If DC does create an Ultimate line

…what should the titles be? You couldn’t start out with a Justice League book initially so for the most part you’d need to go with single characters.

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  1. 3 months ago

    Just do the Earth One concept again but better.

    • 3 months ago

      >Just do the Earth One concept again but better.
      What’s the first thing you’d do to make it better?

      • 3 months ago

        Keep Batman Earth One Vol. 1 and 2, reboot everything else

  2. 3 months ago

    My pitch:

    Wonder Woman
    Green Lantern
    The Flash
    Captain Thunder*
    Plastic Man
    Doom Patrol
    The Outsiders

    The Outsiders would be the original team (minus Batman) and the Doom Patrol would largely work from the shadows. In each title you’d have J’onn J’onzz involved somewhere, with him trying to bring together various heroes to stop a pending alien invasion—something similar to the Invasion! storyline where an alliance of different aliens attack Earth—which would lead into the Justice League title. I’d include the Dominators here as they would trigger the metagene in more of the populace, resulting in the creation of familiar heroes and villains. I’d also explore just how the invasion would change Earth culturally and how salvaged technology from these aliens would impact humanity.

    *My new name for the original Captain Marvel

    • 3 months ago

      Based, this sounds great anon.

      • 3 months ago

        Thanks anon. I definitely wanted to include J’onn but do so by giving him a bigger role in the creation of the Justice League. And I think the Invasion! story makes for a good first mission for the League.

    • 3 months ago

      Captain Thunder is already copyrighted by someone else, DC can't use it.

      • 3 months ago

        If that is indeed the case then they can buy it. Everyone has a price.

        • 3 months ago

          You severely overestimate the problem, DC is fine with Shazam or just the Captain, they see no need to change the name of the character yet again.
          Hell, changing his name again would probably be a bad thing, might cause confusion.

          • 3 months ago

            Cool, I’d still change it. If you wouldn’t then that’s fine.

            • 3 months ago

              If we're talking ideal scenarios here I'd just go back to Captain Marvel, Captain Thunder sucks.

              • 3 months ago

                It’s cool if you want to argue with someone, but it doesn’t interest or benefit me to do so. But feel free to carry on.

              • 3 months ago
    • 3 months ago

      >The Outsiders would be the original team (minus Batman)
      Who would the roster be?

      • 3 months ago

        Black Lightning, Metamorpho, Geo-Force, Katana, Halo, and Looker.

    • 3 months ago

      As for my take, I'd have 6 monthly ongoings released for the launch year. All leading up to a JL mini series crossover to close up year one of the DC Ultimate Universe. Note, I don't think any of my pitches are all that good. These are just rough ideas I have.

      -My pitch is pretty much a Captain America rip off. Clark was the first superhero and was active during the 1940's or 1950's . However at some point he heroically sacrificed himself to save the planet. One sun re-charge later and he re-wakens only to find 80 years have passed on earth. We'd see a Superman who trying to be the big blue boy scout but struggling in dealing with alienation he feels from both his heritage as Kal-El and the life he as the Clark Kent from Smallville.

      Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder
      -What if Batman was the most well adjusted member of the JL, that's basically my pitch. I want to Bruce be brought back to the "old chum" type persona of 60's Batman. However to counter this Robin (Dick) is a lot a more angsty and angry. It's Bruce trying to raise kid to and Dick growing up and learning how to be a good man.

      Wonder Woman
      - Diana goes around the world fighting shit. It's an american shonen battle manga about a disney princess, that's all I need to say. Get someone like Daniel Warren Johnson to write and pencil it and easily be a lot of people's favorite from this line.

      Flash and GL
      -New re-imaginings on both Flash and GL, in the same vain of what the Silver age did to them.

      Anthology Book
      - The last ongoing would be an 80+ page anthology. That way artist and writers get to showcase new takes on characters in quicker means and test the waters to see what characters could get series in the future. I'd only have this one run for about the first year or so while we'd get the ball rolling on the universe.

      It’s astonishing to see all of you go down the «just re-imagine the beginnings of the characters» route to create anAlt Universe Line of comics.

