I work at Marvel Studios

I’m only mid-level though, so I don’t have that much information about upcoming projects. What I know is:

- Most projects went through creative changes during the strikes, thus all the delays and reshoots. The goal is to make them as crowd-pleasing as possible, with simpler plots, bigger actions and stronger connections.

- Part of the reason for these creative changes is that they feel the Multiverse Saga is dragging and want to wrap it up, and have revamped the projects accordingly. Some stuff is getting pushed front, some stuff is getting pushed back, and the endgame is releasing Avengers 5 in 2027 and Avengers: Secret Wars in 2028.

- 2024 is supposed to be a “palette cleanser” year, with one movie, two shows and two animations, all of which are fairly standalone. Execs want to get some distance from recent movies that didn’t go over so well with audiences before they roll out the next batch.

- Deadpool 3 is testing very well, execs have high expectations for it. Most of the original X-Men cast will have cameos, the only ones I hear are not showing up are Elliot Page and Ben Foster.

- Captain America: Brave New World didn’t test very well, so they are reworking the entire second act. Apparently the identity of the main villain is a big mystery that Cap takes most of the movie to uncover, but it’s already been reported it’s the Leader, so the whole thing just dragged. It also had an action-heavy first act and then almost no action for the second aside from a scene where Cap is chased by a drone.

- Thunderbolts went through a complete revamp since its announcement. Started out as a plot-driven The Winter Soldier-esque thriller with heavy ties to Brave New World, and evolved into a Guardians of the Galaxy-esque adventure, more standalone and character-driven. AIM are the main villain before the Sentry goes rogue

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  1. 5 months ago

    - Fantastic Four is the one they’re working their hardest. It will be a very stylized, hard sci-fi film. One of the main inspirations of the art department is Nolan’s Interstellar. Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far, but Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn and Ebon Moss-Bachrach really are in talks to round out the cast.

    - Blade’s new script is almost done. The movie will be an R-rated period piece set in the 1920s with Mia Goth as the main villain.

    - Armor Wars is searching for a director. Two names I’ve heard are Antoine Fuqua and Rick Famuyiwa. Sam Rockwell will return.

    - Daredevil: Born Again and Ironheart will have reshoots. Born Again is just adding more action and tightening the scripts, but Ironheart is changing its creative direction entirely.

    - Wonder Man will release under the new Marvel Spotlight banner. Depending on how Echo performs, it might drop all its episodes at once too.

    - Tom Holland and Zendaya are signed for Spider-Man 4, and it will feature Daredevil and Kingpin. Execs are now negotiating with Jon Watts for him to return to direct.

    - Kang will still be the main villain of the Multiverse Saga. Some of the actors considered to replace him include Colman Domingo as reported, and also Sope Dirisu, Aaron Pierre and Trevante Rhodes. They may cast more than one of them to play the different versions of Kang.

    That’s pretty much. I’ll be around for a couple of hours, so AMA.

    • 5 months ago

      >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
      Frick off with that shit. Cast a good Reed, ffs

      • 5 months ago

        >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
        No he's not

        >Pedro Pascal as Reed
        Dead on arrival, that’s your one chance to turn the franchise around and you’re about to blow it
        What’s the spiderman show gonna be like? The preview pic they showed didn’t look anything like Tom Holland, is it part of the main MCU or not? Here’s hoping it isn’t since I can’t imagine putting up with a whole season of fat frick Ned, Zendaya and button boy Flash

        Vanessa Kirby isn't attractive enough to put men's asses in seats. She looks fricking strange. Getting a b***h like her probably guarantees the attention of pajeets who wouldn't know a good looking white woman from a trashy one if she farted in their fricking face. They'll take any slop. But you do NOT put someone that fricking boring looking and unsexy into the role of female superhero that men will be staring at for the majority of the runtime. You're setting yourself up for failure. Especially since, spiritually, she'll be following in Jessica Alba's shoes. You never want to invite the conversation of "the old b***h did it better" when it comes to marketing new films.
        >Pedro Pascal
        Is a fricking homosexual. That may have pull in your gay Hollywood liberal circles but that fricking loser has ended just about all of his positive cred. Fricker is always paired with ugly women because that's not where his attention is aimed anyway.

        >woman as a villain for a male protagonist
        Stop this. Stop this right now. Girls can't fight. Guys hold back in physical contests against women because of this fact. Unless it's literally the character's mom you CANNOT sell a female antagonist to a male protagonist. It's going to be some kind of homosexual "oh, Blade could never beat her because of the love he has, it's all a message!" so we as the audience get to watch him job for 90 minutes runtime. Frick out of here with that. Dead on arrival.

        Zendaya is visually boring. I can't see ANY role she plays and not see the b***h because she's ONLY EVER herself in ANY role. Literally. I don't care about what she brings to the table because she brings nothing. The first black girl in from the first Spider-Home film blew Zendaya the frick out of the water. Frick man if you cast attractive blacks then people wouldn't be so fricking fed up with them.
        >hey guys we'll give you the good version of Daredevil and Kingpin just keep hanging around for our shitty D+ shows where Kingpin sucks!
        Frick you no.

        >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
        Already a non-starter. No reason to keep pouring money and effort into it with a Hispanic as Reed, it's going to flop

        >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
        Already a non-starter. No reason to keep pouring money and effort into it with a Hispanic as Reed, it's going to flop

        >Pedro Pascal is Reed
        I appreciate the hate to this casting, it is pretty crappy, but what if... the rumor that Reed is going to transition into the Maker and become the film's secret surprise villain end up panning out, does that improve the casting choice?

