If Princess Bubblegum was a man and written the same?

If Princess Bubblegum was a man and written the same, Cinemaphile would be defending him and calling him a based sigma chad who rules with an iron fist and managed to get vampire pussy. And if Finn was made into a little girl whom male!PB uses for his goals, Cinemaphile wouldn't even see anything wrong with that.

>inb4 but people don't say that about Gumball
That's because Gumball isn't actually a male version of PB, they're different characters.

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  1. 2 weeks ago

    Except there's literally a canon reality where Prince Bubblegum is a thing and nobody ever tries to defend him.

    • 2 weeks ago

      How did you miss my inb4

      • 2 weeks ago

        I didn't. There's a canon reality where Prince Bubblegum, not Gumball, is a thing. Fricking secondary lorelet.

        • 2 weeks ago

          Why don't you tell me what episode he appears in?

        • 2 weeks ago

          Is Prince Gumball anywhere near as tyrannical and cold-hearted as Princess Bubblegum is?

          • 2 weeks ago

            Not that we see, no, and it's honestly hilarious that it's only the original, girl Princess Bubblegum that's a psychotic despot.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Oh so you actually meant Gumball and were being obtuse on purpose to avoid being owned by my intellect

              • 2 weeks ago

                That anon isn't me, you're talking to someone else. Your schizophrenia seems to be making you believe that multiple people are the same.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >lying to save face

              • 2 weeks ago

                I accept your concession.

              • 2 weeks ago

                You know I'm correct.

    • 2 weeks ago


      It's getting sad how easily woketards get blown out now

  2. 2 weeks ago

    Bonnie did nothing wrong. She had to tard wrangle an entire nation.

    • 2 weeks ago

      A nation she made moronic on purpose

      • 2 weeks ago

        Yeah, because look what happened before she had to do that. The candy people were a bunch of warmongering psychos. Bonnie's a hero who saved all of Ooo.

  3. 2 weeks ago

    Wrong, if PB was a man she would actually get all the consequences from her shitty actions because she wouldn't be protected by the simp writers like Muto did or by feminist in the writing room and this includes her creepy grooming on Fem!Finn

    • 2 weeks ago

      If PB was a man Cinemaphile wouldn't think there need to be any "consequences" in the first place.

      • 2 weeks ago

        No, Cinemaphile would quickly call her a Gary Stu, frick no even /misc/ Nazis like her because turning your own people into mental morons is fricking stupid long-term, the only ones that defend are PB simps and Bubblinegays that refuse to see how toxic their relationship is

        • 2 weeks ago

          Cinemaphile defends characters like Hans and Belos to their dying breath, they would do the same with male Bubblegum.

  4. 2 weeks ago

    >a bunch of nazi LARPers pretending to be morally outraged at authoritarianism
    I'm pretty sure Cinemaphile is still just butthurt that PB was spitting straight facts about magic. Still can't refute it, and it makes you seethe hard.

    • 2 weeks ago

      >Still can't refute it
      Her argument is using a completely made up meaning of science that has nothing to do with the actual definition of the word. In order for the argument to be refuted she'll need to actually give the definition she's using. Or in other words, to know refute her argument we'll actually need to know what her argument is

      • 2 weeks ago

        She means that she could do the wizards' shit with enough knowledge and effort, they're not special, they just stumbled on some ancient knowledge they don't fully understand.

        • 2 weeks ago

          So she's saying that sufficiently advanced tech can replicate magic feats? She may be technically correct but considering some of the stuff that magic does in the Adventure Time setting you'll need a level of tech basically indistinguishable from magic anyway

          • 2 weeks ago

            >this shit again
            Where is Clarke buried? I have a mighty need to dig up his grave and take a fat piss in his skull. No, moron. No matter what level of cope you want to pull out of your ass, there is no such thing as magic, even in a technical sense. The wizards are literally too stupid to understand that they are using ancient technology.

            • 2 weeks ago

              Are you talking about the Adventure Time setting or are you talking in general? If it's the former then sure, I don't know enough about the Adventure Time setting so you might be true, but if you are talking in general then that's just dumb

            • 2 weeks ago

              What technology are the Lich and Prismo using?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Frick if I know, the show never explained any of that shit.