      I’d actually go the opposite path: to make an Alt U brand, I’d embrace continuity and push it beyond its current state.
      Which would give:
      >Old Batman, refusing to let go. Legacy taken by Damian, with power-struggle between Bruce’s other sons, notably from Jason
      >Superman with sons and daughters, some with powers, some without and resenting their brethren for not having any. Temptation to go down a villainous path for one of Superman’s child.
      >Green Lantern Corps sees its influence decrease as Earth powers, United Planets and many other galactic regional powers seize control of police efforts. Hal Jordan isn’t welcomed in many places without proper visas or regulations in place
      >World full of AI and robots, leaving Wonder Woman disillusioned with a world that men left in the hands of tech to lose themselves in pleasures and easy gratification
      >Aquaman died, murdered but killer is unknown. His family reigns but tension ensues below water

      Etc etc. And you can have Batman and Superman die and their dinasty seize control. And see what happens to the grandkids and all.

      • 3 months ago

        >It’s astonishing to see all of you go down the «just re-imagine the beginnings of the characters» route to create anAlt Universe Line of comics.
        Yeah cause that's literally the fricking point.

        >I’d actually go the opposite path: to make an Alt U brand, I’d embrace continuity and push it beyond its current state
        That's just a different version of Didio's 5G. That's a different thing entirely.

      • 3 months ago

        First already happened and it is Batman: White Knight

      • 3 months ago

        This sounds like Elseworlds stuff which DC is bringing back too I believe.

    • 3 months ago

      >My new name for the original Captain Marvel
      You didn’t come up with it

    • 3 months ago

      Forgot to add, I’d also use the invasion storyline to introduce Hawkman and Hawkwoman (rebels against the expansionist Thanagarian government) and Lar Gand (Mon-El), who gave J’onn advance notice on the conflict. Not sure if I’d have Lar get poisoned by lead this early, but eventually he would need to go to the Phantom Zone to join the Legion after a thousand years.

  3. 3 months ago

    >You couldn’t start out with a Justice League book

    The first and to date only Ultimate Marvel book I've read is the Ultimates, and that worked just fine so I actually think you CAN start with the JLA book. Not necessarily the optimal move, but neither is trickling it in. If you do it too slow people will get impatient waiting for the characteers they care about.

  4. 3 months ago

    Ghetto Man
    Bouncing Boy
    Ally Babble
    Captain Strong
    Jimmy Olsen

    • 3 months ago

      >Ally Babble
      God damn I'm old

  5. 3 months ago

    The issue when it comes to making an "Ultimate DC" line is that need to figure out what exactly can you do to warrant it's existence. DC's re-invisioned it's character way more then Marvel has to the point that every idea has most likely been done. Example, we've already seen 2 takes on a young superman and even a current older dad superman within the last 20 years. So what else can you really do. Not to seem like a ripping off Hickman but I think to warrant a hypothetical lines existence you'd need to hard re-imagine some characters akin to what the Silver Age did.

    • 3 months ago

      Give Superman a brother, have him end up with someone who ISN'T Lois Lane, maybe he looks slightly more alien than normal? I dunno.

      • 3 months ago

        >have him end up with someone who ISN'T Lois Lane,

        I'm pretty sure that's in Superman: Earth One

        • 3 months ago

          Yeah, but I didn't read it so it doesn't count, Superman being with someone who isn’t Lois is an easy way to differentiate him from the main one.

    • 3 months ago

      Give Supes a different job, maybe he's a teacher or a doctor or maybe the Kents are rich farmers somehow and he's a philanthropist.
      Also if they do that, make the Waynes poor or middle class, maybe they fell on hard times or something, have Batman use very limited gadgets, at least at first.

      • 3 months ago

        I've suggested before the idea of Clark being a field reporter for a major news network

        • 3 months ago

          Would you have the Clark disguise be any different now that he’d be seen by so many people? I’m assuming he’d be on camera a lot. I actually like this idea because the initial reason Superman adopted the reporter identity was to be aware of trouble before it happened, and with this take he could do that all over the world. Would you have Jimmy and Lois in similar roles? How about Perry? Would he run the network?

          • 3 months ago

            The Clark disguise would be much more detached and analytical, to, dare I say, an almost Carl Sagan level. There would be a slight "agent smith" aura to him (more likely to be mistaken for a fed than an alien), and he'd seem to have access to information that no other news channel can get.
            We need to start abandoning this idea that Clark has to be "average" to blend in. Have him be highly respected or even renowned in his field

    • 3 months ago

      As for my take, I'd have 6 monthly ongoings released for the launch year. All leading up to a JL mini series crossover to close up year one of the DC Ultimate Universe. Note, I don't think any of my pitches are all that good. These are just rough ideas I have.