        • 5 months ago

          Id rather get the guy from trankstastic 4 for the maker. In fact, the story already sets up the f4 as used and abused by the government. It wouldnt be stretch to imagine that Reed would end a Maker.
          Also no, Pascal is meme casting of the year, just like Oscar Isaac was. No one gives a shit anymore.

        • 5 months ago

          I love Maker. But here's the thing my friend, and any true comic fan knows it: Maker Reed initially met a PATHETIC end in issue #11 of his debut run. Hickman was transitioning to the mainline Avengers and the new guy wanted to get a move on so Maker jobs to Sue Storm in an incredibly disappointing fashion. That's the fricking endgame you're all inevitably setting up then you're dead on arrival. Wanna know why? Girls beating guys is gay. Kang got beat by a girl in his debut. How in the frick is any man supposed to respect him or want to see more of him? He appeared, acted like a goofy moron and was killed for it. If Maker comes out and jobs to a girl no man is going to be behind that. Justice League had Wonder Woman make the killing blow on that film's villain. Hell, no one ever fricking talks about Wonder Woman!

          Damn it man it's as clear as day! Boys love this comic book shit. Boys grow into men who continue to consume this comic book shit. These men get jobs in the industry in order to support to habit because men know what the frick boys want to read about. GIRLS BEATING BOYS unless it leads to them HOOKING UP or the boy eventually getting his run back and WINNING, you don't have the W to a woman. Ever. Because it just invalidates the man's presence. And once you do that, the bubble on the Male Power Fantasy pops. Superheroism at its core is about a man choosing the better of his nature and being the first line of defense even at expense to his own personal safety. Women innately don't have the desire to join armed forces and defend the nation. Their role is softer. Fantasy allows these conventions to be broken which is great. But understand that girls on a superhero team are only there to be girlfriend material for whoever the writer likes. They're hot, they're likable and guy's like them doing cool shit because the women are written to be likable, athletic and AVAILABLE. Know your audience. Women. Alone. Will. Not. Bail. You. Out. Not their nature.

          • 5 months ago

            Great post. Unfortunately these people know this and are intentionally inverting reality, or trying to and failing. These are the same delusional yentas on those zoom calls during covid saying “all three of my children are trans.” They’re severely mentally ill people who might as well be the villains of some Hannibal type show, let alone making content for adolescents. They’re following the long held agenda of “Tikkun Olam” (healing the world) which in their religion means through inversion of all reality. They won’t back down until the company is under new control and they’re removed from the offices. We’re dealing with religious fanatics at the same level of suicide bombers or MKULTRA victims.

    • 5 months ago

      Too little, too late. Next time, maybe don't make the audience stop caring.

    • 5 months ago

      >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
      No he's not

      • 5 months ago

        >Pedro Pascal as Reed
        Dead on arrival, that’s your one chance to turn the franchise around and you’re about to blow it
        What’s the spiderman show gonna be like? The preview pic they showed didn’t look anything like Tom Holland, is it part of the main MCU or not? Here’s hoping it isn’t since I can’t imagine putting up with a whole season of fat frick Ned, Zendaya and button boy Flash

        Vanessa Kirby isn't attractive enough to put men's asses in seats. She looks fricking strange. Getting a b***h like her probably guarantees the attention of pajeets who wouldn't know a good looking white woman from a trashy one if she farted in their fricking face. They'll take any slop. But you do NOT put someone that fricking boring looking and unsexy into the role of female superhero that men will be staring at for the majority of the runtime. You're setting yourself up for failure. Especially since, spiritually, she'll be following in Jessica Alba's shoes. You never want to invite the conversation of "the old b***h did it better" when it comes to marketing new films.
        >Pedro Pascal
        Is a fricking homosexual. That may have pull in your gay hollywood liberal circles but that fricking loser has ended just about all of his positive cred. Fricker is always paired with ugly women because that's not where his attention is aimed anyway.

        >woman as a villain for a male protagonist
        Stop this. Stop this right now. Girls can't fight. Guys hold back in physical contests against women because of this fact. Unless it's literally the character's mom you CANNOT sell a female antagonist to a male protagonist. It's going to be some kind of homosexual "oh, Blade could never beat her because of the love he has, it's all a message!" so we as the audience get to watch him job for 90 minutes runtime. Frick out of here with that. Dead on arrival.

        Zendaya is visually boring. I can't see ANY role she plays and not see the b***h because she's ONLY EVER herself in ANY role. Literally. I don't care about what she brings to the table because she brings nothing. The first black girl in from the first Spider-Home film blew Zendaya the frick out of the water. Frick man if you cast attractive blacks then people wouldn't be so fricking fed up with them.
        >hey guys we'll give you the good version of Daredevil and Kingpin just keep hanging around for our shitty D+ shows where Kingpin sucks!
        Frick you no.

        >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
        Already a non-starter. No reason to keep pouring money and effort into it with a Hispanic as Reed, it's going to flop

        Id rather get the guy from trankstastic 4 for the maker. In fact, the story already sets up the f4 as used and abused by the government. It wouldnt be stretch to imagine that Reed would end a Maker.
        Also no, Pascal is meme casting of the year, just like Oscar Isaac was. No one gives a shit anymore.

        Yes poltard we know you feel weak by seeing a brown person on tv.

        • 5 months ago

          freest of rents

        • 5 months ago

          >Yes poltard we know you feel weak by seeing a brown person on tv.

          Maybe, but that won't make me pay for your communist propaganda.
          Enjoy another Marvels, comrade.

        • 5 months ago

          The sentiment is closer to revulsion and disgust at seeing them everywhere, like what people think when they see you in public.

