If I don't give a frick about TRPG gameplay, which I don't, is this a solid way of experiencing the first SRW game?

If I don't give a frick about TRPG gameplay, which I don't, is this a solid way of experiencing the first SRW game?

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  1. 10 months ago

    It's boring as frick for the most part. If you want a recap of these games with decent animation just skip straight to The Inspectors, but plot isn't the main draw for either the games or the anime adaptations. On both the fanservice and robot front Divine Wars is pretty lackluster, but it's mostly accurate.

    You can just read the manga adaptation of the first game, that was pretty good, albeit more focused on Kyosuke's route than Ryusei's.

  2. 10 months ago

    >the first SRW game?
    That isn't the first SRW game.

    • 10 months ago

      But it does contain the plot of the first SRW game.
      First SRW game with human characters that is.

      • 10 months ago
        Axia Delta

        OG1 has the combined plot of SRW 2 (NES) and Alpha 1 (PS1) ~itself an 'remake' of Shin SRW plot with elements from a couple of other games added~, as main focus.

        As for Divine Wars, it has two manga adaptations, of which only Record of ATX is scanlated. It's also an further 'iteration' of OG1, since it adds more elements from future games/media when it was made, despite not being overall canon to OG as a whole.

      • 10 months ago

        M8, OG1 is like the 50'th SRW game. Come on, read an internet.

  3. 10 months ago

    No. It could be much worse for that, but it's a ways off from solid.

  4. 10 months ago

    Story is largely the same but the pacing gets fricked because cramming 40-50 missions into 25 episodes is hard

  5. 10 months ago
    • 10 months ago

      Thanks for reminding me how much OG1 sucks.

      • 10 months ago

        Just get a screw jet and max an M95 and you're fine.

    • 10 months ago

      Thanks for reminding me how much OG1 sucks.

      Only on the Ryusei Route. Kyosuke's isn't like that very long

    • 10 months ago

      I haven't played OG1 but I suspect this is supposed to be ironic.

      • 10 months ago

        The Fire Emblem shade might be but Ryusei's route is exactly like that for fifteen maps out of thirty. Plus you're stuck with a dozen shitty grunt suits that you'll bench in the second half. The only decent units are the Wildraubtier, the Schutzwald, the R-1 (which you only get in time for the hardest two stages in the game for that route) and Cybuster, which does most of the heavy lifting for that route. Kysouke's route has way less water stages and you start off with better units from the get go.

        • 10 months ago

          You forgot to mention that, unlike the player units, every single fricking enemy grunt can fly, so they aren't slowed by water

      • 10 months ago

        It's an over exaggeration, you can probably find half a dozen other variations of the meme that conflict with each other. The OG1 Map part isn't the average its more so a combining of the many aspects of maps on the route, no map on the route really has this much going on, it's still not a bad tactics experience though. The average Fire Emblem map thing that's unfortunately accurate for some of the shittier maps in the franchise (Awakening's Valm arc has a handful of maps this bad) but it's nowhere near the average for the franchise. OG1 is one of the better games in the franchise at forcing you to play money ball with your units as other have said most units in the early game suck in OG1 and even on the units who aren't terrible there are money hole upgrades that you'll be wasting your valuable resources on if you invest in them it even has the prospecting ace who's a terrible investment in the form of the R-1 as anything you upgrade you give it here will be useless in the back 3rd of the game.


        Assuming you're not just sprouting some meme I've forgotten, you need barrier busters either through the pierce spirit or as a property of the weapon.

    • 10 months ago

      Shining chads keep winning!

    • 10 months ago


      • 10 months ago

        Like this

        It's an over exaggeration, you can probably find half a dozen other variations of the meme that conflict with each other. The OG1 Map part isn't the average its more so a combining of the many aspects of maps on the route, no map on the route really has this much going on, it's still not a bad tactics experience though. The average Fire Emblem map thing that's unfortunately accurate for some of the shittier maps in the franchise (Awakening's Valm arc has a handful of maps this bad) but it's nowhere near the average for the franchise. OG1 is one of the better games in the franchise at forcing you to play money ball with your units as other have said most units in the early game suck in OG1 and even on the units who aren't terrible there are money hole upgrades that you'll be wasting your valuable resources on if you invest in them it even has the prospecting ace who's a terrible investment in the form of the R-1 as anything you upgrade you give it here will be useless in the back 3rd of the game.
        Assuming you're not just sprouting some meme I've forgotten, you need barrier busters either through the pierce spirit or as a property of the weapon.

        The first 3-5 bars upgraded on weapons is pretty cheap so its not really a waste to add a few hundred power to an attack you counter with a lot on a unit you'll have for like 20+ stages.
        R-1 you can just move around some equippable weapons though so you don't really need to touch its built-in stuff unless you want to bump T-Link Knuckle up a bit.

    • 10 months ago

      Wow, so that's what PTSD feels like. Reminds me what someone said once.
      >Hell, you're so slow that a Grungust operating in normal form while in water moves more spaces than you would.

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