      -My pitch is pretty much a Captain America rip off. Clark was the first superhero and was active during the 1940's or 1950's . However at some point he heroically sacrificed himself to save the planet. One sun re-charge later and he re-wakens only to find 80 years have passed on earth. We'd see a Superman who trying to be the big blue boy scout but struggling in dealing with alienation he feels from both his heritage as Kal-El and the life he as the Clark Kent from Smallville.

      Batman and Robin The Boy Wonder
      -What if Batman was the most well adjusted member of the JL, that's basically my pitch. I want to Bruce be brought back to the "old chum" type persona of 60's Batman. However to counter this Robin (Dick) is a lot a more angsty and angry. It's Bruce trying to raise kid to and Dick growing up and learning how to be a good man.

      Wonder Woman
      - Diana goes around the world fighting shit. It's an american shonen battle manga about a disney princess, that's all I need to say. Get someone like Daniel Warren Johnson to write and pencil it and easily be a lot of people's favorite from this line.

      Flash and GL
      -New re-imaginings on both Flash and GL, in the same vain of what the Silver age did to them.

      Anthology Book
      - The last ongoing would be an 80+ page anthology. That way artist and writers get to showcase new takes on characters in quicker means and test the waters to see what characters could get series in the future. I'd only have this one run for about the first year or so while we'd get the ball rolling on the universe.

    • 3 months ago

      >The issue when it comes to making an "Ultimate DC" line is that need to figure out what exactly can you do to warrant it's existence. DC's re-invisioned it's character way more then Marvel has to the point that every idea has most likely been done

      The point of the original Ultimate universe wasn't to make things _different_ as such (though that happened a bunch too), the point was to make it cleaner/simpler, easier to approach, and often more EXXXTREME on top of that. Not so much a different picture, but the same picture run through a high contrast filter. Shared universes that go on forever accumulate a ton of story clutter that you're better off without, and an Ultimate line ideally would dispose all of that while still keeping the greatest hits.

  6. 3 months ago

    I don't really see the point in an Ultimate universe when DC already pumps out a young-Batman-with-no-Robin books. One literally just finished last year. They've also already done a lot of young Wonder Woman stories in the past decade (Legend, True Amazon, those WW backups with her as a child). Just throw in one or two young Superman stories and there you go. No point in an ultimate universe because those 3 are probably the only ones who'd even get a book in an ultimate universe.

    • 3 months ago

      >I don't really see the point in an Ultimate universe when DC already pumps out a young-Batman-with-no-Robin books

      Hey motherfricker
      Maybe some of us like characters OTHER than Batman
      You ever think about that?

      • 3 months ago

        Hey motherfricker
        DC historically doesn't give imprint books to people other than Batman and Superman and the occasional Wonder Woman, Flash, and Green Lantern
        You ever think about that?

        • 3 months ago

          I thought we were all clear that a proper Marvel style Ultimate universe involves every character getting an Ultimate version. No one gives a shit about it if it they only do more Batman and Superman. Those buttholes are not an "universe" by any stretch. You need to convert literally every character who's even slightly important or you shouldn't even bother starting the project.

          • 3 months ago

            Well too bad, because that's what's gonna happen.

            Superman and Batman are gonna get one. One will be bad and the other will be fine. Probably ongoings, but if not, they are the only two that will ever get second, third, etc minis.

            Wonder Woman will probably get one and it will be bad. And either Green Lantern or Flash will get one, 50/50 on it being bad. These will 100% be minis as DC has no confidence in anything that isn't Batman related.

            GL/Flash, Aquaman, and whoever else they want on the JL will be shoved into a Justice League book and it will be bad, as DC will be in a rush to get everybody together.

            • 3 months ago

              >And either Green Lantern or Flash will get one, 50/50 on it being bad. T
              Green Lantern has a better track record than Superman and Wonder Woman at imprints.

              • 3 months ago

                I don't understand why this didn't get a third volume

              • 3 months ago

                the first two sold like shit

  7. 3 months ago

    just call Supe Übermensch and Batman Lederlappen

  8. 3 months ago
    Sonic speed dudhdhrirj3939393938

    it was new 52
    .>supes dated wonder woman like Peter dated Gwen

    >some heros hated/tolerate eachother like going to a job then clocking out

    Minus the right wing and the bendies diaolouge hiccup

  9. 3 months ago

    Lois lane become asian, bruce actually playboy not playing pretend, wonder woman pregnant by black guy

  10. 3 months ago

    MAWS is doing a pretty perfect modern Clark. They should just copy that feeling for other characters

    Also Flash should be gay

  11. 3 months ago

    Whoever said that DC already did an "ultimate universe" with Nu52 is correct. That's what a proper DC version of UU would look like, sans the random western and war comics. Only reason it doesn't count as one is that they deleted the old universe instead of running both side by side.