    • 5 months ago


      God damn it not Kang again. Fricking Kangaroos

    • 5 months ago

      >Sam Rockwell will return.

      • 5 months ago
        • 5 months ago

          sam rockwell kills it in every movie

        • 5 months ago

          Kino dance of the highest order

        • 5 months ago

          >here we got a movie about dr strange but its more about a young latinx with lesbian parents. Not progressive enough for ya? How bout this, tv show about shehulk and how she has to deal with the fear and anger she feels being a women. What am I talkin about, thats not woke. I got what your for listen up. Blade, already a win with a black man, BUT hes completely overshadowed by 3 female characters. Still not earnin those ESG points? Alright listen here, I got the creme de la creme, the grand daddy of all of diversity and inclusion its gona make your lady penis so hard it could cut through daimonds and shatter every conceivable glass ceiling in existence. The Marvels.. starring the most popular female heroine in existence, Capt Marvel, costarring a black girl magic heroine no one has ever heard and a cute plus sized muslim teenager. It checks so many boxes would you think its fillin out medical forms. If it was any woker, blackrock would be bending over and gaping its anus begging for more.

          • 5 months ago
          • 5 months ago

            Frick a duck what a good post

      • 5 months ago

        Only good news. Still, would never give them another shekel.


        I’m only mid-level though, so I don’t have that much information about upcoming projects. What I know is:

        - Most projects went through creative changes during the strikes, thus all the delays and reshoots. The goal is to make them as crowd-pleasing as possible, with simpler plots, bigger actions and stronger connections.

        - Part of the reason for these creative changes is that they feel the Multiverse Saga is dragging and want to wrap it up, and have revamped the projects accordingly. Some stuff is getting pushed front, some stuff is getting pushed back, and the endgame is releasing Avengers 5 in 2027 and Avengers: Secret Wars in 2028.

        - 2024 is supposed to be a “palette cleanser” year, with one movie, two shows and two animations, all of which are fairly standalone. Execs want to get some distance from recent movies that didn’t go over so well with audiences before they roll out the next batch.

        - Deadpool 3 is testing very well, execs have high expectations for it. Most of the original X-Men cast will have cameos, the only ones I hear are not showing up are Elliot Page and Ben Foster.

        - Captain America: Brave New World didn’t test very well, so they are reworking the entire second act. Apparently the identity of the main villain is a big mystery that Cap takes most of the movie to uncover, but it’s already been reported it’s the Leader, so the whole thing just dragged. It also had an action-heavy first act and then almost no action for the second aside from a scene where Cap is chased by a drone.

        - Thunderbolts went through a complete revamp since its announcement. Started out as a plot-driven The Winter Soldier-esque thriller with heavy ties to Brave New World, and evolved into a Guardians of the Galaxy-esque adventure, more standalone and character-driven. AIM are the main villain before the Sentry goes rogue

        You fricked up. What’s the share of tickets bought by straight white males? 85%? You fricked up your cash cow. You had a money printing machine more powerful than the Federal Reserve with Star Wars. That’s gone. MCU is over. There’s no way to salvage it at this point without giving us what we want, and it’ll never happen because you people are clearly mentally ill narcissists completely detached from reality. Good luck. I hope you tank the stock even lower until some Qatari sheik buys the entire company. They’ll be studying this in MBA schools for decades.

    • 5 months ago

      There's no saving the MCU. They fricked it all up post FFH. No matter what they do, it's in the shitter unless they do a huge ass-pull hard reboot. Almost all the new characters and actors are insufferable. There is no good will left. I laugh as the MCU burns in a blaze and this is coming from someone who LOVED the MCU and has such high hopes for it. You get what you fricking deserve.

    • 5 months ago

      >Pedro Pascal as Reed
      Dead on arrival, that’s your one chance to turn the franchise around and you’re about to blow it

      X-Men '97 I hear is pretty good and worthy successor to the original.

      Spider-Man sounds okay too, but it's gonna be a very kiddie show.

      What’s the spiderman show gonna be like? The preview pic they showed didn’t look anything like Tom Holland, is it part of the main MCU or not? Here’s hoping it isn’t since I can’t imagine putting up with a whole season of fat frick Ned, Zendaya and button boy Flash

      • 5 months ago

        It's set in a parallel universe, it's completely disconnected from the MCU.

        Be honest, what's that atmosphere like at Disney? Are they confident they can revive their company after these post-COVID and post-strike disasters? Do they really think Star Wars and Marvel will remain popular?

        I can't speak for Star Wars or other sectors of Disney, but while that sense of security that everything will at least break even isn't there anymore, but a lot more things need to flop for people to worry about the brand being in genuine trouble.

    • 5 months ago

      >Sam Rockwell will return.
      Please let him go, he deserves so much better

    • 5 months ago

      Vanessa Kirby isn't attractive enough to put men's asses in seats. She looks fricking strange. Getting a b***h like her probably guarantees the attention of pajeets who wouldn't know a good looking white woman from a trashy one if she farted in their fricking face. They'll take any slop. But you do NOT put someone that fricking boring looking and unsexy into the role of female superhero that men will be staring at for the majority of the runtime. You're setting yourself up for failure. Especially since, spiritually, she'll be following in Jessica Alba's shoes. You never want to invite the conversation of "the old b***h did it better" when it comes to marketing new films.
      >Pedro Pascal
      Is a fricking homosexual. That may have pull in your gay hollywood liberal circles but that fricking loser has ended just about all of his positive cred. Fricker is always paired with ugly women because that's not where his attention is aimed anyway.