              • 2 weeks ago

                If the stuff they do all the time is neither explainable or replicable and we are not given any indication that it could actually be understood and replicated then in what way would it be technology?

              • 2 weeks ago

                Because magic isn't a real thing, you braindead twat. Also, nobody said it's not explainable, the show simply did not explain it. Too focused on trying to bait for le ebin meme reaction images and wasting our time with Finn's entire existence.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Because magic isn't a real thing,
                Of course it's not, in case you missed it Adventure Time is a fantasy cartoon. Sentient candies are also not a real thing and still they exist in Adventure time. Like Magic.

                >Also, nobody said it's not explainable, the show simply did not explain it
                Something that happens without anybody knowing how it does or being able to replicate it is not tech.

                What definition of magic are you using?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >muh fantasy
                Oh do frick off with this shit.

                >Something that happens without anybody knowing how it does or being able to replicate it is not tech.
                Sufficient study would undoubtedly result in replication. God you're an idiot.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Sufficient study would undoubtedly result in replication.
                That's just an assumption. Does this assumption have an actual basis in the setting we are talking about?

                You still haven't answered what definition are you using of magic. I think you are going by Magic being a natural phenomena that is impossible to explain or something of the sort, am I correct?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >That's just an assumption.
                It's basic logic. Everything you say pisses me off. Go die in a ditch.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's basic logic.
                Everything can be replicated if studied enough is something that we don't know if it's true in the real world anon, let alone a fantasy work
                >Everything you say pisses me off. Go die in a ditch.
                I am being as polite as possible, meanwhile you are continuing to refuse to elaborate or say what definitions you are using. As I said before, if we don't know what your argument is of course it can't be refuted. It doesn't mean it's an actual valid argument.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Everything can be replicated if studied enough is something that we don't know if it's true in the real world
                Yes it is. If it's possible, it can be replicated. You're a fricking moron.

                >I am being as polite as possible
                Yeah that's why, dumbshit. Your condescending manner of speech is fricking obnoxious. Go frick yourself.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Yes it is. If it's possible, it can be replicated. You're a fricking moron.
                Can the Big Bang be replicated? How do you know?
                >Yeah that's why, dumbshit. Your condescending manner of speech is fricking obnoxious
                Would you prefer if I insulted you? I would like to point out you are still avoiding to answer my questions by the way. Maybe the fact that you are unable to do so it's the source of your irritation.

              • 2 weeks ago

                I would prefer you frick off and stop harping on some nonsensical question that you're obsessed with for some reason. Eat a dick and shut up already.

                >Being polite is condescending
                Dude you need to get yourself checked for anger issues

                >moron genuinely forgot what website this is
                You need to fricking have a nice day.

              • 2 weeks ago

                Ok, considering this post is just a string of angry insults I am taking it as an admission of the fact that either you don't really have an argument or you know that your argument has no basis.

                Let me just point out how funny it is that the entire thing started from

                >a bunch of nazi LARPers pretending to be morally outraged at authoritarianism
                I'm pretty sure Cinemaphile is still just butthurt that PB was spitting straight facts about magic. Still can't refute it, and it makes you seethe hard.

                >I'm pretty sure Cinemaphile is still just butthurt that PB was spitting straight facts about magic. Still can't refute it, and it makes you seethe hard.

                Only to devolve into random angry remarks the moment the argument was actually addressed. I hope you are not actually that guy and just someone that continued the reply chain, otherwise it's pretty embarrassing

              • 2 weeks ago

                >the argument was actually addressed.
                The argument wasn't addressed at all. You asked a question that made no sense, and then kept bringing it up like it's some kind of smoking gun. You are blatantly arguing in bad faith, and thus I see no reason to take your bullshit remotely seriously. Now again, frick off and jump off a cliff.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >You asked a question that made no sense,
                I asked what definition of Magic are you using, because Magic is like a hundred different things depending on the setting or the folklore or the country. Magic in the Forgotten Realms is pretty different from Magic in the Marvel Universe or from Magic in Viking Folklore or from Magic in the Oxford Dictionary
                >and then kept bringing it up like it's some kind of smoking gun.
                I keep bringing it up because it's the basis of the whole argument, and the argument can't be properly addressed without that being answered.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >I asked what definition of Magic are you using
                MAGIC, you stupid piece of shit. What the frick other definition IS there? It's a shitty fricking plot device that hack writers use to make oh so w-w-whacky bullshit happen because they're moronic and need certain things to happen because they can't figure out anything rational to cause plot points.