    • 3 months ago

      DC wanted everything to be condensed into a 5 year timeline killed the New 52 eventually. They wanted to reboot Superman and Wonder Woman, but at the same time wanted to keep the Batman stuff intact but force it in that 5 year window. So now Bruce had 4 Robins in 5 years.

  12. 3 months ago

    You can't do that many books I think or else you flood the line too quickly. So you have to start small and see how it goes. The original Ultimate line for Marvel really didn't have many books for a while. So I'd go

    >Justice League
    I'd have the Ultimate DC universe be set when the JL first form after some big event that caused them to come together. So this book, as well as the Ultimate DC universe, would start at the beginning of the JL and would focus on all the JL related heroes and how they are trying to figure out what the JL is and how it operates. Maybe you eventually spin off new books like WW, Flash, and GL from this in wave 2. The New 52 did this a bit but then after Johns opening arc it skipped forward 5 years which I didn't like. I think it would be interesting to see the team of heroes have to figure it out from the start.

    I feel like they have to do Batman because it would sell the most. Basically follows his time in Gotham. Kind of the most straightforward. It's early enough in his career still where the Gotham villains are still new-ish and fresh maybe.

    I feel like you have to so Superman if you do Batman. So it would be the same as the Batman book but with Metropolis and it would allow the JL book to give more focus to heroes that aren't Batman and Superman.

    I'd do a Dick Grayson ongoing Robin book. He's never had an ongoing as Robin before and I'd treat this book a bit like how the original Ultimate Spider-man book was. Where Robin becomes the gateway for many of DC's young heroes with doing some interesting hero/school life balance stuff. Dick would be early high school age and has been Robin for a number of years already with Batman. Can eventually spin off books like Batgirl, Teen Titans, and others if it does well. Just so many popular teen DC characters you can funnel through this book.

  13. 3 months ago

    Justice League is formed by Abin Sur as his attempt to build a team to covertly take out the rogue lantern the Guardians refuses to believe exists. Aquaman, Flash, Black Canary, Martian Manhunter, Triumph, and Tomorrow Woman. Nearly half the team, including Abin, "dies" the first year. When they recruit Superman he insists on bring in Wonder Woman and Batman and the trinity takeover the team causing a lot of friction with Hal being caught in the middle.

  14. 3 months ago

    Start with relatively low-powered vigilantism. Have Superman fight corrupt crooks before aliens. Have Batman use his dual identity to investigate corporate crimes. Have the Flash expose useless or corrupt cops.
    When the JUSTICE League is formed, it's not to fight off a giant alien, but to jointly investigate an unjust conspiracy. Maybe THEN lead to the conspiracy turning out to be under alien control, and introduce Starro/Brainiac/Dominators, whoever.
    Later on, while the League is trying to go legal and receive gov. recognition, introduce figures like Luthor, Thorne, or Stagg using their wealth to stop the dangerous vigilantes from getting onto the mandate of violence, afraid that they'll topple down the executive's rule over the country.
    Later on when these figures get exposed and escape offshore, feature a JL International storyline of fighting bad guys, including the rich American escapees, all over the world.

  15. 3 months ago

    This thread is the perfect example of why fans don't know what they want.

    • 3 months ago

      Either use this oppurtunity to give obscure/lesser known character the spotlight, or give completely different takes on the popular ones like Batman and Superman. Otherwise, you're just wasting time presenting the same crap to people and acting like it's new. And DC doesn't have the creativity or the balls to do what I've suggested.

      Fans aren't a hivemind.

  16. 3 months ago

    But Ultimate was a bad thing.

    • 3 months ago

      How so? It literally saved Marvel back then.

      • 3 months ago

        It's comprised of nothing but shit comics.

  17. 3 months ago

    Starting out early in his career. Low tech.
    Early in his career. Can’t fly, only jump good.
    >Wonder Woman
    Early years with Steve Trevor.
    >Power of Shazam Reborn
    Billy becoming Captain Marvel. Make it like Ultimate Spider-Man
    People like him.
    >Teen Titans that takes place in the future of the other books with the OG cartoon team. Lots of romance drama.