      >woman as a villain for a male protagonist
      Stop this. Stop this right now. Girls can't fight. Guys hold back in physical contests against women because of this fact. Unless it's literally the character's mom you CANNOT sell a female antagonist to a male protagonist. It's going to be some kind of homosexual "oh, Blade could never beat her because of the love he has, it's all a message!" so we as the audience get to watch him job for 90 minutes runtime. Frick out of here with that. Dead on arrival.

      Zendaya is visually boring. I can't see ANY role she plays and not see the b***h because she's ONLY EVER herself in ANY role. Literally. I don't care about what she brings to the table because she brings nothing. The first black girl in from the first Spider-Home film blew Zendaya the frick out of the water. Frick man if you cast attractive blacks then people wouldn't be so fricking fed up with them.
      >hey guys we'll give you the good version of Daredevil and Kingpin just keep hanging around for our shitty D+ shows where Kingpin sucks!
      Frick you no.

      • 5 months ago

        >Vanessa Kirby isn't attractive

      • 5 months ago

        Nibba you zesty, you fancy, you moist, you gay, you homo, you suck unwashed trucker wieners in highway restrooms. Vanessa Kirby is one of the hottest women alive.

        • 5 months ago

          The absolute state of nonwhites. I don’t blame you really though, most negresses look like trannies.

    • 5 months ago

      >Pedro Pascal is the only actor signed on so far
      Already a non-starter. No reason to keep pouring money and effort into it with a Hispanic as Reed, it's going to flop

      • 5 months ago

        I liked the idea of adam driver. He has the look, the dorkiness, the acting chops, and the star-power to bring in audiences

      • 5 months ago

        At least it's not Redeem Richards like was originally planned.

    • 5 months ago

      any plans to bring back the other netflix/tv characters?

    • 5 months ago

      >Sope Dirisu
      I liked him in Gangs of London. Kinda limited acting range but not terrible.

      • 5 months ago

        They should cast the guy who played Black Manta.

        • 5 months ago

          This, he’s so over the top, he could easily pull off the equal parts crazy and charismatic needed for Kang. This is coming from an extraordinary racist.

      • 5 months ago

        >limited range
        literally any other black guy is an improvement over zestlord supreme

        • 5 months ago

          He knows how to fight though so that's a plus if they ever get him doing physical stuff.

    • 5 months ago

      >Execs are now negotiating with Jon Watts for him to return to direct.
      It’s beyond over

    • 5 months ago

      >- Tom Holland and Zendaya are signed for Spider-Man 4, and it will feature Daredevil and Kingpin. Execs are now negotiating with Jon Watts for him to return to direct.
      Calling bullshit. Holland is JUSTed and Sony isn't interested in working with Disney any longer.

      • 5 months ago

        Of course it's BS. Unless OP was the CEO, he wouldn't have this knowledge on multiple projects. He'd at most know about one project.

    • 5 months ago

      Ever heard anything about the movies being based on reality? Specifically the fact that Anthony Hopkins' role in silence of the lamb is connected to him being Odin in the early movies.

    • 5 months ago

      >- Fantastic Four is the one they’re working their hardest.
      Nobody wants Pedro Pascal as Reed, Blade looks good but the actor is too fricking old to play that shit, all the other movies look horrible.

      • 5 months ago

        Old Reed and old Blade means they don't intend to keep the characters around for long before replacing them.

        • 5 months ago

          I'm not sure if they'll replace/recast them after the ""reboot"", it is the first movie for both.

          • 5 months ago

            They won't recast, the whole point is there's a convenient(Sue, Blade's daughter) younger female character they can "pass on the legacy" to that will be introduced at the same time.

            • 5 months ago

              Sounds like that's what they'll do with the gaytastic 4 by making Reed the bad guy and allowing stronk womyn Sue Reed to "lead" the team.

              More agitative propaganda trash.

      • 5 months ago

        What made the original Blade so good is Snipes being a legit Karate black belt and doing all his own stunts. He’s an actor second to being a real martial artist. Some gay homie actor with zero range and his faux profundity larping as a muzzy is not going to sell this character anywhere nearly as well as Snipes did nearly 30 years ago. This shit was an embarrassment from the get go. The action is going to be cheap poojeet cgi dogshit with the animated gumby style fight scenes, which is probably why they tried pushing him back to a tertiary character to begin with. They’re some incredibly stupid motherfrickers leading these projects but putting him as a side character in his own franchise is just too insane even for these moronic shit for brains c**ts. I can’t wait to torrent it honestly.

    • 5 months ago

      >- Tom Holland and Zendaya are signed for Spider-Man 4, and it will feature Daredevil and Kingpin. Execs are now negotiating with Jon Watts for him to return to direct.
      More men in the Spider-Man franchise, with Amy Pascal it's like that, female characters don't exist, with her and Sony they can't have Black Cat and any female villains especially if she's sexy, I stopped watching these Spider-Man movies at the cinema because they're all very bad and they're very far from the comics

      • 5 months ago

        I made the mistake of paying to see Dune and zendaya is just so incredibly ugly and goofy looking, I immediately regretted that decision. There’s multiple attractive mulattos and even pitch black East Africans they could have chosen but they’re really intent on “challenging beauty standards” (aka objective reality and genetic fitness), they’ll just keep shoving these failed science experiments in our faces. I’m thankful to these people though for making me go back and watch old movies, even ones that were widely regarded as total dogshit at the time now have this earnestness and appeal they’re incapable of replicating today.

    • 5 months ago

      This is literally the fricking state of DareDevil in the MCU.

