If the Simpsons producers gave you the opportunity to write the final episode, what would you do?

If the Simpsons producers gave you the opportunity to write the final episode, what would you do?

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  1. 6 months ago

    Sneed/Chuck origin story

  2. 6 months ago

    Homer learns that Marge was fricking Carl all along

    • 6 months ago

      It would either have to be something that reframes existing canon in a way that everything is viewed differently upon rewatch,

      Cuckshit is a horrible example, but that is the caliber of thing it would have to be
      Or it would have to be a bunch of callbacks to the first few seasons, with returning characters from then.

      • 6 months ago

        It will probably be a multiverse copout to explain why the characters haven’t aged despite time and technology advancing around them.

    • 6 months ago

      If you're gonna do a cuck story you have to make it a white guy so the kids can be his.

    • 6 months ago

      Not Carl!

  3. 6 months ago

    just a text apologizing for the last 25 seasons and that's it

  4. 6 months ago

    REMINDER: ALL of pre-HD Simpsons is good. HD is where the line is drawn

    • 6 months ago

      New zoomer cope just dropped.

    • 6 months ago

      All of cel animated Simpsons is good. Digital is where the line is drawn

  5. 6 months ago

    Constant celebrity cameos, 5-10 seconds each.

    • 6 months ago

      It would be a short documentary about the decline of the Simpsons and how it happened. The last five minutes would be about Jeffrey Epstein, his island and how Matt Groening went there a lot.

      And the final credits would read 'Jeffery Epstein didn't kill himself'

      • 6 months ago

        fade that text away to end on "but then who did"

  6. 6 months ago

    Homer accidentally discovers that the Simpson family is the star of "The Simpson Family Show", a Truman-show style simulacrum where everyone is a actor following a script with the exception of the Simpsons. Horrified, he alerts the entire family that Springfield is just a massive studio lot under a protective dome, and the producers cite technical difficulties to stop the show and sit down with the Simpsons one on one:
    While they are allowed to leave, the producers would prefer for as many of them as possible to stay in Springfield Studio.
    Homer, Abe and Marge reject the offer and leave to form a new life, and Lisa, Bart and a aged up Maggie agree to stay on the show in exchange for getting control over the storylines in their favour.
    It ends on a bittersweet note, with the implication that the show eventually loses popularity and gets closed, allowing the whole family to reunite.
    F I N

    • 6 months ago

      Dumb esl poster

  7. 6 months ago

    Bart shoots up his school and Lisa tries to ban guns instead of wondering why he did it

  8. 6 months ago

    It would be a short documentary about the decline of the Simpsons and how it happened. The last five minutes would be about Jeffrey Epstein, his island and how Matt Groening went there a lot.

  9. 6 months ago

    Homer wins at the races in S01E01 and they never adopt SLH

  10. 6 months ago

    Time skip with them growing up and having their own family and achievements making homer and marge proud grand parents.

    • 6 months ago

      Bart already becomes justice of the Supreme Court in the itchy and scratchy movie episode timeskip. Plus there’s several other time skips that fans seem to hate

      • 6 months ago

        Ok what time skip at the end fans will like.

  11. 6 months ago

    Homer is gang raped at knife point by Lenny, Carl, Barney and Moe. No jokes or music just a 20 minute long painful ordeal where homer is raped over and over and left in a pool of cum and blood

  12. 6 months ago

    Each and every one of the known characters are killed, it'd be fast because there's a lot so just have sniper epidemic or something and a different character gets shot every few seconds. Save the Simpsons for last, their home is invaded and they're each slowly tortured. Last minute of the episode is just cycling text apologizing for making this terrible show, the horrific effects it's had on the culture, and the utter travesty it's become. Added bonus, all of the writers, animators, whatever who have social media account post evidence of their suicides.

  13. 6 months ago

    Bart joins the gay scene and willingly contracts the HIV virus on Moe's pool table from Waylon Smithers. Bart tells Lisa that he needed "the fatal frick" because taking a toxic poz load into his prime neg hole is the final taboo of society and Smither's lethal strain made him insane with lust. Lisa confronts Springfield's bigoted attitude towards the culture of bugchasing as Bart is quickly hospitalised and his health rapidly deteriorates as his immune system is destroyed by the virus. Lisa asks Kent Brockman to show a Smartline special report on Bart in hospital where the residents of Springfield start to feel empathy and sympathy for Bart and change their backwards ways after seeing the pain he is going through. They finally lobby to increase taxes state wide to help pay for extra treatment for bugchasers like Bart who expires live on TV with tears in his eyes telling Lisa he loves her. They all agree to be accepting of the new culture which quickly takes off among the kids of Springfield Elementary. The B-story is Homer has a taco eating competition with Comic Book Guy.