    • 3 months ago

      Setting Teen Titans in the future of an Ultimate DC is a good idea. Maybe even have some time travel stories where the Titans meet the younger League.

    • 3 months ago

      >Teen Titans that takes place in the future
      Like, far future or near future? Cause if it's far future then why not just do the Legion of Super-Heroes?

      • 3 months ago

        I think the anon meant they’d be the same age as the cartoon, mid to late teens.

  18. 3 months ago

    you already have detached douchebag alien hardcore superman.

  19. 3 months ago

    Don't necessarily care about the titles, but I want a line-wide plan for the first two to three years that's set in stone and agreed upon by everyone involved BEFORE they start. It needs to be autistically meticulous about keeping a consistent canon across all titles.

  20. 3 months ago

    As others have said, DC is not like Marvel.
    DC has had decades of reboots PLUS Elseworlds PLUS Black Label - Young Adult Graphic Novels PLUS Multiverse sagas etc.

    Even Marvel's Ultimate line got cluttered by its own continuity after a while.

    If there's going to be an "Ultimate DC" its focus should not be on "new young alt universe" per se but A NEW, ACCESIBLE ENTRY POINT FOR NEW FANS.

    My pitch:
    Let the Direct Market floppies embrace the legacies and then age-up the classic generation. Like 5G but not so shitty. "Dawn of DC" is basically doing this by bringing back all the 90s sidekicks/legacies while not discarded the classic versions. Just let the Direct Market become a hodgepodge of "family" books + Elseworlds/Black Label... like it basically already is since Dawn of DC. this is the place for Titans and Bruce, Clark and Diana being parents. Steel, Kyle Rayner, Wally West, Connor Hawke, etc.

    • 3 months ago


      Ultimate DC:
      >Do whatever it takes to get another Walmart exclusive distribution deal. Or Barnes & Noble. Some kind of big box store that would host a display stand.

      >Theme: Young Justice. Not a one-to-one adaptation of the cartoon or a retread of Peter David's book but launching a "new DCU" with the arrival of the first meta humans. All the classic characters are young and going through "Year One" style adventures.

      >Tightly focused streamlined publishing line. No more than 4 to 6 books.

      >Book: The Trinity: Supes, Bats and Wondy. A 4th book - "Young Justice" - spotlighting the other members of big 7 / characters that have appeared on CW shows or in movies.

      >Build out the world of DC through those 4 books.
      >This means the sidekicks and legacies and families don't exist and those characters slowly get introduced, get radically reinterpreted.

      >Larger page count. 80 or 100 pages, whatever is most economical for the price point. Backups to explain the lore of the DCU.

      >Do whatever you can to get good cover artists / character designers to give the characters a remixed look. Think Peach Momoko on Ultimate X Men. They need to embrace some webtoons/manga aesthetics. Plus some of the feel of the cartoons. Not "retro" but bright colors that pop and aren't trying to just be sinewy 90s Top Cow looking swimsuit models.

      Basically: the intent of the Earth One Graphic Novel line + the Walmart 100 Page Giants + the character re-design/hype machine of the New 52

  21. 3 months ago


    >I like the idea of Martian Manhunter being the character that connects all the series
    Thanks. I wanted to give him a big role since he’s a founding member but didn’t want to give the character a title right away.

  22. 3 months ago


    >Why not just make and Batman and Robin book instead
    Because I don't think people wanting to read Batman will want to read about a lot of teen characters. It is better to just have a Batman and a separate Robin book.

  23. 3 months ago

    Ultimate DC? I actually think you could just tie it into the already existing Snyderverse and let Snyder finish his saga here in comic book/graphic novel form (remember Batman '89 and Superman '78 were massive hits, and the Snyderverse got even more fans than those old films, so it definitely won't flop), and once he finishes what he had planned initially, let other creators develop on that legacy afterwards. Because if I ever wanted Ultimate DC to happen, Snyder's trilogy would be the closest thing to that, story- and character-wise.

    • 3 months ago

      >you could just tie it into the already existing Snyderverse
      Anon, let it go.

  24. 3 months ago

    I feel like it would be a tough sell because DC already does so many alt universe or different takes on their characters that I don't know what an Ultimate DC line does that would be different.