    • 5 months ago

      >Colman Domingo as reported, and also Sope Dirisu, Aaron Pierre and Trevante Rhodes
      does it have to be Black person?

    • 5 months ago

      Doesn't matter it'll just be more woke shit with "boss b***hes" and other obvious propaganda that no one likes.

    • 5 months ago

      Any chances of Moon Knight second season?

      • 5 months ago

        I believe a strong rumour confirmed it'll happen, not before 2025 though

    • 5 months ago


      I’m only mid-level though, so I don’t have that much information about upcoming projects. What I know is:

      - Most projects went through creative changes during the strikes, thus all the delays and reshoots. The goal is to make them as crowd-pleasing as possible, with simpler plots, bigger actions and stronger connections.

      - Part of the reason for these creative changes is that they feel the Multiverse Saga is dragging and want to wrap it up, and have revamped the projects accordingly. Some stuff is getting pushed front, some stuff is getting pushed back, and the endgame is releasing Avengers 5 in 2027 and Avengers: Secret Wars in 2028.

      - 2024 is supposed to be a “palette cleanser” year, with one movie, two shows and two animations, all of which are fairly standalone. Execs want to get some distance from recent movies that didn’t go over so well with audiences before they roll out the next batch.

      - Deadpool 3 is testing very well, execs have high expectations for it. Most of the original X-Men cast will have cameos, the only ones I hear are not showing up are Elliot Page and Ben Foster.

      - Captain America: Brave New World didn’t test very well, so they are reworking the entire second act. Apparently the identity of the main villain is a big mystery that Cap takes most of the movie to uncover, but it’s already been reported it’s the Leader, so the whole thing just dragged. It also had an action-heavy first act and then almost no action for the second aside from a scene where Cap is chased by a drone.

      - Thunderbolts went through a complete revamp since its announcement. Started out as a plot-driven The Winter Soldier-esque thriller with heavy ties to Brave New World, and evolved into a Guardians of the Galaxy-esque adventure, more standalone and character-driven. AIM are the main villain before the Sentry goes rogue

      Will Antman shrink down and climb up the Wasp's pussy?

      This is incredibly important to Marvel Lore.

    • 5 months ago

      >Blade’s new script is almost done. The movie will be an R-rated period piece set in the 1920s

      This is a terrible idea

  2. 5 months ago

    Cope, dilate, seethe, kys etc

  3. 5 months ago

    >Cap takes most of the movie to uncover
    >Cap is chased by a drone.
    I believe you mean to say Falcon?

    • 5 months ago

      He's the captain now.

    • 5 months ago

      Black Cap
      Falcon is the mexican kid from transformers

    • 5 months ago

      Bust a Cap

      • 5 months ago

        Good one

  4. 5 months ago

    who's responsable for pushing the woke narrative? i want to contact him to ask for more mary sue characters

    • 5 months ago

      That's something of a systemic problem. Almost everyone involved is woke and the people who aren't don't have the power to change anything. Nothing short of Disney being bought out and gutted, twitter style, is going to change the company culture at this point. I wouldn't expect woke messaging to change in the future even if there's monetary incentives to do so.

      • 5 months ago

        No, you are behind on the news. Read about Iger’s recent direction on this.

        • 5 months ago

          You fool, how can you not see that his words were pure lip service appeasement? Look at what Iger said, then look at the leaks and announcements about what's coming up. They haven't changed anything. Iger himself is an activist, and so are thousands of employees working for the MCU.

      • 5 months ago

        Then it is completely pointless to talk about palette cleansers.

      • 5 months ago

        >Nothing short of Disney being bought out and gutted, twitter style
        omg you've unlocked a fetish I never new existed.

  5. 5 months ago

    Your films are pathetic goyslop.

  6. 5 months ago

    No hot sexualized female characters with coomer outfits = woke trash

    • 5 months ago

      This. And if you don't understand the men who liked the product do. And they talk to one another. Word of mouth will always be more powerful than any article written by a fat passionless woman or gatekeeping israelite shill. Men call this shit gay and the women sexless who look like they wear fricking electrician outfits. Barely any cleavage, zero romance, zero "guy saves the girl and she loves him for his virtue". They call it gay, and the younger generation living in the household will hear and mimic this sentiment. It all fricking trickles down.

  7. 5 months ago

    Are you hopeful for the animated series coming this year?

    Excited for Spidey and Xmen, really excited hope they're good

    • 5 months ago

      X-Men '97 I hear is pretty good and worthy successor to the original.

      Spider-Man sounds okay too, but it's gonna be a very kiddie show.

      • 5 months ago

        Didn't Tom Holland swear off superhero movies recently? I swear read that on this board, not too long ago, then went full-blown alcoholic.

        Pic kind of related.

        • 5 months ago

          Posturing tactic because he wants a fat deal with the upcoming trilogy + vengers shit

          • 5 months ago

            From what I read awhile back he was supposed to be in a leadership position for secret wars. Which, if i remember correctly he played a pretty significant role in the comics.

        • 5 months ago

          He only does gay scenes now.

    • 5 months ago

      You mean Peter Paker?
      Because Peter Parker is the Spiderman while Miles Morales is Miles Morales.

  8. 5 months ago

    You're acting like these movies aren't going to continue to use the same tired formula. Also, no one wants to watch Captain AmeriBlack person and if I wanted to watch the original X-men cast I'd put on the original trilogy from the noughties. Even Last Stand is more enjoyable than MCU slop.

  9. 5 months ago
    Kathleen Kennedy

    Can you tell Kevin Feige to tongue my anus?