    • 6 months ago

      Someone always posts this bugchasing one and it always murders my sides

  14. 6 months ago
  15. 6 months ago

    A retrospective of the various main characters lives.
    -Homer ironically dies getting hit by a bus while crossing the road to Moe’s.
    -Marge dies at 80 of cancer caused by secondhand smoke from Patti and Selma in the nursing home
    -Bart dies of a contact fent overdose after picking up drug waste for the San Francisco department of sanitation.
    -Lisa mysteriously dies at 65 of suicide by shotgun blast to the kidneys after threatening to reveal some links between the Clintons, Bidens, Rothschilds, Mossad, and Cars4Kids.
    -Maggie turns out to be a pillow Angel and dies at 13 of systemic organ failure.
    -Flanders family, Ned kills Rod and Todd and then himself after they convert to Islam.
    -Apu, Manjula, Sanjay and their whole families mysteriously disappear, racists most likely to blame.
    -Milhouse dies of suicide at 52 years of age after never successfully becoming a meme.

  16. 6 months ago

    Homer spikes up his hair and wears a trench coat and goes on a shooting spree, just gunning down everybody in Springfield before turning the gun on himself.

  17. 6 months ago

    Homer/Omarn Simpson is living a peaceful life in the quiet suburb of Duckburg, when one day a usurper named Jarrod "Toadfish" Rebecchi, who wears an orange bowling shirt and speaks with a New Zealand accent, arrives and kicks Omarn out on the street, taking Marge as his bride. Omarn is inconsolable, and spends most of his time either drinking away his sadness or hiding out at a safehouse owned by Ned Flanders. Meanwhile, the everyday events of Duckburg go on, with hilarious hijinks going on all the while, like Bart/Burton deciding to buy a Formula One racer, or a spiky haired guy falling down a well and getting trapped there with House.

    • 6 months ago


    • 6 months ago


  18. 6 months ago


  19. 6 months ago

    An Episode not based on the Simpsons along a swoop around of all the towns folks every characters saying their goodbyes. Finally we get to the Simpsons where they look back at found memories before the curtain draws to a close on the show

    • 6 months ago
  20. 6 months ago

    20 full minutes with no intro of marge b***hing about american polics followed by the reveal that the whole series happened inside a senile chuck's head, who proceeds to die surrounded by his friends and family.

  21. 6 months ago

    I'd do something like the 22 Short Films About Springfield set around Christmas and the end of the episode would be them attending the annual Christmas play, like how the 1st episode opens.

    • 6 months ago

      That would be pretty nice.

    • 6 months ago

      That would be too heartfelt and sincere.

  22. 6 months ago

    Butch and Sundance the whole family as the final scene.

  23. 6 months ago

    Smithers and Milhouse's dad invent Grindr together. B plot is Lisa gets upset about something and cries and Homeer has to fix it. Then after the credits while the music for the gracie films thing plays the big movie screen shows a quick animation of Bart in his green pyjamas getting run over by a monster truck tire and a loud voice says THE END

    I don't think I really care anymore, anything I have an emotional connection to is so long ago I think I'd be happy if it were just over.

  24. 6 months ago

    Simpsons episode like it's a wonderfull life. Homer sees the past present and future and what it would be like with no Simpsons.

    • 6 months ago

      I'd be shocked if this didn't already happen at some point

    • 6 months ago

      I'd be shocked if this didn't already happen at some point

      Didn't they do that already? All I remember was it ended with Homer jumping off a bridge and landing on a ship.

    • 6 months ago

      That's not It's A Wonderful Life, anon! Seeing past, present, and future is from A Christmas Carol.