    • 3 months ago

      True, but DC has refused to fully start over with every “reboot,” even as far back as COIE.

      • 3 months ago

        Because they want to have their cake and eat it too.

        They want the advantage of a full reboot/a clean slate, but at the same time they want the popular things to stay the same so they don't reboot those, leading to tons of problems.

        tbh if Johns and Morrison had finished their GL and Batman runs before the reboot I feel like new 52 would've been a more complete reboot. Like at the very least Jason would've probably gone back to being dead and Damian would've been wiped, and the core 4 GLs probably would've had most of their origins tweaked.

        • 3 months ago

          That’s why DC should’ve just had the New 52 be their Ultimate universe; Earth-0 stays the legacy universe and the New 52 could’ve been the new Earth-1 (which hadn’t been explored yet) and WildStorm isn’t involved.

          • 3 months ago

            Coulda, woulda, shoulda.

            I'm gonna say that this thread is lowering my enthusiasm for the Ultimate DC a lot. Not only are all ideas listed here ones I wouldn't enjoy reading, the fact is evident that whatever they do it's most likely just going to be a bunch of wank for the same old 5-10 characters everybody knows the most anyway which again isn't something that excites me. It would take years for the project to get to interesting B- and C-list characters at which point it will most likely be canceled anyway (or the whole company closes its doors).

            Grats fellas, there was a little spark of hope here and you managed to stomp it all out.

            • 3 months ago

              >the fact is evident that whatever they do it's most likely just going to be a bunch of wank for the same old 5-10 characters everybody knows the most anyway which again isn't something that excites me
              this tbh
              The main universe is ALREADY 95% Bat/Supes/Wondy/GL/Flash and all their copies/legacies.
              Unless they bring in unexpected people as their supporting cast (eg Ragman or Alan & his kids in Gotham) then literally what's the point?

          • 3 months ago

            The New52 was a mixed bag but I miss that era. It was interesting

            • 3 months ago

              It was definitely more fun and exciting than whatever this era is.

              • 3 months ago

                I completely checked out when I heard about the "dark multiverse"

              • 3 months ago

                Yeah, what were they thinking?

          • 3 months ago

            >and WildStorm isn’t involved.
            >didn't enjoy that time captain atom was transported to the wildstorm universe and had a culture clash

  25. 3 months ago

    I once had this idea for a take on Teen Titans that was kind of like "The Ultimates" meets . Where the Titans are portrayed like shitty zoomer influencers/e-celebs

    • 3 months ago

      >how can we take an existing idea and make it worse

      Yeah, you should be working at DC. You'd fit right in.

  26. 3 months ago

    Swap out Cyborg with Shilo Norman as the Justice League's Fourth World connection where he has vague memories of the New Gods

  27. 3 months ago

    Waid's Wold's Finest series feels like an ultimate universe somewhat.

    • 3 months ago

      Yeeeeah. Waid kinda beat DC to it, and WF is well liked to boot. Even the Teen Titans one was the most liked TT book in forever.
      All main the JL, Dick Robin, Batgirl, and Supergirl getting a World's Finest mini seems like the best bet. Then branching out into stuff more obscure stuff like Doom Patrol.

    • 3 months ago

      Too bad DC is fricking moronic and will probably just do Earth One/New 52 2 electric boogaloo where half their characters are edgy
      Especially if Snyder is on the helm on the Batman one when he ran out of ideas 3 arcs into his Batman run

    • 3 months ago

      Good cover.

  28. 3 months ago

    5 year moratorium on crossovers, characters can have small lore drops about other characters or little jokes but that's all. All comics are self contained, no earth shattering events outside of Superman, but Superman is still restricted to stuff like meteors or quirky alien visitors. At year 6 if the comics are actually good enough to warrant it, a JLA book is established where they all meet for the first time.

    Superman is largely the same character except no kryptonite. His powers and weakness are more heavily dependent radiation exposure of all kinds, changing his powerset depending on what he's exposed to.

    Batman but his mom survives and remarries into the Queens casting Bruce aside, sending him off the boarding school, in favor of the new family she's building. Oliver is Bruce's half brother.

    Wonder Woman but she originally joined the axis powers in WW2 and has been spending her subsequent years trying to apologize for her mistakes.

    The GL Corp is a religious cult that took it upon themselves to police the universe. The comic is a police procedural, they rarely have to use their rings for violence except in extreme cases.

    Flash is pretty much the same but the speedforce is a manufactured resource.