  10. 5 months ago

    Just please tell me they won't be working with that homosexual Taika Waititi

    • 5 months ago

      He's not coming back for Thor 5, no.

  11. 5 months ago

    Put a gay woman in them and make them lame.

  12. 5 months ago

    Deadpool 3 is going to flop.

  13. 5 months ago

    Doesn't anyone have the thunderbolts picture from the thread a few days ago? It shows the new Avengers line-up

  14. 5 months ago

    Put a chick in it. Make her gay and lame.

  15. 5 months ago

    Everything is going to flop.

    • 5 months ago

      not deadpool 3 and Secret Wars...everything else, maybe

  16. 5 months ago

    Be honest, what's that atmosphere like at Disney? Are they confident they can revive their company after these post-COVID and post-strike disasters? Do they really think Star Wars and Marvel will remain popular?

  17. 5 months ago

    >Disney CEO Bob Iger also attributed the film's failure to the large amount of MCU content that Disney had produced for its streaming service, but he added that insufficient day-to-day supervision by Disney executives during production was partially to blame as well.[129] Multiple commentators took issue with this statement, with some pointing out that Marvel is known for having a lot of executive oversight on all of their projects. Others felt Iger was wrongfully putting all of the blame on DaCosta,[130][131] and noted several instances where DaCosta had appeared to be unfairly targeted by Disney before Iger's comments.[132][133] Gizmodo's James Whitbrook said the studio's "increasingly public critiques of DaCosta are just starting to feel weird", and he noted that The Marvels was not Disney's only 2023 film to fail at the box office.
    Was this shit since the beginning or did it become shit after numerous reshoots?

    • 5 months ago

      It was probably even worse before the reshoots during initial test screenings. These people are totally incompetent and seem to just fail upwards at Disney. Look at the director of the next Star Wars. Just a total clusterfrick over there.

  18. 5 months ago


    TRUST: Once lost is nearly IMPOSSIBLE to win back. Marvel has shit all over the fans, attacked the fans, let people like Taika Waititi (Cohen) get away with making statements about ruining the mythology on purpose. Marvel is very discriminatory, very sexist, will rant about the "male gaze" then show Thor's ass to children. Pedro Pascal is a literal communist who's also anti-fans who don't agree with his politics.

    There is no "palate cleansing". Marvel destroyed the faith the public had in it. You're not getting us back. I don't care how many fake leaks you post which are really PR and marketing in disguise. You're over.

  19. 5 months ago

    >Avengers: Secret Wars in 2028.
    thats 5 more years lmao. No chance the mcu survives that much. Secret wars has to end in 2026 at most.

  20. 5 months ago

    No one cares about your capeslop, homosexual. have a nice day and your bosses if you want to impress me so bad.

  21. 5 months ago

    >4 more years of Multiverse bullshit

    Have they gone insane

  22. 5 months ago

    >Started out as a plot-driven The Winter Soldier-esque thriller with heavy ties to Brave New World, and evolved into a Guardians of the Galaxy-esque adventure, more standalone and character-driven.

    >Marvel execs still clueless, "When in doubt make everything goofy and self-refential like Guardians" still their fallback strategy.

    H...Here's your exciting new direction, bro.

  23. 5 months ago

    No Doctor Doom yet? Marvel's really dragging their feet here.

    • 5 months ago

      Only one character can save the MCU and he isn't even in the larp

      Based and DOOMpilled

    • 5 months ago

      the will cast john ogabooga and have him scream "REEEEEED REEEEEED REEEEEED REEEED" the entire movie long

    • 5 months ago

      I was dreading what they would do to Doom even before the MCU started going to shit.

  24. 5 months ago

    Only one character can save the MCU and he isn't even in the larp

  25. 5 months ago

    The last marvel movie that wasn't deliberately offensive to men was The Avengers
    Stop letting subhuman trash write your movies and I might start watching them again

  26. 5 months ago

    >I work at Marvel Studios
    Have you told your parents your gat?

  27. 5 months ago

    Nice larp, isn't deadpool fox?

    • 5 months ago

      who owns fox, dipshit?

      • 5 months ago

        cool it with the antisemitism

  28. 5 months ago

    >Elliot Page

  29. 5 months ago

    >Sam Rockwell will return.


    And that is probably the only thing I am looking forward to

  30. 5 months ago

    who the frick watches all this garbage?
    why won't capeshit fricking DIE already

  31. 5 months ago

    >the only ones I hear are not showing up are Elliot Page
    Now that some news I can get behind

  32. 5 months ago

    Don't care. capeshit is dead.

  33. 5 months ago

    It doesn't matter if they bring back Chris Evans, Hemsworth, and RDJ. Because the characters will be puppets for the writers who will only push agendas and new characters. In the same vein how Dr. Who is going through the motions of Tennant being used as a prostitute to prop up the new Doctor and all of the terrible activism-laced storylines, MCU has already had that happen with Thor 4. Only Guardians generated any positive buzz and even then Gunn was heavily censored since Nebula was some ugly moron and Gamora actively didn't want romance to whom absolutely no one wants to fricking see. Peter goes through all of that shit and then gets to not be happy at the end. And THAT was the film that was the best of the bunch. That's not to say that you double-down on romance shit. It's just you canNOT keep kicking heroes in the dick and cucking them out getting the girl. It's anti-thetical to Male Power Fantasy which is about doing right by others and saving the girl. Being active and winning the affection of the beautiful girl who could have anyone but values the hero (you) for who they are. Homosexuals and women like Kathleen Kennedy don't seem to get it. There is no fricking "why don't instead of
    the hero gets the girl at the end', the hero gets the dog?" There's no endgame to that unless you're going for a downer ending which is appropriate in certain works but not in cape content.

