder what the sequel would even be about

  18. 4 months ago

    There’s something about bad movies with kino scenes that makes them feel special. Like you get a glimpse of what it could have been

    • 4 months ago

      I think it’s because it shows they really did try. Guessing a lot of the actors were big robocop fans.

      Sounds like studio interference fricked Jo a lot of things. It clearly was meant to be R rated like the original but the budget going out of control made them cut it into a PG13 which is just not right for robocop

  19. 4 months ago

    This movie made me want to see Keaton play Lex Luthor.

  20. 4 months ago

    Only RoboCop 1 is worth watching

  21. 4 months ago

    Should have been a musical, like R Kelly "Trapped in the Closet".

  22. 4 months ago

    It wasn't as good as the original, but it also wasn't terrible. I appreciated that they genuinely tried to do something different rather than just making the same movie over again, and tried to make it timely by having it be about drone warfare rather than about 80's corporate raiders. But my biggest complaint is that there simply weren't enough scenes of robocop going around town catching bad guys.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah, not sure why it felt like most of the movie was showing him training or fighting drones.

      Maybe because

      I think it’s because it shows they really did try. Guessing a lot of the actors were big robocop fans.

      Sounds like studio interference fricked Jo a lot of things. It clearly was meant to be R rated like the original but the budget going out of control made them cut it into a PG13 which is just not right for robocop

      meant they had to lean away from him shooting people too much

  23. 4 months ago

    >So you've circumvented the law by creating a machine that thinks it's a man but that's illegal.
    >No, it's a machine that thinks it's Alex Murphy and in my book, that's legal.
    What kind of argument even is this?

    • 4 months ago

      I thought the argument was that because he was legally still Alex Murphy and a human, not simply OCP property. It gave them removed culpability if he fricked up since him making a mistake is on him rather than the whole company. Like if their peacekeeping drone shot a kid for some reason, all their drones and their company would be suspect and not trusted. If Alex Murphy did some bad shit it’s his personal choice, easier to scapegoat.

      However, they know they’ve basically hardwired his brain and can force him to do what they want, how they want, so they get the best of both worlds.

      • 4 months ago

        Okay that makes sense. It's exactly the sort of legal bullshit corporations get away with.

        • 4 months ago

          Yeah I thought it was a kind of interesting inversion of the original.

          In the original he’s considered a complete machine until the climax. His wife doesn’t even know he’s been essentially resurrected. He has to relearn his humanity.

          In the reboot his wife is the one who signed the papers to allow them to use all the experimental shit to save his life and make him like this. He’s been considered “human” legally the whole time. He’s had his humanity from the start and actually has to become less human to work properly, and they have to affect his brain just to keep him compliant and not go insane from the situation.

  24. 4 months ago

    It's a shame there hasn't been a comedy spoof made of Robert Cop

  25. 4 months ago

    Too long didn’t read. Movie was badass. The fight scene in the warehouse where he’s wasting drones was insane. There’s one part where he reaches over his should, headlocks a drone, and leans forward ripping the entire head off. Almost came. 10/10 movie.

  26. 4 months ago

    All the super crime solving he does is just using AI. You could make a helmet that does all the same shit he does in this movie and let a regular cop wear it.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah but then you couldn't control said regular cop as easily as you could robocop.

    • 4 months ago

      Yeah but then you couldn't control said regular cop as easily as you could robocop.

      One of the parts in the movie which is more interesting nowadays

      >public don’t want literal robot cops or drones doing the police work because they don’t trust them to enforce justice fairly and accurately, and are scared of putting the license to kill people in the hands of some machine

      So Murphy in the movie is meant to make people feel better because he’s a human with a gun and a proven reputation as an honest cop hero.

      Meanwhile the police are corrupt as frick including the chief, they even murdered Alex Murphy lol

      Nowadays I feel like a plot line being “people would trust human cops to kill and not do it badly” would never even be considered

      • 4 months ago

        If we're at least looking at Detroit in particular, it's not like police/citizen relations could had gotten any worse in the past 30-odd years, right?

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