  25. 6 months ago

    That episode with Troy Mclure doing a recap of the Simpsons is the ideal finale. Anything after that is just not cannon

  26. 6 months ago

    A 1-hour parody of My Name is Earl where Homer goes around Springfield trying to make amends for all the stupid stuff he's ever done which gives us a chance to see all the side characters 1 last time. Then The Simpsons all go out for frosty chocolate milkshakes only Lisa is running late as she's struggling with a reverse paralell park. Herman walks into the milkshake parlour looking shifty. Homer puts Don't Stop Believing by Journey on the jukebox. Snake walks in and takes a seat up at the register. Bart tells Marge about his day at school. Sideshow Bob walks in. Homer plays air guitar. Mr. Burns walks in. Lisa finally parks and opens the door, Homer stands up to greet her.
    DON'T STO-

  27. 6 months ago

    A remake of the first episode

  28. 6 months ago

    Homer eats another poisonous fish at the sushi restaurant, gets told he has one day to live, goes through another comfy bucket list, and this time dies for real.

  29. 6 months ago

    >cut to black
    >lights come on
    Brendan Schaub: "We know you've loved The Simpsons for years. From their historic ups and downs..."
    >Bryan Callen walks out from behind curtain
    "To Disney's 'Plus' and Krusty's Clowns...."
    >Bert Kreischer gets up from front row of audience and walks on stage
    "Here are some of our favorite jokes from the timeless show"
    >Tony Hinchcliff epicly and gayly walks on stage
    "With writers all the way from Israel...."
    >Zooms in on guy with Homer mask in front row
    >Guy removes mask
    >It's Joe Rogan
    "To the folks writing in Los Angeles. THIS- is the ultimate Simpsons Clio show!"
    >looks at screen
    >Billie Ellish and Lisa starts playing

  30. 6 months ago

    nuclear power plant explodes, everyone dies

  31. 6 months ago

    Homer drinks an entire barrel of palm oil

  32. 6 months ago

    Episode title: What Never Happens, Happens

    Summary: Moe goes bankrupt and has to sell his bar. Homer desperately wants to find a new place to hang out but ends up getting banned from the 109 bars he visits.
    Meanwhile, Bart and Lisa help Moe make money by starting a pie-baking business. The enterprise is initially successful and Moe makes enough money to aquire his bar back, but decides to keep selling pies instead, to Homer's chagrin.
    However, they're quickly overwhelmed by a very high order of 6 million pies, which they cannot possibly bake in time, and their kitchen ends up exploding. Moe is devastated, thinking he's no good at this, but luckily Marge has saved just enough money for Moe to buy his bar back.
    Homer realizes he was in the wrong and decides to change his ways by giving up drinking, but quickly reverts his position when he finds out Moe got his bar back. The episode ends with a twist, revealing that the explosion in the kitchen was an inside job caused by Homer himself.
    The End

  33. 6 months ago

    Mr Burns hired Maggie Simpson to kill Epstein since burns used to go to sex island

  34. 6 months ago


  35. 6 months ago

    The opening titles extended. Details are filled in. The rush to the television screen is explained. An extended version of the theme music runs through the entire episode. Then the most epic couch gag of all time.

    • 6 months ago

      >Then the most epic couch gag of all time.
      There's literally nothing they could do with that gag to feel fresh. They've already done everything. From literally just sitting on it, to the couch turning into a spaceship, to some random homosexual showing up and just giving a monologue, to the couch not being there and the Simpsons wondering where it went. And that all happened over 15 years ago. Can barely imagine what dumbass ideas they've done since

      • 6 months ago

        You'll see.

  36. 6 months ago

    lisa starts growing gigantic breasts and they dont stop growing until they are the size of buses. she groans in pain until proffessor frink realises she can be milked and her breasts deflate into sacks but immediatley fill back up with milk and grow even bigger until they crush springfield they try to bomb her but she wont die she eventually realises to save her family that bart must climb into her cavernous pussy snd kill her by fricking her heart

    • 6 months ago


  37. 6 months ago

    I’d recreate the Bart’s Dead creepypasta it would make most normies lose their minds.

  38. 6 months ago

    Its just a pan of marge dropping a piping hot steamer in the direction of the camera.

  39. 6 months ago

    Honestly probably a sappy send off

  40. 6 months ago

    peter griffin kills them in an epic crossover, it should be resolved in another episode but they just don't make it

  41. 6 months ago

    They film a fat guy getting robbed and end up in court because of a new law

  42. 6 months ago

    Homer meets Steve-o and they go to Mexico to participate in a dune buggy race together but they get captured by drug cartels. But they get rescued by Sicario, from the hit 2015 movie. At the US Mexico border Homer and Steve-o meet Joe Biden, and they both talk about what a great president he is for keeping borders open and inflation so low. Then Joe Biden takes out a harmonica and plays a song about how we need to stop climate change with a carbon tax. Inexplicably the episode ends with the song Happy Together by The Turtles.