    Men see themselves in the hero. Even in women, which is why female characters written by men tend to sell the best. Because men are writing women with attributes they would personally want in another woman and it resonates with the other men reading it. Its natural to want to see someone likable, attractive and with a unique powerset solve crime and look hot while doing it. Give these characters to women and all they do is self-insert. Suddenly she hides her body, cuts her hair short, is stronger than everyone and turns into a mary sue girl power fantasy. And men don't have time for that shit.

    • 5 months ago

      If only some of those people browse Cinemaphile and had a braincell that could read a proper critique such as this.

    • 5 months ago

      Deserves another (you). The money Disney would make if it put some random poster from this thread in charge would be in the tens of billions. Literally burning money out of spite and political/religious agendas. Pure gold.

    • 5 months ago
    • 5 months ago

      >It's anti-thetical to Male Power Fantasy which is about doing right by others and saving the girl. Being active and winning the affection of the beautiful girl who could have anyone but values the hero (you) for who they are.
      But that shit just doesn't happen in reality. Even if you are a hero.

  34. 5 months ago

    >Most projects went through creative changes
    Because they were SHIT written by homosexualS and FEMINST scum.
    >Deadpool 3
    Probably do o.k. since the main male actors haven't shit all over their fanbase. Yet. I bet you homosexuals turn it into another bait and switch mary-sue adventure.
    >Captain America
    Steve Rogers is Captain America. He is white, not black. You dumbasses are making a Falcon fim, not a Captain America film. You can frick off with your race swapped fake ass trash.
    Nobody fricking cares.
    >Fantastic Four
    Will bomb because you homosexuals are going to make it another mary-sue feminist piece of shit made for no one.
    Could do o.k., but you homosexuals will frick it up for sure.
    >Armor Wars
    Nobody cares.
    Could be o.k., but again, you homosexuals will frick it all up.
    >Wonder Man
    Nobody fricking cares.
    Joke of a character
    Again, you guys will frick it all up.

    Do us a favor and suicide bomb Marvel studios for us, would ya champ?

  35. 5 months ago

    Frick Marvel, frick Disney, frick Lucas films, frick every last one of you identity politics, queer pandering, feminist worshipping, anti-American, child grooming degenerate pieces of shit. You are human garbage.

  36. 5 months ago

    I hope you and everyone else at marvel studios lose their collective shirts. You’ve earned it. Is there a villain you haven’t screwed up?

  37. 5 months ago

    Frick Kang, give me DOOM

    • 5 months ago

      MCU’s Doom will be some shit like
      >Tony Stark sneezed in my coffee and gave me face herpes. Now I’m pissed off. Clearly you never made an omelette.

    • 5 months ago

      You have to let Disney purge all the morons that caused the current mess before allowing them to touch Doom.

      • 5 months ago

        They have not fired a single. Fricking. Person. Even the people that work there fricking hate them. They just spent months on strike and then went back to work there. The morale there is probably nonexistent. They were just nearly replaced with an AI.

  38. 5 months ago

    Stop the Girl Power and your profit will return. It really is that simple. No man should be spending their time on this shit. No man truly will at this rate.

  39. 5 months ago

    Frick no. The MCU and capeshit in general can just slurp shit and fricking die

  40. 5 months ago

    Is Blade going to be just bad or completely terrible?
    I love original Blade movies (except the third one) and Mia Goth so much, but there's just no chance they won't frick it up, which is a shame.

    • 5 months ago

      Rumor is that the reason it’s taking so long to get going is that the original script had Blade as a side character in his own movie, to several strong independent women, and that pissed off the actor. It won’t be good. It CAN’T be good.

    • 5 months ago

      Terrible. The originals worked because Snipes has charm and charisma. He also carries himself like a real athlete and was a 5th degree karate black belt, with years of taekwando and jiu jitsu experience. Ali is a charisma vacuum and a lanklet with no athletic ability. Even if the script was perfect and the only woman was a damsel in distress, you’re going to be comparing him to Snipes who he can’t compete with by any metric.

  41. 5 months ago




  42. 5 months ago

    We only want more Guardians of the Galaxy

    t. everybody

    • 5 months ago

      nah man...without James Gunn they slowly turn into more woke shit.

    • 5 months ago

      Nah they’re finished. Last one was awful depressing trash.

  43. 5 months ago

    (I work at Marvel Studios)


    • 5 months ago

      If you're going to make stupid requests, at least tell him to bomb the place first.

      • 5 months ago
  44. 5 months ago

    Is loki staying in the tree?

    • 5 months ago

      >Are you going to lock away a character that makes money

      Lol. He's going to use the tree to screw with Kang, giving the MCU an excuse for his appearance changing. Then he's going to be kicked out of the tree by nu-Kang.

      • 5 months ago

        Yeah but his whole selling point now is his chemistry with Mobius. Owen seems done with MCU. I don't believe the Deadpool rumors.

    • 5 months ago

      >the tree
      I can’t watch that show. QRD please

      • 5 months ago

        The Multiverse is shaped like the Yggdrasil, the Norse tree of life, and Loki is at the center of it, holding all the branches together so the tree/Multiverse doesn't collapse.

        • 5 months ago

          Good Lord. What the frick are they doing. Thanks for the QRD.

          • 5 months ago

            It was kino.

            • 5 months ago

              I keep hearing that about Loki, maybe I’ll check it out

              • 5 months ago

                Honestly yeah, I went in expecting nothing, and I gotta admit I had to push through the first 20 minutes because it uses a cliché I don't like at all, but it really was, fricking kino.