                >I keep bringing it up because it's the basis of the whole argument
                The basis of the argument is that magic is made up moronation, and the wizards are literally too stupid to realize that. Go die in fire.

                Being an argumentative butthole is Cinemaphile culture yes, thinking that someone being polite is talking down to you is just anger problems. Seek help.

                It's Cinemaphile. If you aren't assuming hostility, then you're a naive moron.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >MAGIC, you stupid piece of shit. What the frick other definition IS there?
                I listed four random different definition of Magic in the post your are replying to, neither of which are compatible with your argument. I can list more if you want. Even if you go with the Oxford Dictionary, Magic is defined as
                >The use of ritual activities or observances which are intended to influence the course of events or to manipulate the natural world
                Which is something absolutely not made up in a lot of settings
                >The basis of the argument is that magic is made up moronation, and the wizards are literally too stupid to realize that.
                To my knowledge wizards in Adventure Time go around doing all kind of shit with their "made up moronation". When Magic Man transform Finn into a giant foot, what you think he's actually doing if he's not using magic?

              • 2 weeks ago

                >If you aren't assuming hostility, then you're a naive moron.
                That's a (you) problem my man.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >It's a shitty fricking plot device that hack writers use to make oh so w-w-whacky bullshit happen because they're moronic and need certain things to happen because they can't figure out anything rational to cause plot points.
                You can literally say the same thing about science

              • 2 weeks ago

                Being an argumentative butthole is Cinemaphile culture yes, thinking that someone being polite is talking down to you is just anger problems. Seek help.

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Being polite is condescending
                Dude you need to get yourself checked for anger issues

              • 2 weeks ago

                >Because magic isn't a real thing, you braindead twat
                You might actually be moronic

  5. 2 weeks ago

    >Hurr durr /misc/ would like it if PB was male
    No you fricking morons, /misc/ might be fricking moronic itself but they at least have a consistent pattern of advocating for eugenics. PB literally made her own offspring fricking moronic on purpose, she's like the poster girl of what they accuse modern governments of doing.

    • 2 weeks ago

      Sure, some people would take that stance. Not the majority though, they don't actually give a shit about the eugenics or whatever, they just want to be edgy contrarians, and defending a tyrannical male character is one of the primary ways that can manifest.

      • 2 weeks ago

        You know what /misc/'s actually so bafflingly fricking moronic that as much as I want to suggest you're wrong you're honestly probably right.

  6. 2 weeks ago

    Congratulations, you've realized Cinemaphile is full of hypocrites.

  7. 2 weeks ago

    literally no one likes prince bubblegum, and no it doesn’t have to do with him being gay.
    the problem with princess bubblebutt, and most characters post-pendleton, is their schizo characterization because of differing opinions on how they should develop from people working on the show

  8. 2 weeks ago

    I love how people just ignore all the male characters in fiction that just get away with 'awful' shit they do

  9. 2 weeks ago

    If PB pulled her breasts out every now and then I would find the character slightly more bearable

  10. 2 weeks ago

    >Itt: anons get mad at a hypothetical strawman that has never existed
    >OP is king gay and probably wishes he was a woman

    • 2 weeks ago

      Cinemaphile defends male villains/antiheroes all the time so my "strawman" has more basis in reality than your tired strawman about muh trannies.

      • 2 weeks ago

        >let me cherrypick the most braindead or clearly trolling opinions of Cinemaphile and present them as a consensus
        Damn anon, do you work for CNN?

  11. 2 weeks ago

    PB is a fascist.

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