  43. 6 months ago
    Matt Ward

    Steamed Hams episode remake with 100 million Dollar budget.

    • 6 months ago

      How so?

  44. 6 months ago

    >if your best friend gave you the opportunity to put down their sick, elderly, cancer-ridden dying dog, what would you do?

  45. 6 months ago

    >Homer causes yet another nuclear meltdown
    >Tired of his incompetency, Mr. Burns brings in Emily Winthrop, the dog trainer from way back. Voiced by Tracy Ullman, which is significant
    >Winthrop goes around Springfield with Homer and shows him how he screws up everything around him
    >Montage of Homer abusing his kids, filling the town with trash, bankrupting his brother, killing Maude Flanders, driving Grimey to suicide, etc.
    >Depressed, Homer says it would be better if he was dead
    >Winthrop agrees and reveals she is the angel of death and that he died jumping Springfield Gorge
    >That's why he flash backed to that so much. The Flanderization of the past 30 years has been his brain dying
    >Winthrop takes Homer to Life in Hell, with the bunnies
    >Widowed Midge accepts Moe's wedding proposal
    >Bart goes on the run with his fugitive Grandmother
    >Mona and Bart take refuge on Cletus's ranch, where Bart finally ends up with Mary Spuckler
    >The Syzlacks move to Shelbyville, where Moe opens a new Flaming Moe's
    >Lisa goes to the school for geniuses
    >Gets to class and her teenager, Mr. Bergstrom, recognizes her
    >"And you are...?"
    >"Lisa Simpson."
    >At Ayn Rand School for Tots, Maggie plays with alphabet blocks and says her first heard words, voiced by Jodie Foster
    >"A is A".
    >New family moves into Simpsons house. Homer Groening, his wife Marge, their children Lisa, Maggie, and Matt
    >Flanders thinks it's interesting that his new neighborinos have the same names
    >Little Matt is curious about them, and as Ned tells him about The Simpsons, we pan up and finally see what state Springfield is in,
    >A suburb of Portland, Oregon

  46. 6 months ago

    It's the last day of summer before Bart and Lisa go back to school. Homer finds a list of all the fun things he promised he was going to do with the kids before he forgot about it and decides he'll jam every single activity into the last day. All the loveable background characters take part in the hijinks throughout the day and the family manages to succeed in doing every single activity. The episode ends with Homer and Marge getting the kids tucked into bed and wishing them luck in their new classes this year. Homer and Marge kiss and then he says "They grow up so fast" and closes their bedroom door. The melody from the title theme plays wistfully as it fades to credits and says "Thank you so much for all the years of love and laughter"

    • 6 months ago

      Sincerely sweet. And it's kinda a nice bookend as the very first Simpsons appearance was them saying goodnight to their kids.

      • 6 months ago

        That was exactly what I had in mind. I feel like going for anything more in past references would do it a disservice

  47. 6 months ago

    Sneed feeding the seed

  48. 6 months ago

    Homer joins the cartel

  49. 6 months ago

    ded bort

  50. 6 months ago

    Bart the general

  51. 6 months ago

    Homer leaves for work and Marge goes to Bart's room and they frick for the whole episode

  52. 6 months ago

    sideshow bob returns to finally kill bart. we get scenes of him sneaking around the house, suffering various humilations while the simpsons are oblivious, waiting for everyone to go to bed so he can enter bart's room. he finally corners bart, and during the confronation homer hears bart and tells him to keep it down. bob threatens to kill the entire family if bart calls for help, so bart pretends everything is fine. as bob is about to stab him homer brains him with a bowling ball, having realised immediately that something was off with bart's response. bob dies, finally closing that plot thread, and homer has gained bart's respect for being there when it counts.
    also a B-plot about lisa getting over herself, and marge becomes a robot.

  53. 6 months ago

    Homer causes a nuclear meltdown and ends the show. Lisa says something about the dangers of white people marge gumbles and bart gets his own show.

  54. 6 months ago

    For real it should end with them going to the school christmas musical they go too in the first episode

  55. 6 months ago

    Homer get ipad

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