              • 5 months ago

                1st season was interesting but was bogged down by strong empowered never wrong female loki. It could have been a more grim and depressing series if it focused on the outright holocaust TVA was performing in destroying multiverses. But a family member of mine saw season 2. They are fairly normie and even THEY didn't like it.

              • 5 months ago

                >They are fairly normie and even THEY didn't like it.
                That's dumb, season 2 was the better of the two
                >Less Sylvie
                >More Loki and Mobius being bros
                >Better finale

                Honestly I liked the two seasons, not to the point where I'd rewatch them (probably), but it was a cut above pretty much all the other shows since idk, Daredevil.

              • 5 months ago

                Prepare for a lot of filler. And everything is so made up scifi schlock so theres really no stakes. If anything, maybe just read a synopsis of the season and watch the final episode

  45. 5 months ago

    I worked on a marvel project briefly, and let me tell you, the lack of communication between projects is what is killing the MCU. People loved that Captain America leads into Avengers, ya know? Now projects have no idea what is being set up what is coming next, it's all so secret. Markus and McFeely were very much communicating with people on IW and where they needed stories to sort of end to line up. There was this attitude after IW, every creator/director needs freedom to tell the story they want to tell, as long as status quo is maintained. The project I worked on, people literally would ask "is that gonna affect the next one?" and we were told not to worry about it.

    • 5 months ago

      This is an interesting take because it feels the exact opposite to what you’re describing here. Each film since IW feels like it’s been focus grouped and micromanaged ad infinitum, with zero personality or uniqueness to any aspect of each release.

  46. 5 months ago
  47. 5 months ago

    fake and gay

  48. 5 months ago

    >palette cleanser
    >as they drop the one legged deaf diversity hire assassin as their first show of the year
    Lol you want people to think they're course correcting, that's cute.

  49. 5 months ago

    what was the reaction at your corporate level to The Marvels flopping hard?

  50. 5 months ago

    >Most projects went through creative changes during the strikes, thus all the delays and reshoots. The goal is to make them as crowd-pleasing as possible, with simpler plots, bigger actions and stronger connections.

    This is death sentence, film audiences are moving on from tentpole productions and desire something more sophisticated or at the very least stylistically different. Movies like Oppenheimer, KotFM, the Holdovers and Barbie represent a change of stylistic attitudes.

    >Some stuff is getting pushed front, some stuff is getting pushed back, and the endgame is releasing Avengers 5 in 2027 and Avengers: Secret Wars in 2028.

    This is not compelling, if Marvel execs are still thinking that "the secret plan" shit matters anymore they've bought into delusions. The story is over and it cannot be reheated no matter how many recolors and legacy characters they shove in.

    >Captain America: Brave New World didn’t test very well, so they are reworking the entire second act. It also had an action-heavy first act and then almost no action for the second aside from a scene where Cap is chased by a drone.

    Everything I've heard about this movie in particular spells disaster. And let's not be coy here, it's being reworked because of the Israel-Palestine war, the DoD and the CIA are involved just like they were with Iron Man and Captain marvel.

    >Thunderbolts went through a complete revamp since its announcement.
    Nobody cares, nobody. Maybe David Harbour can take the paycheck and quit acting forever, he'd be doing the world a favour.

    >Fantastic Four is the one they’re working their hardest. It will be a very stylized, hard sci-fi film.
    Big if true and the only thing I'm interested in seeing. If they fail again to inject the Jack Kirby influence then the franchise is lost forever.

    • 5 months ago

      Hahah, oh yeah shit I forgot they were going to introduce that literal-IDF superhero in Captain Falcon, what a fricking poison pill - no matter what they do they're fricked because they announced it. If they cut her, it'll be a big game of Rabble Rabble Rabbis everywhere. If they keep her and go unabashedly Zionist they'll alienate all their tame media stooges, most of their actors, and a decent amount of the public outside of the United States of Military Aid To Israel. And if they try and walk the line and both-sides it everyone will find something to despise.


    • 5 months ago

      >Marvel execs are still thinking that "the secret plan" shit matters anymore they've bought into delusions
      so many people have been burned by mystery box shit. You are going to have to create some actual interesting characters like Iron Man and Game of Thrones did before reeling in people with mystery box shit.

  51. 5 months ago

    >The goal is to make them as crowd-pleasing as possible, with simpler plots, bigger actions and stronger connections.
    Didn't read past this. Nice joke thread OP.

  52. 5 months ago


    You mean Steve Rogers, yes? I don't know any other 'Cap' and Falcon gave the shield away because whitey didn't know what does it mean to a Black Man.

  53. 5 months ago

    >Armor Wars
    >Wonder Man
    never heard of it
    so Blade is tranns now?
    >Captain America
    So is Falco Cap or are they some how bringing back Chris Evans?
    not the first time you recasted a black man. Now why couldn't you do this for Black Panther?
    glad to see things not changing.
    >Fantastic Four
    are you fricking kidding me.
    >It will be a very stylized, hard sci-fi film. One of the main inspirations of the art department is Nolan’s Interstellar
    jesus h christ i hope you don't spend a lot of money on this one.
    >Daredevil: Born Again
    kinda lame but I thought his spiderman tie in was cute.
    >Deadpool 3
    why you not hiring back the trannie?
    >Avengers: Secret Wars
    you know Secret Invasion is a bust right?

    So is OP proof Disney actually spends money on reading our shitposts?

  54. 5 months ago

    Why delay it, it's gonna be shit now or later

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