    And I'm out of ideas, maybe uhhhh Snapper Carr is actually Martian Man Hunter or something.

  29. 3 months ago

    All ideas ITT are bad. If Cinemaphile can't save it, no one can. It's over.

  30. 3 months ago

    I think they should do a multiverse arc. It's been a while since the last one.

    • 3 months ago

      >It's been a while since the last one.

      It's literally like one year.
      Oh I get it, you were making a jest like my favorite character Jokes Man. We truly live in a society.

  31. 3 months ago

    Ok Cinemaphile this is your chance.

  32. 3 months ago


    >stupid edgy lordy take on superman
    How is it edgy at all? Is it because he died? Because character death isnt usually edgy unless its used too much or in a certain way. And he comes back later so it doesnt matter.

  33. 3 months ago

    >You couldn’t start out with a Justice League book initially
    literally the best book and the one that set the tone for the whole unvierse

  34. 3 months ago

    An original character. Casey Johnathan, a combat prodigy, an ex-special forces guy who also trained in Japan for stealth missions, who became an engineer afterwards. Orphaned when he was a small child, he lives with his adopted parents in Montana in a small town. One night, he sees out of town people try to forcefully sell Venom openly, before its perfected. He sees them trying to forcefully sell it to kids and intervenes, nearly beating the dealers to death. He goes to work the next day, after seeing his adoptive parents, thinking it was a one off. Word of the beating reaches Carmine Falcone, who's reach extends into Montana. Falcone has Casey's adoptive parents killed, which ignites a furor in Casey. He captures two men trying to flee and interrogates them, asking who they work for. They refuse to talk, but Casey tortures them, and they give up Falcone and his location, Gotham. He shoots them dead and goes there, to get Falcone and along the way disrupts Falcone's network, which in turn disrupts the criminal underworld in Gotham to a near standstill. He also designs a bulletproof suit complete with bullet proof mask. The only thing you see are red eyes on a black face. Casey kills all of Falcone's lieutenants including Randolph Porter, who tries to kill Casey with the now perfected Venom formula and destroys the Venom formula but stops short of killing Falcone himself due to Lieutenant James Gordon, an honest cop and former Marine. Casey warns Gordon and tell him that Gotham itself will pay with his mercy, and flees, eventually returning home, burning the suit and trying to settle into a normal life. In the epilouge, a green skinned alien would see what Casey has done and begins searching for him as John Jones.

  35. 3 months ago

    Ultimate Superman should be Andrew Tate. Now those comics will sell...

  36. 3 months ago

    DC already had an Ultimate Universe, Wildstorm, and they screwed it up. For a new one I'd say mix it up.
    -Switch Lex Luthor with Hector Hammond. Lex is envious of Hal and wants the power ring.
    -Green Arrow washes ashore on Themiscyra and Artemis teaches him archery.
    -The Flash Rogues are Superman enemies
    -Clayface can be a Flash enemy or Superman enemy.
    -Bruce is raised by his uncle Jacob along side his cousins Kate and Alice.
    I'd rather see a Gotham by Gaslight ongoing and maybe expand that into a 19th century DC Universe. Jurassic League as a all ages book targeted at kids maybe. More Elseworlds, maybe even bring back a sort off Flashpoint universe specifically Thomas Wayne Batman.

    • 3 months ago

      Kara and Kal arrive on earth at the same time and are raised by the Kents. Kara becomes Superwoman and Kal becomes Superboy her sidekick. Kal is named Calvin and maybe he has the power of Shazam.
      Maybe the Amazons and the Gods sank Atlantis 9000 years ago and they've been in a feud ever since. Maybe Arthur and Diana can have some sort of Romeo and Juliet thing going on.

  37. 3 months ago

    Title where you don't have to worry about the bat brat bloat, maybe do some early career Batman stories, those always do well
    No more gay son and you can actually DEVELOP a relationship between Clark and Lois this time around, again early career stuff with him just starting at the Planet and stuff
    Again, no more speedsters bloat, focus on Barry gaining his powers and running fast, he becomes faster, Wally becomes his sidekick (new origin this time around) and he eventually becomes so fast he can barely function as a person, sacrifices himself a la COIE and warns Wally to be careful never to become too fast and then continue with Wally as Flash.
    >The Question
    Vic Sage in Hub City
    >The Spectre
    Present day Jim Corrigan stuff with back ups about past hosts.

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